Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 03, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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P. A. will win you
speed-o-like-a-flash !
We tell you, any man can smoke Prince Albert
with the utmost enjoyment; smoke pipe-full
after pipe-full or the makin's until the gong
sounds, without a kick back or a complaint 1
Yes, sir; he'll just please himself to
pieces with P. A.'s cool fragrance and '
absence of bite and parch !
Prince Albert is made by a patented process ,.4-
that cuts out bite and parch ! Prince Albert
has always been sold without premiums or
coupons. We prefer to give smokers quality.
'.M : I : I
- 'Li.
Mm Ii ! li ! I !;7.
the national joy smoke
'ii;lll;iiinil I'd i 1 1 ; i :'n: n lii .ii.n.r; r if
hMT TI.TXTT r-ra
fi a n a w n u i m .-...-....-
W 1 ill 1.-... F a 1 VI V J l f
.:Jv;!ii i!!-:i:!-::'i,; ::!'! ! ii!
Hi, mmJr4Phii tM m : mf-
11 ...:- re ' ' ,r
jliiJl '
I I bv ' t V I III illliiiii
IliiilllB I
! ". -t,7 t
(( ' ' - -
V . -. !' - ,
I -HI1 J t 1 V'll't ( I.I 7 II
Cupyrfyhl lltsby
R. J. ReynuIJi Tob.cca Col
So it's up to every red-blooded man to
jump the boundary line between himself
and smoke happiness and know just what
all this jimmy-pipe-joy-talk and makin's
talk is about!
Men all over the world are today smoking
Prince Albert because it meets their taste;
because it gives them real
tobacco enjoyment they
have never found before!
Don't you realize that if Prince
Albert, in a few years, has made
rAree men smoke pipes where
one was smoked before and
started men everywhere rolling their
own cigarettes, that it certainly has
the call on you at least for a try-out!
On th rvrt slcta of
thii tidy red tin you
will rad:"ProcM Pat
nUdJuly 30th, 1907."
BuyPrincA lbmrtvfrywhT9
- h,m looacco if iota, i oppy rma
JL.. C,. i,Xi;n. Iflf kanii.
iomi sound and haif-oound tin
humidorrandip that in cryital-
Why, that's only being
fair to yourself!
41 (faaffiiinlfiumiaoruirnipofi-me n. j. he, I I1ULUO 1 UDAV.CU k.UITir All I
nr fop hat kpt th tobacC9 in uch
ipltndtd condition alwayt
Winilon-Salem, N. C
Salem Inter City League Team
Will Advertise Famous
Drink On Circuit
Since the estravagent "economy"
session of tlie 1915 It-gislature the iSa
lem Senators have been casting lbout
lor another name as tiiev believe any
thing that woulil connect them with
the lawmakers would prove a handi
cap. They tried various cognomens,
such as "Dingbats", "Colons", "C'hcr-
rybmls and other names but they
have hit on the name "Lojus" and
will bear this iniiciua across their
chests when tbey appear against the
St. Helens team Sunday. As the main
argument in favor of adopting the
name Loju, P. O. Devkubach. agreed
to pay for the new suits which were
purchased from tiresham and to have
L-O-.l-U in huge red letters sewed on
the uniform shirts. Any argument
that is backed by real cash apjK-als to
the Salem baseball team this season
and the team promises to lead tile name
to fame and glury.
Ihe lineup tor net Sundays game
against St. Helens will be slightly
hangeil according to Captain Humph
ries who proposes to work Mike Miller,
the last year's short stop, at the short
position again this your and shift
Adams to the outriel" where some
icavy hitters are needed. The out
field will be made up of Mickel, Ad
ams, at center and either Kaszmnrk or
llell in right field.
Miller wad woetullv weak with the
bat last year but is said to be hitting
better this year and if his stick work
is up to the standard will have no
trouble in holding down a regular job
Us he is a fast fielder and has a good
throwing anil.
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings.
