Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 11

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Dpori IV
Former Salem Smoker Top
liners Win Honors at the
Rose City Smoker
t one of the best Bmokers ever
staged in Portland -Al Sommcrs and
Billy Mascott, both well known in Sn
Jcra, emerged victorious from . their
bouts. Mascott boxed the headliner
with Karl Conner, of Tacomn, and won
tho decision of tho judges after six fast
Tounds. The "triple umpire" system
was used instend of a single referee in
ihn riner as there was some dissatis
faction with the work of Referee Jack
Ia this bout the boys agreed to fight
themselves free from the clinches and
this made the bout slow and Mascott
did not show up as the tast boxer inai i
he has in former bouts where the ref
eree forced a clean break. Mascott
was clearly entitled to the decision,
however, though Conncrs showed him
self to be a fast boxer and willing to
mix it at all times.
The feature bout of the evening was
the six round go between Valley
Trambitas and Al Sommcrs at 158
p - unds. The big Doys stepped into it
from the start and wasted no time in
clinches. It was slam bang from the
tap of the gong and the fans witnessed
a rare cxhibiton. The first two rounds
worn about even though Nommers did
nil of the leading. The third went to
Trambitas, who Tenehed out with a vol
?..v nf rights and lefts that forced Al
to cover. Sommers eamo back in the
fourth and smashed the Roumanian's
nose and also gained tho lead in this
round. The last two rouuds were easily
Brimmers' The three judges w-ere
Frank Chance, manager of the Los An
eeles team; Walter McCredie, manager
of the Portland league team, and Jimmy
Cnsscll. Their vote was two tor bom
mors and one a draw. The decision was
well received.
Danny O'Brien won a-decision over
Paul Steele, o'f Taconia, which caused
the crowd to howl their disapproval of
Refereo Grant's decision. O'Brien and
Steele are both keen scientific boxers
but the worst that should have been
Iinndnd to Steele was a draw.
Jimmy Moscow was beaten by Billy
Nelson in six Tounds. Moscow boxed
several preliminaries in Salem last w in
ter and Billy Nelson was one or me
mirminnls in the nlleeed smoker that
was held in the Moose hall last week.
Jack Allen and Jack Ryan, at 140
pounds, and Sammy Gordon and Billy
Ryan, at 110 pounds, were given maws
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings,
W. L. Pet
Los Angeles .....17 12
Kan Francisco . . IS H
Vernon 1
Bait Lake 12 "
Oakland 1 '17
Portland 10 15
.4 SO
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland No game with Los An
geles, wet grounds.
At San Francisco San Francisco, 3
Onklnnd. 2.
At Los Anneles Vernon, 6: Salt
Lake, 1.
National Lea git 3.
Brooklyn 3
Boston 8
Philadelphia 8
Chicago 9
St. Louis 10
Cincinnati . ... 9
, Pittsburg 7
New York 2
American League.
Washington U
Cleveland 12
New York 9
Boston 10
Chicago 1"
Petroit 9
St. Louis 7
Philadelphia 5
Vernon hammered out a win in the
first frame, gathering five runs on three
long drive from Jack Warhop's de
livery. Ernie Johnson kept Salt Lake from
bothering Vernon all the rest of the aft
ernoon. His curves had a rattlesnake
twist that made many Be swatters
think there was a hole' in the bat.
The Senls wasted a good many hits
r.ut beat Oakland 3 to Z.
.Terry Downs kept San Francisco from
tallying more in the ,h when he feU
asleep between second 4n
d tnira nun
Salem and St. Helens in Inter
City League Cast Their
Eyes Skyward
The prevailing leaky skies today do
not indicate that there will be any base
ball game tomorrow but the fans hold
out an optimistic view and if the sun
smiles a bit this afternoon the game be
tween the Senators and the St. Helens'
team will come off according to sched
ule. The park is being worked over to
present a better playing surface for the
diamond and unless more rain falls the
park will be in good condition for to
morrow's eame.
Salem inherited two defeats when it
entered the. Intor City league but they
do not intend to lose any more games
this season and although only one ot
the other leaeue teams has appeared
at Jerman Park the indications are that
if Salem does not con the bunting that
thev will be in the. race to the tinisn.
