Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 05, 1916, Image 4

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    Capital Journa
FRIDAY i:'i:NiN(
May f. HMO.
Editor sad Manager.
H Krlifl-nrial Pa or a of
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Ij. s. bakxks, ciias. ir. visiiiMt, ihua c. anpreskx.
President Vice -President Sec. anil Treas.
S('!'.S( I!imi)X KATES
Daily by carrier, piT year .t'.i'u IVr month
Daily by mail, jt-r year 3.00 IVr mouth
E ASTER X I ! Kl'l i KS E XT A T I V K S
New York, Wiird-Lcwis-Willintns Special Agency, Tribune Huildiug
Tlic Capital .fournal carrier boys are inst riu tdl to put tlu papers on the
porch. If tlie carrier (loos not. do this, itiis-ort you, or neglects gctlitng the
paper to you on time, kindly plume the circulation manager, as this is the only
way wo cau determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phono Main SI.
When the great war is ended, whatsoever else may be
the results, the United States will in all probability be the
world centre of finance and industry, if not also of liter
ature, politics and art.
This is not only because Europe is being weakened,
demoralized and shattered by war, but more because of
the high character and ideals of the American people.
America's domination of the world was bound to come
in time; the Europe-shattering war has only hastened it.
This mans far more in this country than mere money
making. The American ideal of supply and service is not
grounded in greed.
The United States has set up for its citizens the high
est standard; it has made the greatest demand of civic
duty upon the people that any country has ever made. It
did that at its birth. In great moments in its history, as
when Lincoln spoke of "government of the people, for the
people and by the people," that high demand has been
No other country has ever had such elements of ma
terial prosperity, and upon the success of the United
States in working out our government wisely and suc
cessfully, in spite of dangerous influences, more than up
on the success of any other country in the world, the
future of mankind depends.
Traditions are for a nation what habits fli'e for an
individual man. And just as the man lives largely by
force of habit, just as each one of us tides automatically
many actions by habit and conforms to a certain moral
standard which habit has formed, and would feel that he
was going wrong if he"" fell below that standard, because
he is accustomed to it, so nations feel bound to stand at
the level of their traditions.
We all of us have moments in our lives when there
seem to rise up in us visions of what our own lives might
be if we were able constantly to live at that standard to
which we are able sometimes to rise when our emotions
are touched, and it is some such ideal as this that the
citizen of the United States should always keep before
him. He should hold ever the splendid vision of the
republic, not only prosperous, but pure and an example
to the world.
Judge C. A. Sehlbrede, well known in Salem, is a can
didate for the republican nomination for circuit judge in
trie second judicial district. Three judges are to be elect
ed in that district, one of them, under the provisions of
the law, from Coos county where Judge Sehlbrede resides
and has practiced law for several years. Before going to
Marshfield he was a resident of Roseburg for many
years, representing Douglas county in the state legisla
ture, afterward serving as United States commissioner
for the District of Alaska. In public life the judge has an
excellent record, as a lawver hp stands hiah in the rm.
O vitv -y
fession, and as a private citizen he has always been high
ly esteemed in tne community in which he resided.
Havin known Jurlfe Sehlhredp for mnnv vpnrc wp fppl
t - O " - --. -
certain the renublicans of the second rlistrint-. will mnb tin
mistake if they endorse his candidacy at the polls and
nominate mm ior tnis important judicial position. He
seems admirably fitted for the place.
Henry Ford says he has no desire to be president
Colonel Roosevelt says he is not seeking the nomination.
and W. J. B. says nothing, but realizes that he could not
get either even if he so desired. It reminds one of a story
about another one-time presidential possibility, who trite
ly remarked: "I would rather be right than president."
He was informed by a measly newspaper man that "there
was little chance ot his ever being either.
Secretary Morrison of the American Federation of
Labor says the granting of a raise in wages to some 706,
500 workmen will cause a demand for a similar raise by
more than 2,000,000,000 more. He adds that he expects
many strikes on this account. It is quite the natural re
sult, though, for when there is a pie cut at the family table
each one wants a piece.
After all there is really something in caste, and privil
eges for the elect of the earth denied to common mortals.
