Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    Tire dat i capital jot rnal, salem, Oregon. Saturday, april 29. 1916.
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Some of the Leading Characters, and a partial group of the cast who appe ar in '
of the season. Grand Theatre, Frida y, May 5, 8 p. m.
'Sherwood," the Theatrical event
Noycs' "Sherwood," the play which
the junior class of Willamette univer
sity will present at the. Grand theatre,
is one of supreme interest. The events
ecntor around the talea 'of Robin Hood,
w hic.h are familiar to every one. The
leauty of its romantic setting iu the
forest of Sherwood, the famous retreat
of Robin Hood, (jives the play the fas- j
cinating atmosphere characteristic of!
the age of chivalry. The forest is peo-1
pled with true knights, ladies and beau- j
tiful fairies who fill it with play and
gladness. It is a, play which bus the i
, powfr not... only Ut please ind interest!
lint to exalt and lift one beyond him-1
self into the land of beautiful thought I
and. the realm of fantasy.-1 " I
There are many beautiful passages
la tno play winch reveal the uept
of meaning and the inner beauty of
its structure. Titnnin, Queen of the
Fairies, in the first act, states the
condition which will open the gates
of fairyland, "only love and love's
kind sacrifice can open them. For
when a moral hurts himself to help
another, then he thrusts the gates
wido open between his world and
Shadow-of-n-T.eiif, the wise fool,
is the one who makes the sacrifice
which causes the gates of fairyland
to open and in that sacrifice he
losses his chance to enter Dreamland.
The sacrifice is the outcome of event-j
which center around the crusade of
Richard the Lion-Hearted. While Rich
aril is away on the crusade Prince John
attempts to seize the throne in order
that he may strengthen the claim for
the hand of Maid Marian, the heroine of
the play. Maid Marian is in love with
Robin Hood an outlaw, who has been
reduced from the innk of nn carl
by, the mandate of l'rince. John so
that it will be impossible for him to
seek the hand of Marian. Queen Elinor
aids Prince John in his jduns, whil
frShndow-of-n-I.euf befriends Robin Hood
and reveals to him the danger of Mar
ian. In the revelation of this secret
Hhadow-of-a-I.eaf in. a speech filled
with pathos, forgoes his rijfht to enter
Dreamland.'' ' .
"Robin, the gates are open for you
and Marian! All 1 had to give I have
given to thrust them open, the denr
gates of fairyland which I shall never
pass again. "
Robin Hood answering the call of
Shadow-of-a-Leaf finds Marian dying
and in his sorrow dies.
Short Terra Enlistments
In United States Array
"Action by congress providing for
short term enlistments would be of
great service to the I'nited States army
in obtaining volunteers to handle motor
equipment," 6aya President Walter Da-1
vidson, of the Ilarley-Davidson Motor
company, which has been co-operating
closely with the war department in the
big task of training soldiers to handle
motorcycles'in Mexico. "In my opinion
it is impossible to train inexperienced
soldiers to make motorcycle riders of
them in the required tune and the same
thing is true of augmenting the number
of m,en required for army motor trucks
and aeroplanes.
"If congress would make it possible
for the army to receive enlistments for
shorter periods than the three years now
required, n call for niotorcj'cle volun
teers would not only quickly supply tl
companies now contemplated but would
bring forth regiments of experiencefl
men. As the law now stands the army
is forced to attack the problem the
wrong end to. Men who have had ex
perience with motors are needed quick
ly. The way to get them is to enlist
them to serve during the period of the
Mexican expedition.
Three years is too long a time of
enlistment for anyone who does not in
tend to remain permanently in the
army. If the period of enlistment were
six mouths, or even a year, it would
brinir good results.
"Brig. Gen. J. J. Pershing, in charge
of the American advance in Mexico.
Brig. Gen. George Bell, Jr., in" charge
of the troops in and nronnd F.l Paso
and nil the other officers on the Mexi
can job will testify to the same thing.