Ono postponed game, however, will
not ruin Salem's chances and even if
the "No game Rain" sign is hung
out tomorrow the Senators promise to
come back stronger for next Sunday's
Captain Humphries announces unit a
few new faces will pronauiy ne seen
in the lineup for the next game and
every effort will be made" to present
the strongest possible ream ior buu-ui
this season.
if thn o.une is rilaved tomorrow ac
corHincr to schedule. Wayne Parham
will twirl and Hauser will work behind
the bat. Jones and Humphries will
work at first and second and Miller will
dig 'em out of the dirt at short. The
thir.l station aecnt has not yet been ap
pointed. Mickel, Adams, anu oeu ut
Ka.niark will make up the Qui Item. ,
Salem Motorcycle Club
To Play Jetterson
The Salem Motorcycle Club Baseball
Team has signed up for a game with
Jefferson at that city tomorrow, ine
MntnrcvHe Mioues won from Jefferson
a few weeks ago and the Jefferson lads
have been honing tor a cnance io re
deem themselves. Weeks will twirl for
the speeders and Phillips will appear
on the other end of the batttery.
It has been announced that Dayton
will meet the motorcycle club team the
following Sunday, -May J, nmi
nronki. will furnish the amusement the
next Sabbath day, May 21.
An eastern paper says:
There was once a minister of the gos
pel who nover built a cliuicn; j
Who never preached in a church;
Who never proposed a church tuir to
pay for the flows witn which
church was received.
Who never founded a new sect;
Who never belonged to any sect;
Who never received any salary;
Who never asked to. ne,
Who never wore a black suit or a white
Who never used a prayer book, or a
hymif book, or wrote a sermon ;
Who never hired great musicians or
singers to draw people to hear the
Wurd; ' . e
Who never went thiough a course ot
theological study;
Who never was ordained;
Who never was even converted;
Whose abiding places were always am-
Who made no distinction between sin
ful men and sinful women;
Do you know who this strange preacher
Yes, Jesus of Nazareth.
two down and rubbered to see whether
a fly could be snared in tne oumuiu
It was not caught and Jerry could
have scored easily if he had Kept on go
ing. He halted at third.
Vnn nt Portland saw a fine rain
.TMinnr C.ranev. of Cleveland, started
swatting rally in the sixth that licked
the White ox.
who used to perform out
here, went into the box to save the Red
Xnr when the .Highlanders rallied in
thirteenth but he only arrived in time
to be pelted with torrid drives and
New York won, 6 to 4.
The mighty Hans Wngner contributed
to the Pirates' defeat at the bats of the
Cubs when he fumbled an easy pop fly
that Saier lofted. Archer's double
cleared the sacks and gave Chicago the
Ther had two home runs, three triples
I oo u .
WiU Try To Play It Today-If
Oregon Wins One of These
It Clinches Title
C'orvallis, Or., May Wet grounds
aused the postponement of Friday's
baseball game between O. A. C. and the
University of Oregon. A double header
will be played this afternoon, weather
permitting. First plaee in the Western
division of the Coast conference and a
trip to California to meet the Uni
versity of California hinges upou the
coming games.
One victory will give the title to the
uuiversitv team. The university play
ers worked out in the Armory this after
noon. Sieberts will pitch the first game
for the Aggies, opposing Tuerck. Doo
little will hurl the second game. Local
fnns believe the Aggies are due for a
reversal of form and stand a fair
chance for a double victory.
Denver, Colo., May 6. All Freddie
Welsh needs to do to grab off $S,000 is
sign an agreement to box Ad Wolgast
Alay 30. JiOCal figtit promoters an
nounced today that they had tele
graphed such an offer to Welsh but had
not yet received a reply.
Stanford University, Cal., May 6.
Stanford will not play American toot
ball, even as a minor sport, it was an
nounced today by the executive commit
tec of the Associated Students. The
committee has iust rejected a resolu
(ion presented to it that the American
name be permitted on the campus be
cause of the fact that, nearly half of
the voting studeuts recently favored
that game. The cardinal will stand pat
on rugby.
Marshfield, Or., May (i. The Oregon
"blue law" of JSu4 will be invoked in
an effort, to stop automobile races
scheduled to bo held here tomorrow,
Rev. K. H. Campbell announced. Pro
moters of the races declare they will
proceed despite the threatened prosecu
tion. .
Indianapolis, I ml., Jliiy (I. Thirty
racing drivers will start in the Inter
national Sweepstakes here May 30. The
entries include Dnrio Restn. Harney
Oldfield, Gil Anderson and Eddie ilich-
New York, May (i. Joe Steelier, the
sensational Nebraska grappler, and
Alexander Axberg were matched today
to wrestle in Brooklyn. The date will
bo set later.
