Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1916, Image 1

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Washington Officials "vonsider Incident Closed German
Press and People Pleased With Reply and Hopeful It
C Would Be Satisfactory to Americans Matter Can Only
Come Up Again If Germany Renews Submarine War On
Merchantmen English Blockade To Be Tackled Next
! ! . By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.) .
Washington, May 6. The submarine issue is closed, in
the view of President Wilson's advisers today. No com
ment was forthcoming from the White House. So com
pletely do officials in touch with the situation consider the
issue disposed of that it was
by the president.
Secretary Lansing may issue a statement calling atten-
.tion to the essential point that Germany ordered its sub
marine activities confined to vessels of war. This is the
essence of the reply, officials say, and leaves no actual
The issue will remain closed, it is believed. It is felt
that Germany will not reopen the case by resuming its un
dersea warfare akainst merchantmen. Officials believe
every care will be taken to prevent commanders from vio
lating their instructions, and see danger only in the fact
that the submarine commanders are mostly young and
some of them perhaps difficult to control.
But Germany having once quit submarining merchant
men, no high official regards it within the range of pos
sibility that she will resume such operations.
By Carl W. Ackerman
(I'nited Press Stnff Correspondent)
(terlin, May (i. American circles to -
day pointed out the importaTu-e of the
pence feature contained in the German
reply to the American submarine note,
They exprssod the belief that Ptesi-
dent Wilson has a great opportunity
to bring the war to ;in early end.
Some person even suggested that the
lime wns now ripe for Colonel House
' to again visit the Kuropean capitals.
Newspapers here praised the Ger
man reply and expressed hope that it
would witinl'y President Wilson and
the Americans. There were no adveise
Newspapers admitted th.it Great
Biitain .would vigorously oppose the
effort by the United States to curtail
its bloclinde of the central empires. It
was pointed out that the blockade is
as valuable to Great Britain as the sub
marine v to Germany, and that it will
require .in unusual pressure from Amer
ica to force Hie British to a strict
riiiiiplinnce with international law.
The Tngehlntt repressed a hope that
the note would accomplish its purpose.
The Lokal Anxeiger hopes that it would
Mitisfv the Americans and congress,
even if it did not satisfy Wilson.
The Vossiehe Ziotung emphasized the
charge that Wilson is one sidedly uou
1r.il and added that Germany had made
.-in honest and earnest endeavor to
avoid a break.
Imperial Chancellor Von Bethmann-
Holhveir. Foreign Minister Von .Tngow
Von llidferrich and Admiral Cnpelle
addressed a secret meeting ot the
liichsta' coinmitte at the note and
the reasons fur t'.ie government s course
a is explained.
England Disappointed
By Ed L. Keen
(Fluted Press Staff Correspondent)
London. Mnv (i. Dispatches from
It's gittin' so you fRii't tc.ll bv th
phnj. bills whether a Mar is eoniin'
t' town on th' hoof or on th' film.
Th' whole country seems t' be cou
tttsmlly iu th'5 attotude o' waitin' t'
ee what women are guin' t' ab
breviate next.
m "
I liV I f II
said there would be no reply
Washington reporting the probable nc-
ceprniiee of the German submarine note
1 reply by the United States government
J brought disappointment to. Great Br;t
lain tod-y. The morning newspapers
published longthp editorials and
agreed almost unanimously tu.it the re-
plv failed to meet the American de
mands. Tho press expressed concern
over the concessions -conditional on n
change of British methods.
The only paragraph satisfactory to
London was Germany's declaration
that concessions made wouM prevent
the prolcingitiou of the war. Critics
seized upon this as an admission that
Germany is highly alarmed over the
possible effects of America's entrance
into the war on the side of the allies.
The Post and the Chronicle agreed
that Germany was prolonging the ne
gotiations again.
Eighth Execution of Rebel
Chiefs, Two Others Had
Sentences Commuted
N Dublin. Mnv l! Inhn McHii.le Sinn
Feinn leader, has been shot, it wa
officiallv announced todav. This was
the eighth execution of Irish rebel
chiefs. Two others condemned to die
hail their sentences commuted to life
McBride is a former Boer leader. Af
ter the Boer surrender, he eseajied to
Palis. Later he toured the United
States in the interest of Irish borne
He returned to Dublin und'r the pro
clamation of amnesty to Boers. The
Piitish foreign office has not yet an
swered Ambassador Page's inquiry with
regard to James M. Sullivnr, former
American minister to Snnto Domiugo,
reported arrested among the rebels iu
Dublin. Dispatches said he had been
taken into custody on suspicion, and
that lie would bo released if there was
no evidence against him.
