THE DAILY CAPITAL JOt P.MAL, SALEM, OREC" SATURDAY, APRIL 29,v 1916. THREE si '""Si"! L.WI" .,',.7.11. ,,,.,.. . i nmi.nn LJif I f T'Sv .J ;v7 A, lftr.'.y ,, MHITH.H IU"V..I"1 III" ) f .1 h? W.Wl l"v1M"",ll''- "! . .. ML r.,..-' - .V-;-:: : iv'ia L.. ....... j ft ...,.., . I'm, L,..,-.'. In N o r FACE TO FACE WITH FACTS Yes, that's the way I put it. The Chicago Store is in urgent need of more ready cash, and the question is, Can I get the needed cash ? I believe I can. At any rate, I am going to make a desperate struggle to get the money. The Chicago Store is face to face with an urgent call for money, and they expect me to get it for them, and take any steps I deem, necessary to turn the trick. pi u ! HUM ';'f.. !-. V 'E''Vy'T?"? V'""-'"W1' Ail hMArfiHdiT ml -mi V fi.aVrf ii,-vw flfiilf fci if ! 1 1 utfb itm iiMiif VI'"'' The Need Is Urgent It's no use for me to go into any further details. The only way I can explain it to you is that the need for ready cash at the Chicago Store is a very urgent one, and there is only one thing left for me to do, and that is to keep up the slaughter of The Chicago Store stock until I get the money that they need so badly. So, for Monday, I have prices for you and he quality is the best money can buy. Be here Monday. in iff r liirnmr rfnm CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 35c Swiss Corset Cover Embroid ery at, the yard 19c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Misses' 65c new Parasols to go at CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Children's 25c Parasols to go at only 19c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Children's 10c Hose to go at black ribbed 39c 5c sit , ' 7 , . I - '' -hi' r ,rri,i,Ait,lT,fc inrniil H1 "," CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 25c Ladies' Comfy cut Sum mer vest to go at CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 10c Children's ribbed pants, lace trimmed CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 65c 32-inch fancy Tub Silk at the yard 5c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 75c Striped Voil dress 1 goods at the yard if' Drastic Steps Must Be Taken at Once to Raise the Needed 'Cash for the CHICAGO Store CAN I DO IH SPECIAL Ladies' $1.75 Genuine Panama Hats, marked to sell at 98c n My Instructions Are n Final and to the Point CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL rench yard 9c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL One lot of Ladies' tilmmed Hats worth to $3.50 go at CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL One lot of Ladies' Spring trimmed Hats worth to $1.00 go at 9Q & 15c fancy -French Lawns at the CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL 8 l-2c good size Huck Towel at, each 4c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL $1.50 Children's Silk pongee Coats at 69c I CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Children's 50c White Wool Sweaters marked at 25c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL $1.50 Madras Curtain marked at the pair 75c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Ladies' $1.50 fancy trimmed Gingham Housedresses 98c CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Ladies' 75c Auto Caps, veil at tached,, at 35c CAN I DO IH SPECIAL Laces sold at 5c the yard, now, at the yard lc CAN I DO IH SPECIAL 15c White Canvas Belts marked at lc CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Garden larked i 5c Men's 10c Garden Hats now marked at CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Ladies' new Spring Suits worth