Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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W. B. Corsets Onyx Hosiery Xtra Good Clothes for Boys
I Quick Moving Prices for Slow Going
Stock Clearance Prices on Allt
Women's and Misses' Suits, Women's and Misses' Coats, Women's and Misses'
Dresses, Women's and Misses' Waists, Women's and Misses' Skirts, Women's
Stylish Millinery. Just visit this section and see the great opportunities for
saving big money on your purchases. Come and see for yourself. You take
no chanses when you purchase here for we guarantee quality and satisfaction.
Special Mention
New Assortments Ready for Selection
A complete stock of the new Middy Blouses, many kinds.
;: Women's new dainty Dresses of Voile for Summer, in plain white flowered
effects and stripes.
New Brushed Wool Sweaters (the latest) in newest shades.
Excellent showing of the new Auto Hats.
Women's and Misses' Bathing Suits in plain colors and pretty combinations, tf
Women's new linen Dresses in the newest colors.
New nifty Sport Suits of Wool Jersey Pongee
Crepes. Very attractive.
-Crepe cle Chine and Japanese
Wednesday Surprise Sale
Women's Good Grade Muslin Corset Covers and
Drawers-Extra Special at 39c Each
Very neat, well made garments are offered in this
surprise for next Wednesday. Embroidery and
lace edged Corset Covers with pink or blue ribbon
and embroidery edged Drawers. Supply your
Muslin Wear needs of these in this event and make
a saving. See the window display. On sale next
Wednesday 39c Each
New House and Porch Dresses of good grade Ginghams and Crepes priced
from 98c up.
Dependable Footwear at
Meyers Season's New
est . Styles Well
Wouldn't it be nice if
everyone knew what
real foot comfort is?
Unfortunately a great
many many feet are fit
by inexperienced shoe
sellers who do not un
derstand the fitting of a
shoe or who have never
made a study of the
Human foot. A great
number of the
aches and pains could
be banished and sore
and smarting feet made
happy if proper care
and attention were giv
en to the shoe customer.
We are prepared to give
the right kind of service
to every customer who
enters this store. Men's,
Women's and Children's
Footwear of quality at a
reasonable p r i c e fit
correctly to your foot.
This season's latest
styles are here see the
new white washable Kid
Shoes and Pumps for
women. We guarantee
satisfaction remember
that. .
Season's Newest Parasols
A beautiful assortment of
the new styles black and
white effects in stripes and
plaids plain colors, dres
den border effects, etc.
Canopy, Jap and regular
models. See the window
Men-Buy Your Straw or Panama at Meyers.
It is to your own interest to pur
chase here. We show the most
favored styles of Men's Summer
Hats in many shapes the qual
ity is exactly what it should be
you'll be entirely satisfied if you
buy here Straw Hats at $2.00,
,$2.50 and $3.00. Newest Pana
ma Hats at $5.00.
New Sport Shirts, New Neck
wear, Summer Underwear, Bath
ing Suits These new assort
ments are ready for you.
k v j . n -v. v t jr,,. , t v- n
Interesting to Motorists
in Particular to Every
One in General
A New Assortment of
Indian Robes Auto Robes
and Steamer Rugs
Those who moter will en
joy selecting from this
splendid assortment. A
good robe will last for
years and can- be put to
dozens of uses for va
cation at the beach or
mountain resort, for the
lawn or picnic, for the
auto or buggy, for a
couch cover or bed
throw on cold nights,
for the poiich swing or
for tbe canoe, its uses
are almost endless. The
new colorings and de
signs will appeal to
everyone for they are
very admirable. Priced
very moderately. On
sale in the Auto Acces
sory Section on the sec
ond floor.
May 5 and 6. May festival at
Willamette University.
May 0. Salem Floral Society,
at Commercial Club.
May 8. Founders' Day cele
bration at Champoeg.
May ti. Marion County Parent
Teachers' associations meet
at Salem high school.
May ?-10. East Willamette as
sociation of Congregational
dist chureh.
May 10-11. Orpheus Male
Chorus benefit at Oregon
May 13. Juvenile Artisans at
opera house, with l'ortland
Juvenile Artisan band.
May 13. Marion county inter
scholastic track meet," Salem.
May 17. (Hee club anil young
ladies club of Willamette
University at First Metho-
Majr IS. tilts' Home-coming
May 19. Primary election.
M.iy 30. Memorial Bay.
June 2. High school commence
ment exercises at Armory.
Land plaster at Cherry City Flouring
W. W. Moore, of the Moore Furniture
store, believes that furniture as well as
other merchandise is likely to advance
in price and for this reason has been
buying bureaus and chiffoniers in car
load lots.
Summer time is Hoover time, ask W.
flahlsdorf for a free demonstration
How to really clean house.