McBride married. Maude Gonne,
known as the "Irish .loan of Arc''
while in Paris. She" accompanied him
to the United States, also making homo
rule speeches. Later she divorced him.
May Day Festivities
Postponed by Ram
The Willamette Mav day festivities
were not held today on account of the
rain. The crowning of the queen was
to have taken place yesterday but the
inclement weather caused it to be post
poned until toiluv. Last uigtit ut the
junior play Manager Lyons, who has
charge of the May day ex-reises, cn
nounceil that the crowning of I ho (ween
would take place the first nice day next
week and school would be he'd on Sat
urday to nmke up tor the lout lay.
President Doney sanctioned this idea,
and if the weather is Rood on M.inlay
the coronation ceremonies will be held
at 1 o'clock on the campus.
Two Clarke County Men
Mysteriously Disappear
Portland, Ore., May C. The myster
ious disappearance of two prominent
Clarke county, Washington, men, un
der similar circumstances at about the
same time, hns resulted in an exhaus
tive search. Though both have been
missing more than two. weeks, not the
slightest trace of them has been found.
W. R. Canfield, a rancher, left his
home to consult a physician in Portland.
'After he boarded the ferry at Van
couver he was never seen again by any
body who knew hint. His brother, Dr.
A. I,. Canfield, of Portland, hns dis
tributed circulars throughout the north
west offering a reward for his return.
April ID, L. T. Va never, 73 years old,
of Ridgefield, Wash., boarded a steam
boat in Portland to return to his home.
He has not 4een seen since. His friends
and relatives .'ear foul play.
Schooner Leanore Taken by
British Cruiser Off the
Mexican Coast
Washington, May C. British cruisers
captured the schooner l.eanure 'flying
the Mexican flag, and said to be owned
by the Herman vice consul at Guaymas,
it was reported to the navy department
today by Admiral Winalow, of JSan
The I.eanore is u gasoline auxiliary
schooner, slightly over .100 feet in
length und has flown the Mexican flag.
She formerly was owned by Frederick
Jebseu, well known on tuw const. He
was a German nnvnl reservist aud is
said to have returned to Germany to
'take command of a U-boat. He was
once reported killed, but this was later
denied. The Lcunoro as been used as
a Mexican troop ship plying between
Guaymas, Topolohnmpo and Mazntlan.
Know Nothing of It.
San Diego, Oil., May 0. Local navy
officials told the United Press today
that if the nnvy department reported
the capture of the schooner Leunore
from this port, the message was bundled
in code. They know nothing of the re
ported affair, they say. Adinirul Wins
low is ut San Francisco.
R. II. F.
New York 0 8 U
Boston 1 8 1
Markle and Xunamnker; Foster and
Thomas. Shawkoy replaced Markle;
Pen nock rcpluced Foster; Agnew re
placed Thomas.
Harper and Henry; Bush and Schnng
Avers replaced Harper.
R. IT. E.
Cleveland 4 7 1
Chicago . 1 9 1
Morton and O'Neill; Scott, Dnnforth
and Schalk. Cicotte replaced Dan f orth.
St. Louis-Detroit postponed, rnin.
. H. E
Boston 7 12 1
New York 0 1!? 2
Rudolph and Gowdy; Tesreau, Perritt
and Kuriden. Anderson replace 1 Fer
ritt. R.TT.E.
Philadelphia 2 8 1
Brooklyn 3 12 0
Mayer and BuriiH; Pfeffor and Mc
Corty, 11 innings.
Cincinnati 7 9 S
St. Louis 2 8 1
Schulz ami Wingo; Doak and Snyder.
