Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Tree Methodist.
ia. 1228 North Winter itreet. Sun-
ij services: Sabbath school 9:45. '
Froacliing at 11 . m. and 7:45 p. m. '
Priyer meeting Thursday 7:43 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor. j
Salvation Army. I
Sunday services as follows: Knea
drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and
Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P. L., 0:15
p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m.
Week night services every night except j
Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs.
Kelso. I
First Methodist Episcopal. '
Corner State and Church streets,
Richard N. Avison, minister, 9 n. in.,
Class meeting. 9:45 a. ni., Sabbuth
school, .Messrs. Schramm and (iilkoy,
superintendents. 11 a. m., Morning wor
ship, sermon by the pastor, "The Pow
er o the Bible. 3 p. m., Rev. James F.l
viii will speak at Old l'eople's Home,
t'r.'.'S p. in., Intermediate league, Mrs.
M. C. Findler, superintendent. 0:30 p.
m., Kpworth league. No service. Young
people will join in vesper service at 5
o'clock on university campus. 7:30 p.
m., Evening worship, sermon by the pas
tor, "The Present Crisis." Interpleta-1
tiou anil application of Lowell's grunt!
poem. Music by tbo chorus choir bothj
morning ami evening under the (luce
tiou of JJr. Frank W. Chace.
First Congregational.
.l:unes Klvin, pastor. Sunday school
at HI o'clock, W, I. Sluley, superinten
dent. Morning service ut II o'clock,
music by chorus choir morning and ev
ening, Win. McOilchrist, Sr., director.
Subject for morning service, "A Man
Sent from God." Christina L'ndcuvor
meets at 0:30. I'lcnsnut Sunday serv
ice nt 7:311. The members of the local
po.-ttoffice 'feme, their fnniilies and
fiends especially invited to utlcud.
Subject, "Some Things of Interest to
the Postal Employes and Their
Friends." The U. S. government film
of the workings of the postal service
will be shown. This is the only time
this film will be exhibited in Salem. It
will show special delivery service, serv
ice on the Great I, a lies, the finest mail
service in the world, parcel post serv
ice anil nil the lubor saving devices
used in the leading cities of this coun
try. Interesting and educational. Ev
erybody invited and everybody wel
come. (n Tuesday and V ednesilny, May 9
nud 10, the twentieth animal meeting
of the East Willamette Association of
Congregational thiire.ios and ministers
will meet in this church. Tuesday even
ing regular monthly meeting of the Pil
grim club. Brief addresses will bo tin
luercd by visitors attending the asso
ciation meetings. Mid-week service, on
Thursday eveuiug. Sunday, May 14,
Mothers' day will be celebrated ut
morning and evening services.
Fast Statu' and Eighteenth streets,
(I. Koehler, pastor. Geminii nnd Eng
lish Sunday school at 10 o'clock. li
vino service at 10:30 a. ni. There will
be no evening Hcrvich.
fTi'i -l-lllll v-M-n'-ir-ili-i i ii,!.- .....i,. ..HtNiii i MWiM.iWnlii
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q a U F
Unltaiuui. . !
Corner ' of C'hemeketa and Cottage'
streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister.!
Sunday school at 9:45, adult class at'
9:45, Miss Kthel Fletcher, superinten-1
dent. Morning service at 11 o'clock, j
(no evenin meeting) subject, "The:
Call of the Spirit." All friends ot lib-!
ernl religion and of progressive thought,
are cordially inviteu to our services.
Bring a friend. The Men 's Liberal club I
will meet Wednesday eveuiug at 81
o'clock. All men are invited. I
Free Methodist.
No. 1223 North Winter street. Sun-'
day services 11 a. m. and 2:30 mid 7:30 i
p. "m. Rev. Wnlter Clotzback, of St. j
Louis,, evangelist. All are welcome. .
Ttrst Church of,Christ, Scientists. j
Sunday services nre held at 410
Cliemekcta street, nt 11 a. m. and S p.
m. Subject oT Bible lesson, "Auiim and
Fallen Man." Sunday school nt 9:15
a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms in
the Hubbard building, suite 3(1.1, and is,
open every day except Sunday and holi
days, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. m. Alii
nre cordially welcome to our services'
and invited to visit our reading room.
