TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1916. i Women's and Misses' Suits and Coats at $9.95 A Every Department Offers Special Inducements to Money Savers Whirlwind Clearance Tomorrow tt Stop and Consider Can you afford to let this sale end without buying that New Suit or Coat? The price is absolutely ridiculous for such stylish high grade garments as these. The season's favored styles best fabrics and want ed colors. The very greatest bargains you can ever expect to get anywhere. Come and see for yourself. Every Coat, Every Dress, Every Suit, Every Waist, Every Skirt in Stock a Clearance Prices You can save money if you purchase at Meyers and satisfaction. ' be assured of lasting it A Great Final Clean Up of All Millinery Tomorrow Every Hat we have in stock goes into these three big lots for your choosing New York model Hats no two alike all new this season. i LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 LOT NO. 3. MILLINERY- MILLINERY- MILLINERY -Your choice Your choice Your choice 98c $2.48 $3.98 J" i-aH QUALITY AND SERVICE Attractive Prices in Every Section BREAKING LEVEE CAUSES DAMAGE AT MUSCATINE Muscatine, Iowa, May 5. Twenty; houses were carried away, stock drown-j ed and trees uprooted when L'0,000 i acres were inundated today by the; breaking of a levee 12 miles down the i stream. Kesidents are fleeing, aband-' oning everything. The levee from a1 point three mils below-this city to tlie pumping station is doomed. Hundreds are attempting to save South Musca-. time from the floods. ! Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. VEAL TO BOIL 7c PER POUND VEAL STEAK 11c PER POUND FANCY SUGAR CURED BACON 16c PER POUND Whole or half strip LEG OF VEAL TO ROAST PER POUND Whole or half LOIN of VEAL to ROAST PER POUND LIVER, PER LB., 5c SPARE RIBS, 2 Lbs. 15c own ---fc--H mtt JG $ $ Midget Market ! i I ' I J : I I ! I I i i ' COMING EVENTS TONIGHT. May 5. Junior class Willam ette university presents Sher wood" nt opera house. May 5 nd li. May festival it Willamette University. eclo- if: ! 371 STATE ST. May C. Founders' Day oration at ("linmpocg. May fl. Marion (.'utility I'nrent- Totichers' associations meet nt Salem high school. May 910. Kast Willametto as sociation uf Congregational churches. dist church. May 10 II. Orpheus Mule Clionis benefit, at Oregon theatre. May IX Juvenile Artisans at opera house, with Portland Juvenile Artisan band. May 13. Marion county inter schohistic track meet, Salem. May I". (Hoc club an. I young ladies club of Willamette University nt Kirst Met'uo- May IS. hika' Homecoming celebration. May 19. l'rimnry election. M iv 30. Memorial Day. Juno 2. High school commence ment exercises at Armory. ' They would be better if it was pos sible to make them so. I. a Corona, Sa lem made cigars .10 cents. John Graber, manager, of the Cher rian band, announces that the summer concerts in Willson park will begin the latter part of this month, or as soon as weather conditions will permit. The hand iy now practicing regularly, in order tj present .in entirely new pro- Karl Neueebauer. watchmaker and gram at the tirst concert. jeweler now with the Central I'harmacy i 0 Salem Hank of Commerce Building. . Flx "P- Paint "P a ew dollars put innyOp11 I'uilding materials brings fortunes I in return. Falls Citv-Sulem Lumber Co. 3 W S. 1'Jth St. The entire north window of our store will be devoted to tho Best. Dollar Straw berres. Special 2 for 2."c, ber ries tor 10c Saturday. Roth (Iroe. Co. The Rev. George F. Holt, pastor of the First Baptist church, will leave Sunday afternoon for 1'ortland where he will join the 1'ortland delegates Dance at Turner May 6.Salera orches tra, (loud floor. mayti J. E. Biedent, Ralph Mason and Pan trie Simpson were arrested yesterday by Officer De Long on a charge of rid ing liieycles on the sidewalk when the street was in good conditio. The epidemic of measles has had its run, and conditions at present are niorei favorable, according to a report from ! t n t tend the Northern Baptist conven The Best Strawberries at 10c, Eugene asparagus 2 lbs. tor 2oc. The Best Tele phone peas 3 lbs. for 25c, the Best To matoes 2 lbs. for 35c, all this should give you the right inspiration where to buy it. Hoth (iroc. Co. The West Salem baseball team will play the Woolen Mills team Sunday1 afternoon on the West Salem baseball1 grounds. These learns met last year; and the West Salem team was fortu-j nate enough to get in a few more runs j than the Woolen Mill boys. j May day exercises which were to have been held today on tiie university cum-j pus, have been postponed until 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. If the weather continues unfavorable, the ex-, ercises will be held in the