Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 01, 1916, Image 1

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nnirip rmvn fTlUTQ 0N TRAINS AND NEWS
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dmimictqat nu
Scott and Funston Instructed
i Not to Consider General
Obregon's Demand
Tiilistas Burned Property of
American Mormon Colony
at Chuiclmpa
By Carl D. Grout.
(raited Press stuff correi .ondent.)
Washington, May 1. Tie administra
tion does not intend to heed General
.Mvnrn Obregon's suggestion that the
American expedition withdraw from
Scott and Funston have again been
, ii'Structed not to treat with Obregon
.looking toward a withdrawal of Amer
icans. Instead, Scott must again express
the need of having Cnrranzistas co
operate with the expedition.
War Secretary Baker called on Presi
dent Wilson following the receipt of
Scott's request for more explicit in
nfruetions as to how far to go in the
next conference. Baker must have re
ceived the instructions quickly, ns his
'(inference with Wilson lasted only 10
oi': notes. '
Carranzistas Are ?. ?. ?. ?T
, By E. T. ConXtc.
fruited Press staff correspondent.)
Kl Paso, Texas, la, General Funs
ton stated that there would probably be
no session of the Obregon-Seott confer
ence todav.
mCJfm'HUoTr of- withdrawing the
American expedition froia. Mexico, upon
which depends peace or war with the de
fucto government, was tip to President
Wilson today.
A rapid fire excli.-.nge of telegram
between Secretary of War Pealter anil
Generals Hugh iScott and Fred Funs
Ion today indicated that the adminis
tration had not yet fullly decided on its
policy. Major Sample, in command at
('(ilumbus, was ordered to obtain lien
oral Pershing's opinion on the Carran
.'1a demand for an immediate with
diawal. General Scott was said to be lake
warm on the issue before his confer
en.'O with Guteral Alvaro Obregon, Car
rniigista war minister. Funston is said
to be strongly opposed to yielding to
Hie demands. Both, however, put the
decision squarely up to Washington.
tt was reported that Baker asked the
Americans how a withdrawal would af
fect the bolder region and Mexico it-ai-if.
They replied with a long code
message which it is understood contain
ed the opinion that a withdrawal
would undoubtedly lend to new border
If Scott and Funston are instructed
from Washington in time a second con
ference may be held with Obregon to
dny. Washington's reply is not expect
. ed to be a peremptory refusal of the
! Mexican demand Further conferences
ate anticipated. It is also assumed from
President Wilson's previous statements
( that the army would be withdrawn i'i
its continued existence in Mexico meant
wii r.
Pro-intervention interests here gave
Scott documents to show that the Cur-
rnnzistas would not co-operate to police
t'io border, but that they themselves
looting American 'property in
ico. W. H. Staler, general manager
'ie Xntionnl Mines and Smeller com-
r ,
I rwf" J.
lilt ,l VrW
I hain't got no faith in ro eeroplt.ie
"t 'tid when it comes t' ketchin' Vih
how kin aviator tell '- ji ,'..r
" Mexican liatf" said ole 17 p,,
' day. Miss Tawncv Apple ho.n't V
'''d whether she'll spend i,..r nmivv
" h. r feet or her head this Kpri-ig.
iiiiiuiiini iuii
wrote to Scott alleging that Car
istas took all American ammunition
' '. his company's employes at Magis-
and afterward looted the property.
e newspapers correspondents re
w :d from General Pershing's head
' -T. 'ers because they understood that
I J, c operations on tne Mexicaa front
' over. This revived rumors that
I ' xpedition would withdraw within a
i li or two.
ueral Funston dropped a significant
i 5? rk when he was told that three
i !1 paper correspondents had returned
f Mexico because they thought there
i.uuid be no more big events there.
