SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL " RNAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916. 1- : --Sfcfci. rm C& II When in trouble we will be glad to help you. Experienced man to make your repairs and ad justments. Full line of accessories in stock at all times. Exide and G. L. B. Batteries. Recharging Station. Supplies for Hudson, Auburn and Reo Cars, in stock. Great Western Garage C. C. SIMERAL, Prop. 147 High St., opposite Court House. I 0. Our Free Battery Inspection We can supply re pair parts for any storage battery, or a Could Guaranteed onyourcar. COR. tefS Jy '-t?tE?' PEOPLE who place a premium upon roominess are especially pleased with the ample space found in Saxon "Six" at $915. The seats are wide and restful and there's more than usual leg length. The wheel base is 112 inches. Lloyd Ryan AGENT Salem, Oregon, 173 S. Liberty St. Thone 783 KEEP COOL 11.50 Otsoline Iron EAMPH LANTERNS. MANTLES Call tat Be Town CEL0CKW00D 10 N. Cora'l 8t KUera, Ore. 2E El Phone 44 means that your storage battery will always be fit always ready for its work or you will know it in advance. Start using this storage battery service today no matter what battery or car you have. Thencomeinonceamonth. When you come, ask for a copy of "The Armored Car", the great war story. Expert battery repairing and re charging. Starting motors, lighting generators and ignition systems repaired. THE BELMONT SERVICE STATION 5th and BELMONT STS. PHONE 1671-1 Match Prices To Hit Sky Because of War Let tho smoker, the housewife and the fire bug beware. Matches are go ing up. The safety brands which are made ia Norway are almost entirely out of market nud ior the few re maining fabulous prices are asked. Safety brands made In Japan, hich are of vastly inferior quality, are still to lie had. The statement i made that the big gest increase ever recorded in the his tory of tho match Industry is soon to take place in the matter of prices. They will smash records Bud make matches a luxury. On the first of the year small box domestic matches advanced 9 per rent ud book mate he 10 per cent on Janu ary 15. According to W. A. Kairbum, president of the Diamond Match com pany the pre-war prire of $35 per ton 4 Automobile News Automobile Racing On j Maxwell Touring Car -Highest Course In World j Cinches Another Record The moat spectacular race in the j history of automobile competition is; to he staged on the snow-clad xuimnit I of Tike's Peak, 14,109 feet above the j sea, Chairman Kennenlell of the eon-' test board of the A. A. A. having is sueil official sanction for the national hill climbing contest for automobiles: to the summit of this giant sentinel ot the Rockies on August 11 ami -. 1! Hi. The Federation of American Motor cyclists have also sanctioned three motorcycle events on August 10. Three Auto Events. The automobile meet calls for four non stock events, three of which are professional and one amateur race. On the Uth, one race hiving a piston displacement of 2.'!0 cubic inches and under and one for cars with piston displacement of 2.'!1 to IIIIO cubic inches. On the 12th in the forenoon, amateur drivers will com pete, the main event being marked up for " p. in. Magnificent Trophy. This is n non-stock free for all, open to any gasoline car which complies with the definition of a motor car and is for the magnificent Penrose trophy, given by Spencer Penrose, noted sports man of "Colorado Springs. It is now be ing made of Colorado silver and gold, standing 411 inches high and is said to 1 the richest trophy ever offered for an automobile contest. Course Above Clouds. The course over which many of the . ... -ii i i. :.. world famed drivers will dash in their , powertul cars into and ai)e nit , cars into clouds is known as the tines I auto highway, highest and most won- derful of the earth s motor roads It . is a double track boulevard from 20 SO feet, wide, with all the way easy grades and is as smooth and even as ft, city pavement. ,, The races are being promoted by 1 K.igene A. Suiiderlin, builder of the , world's highest highway and who lias the further distinction of being the youngest railway president in the. United States. Ralph . Smith of , Denver, v.ce president or tne 11. will represent tho contest board. Superb View. The Pike's Peak races will, be im mensely interesting to the spectators for from one point on the course one uiav look down thousands ot teet to me starting point and watch the power ful racing cars climb the rock walled sides of the giant peak and race on to its summit above the clouds. For other thrills ho may also look out upon the. most magnificent visiun ever belief from n motor car. Away southward to the New Mexican border line through Colorado to Wyoming on the north is a vast. WO mile sweep of the liockies in plain view, while on -the