THE DAILY CAPITAL .Tr RNAL, SALEM, OREOOV SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1910. NINE mt)MHntmtHtMHiit tnmttttH " - j- Better Q uality at Lowe rrnces CONFIDENCE PLACED IN OUR MERCHANDISE Satisfies the "monev wise." Every day customers remark to. our salesmen, "Well, I have been ail around and find I can do better here." The qualitv evident in every piece of our mechandise must measure proportionately GREATER THAN THE PRICE. TO GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY IT IS IMPERATIVE, before buying, that you study the market and know quality. Then you will buy your house furnishings from us. Come and look over this stock anyway. J1230 COUCHES $9.85 We offer you this week several patterns of good Couches, all hand tied spring construction, oak frames, covered in imitation leather, and corduroy, brown, tan and green, special $9 85 SPECIAL FROM OUR TRUNK DEPARTMENT . As a special inducement for you to visit our traveling goods department we offer you this week some won- I derf ul values in this department. X $7.00 Metal Covered Trunk $ 575 I $18.50 Fibre Covered Trunk $15 00 I All edges rounded and reinforced, two trays, linen lined, extra heavy hardware, a wonderful value at the price quoted. 1.50 Fibre Matting Suit Cases $2.00 Fibre Suit Cases $1 49 (C'oatinued from, page one.) St. Stephens' Green, gathering recruit;, us they marched. Several policemen were shut near the park gates. A nurse wheeling a perambulator was woundjd anil the baby in the carriage killed by flying bullets. Other small bodies of rioters captured building-: occupying strategic positions, including the Quiness brewery, and the Koyul College of Surgeons. They attack ed Dublin castle but a small force- of government troops equipped with inn chine guns quickly halted the marching insurgents. .Monday night was comparatively calm. The rebels threw up barrienlis and looted stores and hotels for food. One old lady, indignant at being halt ed, slapped the face of a youthful reliei sentry. Government troops begin a system atic attack on the rebel positions Tues day. They quickly recaptured the brev.- I ery and several public houses. Artillery was trained on Liberty hall, headquur Iters of the rebels, and it crumbled into ruins. It was reported that several hundred rebels were killed wh?u th. building collapsed. : CITY NEWS : See E. L. Stiff & Son about free ice with each refrigerator sold. If its buildinj materials come to us, we would like to figure on your next bill for builders supplies. Falls City Salem Lumber Co., oti) S, 12th St., Phone t13. Another evidence of the building spirit in Salem this spring is the' addi tion that is now under construction at the Hunt Bros, cannery. When is completed, the cannery will have a flour space 100 feet wide "by 400 feet ho g. The work is beiiiR done by A. J. Ar. ar son, and the estimated cost is i-.&oo, ...Oct our prices on new and 2nd hand furniture before you buy, we can save vou monev, h. L. Stitt & Son. shoot straight is- one of the require ments, as all infantry, cavalry, en gineers and battalion company and troop officers, as well as all enlis;ed men, excepting cooks, are required to take part in the rifle practice. Me-.V.-cal men and chaplains, and those having served 10 years, arc authorized, but not required to firo. While others are rertudng we are increasing our stork. Thero's a rea son.' ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel ers and opticians. Plans and specifications for the Tair- ! grounds road will come before the city I im.;i ii. vf Mnnilnv pveninir for t'inlil The ladies aid society of the PresbD-1 adoption. The owners of property on tenan church will serve a supper in the church Wednesday evening May ",, from tl to 8 p. m. Chicken pie. ice cream and cake and other good things to cat La Corona cigars for over Sunday smoliing give entire satisfaction. Salem made, 10 cents, worth more. A lecture on astronomy will be given next Monday evening at the publi library by Prof. James T. Matthews, of Willamette university, under the aus pices of the Chautauqua Circle. There will be no charge and everybody is invited. A wire from The Dalles this morn ing to Coroner Clough gives the infor mation that tho man found dead here, and supposed to be Frank Miller, has no relatives at that place and that he was traveling under an assumed name. Thursday night he asked permission to sleep in the ham. of a farmer living near tho feeble minded institute, ami was found dead the next day, presum ably from heart failure. Karl Neugebauer, watchmaker and jeweler with Capital Drug Store, Ma sonic Temple, will move Monday May 1st to the Central Pharmacy, Salem Hank of Commerce Huilding, wherehe will be pleased to meet old and new customers. The officers of the Commercial club will be elected at the annual meeting June 7. The directors of the-depart1 monts for the coming year and who will take charge of their departments June 7, aro as follows: Mercantile, Fred Steusloff; agricultural, Seymour Jones: I legislative, William V. Galloway; pub licity, Bcn.ramin Buck; civic, B. A. the two streets will be asked to state the kind of pavement desired. After this decision is made, the regular form of advertising and period for remon- . i .... ..-111 I... on.l th., nl. most sufficient funds nave Deen raised to guarantee the cost at the figure giv en the property owners, work on the (relayed Fairgrounds road will actually begin. Buy a Sonora Talking Machine and Southwii k; social, Daniel I. Howard; Slightly Used Dining Room Set $22.50 Here is an unusual value.'G solid oak Diners and 45-inch Dining Table, solid oak, not veneered, used just a few weeks, cannot be told from new; fumed finish. industrial, .Theodore Roth. Dr. Stone's Heave Drops cures heaves. Price $1; for sale by all drug you will always have high class enter tainuient in your home. Myrtle Know land, 41! 1 Court St. Minnetonka camp for girls will give a! cists. musicnle at the First Presbyteriau I o church next Wednesday evening. The comic opera "Robin Hood" will 0- be given under the direction of Miss Bargains in refrigerators at E. L. stiff & Sons'. I Our prices are right, no reduction necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers I anil opticians. The Marion County Principals' as sociation held its monthly meeting this morning at the high school and complet ed arrangements for the county field day and carnival tobe held in .Salem Saturday, May 111. In this inter-scholastic contest, "all schools in the county will participate excepting the Salem high school. The day's meet and car nival will be held on Willamette field and will include folk dances, May poles, a school parade, track ovents and base ball. Prof. F. S. Gannett, principal o'f of Washington junior high school is chairman of the committee on arrange ment s. The suffrage special will arrive in Salem this evening on the Southern Pa cific at it o'clock, on the northbound tram. Autos will meet the visitors and will take them direct to the house of representatives. After a short recep tion, addresses will be made by several of the visitors. Tho governor and mem bers of the Commercial club will assist in the reception. After the addresses II nd informal meeting following, the visitors will be taken to their special You re member what Emerson said about the world making a path way to a man's door if he makes the best mouse traps. We find the grass on our front lawn much trampled down by the public asking for good furnishings, hats, shoes, etc. And the fact that we have the best of every thing in the way of men's apparel natural ly causes a pathway to be worn to our door. We like to have our front lawn trampled on. Come and do a little trampling yourself. New spring shirts are here; beautiful styles. $l-$1.50-$2 and up DMOND-BlSflOP CO. The Toggery 167 Commercial St. Leading Clothiers DIED ! A careful, fearless and impartial en forcement of the law. No. H:i on ballot. Ransom (Joe) Woolen-, republican candidate- for constable for Salem district. I'd. ad. Minetta Magers by the mixed cho.