Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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5 O C I
(Continued from Page Two.)
benefit it the Oregon theatre on Wed
nesday and Thursday evenings.
Hero is the programme:
Orpheus chorus, "Cavalry Stew
Song"; Miss Nannelle Bloom, "Polo
naise" (Chopin); George Snyder, "The
Tramp" Trottern; Carter and Alley,
mandolin and guitar selections; Carl
Oabrielson and Ruef White, blackface
skit; Dan Langenberg, solo. "The
Horn" (Flequer); Orphe'.s male chorus
"Garden of My Heart" (Hall).
Amid an artistic setting of iris, can
dy tuff, narcissus and o.'ier spring
blossoms, a score or more of young girls
untlinrpl nt thp f'li irlpa K Sum lilimr
residence Wednesday to participate in ln-ve'J an informal afternoon Monday
the informal evening for which Miss " the guests of Mrs.' C. K. Howies.
Ha Spaulding was hostess. The girls The forepart of the afternoon was de
who were all members of the Break-' e, to sewing. Later Mrs. Henry
fast club, added to tiie gnycties of the j "j;1 a'1 ?" 't-"'-et'K ll'er on
nffuir i.v ii.itiutimr two new inemhnra I all 10 rill a. As a little gift of clieer
intn the Huh the AFUsea (iertrmie I
Walling and In.i Proctor. Miss Spnuld-
ing was assisted by her mother Mrs.
Charles K. Spaulding and Miss Olga
Gray. The guests were the Misses Car
oline Dick, Olga Gray, Barbara Stein
er, Grace Holt, Maij.belle Reiiihurt,
F.dna Howd, Lois Martin, Vivja: Har
grove, I'ltkel Frazier, Irene Curtis,
Chinee Haines, Zct.i Rosenipiest, Kuth
Seliultz, Uetha Hughes, Geitjude Wall
ing and lua Proctor. .
It was on uncommon pleasure to at
tend the afternoon of music given by
the young pupils of Miss Luira Grant
at her residence last Saturday. About
fifty proud and happy parenis heard
tho young artists who played all of
their numbers charmingly by memory,
which is quite n feat in itself. The
rooms were fragrant with white lilacs
end easter lilies affording an attract
ive decoration and appropriate back
ground for the youthful perform ts.
Here is the programme:
"The Wave" RoBaf
Emily Good and Mss Grant
"Modjeska Waltz" Lothian
Eugenia Savnge
'Tkiyful Rondo" , Greene
Inez Anderson
"The First Waltz" Mathews
Robert Bishop
''Butterfly Time" Tesclienachcr
Juvenile chorus ,
Orla Welch, Kenneth Perry, Marie
, Harold, Ronald Frizzell, Donald
Svhautt, Elva Amsler, Prudence Spight,
C'hestor Kurtz, Eugenia Savage, Edith
Seamster, Cecil Deacor. The duct parts
were iung by Elva Amsler, Orla Welch.
"Blue Bird Waltz" Olcroan
.Orla Welch
""Love Song" Wcida
Prudence Sykes
"V.ilee Character" j..... Giles
Grace George
(a) "Sing Me to Sleep" Gre-ne
(bj rrtudy Heller
Eileen Johnson
" Gallon" Strenbogg
Donald Sehautt, Ronald Frizzell, Ches
ter Kurtz
"The Humming Bird" Schiller
Fern Winchcll
"The Cypress" Streabogg
Vivian htter
"Moon rbafes" i G.-fr'nor
Deryl Myers, Fern Winchcll, Pauline
Knowland," Virginia Dorcas, Tau Lee,
Mildred Metz, Inez Anderson, Vivian
Etler, Eileen Johnson, Robert, Bishop,
( """7"
by the most approved methods.
If you do not need glases, we will tell you so
frankly. If you do need glasses you will find our
'glasses and our prices reasonable.
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 109.
Our New Home
to be Salem's
Finest and Best
Drug Store.
Will be our New
Home the first
of next week.