There is great need for men with motor
experience and it is a big task to train
soldiers to handle motorcycles and
trucks in army service. Of course we de
sire to do everything possible to assist
the nrmv in training soldiers to use
motorcycles efficiently lint I am firm
ly of the belief that the best way is for
congress to authorize the army to re
cruit civilians with special training and
obtain them quickly through the attrac
tion of a short enlistment with promise
of immediate service in the work or
dispersing Villa's bandits in Mexico."
days and holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to
4-p. -m. All are welcome to our services
and invited to visit our reading
i Tht scene darkens gradually as his
lifo goes out and the voice of Shadow
1 of-a-Leaf is heard singing the fairy
song. The Forest Has Conquered. " As
he sings the gates swing open to reeeive
the souls of Marian and Robin Hood
and then close before Shadow-of-a-l.caf
; can enter. Oberon, king of the fairies,
speaks these words as the notes of the
song die away.
j "But these may dream their happy
; dreams in death before they wake to
i that new lovely lifo beyond the shad-
! flU.O. for T.nnr Sliu ,1 nir.nf ! -T onf . n u
en them this by loves eternal law i
sacrifice, and they shull" enter in to
dream their lovers' dream in fairyland.
For Shndow-of-a-I.caf who will come to
reign in a kingdom of justice. We fair
it's have not known or heard what waits
for those who, like this wandering fool,
throw all away for love. But I hive
heard there is a great King, out beyond
the world, not Richard, who is dead, nor
yet King John but a great King who
one day will come home clothed with
the clouds of heaven from His cru
sade." It. is a play bo beautiful in its
theme and so urtistie in its treatment
that it merits only the highest praise
from critics and lovers of the drama.
Swedish Tabernacle, M. E.
Corner South Fifteenth and "Mill
streets, Rev. John Ovall, pastor. Sun
day school at 2:30 p. m. Preaching at
3:.H) and 8 p. m. Good songs and music
will be rendered. All are most cordial
ly invited to attend.
Free Methodist.
.fo. 1228 North Winter street. Sun
y services: Bubbath school 9:45.
I'rcachiug at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, pastor.
Salvation Army..
Sunday services as follows: Knee
drill, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and
Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian
praise meeting, 3 p. m. Y. P; L., 6:15
p. m.. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m.
Week night services every night except
Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs.
Pirst Presbyterian.
Corner High and Center streets. J T.
Porter, minister. Bible school, 9.5 a.
m., Dr. II. C. Epley, director: Iloj'l
Holdiman, assistant. .Auto true': leaves
West Salem 9:50, Highland 0:3.1. Great
orchestra, special music. Salem lea !s
Portland by two points. The eor.Hst
wares warm. Come and enjoy it. At 11
a. m., Former pastor, Get. 0. i.'itchey,
will pcnk. A great crowd should t rei-t
him. 6:30 p. in., C. E. 7. M0 p. m , Ser
mon by pastor 0n " ( hnsnai.ity and
Nature. " Large chorus and stern jp
tican. First Congregational.
James Elvin, pastor. Sun Iny Echool
meets at 10 o'clock, W. I. Stiley, stipei
intendent. Morning service at 11
o'clock. Subject, "The Great Impera
tive." Music by chorus choir morning
Bnd evening, direction of Wm. McGii
rhrist, Sr. Christian Endeavor meet
ing 6:30. Pleasant Sunday evening ser
vice at 7:30. Fine congregational sing
ing, good music by chorus choir, brief
address by pastor on subject, "I Will
Look Cnto the Hills," illustrated by
'notion pictures. Subject moving pic
tures, "When Clouds and Mountains
Meet." Wednesday evening, May 3, 8
o'clock, grand popular concert by fa
mous Indian string quartette and lee
tnre on "I.es Miscrables,' 'by Dr. R. H.
Kennedy. Admission tree, silver offer
ing. Saturday and Sunday evenings,
May 6 and 7, the famous V. 8. govern
ment educational film showing all the
ramifications of the U. 8. postal serv
ice will be exhibited in this church.
This is the only time these pictures
will be seen in Salem. Admission free,
ilver offering. Mid-week service
Thursday evening 8 o'clock.
Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Bible school, 9;45 a. m., Joseph Bar- j
ber, superintendent. -Morning woTship
11 a. m., sermon by the pastor. Ep-!
worth league 0:30 p. m., Miss Ruth Win
ters, lender ;topic, "What Are My
Prayer Hubitsf" Evening service 7:3(1,
sermon by the pastor. All are cordially
welcome to these services. Rev. J. ('.
Spencer, pastor.
point. Good music morning nnd even
ing by the chorus choir. The Sunday
school meets ut 9:45 o'clock with classes
for all ages.
East State and Eighteenth streets, G.
Koohler, pastor. Sunday school in Ger
man at 10 o'clock. Divine service at
10:30 a. m. There will bo no evening
Chemeketa Street English
Evangelical Church.
