Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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Vhat Is Done That Your Mail
May Be Delivered to You
at Your Home
In onliT to keep a record of tlie wnrk
dime ly tin' rural carriers tlirnngliout
the ruuiitry, tlie N.rnf fii-c lt-j rt
at Wasliiiiclmi requires that a monthly
record lie kept every fourth month ty
rural Furrier, xhiminjr the number !
jiicees of mail rarriril, weight, nnmher
of hours worked, number of families
and boxes served, ami tlie nniouiit of
mail colli-Hcd. Kaeli carrier tmt ulnu
hlion how the deliveries are made and
the capacity of hi wnnn or nutmno
Idle. And lie cannot use an nuto unless
Riven permission ly the (lepnrtinent.
I)iirint,' the month this record is kept,
the report in turned in daily.
Eight nun and one woman deliver
the country mail for Salem, those on
routes six. seven and nine delivering
liy auto. Mrs. ((race 1'iih on route nine
lias what is termed the lightest of any
finite, and she travels in an auto, work
iny seven hours ami four minutes as u
daily nvernue.
I.vnmn McDonald, route three, mioht
lie termed the hardest w.orked man on
the joli. He delivered more pieces than
any, Ufil7, and carried out on one
(lay the heaviest mail, 1,173 pounds. His
working hours were also the longest
diirint; April, with an average of nine
liners and l'i minute. He had more
families tn serve. X"i, and had to stop
tit more boxes than any of the other
furriers, his lioxes numlierino; 27S.
(I. I.. Fisher, mute six. came next to
IdcDonnld ia the number of pieces de
livered, ns lie handed out l.ll" pieces
of mail ilurin)! April, hut this mail
neighed :).-- pounds, compared to Mc
Donald's 2.Si!. His heaviest day's
work was when (ifi'i pieces were deliver
ed. Mr. Fisher travels in an auto and
for this reason works on an average of
(even hours and 2J minutes. Last
January, during the rainy weather, it
required an svrr.ie of nine hours nrnl
21 minutes, nlthnuuh he had about l.l'tiO
more iiees to deliver. He has "i!0
customers at the state penitentiary, and
this is one of the rea'ons his collected
mail weighed '2'M pounds for tho April
.fames Albert, route five, ranks third
when it comes to the number of pieces
delivered during the month. The five
(date institutions that he serves re
ceive considerable mail and they send
nit extra mail, as Mr. Albert collect
ed' 'J.ii-O pieces, which is u lot more
Hum any of the other boys collected.
He gets nway with the job by an liver
itge daily work of nine hours ami V.'
minutes, just four minutes a day less
than Mcllouald work-.
F. I.. South, route seven, is next in
Hie number of pieces delivered, and hi
record for the mouth is about like this:
Number of pieces delivered. Hi. .'ill: to
tal Weight, 2,71. 'I pounds; largest Millil
iter of pieces colic, ted any one (lav.
SU'.i; heaviest mail carried out any one
day. 2n pounds, and this is heavier
than any oilier man carried on one
da ; iivcruge time 01' working, eight
hours and Mil minutes; served 2s I t ain
ilies with 2.".2 boxes; collected 2.1!t
liicics of mail weighing 'J.'IO pounds.
(ieorge Litchfield, route 'four, comes
next in the number of pieces handled.
ITi.Sln. This mail weighed 2.0'm pounds:
the greatest number carried on any one
day was SOU, and his heaviest mail any
day was Ibl pounds. The families
H'rved lire 2!i"t, in 2.".2 noxes. Konte four
did not do nun h letler wnflng during
April, as but l.."ivt pieces were collected,
weighing 2i'4 pounds. Knule four i
jiist an average job, although the 2!'."t
families is next to McDonald's .'!."!.
Percy I'ugh tl'nvclliuo on route sev
en in an aulo, ranks sixth when it
comes tu the number (if pieces delivered
during April, and he aUo manages in
gel away with his job by working sev
en hours and one minute on the aver
age, which is something none of the
others .an do. Mr. l'ugli earned his
monthly salary by handiag nut l."i.4l:!
pieces of mail weighing 2.2.II pounds;
by serving 2'iO families in 2L'0 noxes
and by collecting 2.tl.'i!l pieces of mull
weighing Hid pounds,
.1. A. Heiningloii on route one. ranks
Kcvcuth when it comes in the number
of pieces delivered (Inline, April, but he
rualis first when the weight of mail
collected is considered. His record for
the test month stands ns follows; Num
ber of pieces. I;l,272, weighing 2.171'
liniinds; biggest day's work when 72!'
pieces weie delivered; worked a daily
niernge of eight hours and 112 minutes.;
ncncil lio families wild loll boxes; col
lected LP 1.1 - pieces oi mail Weighiug
4111 pounds.
t'harles liiasher, route two, gets off
pretty easy when it conies to the tiuin
lirr of piece delivered, lie works in
l'olk county on the Oak Grove road,
coming back on the Dallas road. Mr.
Urasher earned his April salary by
making the following record: Delivered
r.V'iio pieces of mail weighing l.ii.Vi
pounds; the biuge-t day's work was in
(leliorving HtM pieces weighing 177
pounds;, worked on an average of eight
hours and 21 miiiiiles. which is about
an average; served 210 families with
boxes. Collected I.O'U ldeces of
mail which must hne heen mostly let
ters an the weight was only SO pounds.
Mrs. Ornre I'ugli, route nine, rides
iu an auto and delivers for the lightest
mail route out of Salem. Although this
in a light route, it selves more families
than routes five or one and Ins riore
lioxes than either of these routes. M'.
I'ugli V record for April is a follows
I'ieces delivered. 10,215; weighing I. l'i 1
pounds; heaviest day's, work, 8'
pounds; worked seven hours and four
minutes on the average, which i three
more minutes n day than did Mr. Tugh;
delivered to J 78 families with lt5
Ivoxes: collected l2S pieces weighing i
I'hiladelpliia, May fl. Tlie onthiucite
coal miners injreriiictit Willi opeiatnn
ratified nt l'ollswtle was formally
nigned lo re today by representative of
the ojierators and miner.
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