McGilchrist's New Building Zadoc J. Riggs, Proprietor
Irene Fleming, Downie Smith, Winona
?miin, Ai..i ocnoer.
Tiiere Let Me Ret." Green
Marie Hirold
" Valso Rcveuse" J. II. Rogers
Virgil Star
"Riding on a Load of Hay"
- Wm. Gooch
Paul Lee, Chester Kurtz
"Joyous Farmer" Schumann
.Kvangeline Acheson
"At the Iinnce Ccs On" ....Lichner
Deryl Myers
"Water Xymph'' Xevin
Cecil Deacon
"Pjlish Dance" Gorge Rosey
Klva Amsler
The matrons of the P. E. O. club en-
1,e delivered to the sick and less
fortunate the members of the club came I
laden with wonderful bouquets of ' 811 admonition mat tney were not
spring blossoms. Mrs. Henry Poisnl I to be insistent there we s but few re
assisted the hostess in setvim'. fusals to buy. Among those donating
An unusually i iteresting recital was
given by the pupils of Miss Klma Wel
ler Tuesday r'-oniug, when three of her
Denting students were presented in
their graduating exercises at her resi
dence studio North Liberty street.
Clever and artistic work was dono by
each student and the programme was
eniianseil by a double piano number
"The Hunting Scene", plaved by Miss
Hariett Griffith anif Miss Mabel Mar
cus. Two delightful selections from
James Vhitcomb Riley were very ef
fectively rend by Miss Grace Babcock.
Miss Lois Whtt of Portland, who was
an unexpected guent, completed tlie
artistry of the programme by two beau
tiful soos "From Distant Lauds" nnd
"II 1 Knew You and You Knew Me".
lleiv is the programme:
Fantaisie H. Albortt
Dorothy Kscb, Miss Welfer, Ruth Page
Marie Rostein
Dominant 7ths Major-Minor
Ruth Page. Marie Rostein, Dorothy
Dorothy Eseh
Orphan Anuie ...James Whitcoinb fjiley
(trace Babcock
(a) Study Transposition of Same...
(b) Old English Dance , S. Smith
Marie Rostein
Harriet Griffith, Mabel Marcus
Story ofVagner
Marie Brick
Chord Progressions
Marie Rostein, Ruth Page, Dorothy
(a) Study in 3rds Transposition of
(b) Revel of the Wood Nymphs
- Barbourl
(c) Screnata Turner I
Miss Dorothy Eseh
Riggedv Man....James Whitcouib Riley
Grace Babcock
Rosetta Krent.lin
Ruth vbgkq
" Ruth Page
Polonaise Brilliante Edwin ,T. Deceivee
Dorothy Esch, Miss Weller, Marie
Rostein, Kuth Page
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Armstrong eu
tertair.ed a number of the members of
the I'artnt Teachers association of the
Friends Bible school and friends nt
their home on Friday evening. A very
You can trust us with the
examination of your eyes
with the assurance that it
will be made accurately and
f'- t&;iif'!-; ' 'j ;'-"""-. ;:
interesting report of the. convention
was given by Mrs. Myrtle Kenworthy
and Miss Beulah Pregnel. During the
I evening an enjoyable anil humorous
Iprogrinimewus (riven by Clara Hin
,man, little Ira Rigs and Messrs. Hocket,
jThorp, 1'ruit, Graham and Hinman.
Refreshments . -erved in dainty Alay
baskets ended the gaycties.
Mrs. J. Jt. dinger extended .charm
ing hospitality to the Sweet Brier club
Wednesday afternoon at iier country
home on the Wallace road. The rooms
were beautifully dcorated with Lady
Bankshire roses. The hostess was js
sistcd by her daughter, Miss Patty,
and hy Miss Mildred Imlah, in serving
dainty refreshments.