Chicago. May 6 Joe Steelier threw
William Pemetral twice in 9 minutes
and 40 seconds here last night with
body scissors and wrist locks.
Here is a model of a graduation frock j
so simple a clever girl can make it Her
self. Thi material is white voile in
serted with fine vnl. The surplus waist
has a vest trimmed with tiny buttons,
and the girdle is wide white satin rib
bon crushed and tied on the left side.
Organdie is also suitable for this design.
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Swiss Owe Country
By William G. Shepherd.
.(United Press Staff Correspondent.).
Berne, May 0. ''All Swiss owe their
country a military service."
These are the first wolds in the Swiss
military rule book.
We haven't uny book printed in the
Unit d States, available to the musses,
that says any such thing.
these words democratize the Swiss
If the United States were to be forc
ed into war, our regiments would be
omninmlcd, in fhe main, by the young
men ot our rich families. This hap
pened in the Hpunisn-Amcrican war.
1'olitical pull, based on wealth and
influence, placed in the hands of almost
any rich young man who cared to as
sume the responsibility, the lives of
some hundreds of jjood average Am
erican citizens.
This couldn't happen in the Swiss
When a Swiss iioldier goes nut to
fight, he knows he is under a trained
officer, selected by experts and tried.
Just being rich doesn't get you any
where in the Swiss army. Being rich
doesn't keep you out of the army,
cither. It isn 't any training of the
Plnttsburg camp variety that takes you
to the top in the Swiss army. It's
brains and ability. The Swiss rule is
that everybody must start in in the
As a man shows special adaptabili
ty, he is FORCED to take special ex
aminations for promotion. Ho cannot
refuse a promotion.
The examinations are rigid; the kind
social pull can't overcome. Tho result
Civil Service Positions
Offer Small Salaries
A clerk, qualified to speak modern
languages docs not stand very high
from a salary standpoint, according- to
the civil service positions offered, and
for which examinations will be held at
Seattle May 17. In the lobby of the
Salem postoffiec is posted notices of
examinations for civil service positions
to be held within the next few weeks.
The clerk who can qnli'fy with several
modern languages is iworth from $000
to $1000 to the government, while n
heating and ventilating engineer is able
to start in nt $1200 yearly, with some
thing better in Bight.
A stenographer and typewriter, good
for field-service is valued at. from '$000
to $1000 a year, while a general mech
anic for the India service can start at
$800. The sum of $40 a month and
subsistence, the government figures is
enough pay a woman who can qualify
as head nurse, while a market station
assistant can earn $N3 a month as a
starter, and within a few years work
up to $115.
A shop apprentice is put down for
from $480 to $540 a year and a govern
ment printer can work, ut the rate of 00
cents per hour.
Examinations for tiicse and other po
sitions will be held in Seattle May 17,
and any one interested, can get infor
mation nt the Salem postoffice.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor and dnu
ghter have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
M. H. Austin in Woodbum this week.
A large number 'from hero took in
"Peggy" in Woodbum Tuesday night.
Jolii Hcnimingston stepped off a
moving ear here Sunday and fell on his
head and shoulders. He sustained a
scalp wound and was bruiscu about an
arm. He was assisted to the Moberg
Bros, ranch and tho next day went to
Woodbum for medical treatment.
While Charles Vincent was making
garden imnday he uncovered a., pack
age containing three bottles of beer.
Some one had evidently hidden tiiem
when the saloon closed lust Decem
ber and had either forgotten the cir
cumstance or had never returned to get
the stuf.
Wm. Collinson was operated on in
Portland ior an abcess. Jack Johnston
and Johnny McCormiek also were on
the operating table there. All are re
covering. Felix Choquette expects to conduct
a pool hall and soft drink place t but
Mrs. Alary Orcgorie will open in the
old saloon building.
Mrs. Charles Vincent who has been
ill, is able to oe out again.
Mrs. A. Mnrzinawihi who has been
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Wolfe, will leave this week for Akron,
Hugh Murphy and family have re
turned from Portland. w
Miss Iwnn Miller, of St. Louis, was
l..e week-end guest of Miss Helen Scol
lard . Wood burn I n d e j o n d c n t .
Sarah C. Skeen, who died April 2S,
1011, was born at Oregon City, June 5,
1849. From there she moved with her
parents to a donntion land claim at
Parkersville, where she lived until she
married Dedrick Skeen in I8O1!. Mr.