-iiscs j truin. They will appear tomorrow morn irom me nigu sruooi some nine uurii j ing t t10 nu,l(. library in rorttanu ; NEW TODAY J PHONE 937 For YY ood sal. ti HARKY Windowdeaaer. Thone 70S May3 W.A.Yl'KD Ten wood chopper's at once. Phone sol-'U. npMt) FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottige. tf FOR RENT SIGN'S for sale .t Cap ital Journal office. tf l'Ulf SAI.K Horse, buggy .uul harness cheap. 1120 ( eater St. npi-0 NICE HOUSEKEEPING Near city hall. Phone 4" ROOMS tf I'liU SAI.K Young, heifer calf. Phone fresh ;;iii' with EOU SAI.K .IO00 mortgage "for .HU0. A care tf WANTED l.'ulvcs to pasture, per month. Phone 2I.".'..I. 7-ots apr-'y MohKliN HOUSE for rent, good lo cation, cor. 12th and Marion, niiiv.". WANTED l heap lot or lot with shack. Address F. M. care Journal. iipri!" WANTED A lady for housekeeper and care for one small child. Address C. li. co mavl MAXWKI.E RUN Aid IT fine run ning order, price ifl.'iil, Inquire Great "estcm oaraue. opposite court house. apr2Sl lilirn.WIii I'or canning -c pt'T lb, de livered. Geo. W. Weeks, li. Phone -1 1'-'. apr2! WANTED To borrow $l!M.iij on city property, A 1 security. Address (.' C. care .lournal. upr2U Koli RENT furnished and unfurnish ed rooms in Hubbard building. W. II. Norris. Kooni i!u4. tf I'CIiNISHED HOUSE For rent, 0 rooms and housekeeping iippirtinents . rates reasonable. 271 1) near Com . niereial. mny.j Mrs. Gertmde Cummings gave farewell party Ihiirsdny afternoon to Mrs. Iviailene Jlubhnrd.'who expects to make Bend, Ore., her permanent homo. The- ladies of the Rebcknh lodge were invited to assist in the farewell. Mrs. Florence Diesko and .Mrs. Elsie Simeral poured. The home was artistically deco rated with lilacs. . .'.v. the hitter part of May. In choosing an opera to be presented by the higii school, Miss .Magers selected " Kobin Hood" on account of tho rousing chor uses in the opera. The classes in the high school have been doing good chorus work this winter, una "Itolun itooa I will give them an opportunity to show a i what they can do with standard muMC. Dr. E. T. McInUre, physician and surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg, Phone 4-10. The Finzer rifle range was a bus? place today and will be tomorrow, as all members of Company M are required to make a shooting record of 150 points ARMSTRONG At. his home In Whit tier, Cal., Friday, April- 2H, l!)l!t, Thomas Armstrong, in his 84th year. He is survived by three sons, K. C. Armstrong, of 2400 Elm street, Solc.m; The property owners on South Cfn-i J. S. Armstrong, of Big Pine, Cal., nml mercial street, at their meeting lest ev- T. E. Armstrong, of Gaston, Ore. Also ening. went on record as desiring a two-1 by two daughters, Mrs. Adella Alltn inch bituminous concrete surface to be 'and Mrs. Anna Allen, both of Whittier, laid on a re dress of the present ninct.d- j Oil. nm" foundation. Tho approximate cost Memorial services will be held Sun has been figured at u7 cents a squire! day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the yard. The improvement-will ( over 14 j home of E. C. Armstrong, 2400 Etm blocks, and will cost nearly Jlii.CeO. j street. The petition will come before the city Mr. Armstrong wns a minister of lha council Monday evening. After the firnt Friends church and had formorly beeo advertisement, there is 'JO days 'for a! associated with the church at New- remonstrance, but to be ottcctir, -tins. berg. must be signed by the owners of two thirds of the area "subject to assessment. Try Capital Journal Want Ads, MoDKKN llOl'SKfor rent, N. Liberty street, corner Union, .f 10 per month. See .1. II. Lauteiniaii. Arirn Hotel. Phone !OU. ' apri;1' GIRLS Or women w.mled at Glove Factory, 14.1.1 Oak St., Steady work. Those having experience on power machines