Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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' . . - ALINE THOMPSON. . . ..
at her
MIGRATORY plans ai-ft always in
the nir as soon as the languid
spring Jays- appear anrl indoor
affoirs suffer, tor the lure ut tho great
out of doors is too vivid not to have
n eager reaponae from all iiociety.The
country looks so enrimnting that the
eight of the city's paved streets strikes
dixvordant note that everyone who
tin acekg to eacape. Long motor trips
in the wonderful golilon sunnhine were
the principal diversions of the week.
The tennis courts and the golf links
nave presented a gay, summery appear
Mrs. A. N. Bush's aud Mrs. Charles
Dopp's aftprnoon Thursday was i
charming informal affair, ahout twenty
three prominent matrons of the Thurs
day afternoon club being asked. Mrs.
George Ilennctt of San Francisco was
the guest of honor. The rooms of tho
Bush residence were decked with quan
tities of spring time loveliness, yellow
and rose snap dragons were artistical
ly combined with lavender and whito
iris intermingled with greens. In the
dining room the same soft colored blos-
i soms were tised to center the refresh-
Iijcs the past week. Tennis has beenlment tables. Uontonniers of exquisite
growing more and more in popularity white rose buds and dainty rose-colored
with .the younger get and devotees I baskets filled with bon-bons marked
vt tine raquct have been, practicing ! tho places.
to make a few brilliant strokes in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop and small! Mw. Chirlo K. JSoauldftng enter-
children, KJizabeth Jane and Thomas,, taiued Monday afternoon with, a charm-
ing bridge party. Fourteen matrons
of the bridge club and a few guests
were asked to make up several tables
of the game.. Mrs. Walter Spaulding
nnd Mrs. Frank Brown tied for the
high score honor and the ntvar. wis
awarded to Mrs. Spaulding.
The attcartive Spanlding -residence
the tournament this summer.
' Informal bridges aud toas inter
upersed with luncheons have enlivened
these rather quiet days. Among the
charming affairs this week was the
afternoon Thursday for which Mrs. A.
H. Bush was hoHtese. Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding enter
tained with a May party and Friday
night Mr. and Mrs. D. J, Fry were
hosts for a five hundred party.
Looking ahead for a few days, there
are numerous affairs to keep the so
4'iaUy inclined busy. Monday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Livealoy will
open the week 's gaieties with an in
formal dancing party at their ranch
''Lake Brook."
As a fitting closo to a week of nr
listie affairs came the lovely five
hundred party given at tho Daniel J.
-Fry residence "Bright View, Friday
veniiut. The affair which was the
last of a series of parties given v
1ho matrons of the Priscilla club was
the hftpw eelebralion of Hie hosts
thirtieth wedding aniversary. Mrs,
ilohn B. Craig and Mrs. Kusio Jones
shared the honors as hostess with Mrs.
Fry. The rooms were bowers of won
terful spring blossoms, pink and white
deutzie, white Iris Florentine, white
renists. and Japanese wisteria being
effectively nrrunged making a bright
Bnd ' beautiful; Betting for the card
tables. Tea tables of "liUl)' were cir
cled by the guests ami tho score hon
ors were won by Mrs. William Dancy,
audgc William Galloway and Mrs, Fred
Htewart. Just before the game Miss
IJennie Fry played Lohengrin 's wedd'uft
march and much merriment, was c rente, l
hj tiie appearance of Mr. anil Mrs,
Fry, a bride and groom of thirty years.
A mock wedding took place and the
liridal couple w.is preceded by little
1'riscilla Fry, who was flower gid.
3udgn Gulloway united them in tne
bonds of wedlock and the bride was
;ivcn away by the oldost son, Dan
iel 'Fry, Jr. Orris Fry acted as best
man. An exquisite' bouquet of brides
totm was presented to Mrs. Fry as
gift from tho club. During the even
lug other gifts of flowers aud messages
wore received. A unique, weilitiug sup
or was served and f.ivors, lovely cor
dage bouquets and bottouiores of bios
minis similar to those carried by Mrs.