St. Paul's Episcopal.
Robert S. Gill, rector. Holy Commun
ion, 7:30 n. m. Choral eucharist and
address 11 n. m. Kveusong nnd address
7:30 p. m. Mindny school 9:45 n. m. :
. Commons Mission. ;
No. 211 State street. Rev. A. S.
Wright, from Hluestem, Wash., is ex- I
pected to speak Sunday nt 3 p. m. Serv
ices Tuesday and Friday at 8 p. ni.
Mission board meets Tuesday evening
at .close nt service. Free employmei t
office Phone 918. J. I). Cook, superin
tendent. Citizens of Salem will be given nn op
portunity to see the United Stutes gov
ernment film lit the First Congrega
tional church ut 8 o'clock on Saturday
evening and at 7:30 on Snndny evening.
This is the only time this remarkable
film will be seen in Salem. Enrlv Mor
day morning the reels will be shipped
to Philadelphia, where they w'M bo
exhibited at the "Today and Tomor
row" exposition which opens in ihsit
city on May 15. The pictures will show
what Uncle Sum does for two cents.
They show nil tho ramification through
which a two cent letter goes from the
writer to the addressee. The postal
service on the Great Lakes shows the
collection and delivery of mnil frou tho
large lake steamers passing through De
troit river between Luke Huron and
Luke Frio. These -steamers do not les
sen their usual speed and the service
received is practically the same as per
formed by curriers in the cities. The
special delivery service will show the
various steps in the hundling of the -special
delivery mnil. Marketing by mail
will be of intense interest us it. will
show manner of handling produce in the
mails. The scheino or securing produce
by the consumer from tne producer. The
" Miscellaneaus Section" will show the
various labor saving devices used hi
the larger cities of America Fverybody
who enn should see this wonderful edu
cational film, the first of its kind au
thorized by tho United States govern
ment. The chinch doors will be opened
make a reduction of $2.00 on the regular
a $6.00 Aluminum Cooking Set with some
on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock
and on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock.
Rural Chapel.
Sunday school at 10 . m. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock. Christian Ku
d avor at 7:30 p. m. H. C. Stover, minister.
Central Congregational
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
st.eets. H. fc Stover, min'ster. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Junior Endeavor at
0 p. m. Senior Endeavor at C:45 p.-a.
K veiling service nt 7:30 o'clock.
Highland 'rlend3.
Corner of llyland and Elm streets.
Subbuth school, 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle
Keiiworthy, superintendent. Rev. Levi
Cox, a noted evangelist of Indiana, will
commence revival services at 11 a. m.
Service tit 7:45 p. m. and every evening
ihriug the week nt 8 o'cloj.. Juniors
in the church annex at 1 1 a. m. Chris
tian Endeavor at li:3i' p. m. Come and
hear Rev. Cox. You will bo interested.
Josephine Hockett, pastor. Phone 1405.
Jason Lee Memorial.
At the corner v'i Jefferson and North
Winter streets,.!. Montcalm Brown, pas
tor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., R. A.
Harris, superintendent; Mrs. W. C. Era
inel, superintendent primary depart
ment. Preaching services at 11 a. ni.
nnd lit 7:30 p. .in. Junior league devo
tional service ut 3 p. m., J. 1). Wuoilfin,
superintendent. Senior league devotion
ul meeting lit 0:30 p.m. Strangers spe
ciullv welcomed ut all services.
First Christian.
Corner High nnd ( niter streets, F. T.
Porter, minister. Bible school, 9:45 u.
m., Dr. H. C. Kpley, director; Lloyd
Holdiman, assistant. Orchestra and spe
cial music. Snli'in leads Portland by
three points. Auto truck leaves West
Salem at 9:10; Highland, 9:30. 11 a.
in., Worship nnil sermon, subject "The
Ordinances." 7 p. in., C. E. 8 p. in.,
Sermon subject, "The Church of To
day." Largo chorus. Welcome for nil.
Religious Education.