gymnasium; Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The great mathematical puzzle, ' ' The Fourth Dimension", will be simply ex-' plained next Monday evening nt the university chapel by Professor Mat thews. The ordinary object has length, breadth and thickness and the profes-! sor will tell how it might have some other dimension. Judging from the present growth of the lodge, the Flks will soon be found grazing on every corner. Last even-; ing the membership was increased by; 17, and already tiie initiating commit-1 tee is arranging for exercises next j Thursday evening. Those gathered in! last night were: Fred I'aulus, Edward Ostendorf, J. K. 1'eck, 11. V. Maaess, j Sheldon Spencer, H. S. Bosshard, Dr. C. II. Robertson, Dr. W. B. Morse, j Wavne Price, W. K. Craven, John Dar-, Tjby, John Smith, John (ioetjen, IT. O. ' I 1 If l Hill II, I . I. Jlll.llll, ii. II. Illlll, F.d Blessing. I That the seating capacity of the church should be enlarged w.is the unanimous opinion of the members of tho Central Congregational church.1 who met last evening to discuss the proposition of what to do with the, gradually increasing church attendance; and how to take eire of those wishing! to attend. Befoie taking any action.; a committee was appointed to solicit i among the members for contributions towards enlarging the church. This committee will report, at a meeting called for next Thursday evening. j This sounds like an old, old story. Sugar Advanced today and if sold on, the market, will cost the housekeeper 10 cents n hundred more than ycster-i Il'day. It will require a memory ex-l 'tending over many years io reniemuer I when sugar was higher than the pres-i -lent retail price, which is now around H 1-2 cents a pound. .Melon; tlie out.- break ot the Kurnpcan war, the price was $.1.40 i hundred, On August 5, 101-1, the price jumped to fS.20 a hund red. One year ago it was Sfi..Q5 and now the price is higher than it. was yearn and years ago when most grown i up people were little folks. $5.00 Reward for 5 Minutes work. Tho llagel Cereal company 770 S. Com mercial St. Salem, Ore. are preparing to manufacturt a new- cereal drink, that is delicious, invigorating and more wholesome than either coffee or tea. In looking for a name for this, prod uct they have almost- decided to call it llngceco pronounced Hague-csee-ko The Hagel Cereal Co- however, are opr-n to s do t i.ny name that will be at oaee a io liute and suggestive if ;t serins better than llngceco. If you can l "a ink of a name send it in and if adopted they will send you a check for $."). If two persons send the same winning name tlie one received first will receive the prize The contest will close Monday night May Stli, l!ll(i. The Oregon Classy "IDE" SHIRTS jThe kind that make you feel right and llook right. Made to please the man Iwho knows and cares. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 SNAPPY SPORT SHIRTS We have the best line of Sport Shirts in Salem. Let us prove it to you. The prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 See Us in Our New Modern Store G. W. Johnson Co. 1 iSt rW. I I m mm M- 1 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. GHEESCSZSBfll , M Our Bargain Have you an appetite ? How are these ? Genuine Tillamook Cheese, per lb. 2oc Fresh California Strawberries, per box 10c Bananas, per dozen 25c SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Dairy Butter, per pound 25c Veribest Pork and Beans, per can 10c Libby's Sour Krout, No. 2 1-2 tins 10c 5 Star Hard Wheat Flour .' $1.35 Westacqtt & Thielsen Salem's Best Market Place. Two Phones, 8:50, 840. 426 State Street Hr. O. H. -Miles oil ice. ..No new cases are being reported and ninny children have recovered and are now in school. Extra street car service tonight Ev erybody sees "Sherwood" at the (Ira nd. Baseball Sunday, May 7th, 3:30 p. m., St. Helens vs. T.o.ju, league park. Watch Salem's big league b.itterv, liar- tiou to be held iu Minneapolis next- week. At. a meeting of the officers and trustees of the church last even ing. Mr. Holt was-formally elected i delegate to represent the Salem church. