Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 03, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Hear Mr. E.litor:
For tlie benefit of others, I gladly
give this statement regarding the
merits of Ir. riereeV Anurie Tablets.
Am nearly 76 years of age. I suffered
from backache, weak back, rheuma
tism, and could nut control the ex-'
cretion of the kidneys. I can safely'
pay that "Amine," the new discovery
of Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y., has done
me more real good than anything I
hare ever taken for these ailments.
t thank him and wish him success iu
his field of relieving the suffering.
Sincerely voiirs, !
Mrs. X. M. nint.
Note: I'p to this time, "Amine''
has not been on sale to the public, but
by the persuasion of many patients
and the increased demand-for this won
derful healing tublet, Doctor Fierce has
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lr
One week (6 insertions), per word ft
One month (28 insertions), per word 17
All ads must be ordered for stated
length of time, no ad to count less thai
"10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertiot
for errors la Classified Advertise
ments. Bead your advertisement th
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimus; charge, 13c.
PHONE 937 For Wood sal.
FOR SALE Ilnlstein cow. X care
Journal. mav4
HARRY Windoweleaner.
Fhone 768.
GOATS FoK SALK Inquire Salem
Fuel Yards. may 3
FRON1- APARTMENTS Ground floor
491 N. Cottige. tf
I'WH SALE $1000 .mortgage for 000.
A care Journal. ' tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale it Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOR RENT Modern 4 room house well
furnished. Phone 79SW. ' tf
Near city hall. Fbone 47. tf
FOR SALE 5 acres, close in. $11 00.
Phone S7F2I. Paul Gronkc. inayil
MODERN HOCSK for rent, good' lo
cation, cor. 12th and Marion-, may,)
JMIKSSMAKIXG And plain sewing
for $1.2o a day. Phone liO'l. mnyK
day $2.00. Phone 74-', room f2.
1MLAU & Pro If choice seed poto
toes, prize" Biirbnnks.. Phone 32K11
and S;!3. may3
FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms,
modern, 642 N. High. Inquire at 6G0
N. High. MayS
WANTED To buy Mohair. East Sa
lem Tannery, 23th and Oak streets.
Phone 2100-M. tf
FURNISHED, rooms and housekeeping
appartinents, rates reasonable, close
in, 1G0 Court. tf
WE CAU SAVE you money on garden
hose, Nelson Bros. & Fatton, plumbers
255 Chemeketa St. tf
WANTED 1913 or 1916 Ford, must be
in good shape, must be cheap for
cash. Phone U92. tf
FOR SALE or trade two acres of fine
land 0 room house, bv owner. .120
Hubbard lildg. ' may3
FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnish
ed rooms in Hubbard building. V.
if. Norris. Room .104. tf
LOST Crochet, handbag containing
money and various other things. Find
er please leave at Journal office, m.l
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
S -icres of good jotato land. Must
be cheap. Address Journal C-50. May6
FCI!MS1II:D 7 room modern house
for rent 3 blocks from Commercial
and State Sts. No children. Address
L. H. care Journal. m iy3
WANTED Modern 4 or 3 room cot
tage or bungalow, close in, prefer
ably furnished. C. 1!. co. Journal, tf
FOB SALE 3 Vi half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon
cordwood or stumpage. 27SG Lee
Phone 1322-J. tf
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feev 407 State street. In
quire at 403 State. Thone 1009
Maurice Elinger. tf
FOUND Two Jersey heifers about (2)
years old, fawn color. Two spotted
heifers about 10 months old. Phone
-1257 ami pay for ml. may:)
Investigation Proves '
that various disease germ3 have their breeding-place in the waste)
producta of the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw
these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with serious
illness. Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with
1 PrmPt'y an(1 surt,y relieve constipation. Indigestion, billoumes
and sick headache. They are compounded from drua of vegetable
origin-harnileaa and not habit-forming. The experience of three
generations ahow that Beecham't Pills prevent disease and are
A Great Aid to Health
Direction, of epcdnl rahi to womra with T.ry bo
SoM by druggieU throng the world, la bocee, lOe, 25c
finally decided to put it into the drug
stores of this country within immedi
ate reach of all sufferers.
Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's An
uric Tablets. There can be no imita
tion. Every package of "Anurie'-' is
sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will
find the signature on the package
just as you do ou Dr. Tierce 's Fav
orite Prescription, the ' ever-famous
friend to ailing women, and Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
proven by years to be the. greatest gen
eral tonic and reconstructor for any
At any rate don't give up hope of
being cured of your malady until An
urie" has been tried. Just a few
doses have proven that it will make
one feel like a different person.
Kditor Please insert this letter iu
some conspicuous place in your paper.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
KOI? SALE White enamel bed, mod
em design at n b.irgain, call 2".0 N
ISth. mav4
V- AN VK! Experienced girl for gen
crnl housework. 1 hone mornings
main lOo'J. mavo
FOR RENT 3 room modern house
1441 Trade St., Enquire W. A. Lis-
ton, 4X4 Court St. tf
i t v property to exchange for mer-
(hitudise of any kind, any where.
Address box 2s, I r.ibtree. Or. U
l-'OR SALE A fine SO acre farm
miles from Salem all in cultivation,
only $12.j per acre, will take StvOOO
in other property, must be good, tf
up to date power equipment. List
your orders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Phone "9. Densmore & Fresis, tf
KUl KENT Modern nine room house,
large sleeping porch, on- paved street
three blocks lrom state house. v. 11
Crabenhorst S: Co., 273 Slate St. nin;
WE WILL PAY The highest cash
price lor poultrv, eggs, veal. Limllev
& tiholson, Salem, 404 Ferry, coiner
Liberty, east ot" armory. Phone 1144.
I'OK SALE -an 1 most reason ible fin
est st ruins of cabbage and tomatoe
plants in the state, only 10c a dozen.
Call and see, :44 S. 2."th or phone
"OsAV. mayll
WANTED Tonus on W. H. Tatter
son's place south of Eola to haul
wood, $;" per day. They will find
the foreman, Mr. Siseho, on the job.
Must begin work right away. tf
l''OI' SALE Eleven acres, irll clear,
house and barn, (i .u-res prunes. 4
acres oals, fine spring, owner has
lease on ,10 acres adjoining which he
turn to parly buying 11 acre tract.
Price $liiiu,' '100 will handle this.
See A. Kitterninn. with W. II. Cra
benhorst Co.. 27") State St. may;!
AT Si OTPs REST Kit S. Commer
cial, a dinner like this every day for
l.'c, from 10:.'!0 a. m. to 10 p. m. in
cluding soup, 2 vegetables and pie
mid bread ami butter, tea or coffee
or mess baked halibut. Irish stew,
bed' stew, roast beef, roast pork,
hamlniig steak, loin ste.ik, country
sausage, pork chops, ham mid beans.
I Dallas, Or., May ."..The annual
j meeting of tne city council of Dallas
was neiil last nigur, ami ononis lor
the ensuing year elected." V. L. l!arber
resigned as couiieilnian-ntlarge, ami
was elected street commissioner, taking
the place of P, S. Greenwood.
E. .1. Cond. elected councilman from
the third ward, decline. 1 to iUnlil'y nnd
I'. E. ilavis, i local furniture dealer,
was elected to fill the vacancy, A
i-oiinciltiiaii-al large will be elected
Wednesday evening. Edward 1 Coad
was re-elected city attorney: W. (I.
Vassal, city treasurer; O. P. Chase,
city marshal; John Miaw, night nur
:shal; S. ii. Taylor, city engineer.
Eugene Fifteen telephone poles in
stalled on College Dill costing .$5,000.
News Notes From
The Santian. Mines
Mr. Lott and Larson.-the Minnie E.
leases, returned last week to continue
operations on their claims.
Bob and Andy Dauz came in early
last week to look after their (iiims, lo
cated near the Lewis and Clark mine.
Packing from the Black Eagle to-the
Gold Creek mine is being done with
horses, for the first time since last
November. Supplies ' for eight people
have been cnrrieii over the snow with
pack saddles, using snow shoes to get
pver the trail with until last week.
Teams can haul -supplies from Gates
as far as the Black Eagle mine now.
Mr. Peary, of the Crown Point com
pany, brought in a crew of men some
time ago to start improvements upon
their property.
