t THE DAILY CAPITAL JWP.NAI j, SALEM. OREG SATURDAY. MAY fi. l!Mfi. 1 sWmd - fr YOS . , K$L. J ) BOSS VMA SWEET SONG OF ' 5 k DRILLING AND TRAINING RECRUITS f - " Ant I ' (C Vt! : -r M''f N'" .... V" 1 i "J. -,. - ' 4 ' J 1 ! "ij i-' -v v'2;i-, " i r-v y.. . - - - ' -.-v 4 . j , - , 1 i i1 .;' -. - .. .' i DRILLING RRMY RECRUITS - MRJOR. GENERAL. WOOD ' Th deoision of rriJont Wilson to ko,-p Amorimn Uh,v in llrxio. the oijoot of the pnnitiv PHition hovr the xer..g of o of the men on (.o rn r j. mi, 1 ,.mliailder of the d. partmeut is "irm or inc east anil onn ur i"" "h"'1 " : . . Major Oenoral Leonard Woo.!, former chief of jfuff, in here ou horseluck The Capital Journal Want Ads Bring You Results HOUSEHOLD HINTS J BREADS White Broad In tlie evening Gin solve half a eake compresHed yeast in a little warm water. Mash three me-ilium-sizeil boiled potatoes, add about one-fourth cup miur ami a heaping tablespoonful of flour. Pour 011 just enough boiling water to- scald flour, mix well with ' potatoeB, then add enough more water to make about 1 1-2 quarts. When lukewarm, add the dissolved yeast cake and let stand over night in warm place. (It is test to mash, potatoes with a ricer, or strain the whole, before adding the yeast, as this takes out. all the little lumps and makes the brend finer.) In the morn ing the yeast should be fo.imy and ready to sponge. Add as much flour as enn he beaten in with a spoon, and stand in warm place to rise. When light, add tablespoon of lard and pinch of salt. Knead quite stiff, adding as much flour as is required. Let rise .igain. Then mold into loaves, let iso to double si.e and bake. To make 4nicben with bread dough: When ready to put bread into loaves, save out a small piece of dough, anil work in a little more shortening and sugar. Iioll out to desired thickness and let rise. When light, put on some thick light brown sugar and cinnamon. Hake alout twenty minutes. (This is delicious.) Cornbread with Raisins One pint white corn meal, two tablespoons sugar one-half teasjmon salt, one-balf tea spoon soda, one teaspoon ercam of tar tar, milk enough to make soft batter; then ctrli) one cup sevded raisins. Mix in order given and bake in cake run thirty minutes. THE TABLE Cracked Woeat Ordinary -wieat, put through the coarse grinder of the food chopper, Requires less time to cook if the grains are broken. Peach Dumpling To one can of sweetened canned peaches add a cup of water and a half x tablespoon of butter; pnt the fruit in a trauite keV tic and when it reaches the boiling point drop in small dumplings made from soft baking powder biscnit dough. Cover with a close fitting lid and cook for five minutes; serve as soon is done The fruit and liquid make the taucs for the dumplings. A favorite cold weath er dessert, quickly nude. Patty C!:-3 Recipe Heat the whites of two eggs stiff; then beat separately one whole egg nd put together; add gradually, while stirring, one-half cup of granulated sugar and one-half cup of sifted flour mixed with a level tea spoonful of baking jowder aiid one fourth cup of melted butter; fUvor with row. Nut Bread Four cups of flour, one half cup sugar, two cups milk, two eggs, four tablespoons baking powder, one teaspoon salt, one cup rbopped, nuts. Heat well, let rise twenty min utes. Hake three-quarters of an hour in a slow oven. Tig Pudding Three ounces beef suet, one-half pound figs( chopped), two and two-third cups stale bread crumbs, one-half cup sugar, two eggs, one-half cup milk. ' Chop suet and work with hinds until creamy, then add ftgs. Soak bread crumbs in milk, add eggs well beaten, sugar and salt. Combine mixtures, turn into a buttered mold, steam three hours. Cs&e and Pie Combination Line two pie tins with i rich crust ami bake just a minute or so, for it must bo put back in the oven. Then fill with the following ingredients. Put pie part first on crust, then cake part in each tin. Iie )art: One lemon, one egg, one cup sugar, one cup syrup, one cup water, ono tablespoon cornstarch, dis solved in a littlo cold wnter; boil until thickened, then let cool. Cake part: One-half cup butter and lurd, one cup sugar, one ogg, one cup water. Flour to make a nice batter and two ten sxkmisi baking powder. Pigeons in Nest Jloil some yellow macaroni gently until it is quite swell ed out and tender, then cut in pieces the. length of a finger and lay them on a dish like a straw nest. Truss pigeons with the heads on (having scalded ami picked them clean) and turned under the left wing; leave the feet on also. Having stewed them, arringo as in a nest; pour gravy over and serve. The nest may also be mado of boiled rice or bread cut; in pieces the length anil thickness of a finger and fried n nice brown in hot lard seasoned with pep per and salt; or make it of bread toast ed a yellow brown. Any sin.ill birds mn.y be stewed or roasted and served in tiiis way. PUZZLED CENSUS TAKER (C ! ! 