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT Never miss the auction sales. I'll pay you the highest cash price for your furniture or sell same on commission. F. N. WOODRY, Auctioneer, PHONE oil Social Hygiene society will hold two meeting in West Salem next Wednesday. The afternoon meet ing will be held -at 3 o'clock in tho city hall for mothers, .ind will be ad dressed by Mrs. Esther M. Hopkins, taking for her subject, "How Shall I Tell My Children." Mayor (1. L. Fra zure will preside at the evening meet ing at the citv hall for men. when talks will be made by Dr. L. P. (irilt'itii, j Joseph II. Albert and Ernest Blue. j $ FURNISHED COTTAGE f rooms midway hetween New port and Nve Bench. Also fur nisher housekeeping rooms near to beach. Inrpiire of Mrs. B. 1.. Russell nt Head) St., .") and 10 cent store. ..ham and llauser, show thorn up. mayO Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fite glasi ( coneetly. U. 8. Hank. Hldjr. Dr. Btono'i drag Hon. MSse Mary Schnltz will play at the lirand tonight. , a A committee of the local granges will meet in Salem May 17 to select a date for the all-Oregon grange day to be held in this city. Dr. Stone makes no charge for con sultation, examination or prescrip tion, tf We can save you money on garden hose, Kelson ltros. & l'atton, plumbers, 355 Chcmeketa St. riiono l'JOt). tf o Dean George If. Alden, of the uni versity, is today moving from his for mer home, lli'i Seventeenth street, to "The Maples", on Liberty itnd Ciio meketa strets. Make your itay in Salem pleasant one, get good room at the Capital Hotel, SOu uuj up. State & Couimer citil. tf "j i .... . . j New Today Ads, one cent Pr word. Tho month of May- started with four days of sunshine, but last night the record was broken for dryness when .10 of an inch of rain fell, accord ing to the official weather recorder at the O. ('. T. docks. The river this morning was o.O feet above low water stage. Demonstration of National Biscuit company's crackers, cookies and wafers Saturday May li. Their representative will make special price during the dem-j onstration. C, M. Roberts tho Court St. i grocer. mayti; Safe hits win games... Eight Senators' got a safety Sunday. Don't that, look; like a pennant for Salem f Watch tiie i I.o.iu bunch trim St. Helens Sunday,' 3:00 p. in. mayti ,At the coming Cherry fair, the Com mercial club will probably not pay in! cash for cherry exhibits, but will make Hear Alfred Schramm sing Allan---the awards in the form of loving cups Halo's song at. the (irand tonight. i or in some other appropriate form ot 0 recognition. As the f.iir is not to be Baseball game Sunday May 7, BroaW a money making affair, but just an all vs (lervais at Brooks. mavti i around good time celebration, an ap- ' jpeal will be made to cherry growers. One tiling was settled at the meeting, to not only enter for prizes, but to do of those interested in the coming Cher-i nate cherries for the Monday ntter-j rv fair, at the Coinnioreinl club last : noon entertainment. night. There will be no street camiv il T T ... , .., I or street fair. A nierrv go-round for California Blair Punch will he served, the children was favored, and also, at, our store all day Saturday, ( alitor olentv of ice cream mid lemonade nia lllair is a grape drink Hint has a 1 i .,it t. it mi nro i lands, but no enrnivni. n"j , ,V " , welcome to onus wiin ", Co. ! Still some first class seats for "Sher wood" nt the (irand tonight. You are the whole show when you have a Sonorn Talking Machine. Myr tle Knowland, 4-1 Court St. In the Inter-class oration and declam atory contest held last evening nt the high school between three representa tives from e.nh of the three upper classes of the school, the seniors won first, place, sophomores second and toe juniors third. The judges were Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish. Mrs. Helen Miller Senn and the Rev. Robert S. Hill. We have Drought you ice competi tion. Its now up to' you to support the new company to retain n regular moderate price with perfect service. Citv Market Ice & Coal Co. Tel. 474. CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem. Stay ton, Mill City and all way Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 ft. m.; Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:80. Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m.; Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40. Phone 13 SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at anv time. Office, Bligh Hotel PHONE 7C0 The StoreThat Saves You Money, N o E E M Refrigerators Stone lined, made of heavy ash with beveled panels. Solid brass nickel-plated lever locks. It will not break; it will not leak; it will not rust; it will not absorb dampness or germs; it has no seams, therefore'it can have no cracks, to harbor uncleanliness; there is nothing to diminish the original circulation of cold air which is a feature of this celebrated refrigerator. The round corners enables this refrigeration to be easily cleaned, keeping it sweet and pure for foods. The construction of the Notaseme is such that it saves the ice bills and gives perfect refrigeration. See window display and get our prices. : " ' VV V11'1 T Just received a nice line of Hammocks; these are made of heavy weave with padded head cushions, wide and roomy, in various colors. Just the thing for porch comforts. Prices very reasonable. s tr successors to Calef Bi-o