Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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A Sensible
The larldsh Blend Ggaietfe
a (ust
f I tonia
I? f
UST word Mr.TrrJ-
Mr. Homt Lovar
enter Hotel Nor-
hospitabU doors1
UST select a large, cheer-
ful room for ouf flay
UST stop a long, long
titn..or ihort, ihort bmr
UST tr? a service that an
ticipates tverything.-an tmoi
pKir that dtlifKts
UST make a start toward
bttr htalth.-tnjop ths morning-
-noon- evaning mtal
UST meet and Kobnob
with fritnds in tht airy lobby
USTresttf our'weary bones'
on a truly luxurious bad and
surrender to pUssint draams
I UST tbe tKing that appeals
moderate pncas.
Rooms vJith priviUfla of batK $1
lor mora the day. Rooms with
pnvata bath $1.5 0 or mora tin day
114, of
I2(K and
c ;
"Wall! Wall! Wall! That" ! a
Good One!"
Corvallis, Or., April 29.
Dick 'Kiger, i fanner, mado a
mistake anil mixed wall plaster
instead of a fertilizer railed
"landplaster" with his clover
seed when ho seeded a u'O aero
field. After tho field was
seeded he discovered his mis
take, and asked tho experts of
the Oregon AgrijCiilllural 'ol
lege what ho should do.
"Wo would advise th.it you
now tint the field or put on
some rent, rural design of wall
paper," was tho answer.
liuo Arts pageant, and liall were staged
Siere today to raiso funds to keep as a
jiermanent institution the fine arts pal
sieo on tho Tana Pacific Exposition
Ono of tho most beautiful feature!
was x procession of lighted gondola!
around tho lagoon, their illuminations
gloaming in subdued colors on tho
stately columns of tho fine avis palace.
May Day Program
At Willamette
The annual May Day festivities' will
be held next week on tho Willamette
campus, beginning Thursday evening
with the parade which w;il pass
through the business, section oi l!ie ciiy.
The parade will be made up of a num
ber of guily decorated autos and trucks
bearing floats.
The first auto will eontnin the May
Day chairman and assistants. Follow
ing will come the May Day Ciecn wiih
her attendants. Tbe third auto will car
ry the cast of the junior play, ' Ssher
wood. "
Trucks bearing floats to advertise
the track meet and baseball game will
next appear and a. third. truck will b---t!T
the official waffle-makers for the May
morning breakfast.
Tho sophomores will follow closely be
hind dressed in white duck while ths
freshman and academy will bring qp
the rear performing stunts, which they
have originated 'for tho occasion.
Friday morning will see the festivi
ties in full swing. The Y. W. 0. A. will
serve May morning breakfast at I.ous-J
anno hall to the publie and many wili
take the opportunity to see the white
clad maidens, who are to bring on the
steaming hot cakes nnd syrup. The
breakfast will last from G to 9:30 a. m.
Tho students will work on the campus
from 7::0 to in a. m. and earn a meal
check which will allow them to partake
of the student feed the next noon. No
one will be issued a check who has not
worked two hours in cleaning up on the
campus. At 10 o'clock will occur tho
tennis match between Willamette and
Pacific colleges on the cement court on
the east end of the orjpus.
The coronation of the May Queen,
Francos I., will take place at 12:45 p.
m. This will necessitate ninny eating
an early luncheon in order to be present
to see the royal procession start from
Loiisnnno hall to the throne on tho cam
pus in front of Katon ball.
Tnnies Crawford, a former Willamette
man, who graduated in 1912, will offici
ate as Lord High Chancellor, and will
crown the Queen. Just preceding the
coronation will come tho May dances by
the Willamette young ladies under the
direction of Miss Helen Wnstell. These
dances will represent tho four seasons
of the year and the costumes for the
various groups will be made according
ly. The summer dancers will be dressed
in flowery goods, the autumn girl in a
brown colored goods and hair flowing,
to typify the ldowing breezes and
brown leaves. The winter dancers will
be arrayed in pastel blue and will give
dances typifying the whirling snow.
Then just before the Queen reaches the
throne a group of Terpsichorcan artists
will precede dressed in flowing white
robes, and dancing dainty delicate steps
typical of gentle spring. After the
crowning of the Queen the winding e
the May-pole will tako place. The
streamers for tho May polo will be lav
ender and white.
After the Queen's proclamation has
been rend, her loyal subjects will all go
to Swcetlnnd, field where for the benefit
of the public, and to make a Toyal Rom
nn holiday she will turn her "Bear
Cats" on some famous baseball nine,
not yet decided upon, and allow them
to make sport for the crowds.
To top off the day and make It a
complete success the Queen has arrang
ed to have a royal play, depicting the
time of Knights and Ladies, staged at
the Grand theatre. This play is to bo
none other than "Sherwood" the th-'n?
of which deals with the thrillUcf days
of "Robin Hood."
Saturday the last dny of the festivi
ties is also well crowded with events
that will tako up the whole day. In the
morning a tennis match will bo pl.r'od
between McMinnville and Willamette.