preferred. apt-9 WANTED Second hand .grupehow plow. Phone ;!7;l after ti p.' m. miri!!' I'OU SALE Oli TRADE Heavy spring wagon, inquire Com 'I Cider works. A PAYING i-ash business for Down town, flUOU or less wil die. til! care .lournal sale ,i:i u .' WANTED Man to sell automobiles. Some capital required. Good proposi tion. 11-G. care Journal npr-9 !FOH SALE A I Jersey cow giving nearly 4 gal. per day, makes over one pound butter per dav. Oulv :i.". So. I'-' St. T. i . Davidson. aprlilli U S3 n apr FOR RENT Three or four room mod ern, furnished apartment, ''-" S. 1 1th St. api-! WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or 5 icres of good potato land. Must be cheap. Address Journal C-50. Mayo GROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT Strictl modern, close in, .lu Phone 1422. Ml FOR SALE 0:i k age. Want sin 7SF12. a.-li and fir stump II gasoline engine, li pr FOR SALE OR RENT 1 7-rooni, 1 fi; room houses, modern, .ee owner A. Korb, ItW) ."tli St., Snleni, Or. mayl n n u E! tl li li II M tl 11 N 13 ti li U ra t-j si O tor TS i A.-s .ii r. you .fid on luaiot new $100 standard tiniewriter on imvninnf ).").."iO down and $:! per mouth. Phone 18 -'17SI or call 720 N. Cottage. apr'2!) J WANTED Modern 4 or 0 room cot tage or bungalow, close in, prefer nblv furnished. C. H, co. Journal, tf 11! ' CARPENTER Paint and cement work MONEY To loan and money wmted. Estimates and plans furnished for E. E. linker, attorney, I'.uuk of Com- house, bam or garage. Plume 2I!-"1(. merce. inavl! api-0 : i I M LA II i: PUGII choice seed poto toes, prize llurbanks. Phone ,"i2Fll and :'..". iiiavV. J''OK SAI.K Poland Chum stock .iogs all sizes cheap. Kufoury Dros. 4 1 0 1 FOR SALE State St. apiL'S" WANTED Experienced lady desires position in hotel as chamber maid or dish washer. Address li. bos O S .tie in. mayl FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms, modern, G42 N. High. Inquire at 6b'U N. High. May5 WANTED To buv Mohair. East Sa- l!:v mare, weiulit about 1200 lbs. or wUl tr.ide for gelding or fresh cow. Chris Peterson, Salem Heights. mayl lm Tanner v, ; Phone 21G0-M. jth and Oak streets. tf FOR SALE an half truck Studebakei wagon. WUl trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 27S0 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf in WANTED Agent for Salem territory j . and one to travel with general agent, I S' repent seller. See gen nil nueiit nt'H Capital Hotel, Sunday and Monday. BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds for ,n,nli l.n.-a V.n.,1.,,.. .1 1 H .. 1'vn i wwA-n, ijuni ia unu urn on. uu- m raniums, all colors, very best. Price M very reasonable. Graber Bros, green houses, 120HD street or phone 550. J Drive out and see for yourself. it t " . - - it i nl it n i i ii i V I! H H Lifer" ' 'Ti Mayl FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping appartments. rates reasonable, close in, 100 Court. tf LAWN MOWERS l ailed for sharpen ed and delivered. Phone U2!i, all work gu.'.rauteed. npi-0 FOR SALE Home Comfort Steel Range, cheap, in excellent sh ipe 2S7 S. Winter street. mayl WE CAU SAVE you money on garden hose, Nelson Pros. - Pat ton, plumbers '233 Chemeketa St. tf WANTED li' I." or 10U' For.l. must be in good shape, must be cheap for cash. Phone ii!'2. tf li'H Ai RES Wheat land in Mussel shell county, Montana, to ewhange for Salem residence property or im prove,! ncreag". See Ed. Caiinatey, with W. II. GrabfiiliQr-r i Co., 27."i i-tnte tt. api-it FOK RENT Business block room, size IS18O feet. 407 State street. In qnire at 4C3 State. Phone 1009. Maurice Klinger. ti GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING Bj up to date power equipment. List vour orders at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone 29. Densmore & Frcsia, tf HUU WEAVING Colonial irt squares made from rags any size up to 9 feet wide. Work called for and de livered, l.'G South 12th St. Phone 2419. Mayl Acres of 4 venr old prunes, 