Fry on her wedding t'ay were given to
ih guests. Dainty folders continuing
il picture of Mr. and Mrs. fry taken
on- May 5, 18M0, and one taken May
C, 191G, was given the guests as a
token of remembrance from tho hosts.
Assisting in the serving wore Miss Jen
Jiiq Fry Miss Beruii'6 Crnig nnd Miss
Jlazel Downing.
Society will motor to tho Thomas
Tjivesley hop ranch "Lake Brook"
Moudar evening to participate in the
L'RyelicM of an informal supmr and
dancing rmrty for which Mr. and Mrs
liivesley will bo hosts. About one hun
dred belles and beam anil younger
waned set liave been asked for tiie
Mrs. Thomas ('. Smith Jr., went to
I'oitlund this morning to visit over the
week end with her sister, Mrs. T. How
iArd Drake.
Head's 8arprill' Makaa Pure,
Rich, Rtd Blood.
Tour heart works nlRbt and day
without n pause. It Is the principal
organ of the circulation of your
Wood. It is of the utmost Import
ance that It should do Its work well.
The quality ami quantity of your
blood have much to do with its no
tion. If this fluid is pure and nbun
tl&nt, your heart and other vital nr
vans act with more enerKy than
when it in defective in quality or de
Detent in quantity.
liood'a Bursaparllla, makes the
blood pure and abundant. It la the
one old reliable medicine, that has
been wold for forty years, for purify
ing: the blood. There is no better
blood remedy, appetiser, stomach
tonic or nerve builder.
lie aure your dniKRlst Rlvea you
Hood's, for nothing else can pos
sibly take Its place Get It today.
recently from the East baa
Dress Making
at 190 South 14th Street, mid
solicits all kinds of high-class
; All Work Absolutely
Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Bishop and
Mr. nnd Mrs. John J. Roberts motored
to Albany Friday to be guests of the
rercy 1 011112s tor dinner ami an in
formal dance for which they were hosts
at. their residence Friday evening. The
Bishops and Roberts drove home today.
Miss Elizabeth Lord presided over a
hraall informal dinner J-Tiday even
ing. A huge bowl of vellow pansies
and tor-get-ine-nots centered the artist
ically appointed table, which had cov
ers for Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sargent, Mr.
and Jlis. Ben O. Schucking, Mis. W.
r. Lord and tne hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. William Knighton have
gone to 1'orthind where Uiey will re
main over the week-end.
One of the urettiest and most de
lightful affairs of the week was the
informal bridge for which Mrs. George
Best was hoBtess this afternoon.
Spring flowers, pink snap dragons
made an artistic foil for the matrons
and maids to whom the hostess extend
ed her hospitality. Guests were asked
to make up four tables of the game.
Mrs. I'ost was assisted by Miss Lstlier
Hyan and Miss Ellen Thielseu.
Those playing were.
Mrs. George William Gray, Mrs. H.
J. BcliuliloriiMM, Mrs. Homer Smith,
Mrs. John Caughill, Mis. Frank Brown,
Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mis. Armin Stein
er, Mrs. George Lewis, Mrs. Louis
Josse. Mrs. George Fox, Mjss Ellen
Thicken, Miss Muttie Beatty, Miss
Kvnu and Miss Edith Hazzard.
Charming in every clctiil was the
luncheon for which Mrs. William Eld
ridge was hostess Thursday. The table
was particularly lovely with an artistic
arrangement of wall flowers combined
with forget-me-nots, and huge airy yel
low and blue tulle bows. Covers were
llaced for fifteen matrons of the
Thursday afternoon bridge club.
Lunclieon was followed by bridge
and tho favor was won by Mrs. KuIkmi
lloise. The drawing room, wheje the
card tables were arranged was aglow
with yellow ' genista. Later tiie ma
trons danced and Mr Carlton Smith
sang several beautiful solos.
The guests Included:
Mrs. Million Boise, Mrs. R. K. Lee
Steiner, Mrs. George RodgerR. Mrs.