to $18 markea at CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Ladies new Spring Coats worth up to $10.00 marked at Li CAN I DO IT? SPECIAL Ladies' new Wool Serge Dresses worth to $8.50 marked at A f G2 o 11 I III f KJ 11 IlV (T Tl O E G. Seaman, Representing Lewis Bros. & Co. in Charge Store WILLAMETTE NOTES SALLOW SKIN i is one of the greatest foes of womanly beauty. It is quickly cleared by correcting the cause sluggish liver with the aid of the gently stimulating, safe and dependable remedy BEECIIAM'S Larsett Sale of Any Mrdicin in III World. Sold evarjwhar. Id boscs, 10c. 25c The student election held yester day resulted in the following persons being e lee ted: l'resiileut Karl Flepcl. t Viee -I'resideiit Miss Viclet Mnclenn. Seei'Ptnrv .Mi;s Kunitie Mt'Kciinon. I Trensurej- I'mil Miller. Kditor of Collegian Samuel R. King. Jlauager of Collegian Karl 1!. toi toii. I Flegel, the newly Piceted president, j is perhai9 the mist populnr man in school, and likewise the best all-round athlete, having won his letter in foot ball, basketball, baseball and tennis.' ! He- is eaptain-eleet of nest year's foot- j I hall team, having held the same position ; jthis year, lie is n prominent iiiembei of the Websteriau IAterary society, also ! the leading man in the junior play, ! i " Sherwood," which w ill be given nt tho Grand May .". namely, the part of j Kobin Hood. He has been on the cxeeti-' (tivo eoinniittee for tlie past three years und eonsequently understands the roil-1 tmn of busuiess winch will resolve upon (Hover, lots 1 aud 2, blk. 4, North' tiu ti,.... ,in i ..r. 14 1 ' - u tur h-jm iii n- 10111. ;of the stii.lent body. His election to the! Oregon and California Land company ugliest office which a student is honor- to Win. J. Wargnier, Sr., lots 3 and -' i ed with shows that his untiling et'l'o,rts-blk. 74, (iervnis. to maintain Willamette standards have Kffje L. Snyder et Ttr to J W and been appreciated by the student body, i I,, f. J.vtle. lot S Holly wood Ho will not assume active duties until, David William Hanrnlum to Fth, I next fall when schocd re-opens for tin I Hanrnhan, lot in Hurst's Garden tract next year. Howard .Tewett. the pies-. land in see. 12-4-1 W. ' ent executive, will still retain active i ilin-mi,! SbniJr! (.. i.. ir...n. Real Estate Transfers .Tno. F. et ux to 1. C. ami Mar., J. T. l.inch el. J0 M1W. Marion (Jesina othnus to John ( I.nis, 2 acres in S K 1-1 W I -1 sec. Hl-i1.-1W. Arthur Glover to-nna V. and Ho control of student affairs. Miss Violet Mac.lenn, the newly elected vice-president, is a popular young lady in the junior class, and is taking the lending i lady s roll in the junior play as I.ady iiiai lan. 1 student iber of the all of lot 10, Tout's "add, Morrimnn, Woodliurn. Klmer H. Hoff to Hans Johnson, lot T blk. ), add C, Woodbum. T. W. Steicer ct ux to Ore rrnn nn.i She was the secretary of the ; California Hailiond como body last year. She is a mem- ens' el. 1-7-3W. A. Steph- l'hilodosinn society. Miss Mm-v ir, t., . i ,. ! Mcjvennon, who will assume tho duties and Bertha M Mars lots" 1 .1 lX - . of .-eeretnry. i.s a member of tho IM.ilo- blk. 40, (iervais, exeept certain inut'nl idosian society, also the junior class. ready deeded. I I'll1' Miller, who will handle the mon-1 Hiisil Do Jardin et nx to Bertha ey for the student body, is a pronii-jnnd Hugh D. Mars, lots 2 3 0 -uid V jiieiit man in nthlelics, having won his , blk. 28, (Iervnis. ' letter iu football and baseball. He is! John K. Row to Mm,,, r. ... .... also a member of the Websterian so- lot 1. blk. 3,r,. ' 1 , 1. I- iety, w here ho is noted for his snonlan-1 eons humor when appearing on the pro-' ginms. rie is a member of the sopoh oinore class. Samuel li. King, who will wield (he editorial pen tor the ( olletiau next ton. nt. lot 1 1,1k i lr.ii, ;."