Williams replaceu Doak.
k. n. f
.3 G 1
.17 2
Adunis and
Chicago ,.
and Archer;
Calls On President
In Interest of Peace
Washington, May 6. Monsignor
Bonzaao, apostolic delegate to Wash'
ington, called at the White House today
on a secret mission. Later it was
learned he called in the interests of
pence at the request of the pope. K
did not see the president, but con
ferred with Secretary Lansing. N'o
stntetneut was obtainable, but it wns
learned on excellent authority that
, Honrano left message regarding ac
tion which the president, might take to
ward securing peace. The visit, in con
nection with peace paragraphs in the
German note, caused a sensation in or
1'ii ih lilora.
Ill MM
Patient Course With Mexico
Pleases, Convincing Them
of Our Good Faith
Obregon Then Withdrew Ulti
matium Agreement To Be
Signed Today
Washington, May 0. South
America bus tiie greatest con
fidence in the good faith of the
United States toward Mexico.
Any action taken will be receiv
ed without question there.
This was the statement today
of Senator Fletcher, returning
from South America.
"South America," he said,
"thinks that the p.itient course
of the United States toward
Mexico is ample proof that it
doesu 't seek to dominate all
the Americas. Many South
Americans feel that we have
gone as far as we can to save
Mexico from itself, and that .ill
we can do now is to withdraw
or intervene. Hither course
would not be disapproved."
Bn E. T. ConWe
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
El Paso. Ttxas, May (I. General
Hugh Scott expect, to sign todnv th
agreement which he entered into with
General Alvaro Obregon covering the
operations of American troops in Mex
ico. Whatever obstacles prevented
Obregon from signing yesterd.iv are
believed to have been overcome today
and it was expected he would meet
Scott iu a final conference without fur
ther hesitation.
Obregon declared that his message
from Carranza were garbled and that
this prevented the sea ling of the agree
ment. Officials did not credit this,
however, asserting that Carranza prob
ably hoped the German reply would af
fect the situation.
Circumstantial accounts today re
vealed an interesting phase of the pre
liminaries. Scott sent O. P. Brown,
agent of the war department, to .luirez
to "throw tin fear of God into the
Mexicans' hearts," before the first
conference, according to these reports,
Brown failed to find Obregon but con
ferred with General Gavira and Cou
sul Garcia, giving them Scott mes
sage. He communicated a warning
that the United States would no longer
tolerite anarchy in Mexico and that
if the Mexicans continued their atti
tude of nssertiveness anil defiance, the
next two venrs would be blacker than
lSlli und IH47.
Despite this, Obregon made a sweep
ing demand in the tirst conference, it
was learned, issuing a virtual ultima
tum for the withdrawal of American
troops from Mexico. Scott's attitude
was effective, and iu the second con
ference Obregon was ready to "talk
Negotiations proceeded rapidly with
the understanding that tiie United
Stutes forces would quickly clean up
northern Mexico,
Heports from Mexicans who assert
that Francisco Villa is near Knntingo
I'appusqniuro, Durango, H00 miles from
the border, ami i)00 miles south of the
American untwists, did not agree with
General Pershing's advices.
Washington, May (1. Conces
sions by Great Britain iu dis
putes with this country were
much discussed today. The re
luxation of the British blockade
announced by Lord Cecil almost
coincident with the yielding by
Germany iu the submarine crisis
was regarded as significant.
At the same time it wns of
ficially announced that Great
Britain had yielded to Presi
dent Wilson's demands for the
release of Germans and Aus
trian taken from the American
liner Chinn on the high seas. As
a result it was pointed out that
the ruling affects several other
, blockade orders which must be
abrogated. This was regarded
as a hopeful peace sign.
Bollingham, Wnfh., May 0 After 5,
OlKj volts of electricity passed through
his body Harry Tttcura, enginepr in
the Pugei nound Traction, Light Pow
er company plant here, ia still alive to
day, One hand wns burned off. It ir
beiieved he will recover. He pulled th.
wrong switch.
Pope Asks President
To Aid In Bringing
the War To An End
Washington, May 6. A long com.
munication to President Wilson from
the pope urging the president to mak
strong efforts to keep America out of
the war wns delivered today at the
White House by Monsignor BOuzauo,
apostolic delegate.
His mission-was most confidential. No
word of the details of his purpose were
forthcoming from the White House.
But it was ascertained the pope feels
he must have the cooperation of Presi
dent. Wilson in order to bring an end
to the war. .