Just think how grateful Sir Roger Casement must feel in
the knowledge that if he is to be hanged his executioners
must kave the job done with a silk instead of a hempen
rope. This comes about as near being "Hobson's choice"
as can be imagined. , rj
Morning Mummy's Stroke of
Enterprise Ends In
' Disastrous Fiasco
Strenuous timos now for editors of (J. O. F. papers.
The word has evidently gone out from national head
quarters that no matter what course the Wilson adminis
tration pursues on any question the newspaper organs
of the stand-patters must take the other side. This order
naturally causes many sudden flops and quick changes,
and worse still not all the editors flop at once, some
naturally being quicker to think and act, and as a result
we have republican newspapers on both sides ot every so
called national issue. For instance, when the news dis
patches report that American troops are about to be
withdrawn from Mexico, that is the signal for an attack
on the national administration for leaving that unhappy
country to its fate. A few days later, news reports in
dicate that the troops will not be withdrawn and then
Wilson is criticised for an unwarranted invasion of our
sister republic. The same course has been pursued re
garding the German submarine negotiations and various
other questions until many of our grand old party ex-,
changes seem to be hopelessly adrift on a sea of contra
dictory editorial utterances. ' After all, are there really
any well defined national issues pending before the Amer
ican people at the present time?
Many Oregon towns are setting dates for clean-up
days, and Saleci should do the same. The back yards and
alleys should be cleaned and the rank growth of weeds and
grass along the streetts and on the vacant lots cut.
Nothing is more attractive to the visitor and tourist, or
reflects more civic pride on part of its people than a clean,
well-kept town.
A new serial story, "The Lost World," will begin in
Saturday's Capital Journal, from the pen of A. Conan
Doyle, author of the famous Sherlock Holmes stories.
We think our readers will find his newest work very en
tertaining and desire to call attention to it so that the
opening chapters wall not be overlooked.
It is said our criminal laws are patterned after those
of England. If this is true the sparking plug must be out
of gear, for there three political prisoners were tried,
sentenced and executed in England while the preliminaries
under which their trials were to take place would not have
been arranged in this country.
The war clouds have disappeared once more from our
national horizon. Germany concedes all our demands on
the submarine, question, and Carranza is willing, ap
parently, to allow us to hunt Villa to our heart's content.
That is the way it looks today the story of tomorrow
may be different.
The stock market has assumed the position of watch
ful waiting and what it will do depends largely on the con
tents of Germany's reply which is expected to be made
public today. In other words the market wants to know
whether that note is a bull or a bear before doing any
more business.
The scarcity of jute has caused the grain dealers to
adopt the eastern system of handling grain in bulk, and
elevators are being built in the eastern Oregon grain belt,
two going up at The Dalles. It will make considerable
reduction in the cost of handling grain.
England claims to have an army of several millions
stored away somewhere, but nobody seems to know where.
However if she has that many now she will have about
the same number when the war is over, for she is taking
awful good care of them.
im6 fJh nm H o VwL
Hie. niOMiini' Statesman held back its
city edition today until S o'clock in
an attempt to. steal some of the Capital
Journal's thunder. Evidently printing
the news inter the Capital Journal has
had it is becoming monotonous even
with the old ami sleepy statesman.
la this in.", however, the morning pa
per made the mistake of plunging us - in
to war with Germany in a wood type
headline w.Vch was anything but artis
tic, and of itself a provocation for war
in which it said, "Kaiser Defies I'. S.
in Heply." As a matter of fact the
kaiser iliil nothing of the kind, bat the
St'i'.:isivaii telegraph editor was prob
ably getting sleepy and may not have
been in harmony with this stroke of en
terprise, when n stroke of paralysis was
the most nit urn thing to expect in
that establishment, and so jumped at
conclusions, before the noto was com
pleted mid ordered the paper to press
with this country hanging over the
precipice of war."
Then to make matters worse there
was also a front page story in the same
edition bragging about the Statesman's
enterprise, and the excellence and relia
bility of the Associated 1'ress service
which furnishes its telegraph news.