"I think they are mistaken," he
Scott and Funston worked all night
on code messages to Washington and to
General Pershing. Funston stated that
instructions from Washington received
last night were not clear in several par
ticulars. At (1 a. m. today the American envoys
asked Washington to amplify its direc
tions. The answer is not anticipated
in time for the conference with Obre
gon t oday.
"It is my personal opinion," said
Funston, "that there will be but one
more conference with Obregon and that
it will be brief."
Gather Supplies on Border.
Columbus, N. M., .way 1. Large re
serve supplies or rations and forage are
being piled along the lines of communi
cation for the American expedition in
Mexico. The quartermaster's depart
ment was most active today and Sun
day, dispatching an unusual number oT
motor trains. Fresh cavalry forces are
marching rapidly along the eommuuici
Hons southward, according to driver?
of incoming trucks. However, 1,000 in
fantrymen scheduled to leave Dubliin
were held there, the change in plans be
ing attributed to developments at the
Kl Paso conference between General
Scott and Ge.icral Obregon.
The Columbus telegraph office opened
suddenly during the night for transmis
sion of important messages from Scott
to General Pershing.
Vtllistas Barn Out Mormons.
Fl Paso, Texas, May 1. Villistaa
have burned the American Mormon col
only at Chuichupa, 25 miles northeast
of Madera, the colony's care taker re
ported on his arrival here today. The
attack occurred last week, he said. Two
hundred American families deserted
their homes more than a month ago,
fearing Villista outrages.
Nine Crowd In Small Boat
Despite Warnings and Four
of Them Are Lost
San Bernadino, Gal., M iv 1. Four
men were drowned in Little Bear lake
in the mountains east of here at 7
o'clock n. m. today. Five others were
rescued. A rowboaT from which tuc
party planned to fish for trout, cap
sized. The dead: Dr. C. K. Trunipower,
Long Bench.
Benjamin M. Hipp, Long Beach.
Harry Thorpe, Los Angeles.
Newton Wen mo, Los Angeles.
The party including nine men left
the shore in a small rowboat for a
raft in the middle of the lake from
which they Jilauned to cntch trout.
Before the boat put off, several by
standers warned them of1 overcrowd
ing. In the middle of the lake one of tiie
party attempted to shift his position.
The boat overturned. The men strug
gled for some minutes in the icy w iter
for a Hold on the overturned boat.
Scores of i'ishemen watched helpless
from the shore, there being only two or
three boats on the lake. Several at
tempted to reach the spot where the
men were struggling, by straddling logs
ami pailclling witn lioiinls.
A rowboat was t'innlly secured from
the upper end of the lake and one man
put out in it.
lir. Trunipower struggled for some
moments, trying to reach the overturn
ed boat to which his homr.ides were
clinging. A heavy overcoat and other
eiorning throttled ins ettorts and he
disappeared Ironi sight before two
others could renca him.
Sheriff McMinn, in a large autonio-
one left here as soon as tie news uf
the accident was telephoned, with first
aid equipment and tackle for drugging
ine nine. The like is 200 feet deep
at the spot where the four men sank.
The names of the rescued nave not
been learned.
Two Babies Drowned
One Falls From Bridge
Los Angeles, ( al., May 1. Two ba
bies have been drowned here within
the past L'l 'nours.
Mrs. Samuel Penrliu, almost frantic,
searching the vicinity of llollenbeck
park for her two year old son, was
hailed by two boys in i boat a hundred
I'eet from the shore. They had found
the babe's body. It had follen .10
feet from a bridge spanning the lake.
Xo one witnessed the accident.
Mrs. George llryan, Graham Station,
near here, away from her home a few
minutes, left her fourteen mnnt'.n old
son in care of n neighbor. Shortly
afterward the b.iby disappeared. It
was found dead in a wash tub.