V. I.. Pet.
I. os Angeles 1C
Vernon 13
San Francisco 15
Oakland 14
Salt I.nke 10
I'ortliuid 8
laf Mr. riom. Lovtr
UST inter Hotel Nor-
tonit'l Hoipitablt doorl
UST felect large, cheer
ful loom fot joui fty
UST top long, long
tim oi ihort, ihort time
UST tr) service that n
tldpittt everything-tn ttmo
pliar tht dtlifliU
UST m.U itart toward
btl hMllh"njop the morn
ing .-noon evening mttl
with fntndi in tht tiry lobby
USTreit our weary bone I
on truly luxutiauf bd end
rurrtndn to plmint drtmi j
UST trie tKing that appeals
modtrate pricei. I
Roomf With priviUl of (miK SI i
or more th diy. Hixmi with
pri-Jt. bath $ 1. 5 0 or mora th dt)
Um .nd
Sport News
BI SCORE OF 6 10 5
Farmers Were Outslugged
Packey McFarland Makes
Good Showing
Portland Indorses
Columbia Naval Base
1'ortlnnd. Ore., May "The canipiiign
fur Ihe establishment of a naval Imse
lit the mouth of the Columbia river to
d:iy Iiiih the endorsement of the Mult
nomah liar association and the Port
land Chamber of Commerce. Telegram
to senators and representatives were
dispatched, urging that pressure be
brought to bear un Secretary of the
Navy Daniels to recommend the per
nmneut locution of u reserve fleet on
t titt Columbia.
Kiigene, Ore., May .1. The Oregon
Aggies were downed a notch in the
Mice for the northwest intercollegiate
baseball championship today. They lost
to the 'Diversity of Oregon team yes
terday by a score of (i to 5. Oregon out-j
slugged the Aggies, who used three
pitcher trying to stop the bombard
ment. The score: K. If. K.
Aggies 5 7 1
Oregon ti 11 4 j
Itntteries: lloulitlfi". Sieberts, Supple i
and Wellcr; Tuerck and Huntington,
Maggert'g Health Good.
Portland, Ore., May :i Frank Chiincc,
manager of the l.os Angeles club of the
Coast league, refused to trade Center
Fielder Maggert to Oakland, he snid to
day. "He has been in bad health." said
Chance. "That's why we haven't used
him regiil.u'ly. Oakland thought 1 didn't
like his style because w didn't use
hint, Miiggert is a gient b" ".cbi.ll player."
Already the salcm Inter
City league team has been pick
ed as a winner by the league
magnates according to on
Thompson, sporting scribe on
the Portland News, who says:
The Salem sipind is said to be
a hum dinger, and Secretary
Wayne Lewis, who saw them
trim the Haby Beavers last Sun
day, predicts that they will cop
the league flag.
The St. Helens tesm is one of
the strongest squads in the c:r
cuit, so Salem fans can look for
'i hot buttle.
Next Sunday the St. Helena
team of the Intercity league
w'll journey to Salem to piny
the Senators. The Haby Heav
ers will drop down to Woodland
while the Kirkpntl'icks will play
Woodliiini and the Hraddocks
will go to Montuvilln.
Salem Canoe Club
Wants More Members
The members of the Salem Canoe
club are requested to get their hammers
and report at the club headquarters at
t o'clock Sunday morning as the club
intends to do some needed repairing
and get tiie boat house in shape for the
Mil in 111 or canoeing.
The. membership of the club is 32,
and to bring this up to 50 or more,
the club has lauhicheit a campaign,
and as an inducement, will take in 20
members for half the regular fee. This
will enable anyone to join for $5 and to
take part in the program this summer.
Although the club will probably not
take part in the sports of the Port
land li'ose festival, it has in prepara
tion several entei tiiinments unci trips.
Ownership of a canoe is not necessary,
just the disposition to take part in!
the events, (icorge H. Doust, Jr., was
the first to join in flip present, cam
paign. Dr. li. P. Pound is president of
the club, C. A. Yihbert, secretary and
treasurer and Miss Kva Mcl.ngan, vice-presideut.
McParlaiid's Fine Showing.