- vi n-ii uuMiiras uiimiv m'rrrune Newton to John K and I und a thorough student; he has worked! Maud Gaw, pt. lot 1, blk 3 Woodhim, ,on the Collegian as reporter and assoc.-j Finest J. Snyder to B. F'Giesv tno.' 'ate editor tor thn nnt tun .-.,- .i ....... i.i . .nt . ' 1 ' I ..Ill I III HlHlf, i.i-t-iii, i-ynseo.uo,uy weiii iitnn tor the! Anna S. Rucker et vir to Kfl'ie C; l .i.uii. j-wiiig is junior tins year lien, H. M. Honney el. 4 "-5-1 V, '"''" luiM uging ine iamous Jvloslie j A. c. .McMillan et nl bv sheriff .- i iiun, a !' : si tlileut i inau in scnooi lor the position, and he! Andrew Peterson to C. F. and F. A -i ...... mi- suuiiiuru set oy tins ! .vniierson, lot 4, blk Knii'hts ;-! '':.'r'M, S':"'"'11"- ! Salem, pt. 1,1k! 5, l!ob"'rts' iul,L i ii. utiii ui tmn. . t ... i:.,.....r n n t ... "in-;, uu ii i .V . ii v I -'"" ami i.. i i. a ire 1 1 to tlecr ''-j . .' - V i i K ' 1 "uuiie iJnrliy, S 00 ft, of lot 3 bll i 5 ' o i ii ' ii .-..1.l-iiciice iu mat capacity ',. .xoi in Salem. .v... ii.-iiMmuite nuinni:ci-. a ui ins r ame . ifcvm, . a nt .. i. n ninniigvi'. lie is a new ly elected inemiier of the Websterian society. rod (f. Metz et nx to A. V n...... in, niK. Ti, i'nirmount Turk add. Dnight Fisner et iix to H. A. J.icliH pt. G. F. MoCorkle el. 41-(i-2V. ......,. v.u.y -i. nr io .terrnuio m. New- L IIUlp- ' j , . '' jyiomiu j v. .ic.miiiiiu et ill liy sheriff to v ji.M.oi p,j. mm tiu-.-oiu it. rouen, lot 11, blk. 1, Highlnno lit body have. s.Uected the best 1 add, Salem. nib tins year as assistant mnnnirer. anil iticcess secured lor him the position Kwing, lot ! add, Salem. 11 on N 17th st., Win. The College of I'liget Sound co-ed de bute team telegraphed the Willamette co-ed team not to come up to Taeniun VIIKt IIPll I. I- iu lit. 1 t .4 I 1 .'i "n "".y loooi nor oenaie i, , iiini i iiim; ,.i,si jiiincnii'lll 1S,J) goon as cauceiniig the debate, as it showed that they wore nt'raid of los ing to the Willamette women. Miss Ada j l!o.-s and Miss Kilim Hillings, who were I to represent Willamette in this debate, jhad spent a great deal of time in pre paring for tho occasion, but were ,1,.. I pnveil DEATH OF THELMA CRANE w ere colivnn mg of thi! pl'ivileirii I " Tacinn 1 pie of the advantages of,,?; ' ,, "J ' ' . T"'1 " of railroads. I "V '. , -;' P- '' Tlielnm Hebeiin Crnne, eldest .lauyh ter of Mr. noil Mrs. II. M. Crane, an , Deeemlier 'lli. 1IIU2, nt Ciu-colll..,. 111., died April '2',, HI Hi, at Aumsv ill. , Ore., at (he ago of 13 years, four months and nine days. She was preceded ., two, and is survived by seven brolncr-i and -sisters, two brothers, Clement uml Marie, and five sisters, Olive, Finn., Carmine, Opnl and Bonnie. For several years she had been I- jy, nor lust spell having lusted abiei government ownership i ALBERT SCHWAB D1E3 she (juicily breathed In lay, April ' last. Thelma Cruno was a local favorite, -s-I pecially among the juniors, six of whom j acted as pall bearers at her funeral. Sh ! will live iu the memories of her reh lives as a kind Hind generous danglit' Albert Schwab, a well-known and re spected farmer died nt his home near il.ervnis, Moiulnv morning at li..'0 ,. i. m L. . .r i i i '".i n. .or. ,-icnwao nun neea in noor . ... .n health for 30 years but had been able I " ' 'Tf l ' U'i "i!"1 w to be about mot of the time until a 'J U.f,-) ,ms.v'".c b' nny kindly net few weeks ago he was taken worse.' " ,h! '""I imite..