Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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A .THOUGH the wonderful Sub
scription dum:e are but a cher
ished memory me smnrt set has
most certainly net a precedent in car
rying out these truly murvelous parties
which will, long be premier in origin
ality und cleverness. Incidentally the
success of the dances this season has
been due to the efforts of Mrs. Asnhcl
Bush, Mrs. Frederic Thielsen and Mrs.
Melvin Plimpton, who seem unable to
exhaust their repertoire of variations
tor these fete of artistry.
Monday night's bnll was the brilliant
finale of the gay season, and as each
; 'reeding affair was la dernier eri in
wauty and artistic effects
Jt was in an. enchanted summer gar
den at moonlight, illumed by the soft
gleams of lights stealing through the
branches of flowering fruit trees and
hootch broom that the merry throng
The ball room was enclosed with a
rtriking black and white luttice behind
which was a profusion of .Scotch broom
aglow with a myriad yellow blossoms.
In the center of this garden two large
black and white atrip swings hung be
neath a huge canopy of the name dash
ing color combination. The music, by
the string orchestra was unusually good
with a lot of swing that made dancing
a delight.
A few of the gowns noticed follow
Mm. Asahel Hush orchid and magon
la satin creation made is pannier effect
with pearl bead and ribbon embroi
dered bodice. Festoons of pearl beads
from the waist crossed in front' and
fastened the side drape.
Mrs. William Burghardt, white satin
with panel of opalescent paiottes, bod
ie. of paicttea and tulle.
Mrs. Percv Youuif of Albany, liiilit
Tiluo tulle over cloth of silver under
nkirt. .Silver lace and tulle bodice, with
a mmy blue tulle scarf.
Mrs. Thomas I.ivesley, white chiffon
mbroiderod in gold and silver over
apple green satin with silver lace ruf
Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, bouffant gown
of whito princess luce and fine net over
whito satin. Silver trimmed bodice
with girdle of turquoise and pink sat
in. Mrs. Thomas Smith, Jr., ruffled
gown of rose-pink taffeta and gol.i
tthadow lace.
Mrs. William Lytic, apple green tuile
over satin with slight silver trimming
and silver slippers.
Mrs. Clifford Brown, billowy white
Inllo gown. The skirt was made in a
iier design, edged with canary yellow
atin the bodice was of tulle and sil
ver lace.
Mrs. Ben Olcott, pastel blue satin
with filmy luce and tulle bodice.
Mrs. Chauncey Hishoo. pink nnd
white novelty taffeta or silvor lace
under skirt.
Mrs. Joseph Rothchild of Portland,
bright blue tulle, silver embroidered
over cloth of silver under skirt. The
blue tullo ami silvor lace 'formed the
Miss Ritn Stcincr, muuvo nnd silver
liroemlc, over tulle and nilver lace un
derskirt trimmed with fur and clusters
of rose buds.
Miss Elizabeth Lord, variguled pink
Relieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which Renovate the Blocd.
That tired feulinir that comes to
you in tho spi'lim. year after year, Is)
a siKii that your blood lacks vitality,
Just us ptmpW-M, IioIIh and other erup
tions are hIkiih that it In Impure; and
it la alMO a, hIkii that your Byatem ia
in a low or run-down condition ln
viliiiR iliHeiiMe. It la a warning,
which It in wiHo to heed.
Ask your (lniKiilat for Hood's Hur
aaintiiliu. This old ntundaid triod
and tnio blood niodiulne relieves
that tiled feeling. It clonuses tho
blood, Klvos new life, now conniK",
etroiiKth nnd choerfulnoHs. 'I malum
tho rich red blood Hint will :mke
you feel, look, eat and Hleep butter.
lie sure to set Hood's, becaiiMO It
la tho best. There Is no other com
bination of roots, barks nnd herbs
llko It no real substitute for It no
"Just-as-tfood" medicine.
Cotton's 5, 10 and 15 Cent Store will be in
their new location
Formerly G. W. Johnson & Co.