At noon the entire student body is to
eat together on tho east end of Sweet
land field at tho student feed. The soph
omores maving chargo o'f the "eats. '
In the afternoon Multnomah Athletic
club will line up against tho "Bear
Cats" on the diamond and endeavor to
lose their scalps.
The freshmen will make a public dis
posal of their green caps after tho game
and following this the academy tub race
will bo held on the swift surface of the
mill raco. 'For fear the mill race will
not secure its rightful share of victims
in the previous event, the freshman
sophomore tug-of-war will be held over
tho cold depths of the said stream, and
one or the other sides will feel the re
viving effects of a cold plunge.
Tha evening will bo the grand finale
I We'
6-Inch Silk Ribbons 15c
Novelty ITair Bow Silk Ribbons, 4 t0 C
inches .wide, lafest spring colors, 1 C
very big value, at luv
if School Tablets 4c
Large size; good grade Of paper, big
Pound Writing Paper 24c
Bxtri quality S4 -sheets to box, big
-----4 ---.,
re AiverstocKe
Sell J
The hinest stock ot its kind that ever came to baiem is in our store.
we tried to duplicate it one would have to pay from 20 to IX) per cent
more. But cold weather raised hob with our sales. Now we're com
pelled to resort to most drastic measures to unload. We're in a heroic
mood and have used the price cutter's knife with a merciless hand.
t Your season is just beginning. You are going to profit through our f
misfortune. But we are very willing that you should. We know that I
i everv customer who shares in these bargains will be our friends for t
life. So take advantage.
25c and ,35c Jfc
Wash Goods J
A mot extraordinary baigaiu in tho
most wanted wash fabrics of the sea
son; white and novelty colorod Voiles,
t rcjie, Uach t loth, l xpiva, iiuti.sf.es,
etc. Regularly were
25c to -loe
:Now at 19c,
Women's, Misses', Chileren's Coats, Suits and
Dresses on Sale at 80c to 50c on the Dollar
No matter what your desire is in regards to Ready -to-Wear Garments for child, woman or miss, you'll be
able to satisfy it here and at most substantial savings. Quality is all it should be styles absolutely correct,
Women's and Misses Coats
Grouped for easy choosing in five lots
$4.95, $9.75, $12.50, $14.75,
Women's and Misses Suits-
Make your choice of anv oftheso five lots
$9.75," $12.48, $14.75, $17.50,
Women's and Misses' Dresses-
Entire stock grouped in five big lots
$10.48, $1225, $15.75, $17.50,
Women's Dress Skirts
Come expecting to find big values you'll not be
disappointed in the least. Latest sty garment
made of serge, gabardine cloth, novelty stripo
and taffeta silks, cut to.
$2.80, $4.00, $6.00, $12.00, $16.00
Lingerie Dresses 70c On Dollar
A wonderful line plain and fancy materials
all sizes.
Sweaters 75c On Dollar
Women's and Children's Swpaters, cardinal,
white, Oxford, green, plain and fancy collars,
Two Great Waist Specials
If you've been watching for a Waist Bargain, here It Is and there
are two of them:
This Store hag always had a most enviable reputation for its Muslin
Underwear offerings and thia sale will add fresh luster.
LOT 1 $1.95
JIade of fine sheer fabric, dainti
ly trimnipd with fine laco and
embroideries, worth nearly double
the sale price.
These are made of Georgette
Crepo and Crepe de Chine also
some Lingerie styles , trimmed
with novelty laces.
Three Muslin Wear Specials
At 89c
At 24c
Corset Covers and
Drawers good
quality of mater
ial, extra well
made. Sale price
hardly covers cost
of materials.
At 49c
Corset Covers and
Drawers also
Skirts, good grade
of cambrie and
nainsook, cut full,
very well made.
You'll like them.
,( ' o m b i n a tions,
Gowns, Drawpis,
Corset Covers of
Crepe, Nainsook
a n d C a in b r i e,
neatly trimmed
with lnces and
embroideries. Well
worth 1-:! more.
$1.50 HOSIERY 95c
Women's "Kayser" Silk Hose
plain body with fancy tops, $1.25
$1.50 grades, this sale at 95c
T-m .11-1 " 1 111 1
r Jbast DiacK nne no aouoie soie,
toe and heel sizes 6 to 9 1-2.
Child's fine rib tan Hose, not all
sizes, values to 35c, while the lot
lasts 10c
Wonderful values in Ready-to-Put-On
Garments for lit
tle ones. Savings range from
20 to 25 per cent.
$2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.95
Infants and Baby Dresses
and Slips, Skirts, Drawers
and Pinning Blankets
Vz to Hi Less
Infants and Baby Caps of
lawn, silk, figured, also some
hand embroideried
Vi to V2 Less
Made of washable fabrics
strong, durable. Sizes 4 to
14. Big values at
$1.25 Middy Blouses at . . 79c
A clean up of a bi lot of Middy Blonds choice of plain white with
llluo Galatea collars and fancy .striped effects, sizes 11 to '20.