A meeting in the interests o? Relig
ions Education will te addressed by
Dr. Henry F. Cope, general iiecretnry of
the Religious Education association in
the First .Methodist church on Tuesday
evening nt 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Cope is
one oi the most thoroughly up nnd nlive
lenders of. the movement for better re
ligious instruction in churc.i, school nnd
home. The meeting is under the au
spices of the Sulem Ministers' ns-socia-tiou
and is for the people of nil the
cnur; lies.
First Presbyterian.
Some of the influences that are build
ing a better America is the subject
of the morning sermon by the pastor.
Carl H. Elliott. In the evening he will
speak on "Apples of Gold in Pictures
of Silver." Good music, by the chorus
choir. The Sunday school meets at 9:15
Nazarene Tabernacle.
North Nineteenth nnd Morion streets.
10 a. in., Bible school, Wm. Dennis, su
perintendent II a. m. and 7:45 p. m.,
Preaching by the pastor. Wednesday,
7:45 p. in., prayer meeting. Monday,
7:45 p.' m., annual meeting of the
church for the election of pnstor and
O 1! O This week has been selected throughout the country as Bargain
QmlJ Week for GAS. RANGES. We are going to do our share, and will
TTIVVe will give a patent gas lighter free with others. We
jliwill give a $4.00 Electric Toaster away with the lar
gest Cabinet Range sold this week. These are some of the things we will
do. Come in and ask us about our new service plan. It is your oppor
tunity to get a gas range at a bargain.
Served 11,525 Meals, Estab
lished New Home and Has
Employment Bureau
Eleven thousand five hundred nnd
twenty five meals have been served in
th? enffeteria ef the Young Women's
Christian association during the year
duting from May 1, 1915 to May 1,
And during this same time, 141 wo
men have enrolled in the Bible class,
135 in the swimming classes and 92 in
the gymnasium work. The attendance
at social functions was Htiti; 300 tran
sient guests have been taken enre of
and a home made lor 25 permanent
Other activities of the year include
the establishing of a new home forma
tion of nn employment niireau, a nurse '-s
register and the establishment of in
dustrial classes for girls.
The Y. W. C. A. was established in
Salem only two years ago, rather us an
experiment, with small quarters in the
Knight home on Liberty street. But as
the need was greater than untie ipntrd
it soon became necessary to move into
large quarters. With this plnn in view
apartments especially designed for the
use ot t no Y-. . L. A. were secured
over the Roth Grocery company store.
Because of its proven ability to assist
young women, the management feels
that the Association is in n position to
nsk annually for the amount needed for
current expenses. This year, $3,500 is
required on a budget of $5,500. As'ttro
work makes its own appeal to the pub
lic, the board of directors does not hesi
tate to ask for cooperation from the
citizens of Salem,
Two of the national secretaries will
be here within a few days to conduct
a campaign which has been prepared by
the local board.
The women to participate on the var
ious teams nre as fouows:
Captain, Mrs. J. H. Farrnh. Assist
ants, Mrs. William Hamilton, Mrs. T. B.
Kay, Mrs. Alvin, Mrs. M. E. Peck, Miss
Corn Talkington.
Captain, Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, As
sistants, Mrs, Mildred Brooks, Mrs. Geo.
Kodgers, Mrs. Frank Rosenquest, Mrs.
Floyd Utter, Airs. Clyde Graham.
Captain, Airs. John H. Albert. As
sistants, Mrs. George A. Brown, Mrs.
Fred Steusloff, Miss Edith Hazard, Miss
Veda Cross.
Captain, Mis. R, S. Wallace, As
officers. Presence of nil members de
sired. B. W. Shaver, pastor, 1505 Wal
ler street.
W. C. T. cr.
The regular meeting nt 4 o'clock Sun
day will be held at Ramp Memorial
hull. A general testimony, and speak
ing' service will be the order of the
meeting. Come and holp.
(Tjlf you have never used gas come in and let us tell you
its many advantages. If you only have a hot plate you
KNOW what a help Gas Cooking is. Come in and let us make you a
proposition to take your hot plate in exchange for a gas range. If you
have an old range come in and see our new improved ranges.
h h'
sistant, Miss Nina M,eNary, Miss Lil
lian Applegate, Mrs. Susie Jones, Mrs.