The Huie Wing Sang company, a dry
goods store at 2!)1 North Commercial
street, is closed and a notice posted
on the door stating that sealed bids
would be received up to May 10 for the
stock appraised at 3,100.!)i) and fix
tures valued at $73.50.
Aladdin Aluminumware, a complete
line now on display at Win. Guhlsdorf
the store of houseware.
W. C. Knighton, former state arclii
tect, is in Portland, registered at the
Cornelius hotel. He hus been visitinc
! several months in the east and south,
and according to a Portland building
Wll UUI UILC3'- :
I aivni
4. II3IUI. I
I.. C. Cramer, of Corvallis, is in the
' Clifford Brown was in Portland yes
terday. T. B. Kay was a Portland visitor yesterday.
Lester Swarts left for Hombrook this
Miss Clara Nixon, of Corvallis, is in
the eity.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Foster, of Eugene,
are m the citv.
N. M. Newport, of Lebanon, was in
the eity yesterday.
Ale nnn lro V I. I laf l.-hnih nm
vi-iting in Portland. iin vom- lells's tllllt Rat-1" tlil't or that.
H. F. Mclnturff was in Wilsonville i wll,'"n ,',c ","t 'o''"9 K; ''' an.t
yesterday on business. !''., . gie.you my ,1. years ot
-Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Robinson are in'i'V ..M' r.;.,....
Seattle for a few days. lot. 1,n' correction ot detects
O. W. I.usk was a ' Salem visitor ves-, ot vision,
terdav. from Silverton. ' ou ar,e """"j''1 10 mf '"-
L. A. Harcole. of Euirene. was rosr-! '"-T I"""" u,,u,y "' 'oireci-
istered at the Bhgh yesterday.
I make a specialty of fitting genu
ine Kryptok lenses for far and lieu
vision. With Krvptoks you do not
need two pair of glasses, or have line.
C. P. Bishop went to Portland this
morning on the Oregon Electric.
J. V. B. Butler, teacher in the Mon
mouth Normal school, is in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin (iriffirh ami
daughter went to Portland this morn
ing. Mrs. Rox Xoal, of La C.rande, is in
the city, a guet at the home of C. E.
Mrs. J. Mead and Miss Muriel Mend
left yesterday fur their home at Battle
Creek. Mich.
il. J. Kpitzhnrt, of West Salem, Uft
this morning for Portland for an ovel
Sunday visit.
Mrs. Z. J. Biggs and mother. Mrs.
Janet Waller went to Portland this
morning. Mrs. Waller is on her way to
Knoxville, Iowa, for an extended visit
with her mother and sister.
The following Salem folks were in
Portland yesterday: Louis I.achmund, !
at the Imperial; Chas. H. Jones. Nor-;
tonia hotel; C. R. Parks and wife, at:
the Cornelius, and D. H. Mosher, at the!
Portland. I
ing the detects ot vision.
' do nottrse drops or drugs in m iking
examinations, as they are- (litncrout.,
ami 1 guarantee satisfaction in every
Doctor of Optics.
Offices: 210-211 XJ. S. Bank Building,
Phone 110.
T. J. Shipler wib. noid an auction
sale Wednesday, May 10, at the Chau
tauqua stock farm, half a mile north
from Salem on the Wallace road and
two miles west. Twenty-five head of
high grade livestock will be sold. All
stock to be sold has been state tested.
United Artisans, to the number of
125, went to Dallas la-st night to at
tend a special open scssioi at the Dal
las armory. The Court of Legends, the
juvenile department of the Artisans put
on tneir ritualistic work and "The La
trade journal, contemplates opening an I Area Club" their drill that won them
office in Portland, although no official j first prize at the Artisan convention in
San i-raucisco last August. The address
of the evening was delivered by II. S.
Hudson, supreme master Artisan. After
several musical numbers, the, evening 's
entertainment closed with a dance.
AH Aro
tied Town
Dr. Mandelsoliri. inertoJInt. fiia crlau.
s correctly. V. 8. Bank. Uldg.
O. C. Card well, a former Salem resi
dent, now of Bend, is in the citv for a
few days visiting friends, on his way to j
mums inns io nitenil as ilelegutes the
Ktato grange meeting, May D-Jtt.
DeonstraUon of National Biscuit
company's crackers, cnkie and wafers
Haturdajr May II. Their representative
will nuhe special price during tho dem
onstration. C. M. Roberts the Court St.
Crow. mavO
Dr. Btona'g drug nor.
The report of the condition of the
l.itud Bush bank, at the close of busi
ness May 1, is printed in today 's Capi
tal Journnl. It shows totnl
of $3,l!l,0,;Hll.:i0, Ami deposits aggregat
ing over $-',400,UiMj.
We have brought you Ice competi
tion. Its now up to you to support
tho ew company 1o retain n regular
moderate price with perfect service,
l-ity Market Ice & Coal Co. Tel. 474.
