T eight THE DAILY CAPITA!, FINAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916. aisfcsssz ISlIll Oil I IK When in trouble we will be glad to help you. Experienced man to make your repairs and ad justments. Full line of accessories in stock at all times. Exide and G. L. B. Batteries. Recharging Station. Supplies for Hudson, Auburn and Reo Cars, in stock. Great Western Garage C. C. SIMERAL, Prop. 147 High St., opposite Court House. B-.HflTV l.W r.- '' ".Wf i r 4 v -i rt i t Ja Those features which you' have come to i;ssociate exclusively with the high-priced cars you will find embodied in Saxon "Six" at $915. It meets in every -respect present day standards among fine cars. Ask any owner of a Saxon "Six" his opinion of his car's strength, beauty and comfort and he will tell you "there is no other car for me." Get a demonstration at THE CAPITAL GARAGE, Lloyd L. Ryan AGENT. 173 South Liberty St. A PIONEER DEAD Mrs. W. (I. ilerrifieltl died st her home lit 1'';.'I0 o'clock, Tuesday, April "ri, at the age of "Ii. after an extended illness. I'uael'al services were held lit 1 o'clock today. Interment will be at. Salem. Hesitles her husband she is sur vived bv 'lour daughters and three sons. Sim will be missed by her mai.v friends, besides the pioneers of the ser rounding count rv. Aumsvillc Keeord. STAYTON WANTS RAILROAD CONNECTION WITH OUTSIDE Slavl'in, Ore., April 2ft. At 11 mas meeting here this week it was utctl ply to 'Kt Wis ':") Sf' HI c ,Itr? AUTO MUIANCE Phone 44 I'"f,r"n flr'' Salem, Oregon that unless the proposed line fruu Salem can be secured, a jtpur he built from Kingston, on the Corvallis & Kal cm railroad, u mile from this place. Mavlon now has 1,000 inhabitants nail some of the boosters have adopted the slogan "5,000 in .Stayton wiih'i.i five ANOTHER YONCALLA I'tRE Kosebul'g, Ore., April 'JO.- The M--lh-odist church at Yoiicalla wa binned Wednesday night. The same firebug who is supposed to have fired the high school building some mouth ago is ins pected of the crime. The loss is $7 'inn. WANTfD 50,000 FARM HANPS of experience at once on the farms of WESTERN CANADA To replace the young farmers who have enlisted for the war. lioml wages and full season's work assured. There Is no danuer or possibility of Conscription In Canada. Ileferenecs rctpiiied from nil applicants. Kor special railway rales and other informal ion up J. N. GRIEVE, Cor. 1st and Tout Sts.. Snokane.. Wash Authorized Canadian, Oovcrnm't A'jt Automobile Studebaker Announces Nsw Models With Added Refinements New Scries 17 Four Priced at S87" Six Sells for S1085 More Th:m :or!0 of the New Cars Alrea''. hi Hands, of the Dea'rs. Announcement just made of the row Scries 17 Ntuilohnkcr six-cylim or tin ill four-cylinder models comes in the mi t ure of n double (riiiiii)ili for The Stride baker corporal ion. For not only hiin this giant organization maintained Situ tlfl.ii k or ipmlily in its latest product, whilw effecting 11 a'tited rcfiiieiiicnts and in several instances reducing prices it is further startling the public hy an nouncing that shipments of the new cars, have been going fi.rwaid for the past twu weeks, sotluit more than "1)00 deal ers already are aide to show the Scr ies 17 models. Tin' liasis design of the series 17 cars shows no radical changes. The me chanical principles tnat have proved successful are retained intact. The new reflncaicnls have been in the direction of securing greater roomi ness anil comfort, along with .still Yur thor conveniencies. In spite of these added features, however, the new 17 four-cylinder seven posscnger touring car now sells for .fir). Tlio three pes sengcr roadster is priced sit $.125. The six-cvlinder seven-passenger touring cal ls priced at fldoM, ami the throo-pnssen-, ger roailster at 102ij, I A notable addition to the fil udebnlser j line is the six-cylinder seven-passenger j sedan model, the price of which is .l07n. Other new series 17 six-cylinder mod els are the three-passenger Itmdi.'i roadster at .tl. ".!)(); four-passenger coupe at $111(10, and seven-passenger limousine at 2i"l)tl. The four-cylinder models in-1 dude the three-passenger laiulau-roail ster in addition to the touring car anil roailster type. One of the most striking refinemeuls in the scries 17 cars in the divided front seat effect. The from seats are of the individual type of construction and are adjustable fore and aft. The brake and clutch pedals have been lengthened in order to provide greater leverage and a consequent ease in control. This pedal adjustment, sup plemental by the front sent adjustment provides 'for drivers of varying sizes, and is a eonvenience appreciated by motorists.' Ingenious Reply Sent To South America Lansing, Mich., April 20. An in genious reply has been received by the Obis Motor Works to ils recent appeal