During the afternoon Margaret and
Mabel (dinger entertained their young
friends on the lawn with games and
stories. The children invited were
Mary Christine Ferguson, Marjorie
Harriett Hick, Webb G.iynell Beckett,
Margartt "ml David Stcincr, Dwight
Todny was flag diiy, for the purpose
of aiding the Salvation army with
the local relief And charity work. They
made a pretty picture, the girls and
I vfl.nen vending flags on the corners,
I in the hotel lobby, everywhere about
t"wn ",Hl .fJ"t "" anncreme
their time and cnoris to mo ukw
of the sale were:
Mrs. .lolin .T. Roberts; Mrs. John
Caughell, Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, Mrs.
John Brophey, Mrs. Ernest. Hu .t, Mrs.
J. II. Lewis, and the Misses Stcincr,
Margery Kay, Kli.nhctii Lord, Priscilla
Fleming, Constance Vantis, Edna Josse,
Carolyn Dick and Lorriinc Ross.
The Salem club of the Oregon Agri
cultural college assisted by the O. A.
C. cadet band will give an inform il
dance and concert in honor of the sen
iors of the Salem high school in the
armorv Friday, May tho twelfth.
Mis. Nitze gave an enjoyablo sewing
at her home on Wednesday afternoon,
having the matrons of the "Round
llnTm, f'lnh" no irmwtq Dnintv re.
freshments rounded out tic afternoon.:?
The hostess was assisted in tne serv
ing by Mrs. Leon Davidson.
Mrs. Mead and daughter, Muriel,
who have been visiting witfc friends
left Thursday for their home in Bat
tic Creek, Mich., via California. They
were quite taken with the Willamette
valley and thought that Salem was one
of the most, beautiful cities they had
visited during their trip.
The musicale given by theypupils
of Miss Minnetta Magers at her new
studio iu the Moore building last Mon
day evening was very excellent, and
h'gh' 'Appreciated by the audience
who heartily encored each number. The
program of English, French and Ger
man songs were well interpreted and
showed good tonal work, phrasing nnd
breath control. Mrs. Donald Miles
assisted with two most interesting
readings showing much ability in in
terpretation. She is a pupil of Mrs.
Anna Rogers Fish. Little Miss Pru
dence Spight, who is a pnpil of Miss
Laura, Grant, surprised all by the able
way she rendered her number. The
delightful programme was as follows:
Love and Syringtinie Metealf
Night Ronald
Miss Abbie Davis
Sunset Buck
Miss Ruth Fugnte
Sing, Sing Nutting
Miss Laura Minton
Piano solo Love Song....N'liultz- eida
,. , ru'l(,ce fpignt
Wiegenlied j Bralimes
Du bist Wie. Eine Blume Schumann
(Snug in German)
Miss Hilda Amsler
A Sonk cycle A Shc.if of Little
Songs Clarke
Miss Hose Pratt.
Reading Hard Luck Smith
Robert Service
Mrs. Don Miles
The Boy's Song Homer
Mr. Ivan Sihomackcr
Waltz Song t Gounod
Bon .lour, Suson Pessard
(Sung in French)
Marguerite Flower
A five hundred party was given on
Wednesday afternoon by the ladies of
the Maccabee lodge in McCornack hall.
Guests mudc up eight tables of the
game and the high score prizes were
won by Mrs. Joseph Bach and Mrs.
rt.v'y. if"'.,.',; i
We Sorely Most
Stock of Traveling Accessorle
We were very fortunate and bought our stock of leather goods last Fall prior to the raise in leather. Since buy
ing the price of leather has advanced fully 50 per cent-owing to the enormous demand of leather stock for war
orders. This saving goes to you and accounts for the very low prices we can make on the following.
uine reed
made on
You Get More at Moore's
for your Money
W. D. Miles, Mrs. William Zoscl was
awarded the consolation. The room
was airy and spring like with flowers
of the season. At the close of the
game refreshments were served by
Mrs. Carrie llolnian, Mtb. Edith Darr,
Mrs. Nora Chirles, Miss (Jertrude
Swart and Miss Opal George.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry B. Thiclsen will
entertain the -Mery-Go-Ronnd club at
their residence on south Commercial
street Tuesday evening.