Otto Hansen, the placer mill man of
Salem, was seen on the trail headed fjr
the Gold Creek mine.
The Silver King people have let a
new contract to extend their main tun
nel into the mountain further to tnp
their main ledge.
F. E. H.
Quinaby School Notes
An interesting and instructive contest
in rending nnd composition was held in
the primary room at the Quinaby school
this Inst month. The pupils below named
receiving the highest standing:
Rending, first grade, Grant Buchanan.
Reading, second grade, Gladys Rog
ers. Reading, third B, Vera Ptine.
Reading, third A. Hazel Anderson.
Composition, third B, Mabel Rogers,
Thelma Penny, Evelyn Longmire.
Composition, third A, Mildred Beck
ner, Hazel Anderson.
The two compositions receiving the
highest credits in the third A class are
a-s follows:'
Our School.
Our school house is situated half
way between Quinaby nnd Hopmere on
the Chnmpoeg road. The school house
is painted gray and trimmed in white.
It is a two-room building. The name of
our school is Buena Crest.
We have three acres of playground.
Part is fixed up for basketball and an
other part for baseball.
' I am iu the primary room. My teach
er's name is Miss Nash.
We have organized an Industrial club
and I took sewing.
We are going to have a program the
last dav of school. Mav 19.
9 years, 3d grade.
Quinaby, Ore.
Our School.
Our school house is situated between
Hopmere and Quinaby. It has been
built two. years. It is on the Chnm
poeg road. There are two rooms in our
school house. The name of our school
is Buena Crest, which means ''beauti
ful mountain."
We have organized an Industrial club
in our school. The boys took garden
ing and most of fhe girls took sewing.
We got a new flag for our school this
spring by selling flag buttons.
There are thirty pupils in the pri
mary room and eighteen iu the princi
pal 's room.
j. We have a very nice playground with
basketball, swings and tin acting bnr.
! Olir school -will close ill tlii-cp u-pptrs
8 years, 3d grade.
Quimiby, Ore.
Don't neglect a pain anywhere, but
find out what causes it and conquer
the cause. A pain in the kidney re
gion niny put you on your back tomor
row. Don't blame the weather for
swollen feet, it may be an advanced
warning of Blight's disease. A pain in
the stomach may be the first symptom
of appendicitis. A creak iu a joint
may be the forerunner of rheumatism.
Chronic headaches more than likely
warn you of serious stomach trouble.
The best way is to keep in good condi
tion dav in and dav out bv regularly
OIL Capsules. Sold by reliable drug
gists. Money refunded if they do not
help you. Bewaro of substitutes. Tho
only pure imported Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are tho GOLD MEDAL.
Fruitland News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fruitland, May :t. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry I.uiideen were Sunday visitors at
the Stnndifer home.
William Bellamy is again at home for
a short time after several weeks spent
iu the vicinity of Amity.
Kenneth Wolfe and his sister wero
visiting at the Jialch home Inst Sunday.
There was a dance last Saturday
night at tho Fruitlnud hall, quite a num
ber of people coming from a distance,
Carl Slebbins has been working late
ly for the Power Company at Inde
pendence. Mr. Cernik nnd Mr. C E. McEhvain
went over to Hazel Green .Sunday On
business pertaining to the farm of Mr.
The cheese factory started last Mon
day, (juito a large scope of country is
tributary to this point and therefore a
very favorable start is made.
A genuine good time was spent at a
party at Mr. Bonds west of Fruitland
by a large crowd from various com
munities.. Those from Fruitland were
Avis Williams, liuby Creeul'elder, Wal
ter Ransom, Wm. Bellamy, Kenneth
Runner, .loo l'liegel, and .- Clinton
Monmouth, Or., May 3. Of the 2PJ
gijtdii:i,les of the Oregon .Normal
school in the four classt-s from .lime.
IIHI, to February, lIHil, 'Jll are teach
ers, llf -this number IU have .poi
tions iu grade schools. US in mini dis
tricts, eight are principals and two are
instructors in the state blind H-'hool
at Saleui. Of the 31 students not fetch
ing two lire dead. I'i lire mariied, 10
ore engaged in olm-r work than teai-h-ing-
had three are attending the Cni
versify of Oregon.