About 1500 Acres Represent
ed, Making It Largest Ever
Formed In County
Prices Above Average Out
look For All Oregon Fruits
Is Unusually Good
The Salem district prune pool will be
closed tonight with about 1,500 acres
signed up by nearly 200 growers, ac
cording to the announcement of Man
ager Robert C. Paulus, of the Salem
Fruit union. There were 1,200 acres in
the pool Saturday night nnd numerous
growers were phoning to the fruit union
officers today to give their acreage
and ask that they be signed up with the
other growers in the pool. The prune
pool is tho largest pool handled by the
Salem Fruit union and this year will
have signed up nbout 1,500 acres out of
the 2,500 in the Salem district which
comprises Marion and parts of Tolk
As to the outlook for yield little can
be said at this time as in most of the
fruit sections of the district the trees
are only now shedding their blossoms
and it will be a. week or 10 days before
any accurate estimate of the yield can
be made. The pear crop will be short
according to the best information in the
hands of the fruit growers and the cher
ry crop is uncertain. There Is n large
acreage of cherries in benring this year
and the fruit has set on well but many
uncertain conditions of the weather
have tu be met by the growers.
The prune acreage in the Salem dis
trict has increased from 10 to 1.1 per
cent over last year but this will not
decrease the price according to the Cali
fornia reports, as the southern state ex
pects bwut nbout 05 per cent of last
year's yield. The outlook for prunes,
both in quality nnd price is the best for
years in Oregon according to Manager
rniilus and outside of the apple pros
pects the Oregon fruit growers appear
to be facing a prosperous year.
The following report of conditions in
California whiclftiave a large influence
upon Oregon fr.uit prices has been re
ceived from the Prune and Apricot
Growers' Information Bureau of Cali
fornia and the reports relating to
prunes arc given in full:
Reports from practically all sections
of the state indicate a very light crop.
It is still early to make an accurato
estimate, but we are led to believe that
the IStlfl prune crop will not be in excess
of 05 per cent of last year's crop esti
muted at 170,000,000 ninds, nnd that it
will probably run considerably less than
that. Indeed, the statement is freely
made in some quarters, that the. com
ing crop will be the lightest since 1910
when 75,000.000 pounds were produced.
In 19111, 90,000,000 pounds were pro
duced, no according to these authorities
the 1910 output will be between 75 nnd
90.000,000 pounds. One Snn Jose pack
er has estimated the IPlfi crop In the
Santa Clara valley at S., 000,000 pounds.
On the other hand another packer places
the output of this district at 05,000,000
Following is the correct
Capital Journal of Salem,
Total Average daily circulation for the 25 days of publication
during the month of April, 1916
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of May, 1916.
op.,x . . DORA C. ANDRESEN,
oedi; Notary Public for Oregon.
This circulation statement is printed because the publishers of the Capital
t Journal believe that businessmen have a right to know
wnen mey ouy advertising space in a newspaper, we mane no circulation claims
simply a statement of circulation facts, which any advertiser is at liberty to in
vestigate for himself. Our mailing lists, carrier lists and press run figures are
at his service. We have no circulation secrets because we have no cause to be
ashamed of our subscription list, and no good reason for misrepresenting it in
any respect.
The Capital Journal believes that it has by far the largest circulation of any
newspaper attempting to cover this field and it is a legitimate subscription not
padded by fake voting contests or wholesale distribution of premiums. Further
more, 95 per cent of this circulation is in Marion and Polk counties, directly tribu
tary to the City of Salem;
-- fr44
pounds. In any event the outside dis
tricts are probably considerably lighter
than the Santa Clara district. The esti
mated crop percentages from the va
rious producing districts are as follows:
Chico, 2.1 per cent; Colusa, 50 per cent;
Napa, 40 per cent; Sonoma, 30 per cent;
Solano, 50 per cent; Yolo, 50 per cent;
Santa Clara, 50 per cent; Tulare, 90 per
cent; Sau Benito, 50 per cent.