Monday evening the Salem Floral so
citey will hold its regular meeting in
the Commercial club. An interesting
and enjoyable programme has been ar
ranged .tnd everyone is cordially invit
ed. The programme will include the
following: "America ' trio trom the
cherry Hud band; address, Thomas H.
Kay; reading, Mis,s Bynon; selection,
trio from Cherry Bud band: "Salem
Beautiful," Mrs. L. L. Nicklin; ad
dress, Dr. 1!. E. Lee Stcincr; general
discussion and social hour.
Franklin, N. Y.. April 2S, 1916, Sid
ney Centra friend.; and relatives re
ceived the news of the marriage of
Murray C Wheat of Astoria, Ore., to
Miss Fanny Johns of Sea Side. Mr.
Wheat who went to Oregon a few
years ago to practice law is making a
success of his profession. He is a can
didate for representative from Oregon.
The Delcware County Dairyman.
A quart ett from the Indiim school
at Chemawa rendered several pleasing
selections at the concert held in the
First Congrcgntion.il church on Wed
nesday evening. The selections were
very fairly rendered ami were well
received by a large audieme. The
When you see
this Building
Think Drugs
Service, and
We have the latest line of Traveling
Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks, Wardrobe
Trunks, etc. in Salem ,
immer Fiireitore
How delightfully comfortable you can have things these long even
ings if you furnish your porch with our Summer Furniture. Gen
and sea grass furniture is
cool and comfortable lines.
music of the quartett recalled to the
Salem public that a unique work is bo-1
nig done at t beinawa by Mr. lurncyj
as 8 comioscr as well as lc.ider of the;
orchestra. The "Indian Suit" which'
was played with fine effect revealed
the spirit, of the early Indian people
in their joys, in their sorrows mid in
their ceremonies.
Mr. Richard H. Kennedy in the role
of narrative lecturer is in n class by
himself and delivers his lecture on
"Les Miserable" in .V manner that
made a yrcat impression on Jiis audi-i
ence. I
The following programme was given:
Quartet No. 1! '. v.Mozart
Allegro, audnnte, minuetto, allegro I
Group of niinature numbers
(a) Minuetto .., Schubert !
(b) Reverie : Turncyl
.(c) Hondo Mozart!
(d) Minuetto j isoccncrini
(e) Norwegian Hulling Anon,
Narrative lecture Les Miser.ibles.... i
Mr. Richard 11. Kennedy
(a) Andante ciintaoilc 1 sciiaiiiowssy
(b) Norwegian dance Grieg
First Indian suite rurney
(a) Dawn Light in the hast
(b) Dance Tribal Ceremonial
(c) Lamentation Death of a War
rior (d) The Hunt Braves on the Chase
Thru fifty years of hopes ind fears,
Of hriih't ami cloudy weather.
Of joys and griefs and smiles nnd
They have grown old together.
Grown old, ah, no! for long ago
Iu words past, alt lorgctting,
Twas said that they were youngest
Were nearest to life's setting."
T.nst Saturday, the home of the Fred
Thompson's .it Salem Heights was the
scene of a very nappy ana eu.jovium-
casion, it being the tittietn wcnuiiig
nnn versa rv of -Mr. ami .us. r rails
Thompson. The spacious purior. m-
ing room and library were Dowers oi
golden beauty. Scotch broom, yellow
snapdragons, aud butterucps were every
where in evidence.
During the afternoon the honored
guests were at home to tne meiuoers
of the G. A. R. and W. If. C.
The following program was rendered
both afternoon and evening:
Piano solo. Gladvs Thompson; bio
graphy und address, Rev. Elvin; sopra
no solo, "I Love You Truly", Miss
Cora Fisher; nailing, Avery Thomp
son; i-eadini;, -Untie .Oompton; uioi,
written for the occasion, A. N. r ulker
son, Dan Wilson, Harold Benjamin;
piano solr, Norma Thomas; vocal solo,
M ilUnily , Mr. i icnjujiu u , kicviiuK.