.skeen passed away eight months ago.
To this union was born one son, who
passed away two years and a hnlf
ago. Mrs. Skeen is survived by two
grandchildren, Cassfe Skeen, and Alta
Hutchinson of Liberal. Seven sisters
and two brothers also survive Mary
Orocbong of Albuny, Jane Wade and
l.ouciuda Simmons of Parkersville,
Hariet Oroshong, of Wilhoit, Tabithn
Stephens and Anna Siegmund of tier
vi. Margie Becker and Pan Webb
of Woodburn, and lrnnk Webb of Sil-
To Military Service
is that, whether a youth comes from
the poorest or richest, he must be what
ever his ability makes him.
The rich man's su may remain a
private all his life while the sou of a
poor man in the neighborhood may be
his military superior.
Only a democratic army like this,
military men in Europe say, is safe
and strong. There is rottonness and
fatal weakness in an army where bo
cial position and wealth avail.
In Chiasso, Switzerland, I saw the
clerk in Luigi Cortl's grocery store
out on the sidewalk in his sergeant's
uniform, just as the son of the village
banker went by in his automobile. The
banker's son saluted l.ugi's clerk, be
cause the clerk's uniform indicated
that Lugi's clerk was a better man, as
a soldier, than the banker s son.
And in any country that does want
to keep alive and n-nole must hnve
plenty of citizers who cait become full
fledged soldiers at a moment 's notice
Looking over the armies of Europe
which I have seen, i am led to believe
that the American military system is
the worst ot them all.
It's a dangerous system, with lend
ership based upon many other things
than ability.
It is permeated with politics. From
this distance and this place, it looks
like a papier mache revolver that will
make the other fellow shoot but that
can 't be shot itself.
It, isn't the fault of our standing
army or of our army men. It's the
fault of the American citizen, who
doesn't realize that he isn't the
straig'itest shooting, finest musceled,
best soldier-material in the worm.
f 5
Canadian soldiers in the trenches in
France are seen herewith using tne per
iscone and wearing the new steel hel
mets which have been found to be a
good protection against some varieties
of shell fire. The Cunadiiin regiments
have recently taken part in some very
heavy fighting.
Quinaby News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
(Jiiinnhy, Or., May tl. Quinaby has
its first roses, the same being pink Her-
mosns that appeared May Last year
the, first appeared April 115. J tic sea
son npM'ars a trifle backward but
farmers and fruit growers believe that
the yield in all lines will be excellent,
although the grain does not promise the
phenomenal yield of last year.
Monroe ("iterbak of Monroe, Benton
County, has returned to his home after
a few days visit with his son Ival Ut
terback and his daughters, the Misses
Velva and Ellnmny, the former a teach
er in tho Perkins school. Mr. Utter
back is enjoying his first vacation in
twenty yenrs, having been engaged in
railroad work for that length of time.
He did the first work of the Oregon
Electric, renewed the Salem city lines,
removed the horse car lines from Al
bany and, did important work at
A son was born to Mr. ond Mrs.
Ahner McKnight at their home at
ItWph, Tillamook county, April IMith.
They were former residents of this sec
tion", Mrs. McKnight being Miss l.ula
Marshall before her marriage.
verton. She also leaves mini r
friends to mourn her loss.
The funeral was from the residence
on Lincoln street, Sunday, at 10 a. m
in chnrffe of Kcv. L. C. Poor. Inter
ment was at Canby. Woodburn Inde
New Today Ada, one cent pr
At r 't
: -
5 v. -.v. ;v,e:,.J
Explaining tho disaster on the New
Haven ruilroad at Bradford R. I., in I
which five persons were killed audi.
wenty-cight injured. Engineer Charles
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MiiuMield of the Hilt Edge Express, signal of the flagman, the danger liglit
which crashed into the rear of a locution the home signal tower and the rM.
train on the main track in the station ; lights on the rear of the local tntin.
Addresses Puzzle the
Bright Jixie" Clerk
The local postoffice continues to re
ceive letters that are wrongly addres
sed, and with 110 return notation in
the upper letf. hand comer. i,oiwe-
quently, somebody is looking for a letter
and there is no one to blame except the
writer. A letter addressed "Mr. Oscar
Salmi, School district No. 5ti, West
Point, Oregon." was held up tor a bet
ter address. If any one happens to
know where school district No. 0b, West
Point, Oregon, is located, they might
outer a faver by wru.ng the "nixie"
man at the Salem postoffice, for he is
the man who lays awake nights trying
to get mis-uirected letters on their way.