And ready for business about Tuesday,
May 2nd. Watch for Re-opening announce
ment. ComBion's
" ' ' ' ' ' . -
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Dainty little Jeanette Sykes, ho will ap
pear In the "May Day Fete" t-j he
given by the Juvenile Artisans.
tulle, very full skirt with Blight trim
ming of silver.
Miss Esther Carson, coral pink taf
feta with tullo and lace fiodieo.
Misit Margery Marvin, salmon pink
trimmed with robins egg blue satin
Silver lace aud tulle formed the bodice.
Among those present were: Mr. nad j
Mrs. Thomas Liveslcv. Mr. and Mrs. I
Asnhel Buh, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey
Bishop, Mr. and Mm George Palmer
I'm nam, Mr. aud Mrs. George K"dg
ers, Mr. ami Mrs. Wiiliam Burghardt,
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mr. and Mi's.
Ben Olcott, .Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hofer.
Or. aud Mrs. William I.ytle, Mr. and
Mrs. Zadoc Kiggs. Mr-, and Mrs. Thomas
(.'. Smith. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Spears. Mr. aud Mrs. Curriss Crirss.
Mr. am Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mr. and
Mr. Charles Dick, Mr. ami Mrs. Ho
mer (ioulet, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grior,
Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre. Mr. .' id
Mr. Homeo tioulet. Mr. and Mm. Iw-y
Yoimg.of Albany, Mr. and Mis. Belch
er, an.l Mrs. Joseph fiothihild. if Port
land, Miss Rita Stcincr, W.- Ellen
Thielsen. Miss Margery Mar in, Miss
Kl'unbetli Lord. Miss Ida .-ominous,
Miss Esther Carson, Miss liur'it'
Hargrove, Miss Aline Tho'n,is "ii, Dun-
iel J. Frvc, Jr.. Paul Wallace. s
Young, Carl Gabiiclsen, l.nnreice Ho
fer, H. C. McCain m on, !Miii M'.ores,
Ercel Kay, Prince Byrd, Willi an Walt
on, Albert Egnn and Russell Ilortcn.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sutherland
entertained Tuesday evening at one of
the smart card parties of the week.
The rooms were aglow with the colors
of inn n V wonderful spring blossoms.
making an artistic foil for its guests,
About twenty-tour ot the married set
including tho members of the Merry-Go-Round
club, circled the tallies, mid
the high score honors were won by Mrs.
Thomas B. Kuv and C. (). Kice. Mrs.
Sutherland was assisted bv Mis. liice
and Miss Ellen Thielsen.
Mrs. Muck Hn'fer and small so
, liohcrt and Ernest lire enjoying a
louni at the Hotel Alilicv in .New
In'forinnl vet charming was the sinnl
bridge for which Mrs. George Waters
was hostess lliurs.lav .a I ternoim,
About a dozen prominent matrons of a
small budge club and several nodi
tionnl matrons were guests. The nt
tractive card favor was won by Mis.
Hollin K. I'age. Mis. Waters was as
sisted bv Miss Tila Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas l.ivesloy accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. John J. Huberts
motored to Portland Wednesday. They
spent Thursday motoriiiir on the Co
lumbia Highway, reluming to Salem
I lie that night.
TV rfP
Mr. aud Mrs. Chauncey Bishop en
tertained with a small informal sup
jer party after the dauce Monday
night. Green and yellow- toned
-pring blossoms were used to center the
artistically appointed table.
Covers were placed for their honse
guesrs, Mr. and Mrs, Perry Young of
Aibauv, and Mr. aud Mrj. William
Burgl.ardt, Jr., Mr. and Mis. John
Roberts, Carl Gabrielson and the
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Bishop hon
ored her house guest, Mrs. Percy
Young W'th a line party .it the Liberty
theatre. Several of the younger ma
trons were guests.