Irom Comrade Webster.
MrB. IJimoine R. ( larlm a few wen
hosen words presented a solnl goiu
Win nnd fob to the irrnom of fifty
years ago, and to the Btill sweet and
blushing bride a beautiful cameo
brooch set with seed pearls. These
gifts were tokens from Hedwick G. A.
R. Post und Sedgkick W. K. C. respect
iviely. Mnny other gifts of ! risi
ami thoughtful nature were received by
tho happv couple from ynlativea und
In the evening the friends and
neighbors of tho Thompsons at Salem
Heights gathered Tor or omgnuui
evening, leaving a large icauier u(.-
hn b.treit env ctimr as a Sllglil lonen
of the appreciation they 1iave for their
1 ' i r ..i. i A i it.;. ;,n
rneml and neignnor. jvi inm "
Mrt. A. X. Fnlkerson rend the biog
raphy and wedding poem. During both
nCionmnn nnd evenine the' bride cut
mnsr wonderfMl wedding cakes, and
generously distributed tbft delicious
morsels to tho assembled guests. Those
atdistiiir' in the serving during the
afternoon and evening were Mrs. Otto
Barrett and the Misses Laura Wagner,
Have It
idea? for summer comforts
See our window display.
A Atom
num wear has. A lifetime satisfaction in
every piece.
Wm. Gahlsdorf
The Store of Housewares
135 North Liberty Phone 67
Cora Fisher, Olg.i Wickberg, Norma1 Cm-lton afterwards his, wife, he moved
Thomas and Gladys Thompson. j f rom m,k Kunh wu witll his
J lie Jollowing children ot tho bridal I , , , ,,, , . , .. ,
couple were prent: Mr. and Mrs. Ar- "s Owat.mnn, M.nnenotB, m l..,,
thur Broughcr of Hclmont, Montana; f T '(,1,"t'V; ;V,""-.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Thompson of Ore- "" ,,,"..""h ,l,lv of -' S"--..on
Citv. nnd Sir. n.wl f r. Fred s,'r " ,,ir,'p or dinnig the wm.
riiompsin of Salem Heights; Mr. aud
Mrs. A. O. Thompson of Wyndmcre,
"Dear trusting hearts, for fifty years
Of life, so short and fleeting,
Vour comfort oft his been the tliot
Of your eternal meeting
There after years of sun und storm,
Of bright and cloudy weather
In (Jod's own household inuy you
Eternity together."
Franklyn A. Thompson was born iiii;ig, Minnesota, August 11, lSi'io, ha.?
Slierinan, Michigan, April 13, 1SII, iiejing KCived three years Mild twelve d;iyi
lived there until1 he was nine yenrs old in the service. Ho is a great grer, .
when he moved with his parents to grand sou of Levi Thompson who sen -
Black Lnrth, Wisconsin, where ho lust
became acquainted with Miss Miria C.
be convinced that it is the best in the city.
Prices ranging from 10 Cents to One Dollar per Box.
All Nice and Fresh.
Formerly Poole's Drug Store
410 State Street Phone 276
in Ow
7 f
You will always find the
latest in Furniture here
The Wear with I
a Character
See the complete
line of COOKING
many new features
that no other Alum-
and was mustered into the Cnited
States service it Fort Smelling, Minn ,
on the tilli iliiy of September, Jm!:1,
as a private of Cnptuiu G. Ambler
compnny "A" loth regiment MinncsOr
In Volunteer Infantry, Colonel .lame.)
II. Baker commanding, Lieutenant Col
onel Samuel I'. Jeunison, Major Mich
ael Coolt, Adjiit.mt James C. Bradcn,
QuurterniHsler (icorgo V. Green. He
was promoted to Ooporal and then to
sargcant. of his company. He was niii'-
tercd out of the service at Fort SueM
(Continued on Tae Bsvon.)