Why the poor, old Associated l'ress,
which is doing the best it can at it
decrepit age to serve its patrons faith
fully should be wrung into the mix-up
we can't quite understand. If the tele
graph editor had waited long enough
it would have got the news to him
about right in the end, but it is nn or
ganization that above everything ele
objects to being hurried.
The moral to be drawn from this
unfortunate attempt of our esteemed
contemporary to print the news first
at leust once in its life, is that walk
ing while asleep is as dangerous a habit
for a newspaper ns an individual. The
awakening is apt to be rude and start
ling as was this case.
Since the public is getting the (ler-
man reply in 'full in the Journal, and
as the Statesman's-circulation is quite
restricted and exclusive, no particular
damage has been done, and probablv no
diplomatic notice will be taken of" the
kaiser's virtual declaration of war.
.Progressives Instruct
Delegates for Roosevelt
Seattle, Wash., May 3. "It's the
most advanced and idV.r statement in
behalf of preparedness extant," is the
way County Chairman J. Y. C. Kellogg
viewed the state progressive platform
The platform, adopted at the conven
tion yesterday, not only pledged the 11
delegates from Washington to Theodore
Roosevelt, but declares for "a small
standing army of not less than n quar
ter of u million men and universal
training." It also declares for "the
most efficient and one Oi the largest
navies in the world," and the manu
facture of munitions of war by t tit fed
eral government.
The preparedness program was ado, t
ed without dissension and the conven
tion did not even hear the mention of
any name but Koosevoit's for the presidency.
"VTOU can't mellow goodness
into either Tobacco or fren'
ship by forcin' you must let
time do the work. (jjgfrl&f'
It takes two year9 (or the choicest Kentucky Burley Tobac
co to be matured into VELVET the smoothest Smoking
Tobacco. w
$ sjc 5; $ $ jj 5);
Dublin, May .". Four more
'fi leaders of the Irish rebellion
have been convicted and shot,
it mis officially announced to-
day. They were Joseph Plunk-
ett, 'Kdwn'rd Daly, Michael O'
III ahan and William I'earse.
Fifteen other Irish rebel lead-
ers were condemned to death
and thir sentences comunitd to
!: 10 years imprisonment. One
:! other was sentenced to eight
and two others to ten years.
Further trials are proceeding.
$ ( !( 5j $ Jj! S
Motorman Finds Woman
Holding Body of Husband
T.os Angeles, Cal.. May S. Hurrying
back through darkness to 'find the vic
tim his car had struck before daylight
today. Motorman P. (). Rerg. came upon
Mrs. Frank Bedel sitting on the ground
with the buttered body' of her husband
in her arms.
Almost demented witu grief the wo
man was crying hysterically for him to
speak to her. Hedcl, aged ';!(!, had been
siuiciv nv a vMcuuoru car. me car was
proceeding at such high speed that Ben
did not realize he hud strucii n man un
til after the incident had occurred. Two
small children survive the dead man.
Thomas Brown, of Salem, is a candi
date for reelection to the legislature
before the republican primaries. He
served in the session of two years ago
and made a clean record. It is on this
record that Mr, Brown seeks endorse
ment at the hands of the republican
voters of Marion county. Here are the
salient features of that record:
Author. of gopher and mole bounty
Act to increase reserve of farmers
mutual insurance companies.
Act to tax trading stamp conipuni
ies. Efforts in house succeeded iu abolish
ing expensive accountancy department.
His slogan follows: "Economy! irs
legislation: fair treatment of state in
stitutions in llariou' county."
A good record and a brief comprehen
sive platform constitute his appeal for
endorsement at the polls.
Portland. Or., May 5. The
price of sugar, already at a rec
ord mark, will advance lo
cents more tomorrow morning,
local dealers announced today.
This jump will make one hund
red pound of sugar cost $S.40
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Your Stomach Bad!
MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy and Bo
Convinced That You Can Be
Restored to Health.
gar lt Here p.-i JWJ
Try Capital Journal Wsnt Ada.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G8
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
'" ' V
ri'vwv.- V,
X K '
I hired a man to hoe my squashes ; he came, in gaunt
lets and goloshes, at the appointed hour; he threw his
coat upon some boulders, and rolled is shirtsleeves to his
shoulders, and hoed with vim and power.