Corner Seventeent.1 und Chemeketa
streets., Sunday school, 10 a. m., Walter
Curtis, superintendent; M. P. Dennis,
assistant. Classes for all ages, and all
are welcome. Morning sermon at 1 1
o'clock. Dr. Sherwood, of the Theolog
ical collegfr, will give the address and
be should have a large audience as he is
a forceful and eloquent -speaker. At 6:30
p. m. the Young People's Alliance meets
and all under 99 years of age urged to
come. At these meetings the public is
invited to enter into the discussion of
the lesson. The pnstor, Rev. G. W
Plumer, will speak at 7:30 p. m. Those
who have not heard him have not been
living up to their opportunities. Come
once and you'll come often.
Going to
How precious that sounds, sometimes. Rest must come, after the day's work
is over; and you want a good bed, a clean bed, and bedroom furniture to harmon
ize with the bed. You want the bed-room furniture to be as nice as anything in
the house. Why not buy white enamel furniture for that bed-room.
It will be a joy for the
lipML wife to care fcr it, and adds :i
vnn raring oflfnirrl In nn untYi.
l.'Sl Ju" VUklUVl UllVI U IU U nun
j " out nice furniture.
WHITE ENAMEL DRESSER, 6 drawers, bevel plate mirrow 7. .$11.25
WHITE ENAMEL DRESSING TABLE, large bevel plate mirror ? 9.65
WHITE ENAMEL DRESSING TABLE, three adjustable mirrors $13.85
WHITE ENAMEL BED, very pretty design, $11.00 It
WHITE ENAMEL CHIFFONIER, large mirror $11.75
See window display of the above listed Bedroom Furniture before you buy.
We have just received a shipment of
Tennessee Cedar Chests I
The only way to properly keep furs and valuable clothing free from moth and
other cloth destroying insects.
- M
, .. .
. i .
. I .
You Get More
4 YOUR Money
- tttt .
from there to continue their trip into
Portland from east of Hulihnrd, was in
Huljljard on business lust Tuesday. H-i
reports the family in good health ex
cepting his daughter, ,Irs. ilae Ann-
South Salem Friends.
Corner of South Commercial nnd
Washington -streets, H. E. Pemherton,
pastor. Bible school, classes for all, at
11 a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent.
Meeting for worship nnd preaching at
11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday at 7:15 p. iu. Song prac
tice at 8 p. m.
Salvation Army.
Sunday meetings as follows: Knee'
drill, 9:30 a. m. Kumfty school and
Bible class, 10:30 a. m. 'Evangelist B. 1
H. Churchill will speak nt 2:45 and 7:45
p. m. Young People's Legion, fi:15 p.
m. Tuesday next at S p. m., Lieut. -Col-1
onel i W. Scott, of Seattle, assisted by I
Lieut. Olive Scott and Lieut. Roger's I
wiil conduct a special service of music I
j and song. Meetings every night except i
I Monday and Thursday. A hearty invi- j
! tntion is extended to strangers audi
friends to attend all services. Cunt, and '
Mrs. J. L. Kelso. 1
W. C. T. TJ.
TTie Good Temnlars will have clinTee
Of the meeting Sunday at Ramp .Me
morial hall at 4 o'clock. A welcome
to all.
United Brethren.
Corner Seventeenth street and Ne
braska avenue, H. B. Dorks, minister.
Bible School. 10 a. nl. Mnrninir unrol, In
1 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m!
uosuhi service, i :.t n. n, Un . i.i
"What Is Civilization?" The subject I
of Bible atuilv for Thursday evening'
i "Tk fi,.,-.i, ; v II c. 'i
t ..u,. ,,, -iw4uin. i-rcrcop-'
tican lecture Tuesday evening, May i .'.
Jason Lee Memorial.
At the corner of Jefferson and North
Winter streets, J, Montcalm Brown,
pastor. Sunday school at t:45 u. m., K.
A. Harris, superintendent. Mrs. W. C
Emmel, superintendent primary de art
ment. Preaching services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Junior Veiigue a; 3 p.
m., J. D. Woodfin, superintendent. Ep
worth League at 6:30. Strangers spe
cially welcome. The Rev. T. B. Ford,!
D. D., district superintendent, will!
preach at 7:30 and administer the sacra-1
ment of the Lord's Supper. On Monday
evening he will speak at 7:30 on "Our I
Name ami How We (lot It," and hold
the quarterly conference. j
Pirst Presbyterian. I
An unpopular preacher for half a
century is the record in the Old Testa-j
ment. That was Jeremiah's record, a
man who dared to teach w hat seemed j
to Ma contemporaries as unreasonable!
and unpatriotic. The message of the!
book that bears his name will be the
subject of the morning sermon by the'
pastor. Carl H.-Elliott. Is life a journey, !
a battle or an investment? In it a car-'
eer or a mission f The evening sermon'
will be an endeavor to answer these!
questions from a New Testament utaud-'
If azarene Tabernacle.