U. O. Ooltra. Mrs. Chas. Bates. '
Captain, Mrs. Russell Catlin, Assist
ants, Mrs. George M. Post, Miss Alma
Pohle, Mrs. Asa Eoff. Alias Elisu
Thielsen, Miss Ivy Ford.
The hospitality committee will in
clude Mrs. Perry Raymond, Mrs. H. E.
Eppley, Mrg. L. H. Compton, Mrs. Chas.
Weller, Mrs. D. J. Fry, Miss EUzabeth
The first event of the week will be
an informal meeting Monday noon for
all workers at the Y. W. C. A. when
Miss Scott and Miss Maxwell will out
line the work.
Methodists May Change
Ritual of Marriage
Here is good news for those who ex
pect to marry according to the Metho
dist rituul.
Penniless young men will be saved
the embarrasmeut of repeating, "with
this ring I thee wed and with my
wordly goods I thee enoow." The gen
eral Methodist conference, now in sess
ion at Saratoga, N. Y. is considering
the plnn of dispensing with the words,
"nnd with all my worldly goods," as
the average young man matrimonially
inclined has very little besides his wed
ding clothes and the bill for the en
gagement ring.
Other changes that may interest
young Salem folks have to do with that
'inoffensive word "oliey." According
to the proposed ritual, the groom promi
ses to love, honor and comfort, while
i tho brides has only to promise to love
'.and honor. All of which makes life
easier ill future years, in case there
'should be some family disagreement n-s
to what was and was not said In the
marriage ceremony.
In February Mr. Cook resigned the
superintnedency of the Commons Mis
sion to take effect May 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Cook will go to Portland next
Wednesday to attend the annual con
ference of the Free Methodist church of
will then return to their home near Air
lie in Polk county and after a few
weeks rest at the request of Rev. W. G.
MacLaren, they expect to open a new
mission in Mnrshfieln.
They wish to thank the good people
of Salem who have so generously assist
ed them in their mission work and car
ing for the poor nnd especially the
business men who have so cheerfully
helped in meeting the expenses.
The new superintendent who is Mr.
Carpenter, from Santa Barbara, Cnl.,
will take charge on next Wednesday
Rev. W. G. MacLaren nnd Mr. Car
penter, who is to be the new superin
tendent of the Commons Mission, will
both be present at the services and
spenk Sunday at 3 p. m., instead of Rev.
A. S. Wright, as announced in the reg
ular notice.
J. D. COOK, Superintendent.
Roseburg Review: The strawberry
season opens auspiciously. Several
crates were shipped last week by our
home growers.
price of all Cabinet Ranges.
State and
Com' I St.
CongregationaTists 1 Hold t .
Twentieth Annual Session
The twentieth annual meeting of the
East Willametto Association of Con
gregational churches and ministers of
the conference will meet at the First
Congregational church Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week, May 9 and 10
Entetninment during the session ill
be provided for the visiting delegates
and ministers. Each church in the
East Willamette associ tion is entitled
to two delegates, with one additional
for every 40 member. Hon. C. II. Dye
will act as moderator. The business
committee is composed of W. H. Doug
lass of Eugene, chnirmnn.. Rev. James
Elvin and Rev. F.-H. Reeves of Salem
and Rev. F. C. Fuller of Hubbard.
The program for the two days sess
ions is as follows:
Tuesday Afternoon.
2:00 Devotional, hev. James Elvin.
2:30 Organization und Business.
3:15 Relation of Physical Defects
to the Moral Development of a Child,
Prof. B. W. DeBush.
3 :35 Discussion.
4:00 Education and the Christian
College, President J. C. Bushncll of
Pacific University.
4:30 Discussion.
(i: 15 Lunch.
Tuesday Evening.
7:30 Praise Service, Rev. C. II. Sto
ver. Sermon, Rev. G. N. Edwards.
Communion, Rev. W. H. Farquar.
Wednesday Morning.
9:30 Devotional Services, Rev. A.