Market: Since our last letter the
prices for both spot and future goods
have risen materially. As much as 5 1-2
cents has been offered for spot goods in
Santa Clara county. During the past six
weeks there has been a good movement
in the old crop at prices ranging from
.1 3 4 to 5 1-2 cents. The bulk of the
1915 prunes are now in the hands of the
holders who expect to realize a C cent
basis or better. The increase in the spot I
prune price is mainly due, according to
tho New York Journal of. Commerce,
"to a marked increase in the consum
ing demand."
The market for the 1916 crop is in
very good shape from the growers'
viewpoint. There is a large short inter
est still uncovered, as much ns, perhaps,
20,000,000 pounds or 20 per cent of the
entire crop. Sales to dnte, in California
by growers to packers, have not been in
excess of 2,000 tons, and most of these
sales have been on a 5 cent bailis or
better As much as 6 cents has been of
fered in at least one instance although
this was a special case. The Bureau
believes that there is no reason why
any grower should sell his 1910 crop
for less than 5 1-2 cents.
Temporarily Crazed by Pain
Aged Man Shoots Himself
at His Home Near Town
While suffering from an iutense pain
in the stomach and temporarily out of
his mind, John Marnach, aged W2 years,
committed suicide by shooting himself
with a revolver this morning at 9
o'clock at his home four miles south
of the city.
Vesterdav Le was in his usual good
health and attended church in the city.
About ten o'clock last night he com-
I Tibiined of severe nains in the stomach. I
He was attended by a doctor this morn
ing at U o'clock, but his intense suffer
ing was not relieved. His wife had
stepped out of the room for a moment,
when he secured the revolver and ended
his life.
As yet no funeral arrangements have
been made.
Besides the widow, he is survived by
six son..anr one daughter. Mrs. Anna
Miller of Portland, Joe Marnach of
Ulds, Alberta; Jienry jiarnaca oi
Brooks, Alberta: Paul Marnach of Sal
em, John and Alex Marnach of Port
land; and Peter Marnach of Madras,
He came to Oreiron in 1SS2, direct
from Belgium,
Alaska Is For Hushes
j Cold Comfort for Teddy
J Seattle, Wash., May 1. William A.
jGilmore, former mayor of Nome and
jone of Alaska's two delcgites to the
republican national convention in Chi
cago, who is now in Seattle, said to
day that Alaska republicans are 4'or
Hughes. ns a candidate for president.
He said that X resolution asking that
I delegates be instructed for Hoosevclt
was voted down nt the territorial con
vention. "Hughes is the only man that can
'unite all the factions of the party and
statement of the actual
All Dublin Leaders Now Pris
onersLeader Pearse Asks
Followers to Quit
DAMAGE IS $10,000,000
Desultory Sniping May Con
tinue for Some Days, But
Uprising Is Dead
London, May 1. All Dublin rebel
commanders have surrendered it was of
ficially announced today.
Large forces of rebels at Enniscorthy,
80 miles south of Dublin, surrender
after a truce lusting a day and a half
according to dispatches received in Lon
don today. Several isolated detach
ments are still holding out, but the back
of the Irish rebellion has been broken.
Skirmishes continued in Dublin on
Sunday, but there was little fighting in
the heart of the city. Afore than 1,200
rebels have been made prisoners. It is
estimated that 200 thave been killed
and wounded nnd $10,000,000 dnmage
done property during the seven days of
Proclamations were posted in Dublin
yesterday announcing that Tearse, the
rebel leader, had asked his followers
to surrender. Irish snipers wounded the
men posting these placards. Soon, how
ever, groups of rebels surrounded in
the business section of the city signaled
for a truce. Presently several bands
Sniping in.the outskirts of Dublin
may continue for days while troops
round up tho scattered rebels block by
Hoc It.
There is no intimation of what pun
ishment may be given rebel prisoners,
Mic. Hiding the Countess MarkiociO'..
Troops in Full Possession.
By .Wilbur S. Forrest.
(Tinted Press staf correspondent.)