North Nineteenth and Marion streets.
Bible school 10 a. m., Wm. Dt nuis, su
perintendent. Preaching 11 ,ri,, and
7:30 p. m., by District Superintendent
Rev. j. T. Little, who was also a former
pastor at the tabernacle. Come and
hear him. You will enjoy til.; services.
Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. We iinsdny.
B. W. Shaver, pastor, 1503 Waller
Corner of Chemeketa and Cottage
streets, Richard E. Tislier, minister.
Sunday-school nt 0:35, adult class at
9:35, .Miss Ethel Fletcher, superinten
dent. Morning services at 11 o'clock,
subject "The Seat of Authority in Re
ligion." No evening service. Music by
Mrs. T. H. Galloway; Mr. Harry Mills,
organist. All friends of liberal religion
and of progressive thought are cordial
ly invited to our services. Bring a
United Evangelical.
Cottage and Center fltreeti, Rev, O.
L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday sihool at
10 a. m. Preaching and morning wor
ship nt 11. "Th-j S'ipreine idiui for a
Day." Junior C. E. at 3 p. m , i au'ine
Remington, Bupciuteiirio-it. K L. of C.
E. service at (i:i". "ising Sun.h.y for
This World and t'.u N'eyt," Huy
fchmalle, leader, r.'vi'iiin-j rvice at
7:45. Sermon, "What Kin Is Your
Possessions?" Officii! board meeting
on Monday . vstiIm.-j i,t 0 c Wop, f ' av
er meeting W.i 1 1 Iny evei.ti.g.
Commons Mission.
No. 241 State street. J. 1). Cook
speaks Sunday at 3 p. m. Services Tues
day and Friday at 8 p. in. Mission
board meets Tuesday evening, Mav 9
Free employment office. Phone 3.
D. Cook, superintendent.
The Church of God.
No. 1770 Fairgrounds road. Sunday
school at 10 a. m., Edward Backen, su
perintendent. Sundny services at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. Wednesday meeting
at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited.
Ethel Williams, pastor.
Tint Church of Christ, Scientists.
Sunday services are held at 440
Chemeketa street, at, 11 a. m. nnd 8
p. m. Subject of Bible lesson, "Ever
lasting Punishment " Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testi
monial meeting at 8 o'clock. Rending
room in the Hubbard building, suite
303, and Is open every day, except Sun-
CROWD AT AUMSVILLE California before returning home
I M. B. Kromling was operated upon
The school rally held hero last Sat-in. nnnmi;..u;ii nf ti, i.,ciii t.
, ,, . . ,ii 1 .M i ........... , .... ...,-t,.,. xuo cr)itlng niH daughter, .Mrs. ilno Arm
urday, April 2J, was well attended by ,lny m0rning. Mr. Kromling had been ! stroiie. who is in the hosi.it nl recover!.,
the surrounding schools, und Aumsvillt ; ill for several days, relief from ordinary from a delicate operation performed last
itself seemed to have turned out for u j imminent uen.g oniy temporary me week. intcrpriKC.
general holiday. The hall was profusely "Penmen was advised and mnco lues
, , . , , ,, , ! ilny morning tho patient has been get
decorated with applo blossoms, and pots ni,,,yi (lm, barrill(r ,ho ,,,
or purple lilies. wen will he about in due time.
German M. E.
Corner Thirteenth and Center street's,
A. J. Weigle, minister. Sunday school
at 10 a. m., Henry Oralapp, superin
tendent. Public worship at 11 o'clock.
Epworth League at 7 p. in., Francis
Young, lender. Bible study ut 7:45 p. m.
Pirst Methodist Episcopal.
Coiner .StHte and Church sheets, Rich
ard N. Avison, minister. 9 a. m., Cass
meeting. 9:15 B. m., Sabbath schtoul,
Messrs. Schramm and Oilkey, niier:n
tendents. 11 a. m., Morning worship,
sermon by the pastor, "Our Debt to the
Pioneer." 3 p. m., He v. J. C. Spencer
will speak nt the Old People's Home.
0:30 p. m., Intermediate League, Mis.