I -
Never miss the auction sales. I'll pay
you the highest cash price for your
furniture or 'll same on commission.
F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer,
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescrip
tion, tf
"Kentucky Bello" is the name of
three act comedy to be presented
Macloay Saturday, May 13, at the
grange hull. The circulars announce
that there will bo "three hours of solid
fun and amusement uud a dance after
the show."
Dance at Turner May 6.Salom orches
tra, liood floor. mn0
While others are reducing we are
increasing our stock. There's a rea
son i ask us, (lardnor & Keene, jewel
ers and opticians.
The rainfall during tie past 24
hours preceding the time of making the
daily record, which happens to bo at 8
o'clock each morning, was .24 of nu
inch, making n total so far this luon
of .31 of an inch. The river is rising
with a stngo this morning of S.8 feet
above low water mark.
Dr. Stone'i Drag Store for trasses.
The public library ia very gla4 to re
ceive old numbers of magn.ines for
which you have no further use. Do not
throw them away but give them to the
hurary. If you have no wny to get them
to the library call up the library and
they will send for them.
Dr. R. T. Mclutirt, physician and
surgeon, "14 Masonic bblg. 1 hone 410.
Our price are tight, no reduction
ovh ry . Gardner & Keene, jewelers
and opticians.
We can save you money on garden
hose, Nelsxm Bros. & Patton, plumbers,
303 Chemcketa St. Phoue 1006. tf
Dr. O. r. Holt, who will represent
the Pirst Baptist church, at the North
era Baptist convention, which meetsjn
-Minneapolis, Minn., jlay 17 )14, will not
leave this week as announced. He will
fill his pulpit us usual tomorrow morn
ing and evening. He does not start
for Miuenapolis until the afternoon
May 4.
Karl Nengebauar, watchmaker and
jeweler now with the Central Pharmacy I
Salem Bank of Commerce Building.
may 6
Ten cent a pound sugar ia not only
a possibility but a real probability. An
other advance was announced this!
morning although this time the advance
was only 13 cents a hundred. Accord
ing to the wholesale market sugar
should be selling at S.S0 although there
is a variety of prices, some of the groc
ers shading it a few cents.
Make the Capital Hotel your head
quartera while in the city. Rooms ."it!
cents up to $1.00. Special weekly rates.
Opposite Bush's bunk. tf
Elmer Johnston, the two months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. f.. E. Johnston, of
West Salem, died yesterday morning.
The funeral was helj today, with burial
id me independence cemetery.
Dr. Stone i Hev Dropi cures
heaves. Price $1; for sale by all drug
gists, I
Tour suit pressed 60c Phone 43. 1
announcement has as yet been made.
Buy la Corona cigars to take along
on that trip ind you will not be dis
appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, missionaries
from Santabnrba, will conduct their op
ening meeting ns new superintendents
of the iSnlcm Commons juission Sun
day at 3 o'clock. They have 10 years
experience in religious and social up
lift, and come well recommended.
Friends are urged to attend their wel
come meeting.
Wedding and graduating gifts, Mrs.
.Teaks china will be on sale at the
studio, until further notice, ti'i) N. Cot
tage St.
The Salem. Rifle ust is making a
good start for 100 members, as 11 more
were added to the membership today,
bringing the total up to 70 members.
The committee in charge suggests that
others interested notify George C. L.
Snyder, as the list o'f names will be sent
in to the war department Mondav even
ing, and from this list there will be
issued guns and ammunition.
You can live without a Sonora Talk
ing Machine, but you would enjov liv
ing with it. Mvrtle Kiiowliind 4'J1
Court St. l "IJjg
Roy Hickson, who has been a member
of the Salem fire department for the
past year resigned today to leave for
Detroit, Mich., where he will go to work
in an automobile factory. Hickson w"
leave Portland for the east tomorrow.
Emmet P. Johnson, who has been serv
ing as extra man, will be appointed
regular 'fireman to fill the vacancy.
Your suit pressed 50c. Phone 43.
Your public library wants the hack
numbers of your magazines which you
usually throw away when you clean
house. The library can make good use
of the old numbers and will be very
grateful for any vou can send. Tf vn'n
have no way of getting them to the lib
rary call the library up and they wi
send for them.
Mrs. "Bob" Fitzsimmons, former
wife of the ex-champion prize fighter
will speak at the First Baptist church
Monday evening at 7 :.'!. Mrs. Kitz
siuunons h is had a remarkable career,
French countess, opera singer, ring
side sport. S'ie was converted under
very unusual circumstances in Los An
geles. California, about five months
ago and is now engaged iu evangelistic
and rescue work. She is a pleasing
speaker and has A thrilling and helpful
message. There is no admittance but a
silver offering will be taken.