Another letter was addressed ".Miss
Violet Shepard, Brooklyn, near 20th
street." That also is too much for the
nixie" clerk, and the letter is now
held up for better directions. Also, 11
letter addressed to "Miss Elaine
Brown, 840 Military street, Salem, Ore
gon." A return address on the upper
left hand corner would make lite more
cheerful for the postoffice employes,
ami also insure the return of the letter
if misdirected.
Whipped Into Insanity
By Brutal Father
San Francisco, May G. Amy Kohl,
pretty 17 year old girl, lies 011 the
borderland of insanity at the Central
Emergency hospital today as tho result
of beinc lashed nearly 100 times with
a rope. Fred Kohl, aged 5.1, father of
tho girl, is under arrest charged with
battery. According to the charges
made to Mrs. Kate Sullivan, juvenile
probation officer, Kohl became angered
when his daughter did not get out of
bed when he ordered, and commenced
beating her.
Washington, May C. Pretty debu
tantes' sub-debs (and some who arc
pretty only in society magazines) to.
nether with much orm.v ana navy goi
braid, were on display here today when
the annual .National ( upitnl tlorso
Show opened with more than l,0no en
tries. The show clontinue Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Jake Hafner was a Salem visitor on
last Friday.
Mrs. Mary Biirkhnrt, who has been
visiting her sister Mrs. J. C. Schiiuller
in Salem is now visiting her sister Mrs.
A. Schnb nt Aumsville.
Mr. ami Mrs. henry VonBchren were
Salem visitors lust week.
Miss Mury Burkhart visited friends'
in Mt. Angell Sunday. Stnytou .li,il.
C'orvallis, Ore., May C Salem high
defeated the t'orvallis high 011 local
grounds yesterday by a score of 7 to 2.
rri .1 I cl,, I,..-
V"s "I,1"" ,; w-r ...' : t " i",;.
.n:. .-,1 v i.:..i. ii,..tu iii !,
Vllllin UU'i J,"R' II'. DV .....
at Eugcno today.
Dallas, Or., May 5. The proposition
of the Salem Commercial club to advo-
R.fZ.fiT aRftDFQfZP, g
at Bradford, says that the distance sij;-
mil east or the tow n indicated that i o
, , . . , ..,,T..f ..n;u;,,u.
1C K,,t.,ilv SHw through tho fog til
TfrEAft kPMlk.nL USH&
Weighty responsibility rests upon it'l
.American army and navy officers 0.
high rank and few have heavier bur
dens than Rear Admiral Nathaniel .
I'sher, commandant of the New fii
navy yard in Brooklyn, the largest i
Americu. The navy yard, where ut prci.
eat are docked the strongest vessels n(
the Atlantic fleet, is the most clo. ly
guarded and thoroughly patrolled reset
vntion in the eastern part ot tho eoti"
try. In addition to the regular mnri:-,'
guard, ijoil bluejackets from the train,
ing ship Muine and the eleetri.-ul schtj. I
are on duty to see to it that no pei "ji
not officially connected with the iiuw
1 1 or possessed of credentials signed b
tut; cuuiuiii iitt it 0 L 01 lilt: Jtii't cult I .
Attorney For Slaughter
Fined for Contempt
Oroville, Col., May fl. Refusing Is
cease interrupting District Attorn"
Leonard who was questioning 'iertrudfc
Lnnison, chief witness against Re .
Madison Slaughter in his second trir.l
on a charge of attacking her, Pefen-,t.
I'ounsel liny Kennedy was fined I0
for contempt by Judge Gregory toduj.
The defense completed Its cross-exam
ination ot the Lnnison girl during tK
forenoon session.
fiertrude Lanison, on redirect exam
ination, testified that her mother h;t I
forbidden her to see Assistant District
Attorney Harry Davids when she fii-l.
made tho charges against Slaughter an,
had severul times refused to let Pavidt
tne I1UUSH miiiuuv n vju
in the house without a eonrt order. On
I the other hand, the attorneys for tbr.
tli'tense were nllimetl to see her ut uif,
time, the girl testifii-d.
cute before the nest session of the
legislature tin act providing for tH
state publication of all textbook mew
with, a cool reception it the hands o"
the meiuber of the Dallas eonuiH'rck'l
j body last night.
1 1; t . . . . ,
,i it