M. Spnngler.
9:45 Business, Books and Sermons.
10:30 The General Reading of a
Minister, Rev. E. T. Shermau.
10:15 The Kind of Books that do
Men Good.
11:10 Address, Miss C. Marvin.
11:50 Open Discussion on the Kind
of Sermons I Like.
12:15 Lunch.
2:00Dcvotions, Mrs. Joe Van Cleave.
2:15 Woman's Hour, A Trip, to the
Foreign Field, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd.
3:15 The American Board, Rev. F.
F. Goodsel..
4:00 Four Months of Oregon Dry,
R. B. Hutton.
4:20 Business.
6:15 Lunch.
Wednesday Evening.
7:30 Praise Service, Rev. F. C. But
ler. 7:45 The most important thing my
denomination is doing on the Home Mis
sion Field. By representatives of four
different denominations.
8:30 Address, Congregntionnlists'
Home Missions in Oregon, Rev. A. J.
Exceptional Cast In
"TheMarble Heart"
Weil-Known Players Seen In Support
of Talented Violet Horner.
A cast of unusual balance is seen in
support of Violet Horner in the Wil
liam Fox production, "The Marble
Heart," at Ye Liberty theatre, Sun
day and Monday, which r.as made in
Come in and get
a Glass Measur-
ing Cup
Brown Tells Students
of State School Lands
(Oregon Emerald)
. The present financial condition of
the school land fund, as weH a it
history, were explained to Dr. F. G.
Young's class in economics of state
administration yesterday in Guild hall
by G. G. Brown, secretary of tho board.
- The bod(y has entire control over
the common school fund which is de
rived chiefly from the sale . of this
lands. This fund now totals almost
$0,000,000 and is loaned on first farm
mortgages nt 6 per cent interest.
The board also has charge of and
loans the Agricultural college fund of
$193,909.67; the Univtrsity of Oregon
fund of $100,958.82; and the Durbjnk
trust, fund of $24,350.
"By the act of admission of Feb
ruary 14, 1859, sections 16 and 36 in
every township were set aside to tho
state for the benefit of schools. There
were also 46,080 acres set apart for the .
use and suport of the state university.
"In addition to these special reser- .
vations, 0400 acres were to be selected
by the governor for tho purpose of
completing public buildings, or for the
erection or others at tho seat of gov
ernment. This was known js the cap
itol building grnnt.
"Tho question arises whether, if the.
school lands had been withneld train
sale as suggested by some critics of
tu management of the fund, they
would have been of enough greater
value to sell at a later date for a sum
equalling tiie total of the present fund
of $0,390,889.08 and the interest which,
his been distributed amounting to $6,
758,207.00. In the moantime, many
struggling school districts have been
aided by the yearly distribution of in
terest, whikh. has almost invariably
"It must be remembered that bv
tho time the law became effective all
these best sections in the Willamette,
ITinpqiia and Rogue river valleys hail
been sold and other l.ind had to bo
taken in lieu.
"The present unsold land in the
state totals about 025,000 acres. Up to
this time, 2,949,031.14 acres of the
school fund lands have been sold, the
average price being $2.16 per acre."
the West Indies under the supervision
of Herbert Brenon. ; Misa Horner, who
is know to photoplay nnd legitimate
stage audiences from coast to coast, is
cast as Theresa Roger, a vivacious
young creature who is married to a
weakling. Theresa's husband, Camille,
is played by Harry burkhardt, talented
stock actor. Camille 's mother, who is
stricken with paralysis after Camilla
is murdered by his wife and his friend,
is portrayeu by the. well-known charac
ter i acrtess, Louise Rial. Laurant, the
lover of Theresa, is played by Walter
Miller, who was seen as Richard Lee
in "Tho Spider and the Fly" nnd an
Noel Gerdy in "The Family Stain,"
William Fox productions.
Albany Democratic Saturday 20 peo
ple filed on homesteads iu Linn county. -They
had previous filings, but their fil
ings were pronounced irregular and h;il
to be done over again. They paid a to
tal of $534.46 in fees, which will lv
transferred to the Roseburg land of
fice. We offer Free