5 $ !)t $ )jl London, liny 5 Kdmund Km son, aged ".), conscientious ob jector to army service at. Jor daus, Buckinghamshire, William Peon's burial place, told the local tribunal: "1 am quite pre pared to be shot rather than un-' dertuku auy form of military service." "If Kngland were occupied by savages I would lay my head down on a block and say: 'Here is my head; cut it off.", Kx eniption refused. CURRENT THINKINQ. "(lot ony boyst" the marshal said To a lady from oter tho Kliein; And the lady shook her flaxen head And civilly nnswercd, "Mciii," "(lot any girls?" the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhine; And again the lady shook her head And civilly answered, "Xein." "Hut some are dead," the marsluill said To the lady from over the Rhein; And again the lady shook her head And civilly answered, "Nein." "Husband, of course," the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhein; And again she shook her flaxen hesd Aud civilly unswerei., "Neiul" "The devil you have!" the marshal said To the lady from over the Rhein; And agaiu she shook her flaxen head And rivilly answered, "Nein." "Now, what do you mean by shaking your head And always answering "Nine?" "Juh kann nicht Knglinchl" civilly said The lady front over the Rhein." John (I. ,axe. A boy was recently asked to give a description of water, and this is what! he wrote: "Wnter is a white liquid j which turns completely black the 1110 . ment you put your hands in it." Kx. j Tebizoiul. The city of Trebizond, according to a statement given by our National Geographic society, is by far the most important 'furiosi! port on the lilacs sen. It is situated on the southern shore of that, sea, about iifiO miles cat of its outlet through the Bosporus. It lies about only one Hundred miles west of the international boundary be tween Hussia in Asia aud Turkey in Asia. It has always been the gateway of the overland trade passing between central Asia aid Persia und Kuiope. The fortified city of Krzcrum, which recently surrendered to the Russians, was one of the stations on the, inter continental highway The city has no direct communica tion with Asia Minor proper, except by sen, because it is thoroughly hem med in on itB western and southwest ern sides by a wntersheu so steep and forbidding that not a single river is able to break through and thus react the Black sea. Trebizond got its immo fmm the sitt untion. it originally was culled Trap e.us, or Tableland. The older part of Trebizoud is still inclosed w 'thin a wall built by the Byznntinees, but the newer part, which is the Christian quarter, is outside of the walls. The harbor is not a good one, the entrance being so filled with silt de posited by the cross currents of the Hlack sea, us to shut out any but light draft vessels. The ruad from this Turkish Hlack sea port of Krzerum is a very difficult one. It heretofore has been too much broken to admit of the transit of wheeled vehicles. In pence limes long caravans of camels followed the trail between the port and the fortress, but in recent years the railroad from Hn turn to Tiflis proved a formidable ri val for the camel, nnd the "ship of tho desert" is slowly giving way before the " iron horse.' Eermaushah. "According to a statement by the National Oeogrnphic society iu its work of following the geography of the Kuropean wur, tho Russians who ure rsriw sweeping through Persia toward Mesopotamia nro now virtuully at a junction with the Kuglish on the Ti gris at, Kiit el-Anuirn. Reports that the city of Kcrmanshnh was taken ure confirmed und from t.iat pluce it id I only about one hundred and twenty j five miles to the Tigris river, at a point annul naiiway between Duguud aii'l Kut. "The Kennanshah district is an im portant one, and offers a compara tively easy routo into Mesopotamia. The main highway between Teheran and Bagdad passes correctly through it, Bagdad being only two hundred I and twenty miles by caravan route from j the city of Kermiinshah. I "in former times this town was ik--: fended by fortifications, the wulls lie i ing three miles in circuit, but today the walls arc iu ruins und rubbish hn-i j substituted water in its moat. Tho jtoun has a population of about IU, Dim, which is about one-tenth of th.j Mul population of the province. "The plains of the provinces urn I well watered and lire fertile, whilo I the highlands ure covered with rich ; pastures which pupport liirge flock-. ot sheep und goats. "How- important the highway be tween Bagdad and Teheran, passing through Kennanshah, has been iu the past is shown by tho fait that (hi) ciiiavnus traveling between the two capitals annually carried goods worth approximately if-l,(l(l(),llilO. tho , seal tho wilder are of A CLASSIC OF KANSAS (By John J. IiigaIN) "Bluegrass." "Lying in ,u sinishi,,, uaHIBg uilll u.iiiueiioiis ot lav cely higher in intelligence (1IU,, mum leuanis ul that mimic ness, our earliest r 11....H grass; and when the fitful fever is end iuoihh wrangle of the mar ket and lorum is closed, grass heal,, over the scar which our descent jut tko bossom of the earth has made, and tho carpet of the infant become, tho blanket f the dead. Orus i, H,e fuI, giveness of nature-he, constant bene diction l-Hdils trampled wlth buttlo saturated with blood, torn with tho ruts of cannon, grow green again with grass and carnage is rorgoltcii. Street i abandoned by traffic become gras, grow n like rural limes und are obliterut,. ed. iorests decay, harvests perish flowers vanish, Out gruss is immortal' Uelengured by tho sullen host, of win ter, it withdraws into the impregunblo fortress of its subterranean vitality ami upon me i,rst solicitation spring. Sun-n by tho winds, by wandering bird r,....... , 1 ... subtle agriculture of the elements which, are its ministers and servants, it soft ens the rudu outline of the world It hears no blazonry of bloom to char,,, the senses with frugiaucc or splendor, but its homely hue is more enchanting than the lily ur the rose. It yields no jMMt 111 enrin or air, snd yet, its harvest mil for it sing y,.r would depopulate the world." of tho should fa mi 110 "I wish to complain," said the brido haughtily, "about the flour you sobl me. It was tough." "Tough, ma'uinj" asked the grocer. "Yes, tough. I made a pie with it, and my husband could hardly eat it." Kx. Try Capital Journal Wart Ads. T