I .e Capita ona! MOMUV KVKNIXG Slay 1, 1!10. CHARLES H. FldHEB, Editor and Manager. Edit 1 Journal I rage ol- "Ifii PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISHER, Viee-I'resident DORA C. ANDRESEN, Hec. and Treat. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bally by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year . . . $3.00 3.00 Per month. Per month. ,45c .35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT Kew York EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Tribune Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the yorsh. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers uro following instructions. Phone Main 81. WHAT A WOMAN'S PARTY MEANS Obregon has demanded that the American troops with draw from Mexico and refuses to discuss the matter, simply insisting upon it, as the last and only solution of the dispute. The conference Saturday ended without any results and will be continued for some days and until a satisfactory arrangement has been made. It may.be if Obregon holds out, that intervention will be the satis factory arrangement, for it is evident the armies will not be withdrawn until Villa is eliminated. It will probably be for thebest if this happens for Mexico cannot straight en out her affairs without help and there is none to help her but Uncle Sam. If the army is withdrawn before some permanent arrangement is made by which Carranza or some other leader is established, firmly, and lawless ness stopped we will have the whole thing to do over again. It looks as if the fate of Mexico just now was en tirely in General Obregon's hands. Oregon has placed equal suffrage in her constitution, and practically all of her citizens are satisfied therewith. The visit of the distinguished suffragettes to the coast, and to Salem Saturday night, was to enlist the women already given the suffrage in the fight to make the suf frage national. There was a goodly number of Salem folks at the State house to see and hear these visitors, and learn just what they were attempting. Whatever conclusion they arrived at, as to the merits of the proposition, they at least had the pleasure of hearing the matter ably presented. Of the several talented women who spoke Mrs. Black, daughter of the famous pioneer of suffrage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, now herself as she said, a grandmother, got closer to her hearers than any, perhaps clue in a measure to sentimental reasons, though she made a strong presen tation of the suffrage case. She pointed out that while the women of Oregon could vote so long as they were citizens of the state, that should they move to some anti-suffrage state, they would be dis franchised. She also pionted out that a woman born in this country, in case she married a citizen of any other country, by that act became an alien and "a foreigner." She pointed out a good many other things-and asked if they were just. The answer would have to be in the negative. But there was one thing Mrs. Black brought out that was not down on the bills, or if so, not understood so to be, and that was the creation of "a women's party." She advocated the creation of such a party, and urged the women of all the equal suffrage states to lay aside politics and unite for the purpose of controlling legislation. She advocated the using of this party to force such legislation as women should desire. 'U the leaders of this movement have given it proper consideration and studied out the ultimate results of such a movement, they must surely believe that the masses of the voters will not do so. There is only one good feature to the proposition, and that is that it is impossible of attainment. Suppose though, it was, and all the women voters should get to gether to control legislation and elections, it would neces sarily follow that the men would have to get together solidly against them for self protection. Republicanism and democracy, and all other brands of politics would have to be abandoned bv the men ami the two parties would be "Male" and "Female." Tin nrnnnsition is to have this nartv sav to the democrats just now because they are in power, that they must submit national suffrage to the states for ratifica tion. If they do not every woman in the suffrage states will vote the republican ticket and retire the democracy. Thev would sav the same thine to the republicans if they were in power,' or to any other party. Suppose their first threat should be put in operation and the women of the suffrage states should thus attempt to force Congress and should win. Then when all the states had national suf frage what would the result be, if this "women's party" was maintained? The men being divided the women would have the balance of power and the result would be not equal suf frage but practically a disfranchisement of the men; for the women could throw the vote either way. The result would be a gynocracy, anil the United States would be ruled entirely by the women. The threat so made is liable instead of helping their cause, to retard its final ac complishment. As was stated however, the best feature of the sug gested movement is its impossibility of accomplishment. It may have a great effect on the coming presidential elec tion, and with the sudden indorsement of Colonel Roose velt, just while this tour of the suffrage states is being made, looks very much as though it was an effort to throw the election to him or to at least injure the democrats as much as possible. It might be added that such states as New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts where the foreign uneducated element is large will hesitate long about making suffrage the law, and so will the southern states where the passage of the law would create some millions more of colored voters. The completion of the railroad from Eugene to Marsh field will have one rather curious result. Although