Dublin, May 1. Irish rebels holding
St. Stephens Green surrendered Inst
night. About 410 insurgents, entrench
ed in the central part of the city, also
laid down their arms nt the foot of the
I arnell monument.
British troops occupy the Four Courts.
The last portion of the downtown rebels
hnve surrendered and soldiers nre sys
tematically canvassing the city, search
ing for arms nnd ammunition and ar
resting suspects where rebel unifurms
are found.
Hie center of Dublin recalls Sun
Frr.ncisco n'fter the fire. Fine build
ings are tumbled into ruins nnd black
ened by smoke. Gaunt, bullet scarred
walls are swaying in the wind, pierced
by shells and ready to topple. Soldiers'
rations nre being fed to the populace.
Long lilies of destitute have formed at
the food depots, the poorer women and
children with hunger pinched faces
standing beside wealthy residents who
entreat authorities to recover their au
tomobiles which the rebels commanrleer
cd when the riot began.
Each applicant receives n portion of
codfish nnd canned ment. Two soldiers
accompany each citizen to his home and
senrch the premises.
Peter Pearse and James Connolly,
circulation of the Daily
what they are paying for t
rebel leaders, approached the authori
ties and wanted to arrange terms of
surrender. They were told that they
must lay down their arms unconditional-
Connolly was fatally wounded whn
shells from a British gunboat struck
Liberty hall. Pearse was wounded in
the leg. Many rebels discarded their
uniforms and escaped capture by ming
ling with crowds or civilians.
Los Angeles, Cal., May 1. The
steamer Iewis Luckenbaeh, first ship
through the Panama canal since reop
ening April 10 is in port Los Angeles
today. Sailors on the vessel boasted
of the record for the slowest time be
tween New York and the Pacific, 122
d.iys haveing been consumed in the
The Toyo Kishen Kaisba Bteamer
Anyon Mara will leave here tomorrow
en route to South America with a largo
number of Japanese immigrants.
K. li. E.
Philadelphia 2 4 1
Boston 5 H 1
Mayer anl Brims; Rudobm and
Gowdy. Kixey replaced Mayer, Adams
roplne.'id Burns.
E. If. Iv
BrooKlyn 8 11 0
New York 5 .1.1 2
HuL'ker and Miller; Palermo n.ud R i ri
den. Coombs repluced Euckcr; Dooiu
replaced Eurideu.
' E. K. 13.
Pittsb'.i'g ; J H i
Cincinnati 3 0 0
Adams and Schmidt; Mitchell and
St. Louis-Chicago, postponed, ruin,
C'hicttgo-St. Louis, postponed, rain.
E. II. E.
Cleveland 2 3 1
Detroit 0 2 1
Covaleski and O'Neill; Dausa and
Stanuge. Called fifth, rain.
n. ii
Boston 3 10 1
Washington 5 ft 0
Ruth und Agnew; Harper nnd Henry.
Leonard replaced Ruth; Thomas re
placed Agnew,
B. II. E.
New York 2 (i 1
Philadelphia 4 8 3
Russell und Nuniimaker; Bush nnd
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(I'nited Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, May 1. American Ambnssa
dor Gerard telegraphed today that he
cannot possibly reach flcrllu before to
morrow. This was interpreted iib mean
ing that bis conferences with the kaiser
were still in progress.
Germany's reply to the American sub
marine demands will bo dispatched to
Washington this week utiles stho unex
pected occurs. The tentative draft
framed Friday last has not been sent. It
is still undergoing changes. The decision
on fundamental questions has not been
altered, however.
J. II. Hicks, a contractor who has
been working a gang of men on the
roads in Tillamook county, was fined
$ij for working some of his men over
time according to the report of State
Labor Commissioner O. P. Iloff, who
returned to Salem from thut district
German Attacks Growing
More Violent at Verdun - -Loss
of Life Is Enormous
Paris, May 1. Following n severe
bombardment, German during the
night hurled a "powerful, close for
mation .iltnck'' against recent French
gains north of Dead Man's hill. The
ofl'iciul announcement today said every
charge wilted under a terrific French
fire. German losses were enormous.