M. C. Finilley, superintendent. 0:30 p.
m., Epworth League, Miss Eva Scott,
president. 7:30 p. m., Evening worship,
sermon by the pastor, "A Ri-ul Man the
World's Greatest Need." Music by the
chorus choir both morning and evening
under the direction of Dr. Frank W.
Tree Methodist.
No. 122S North Winter street. Sun
day services at 11 a. m. nnd 2:30 and
7:30 p. m. Revival services every night
during week, except Saturday, at. 7:45
p. m. All are welcome. Walter Clotz
back, evangelist.
Highland xrtends.
Corner Highland and Elm streets.
Sabbath school 10 a. in., Mrs. Myrtle
Kenworthy, superintendent. Meetings
for worship 11 a. m. Junior in church
annex, 11 a. m, Christian Endeavor
B-.30 p. m. At 7:45 p. m. a service of
song by choir and congregation. You
will be interested, tome. Josephine
Hockett. nnstor. I'honn 14tf.T
fTmay niternoon oi last vccok tnc
Ths body of C. P. Fullerton, nfca 'Hubbard school ball club played the
died, yesterday in Portland at the age Woodburu high si hool club. The Hub
of H't, will arriro Iji the city tomorrow ! bard boys had difficulty in finding the
afternoon on th 1 1 ..". Oregon Electric bnes, the score being 27 to 3 in favor
.. . it, ir t'.:,t. . .. i '
.Miperimeniieni- n. ji. riumn ucn.-u j
us chairman und opened the pr.igiu'n by I ,
introducing County superintendent
W. Smith, the first speaker.
After -Mr. Smith's address tin con
tests iu -sonL'S and recitations .egan
Those taking part in these contests,
were: i
Thelma Delzcll, of Turner, prize win
ner for recitation; Kenneth Lewis, of
Shaw, recitation; l.intu 1'atton of Shaw,
recitation; Scliner Brown, of Aumsville, ;
recitation; Grnce Von Behren, of West!
Stnyton, recitation ; Lee Crawford, of
North Siintiam, recitation; Harry Sen
field, of North Siintiam, recitation; and
class song, Aumsville fourth grade; nnd
Turner high school, scong, also winner
for song. I
Tho afternoon session was opened by
Superintendent Smith delivering the
prize to Thelma Del.cll, of Turner, for ,
recitution prize. Next the judges gave ;
the name of the prize winner in the map ;
of Oregon contest. Opal Bilyeu, of
Aumsville, was winner in this contest.;
The program for the iirtcrnoon wns a
recitation by Lee Crawford, of North
Sautinm, sou, "Mother," by twins,j
Edit!) and Ethel Fresh, of Rocky Point,:
and a recitation, Olive Crane, of Aums
ville. Miss Mnybellu Wugnor, the Itoi !
Point teacher nnd one of those who un
serving warm lunches nt noon euch dn j
told in her address the way in which j
she does it. i
The next song "Easter Song" and .
"Robin nnd Blue Bird" by the primary :
grades of Aumsvillo was very bright '
and prettily acted out.
A dialogue, "Lawyer and Book
Agent," by two boys of Rocky Point.
ong, "The Bird's Ball," by Aums-;
ville primary pupils, of which Miss u
nn Homing is teacher. ;
II. C. Seymour, of Corvnllis, state
leader of Boys' and Girls' Industrial j
club, addressed the Industrial club mem
bers especially und also gave good infor- j
mation to non-members on the work the
club is taking up, what it is for and ,
what it is doing. I
The last number on the program wan;
a wreath drill by a number of girls of i
the intermediate grades trained by their!
teacher, Miss Ohio Gricc, of Aumtjyillo
school. Tbey were dressed in white car
rying wreathes of upplc blossoms. Uec-1
C. B. Purdy, who recently moved to
"An onion eaten raw will clear tin?
head." remarked the old fogy.
"Yes," agreed the grouch," and it
will also clear the room."
oijoy if lay u
.LPh. MM A MM MM 1
Spectacular Presentation of
ami will be taken direct to tho Odd
Fellows cemetery for burial. Services
at the cemetery will be conducted by
tho Rev. R. N. Avison. The deceased
of Woodhurn.
Mrs. Ida Mend and daughter, Miss
Muriel Mend, the guests of Niles Plulz
nnd family the past week from Buttle
was ono of Ore'on's pioners, comingi Creek, Mich., left for Independence
to the state in 18-10. Monday moruing to visit a brother,
in Action Stirring Revival of an Eventful May Day in
Romantic England
Presented By
Tickets at Spa or Gray-Belle Best Seals $1 and 75c