SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916. 8 Grant Corby Is Urged for District Attorney On Democratic Ticket The name of (Jrnnt Corby for the democratic nomination for district at torney linn been suggested by prominent democrats for some time and today Mr. Corby stated that he would accept the nomination if his name were written in ty the demotratic electors at the polls. The chairman of the democratic state central committee has also notified the democratic voters of .Marion county that Mark Weathciforil, of Albany, will accept the nomination for repre sentative in congress from the First dis trict if his name is written in. Chairman Bert Haney, of 1'ortland, will notify all of his Alnrion county democrats of the selection of Corby for district attorney and Weatherford foi Congress and will request that these names be written by the democrats at the primaries. Marion Medical Society j To Meet Here Tuesday The I'olk-VamhiH Marion Medical so ciety will meet Tuesday evening, May 1 in Salem, at the Medical collect)' luiililinn 1 The application for membership of Dr. June L. Kilmonilsnn, of McMinn- ville, ft crnduate of the Itennett Med-! jcal College, wilt be acted on at this Sicoting. I The following is the program of the evening: Tneumonii, discussed by Dr. B. H. .VlcCallon of Dallas. A general discussion will follow the reading of the paper. ! Medical Defense. This subject, cs-j pceinlly in reference to the establish ! jnnet of a medical defense department! of the State Medical societp will bo prsntd by some member of tho state council. Yesterday E. E. Gilliam, of this city, thought a fivo acre tract four milea south ' f Salem from 8. B. Kundel. Tho trnct , is improved and Mr. Rundel expects ' oon to begin the erection of a house. Another deal of this week was a trade between I.. C. Denison and Mauley Mar tin. -Mr. Denison trades three houses j near State and Nineteenth street for a 70-acre improved farm in I'nlk county about half a mile west of Greenwood station. In the deal, the houses were Valued at H.flOO and the 7t)-aero farm at $I0,&(HI. Mr. Denison will take pos-' session of his farm at once. The two deals were made by V. It. (Irubenliorst : ft Co. j la the chess and checker contest, to ho held at the Commercial club this ev ningi from 4:.'S0 o'clock until S, K. 11. Urynnt, of Portland, editor of the liess and checker column of the Oregouiuii, will be pitted against his son, W. I.. Bryant. The father has been playing about 40 years, while the son lays claim 1 to but 10 years' experience sinl lint It are regarded among the best in tho state. A. 0. Johnson, of 1'ortl:!'.' w.'H a Harvard university chess pl-iyer, anil ('. K. Berg, of Portland, has plajvii three times for the state ehniiipiouship for eheckers, winning in his last. gani He will play against Davo Drnger. ' Willamette Glee Clubs to Entertain When the Willamette Olee clubs give their combined program on the evening of May 3, one of the charming soloists who will take part is Miss I.cla Belle JlcC'addam, a freshman in the College of Liberal Arts. Miss McCuddam is a singer of no lit tle fame; coming here 'from Iftitlidrum, Idaho, in ll'Li, she sang for several months in the First Presbyterian chinch. While living in Idaho she was frequently in demand us a soloist in Spokane und she always sang to a pleased audience. Miss McCaddnm has not yet finished her musical education, although she has studied under some of the greatest teachers in the northwest. Previous to the arrival of Dr. Frank Chace, who now has charge of the Col lege of Music, Miss McCnddnm studied under Jasper Dean McFall, of Portland, and frequently appeared us a soloist at the Sunnyside church und Westminster Presbyterian church in Portland. For the past year, however. Miss Mcf'uildiini has studied under Dr. Chuee and is now one of his most advanced students and also the leading soloist lit the First M. K. church. She has made herself very popular with the music loving public of Sulem by her willingness to sing at the many und various occasions during the past year. Her voice has been com pared in quality and tone, by. some to that of the great Alma (thick; it is a rich deep lyric voice and carries well in the largest hall. She has a large repertoire of classic, music, and is never nt a loss to respond to nn encore. Her recent