Women's Umbrellas 20 Less
iSnrey stmost an every day need in this climate; cotton, lisle and silk
covers, black, green, cardinal ami navy in color; liirectoire, IMncluihh,
Cane and Novelty Handles; juiced now 80c to $5.20 instead of .tl to M.50.
Silk Petticoats 20 Less
No woman ever complained of having too many silk IVtticoats in her
closet. Now is tho timo to add to thp collection at a saving. In black,
green, brown and grey splendid quality -buy now ul S2.30 to $0.00,
instead of .tL'.O.l to $7.50.
$1 and $1.50 petticoats at 89c
Splendid substantial gaimcnls designed to Kiv' the maximum of "ear
at little cost, i'laiu tailored and ruffled styles; of 'black, green ;.nd
brown satin were. $.0ll, . 1.., and $!.." now onlv SDc.
We offer free pick and choice
ral hundred pieces of 1$$
's Neckwear, collars '''bx. .,0bkV
of several
Women's Neckwear, collars
collar and cuff sets and lace
collars, at the extremely low
price of 25c each. Come early
for best selection.
Lace. Curtains: Half
Nottingham, (rftiny and Ara
bian Lace Curtnins in whito
and ecru, were $1.00 to $7.50.
Buy now
at '.
50c to $3.75
Table Oil Cloth 15c
Full forty fivo inches wide,
wido rnngu of patterns lo
choose from short length.
Vulim in 25c. AVhile
it lasts
Q ft
Starting May 1st we are going to discontkae
doing a credit business and offer oar customers
a 5 per cent discount for cask We want your
business. It will pay you to trade with us.
L. M. Boggs & Co.
173 South Commercial Phone 311
of tho occasion, and tho juniors have
plans laid for its care. The junior prom
will bo the chief attraction for tha ev
ening and at that timo every student
will bo given tho chance to promeunde
about the campus with a lady fair. The
high school orchestra will furnish musie
for tha occasion, spot lights will illume
tho campus and Japanese lnnterrm wi
add a quaint and oriental touch to the
Boger Lyons, who is manager of May
Dny festivities, is deserving of a greut
deal of credit, for tho untiring labor
spent in preparing this week end and
if it is possible for it to bo aucceswful
"Puck" will do it.
Boston, April 2!). With a disting
uished list of Hoston society women as
patronesses, the Ilrookline Riding
school will bo the scene of the annual
Charity Horse ?;how today.
Led by Hiss Dorothy Forbes, Bos
ton 's foremost society horsew omnn.
! many prominent equestriennes will ride
! for chnrity.
j The Hillside school for poor boys,
, will receive the proceeds. Brookline
society each year for five years has con-
Do you put your arms mound him ns
you used to do of old,
Do you givo him little kisses without
living to bo told,
Do you isk him if he's weary, do you
wonder at his trials,
Do you wait for him to welcome him
with tendornoss nnd snidest
Do you show him you approkiate the
lit things he brings,
The thought fulness ho shows you as
within the gate he swings,
Do you take him to your bosom, lay
your hand upon his head,
As you used to do when living in the
romance of the wed f
Do you cling to him in trouble and do
all you can with song
And sunshine and with cheering to help
mitters jog along,
Do you care to make him happy, do
you show it, if you do,
Do you tell him that you love him, as
you want it told to yon?
tributed to it a lnr;.e amount through
similar affairs. Twenty silver cups
huve been donated.
We are ia the lend The World I
kicks a mau when he's down. I
Airs. Mary I'epperling tho aged pio
neer died at licr daughter's homo Mrs.
Foltz, eurly Friday morning April 21st.
Tho funeral took place Sunday at the
Catholic church, Hev. Kitteuhofl'er of
ficiated. 1'etcr Jungwortli nnd family aro go
ing to move to their home at tho .lung-
worth sawmill on the U. Towns place.
Louis (loisler and Nick Oppe visited
at the ('. A. Hilberuagel homo Friday.
! v...t. i,..i....A: n i...u;....uu
to Albany Katurday.
Harvey Hhelton purchased ft load of
hay from W. N. Brotherton Haturduy.
Mr. Gains tho deputy assessor was
in this valley last week on tho Nick
Kndrcs farm.
Miss Julia Rohweni was working nt
her sister's Mrs. A. J. Sulzcr this
Mrs. Lizzie Aerhart of Lebanon at
tended tho funeral of her mother Mrs.
Mary I'epperling.
R. P. I'epperling went to Kingston
I last Fridny to unload his now Russell
Mrs. A. J. Snlzel who hns been on the
sick list for the past week, is improv
ing nicely. Stnyton Mail.
Monarch Lumber compnny, ticnr Ken
ton, closed two years, plans lo rcsjnuj
at onca, employing 300 men.
Municipal ownership and distribu
tion of milk supply for cities is ono
of tho latest socialistic fads.
Pure Distilled Water Ice.
Phone 415