that thrifty city has been in business for itself for many years, it has never been visited by a circus. It was too far off the lines of travel and too costly to reach, to admit of the ringed shows visiting it. This summer there will it is said be two or three circuses make the town, and it is a safe bet that the whole family will go and not have to make the excuse of doing so just on the children's account. The frightened ones who find all kinds of possibilities happening this country from foreign sources remind one of the remote contingencies imagined by the old maid who bought the door plate with the name "J. Adams." Asked what she wanted with a thing of that kind that she could never use, she thoughtfully replied : We'll some time I might get married and I might have a daughter, and she might marry a man named J. Adams and then it would come in handy. With the Carnegie company building a plant costing $1:1,500,000 to make dye stuffs from the waste from the company coke ovens; another company building a plant costing six millions, and several others being built at an aggregate cost of $28,000,000, the reason of Senator Lodge's move to get a tariff placed on dye stuffs "to en courage American inventors" to get busy making them, is prominently apparent. Should Villa be captured, or better yet killed, and the American troops should withdraw, it would evidently be but a few days until the Felix Diaz revolution would take the place of that of Villa. Probably should this happen, General Obregon, who is by far the ablest leader, and man in Mexico, would sidetrack Carranza and take the reins of government. The British are not doing much successful fighting ex cept in Ireland and Africa. It is probable, though, from indications, the kaiser is going to put them at work soon along the French frontier, for it looks as though the next German drive would be against them. Newberg is to have a $:0,000 cannery. This is the kind of news that makes everybody happier, for it means a market for Oregon products and the returning to Oregon of many good dollars the easterners annually take away from us. The Irish rebellion was illy planned, lacked leadership, and all the elements necessary to success. It was a pre mature attempt, starting in a brawl and ending in an as sembling of a mob rather than an armed and led force. ID SOI Health Department Makes Suggestions as to Care of Patients and Quarantine Now that Salem is having ;1n (,;. (leiuie of measles, and .10 eases are un der quarantine, .1 few facts from the health department of the city about measles may lie of general interest. In the first place, measles is a dan gerous disease. Jt has been proven that it has been more fatal than the much dreaded sc.'.rlet fever. Ill fact, these two innocent diseases, measles and whooping cough together have killed in the northern cities, ."in per cent more people than all the other acute contagious diseases combined. The present epidemic in Salem can lie traced to one case brought to one 01 the schools by a boy who had been vis iting in Eugene. During the month one school. Yew I'nrk, reported -." cases and it was not long before L'S uf the pupils of Lincoln school h.ul contliai-t-cd the disease. A child may have measles and not show any signs of it. although he is spreading the disease all the time. When a child has the early symptoms, such as catarrh of the nose, coughing, sneezing and inflamed eyes, it should be kept at home until it his been definitely determined that it is not measles. The old idea that every child should have the measles and whooping cough was long ago exploded. The fact is, it is not only an undesirable thing to have the measles, but that it is very dangerous. After being exposed, a child will show the first symptoms in about eight days and the rash will appear in about I- dm.vs after the first exposure. After a child has been exposed to the dis ease he can give it to another in eight days. It is most contagious dur ing the tuur or tive days preceding the appearance of the rnsh. The first symptoms are cold in the head, cough, sometimes vomiting, sore ness of the eyes, desire to avoid the light, and feverishuess, although .of course nil of these symptoms do not appear. As soon as the first symptoms ap pear, the child should be isolated, lie should be (piarantined cntil two weeks after the first appearance of the rash. in a case of measles, the whole fam ily is not quarantined, only the child. Hut other children in the home who have never had the measles, will be re quired to stay at home. The proper treatment includes keep ing the child in bed in a darkened room as long as there is a fever. The nose and mouth should be kept clean and it is needless to say that it is ad visable to c ill a physician. Measles is now regarded as a dangerous dis ease, ami it is not advisable, accord ing to a recent bulletin issued by the city of Seattle, to take any chances. Seattle is now in the midst of a meas les epidemic, and the department of health has issued a bulletin, giving general instructions us to treatment and care. . After a child lias had the measles, in the Seattle schools, the teacher is not permitted to admit him as a pupil unless he presents a written release from the school uiivsiciau or a reiriilar physician. This is done for the pro tection of the other school children. During the mouth of April W Sa lem children of school age and many under the age of six years have had the ai.s. use A 3 5: i f. r ' p '.Jf i: 1? Ait v" 1 r, I ' a .til ri . r iorvf -35- 3E C qHAR'S some things we have to learn to like such as olives an' hard work. Thar's others we take to naturally such as Baseball Games an' VELVET. M a w OS 3C mm TW s particles that it is nothing more than dust, and offers no body for road oil. A road built of such material would, after very litrle travel creep and rut up. The report is concluded with this final paragraph. " I'nder the circum stances I could not recommend it as a first class road material. However, it might be possible to mix it with crush ed rock and use it merely as a binder. 