appearance at the inter collegiate debate, where she snug ('ad man's "From the Land of the Sky Blue Water," was long and loudly npplnurtctl. SILVERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silvcrton, Ore., April lit). The Easter dinner at the Christian church Satur day was one of the most successful ones ever held. Beginning at 11:I!0 the seuts were at a premium for three hours and a rush on the most of the time that taxed waiters to the utmost, to serve as fast as the orders came in. The chick en pies were the best ever and such an abundance of other good things to say nothing of the eggs that were much in evidence on ull the tables prepared spe cially for this occasion. There was over $ cleared above all expenses, and the ladies are to be commended for their ef ficiency and zeal. They feel well repaid for all the hard work that goes to make a success of one one of these big din ners. There was n basket social held at the high school on Friday night that will be remembered as one of the happiest events of the 1010 school year. Plain baskets and fancy baskets, many in pretty odd designs of ships, chairs, hats, and flowers bedecked creations till il seemed so hard to decide which was best and many of the boys bought two or three apiece, for luck. Before the baskets w ere sedd I lie evening was spent playing games in which the faculty IV SUNDAY Direct from Empress Portland mm THEATRE hi TOM BRANFORD COMMEDIAN "THE HUMAN BAND" "THE BEAUTY DOCTORS" BIG, BRIGHT MUSICAL COMEDY. PRETTY CHORUS CLEVER ENTERTAINERS COIN'S DOGS Vaudeville's Greatest Canine Actors IT HAPPENED IN DOGYILLE' ; Buyers Would Contract Next Year's Hop Crop 1 J TODAY'S BALL SCORES Man On Trial for Slandering Washington Brings Up New Legal Question Tucoinu, Wash., April t!0. Hoary st itiilcs of the Romans, ancient der ma u law volumes and musty Knglish cases 01 centuries ago have been res- . I.. Pendleton as evidence iu llal'fr, on trial deorge Wash is resumed in The st He con its case last National. Philadelphia Boston Alexander j dowdy. Cincinnati .... Pittsburg . li E. and Burns; Hm II 12 2 tt lies and Portland, dr., April JO. A wave of contracting lias swept over the Wash ington and California hop markets and the full prices being paid by buyers iuilicate their faith iu the future of the market, notwithstanding that some ! of the signs have appeared discourag ing. There has been no large dealings in Oregon futures since the sale by Julius Wnlf. (if Silvcrton lit. 1'? iiiits rciwirr- ed in these columns several davs ago,1 Toney, Schulz and Wingo; Mununaux but a number of the buyers have I-- 1111,1 t! i lstm. Dale replaced Schulz. cent orders, some of them for 100 and' K. H. K. ,")00 bales. . Brooklyn "i K! The Wolf Hop company, of this city,' New York 4 17 4 has contracted with Banning, of Yu-! Smith, Marquard, Cheney anil Miller; Kima, lor 4tl,nnn pouinls yearly tor Stroud, four years at 12 cents with Ward & urrected by Attorney I ami will be introduced the defense of Paul It. for criiuinallv lihclliliL' inirton. when the trial is resumed in """'dug for :t"),0()(l pounds yearly for superior court Miiudav. The st He con- '""r years at the slime prices. Other rinded presentation 'of its case last Vakimii contracts iniiile by this firm evening. at cents were the following: ller- In denying a motion by the defense ' r""i "0,000 pounds, three years; Cage, for a, Judge Card ruled that j 'tO.OOH pounds, one year; Kred Kgliu, under the statutes of the state, nud' "M""1 I'oumls, one year; McKay, 80011 nerson is liable to arrest on a charife 1 pounds," one year. ot criminal libel tor the criticism deceased persons, even as far back Anderson anil ttarii' R. H. E. St. Louis N 10 I Chicago 4 ;i Doak, Sallee, donales and Snyder; McConnell, Prendergast and Fisher. for the criticism of even as far back as A I a 1 1 1 . 