- Duriiig the past week he had i,rov,.,l i A ""'sv'"e Ji',''"ri1- ! and was able to sit up and visit some of ins children who visited him Sunday. About midnight Sunday night hn was taken suddenly worse ami did not rally. He was born iu Switzerland Novem ber 17, isri.'l, and came to America in ACKERMAN TO VISIT EAST I Monmouth, Ore., April 2!. Mrs. .'. H. Ackerman, wife of l'resident J. ).'. I Aekerninn, of the Normal school. st.i;.. Al I . . 1S.V1, and first settled in Iowa, and also : ' ' ' ", B' n .m". vl ! Kngiiiinl . n- !. : Kansas, coming ro Oregon iu j lived I 1NHR. I lfl' ih survived by his wife and six children, all of whom are married. Tliev nrn. Aim 'l.-.l.. Tl..i.....l... ... I . . i . V "- iii.- iiimviniM, oi i iirTiauu; Arthur and Otto Schwab, Mrs. Albert Iteiling and Mrs. Ross Cnfsforth, of (Iervais, ami Zeno Schwab, of Aurora. The funeral took place Wednesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock nt the family"resi dence and interment in the Masonic cemeterv. (iervais Star. Her daughter. Mrs. F. T-. Cm ton, of Salem, who is a delegate to lh Biennial Veitei-ntiiin ., r. n ... ii n a . inn in Boston, May 23, will accompany ne They will visit relatives in Bin I'hiludelpliinu and New York, HUBBARD SOCIAL NEWS Dear I.uke Bacon X. T.iver 'run.1 restaurant at fjllN West Vine street i this cily. Do you need a chef in th club? Bub Kos.ell. Lexington, Ky. 1 a Hear I.uke The club may n tective force. How about George Keli hum of Madison, 1ml., and Wil Solveiu of Frankfort, Ky. ' Hear I.uke i of Ferilinend, i official knock) Try Caoital Journal Want Ads. Mrs. Julius Stniiftcr eiitertaiai'd the W. II. C. lailies at her home northeast lo'ftown last l'ridiiy for uu nil day niei't , ing. The ladies pieced a quilt for tin' ! corps. A bountiful dinner was served , and paper nnpkins of "Old Glory" i wore used. Refreshments of ice cream, jcnki; aud lemonade were served durine the ..ft,..-.!,.,... ti ... i.. ,....,...,... , n,j j.i.--irii, )cre: ! s!.h,',ll ?J!?:' I BWBBMK I III Gable, Miss l.ucile Gable, Miss Hill Stnut'fi'r, AFks Henrietta Wolfcr. Miss Hose JoiOan. Mrs. KIhut Stauffi-r, Mrs. Julius Stuuffer. Mrs. it. W. Gable gave several instrumental selections. -Mr. and Mis. . F. Voder entertained nt Faster dinner at their home east of Hubbard, Misses Horn ami Anna .Mc Donald, of I'oillimd; Geo. I.effler ami family and J.awrence 1'iilley. Knter-Jirise, Can John Sw i iigliniiim. Ind., get in the club n r.-LA. Traveler. WILL ADDRESS GRANGE ('. r.iuiiii. extension M.ecinlist. in poultry hiisbaiiilrv. at tho On 'eon AiMi- cultural college, w ill give an address ou tho raising, feeding ami cure of pool i try befont the Aumsvillo Grango on tho afternoon of May 5. Air. I.arub tells his audiences Hint the general farmer is best equipped for feeding laying liens profitably. This is trui' bi.c.-uisi; he has a wealth of nut jural resources at hand with which he may supplement the bought feed for his flock. He nlo explains the necessity of keeping vigorous bred to-lay hens and explains how this can be earned on. Don't let old worry malte you pout (liny hairs do not amass; The things we've worried niot about Have sever come to miss. 1 Window-cleaner, expert floor waxor, chimney sweep, vacuum cleaning (hand or electric, 15c a nig and up) any kind of work inside or outside of the house. Will do work for cast off wool rags, zinc, copper, brass or lead. Harry J. McDonald (Former Phone 1525) Present Phone 1041 Please cut out for future reference. 21 iC&33S3Sa