Later the party enjoyed tea with
Mrs. (icoige Palmer Putnam. The
tea table was prodded over, by Mrs.
William Burghardt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Knighton are
being welcomed home ..fter a delight
ful sojourn in the South and East.
They returned yesterday by the North
ern route, having gone Er.st by way of
alitornia. Mrs. Knignton has been
extensively entertained during her trip
and now will enter into the social ac
tivities of Scion.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Ulinger were hosts
Tuesday evening for a five-hundred
party. Their guests included about
twenty-tour of tho married set, who
are members of a card club.
The rooms were gniry decorated with
fragrant spring flowers, hydranga and
carnations lieing etteetively arranged.
Tho high score honors fell. to Mrs,
(icoige Hose nnd Dr. L. Y. Griffith.
Mrs. Milton Meyers and Mrs. George
Brown assisted Mrs. Ulinger.
Intorniai teas havo been occupying
the time and attention of maids ami
unit roiis almost every dav this week.
These small gatherings furnish a dc
lightful opportunity for a congenial
group ot trieiuls to meet for a cozy
chat and a refreshing cup of ten. Wed
nesday Mrs. Guy Sargent entertained
at one of these small informal gather
ings, asking several prominent matrons
:is guests.
9 m
About a do.cu young friends of
Master Elbert Raymond llusselle gatli
cred .it tiie rcsidenco of his parents
Mr. and .Mrs, T. linsselle Wednes
day afternoon to participate in the gay-
eties ot his twcljth hirthdnp party,
The afternoon was made happy bv
'nines ami the prizes were won ny the
Misses Prudence Stite, Frances Dick
and Meredith Eondacre. The dainty
pink and white table was centered with
an n ray of soft colored spring flowers
over which opened a pretty Japanese
paiasol. Little .1 ipauese pnrasols
marked covers for: Marie Schuldcrniaii,
Margaret. Stolz, Constance Yantis, pru
dence I'attersun, Prudence Stite, Pran
ces Dick and her house guest Made
lino Maker of I'ortl.uid and John
( aughill, Meredith Londacie, Theodore
Howard, Donald Smith and John Croi
sun. ...
A veritable air of spiing time sur
rounded the petty party for which
.diss Joy Turner was hostess Tuesday
evening. The rooms were fmginiit
with lilacs ami other spring flowers.
The evening was devoted to progres
sive g lines ami the prize was won by
Mrs. Ilium ho Lishin Xeiinever. Later
:i dainty luncheon was served. Pretty
hand painted rabbits marked the plac
es. Miss Esther Biliugs assisted the
hostess iu the serving. Miss Tinner's
guests including the members of the
.i)uin.e Jour club were:
Misses lluel Bishop, Mablo lludol
son, Laura Grant, .I'reida Spitzbirt,
Annette (! ruber, Greta. Phillips, Alyce
Hollir.ter, Mary Pigier, Florence Smith.
Hazel Price, Marie Bennett, Huth
Kress, Esther Hillings, Kathcrino Mo
Clolland, Alice Jud.l, Mary Phillips.
Margaret Hodge, Maigueritp Mors,
Mrs. Winona Savnge Lloyd, Mrs.
Blanche Listen .Niemeyer und Mrs.
Elliott Colony.
Tho Pythitn Sisters club was enter
tained Fridav afternoon it the home
of Mrs. A. ,L lintcliff, 41,i South Cot
tagp street. A tier a business session
n guessing contest formed it diversion
of the afternoon, Mrs. Barber was
awarded the prize. Refreshments
rounded out an enjoyable time. Toe
rooms were prettily deoorRted with lav
endur lil ies.
Dr. and Mrs. John VI vims entertained
Tuesday evening with a few tables of
five hundred. The guests included the
members of the hosts card club and
the score honor fell to Mrs. Floyd
Sr.iing blossoms, sweet music and
the presence of many merry makers
made the dinner dime at the Hotel
Marion last night one of the gayest of
the series.