east the bil lowy ocean of plain rolls far into Kan sas and down below, yawns an awful abvss of SI HO feet. Sixty thousand square miles of mountain and plain spread out before the eye on a tre mendous scale with a downward vimon of half a mile greater than the. Grand Canvon of Arizona. It will be ' Tike's Peak or ilust" on the world's highest highway next August. , Assemble Cars In Two Minutes Complete kj.... Vr .. cisco. A new form of automobile contests that promises to spread from coast to coast has been invented by members of automobile sales agencies here. It is an assembly contest, in which 12 trained men from rival sales ugencies vie against each other in piecing together two ma chines,, which have been previously disjointed into as .nny component parts us possible. The initial contest was staged lit the Kinpress theatre here, and pulled I off mid scenes or mmcsi .,.....-....- jThe curtain went up on a clutterot automobile purls defying description. Fenders were off, lumps on the tloor, 'radiator leaning against a post, the j axels out, the transmission torn asuii I (ler in short, instead of there being I cars there was simply u chontic mass of parts. I At the shot of a revolver, 12 men I sprang to their work and then began a chapter out of tirimm's fairy tales, ..,.,..i,,,;,.nl fnirv tale, in which a dozen nimble young men in overalls ..,, wnvol WIlllllS HUtl objects about them to be transformed. Hermann the Great himself would have looked on with wonder. Two Minutes Tlat. Presto, ehange two minutes flat and one ear, a four, stood complete upon tho floor. Twenty-one seconds later, and another followed suit, de feated but not disgraced. Heenusf. o. the terrific interest in the contest, it is predicted it will sprend all over the morn sensationul form of competition having seldom been wit nessed by tneaire puirunn, for muriate of potassium used for mak ing chlorate of potassium has risen to the present prico of between $lt5 and J.100 per ton, or roughly, an increase of W00 per cent. His company, Mr. Fair burn savs, has been aiming to keep its prices at a normal level, and succeed ed in doing so until the genernl increase in match constituents compelled a revis ion of prices. Not only is there, a vital shortage of chlorate of potassium, but boxwood, gums, necessary chemicals and other materials have gone up, tho not so alarmingly as the German pro duct. Asked as to whether or not there would be further a"nces In match prices, Mr. Vairbnrn said: "It depends entirely on the duration of the war." Since making that statement, reports have beeu placed in circulation that pricce are due to another advance. Larry" A remarkable statistic, here old chap, showing that every time' 1 breathe some one dice." Harry "Great hteott, man! Why don't you chew elovcst" Western He-view..' - In the face of the heaviest snowfalls that haveliocn recorded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains sjnee 1M8), a -Maxwell touring car, carrying Hay Mc Namaru, Jack Griffin, George Sowers and Henry Karge, battled its way over, around and through Nature's ob- stacles ami reached Tallac, iched Tallac, on Lake Tnhoe, three weeks earlier than the first arrival in any previous season. The feat was one of the most notable in the annals of western nutomobiling. The Maxwell was sent over the peril ous trail entirely on its own power ami the help rendered by its crew; every foot of the way was over the Lincoln Highway; obstacles apparently impos- will be for carss'',' to surmount were overcome one alter another, and tooay tne .Maxwell stands under a shed at Tallac as posi tive proof of the efficiency of the modem automobile in besting grim Winter in her most strenuous mood. Members of the Maxwell crew faced disaster a score of times before they reached their goal. In many places the snowdrifts hail piled up to a height of more than twenty feet, sloping off to a sheer drop into canyons nnd down mountain sides. Had a slip or skid oc curred while the Maxwell was shoot ing over these it would have meant, a hasty termination to the trial blazing enterprise; but the motor never fulter- ed il tne drivers nnn,i ..cut weaa- VIM 11, ililU Hie i:ihi it o ..; - - .safety. At every point along the tour where l .... ...tri,l . milium "emu" wne 1 w waTueil not , at- u,(e Tah(je Y(m ( t, tret through', thev were told am, T,(, .,.;,, wt.r . whon (hpv fiimlv he .,athfinders were the heroes of (( rt,j,,0. nm remt jf thp M.ixw(,n trip to be noted as of universal benefit will . ()f ,)(, ,.,,, , IjIke J farVwr ,., ,;,.;. 'motorists. At every point tUfl whce,g ()f (u, (.,jv cu ,hl.011(,h thf ro.1(lw!,v lms l)CPn Warn, weather aided material- , . (1 .( js ox(p.t,.