geuiiiits reply has been received by the for help in meeting 111 inquiry from Souih America for "a two-sealer car to seal three, a three-seater to seal four, and a four sealer to seat five." The corespondent, whose address is "somewhere in ..Missouri." sui'towis i the following: "On account of climatic conditions Hie natives -of Sooth America are mil is heafty as inhabitants of the I'. S. A., so liiev loeicallv I'iiinre that, a "ii i It. lor two North American oro-rctl . . beauties will easily accommodate three lesser developed South Americans, ami -o cm down the scale." ANSWER TO QUESTIONS. What is a clutch anil where located in a motor car .' W. J. .. j The won! implies its meaning but it may be enlarged upon by saying t lint located between the motor and the unit ji'iillcd transmission, it grips the motor ami conveys revolutions of the motor J to the main shaft in the transmission nail thus through a series of gears to the other parts, thus giving all parts thus connected, their proportion of 1 revolutions per minute. What types use and wlial of clutches are now is meant by each; .1. (I. W, Multiple-disc clulcli, cone clutch and dry-plate clutch. The first type is composed ot a number of tliin bronze discs, which are held teel and securely from slipping bv means of a high-coin-1 pression spring. This clutch runs in aaj oil bath. clutch is simply two tapered A laces held Ininlv together by a similar type spring. 1'sually one face is cov e umI wilh leather or some iionburnable material, such as rayn I testes. A dry plate clutch is similar to a multiple disc tvpc except that the ill- lernating discs are faced with ray - abestos or other noa burnable material, j ,,., afford an automobile, but who This clutch works without an oil bath.ju,, ff from buying simply becau-e How a leak in the raidalor be II. It. II. si oppetl ,' There nre a great on the market which many compounds ; lire recommended ' for use in repairing leaks , in radiators! but there is none that can be used which "ill not ilelcrioi te the rndititoiv. The best thing to do is to have the radiator repaired by n, competent nicchaiiic, 1 Ts it neccssarv to keep the spring clips tiuht f W. II. II. Hy nil means have tlio spring clips drawn down securely. If this is not done, a great many springs will be broken, because of constant vibration which is due to shock of the ear hit- i ting rough spots in highways. This will cause a crystallint ion of the spring at the center and eventually fracture it. AUTO SATURDAY MAXWELL SALESMEN MEET Maxwell salesmen representing the company 's southwestern territory met in Detroit n week ago to discuss con ditions an. I outline selling campaigns. Two problems were outstanding in the conference. The first ws the serious .. ... i i .i ,i... rti. irelcni "itoriaye an.i nif niin-i hm- it. 1 m .,11 loTiiit'l.l or ini' ivcinontnMis .ti.tt...ti piodiutioii (bat is cvpected this season. News Motor Car Manufacturers Make Safety First Practical "How rapidly the reckless motorists is dropping from the ranks nail ihe saae driver is taking his place," said Lloyd I'yan who has the distribution of Saxon motor cars in this district. "A. nl lilt- po,.,i',ar thing about it is that legislation has played o'y a small part in the matter." ".Motor manufacturers are looking to the .safety-first, idea themselves," continued Mr. llyau, "for they realize that it is good business as well as ordinary humanity. 1 am a discip;.: of the school of sane driving and yet 1 may say that I am not a slow diiver. "A small pace does not insure care ful driving and that is one reason Wie the legislation of a speed limit regula tion cannot itself lower the perccn.eg' of recklessness. Observance t f the courtesies of the road and of the cau tion is due making for a careful driver. "The motorist can drive rapidly if he knows when to slow up and it he can slow op rapidly when lie wants to. The latter ability lies within the car alone. Only the motor car which can be throttled with .speed and which picks up rapidly when accelerated is capable o'f rapid yet cautious driv ing. "fa congested traffic, I can always pun aneau wucu inivisaiile Hint gam time with inv Saxon, The reason is lie cause the motor responds to the slight- est pressure on the accelerator. I can stop rapidly, thanks to the rood brakes. and 1 tan move slowly nut bv starts and jerks because my car will throt tle down to a snail's pace and still run smoothly on high gear. "Frequently in making''trips thru heavy traffic I never shift mv irear all but simply guide the speed by the accerelator. This gives me both hands for steering and makes possible careful turns. Host of all, 1 am never uncer tain about my car. I know just win it will do, and I know that it will never vary. '.'That's about half the pleasure of motoring. It's just like