Tho tibles were surrounded by sev
eral charming dinner parties; among
ti.e hosts being Mr. .ind Mrs. Melvin
Plimpton, whose guests were: Mr. and
Mrs-. George Hoiljcers, Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey Bishop and ' Mrs. Asahel
Bush. -
Dr. and Mrs. William ' I. tle pre
sided at another table anil tueir party
included: Miss Ellen Thielsen, James
Young and Mr. Hackett.
John P. Kogers entert.uned tnemlsj
at another table and his guests were:
-Mr. ami Mrs. F. G. Peckebach, Mr.
and Mrs, Homer Smith. Mr. and Mrs.!
James Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Sain Ko-j
zier, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gillingrum,
Mrs. Lovelace. Mrs. Charles. Miller,!
Miss Belle Kogers of Los Aiigeles, a
niece of Mr. Rogers, Miss Munson and
Jim Linn.
Others who circled tables iu a party
were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liveslev.
Mr. and Mr". Guy Sargent. Mr. md
-Mrs. I haries McNary, -Mr. anil -Mrs.
John J. Roberts and Dr. aud Mrs.
Taeniae C. Smith, Jr.
Seated arouud another table were:
Miss Rita Steiner, Miss Esther t 'arson,.
Miss Ida Simmons. Mis Margery M.ir
vin, Carl Gabriel;on. Daniel J. Fry, Jr.
Ercel Kay and Fritz Slade.
A third party included Miss Florence
Hofer, Miss Catherine Carson, Miss
Helen Deckebach, Miss Hazel Erixon,
Miss Alive Thompson, Laurence Hofer,
Hugh Mel ammon. Allan Bvnon, Al
bert Egan and Jack Mi 'amnion.
Mrs. H. B. Houston, who lias been
sojourning in Southern California is ex
pected home the first ot the week.
Eugene Houston- who accompanied
his mother returned this week.
Miss Regina I.onir, bride-elect was
the honor guest Sunday at a charmiiily
appointed luncheon given by Miss Lau
ra Grant. Ihe table was most artistic
with a basket o lovely white carna
tions and greens. ,
Tiny bunnies marked places for Miss
Long and her fiancee Clyde Rauch, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McGi'christ, Mrs.
.Mary A. Long, Mrs. E. Houston, Mrs.
Matilda Grant, the .Misses May and
Ruth Knuch, Miss Ann Sweczev, Frank
Churchill and the hostess.
Salem societp folk will bo interested
to know- that Pendleton held an Easter
Baby show aud parade last week sim
ilar to our annual Cherry lair paride.
Over one hundred littlo tots were en
tered ami many children of promi
nent families well known in Salem par
ticipated in the feslivrtrts.
Among the little folk of prominent
parents winning prizes in the parade
were: Rol.ind MeXary, small son of Dr.
and Mrs. Wilson MeXary, who won
first prize on his little express wagon,
which was handsomely decorated with
red roses nnd smilax and tiny Eliz.i
bth Jane Bishop, daughter of the Roy
Hishops, who also won first prize in
the perambulator class. . Miss B.irbara
Stanfield, the little niece of Mrs. Wil
liam Lytle, accompanied baby .Eliza
beth Jane whoso buggy was beautiful
ly decorated with lavender lilacs And
tulle covered parasol effect.
Mr. mid Mrs. Iioma Hunter were
dinner hosts Friday, evening at their
residence on south Liberty street, later
entertaining their guests it cards.
Small tubls were artistically arranged
for the guests ami the rooms were fra
grant with lilacs and forget be-nots.
Tho evening was devoted to "iO0" and
the honors were won by Mrs. Stiffler
.mil Dr. Roy Byrd. The hostess was
assisted Hv Mrs. Sheldon and Mrs.
Th guests including the members of
Tiie Hunter's club were: Mr. and
Mis. Paul llauser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hlgin, Mr. and Mrn.; James Chinnock,
Mr. ami Mrs. