Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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If "'".ir-v wW"" All
IIsmB iSliilisiiiiiii liiiiMiiiiiil
British Seize American
Schooner Off Mazatlan
San i'riimisco, May I. The Ameri
can schooner Oregon owned by the
Crowley Tugboat coinpinv of Sun Finn-cisi-o
lias heeii sci.cil by the Jlritis'i
cruiser ltuiiihow off the Mexican coast
near .Mn.iillnu, it became known here
today. The Crowley company is milk
ing representations to Washington.
It iH understood that the commander
tif the Hritish warship charged the
Oregon was .Oiling (leriiinu interests.
.Another report said that the vessel was
chartered to German representativs.
Wife Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Des Moines, Iowa." Four years ago
I' was very sick and my life was nearly
spent, ine doctors '
stated that I would
never get well with- I
out an operation
and that without it
I would not live one
year. My husband
objected to any
operation and got
me some of Lydia L.
Pinkham's Vegetu- (
ble Compound. I took
it and commenced
to get better and am now well, em
tout and able to do my own housework.
I can recommend the Vegetable Com
pound to any woman who is sick and
run down as a wonderful strength und
health restorer. My husband says I
would have been in my grave ere this
if it hud not been for your Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. Blanche Jeffer
son, 703 Lyon St., Des Moines, Iowa.
Before submitting to a surgical opera
tion It is wise to try to build up the
female system and cure its derange
ments with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ; it hag saved many
women from surgical operations.
"Write to the I.j dliv E. l'lnkliiuii
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for
advice It will be confidential.
li il
1 xv. i
i-.. x. A
If 'W ft
and Coal Company
Salem people now have ICE competition some
thing that it has needed for a number of years. We
have received a royal welcome. We have established
one price to all residences and make special rates to
large consumers. Our delivery service is perfect,
courteous drivers and very obliging. Ice delivered
in regular ice wagons. Use our coupon system and
save much inconvenience and money.
Phone for your ice card or watch for the big white
wagon as we deliver to any part of Salem. No order
too large, none too small.
Until Cottolene was offered, people thought and
rightly that most fried foods were greasy, indigest
ible and unhealthfuL But Cottolene was quickly
found to be a frying aid which actually made foods
better tasting and better to eat
None of the good flavor of the food is allowed to
escape; the cooking process is rightly finished and
the digestibility of the food is retained along with
tempting taste.
It is this natural quality of Cottolene which also makes it so
superior for pies, pastry, biscuits, cakes and all shortened foods.
Try Cottolene order a small pail from your grocer. Then
arrange with him for a regular supply.
Write to our General Offices, Chicago, for a free
copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS."
(Med ford Mail-Tribune..)
Congressman ArcArtinir, of Portland,
iH given a column space in Collier's
because of his speech against granting
independence to the Philippines. This
fact is evidence of two things: First,
the value of Collier's editorial page,
anil, second, that Pat is a dark-horse
caniliilatu for presidenr.
The mellifluous orator prates elo
quently of American investments m
those 'islands.- Who are the invcstorsl
Is there a citizen of Oregon among
thcmT The investors are the sugar n Nil
toliacco magnates, ami timber specu
lators of the east, who got in early in
McKinley's time when the grabbing
was good, and who want to stay till
they reduce the Filipinos to the econ
omic, condition of the HawaiiauH.
The taxpayers of the Cnitcd States
have spent illll.tlllD.DIKI improving those
islands, and what have the people got
out of itf That half billion dollars
would irrigate 10,0(10,000 acres of arid
lands and make honun for 12!i,000 fam
ilies on Ntl-uvre farms. They are spend
ing moneys for that purpose la aiiada
an. I Australia and Kgypt.
Hut wo have spent one-half billion to
hold some islands 8,0110 miles from our
shores, because our big exploiters want
a chance to plunder Asia, and some sen
sation to keep the people from thinking
of domestic questions anil their own
The nlunderintr in that part of the
globe is good. A Belgian banking house
that financed a railroad in China a few
years ago of several hundred million
made a rake-off of JO per cent.