It is understood that the '''peace
paragraphs" in the Oerman reply were
rtrerrca to in the communication. This
papal communication, in connection
with tho reply and receipt of dis
patches from Europe announcing furth
er activity of the pope with certain
German dignitaries for the apparent
purpose of paving the way for peace
caused a Rreat stir in officialdom.
Pea:o talk took precedence over tho
German-American situation.
Not Up To Their Traditions,
As fighters Lose Respect
of Their Allies
Seattle, Wash., May 0. "The Eng
lish are a decadent race, and the knell
hns sounded for them as a great na
tion." After len months in the British field
hospital service of northern France, Dr.
Waldon Hicli'irdson, an American surg
eon, has just returned to Seattle with
thut firm conviction.
"T went to Europe decidedly pro
British," he declared, "but I have come
back virtually neutral.
"I saw eiioush at the front, in the
trcii5h.s and hospitals to eradicate
",v,"7 favorable prejudice I had enter
tuined for the English
"As fighting men, chcy have not
lived up to their traditions. In the
hospitals the wounded have shown how
little resistance the Londoners have.
And as allies, they have not won the
respect of the French.
"And I bilirve from nil the evidence
T saw nt the front that her colonies
will divorce Kngland when this period
of horror has r,ns?ed. Canada and Aus
tralia, almost certainly.
"The ( atikiliuns have been disdainful
and !vcn hostile to the English officers
whose bombast has made enemies in
stead of friends amon the allien.
"Tho colonial British, however, the
Cnnadinns and Austrnlins, are mag
nificent men and splendid fighters, im
bued with a sportsmanship and democ
racy entirely foreign to their island
"Of all the warriors ia Europe today
I should place the Canndians lirst and
the Gcrinuns second.
"The French are splendid when they
are winning, but become despondent
when losing."
Dr. Kichurdson "was id a tinned for a
time nt the Etablea hospital baso of
the Brititth.
Thousands of wounded came under
his personul care.
He believes tho war will end in a
draw, Germany losing her colonies but
gaining Belgium ami French territory.
Paris, May 0. French troops wi
forced t'o evacuate pnrt of their trenches
on the northern slope of Hill 301 and
keystone positions northwest of Ver
dun under a most violent uttuck, it was
officially admitted today.
The Oerninn attack was The most de
terminer! assault on Hill 301 since the
bnttle of Verdun started. The troops
fought desperately ull day .yesterday
and throughout tho night. They were
still at it when the statement was is
sued. Preceding the German advance,
massed batteries of heavy calibre guns
concealed behind the hills hurled tons
of shells into the French trenches,
blasting them to debris. This was fol
lowed by a rain of gas projectiles, suf
focating the survivors who still clung
with great brniery to the wreckage of
their defenses.
As part of the trenches had been
pounded into utter ruin, they wero con
sidered untenable and were evacuated.
F.lsewherc, however, French batteries
of the famous "iseventy fives" sta
tioned on the summit of the hill and
iu adjoining positions checked all at
tempted advances.
lnst nieht Germans determinedly at
tacked positions in the woods north of
Hill 301. Ther succeeded in crossing
the bullet swept area between the
trenches but when they reached the
French pits and barbed wire entangle
ments in the woods they . were con
fronted by a bristling array of bny-
This Plainly Indicates Germany Is Amious For PeaceIt
Says "Germany Has Twice Oifered to Make Peace" and
That She Yields Because She Believes Prolongation of
the War a Calamity These Are Taken to Mean An Ap
peal to This Country to Take Steps That Fill Step
the Carnage
By Robert J. Bender,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington,. May 6. The official text of Germany's
reply to the American submarine ultimatum was received
here today and President is formulating his decision on
the momentous issue.
Unless the official document differs seriously from the
press version it is a foregone conclusion that danger of an
immediate break has passed. This conclusion has the gen
eral approval of congress, the cabinet and others of the
president's advisers.
From the large numbers of telegrams received at the
White House during the night it appears that the country
is satisfied that Germany made a concession precluding all
possibility of a break unless it fails to live Up to its
Germany may be said to be again on probation. Time
will tell whether it deserves this chance, according to the
view here.