Another German attack on the Gum
ieres sector was repulsed.
German attacks have grown ste.idily
more violent since the Teutons re
sumed their Verdun offensive last Fri
day. Guns of every calibre shelled not
only Dead Man's hill but nlsn Hill 301
mill rained projectiles east of the Kiver
Meuse as fur ns Van.
A curtain of Piciich mitraileuse fire
mowed down Advancing Germuns by
the hundreds mid French aeroplanes
showered bombs on rnilways at Ktuin
nnd SeliimtoMil, near Thiaiiucourt. A
Herman bivoiic. nt. Spincourt was bom-
i luirdcd from the sky.
No Change In Situation
Berlin, May 1. Fierce fighting
nroiuln De.nl Man's hill during Sunday
resulted ill no cluinge in tho situation,
the war office announced today. Klso
whero said the official statement, the
baltlfl fronts, are the same.
German nirmeu extensively bombard
ed encby concentration c.mips ami mag
azines west of Verdun. They shot down
n I'rench aeroplane east of Hoyons,
Killing its occupant;.
Most Plants In District One,
Concede Demands of
Shingle Weavers
All Demand Higher Wages On
Account of War Prices
Making Living Higher
Seattle, Wash., May 1. Orders for a
general strike of the International Shin
glo Weavers' union, in district No. I,
comprising nil territory north of th
Oregon-California lino and west of th
Missouri river, in the event mill owners
refused to pay the incrensod scale de
manded, was sent out today from gen
oral headipiarters in Seattle.
In tho Everett jurisdiction, whirh in
cludes Mukilteo, till 'mills except oim
refused tho demand nnd the men walked
In the TToquinm jurisdiction cerv
mill except the Northwestern agreed to
the union's demands.
In the Olympin jurisdiction all eight
mills paid the scale.
The men demand 17 cents for sawyers
and to 10 cents a thousand for pack
ers. Union men employed in tho Ballard
mills, Seattle, will hold a meeting to
night to discuss the local situation.
Tho entire district affected by th
ordor has a membership of about 2,501)
men. Hevernl hundred of these, Secre
tary W. II. Reid, of the Internal ioivnl,
said at noon today, are iilrendy out.
Tho order affects principally those
mills where wages were reduced two,
years ago.
California Strike.
Long Beach, Cal., May 1. C'aliforuia.
shipbuilding company officials admitted
early today that three hundred men
wore on strike, leaving only about
common laborers nt work in the yard.
Forty machinists, blacksmiths and their
helpers struck Saturday. Practically all
all other tradesmen nt tho plant went
out this morning ask increase in wage
and bliorter hours.
5,000 at Youngstown.
Youngstown, Ohio, May J. Fiva
thousand men were out of work here to
day following a striko of 2,000 machin
ists demanding mi eight hour day ami
a clofcd shop, with 50 cents uu hour
minimem wage.
Cincinnati Has 3,500 Out.
Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1. Thirty-fiva
hundred machinists struck here today.
Several shops, including munitions
plants granted their demands.
Canada Has bo me of It
Fort Williams, Out., May 1. Sixteen
hundred gruin elcvutnr workers went
on strike here today, making a tola! of
2,000 now out. Port Arthur men aro
ulso striking.
(Continued on Pago Five.)
Prepare to Fight Russians
Petrograd, May 1. Field Marshal
Von iliiideubiirg is bringing a number
of guns northward for use against tin)
Itussiins along the northern front, it
wag learned today. A German offens
ive against the Slavs under General
Kuropatliin was forecasted within a
Merchant Ship Sunk:
London, Mny 1. The British mer
chant man Luc know of HOti!) tons iiu
been sunk, it was learned today is
shipping circles.
Oregon: Fair
tonight sod
Tuesday; north
westerly winds.