1 acre of loganberries to trade for Salem property. Clear Portland lots to trade for 5 passenger car. 10 care Journal. apr2'.i WANTED Te mis on W. H. Patter son's place south of Eola to haul wood, t'i per day. They will find the foreman, Mr. Sisrho, on the job. Must begin work right away. tf lit FOR SALE Horses, farm horses andifj drivers; fresh cow or coming fresh;: J j choice of one year old or two year . old pure blood Shorthorn bulls; stock j3 hogs from 70 lbs. up. Address Win.! II II. Kgan. Gervais, Oregon, Route 2. ( Phone oFII, mayl SALESMAN Vacancy .May loth, ex-!j perienced in any line to sell general ;U trade in Oregon. Unexcelled special lit ty proposition. Commission contract. ; 'J 00 weekly for expenses. Con'ti- J neutal Jewell v Co.. 140-1.1 Continent-' nl Hldg., Cle' Ohio. pr29;J : I 12 ACRE Dairy ranch near Clover- dale. Tillamook county. 14 milk cowsi,, 4 heifers, team, wagon, buggy anil, harness close to ciecse factory. 13 Price ."i2UO, will consider trade. See A. Kitterninn with W. II. Grnben-'lJ burst & Co., 275 State St. r2!l; SACRIFICE SALE 200 acre fine' Kl dairy ami grain rinch near Scio, Ore-, f J gon. 14H acres plow land balance. good pasture, house, barn, new silo,E2 and other buildings. Will accept J ifitimO in trade, balance to suit. Price; li 0."i iper acre. Address Aunivilie j State lianli, Aumsville. Oregon. ij We II 13 II 11 II . Hot weather is now up- on us and you will be considering . a new h,e- .to1', i ' frigerator. We handle the famous Garland line, a line that cannot be beat for serv ice, quality and appear ance, and can sell them to you at a reasonable price within the reach of all. Why pay double price for some of the new f angled fancy kind that do not give you a bit better service for your money.. Call and look over our line, we can surely save you money. Prices $8.50 to $27.50, All Sizes and Kinds Home of the Famous Orbon de Luxe and Orbon Ideal Ranges THE GUARANTEED LINE Prices $23.50 to $53.00 The Orbon De Luxe is built of rust resisting, non-corrosive Ingot Iron, good for a life time. Guaranteed: The Orbon De Luxe is the best Range in America so you take no risk in buying a De Luxe. We guarantee them to cook and bake perfectly, to be made of the best material by expert labor and to have all the latest and mod ern improvements. $10 down and $5 monthly puts one of these beautiful Ranges in your home. If you have an old stove, we will take it in as part of first pay ment and allow you what it is worth. mm In order to start off with a rush we are offering as a special inducement, FREE ICE to cash refriger ator customers this week. We will give you ice as follows: 50 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $3.00 75 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $7.50 100 lbs. ice delievred free with every box costing $8.50 125 lbs. ice delivered free with every box ( costing , $10.00 150 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $12.50 175 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $14.00 200 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $18.50 250 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $24.50 :',00 lbs. ice delivered free with every box costing $27.50 A Fine Line of Used Refrigerators, $5.00 and Up. II U M II ti II n hi n ii ii ii n '! tl ii It II II tl tl El 11 np. i)V f ( C .'.' ...."I, ,,. hM- Mi: DAIIiV IIAXi'M to exchange have .1 dairy iniuli of .'!l-'l acres in Lincoln county for trade for city or country property near Sali-iu. Price on .iiooil. ir,00 can stand. .'!0 to 40 acres hav land, balance good pasture. lair buiMlings. This wilJJ not list long, act quick. S.-ott &i tl i. i i -.i T..I mi p ii. i t 'i,iiiii i.i i r-i i , , ii .. iii PV, 7. 1 Ju m mm! imi ! Mta ifofl ttk ;r J mm mM ma MliiMiiiii mm nm W fit -H i i E. L. STIFF & SON We make the prices and Get the Business 1 n El 1 !i tl El El tl n El E1 El If 11 II li II El tl I! li El II tl II II II U 11 II tl tl tl II n ti ti u t