Charles McNary, Mrs. William Dancy,
Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. I arltun
Smith, Mrs. Harry (dinger, Mrs. George
Hose, Mrs. L. f. Uritliin, -irs. mum
Diirbin, Mrs. Oliver Locke, Mrs. George
Brown, Mrs. Joseph Bauiugartuer nnd
Mrs. Edwin ,L. Baker.
Honoring their week end guests Mr.
and Mrs. Del Dinsmnre of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson entertain
ed Saturday evening with un informal
bridge party. Guests were asked for
seven tables' of the game and the score
honors were won by Mrs. Edward Gil-
liughatn and Homer Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steusloff and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas Minto enter
tained Tuesday evening with a dinner
at the homo of the former on norm
Comnierei.il street. Covers were placed
for sixteen around a flower bedecked
table prettily appointed. The evening
was devoted to five hundred and the
ard rooms were adorned with yellow
tulips and greens. The card honors
fi to .Mrs. ( vie nice nnu a. x.
Wain. .
H w
One of the attractive May day par
ies of the week was that for which
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snldig were
hosts Monday evening.
It was a truly May day aflair and
harming Miss Edna Josse, bride elect,
was Frowned bv the guests as queen
of the evening. By way ot varying
the usual diversions'a May tournament;
was held and various games appropri
ate of the occasion were indulged in.
Mr. and Mrs. William McGiliiirist, Jr.,
were awarded prizes. The rooms were
bowers of spring time flowers, with
pink roses, white carnations, narcissus
and fir boughs forming an airy out.
door buck ground for the guests.
Mis. (. J. Greene assisted airs.
Spaulding, and favors, pretty May
baskets filled with frngrnnt blossoms
were given the matrons nnd maids.
The guests iueluded: Dr. nnd Mrs.
Armin Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mctiilchrist. Jr.. Mr. nnd Mrs. l'anl
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Josse, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon MoGiuilirisl, air.
and Mrs. Llovd Mott, Mr. and Mrs
L. M. Bol'hs. Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre,
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Goulet. Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Bnul
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Alien Mr.
and Mrs. Harrv Wenderoth. Mr. an.l
Mrs. Rov Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Winslow". Mr. and Mrs. 0. .1. Greene,
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Richardson, Miss
Jennie Frv, Misa Nancy Sliaife, Miss
Edna Josse, Miss Mary Kckotiin, Miss
Zoe Stockton, Clifford Farmer, Oliver
Mvers and Charles Wilsou of Oregon
(it v.
A group of married folks gathered
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.
Stalov Tuesday evening for a delight
ful surprise party which they planned
as a courtesy to the hostess on the
occasion of her birthday anniversary.
The evening was devoted to ' '500
and the tables were circled by the E.
0. T. club, and several guests. The
card favor fell to A. L Brown.
of Pendleton, who have been the guests
of the C P. and Chauncey Bishops for
several days returned home this morn-
Mrs. W. P. Lord will have as her
guests Sunday, Mrs. Willis Dunaway
and a party of friends, who will motor
up from Portland for the day. The j on Court street was decornted with
party will return Sunday evening ac-; sprinr flowers; lilacs and genista being
eoniijanicd by Mrs. Lord who will be I effectively arranged,
the guest of Mrs. Dunniway. I Mrs. Roy Mills and Mrs. Walter
Spuuldiug assisted the hostess.
The matrons included in the Bridg
dub are: Mrs. Robert Downing, Mrs.
John Craig, Mrs. Douglas Minto, Mrs.
Homer Smith, Mrs. Charles Dick, Mrs.
E. Cooke Patton, Mrs. Ernest Tlofer,
Mrs. William Babeock, Mrs. Edgar
Hartley, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Miss Flor
ence McKiunie and Mrs. C. K. Spauld
ing.' The additional ginvtts were: Mrs.
Frank Brown, Mrs. Roy Mills and Mrs.
Walter Spaulding.