A large number of patriotic citizens
have an idea that the "open door" in
China means an opening for American
manufacturers. They lire foolishly mis
taken. It is the open door to the pub
lic, treasuries of those countries that is
Selling goods is too slow for our rul
ing plutocratcy. Oil mid steel are side
issues now which with Mr. Rockefeller
and Morganmere incidents to their
greater business of niiylng mid selling
and taking mortgnes upon races, na
tions and continents.
The statesman from the Oieoninn bat
tling for the retention of the Philip
pines, is a situation as inspiring as the
ass in Aesop that pretended to assist
the lion in driving all the other auinals
out of shndcliind.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Shipley's clean cut sale on
Women's, Misses' and Chll-
dren's Coats, Suits and DresBesi
Means a lot to you.
i in
v ; t 5-
Merlin, May (. (Via wireless-
to Savville, I,. I.) Russian
revolutionists have started a
great fire in Moscow which
spread to the administration
buildings. The blaze is still
raging, .iccording to dispatches
from Stockholm today.
;: ;::;;
Given By Many Salem People.
Kxpericnccs told by Salem people
Those who have had weak kidneys
Who used Donn's Kidney Pills
Who found the remedy effective -Such
statements prove merit.
Von might doubt an utter stranger.
You must, believe Salem people.
Here's Salem proof. Verify it.
Itend. Investigate, lie convinced.
You'll find why Suleni folks believe
in Doun 's.
.lames llatchelor, K. Mission St., Sal
em, says: "Dean's Kidney Pills are
in my estimation a very reliable kidney
medicine and I don't hesitate to recom
mend them to my friends. I took
Doan's several years ago for lameness
across my kidneys and ut that time my
kidneys were more or less irregular in
action. Dona's Kidney Pills soon over
come that trouble and since then I
haven't been bothered by my kidneys."
Price !0e, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. llatchelor had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Huffalo, N. Y.
Chicngo, May 4. Settlement of the
International Harvester company strike
was predicted today at a meeting be
tween strikers and representativs of
the corporation.
Drink Glass of Hot Water Be
fore Breakfast to Wash
Out Poisons
To see the tinge of healthy bloom
'. in your face, to see your skin get
! clear and clearer, to wake up with
i out a headache, backache, coated
i tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to
j feel your best, day in and day out, jiwt
try insidebnthing every morning for
one week.
Before breakfast each day, drink a
' glass of real hot water with n teaspoon-
full of limestone phosphate in it as a
I harmless means of washing from the
i stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste,
I sour bile and' toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach is wonderfully in
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases and acidity and
gives one a splendid appetite for break
fast. A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will cost very little at the drug
store but is sufficient to demonstrate
that just aft soap and hot water
cleanses, sweetens and freshens the
skin, so hot water and limestone phos
phate act on the blood and internal or
gans. Those who are subject to con
stipation, bilious attacks, arid stomach,
rheumatic twinges, also, those whose
skin is sallow and. complexion- pallid,
are a-smired that one week of inside
bathing will have them both looking
and feeling better in every way.
We are ia the lead Th World
kicks man whea he's dowa.
Education Teaching Girls to
Look With Scorn On AH
Household Work
Sua I'Vtuicisco, May . Yocational
training for the working girl and wo
man will be a necessity in the near fu
ture, declared Jirs. Pauline Barfield,
manager of the I'nitcd States govern
ment employment agency for women, in
a statement to the t n it ed Press today.
She added that women anil girls would
have to awake to the need for such
training soon.
After a study of hundreds of cases in
Sail Francisco, Mrs. Haificld discovered
that the following conditions exist.
"There are too many girls going out
for stenographic ana teaching work."
she said. "The trouble lies with the
number of the so-called business col
leges, where girls of tender years are
turned out to do the work of serious
minded women and don't know how to
go about it. Girls from 11 to 17, with
child minds, come here seeking steno
graphic work, that should be undertaken
by mature persons. And nearly us many
girls have attempted to become teach
ers, and are literally crying for places.
The trouble in their case is that the
small towns select girl teachers from
their i in hum I into neigiiDorhoods.
"Kducation has been responsible for
many girls being out of work. Be
cause she has studied, the girl becomes
too good to do real work und in many
cases therefore goes without a job.
"If the poorer tinsses of girls
would be taught to coi: and take care
of homes, instead of being sent to va
rious commercial schools, there would
be a far better chance to work. The
demand for domestics exceeds that of
everything else. Immigrant -girls -have
been our -source of supply until recent
ly. But the war has cut oi'f their num
bers. "There are scores of young women
who look with scorn upon the project
of being a domestic. It is the greatest
training for future life that the girl
could ask for, particularly .if she in
tends to be head of her own household
some day.
"Club women, societies of all -sorts
and private individuals should, and I
believe they will, awaken to the fact
that the working girl should be given
training for certain vocations in which
t no demand is greatest."
Washington, May 4. The senate
commerce committee today added an
appropriation of $1,080,000 for harbor
improvements in I.os Angeles to the
house rivers and h.irbors bill, complet
ing work on that measure.
liogue liiver 'minor: The first four
am of Machinery for the new sawmill
to be erected on the line of the Twohv
i .1 .,, iitt i- it u
railroad armed Irom llutte l ulls Sat -
unlay morning, and was ut once set i
vimm.k, u.n. ui uiirn pel
over to the yards of the new railroad, I """'"v "V".1 'V.' ". l" ""T.'"'" 01 ""--
where thev are being union r pending i "ot? Su'K1leaI .l"stltllte Buffalo, , mutism in the joints, in gravel and gout,
the settlement of the definite site I Y'' cttlk,l "Amine," and obtaining and invariably the pains and' stiffness
Three other cars will arrive Monday ' these -tablets I at once began their use. ! which so frequently and persistently ae
mor:iing, and these will also be unload-' Aft.ur KivinK ''Anurie" a good trial I compnny the disease rapidly disappear.
e,i in tli rail ma, I vunU Twn i.ui-u nF ! believe it to be the best kidney remedy Sond 10c for large trial package or no
I the boilers and the heavier pieces of
i in.ichinery will not be shipped until the
matter of the site is determined, as it laulcts" of Dr. Pierce's are the only
would entail too much expense to have ones. i "y opinion, that will cure
to handle them again, and t,iey will he kidney and bladder troubles.
brought and unloaded in place ut the! (Signed) Henry A. Love..
mill site. Note: Experiments at Dr. Pierce 's
. Hospital for several years proved that
The spectacle of horseless irvusics1
moves the Grants Puss Courier to re-
mark: "Another evidence of the wan-jy M F k .JV W f II
ing fortunes of old Dobbin is the spec-. I . HI. I, rt. OllQ I. II. V. A.
tilde of a bind of gypsies, those rov
ers over the land, traveling by automo
bile. The autos were of a higher class
than the average horse that these
Ibainls usually drove, and no- doubt j
j fewer auto trades are recorded than
jw.is usual for these natural born horse;
i traders, who left a trail of broken-!
down equines behind them." j
Harney Countv News: Hen Brown, 1 "tiTnts, games and dances that are ! of the Oregon Portland Cement c.iiu
the successful merchant and fanner of : tauKbt in tlie Y. M. C. A. gymnasium pnny in this county will be made this
Burns, has hitched his chariot of pros- j under the direction of Physical Director . week, and it is expected that npprnxi
perity and progress to a star of great U'- B- Gingrich. All classes from the! mutely -100 yards per week will go for
future development, so to speak. Mr. i youngest of the youngsters enrolled in ward to the big plant at Oswego com
lirown is sowing 150 icres of the best the association classes to the staid j menci ng the latter part of the present
alfalfa seed obtainable on his fine business men took part. The boys and week. The workmen there number
farm tract adjoining tile city on the! girls danced, played games and exec.ut-1 about !i5, an 1 on Friday they were
north. The very best preparation of 'd drills while the business men's class J agreei.bly surpmcrt when the announce
the soil was made and the seeding done ' pulled off a game of biff ball and a ; ment v. as niudo that wages would bo
with the utmost care. This field will game of volley ball for the education raised .r0 cents per day for nil men re
contain 120 acres of Turkestan alfalf.i, i and instruction of those who are not'eeiving $2, th3 price paid to quarry
nnd 110 acres of the celebrated Baltic. 1 familiar with the work which the as-1 men. A large tract has been " skinned "
The latter Mr. Brown will probably ! sonatina is doing. land quarrying under the directi f
arrange to harvest for seed purposes.! Those who took pnrt received repeat-1 George Stewart is now going forward
led encores and the girls end boys were j at a rapid rate. Three o'f the five
Answering the need for supplement- compelled to respond to the applause of . bunkers have been completed and the
ary playgrounds felt in linker since the audience which was interspersed remaining two will be in readiness for
i the boys of the city were burred lrom
Ithe streets early in the spring, Jlrs.