1 he st.itute fixes no limit to the time within which the possibility of libel ceases, he held, and the ques tion of whether malicious intent is in volved must be hie deciding factor in each case. The ease is without parallel in the annals of American jurisprudence, and no modern precedents of any sort aru available, attorneys agree. Attorney Pendleton's chief argument for disinisral was that unless the opera tion of the state libel statutes were con fined to the mailer of libeling a de ce.ised person within the lite time of his family, prosecutions could be car ried to an absurd length, and practic ally no person be free I'loiu liability of arrest. "This is the most, preposterous case I have ever heard of," I'einlleton said. "There iins never been anything like it, except o:ie old Knglish c.ise that was dismissed. If we can have the libel of Washington, we can have also the libel of Adam, Jesus Christ, Napo leon, any one who is dead, and have cases in court every d.iy just as silly as this one." ir r . i i 3 5 i scene from;the kiss of hate' Jlthel Hnrryniore in Kiss of Hate show ul Oregon, Sunday and Monday There is Only One Twentieth Century Limited 20 Hours, Chicago to New York it J?MiJrli sjr- "cr i "The Onl It Operate Over Water-Level Route"--You Can Sleep NewYork&ntral Lines Arriving at and Departinf from th Mtxt Centrally Located Statioot Grand Central Terminal, New York La Salle Street Station, ChkafO Lt. Chlctfa 12:40 Noon KnC!eooJ 12:53 p.m. Arr. Ne York. 9:40 a.m. Apl? to jtm lonl ifnt far ttcfcttt ml tlMvhic ru nn 0m, r far nlm lafanMlba, cil a ar aaariaa PORTLAND OFFICE. 109 TVirJ Stra W. C Saacanat, fcaaacai A rani f l Uaaai liuaM Valley Canning Company Is Formed at Newbcrg!.o A cooperative cannery with a capi talization of $.111,110(1 was incorporated today and the articles filed at the of fice of the ion commissioner. The i'uii'Kiii v proposes to handle all hinds of farm products and to work to toe lu'st interests of the farmers and fruit growers of the community in general. The incorporators were J. William Chninheis, Craijr Doer und II. I!. Crmvell. The c.iuuorv will he locat ed at Newlierit. I he tliinnna Tail lieta. a younj; men s hoarding tduh was also incorporated today and will lie located it. 1702 Mon roo street in C'orvallis. The property of the chili is valued at $1511 and its dura tion will he "durinir yood hehuvior" which may mean that it will he perpet ual and then iiuni it illicit end the first time the uiierclassinen of the house duck a college professor hv mis taking him for one of their errant treshnieii. Aeeordini! to California reoorts 10.- 1)00 hales of new crop Sncraiucntoes iiave heen contracted for to date and au cipiul quantity is controlled hy deal ers. Anion); the contracts just report ed in that state are the following: White & Terry, '.'nil hales of Sncrumen toes, two yertis at 11 cents to Donovan; .Mrs. Merkly. 40,000 pounds for three lyeiirs, at 11 1-2 cents; W. (Irmishaw, -10,000 pounds of Sacra mentoes, three years lit II 1-2 cents; Ciinuinhnni, 2U0 hales American Rivers, one year, nt 10 cents, to Wolf Hop Company; William jMinkes, 100 hales for one year, at .10 'cents, to William I'hlman & Co. ! Spot transactions in the California market have been at eipially final prices. i Wheat ig Selling I Solliujf by farmers has become n1 little more free in the past few days. Some trading between dealers is also! reported. The few changes mado in bids at tiie .Merchants' K.xrhnnye yes-i terday wro at advances of 1-2 cent to ,1 cent. Offers tor oats were raised; -.I cents to ,")0 cents. j 1 liradst reels reports exports this week, :at bushels of wheat anil l.-l j lOo.oiill bushels of oats. I Argentine wheat shipments this week I 'lire 1,S,'I2,00() bushel, against 2,0."iS,000: bushels last week and 4,020,000 bushels! ear nuo. Argentine freights to ......I ...... 4 1 A :....t , . I i.i . vi i'i'wi iiiv th-- itiniiiM -i cents ! from New York to the same port. j I Egg Market ia Weaker i There was nn easy feeling in the egg market, but receipts were well taken cue of nt the ruling prices, j I l-2(i7 22 edits, ease count. There were no new developments iu the hut- i ter situation. Poultry was firm, with hens selling nt. 17 I 2(Vi IS cents. Dressed meats were weak. American. New York Philadelphia r'isher and Nunumaker; Meyer. Cullop replaced innings. li. IT. K. ... 4 IS 2 .... 2 9 1 .Meyers and Fisher. 10 E. Huston Washington Foster and Thomas; Ainsmith. e. ir 0 4 1 4 8 1 Johnson and R. If. F.. ... 4 0 1 .. " .13 0 Duhue and Duhuc. 