Knieker "I 'ollege tenches a be
to yell and kick."
Hooker "A mule ran rbi that and
still have two legs left over." Judge.
iVeiv Herbal Skin Balm
Skin sufferers when we ailvise you to nse
D'EXMA, the iw herbal skin balm, we aro
jdvbing you rialit. Wc have- found noihin
tlint begins to eiiii.il this formula, made exclu
sively from Nnturc's healin herbs.
The Lakeview Laboratories of Chicago hava
f liven iu the exclusive right to sell D'EXMA
n our home. town, and we have made so many
friends by recommending this great formula,
that wewant you to try a box today on our
tanrniitee to you personally that if it doesn't
soothe and- Cool, and bepin healin; at onra it
will cost you nothing. If jou are not thor
eughlv satisned.come and get your money back.
Crown Drug.- company, 332 Bute ot.
Macleay News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Macleay, Ore., May .1. Never before
has Macleay, as a community, heard a
more delightful troupe of musicians
than the DtjMoss concert entertainers
who delighted a large audience for over
two hours.
Each member of the aggregation Is a
true artist in his or her line. Especially
was the plnying of Elbert DeMoss on i
the violin beautifully executed, and
more especially when it is considered
that he is but 10 years old.
The program which they rendered is
as follows:.
Overture Calijjh of Bagdad. Boul
dieu. ' . ''.
Vocal quartette from the Oratorio
"Elijuh." Mendelssohn.,
Banjo club March. Sousa.
Hand bell ringing Hytjin.
Flute and 'Cello duet Serenade.
College glee Male Quartette.
Anvil chorus Quintette. Verdi.
Xylophone quartette Echoes from
Multnomah. DeMoss.
Humerous duet by Elbert and Homer
DeMoss. Parry.
The Miserere To concerts played,
by one man. Arerdi.
Male quartette Negro Medley. . 1 .
Evening bells Quartette with imita
tion bells. .. .
The DeMoss family have been play
ing for over 43 years and have delighted
thousands of -people. They are recently
from Los Angeles where they spent the
last mouth. They went from Macleay
to Scio and from there they will go to
various points in Oregon.
A party was held at the homo of
Frank Nieswander last Tuesday in hon
or of his birthday,. A' truck load of
young people from Salem were there.
The Ladies' Aid will meet at the
home of Mrs. Murphy, May 4, for an all
day good time. .-, ' , . , '
Lewis- Tooker; formerly of Macleay,
is visiting here.
Mr. Lovoll, of Salem, pastor of the
United Evnngelictil church' there, will
preach at Macleay Sunday afternoon. at
3 o 'flock.
Everett Lewis is the owner of a new
Auburn cnr.
(Continued from page one.)
A centralized ftnvcfhrncnt would
have its grip on you.
Kvem the Swisvy'n'.f'tei " ilightoejir
mouths of w.ir, are becoming restless
under the central military, control of
Heme. In peace times the local com
mander is mi officer chosen by the
soldiers in the local troops; he is al
ways tt man from tho neighborhood.
But iduring the war high officers
from Heme have gone to .the. various
corners of Switzerland to take control
and the independent Swiss citizens
don't like it. Not-any more than
Americans in California would like
to have an army officer from Wash
ington come and rule their lives and
actions. There have been half a dozen
parliamentary quarrels in the Swiss
congress wilhiu the last four months
over this malter.
The little blue book, issued by the
state government, wouldn't be an in
convenience. America ns ill every dis
trict, to judge by the experience of
the Swiss, would w.int to elect their
own officers and be under the control
of their own government.
Any Swiss can tell you that to sub
mit to any other arrangement is lo up
set the fundamental ideas on which
both the I'niled Stales and Swiss fed
eration were founded.
M Hilary men in Switzerland want
federal control.
The citizens want canton or sfnte
control. And when they don't hive it
they raise a row, that serves to ease
up the federul pressure on them.
(Article No. II will tell how long it
takes in Switzerland to learn how to
become one of the best soldiers in the
world. It is a surprisingly short time.)