Mrs. S. Von Eschen asked the mn-1
trons of the "Agenda Club
residence for an informal sewing bee
Tuesday afternoon. Jtpriiig flowers
we're arranged artistically about the
rooms. During the refreshment hour
one of the members was the recipient
of a "huge"' birthday cake; a. little
attention from the hostess. The dub
is composed of Mrs. H. H. Yandervert.
Mrs. W. E. Vincent, -Mrs. E. B. Mil
lard, Mrs. A. A. Lee, -Mrs. J. .unis.
, . ' II... IT V 1.;.,- Mm I
jirs . d. wiser, ...r, ... . -- TaU)ot
noir, i.irs. s, c ..un.,, ...m. . .
DeLong, Mrs. C. J. Kuntz, Mrs. Ar
thur Boeschen and Mrs. Tryon who
was. an additional guest.
Absolutely . Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all pLroggists.
Patterson, Mrs. C. C. Settlemier, Mrs.
l-'iank Pavey, Mrs'. L. K. Ford and!'
Mrs. A. A. Mickel had a group of
matrons at her home for an informal
afternoon Tuesday. Limericks afford
ed an interesting diversion nnd Mrs.
Frank Davey was awarded the prize
Later a guessing game occupied the
guests aad Mrs. George Patterson won
the favor. Mrs. Mickel was assisted
in the serving by Mrs. A. J. Dwvidson.
The guests were members of the Birth
day club ami included:
Sirs. John Nuud, Mrs. Eugene Ecker
lin, Mrs. A. J. Davidson, Mrs. Georyc
An entertainment that will be clever
and of mure man ordinary socitil in
terest will he the Orpheus male chorus'
( Continued on Paae Three.)
Wedding Announcements, In
vitations, and Calling Cards
printed to your order fttthe
Capital Journal job office.
Pnone 81.
oing at Shipley's All the Time !
Women's and Misses' Coats
and Suits
Women s and Misses' Coats
The latest style expression of
the master designers of the
United States are to be found
in this collection. But no mat
ter how fine, how modish the
garments are, prices have been
reduced without mercy.
Fine Splendid Groups
$4.95, $9.75, $12.50, $14.75,
Women's and Misses' Suits
The grandest collection of wo
men's and misses' Suits that
ever came to the Capital City
is now at your service at re
ductions ranging from 30 to
50 per cent. Made of Serges,
Poplins, Gabardines and Shep
herd checks.
59.75, $12.48, $14.75, J17i0, $19.75
$7.48 One Rack of SuiU $7.48
" .11.1 II J'
He who stands still has
ceased to grow and is
only a hair's breadth re
moved 'from slipping
backward. M o t i o n is
life and to remain alive
means to keep a moving.
We're elected to remain
alive and for that one
reason alone we bend
every energy to keep
this organization on the
move every minute of
the day, and this energy
is of benefit to you as
well as to us, for a live
store means much to its
community in countless
ways. It means that
prices are kept down
and that quality is kept
up it means that you
are certain to. get the
latest that is going in
style. It is therefore up
to you in a great meas
ure to keep the "live
one's" going.
Women's and Misses' Dresses and Skirts
Women's and Misses' Dresses
No more resplendant array of
Women's and Misses' Gar
ments greets the feminine eye
than the one we have, and yet
in spite of beauty and value,
prices are cut from one-fourth
to one-fifth. Made of Crepe de
Chine, Poplins, Striped Taffe
tas and other new silk fabrics.
$10.48, $12.25, $15.75, $17.50
and $24.50
Wool Dress Skirts. 20 and 25
Per Cent Less
Gabardines, Serges, Poplins,
Golfine Whip Cords, Shepherd, .
Checks Broken Plaids med
ium and wide stripes, sport
and street styles. Every Skirt
Lingerie Dresses 30 ta 33V3 Per Cent Less
Every Lingerie Dress in stock included materials are; , i
plain and novelty Voiles Lawns, Batiste, Organdies,"
Linens Excellent styles and materials. Extraordi
nary savings.