1 think you would find that upon roll ing it would crush and take up the place of screenings. ' ' SALEM MIGHT TRY IT The boosters at the town of Henry, Illinois recently were given some need ed improvements at their depot after years of effort. They had tried every known means to make the railroad offi cials see the need of a new station, and finally erected a big sign board along the right-of-way which read: "Don't judge our town by our depot." They got what they needed from the company, (t pays to advertise. i.y-change. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. BIDS FOR STEEL BRIDGE The following bids were opened at Dallas for the erection of a steel bridge in I'olk county: Tobin & Stevens. Portland, $ I !"."; H. O. Dustiness, Salem. $lo4-"i; L. O, Uerrald, Salem, Stevens & Eng. strom, Salem, $y."; Curtis Gardner, Kuuene, $143."). The contract was let to the lowest bidder. Use Zemo for Eczema Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you ran stop burninir, itching eczema quickly by applying a little zemo furnished by any druggist for 25c. Extra large bottle, $l.U0. Healing begins th moment zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of pimples, black heads, rash, eczema, tetter and similar., skin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and makine it vigorously healthy, zemo is an exceptional remedy. It is not greasy, sticky or watery nnd it does not stain. When others fail it is the one dependable' treat ment for all skin troubles. Zemo, 'Cleveland. Fill your home atmosphere with exquisite lasting fragrance ED. PINAUD'S LILAC The ffreat French perfume, winner of highest international awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't see how you can sell such a remarkable perfume for 75 cents a bottle" and remember each bottle contains 6 o?, it is wonderful value. Try it. Ask your dealer today for ED. PINAUD'S LILAC. For 10 ce-its our American offices will stni you a listing bottle. Writt today. PABFUMER1E ED. PMAUD, Dcpt M ' ED. PLNAUD Bldg., New York Really, that Eastern bunch of suffragettes are on a silly mission. And if they were a fair sample of the women who ask the ballot we would glory in the spunk of j the Lastern men who retuse to give it to them. Less than three weeks to the primaries, and then comes that visit to Marshfield and then the Cherry Fair and Fourth of July. Truly there are busy days ahead. ST RipaWRhume' r l&ASi v wait Mason Volcanic Cinders Have Little Value On Roads The State Highway department has just received a report from the I'innl Dome liefininn company of California on the value of vulcanic ' cinders in Crook county for road purposes. This report confirms a former re port by Professor S. 11. Or .if of the Oreijon Agricultural ( olleae. it states that tiie rock is a lii;lit, spongy mater ial that crushes verp easily and breaks down under pressure into such small STRIVING TO PLEASE A hi JCvJr- -4 5 jc 5s $ Shipley's clean out sale on Women's, Misses' and Chil dren's Coats, Suits and Dresses. Means a lot to you. C!)!j1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT "We strive to please," the merchant said; his smile was, large and loose; he then sold me a cabbage head for which1 I had no use. He sold me seven cans of peas, five pounds of shredded rice, a section of imoorted cheese, and mackerel on ice. No doubt when I had left his place, despoiled of hard earned plunk, a smile lit up the merchant's face, since he had sold that junk. But to myself I said, "I think I'll trade with him no more; that merchant prince is on the blink, his methods make me sore. He greets a man with sunny smiles, and says he strives to please, and then, by dizzy arts and wiles, unloads his moldy cheese. The patron thus is made to buy much truck he doesn't wish, old sausage that offends the eye, and prehistoric fish. That sort of treatment chafes and galls the souls of honest men, and I shall buy no codfish balls at that man's place again." The dealer who would sidestep woes must be a prudent guy ; he'll figure that the patron knows just what he wants to buy. OUR PRICES Until Further Notice Xo. ! sack white cormneal 3Pe No. 9 yellow cornmeal 30c Five pounds box Macaroni ...,30c No. 9 Cream Cereal 30c, No. 9 sack Graham 30c No. 9 sack Pancake Flour 30c No. 9 Self Rising Flour ... 30c Five pounds best cream rolled Oats v 2,1c Large package Liberty oats 30c Large pkg. Liberty wheat 30c 3 cans Libby's Solid Faok Tomatoes Zje Creamery Butter, pound 3,'m: 3 cans choice Iowa Corn .... 3e Free Delivery. Phone 1467 R. N. MORRIS A Personal Sinking Fund (TL A "sinking fund" is a sum set aside out of present income to provide for future needs, or the discharge of a debt. Are you creating a personal "sinking fund"? You know you will have need of money, and it will be much easier to raise funds a little at a time, than to depend upon others for a large sum when need or opportunity presses. Your debt to your future, too, should have attention as you go along. Look about you and see how they have fared who left their future to take care of itself. A savings account with this bank is the logi cal plan for you to capitalize your "sinking; fund". UNITED S TATES NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve Banks, Salem, Oregon Always Watch This Ad Changes Often MM tH Strictly correct weight, quare deal and highest priceg for ill kind o junk, metal, rubber, hidei and fnrj. I pay 2c per pound for old Mgs. X Big stock of all sizes second hand incubators. All kindf corrugated I iron for both roofs and buildings. Hoofing paper and second hand J linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Million Bargains. I S02 North Commercial St pion, (08 HtttM4MtttttHHHm4mTfmt