He did not pause at times to cackle about
the war, nor yett to tackle the grievous in
come tax; he slew the weeds that threat
ened choking the vines, and kept his hoe
a-smoking, and buckled down like wax.
And when his toilsome task was ended, up
J. - J.1- - 1 . A 1 I t X 1
io uie nouse ims worser wenciea, wnere i
sat smoking hay; "Come out," he said,
"where I've been hoeing, and see I've made
a proper showing, before I draw my pay."
I fell upon his neck and kissed him, and
hung some laurels on his system, and cried, "You take the
bun ! For seldom do I see a fellow who cares how punk
his work, or yellow, so that he gets the mon. I am en
chanted with your labors, I'll recommend you to my
neighbors, and boost you through the town; the toiler
who, by every action, endeavors to give satisfaction, de
serves a high renown."
Poslam and Poslam Soap Improve Any
Diseased Condition
Sv hS T
l oslnni and Poslam Soap stand for
perfect skin health, and confer their
benefits daily upon thousands wno
in iht otherwise suffer not only er
treme physical distress but the great
est embarrassment through the presence
of skin disfigurements.
Poslam, the remedy, ii designed
solely to soothe, control and eradicate
all eruptiouul troubles including Ecze
ma, even when most aggravated, per
sistent and stubborn. Its ability to do
so is apparent in the progressive work
of healing visible after every applica
tion. Poslam Soap is non-irritating,
pure, luxurious, beneficial.
Por sample, send -tc stamps to Kmer
gency Laboratories, West iTith St..
Aew York City. Sold by all diuggists.
Fined For Arguing
With Balky Horse
Clarence Howe nud H. Y.. Kennedy
were each fined $Lt yesterday by City I
Recorder Kluin for attempting to per- j
auade a balky horse to do his duty. It ,
appears thnt the horse assumed an at-!
titude of watchful waiting and re-(
fused to puil. lie did nut have tot
wait long until the driver app ared j
with a hazel sprout and proceeded to
warm the horse's legs after the man-;
ner followed by c ountry school teachers
of a few decades past.
Some women who were witnesses to
the affair decided that perhaps the
horse had a reason for not pulling, al
though the reason might be just " be-j
cause" and not sufficient in the mini'!
of the driver. At any rate the police
were notified and Howe and Kennedy
were arrested ou a eiiarg? of cruelty
to animals. " I
Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy has been
taken by many thousands of people
throughout the land. It has brought
health and happiness to sufferers who
had despaired of ever being restored
and who are urgiug others who
may be suffering with Stomach, Liver
and Intestinal Ailments to try it. Ono
dose will convince the most skeptical
sufferer. It acts on the sourco auU
foundation of these ailments, remov
ing the poisonous catarrh and bile
accretions, and nllaying the underly
ing, chronic inflammation. Try one
dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy
put it to a test today you will bo
overjoyed with your quick recovery.
Send for booklet ou Stomach Ail
ments to Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist,
134-15'i Whiting St., Chicago. 111.
For sale by J. C. Perry and all other
reliable druggists.
J. C. Perry, 115 South Commercial. '
Until Further Notice
Xo. 0 sack white cornmeal SOo
Xo ! yellow corniueal 30c
Five pounds box Macaroni....30c
Xo. 0 Cream Cereal 30c
Xo. 0 sack Graham 30c
Xo. 0 sack Pancake Flour.... 30c
-Xo. 0 Self Rising Flour 30c
Five pounds best cream rolled
Oats 25c
Large package Liberty Oats 30c
Large pkg. Liberty wheat.... 30c
3 cans Libby's Solid Tack
Tomatoes 25c
Creamery Butter, pound 35c
." cans choice Iowa Corn 25c
Free Delivery. Phone 14S7
Get the drift of tne world's doings
oy resaing iae i.pwu journal.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
StrictVy correct weight, qur deal and ligbest prices for U kinds ol t
juak, metal, rubber, hides ad furs. I pay 2V4e per pound for old rigs, t
Big stock of all sizes second hsnd incubators. All kinds corrngftted I
iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing piper and second hand
H. Steinback Junk Co. I
The House of Half a Million Bargain.
J02 Xorth Commercial St Fiona 193 f