Children's Tub Dresses
Materials are Galatea,
Percales, Madrass Cloth
Good.Ginghams, sizes
from 6 years and 16
years. Regular price
$1.25 to $1.75, now 7)c
Extraordinary Specials
in Infants wear this
lot comprises Pinning
Blankets, Flannel Skirts
K imonos- Slips
Dresses Muslin Skirts
and Pants. Some are
slightly mussed from
Reg. price 50c, 65c,
nw 24c
Reg. price 75c, $1.00,
nw 49c
Reg. price $1.50, $1.75,
now 93c
Bungalow Aprons
Good full size medium
and dark colors Per
cales, now, 3 for JQQ
Bungalow Suits
Women's Bungalow
Suits consists of Middy
Blouse and Skirt, pinks,
blues and novelty ma
terials, now
Tub Silk Waists
Another lot of those ex
cellent quality tub silk
Waists; full range of col
orings and sizes. Extra
ordinary value .... JH1.9S
Silk Petticoats 20"- Ltss
Women's Taffeta Silk Pet
ticoats with elastic fitted
top; navy, green, brown
and a good assortment of
light colors
20 Per Cent Discount
25c & 35c Wash Goods 19c
A most extraordinary bar
gain in the most wanted
wash fabrics of the sea
son; white and novelty
colored V o i 1 es, Crepe,
Beach Cloth, Piques, Ba
tistes, etc. Regular were
25c to 50c, now at. . . .Qc
Lace Curtains Half Price
Cluny Lace, Nottingham
Lace, Arabian Lace, three
and three and one-half
yards long
Special V2 Price
Three Muslin Wear Specials
Corset Covers and Draw
ers, good quality batiste
and cambric lace or em
broidery trimmed, Priced
35c and 50c, now .... .24c
Combinations, E n v elope
Chemise and Gowns.
Neatly trimmed with lace
or embroidery. Good full
sizes. Priced $1.50 and
$2.00, now flffo
Skirts, Drawers and
Gowns Materials, Cambric
and Nainsook, cut full and
made right. Priced ?oc to
$1.00, now 49c
Women's and Misses'
n Sweaters $3.95
You will need a Sweater
for your outing. Here is
just the garment for
rough wear. Gray, Ox
ford, Cardinal, White, $5
to $7.50-
Special $3.95
Umbrellas 20? Less
20 Per Cent Discount
Women's Sun and Rain
Umbrellas, black and col
ored, all silk, silk and lisle,
and tape-edge lisle. Ex
cellent assortment of han
dles School Tablets 4c
Large size, good grade of
paper, Big Bargain
Pound Writing Paper 24c
Extra quality 84 sheets
to box, Big Bargain.
Leather Bags 69c
Women's leather Hand
Bags fitted with coin
purses. Black, brown, tan,
navy. Regular prices $1.25
and $1.50, now ...... 59c
6-Inch Silk Ribbons 15c
Novelty Hair Bow Silk
Ribbons, 4 to 6 inches
wide, latest spring colors,
very big value at J5c
Women's Guaranteed
Silk Hose
Two lines of guaranteed
Silk Hosiery, broken
lines, all sizes in the lot,
fast black and black
with fancy tops. $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.50, now g9c
$1.50 Middy Blouses 79c
Good assortment of
Middy Blouses, half inch
stripes in pink and blue,
and plain middies with
navy collars, sizes 6 to
20 years, $1.25 and $1.50,
special 79c
Women's Knitted Un
d e r w e a r, W o m e n's
Vests and Pants, good
medium weight, high
neck, long sleeves, low
neck, no sleeves, 65c and
75c, broken lines, special
-3 for $1.00
Baby Cap Specials
Our entire line of Baby
Caps, in mull, silk and
hand embroidered
Reg. price 50c and 65c,
now 24c
Reg. price 75c and $1,
now 49c
Reg, price $1.50 and $2,
now 93c
Table 00 Cloth 15c
45-inch Table Oil Cloth,
wide, range of patterns.
Short length always
sold at 25c, now at. .15c
T-J u u u
U 113
J0 SIx
Child's fine Ribbed Hose
Black or Tan Broken
Lots reinforced heels,
toes, and knees, priced
up to 35c, now 10c