1 1 Cleveland Detroit Klepfer and O'Neill; Stallage. Dtiass replaced innings. r. ir. Chicago 3 7 1 St. Louis 1 7 2 Kussell and Schalk; Hank and demons. E. GREATEST SUCCESS '''fi V ,.,.,., ,,. n , ; g .. - I J SUNDAY J; .P , --- - .l.e.'ttttaftai i.," f NANCE LATEST FOB MASTEKPTECE SUNDAY O'NEIL in her superb best "The Witch" From Sardou's greatest play "The Sorceress" jYe Liberty Theatrej A man who wants to he a candidate : for office can usually make enough noise about it to convince, liinraull.' the people are calling1,, Card of Than.' We wish to express our grateful thanks to those friends who so kind ly assisted as during our sad here.ive ment iu the loss of our husband and brother, Kdwnnt (f. Uistine, especially Salem bulge No. lit, Degree of Honor, Hnrbers' union, Xo. (!20 and the Cher ry city lodge h. (). (). .M. Mrs. Florence Kistine, Mrs. Mnrgnret. Kistine, .1. M. Kistine. La,... i... Olf See this Great it nitA r Z3 fiaiii uau r inn; Iu Chapters starring The Fearless Heroiiip "HELEN HOLMES" and written hy FRANK HAMILTON SPEAHMAX, is built on a series of extraordinary cliuinxes. A new two-act chapter of this .Novel will appear at this theatre every Tuesday and Wednesday, Starting May 2 and 3. joined with the young people iu their merry milking. Kvery one had a dandy good time and the proceeds from the sale of the baskets amounted to over $10. Mrs. M. I.. Hansen and mother, Airs linker, who have been visiting the Char ley Brookas family nt Bridal Veil, re turned home Tuesday. Mr. Iveison and family, of Montana, arrived in the city Tuesday. Mi. 1 ver min is a brother of .Mrs. yill Arthur, chapel of Webb and dough, conducted jhy tiie Uev. ('. R. Scott of the Friends church. Burial will he in the Odd Fel i lowo cemetery. I Mr. Taylor was injured about ten days ago in attempting to stop a run jaway team. In his effort to stop the j horses his right leg was broken. The i injury, as well as the change from nn i active life on the farnf, resulted in his south of town and they plan on locating: ill this vicinity. The program lit the church last Sunday night was excellent. Kadi little tot had their pint almost perfect, and so many of them helped out iu the recitations and eantntn, .Mrs. O. White had charge of the program which was as follows; Organ solo hy Miss Bessie Suuvold. Song hy the chil dren, which 44 voices were blended in tho "Christ in Risen" liymu. Recita tion hy Nettie llutteberg, ami Florence line. Song by the children. Recita tion by four little girls. Lillian Rue. Helen Bensou, Marie and Alt Ilea Mey er. This was followed hy n quartette, sung by .Miss Olive Moe. Mrs. A. i White, Rev. A. O. vfiite and Oscar Satern. The cantata was next on the program und "The Wonderful Story" of tiie life of Christ was given in recita tion and song. The children were lis sisted hv a quartette, consisting of Mr. M. Ting"elstend, Olive Moe, Mr. Tingel stead and H. V. Hansen. Another song by the children ami an address by Rev. White was followed by all singing the doiology. There was a largo audience greeted by the little folks and all en joyed the evening to the fullest. Miss Edna Steeu entertained the teachers of the public school at her home west of the university on W nines- j duy VenlUg. T. W. I.usk, who has been on a cruis ing trip near Detroit, returned home Monday. There will be apecial election of of ficers in this city Monday, May 1. DIED contracting pneumonia. His home ut Spring alley and surviving him Lutheran Synod 1 11 wi,low 1,11,1 f"ur ''ro. was " The Most Sensationally Dramatic Serial Production Ever Made, with PEARL WHITE, CREIGHTON HALE and SHELDON LEWIS Who thrilled the world in "Elaine" First Chapters start Tuesday, and Wednesday and Every Week at V THEATRE 1 Tuesday and Wednesday, Big Triple Bill No Raise in Prices CHILDREN 5c; MATINEES 10c; EVENING 15c TAYLOR At the Willamette Senator imn, Apri) St), 191(1, Charles A. Tay lor. iu his fittth year. ' Kumrl services fre held thisl n M 11 11 ri n El ri u ri u n ti u n M tl n M 11 ri ii u ti j REGULAR PRICES 1 1 SPECIAL ORCHESTRA n - u Continuous Pictures u P W(BV Wl TWf WW 'Wl WVfe Wf WW 'fll flB ffM WlrJ ' i mi mm i in wm win tt wi iw iiu iiw mwwm tmitummm "r frafrl WrJ rWI WWWrljfffJWlWeWrllalf IfHJ NaF ffM taM) fBrt M jpVeaaairenl taVraia raHtaft Mmm UraM Mrre SaUal Saaaft rafM TaVatt Mtat aaaatt aaVrai rtf aaWV ' r .r-N. ' ' :- I 1 U' y 1 SUNDAY MONDAY ETHEL RYMORE 1 ETHEL BARRYMORK to THE" KISS ' OF-H ATE" In the Stupendous $40,000 Production 'The Kiss of Hate59 THE OREGON ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW VAUDEYILLE Donald McGregor SPECIAL ORCHESTRA Continuous Pictures that m. T