Chicago, May .1. Pin key McFarland,
pride of the stockyards, is better than
ever, according to the opinion express
ed today by lO.Olill funs who saw him
box a thrv '."und exhibition at the
carnival here.
F.ver lliuamer, who recenf'y bstcd
Fredtiie WVls.i, .loliutiy t ouloe, former
'. .in'ainweiglit ehiinipiit Charlie White
end the th' r. ' to Prank i deli's
vieslling . .1- Stecher, all pur
,!ci ,ited in hie show
Try Capital Journal Wnt Adt. jcr."
J Pure Distilled Wafer Ice. MV
Flume 415 ff( j '
Real Estate Transfers
Arthur (Hover to Anna D. and Ray A.
Clover, lots 1 and -, blk. 4, North Sa
lem. Oregon & California T.and company
to Win. ,1. Wargnier, Sr., lots .'! and i,
blk. 7, tlervnis.
F.ffie I.. Snyder et vir to J. W. and
l C. I.ytle, bit S, Hollywood.
liobert T. Hasey to M. T. and May
Irwin, lot 7, blk. 10. .lours add, Salem.
Kobert T. Hasev to (). J. and Snrnli
Ware, all of lot 7, blk. 10. (!. II. Jones
add, Salem, that lies east of a line
running north and south through naid
blk. 10.
Shell company of California, inc., to
shell company of California, lot 2, bis
II, Depot add, Salcni.
Joseph 1), Heilmeir et ux to Phillii
and .Maggie I. tit, .1. TT. Palmer rl. 10 il
Clark Ainsworth to Civile Ainsworth,
all of lots .1. 4. .p. ti. 7 and H. blk. 4, Hub
lutrd: also lots .1, -4, . ti., blk. 4. Wolf
er's add to Hubbard; also pt. Hubbard
rl. 70 t lV.
Abbott of St. Uouodict's Abbey to
Mrs. Bernard Westhofflot 17, cRuedic
tine add, Mt. Angel.
Chapiii llerlow Mtg. & Trust company
to O. li. and CI. C. Honeil, lot S, blk. S.
Oaks udd.
.fames K. Hack et ux to Ivan O. Mar
tin, lot 5, blk. 1, Frickey 's add, Salem.
Prioress of St. Hcuedictine convent
to Ilenedictine Sisters, nil property
whether real, personal of mixed nnd of
whatsoever kind or description and
wherever found.
Geisey and Cribble to Joseph Erbs
lund, (I. F. White el. 12 4-t
K. U. dribbler et ux to Joseph F.rbs
land, (i. It. White cl. 1241W.
Carl Voigt et ux to John P. and Folly
S. Murphy, lots .1, I, 11, 12, blk. lo, Hiv
erview Park add Salem.
Win. I'.sch as -sheriff to Chas. C.
I.ogne, lot 12, blk, 23, Scotts Mills.
John I.arsen et ux to Orsa and Olga
M. Fngg, Samuel Parker cl. 77 7-.1W.
Margaret It. Mtnison to J. K. Kow
lainl, lot 4, blk. J, Compton's add, Salem.
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland l.os Angeles, 4; Port
land, S. i
At San Francisco San Francisco, 3;
Oakland, 0.
At Vernon Game with Salt Lake
postponed, Vernon failed to arrive.
Ting Bodie fattened his rep and
worsted the Oaks when he poled a home
run into deep center with one roosting
on the sacks. Final score, San Fran
cisco 3, Oakland the hole in the doughnut.
Elwootl Martin, of Oakland, heaved
his flossiest and held the Seals to four
hits, but when one of them is a home
run, wot tell. This pinked Martin's
record of games won. He had five in a
row before. '
Tt looks as if l.os Angeles might fut
ten its average at Fortland while Oaks
and Seals are slugging toe to toe on the
bnyside pasture. It has been done before.
Louie Oiiisto of the Benvers slunime I
out his seventh home rim of the si irn
and gave Portland a 3 to 2 lend, but
The next three Angelic swnUmiths
at the platter bingled safely and tie
Seraphs winged away with the blubber.
Giants took Brooklyn into the ktnn'
when Tesrenu held the Dodgers in th
hollow of his hand.