San Francisco, May It. Three British
sailing vessels are lying idle in port
here today, unable to sail bcenus of
lack of men. A few -sailors who want
to get back to England and enlist have
volunteered. But there are practically
no seamen available at present, most of
the tars having gone north with the
Alaskan packing fleet.
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carbons?
Made in Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Fa?er Mfg. Co.
33rd i Broadway, Portland, Ore.
When in SALEM, OREGON, gto at
8rlctly Modern
Free and Private Baths
BATES: 75c, 11.00, 11.50 PER DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres end
Capitol Building
A Home Away From Horns.
T. O. BLIGH, Prep.
Both Phones. Free Aute Bos.
The following prices for frnits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices 'are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
Mill feed stuffs and grains continue
strong. The only advance today is in
oats, with a 40 cent price.
- Eggs are firm in Portland and this
Is bidding up the price locally of 20
cents cash and 21 cents trade.
Sugar did not advance loyally yester
day, hut the grocers are expecting any
day. notice of higher prices.
trraina. .
Dnfa vnt.-l. 1 7 flOTT 1 7 TO !
Cheat $17.00
Wheat : 85c
Oats r 40c
Rolled barley .v! $35.00
Corn :.. $35.50
Cracked corn $37.00
Bran .. .. $2G 00
Snorts, per tou $29.0 !
Buttcrfat ......'. 4....'.....'..J .27e
Creamery butter, per pound .'..l!9c
Country butter 20cL'c
Eggs and Poultry. . .
Eggs, case count, cash 20c
Eggs, trade . ; 21c
Hens, pound Joe
Roosters, old, per pound !)(310c
Broilers, under 2 pounds ...... 22(a:'5c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed : 9c
Pork,. dressed .., 10 l-2llc
Pork, on foot SS
Spring lambs, 1910 Sc
Steors 67e
Cows 45 l-2c
Bulla 3 l-24c
Ewes ; . 5e
Wethers . 6 l-2c
Cabbage $3.30
Tomatoes, Florida and Cuban .... $4.0f '
String garlic 15d
Potatoes, cwt ...$1.25(o1.50
Potatoes, now 6c
Beets ......... $1.00
Asparagus 8c
Broccoli 75c
Radishes 40c
Green onions 40c
Green peppers : 25c
Green peas ,. 7c
Egg plant .'. 18c
Carrots . $1.00
Onions $2.00
Apples, Hood River 75c(a$1.75
Rhubarb 40e
Florida celery $ 1 00
Oranges, Navels -.... $2.25(0)3.50
Tangerines $3.00
Lemons, per box $1.004.50
Bananas, pound 5c
California grape fruit $3.50
Florida grape fruit $5.00$6.00
Pineapples 7 l-2e
noney $3.50
Strawberries '.. '....'.'...'.. $l.fi0(ft $2.00
Retail Prices.
I'-KRSi Per dozen, fresh ranch "25c
Sugar, cane $8.2."j(S 8.(15
Sugar, beet . ... . . ;.; 8.06&8.15
Creamery butter1 v 35c
Flour, hard wheat ......... $1.601.80
Flour, valloy $1.30
Portland, Ore., JIuy 3 Wheat:
Club, lUCo-flTc.
Bluestem, $1.0lfo 1.07.
Fortyfold, lUfri .Xe. .
Red 'Russian, 93 1-2(c'iV.
Oats: No. 1 while 'feed, $2ii.2.'ifri
Bailey: Feed, $27.50(7; 2fl.nO.
Hogs: Best live, $l.00(ii 9.10.
Prime steers, $9.00.
Fancy cows, $7.25(rt 7.50.
Calves, $8.00.
Spring lambs, $9.50(0 10.00.
Butter: City creamery, L'lc.
Country butter, 27i
Eggs: Selected local ex., 21 1-2(T
22 1 -2c.
Hens, 17 I -2c.
Broilers. 'WOi 35c.
Geese, Hlpillc.