(l ,i,ilt the trial to La lie Tahoe will be safe for regular traffic within three weeks. In order to discourage any Doubt- j iug Thomases who might suggest that the Maxwell had not reached Tallac, members of the party left their ma-, chine at the lake and returned home by launch, machine, font and train. At tiie end of the trip the car showed scarcely a mark, aside from a few scratches on tho glossy body. The en gino and mechanism made the entire run without a single hitch, nnd even the tires Wood the strain without fal tering. Lightweight Cars Better for Ail-Around Service Light weight ill motor enrs is lie-j coming more and more an attraction to j the motorist, nceording to l.loyd L. Ryan, distributor for Snxon Motor cars. "The weight of an automobile," he j snvs, "is the thing that people B'' among the 'first queries concerning any make. "When the light cars began to go through the places where the big eni" tuck, the nnldie sat up and took no tice." said Mr. Rvan. "When the ligh' cars continued to operate with their same power and reliability niter trips over mads that, were considered im iiassible, the theories mat this kind of travel would ruin a light car were dis pelled nnd the public began to see t it is possible and also policy to con struct a light motor car which has the endurance of the old-time heavy auto mobile. "No motorist, much as he may enjoy the idea of driving a car of the size that makes it comparable to a trai-'ion engine, likes to be mmnoned In a mod-1 ilv road and have to call on a renin i Horses to get mm our. t um like to have to route-his country touring I with a view to the road over which he must go and not the scenery that he wants to see. "Like every man, he wants what hej wants when he wants it. And the way for him to get that in motoring is to ' have a light yet durable motor enr, j with a motor of power that can carry him over the worst roads in an easy i manner. In the manufacture of the Snxnn motor ears especial attention is paid to lightness. The "Six" is mi except ionally light car for its power and size and vet workmanship or quality of mat erials have not been slighted to lessen Hie luiiu wciui. "Stability, power and excellence of design have been inudo the first prin ciples and these have been obtained along with the lightness. Light weight of course, menus a saving on tire ex pense. It's tho heavy enrs thnt wear out the tires and this item alone worth consideration. "In Saxon cars, along with lightne-ss nnd stability, there is economy in opera tion. The motors burn a minimum am ount of gasoline in lompnrison with their power. Add to thnt their neat appearance, their refinement and their I appointments and vou have the ide, j tin ,v, fc i U.11-, .iv a. iwi fit nr.,,,, or business." Seventeen or Eighteen Mile Gallon of Gas Innsin! Mich., May fi, Which is better advertising, to feature au excep tional performance of a product which few owners can ever hope to reach, or to exploit figure of average per formance, o that owners can constantly enjoy tho satisfaction ot equalling or bettering the publi-hed .r,vbr,Ut - j This question is briefly mid succinctly answered by Jny V. Hall, general sales manager of the Olds Motor Works, in the following: 'Dalhart, Texas, April 10, 191-OM Motor Works, Lansing, Mich, leutle i!i!ii!ll!!HHt!!?ttM) t))ttMMttttMttttm bargains in Used Cars We have several good bargains in second hand cars as follows: One Paige 36-1914 Electric Lights and Starter, in first class condition. One Ford 5 passenger, newly painted. One 4 passenger Michigan, electric lighted. One 5 passenger Chalmers. -rt at I t .Til I tt I nese cars are an sold cheap, come in and make us an offer. We have a complete garage and repair shop in con nection with our salesroom and our Service Car will find you if in trouble on the road. SERVICE is our Watchword Give us a trial HALVORSEN & BURNS Ferry and High Streets Phone 959 Maxwell Oldsmobile Chalmers Xt TTtTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI men: Your ad in the April 2nd issue of claims from 1i to 15 miles per gallon of gasoline for your Oldsmobile Kight. "The margin of safety allowed in your claim for gas consumption is typi cal of all your modest claims for the Kight, and certainly goes to inspire im plicit confidence in the integrity of your claims, especially when such claims are easily outdone, by actual perform ance. 'J am the proud owner of an Kight out ot the second shipment to your .Mr. llavs at. Amarillo, and 111 several tests I have given it 1 have ahvavs averaged between 17 and 18 miles to the gallon .. . , , of gas in ordinary country and city dllMllg. " Yours respectully, "I. J. Uushwa." DALLAS LOCAL NEWS (Capital Journal Spcnnl Service.) 1 n ii i . A I i IT T L'l 1 1: t I uanas, yre. lay ... ,.,, manager ot the Perrydale l. louring nulls,. was in the city this week on business.! Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles McDevitt have) returned from a visit ut the home of l) daughter .Mrs. Xleorge Conkcy at j,,,.,. ' Mrs. Winnie Brnden who has been at j , 1,1:1, of , ,r father in Portland ; f(lr thl, ,,st W(,ek returned to her home in this city Wednesday for a short stay. Her father being some improved. Kred Koser of Kickreall was a Dal las visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Martin and Miss Naoma Scott will motor to Portland Saturday for an over-Sunday visit with Mrs. Martin 's parents. Mrs. Trneey Staats and children, Mrs. 11. r. 1-aiierson ami ,,,,gi,-,n iu - and Dorothv and Mrs. H. ( asev went to , Monmouth this morning to attend the May Day festivities at the Oregon Nor mal. Mrs. H. (!. Black is tn Tillamook this week a guest at the home of Mrs. H. ynn i11ii0 .Mrs. Charles Gregory has returned from a short business t-ip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. 1!. K. Williams and little sou of Portland are spending several days in this city. Mr. and-Mrs. K. L. Chapman were visitors in the Capital City Thursday af N'rnoon. Mrs. C. K. Howes is u guest this week of relatives and friends in Portland. Sheriff John W. Oir made n business trip to Bent ley Thursday and reported! the roads in that section ot tne counry in very good condition for this time of the year. Circuit Judge H. H. Relt was n guest at the home ot his brother, Paul Belt . wiUimnilin this Wl,,,u. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. Henry Senz nnd son Nick were hav ing some dental work done at Albany the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ray and daugh- ,s ter Corn and Mrs. 11. Fihunk motored to Salem Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shelton and children were Sunday visitors at Deb Shelton 's of Jordan. Miss Anna Miles was a Snnday guest of the Misses l.ula and Gladys Down ing. Lew is and Llm 'r Knv called at the Mrs. Shank home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Senz and son Arnold sailed at Nick Zimmerman's of Sublimity Sunday. Lee and Max Shelton called at W. K. Ray's Wednesday. John Neitling is working nt F. X. Hettinger's. Will Kvan visited nt the H. Senz home Sunday. Mary Dougherty wns a guest of Miss Zona Kny Monday. Frank Lambert nnd Joe Sens culled on Linn Lambert Monday evening. Mrs..H. K. Shank, visited hume folks Tuesday. Linn ljtmbert and wife called ut cVs Lambert's Tuesday. Mr. and .Mrs. 1). t. any and children were Sunday visitors nt the Cold Spring farm.. '' The Missea Angcline Kyan and llox- in good running ana Shank were Sunday visitors of Miss -Maud Smith. .Mrs. D. Townes and daughter called at the Lee Downing home Thursday. .Mr. and .Mrs. W. It. Kay and .Mrs. Linn Lambert left for Winloek, Wash., on Monday. Stayton Hail. WOODBTJRN JUICE FACTORY. The Kctail Merchants' association had a banquet and business meeting at Bumhoff Tuusday evening nnrt all who wprc tlt,ru ftlt tlat it v,9 j,00(i 1 ... ,, . , . Y , . 1 to 1,0 '"T rV'8,dl' ' ' Bw? j occupied the chair lhcre was sn an air ot optimism that u 11 left feeling I h J. AH (he oW rfficicnt ; officers were reelected tiv ncclamntron. 1 It was reported that the Loganberry j juice factory proposition was held up j 011 account of the necessary cash sub- j scription to stock being short. Mem bers present immediately subscribed for the required amount of stock and iu a short space of time made a juice ; Woodbun, a surety, obstacles. It was b , ;.,,,., f ,., ,,, . clear- was only another indication of how the assoeia- i tion does tilings. The glorious news 1 soon got over town and every one j hearing it rejoiced at the good fortune 1 of Woodburn and thanked the Lord; l,f Vnn.ll,,n ln.,1 n 1!itnil Aferelin 11 ta ' asociarion in iiiu vorMiig oiuer. Woodburn Indeiieiident. J BOCK POINT NOTES. Misses Helen Hunt and Muriel Stee-' ' ves of Salem spent the week-end at the : J. T. Hunt home. j Mrs. Harry I'rauk is on the sick list I this week. Max Hill sold his grey team to some , , i,,.ra , ,...,, The neighbors all helped plow for Mrs. Pearl Humphrey one day this week. Foreman K. V. Downing bus a crew of men and teams working on the road this week. Alvin Johnson of Union Hill is work ing for C. P. Dnrst. Stayton Mail. THE UNIVERSAL CAR You must not judge the Ford car by its first cost. That is low, because the best manufacturing methods and the great volume of production reduce the cost of making and selling. Better materials, bought at lower prices, make the Ford a better car for less money. Order yours today! Runabout $443.25; Touring Car $493.25. All prices f. o. b. Salem. On sale at VICK BROS., Agents, 260 N. High St., Salem, Or. j. oraer ana wki oe IQE2S2wCxiiB3EiwELx When your Bicycle needs Repairing we ba?e a man on the job all the time. BICYCLES Hauser Bros. STATE STREET AUTO LAMPS CHAEGING See STORAGE BATTEBY L0CKW00D 216 N. Commercial St. Phone 81 for better carrier i service.