Benny Kouff 's bntting average ('00
Honk of St. Louis encourage! tin
Cubs by promenading 'four men but he
pitched airtight stuff in the holes nol
won, 3 to 0.
Washington continued bringing in the
sheaves at the expense of the lied Sox.
the Senators hitting Shore for 10 safe
ties and five tallies.
White Sox beat St. Louis when Terry
as a pinch hitter with two dead and
i two on, doubled, and the band played
I Annie Laurie.
! That makes seven straight defeats
, for St. Louis, who appear to be the Rus
j sian army of the American league.
Los Angeles, C'nl., May 3. "More
than 2,000,000,000 pounds of copper
will be the 101(1 production record,"
according to predictions here today in
n report by Seelev Mudd, of the
chamber of oil and mines. This would
i be an increase of more than 25 per cent
over the 1015 figure. The war in F.u
j rope is responsible, Mudd snid.
People who say tint women will nev
er learn anything about politics can
now point to tne California woman who
was elected mayor of her town, but!
refusiM the job, saying she was not
competent. . I
Style, in two heights
ClUfTT ff ASOOYtSrf-m INcVtKf M
1 ii iLj Hu(
All Persons Holding Post
Cards announcing
'The Girl and the Game'
by presenting these cards to
night will be admitted free.
.efrigerator Time
Hot weather is now up-
ivlJJ on us and you will be
considering a new Re
frigerator. We handle the famous
Garland line, a line that
cannot be beat for serv
ice, quality and appear
ance, and can sell them
to you at a reasonable
price within the reach
of all. .
Why pay double price for some of the new f angled
fancy kind that do not give you a bit better service
for your money.
Call and look over our line, we can surely save you
money. '
Prices $8.50 to $27.59, All Sizes and Ms
11 I IW lU :W f 'F
In order to start off with a rush we are offering
as a special inducement, FREE ICE to cash refriger
ator customers this week. We will give you ice as
follows :
50 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $5.00
75 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing . $750
100 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $8.50
125 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $10.oo
150 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $12.50
175 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $14.00
200 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $18.50
250 lbs. ice delivered free with every box
costing $24.50
300 lbs: ice delivered free with every box
costing $27.50
A Fine Line of Used Refrigerators, $5.00 and Up.
Used Furniture
Do not forget to examine our stock of used goods
which is the most complete on the Coast. You can
outfit for One-Half price. We list a few items below :
One regular $45 14-inch Range in fine condition,
used price $10.oo
One regular $65 18-inch Monarch Malleable Range
in fine condition, used price $35.00
Good $8 to $12 No. 7 Cook Stoves, in fine condition,
used price $4 and $5.00
One regular $35 Bridge-Beach Cook Stove with
reservoir, used price $9.00
Heaters, now, used price " ' $100
One regular $12.50 6-ft. square pedestal extension
Table, used price $6.00
One regular $17.50 6-ft. round golden oak exten
sion Table, used price $9 50
One regular $22.50 6-ft. solid oak Table (black), '
used price $9.00
Six regular $3.50 dining Chairs to match above $9.00
One regular $25.00 solid oak Buffet to match
above, used price $12.00
Will take $25 for complete 8-piece dining Set above.
Two regular $9.50 brown leather seat Rockers in
golden wax, used price $4.50 each
One regular $3 cane seat sewing Rocker, used
Price $1.50
One $3.50 drop-leaf Table, used price $1.50
Several regular $2 Kitchen Tables, used price 75c-$l
Several regular $5.00 Kitchen Treasurers, used .
price $1.50 to $3.00
One regular $25 birch combination Bookcase,
used price $12.50
Iron Beds, all kinds and sizes, used price . . $1.00 up
Springs, all kinds and sizes, used price 50c up
It is next to impossible to enumerate all the bar
gains we have in the store but if you will investigate
you will be greatly and agreeably surprised.
Our new stock of house furnishings is unexcelled
for price and quality and we will take in your old
furniture as part payment.
E. L. Stiff & Son
We'ed like to figure your bill we usually get the