having a trust ed horse of the kind you read about in fiction but never see between the thills or iiiuler the saddle. You don't have to look to the novel for a completely can trolled motor, however, you can find them everywhere and I think, ns do several thousands of other people, that the best controlled car has- " Jaxnn " on its naineplute. " Pay As You Use Plan of Buying Popular The deferred payment plan recently "imou 'd bv.the (niaranly Securities Corporation of New York is said to be one of the greatest steps ever taken to ward facilitating the purchase of auto mobiles. I'ntlcr the terms of this new selling arrangement, purchasers of motor cars can 'buy any one of 10 dif ferent makes of cars on a monthly pay ment basis. The "guaranty plan" as it is called, can be applied in the purchase of al most any car made iu.lhe I'nitcd States. ti... i:..t i ..ii.. ii n ii ' 11 1111 lotos piai-iiiitiiy an oi me well known makes ami is made up of Ihe following: Ford, Overland, Huick. Stiitlebaker, llodge, Maxwell, lieu, Chev rolet, Ilupuiobile, Cadillac, Hudson, Chalmers, Chandler, I'aige, .leffery, Kissell, Olilsinohilc, Mitchell and Oak land. Payment Plan With this array of cars from, the prospective buver to choose can select hi it car, make Ins tirst payment when is delivered and then make up the balance in eipial monthly payments. There is no nddiiinnnl expense attached to the transaction other than a small charge for insurance and incidentals and a normal rate of i! per cent interest on the deferred payments. According to officials of the fluar aaty Securities Corporation, nutoinonio bile dealers throughout the country are enthusiastic over this (luaranty plan, b'eports already have been received by them from numerous sources, stating that sales have been consummate, that ' for months were liauuiliL' fire. Attract Many, The fact that the automobile has ! pa-sctl bevond the luxury stage and is ; now looked niioa as an everv dav j necessil v, has influenced ousantls ..t ........I to take advantage of this isv uavnu'iit plan, who, under ordi nary conditions, probably would not buy for another vear or two. it is estimated that there are tens .f thon-ands of neoule who want aa.l thev do not care to invest a lump sum of money in a car. On the other hjnd there is a vast number of people who really need a cur for their I'aaiilv or business um' but they figure that they cannot afford to cut down their sav ings account bv drawing out a big sum of nionev nil at once. Coaxes the Tardy. I'nder the Cuaiaatv plan practically all of these obstacles are eliminated. The casv terms of payment make it pos sible for a man or woman to own and enjov a c.ir today, whereas if thev ha. I to put off buying until the full pur chase price were saved, th suinmr ami po.-ildv the fall would slip by before thv had accumulated the full amount. Another point in favor of the tluar antv plan is the fact that every one of lhc 1! cars that can be bought under the terms of this agreement, bear trade marks that are the most popular im the market and are backed up r the great est organizations in the industry. Why tire we popular? Be cause we tell you every day, the news of the world. . 4. . " :' "Cars may come and cars may go, but the "Olds" will go on forever" For seventeen years the Oldsmobile has been making a reputation for ECONOMY, RELIABILITY, COMFORT, STYLE with the result that the OLDSMO BILE now means the 20th Century standardization of motor efficiency. The Oldsmobile has been built upon the basis of Common Sense from the Price to the last spoke. It is the car for the man who must be sure. The car that has never faltered, one that has no need of an excuse. It is the SUPERLATIVE QUALITY LIGHT CAR. You might buy an automobile and do well. Buy an Oldsmobile and you caimc-t do better Enough said. THE "FOUR" $1225. ' THE "EIGHT" $1325 Get a demonstration of these Jittle wonders at - Halvorsen & Burns Corner High and Ferry Streets. Salem, Oregon FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY V A' - - f '' X '. . t. - i" . ' v W. C. Winslow I am ,i candidate for the office of District Attorney for Marion county. I haven "t any particular platform, nor have I many elaborate promises to to make. There is considerable being said about, the duty of the District Attorney to see that, the court dockets are not crowded with c.ises wherem convictions cannot be had. I'rior to 10OS it. was the duty of the District Attorney to determine what cases Ii on I.I be prosecuted, ami what cases should not be prosecuted. In 10IIS. the people of the state of Oregon passed a law taking that power from the Dis trict Attorney an. I relieving him from this responsibility. Hy this law the llr.inil .lury, and the Grand Jury alone is responsible for the criminal cases which should be on tiie court docket. 