Weekly Report of
Union Stock Yards
North Portland, May I. Cattle. The
market opened for the week rather
slow. As usual pulp fed steers brought
9.00. No change in tho mte on gr.iin
fed slock. Cows, heifers and bulls
were very ware, although there was
no change iu prices. Tno first Cali
fornia grass stuff arrived today. ( all'
receipts are continually increasing and
prices nie very good
Receipts were fairly good. The bulk
of s.iles were mads at 9.00 and 9.05,
some of the choicest bringing 9.15 and
9.20. The market closed strong.
Sheep are beginning to move n lit
tle more freelv, although the receipts
i were only 300 head. All classes are in
j great demand and lop prices-are .still
being rcnlizcil.- ....
Keprosentatlvt Bales
31 Steers 1121 I,u0
40 steers I HlO 8.X0
2i steers II HI H.mo
2:i steers !I2 8.75
.'! cows 81 7.00
15 cows OKI 7.50
(I cows i'12 7.25
fi cows 1070 7.0H,
1 bull 020 5.75
1!0 heifers IIIMl 8.25
1 stag I l:n) 7.50
1 1 t hogs : HO H.'JO
S'l hogs 2 ! !.I5
210 hogs 182 l. I II
52! hogs 224 il.05
1700 hogs ; 200 li.ni)!
Chicago, May The firm of Swift
& Co. was found guilty today in Judge
Lliudis' court of violation's of the inter
state commerce regulations against re
hating. A verdict of guilty wn re
turned on 20 counts. The firm faces
a fine of 58O,0ijfj.
Harmless to Flush Kidneys
and Neutralize Irritating
AcidsSplendid for
Kidney and bladder Weakness result
from uric acid, says x noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder,
where it often remains to irritate and
inflame, causing a burning, scalding
sensation, or setting up an irritation
it tiio neck or the bladder, ogliging
you to seek relief two or three times
during the night. The sufferer is in
constant dread, the water passes some
times with a scalding sensation and is
very profuse; again, there is difficulty
in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
because tier can t control unnition
While it is extremely annoying and
sometimes very painful, this is really
one oi tho most simple ailments to over-!
come. Get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from your pharmacist and take a
tablespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast, continue this for two . or
three days. This will neutralize the
acids in the urine so it no longer is a
source of irritation to the bladder and
urinary organs which then act norm
ally again,
J.ul Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from tho acid of grapos
ami lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and is used by thousands of folks who
are subject to urinary disorders caused
by uric acid irritation. Jad . Salts is
splendid for kidneys and causes no bad
effects whatever. '. '
Here you have a pleasant, efferves
cen lithia-water drink, which quickly
relieves bladder trouble. '
Vancouver, Wash., May" 3. Joseph
Henry Skuliiiore, pioneer resident of
the Northwest and whose home is at
Independence. -Of:, died today at the
home of his son, M..O. Skidniore, at
Imago,'1 five lniles east, of this city. He
was 78 years old. ",
' For raoro than 50 years Mr. Skidniore
has engaged in' ministerial work iu the
Northwest, boing i Methodist minister.
He was pastor'of the local church 30
years ago. His wife was with him at
the time of his death, both coining here
for a short visit, about ten days ago,
Four sons, besides his widow, survive.
Health Is Worth saving, and Some
Salem People Enow How to
Savs It.
Many Salem people take their lives
in their hands by neglecting the kid
neys when they know these organs neod
help. Weak, kidneys are responsible
for a- vast amount- of suffering and ill
health the slightest delay is danger
ous. Use Doan's Kidney Pills a rem-
edv-ihat has helped thousands-of kidney
sufferers, nere is a Salem citizen's
W. C. Johnston, gardener, 1021 Mill
street, Salem, savs: "After several
medicines had failed to help me, I
used Doa"n's Kidnoy Pills and got great
relief from kidney and bladder trouble.
I still UBe Doan's Kidney PUs once in
a .while when a cold settles in my
back and kidneys and the kidney seere
tions become disordered. I always get
quick relief. You may continue pub
lishing the endorsement I have given
Doan's Kidney Pills before."
Price 50c, at. all- dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Dnans Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Johnston had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Gilman,.G. A. U. and Relief
Corps candidate, is demonstrating that
the race for Rose Festiv.il queen is not
necessarily to the young.
DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduato of Chiro
practic's Fountuin Head, Davcnnort,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Chiroprac
tie spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
ed, for rent, $13. Phone 1737-W tf
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms reasonable, o.jj JNortn;
Commercial street. tfj
FTilNISIIED HO I 'SK For nxit, 6 -rooms
and housekeeping app.trtinentsj
rates reasonable. 271 U near Com-i
mcreinl. ' ninvo
WI-: WILL PAY The highest cash
prii-e for poultry, eggs, veal. I.indlev
& (ihalson, Salem, -lot Ferry, corner
Liberty east of armory. '
M ONLY TO LOAN $500 to $25ni) 7
per tent three to five years; $'J0o0
. for. farm security 7 per cent; $1500
for "city property 7 pr cent 2 to H
ye irs; 't. 1000 cither farm or city if
recir'tv i 'good. See J. A. Mills,
.'!St Stars t. may4
from all points east, on all household
goods, pianos," etc. Consolidated
arload service. Capital City Trans
fer company, agents for Pacific
Coast Forwarding company, 161 South
Commercial street. Phone Main 9.13
138 Houth High street. We clenn,
press, repair, remodel and re-line
slothing and furs. Careful attention
given all work. We call and deliver.
Phone 728.
corner Ccmnercial and Trade streets.
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
FOB SALE White Rock egjB for
hatching. Phono 40jR may3
FOR SALE 1913 twin Indian motor
eyeje, com,rd,cteltv equipped. I'hona
670. may I
I'OIJ SALE One good young sound
work mare and colt, 1400 lbs. Phone,
ll-'l?. may 3
FOR SALE A white enamel bed,
modern design at a bargain, Call 2;i0
K IStu. may
FOR SALE Choice acclimated seel
corn, grown by H. D. Landon, Sale
Fence Works, "back of Chicago stora.
ML'sT SELL Th:s week. 10 acres, all
under plow on main road just out
side citv. $2000, half cash. Wood,
Bayne Bldg. . may3
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, $1609, '
$15 down, $15 month, an 6 per cent
interest, gardeu planted. Call 7txl
North 14tii St. mayll
FOR SALE 50 or 100 acres river bob
torn laud, high building ground, oa
Oregon Electric, 9 miles north of Al
bany, near school and store. Terma
will t ike some property in trade. K
Anderson, Talbot, Or., may28
owner on county road and railroad.
50 to 200 acres each, good buildings,
good soil, ill under cultivation, cloea
to school, prices reasonable, half
cash, balance time at 6 per cent ot
modern income bearing flit property
P. O. Box 246 Salem. tf
FOR SALE Five acres about 2 mile
out, fenced, house, barn, some fruit,
good water, price $1200. For es
eiiaiige, good house, well locatod,
reasonable price, will take an auto
mobile in exchange Square Deal
Realty Co., 202 U. S. Bank Bldg.
Phone 470.
FOlt SALE Modern 10 room hone
and fonr acres, in Falls City, all
modern conveniences, and Studabak
er car, 6 cylinder, 1913 modol, A-l
condition. Will sell for cash of
terms or trade. Address Mr. Chios
A. Seymour, Salem R. 2. Princ. Moun
tain View school. may9
OB.- O. A. OLSON",. Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and ogygen gaa
Boom 214, Masonic Temple. Phon
440.- Salem, Oregon.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialist. Graduates of Amer
ican School of Osteopathy, Kirk
villa, Mo. Post graduato and special
ized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles
ollege. Treat acute and chronic dis
eases. Consultation frea. Lady at
tendant. Office 505-506 TJ. 8. Na
tional Bank Building. Fhone 859.
Residence 346 North Capital street.
Phone 369.
Get the drift of the world's doings
by rending The Capital JoornaL
WEBB ft CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed.
499 Court street. Main 120, Main 983.
directors and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
General Feed ani
Small Livery Stable,
854 Ferry. Phone 281
OK Good Real Estate Security.
Over L4d ft Bush Bank, Balers, Ores
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
K. B. FLEMING, Prof.
Depot American Fesca
Gates, Plata sod Barbed Wire,
Paints, Oils and Varnishes, 4
tooting, posts, Hop Hsokj.
40 Years Making SiOTsa
Stoves rebuilt sad resslred,
tores bought and sold. J
lSO Court Street. Fturas U4
Bck of Cblctfo Store.
' T