"Robin Hood," the most successful
comic opera ever written by an Ameri
can, will be given uy the Hugh school
students under the direction of Miss
Minetta Magers on the evening of Wed
nesday, May 31, at the high school audi
torium. Giving this opera is a 'pretty
big undertaking for high school stu
dents, but already the solo parts have
been mostly committed and the choruses
are getting dow n to hard w ork. Today
the chorus practiced 'four and a half
hours under the direction of Miss V
The May day breakfast at Willam-
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ora .
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.;
Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30.
Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m.;
Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40.
Phone 13
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Ed Jernian has establishea a record
as a bass fisherman that will probably
stand for some time iu local sport nn
nals by landing a black bass weighing
seven pounds mid five ounces with n
No. 5 trout hook. Mr. Jernian cuugl'
the fish yesterday in the slough alotiir,
t!ie shore on Miuto's island. He Inn
baited his hook with a minnow an. I hud
no sooner tossed it into the water than
ette "university yesterday morning w as I "' D!!s swallowed the hook and about
a great success," over 300 people being & foor of line. The huge etach was
present to enjoy the delicious waffles , "t o be 'dragged over the side into tin-
nam and other dainties which were noat so .lerman was obliged to run
served by laughing young maidens, aground and wade out where he could
over .fo.-j was tanen in ny t lie young
ladies and this sum represents clear
profit ns the materials wore furnished
gratis by the merchants of the city.
The money will be used bv the Y. W. ('.
A. in their work, securing speakers for
pull the fish upon the land. When he
dragged his eaten a safe distance fion
the wafer he dropped the pole and
killed the fish with a icnce mil.
If an automobile stands too long iu
their meetings during the coming vcai 'front of one's premises, or rented build
to nddress their meetings. ling, the owner of the premises, or tei-
0 ant or agent mav order the machine tc,
In order to determine who's who injbe moved, and if the driver does not
the chess field of Salem, a tonrnn-' comply, he is subject to n lino of from
$2 to $2;, according to the ordinance;
which will come up for final passage ui
tke next meeting of the citv counci;.
ment is now on at the Commercial club
to which anyone who thinks himself a
first class player is entitled to enter.
as me oi.ject ot the tournament is to! The auto mav be ordered nwav bv tlic
find out by a series o games, who can owner, tenant, agent or police office
make the best average. The contest lma ! miWn o nrm;t ;.. i...
T1l rill. CKnUoIsm Tn.V.. ft. !!..,.. .. ..!.... II... ... ., . . ', . h .
jjumuci vu. me. -vii on pin. t. .ii.ij x ami win close .Mav en. iu oilier wor.ls, no auto can nniKc
now- prepared to bid on all kinds of I 20. Those who have already plaved are ' a stand in front of a business house
building materials. Hive them a trial. ; Baumgartner, Bourne. Byrd, Dick. Civ-j unless written permission has been gi
.! S. V.in or phone MX ens. R. Miller, A. X. Moore. R. Monres. ; en by the owner, tenant or agent. TJieiv
,. . . TfTr, Plants. Roland. Ryan, staley. Stonier. ; is an old ordinance anplving to ex
....,,.. Foww.tc it, i.iuhii.. Hcsuicotr. joscpn ii. .- pressmen, nnd this was introduced to
ive been invited to attend i n wl.- 1 Urt v,- l r -i. t ... I . . . . ., , . ... .
.,1,11.1 mm miner, i.asi apply to ine later nietnous ot travel
mclit eight tables were playing. and getting about.
have been invited to attend in a. body
Sunday evening and witness the film's
to be shown at the First Congregational ,
cmucN, snowing wnaiine government is
doing in its most up-to-date postoffices
iu the east. The films are the property
of the government and are only shown :
ny special permission. The same films
will be showli this evening at the
Endeavors Attention I Special mass
meeting will be held at the First Con-1
gregntionu! church at 5:30 Sundav
evening. Miss Kstelln Ford a Christian
Fndeiivor espert will be main speaker.
Miss Ford is a very able speaker ami
a true live wire. There will be many
helpful points brought out thit everp
endeavor should know. Special music.
Kverybody welcome and bring some
body with you. Make this meeting a
gmnd success.
Mrs. Bob rttisimmons, former wife
of the famous champion prizefighter,
will speak tomorrow afternoon at the
Y. M. C. A. mid Monday evening at the
First Freshyterinu church. .ome time
ago Mrs. Fitjsimnions was converted,
nnd since then, has bceii on the lecture
platform. It is understood that she will
tell her storv, which under the circum
stances shauid be an interesting one.
Your suit pressed 50c. Phoue 43.
our flour
38 Salem Grocers Carry Oar Line-38, Ask For It.
Tip Top Selfrising Pancake Flour,
Oregon Graham, all hard wheat,
Oregon Wheatola for your breakfast.
Mfg. By
Cherry City Patent Flour Mills