1 believe that tile people acted wisely, anil if nominated and elected District Attorney I shall see to it that all cases placed upon the docket by the gand jury shall receive vigorous und""htten tive prosecutions, f shall not .it tempt to interfere with the action of the grand jury in any way. s'one or form, but will abide by their judgment abso lutely ns to what cases should be on the court docket. 1 base my appeal for the support of the substantial Republican voters of the county umiu my record as deputy district attorney under this law refer red to. I served as deputy district attor ney under John II. XlcNarv during his I last terms, .mil particularly during he j !n st two years thereof, 101 1 and 101, j I had charge of substantially all of the 'criminal business for this county. In j n.Mitio'.i to this, Mr. McN'ary intrust ! ed me with th" work ill part of the 'other counties of the district, aad-I acted as special prosecuting attorney in iiis stead in Tillamook county for (two terms, in Yamhill county two terms land in I'olk county for one term. One jterni in Tillamook county we collected enough fines to pay the entire expense iof the whole term of court. There 'was only one acipiittnl during the en ! tiro Session. During 1011 ami 1012 (the grand jury of Marion county re-l 'turned one hundred fourteen indict-j . meats, la the most of these ple.is of; guilty were entered, and out of the j i whole number, only thirty jury trials i I resulted. Out of these thirty jury: 'trinls there were twenty three cou-j , victions, six acquittals, and one jury I ' disagreed. I submit that the grand: j in ry made no mistake, that the present! system is ndeiuate, and if my record in i 'h milling these eases satisfies you of I my ability to represent you as your ; district attorney, I sincerely solicit your support at tae Kepaltlican prima lies, Mav ll'th. Kespectfullv submit ! ted. ' W. C. WINSLOW. 1 I'd. ml MAXWELL MAN TO TOUR ORIENT Walter T. l.ongwcll, special represen tative of the Maxwell Motor Co., of! Detroit, will sail for the Orient April' ..nil. The purpose ot his tour is to place the home ot'fice in closer touch with the dealcis in the far east, to iiinke a first hand study of conditions and outline selling campaigns, Mr. I.ongw ell's itinerary includes Japan, China, .lava, Samatia, India and Ceylon, He expects to cover these countries by tvbiuarv, 1017. should the war be ended by that time, he will proceed through Kgypt, thence to Daly. Cr.-ince and Lag'and, returning to the I'nited ftatcs ii'iflit Ap'il 1, 1017. i. sic sjc jfc sk : COURT HOUSE NEWS J The deputy assessors will have fin ished their work in Marion cohnty within the next week according to ' County Assessor lien West and al-; ready a few of the deputies have turn-! ed in their reports. A. A. I'lvin, of Sil- j verton; L. I. Snyder, of Aurora, Frink Lick of Brooks; John Tweed, of Howell; I'rairie have all finished their reports. T. B. l'atton, of -Muclny, lias been seriously ill and has not yet started his work but is. expected to begin within a few days. . j A total of 14,740 voters have been registered for the primaries in Marion county according to the final count of the county clerk as shown by tho recheck of the lists which was finish ed today. Of this number 10,ii0.! ore republicans, .'1070 arc democrats, .'lo are progressive, 4 37 are prohibitionists, '-44 are socialists and oM7 .ire miscellaneous. The total registration for the precincts in Salem is ol.'IO. An order .was issued bv Judge Clal- Helen Holmes in "The Girl and the Game" at the Bligh Theatre. Compare the Construction of the FLYER B With any other wheel, and you will see why there are more Flyer Bicycles sold in Salem than any other make of wheel. Come and see the Flyer before you buy. We are agents for the Famous GOODYEAR-BLUE STREAK Bicycle Tires That Sells for $2.50 EACH We guarantee every one to give perfect satisfaction Scott & Piper 232 STATE STREET loway today in the case of I'red L. Wil ! cox against, hlla Wilcox, .v suit tor di vorce, in which the plaintiff was re quired to pay $50 into court for the uso and benefit of the defendant in the suit pending on or before May J.". A foreclosure suit, was filed in the ciriitit court today by Sarah Kennedy tig.iinst) Oliver 1). Newton, Oertrudo E. Newton and Fenton D. Dunn, a minor. The complaint alleges that the defendants gave a note to the plaintiff in 1911 for $100 which was secured by a mortgage on Lots 3 and 4, Mock I, Goodman's addition to Woodburn. The plaintiff seeks a judgment in the sum of $100 and interest with $L'5 attornryj fees anil a decree of foreclosure. , AUTO LAMPS ALL SIZES GET THEM OF L0CKW00D 216 K. Commercial St. When your Bicycle needs Repairing we have a man on the job all the time. BICYCLES - HauserBros. STATE STREET icycle I f 1 1