With President Wilson's decision, the Lusitania case
will pass into history. The last obstacle in the Lusitania
negotiations will be removed when the president approves
the new orders putting freighters and liners in the same
class all subject to the rules of search and seizure before
Officials guardedly indicated that something may re
sult directly from Germany's plain indication that it is
anxious for peace.
The conference between Ambassador Gerard and the
kaiser suddenly looms large in the minds of officials. It
had not been seriously thought that the emperor discussed
details of the submarine issue with Gerard. Since the ar
rival of the reply there is a strong belief that peace may
have played a promnient part in the conference.
Germany's nilniission that she twice
offered to make eaco ami a declara
tion that she yields, because she be
lieves prolongation of the war a ca
lamity, these if not actual indications
of Apprehension for the future are ap
peals to this country lor aiiiruiiHue
steps that will stop' the carnnge, ac
cording to belief of German as well ns
administration, circles.
It. mnv bo snid authoritatively that
some persons close to the president be
litve he should tentatively sound out
the belligerents on the question of
possible peace ami result of the Germ in
One of these said: "We hear in this
no voice of the braggart or the bully
but the voice of a nation sick anil tired
of the endless fight. It is the heart
ami soul of Germany spcukiug whut it
The .president for more than n year
i i.w.i:.....i tr. .ef..f lii. ueri-icfw tn.
ward peace. I'ntil such iction is sug -
gesteil to him by a belligerent, it is
believed he will make no move. This
suggestion, in the minds of many, has
como. Whether the presilent will so
regard it remains to lie seen.
Much probably depends on what
Ambassador Gerard communicuted with
regard to his conference with the kais
er. The contents of his communica
tion on that point lire closely gnnrded.
In the meintime the president will
not, act in this direction until ho hns
Market Is Stronger
and Prices Advance
New York, May The New York
Evening Sun's financial review said
"There was a speculative impressioi.
on the market despite the short com
ings of tho German answer. The fact
that severance of diplomatic relations
is averted for the time being was re
flected in a further advance. Then
was active professional buying am'
heavy short covering influenced iuitiul
gains anil ranged from a fraction in
standard issues to two and three points
in specialties. Wide openings feature.,
a number of conspicuous stocks like me
ri no issues, steel, united fruit and til-
cinlo steel. Tho initial pace was rapid
and invited profit taxing and market
ing of shares purchnsed to support the
general list in yesterday's early break.
As a result there wus a reaction before
the first half hour ended but the mar
oncts and repulsed after bloody hand
to hand fighting.
Fresh German divisions were brought
up on Thursday to purticipate in the
assuult. They buffered crushing losses.
determined whether, he can with dig
nity accept the new German pledge as
wholly apart from its discussion of the
British blockade. Tiie official text is
practically indenticnl with the press
text, it was said.
To Stop Where They Started
Palo Alio, Oil., May 8. "Peace sug
gestions mule in the German note to
the United States are not in such shape
na to be of any value," declared Dr.
David Htnrr .Ionian, chancellor cmer
itiiM of Htanford University tudory.
Tho noted pence advocate- osserted
that peace could ouy le effected if ull
n.itions agreed to go back to where
they were before the war began.
'The allies," said Dr. Jordan, " wilt
not consider any proposal that does
not include the restoration ot Belgium
and northern Frame. Conditions on
the eastern front woulit aiso nave iu .
1 adjusted by an iiitei uution.il eomn.is-
" 1 think Germany should say square
ly that it is ready' for a consideration
.ft I.,.- ..f i,i.nee" These terms should
I ;..!. u dm Avnc.iintion of Belgium ami
northern 'France. Another eondiUo:i
should be an agreement on the part of
Great Britain to return all of Gcrm.inys
colonies. Peace at present, can only
become, a reality when the nations
agree to go back to right where thry
w"'re when the war started."
ket displayed no weakness and poo
activity was resumed in a numoci
specialties including Mexican petro-
leuin, wtiicn weni iu i u....
before. As far as can be determined
from outward observation, the dealings
were largely professional. Activity was
well maintained toward tho closing
half session but business was poorly
distributed. Dealings converged large
ly in special issues. oiunuaru rai.a
were dull. Wheat und cotton went
Oregon: To
night and Sun
day showers;
southwest e r 1 y
wind, moderate
near tho coast.