Mary Hichaidson has tendered the city
the use of two vacant lots, which the
boys will be required to keep in order.
Knseburg Heview: The right of way
for the Pacific highway from Glendile
to Stage Gulch Puss has now all been
secured and tne work on the road will
probably be begun next mouth.
Seattle, Wash., -May o. Longshore
men will demand an increased wage
scale, according to advance informa
tion given out by an official of the
local union at the annua) convention of
the International Lnngshorenieiits' As
sociation of America, in sesion here
today at the Labor Temple.
The demands to be made on the em
ployers were under discussion in the
but otiier than to state that an in
crease would be asked for, officials de
clined t give out further information.
A Remedy
for the
High Cost
UPtlfflf 'fiPIl, v w-ws
mm mm ft na?irSL fi
ix I'l '..' v ' U T ftMCtfS CASH STORE.
pfJ U i ..W Wf-.' V. MONEV.-. fr'.'i ' v
The Farmers' Cash Store
Salem, Oregon
The above is the cover of our new catalog.
Come in and get one. It will save you money.
Dear Mr. Editor:
For a long time I suffered from back
ache, pain in left side, frequent urina
tion (bothering me at all times during
the day and night), and the uric acid
in my blood caused me to suffer from
i rneu"1tis'ii along with a contsant tired
1 ,n.t ,..i: T .k
worn-out feeling. I heard of the new
I j- ,,, f r, .,. ..!. i
' on 'le market today. I have tried other
kidney medicines but these "Aunric
Classes Show Samples
of Work at Armory
While 1,000 spectators crowded the
galleries of the armory last night the
Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. clasess
,.avc an exhibition of the various drills.
! tnriiugn tne entire program, ine classic
j dances of the young women 's class and
i their bam dunce was well received mid
j showed careful and systematic training
! for the exhibition.
The game of biff hall was won by
the team lead by Chauncey Bishop
which won from the i aul Wallace team
bv a score of 15 to 0.
The various exercises which were put
on by the classes last night were mere-
m.u.j m:ii.
Nourishing k-
The powder diuolvet in water,
Rich Milk, Malted grain extract in powder.
For Infants, Invalids and growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers, and the aged.
of Living
"Anurie." is 37 times more active than
Litliiu in expelling poisons from body,
For those easily recognized symptom
of inflammation as baekaeshe, scalding
urine and frequent urination, as well
j as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid
1 in the blood has caused rheumatism, it
. is simply wonderful how surely "An-
m m. i. ........ ..i
uric" acts. The best of results are ul-
!,. kt:.j ; . .... ,
( to your nearest drug store and simply
ask for a 50 cent package of 'Anuric"
i manufactured by Dr. Pierce. If you
suspect kidney or bladder trouble, send
j him a sample of your water and de-
I scribe symptoms. Dr. Pierce will re-
! port to you without free or any chargo
I ly selections from the regular class
work of the association and were held
I for the purpose of showing samples of
the work done in the classes. This is
! the first time a general gymnasium ex
hibition has ever been staged in this
city on such an elaborate plan.
i . L
I 1'ipments of rock from the quarry
use w itnin a lew (lays, mere is sun
I some ballasting to do on the railroad
tracks, but a crew of men are at work
there, and with this finished the rail
way leading to tho holdings of the com
pany will oe in excellent condition.
Dallus Observer.
New Today Ads work while yoo
sleep will have results for you in the
Needs no cooking Keep it on hand.
The Original Food-Drink for all ages.
More nourishing than tea, coffee, etc.
In the home, oral Hotels and Cafes.
Substitutes cost YOU Same Price
Ltttt t I tt M I t I I MM MM I It
J :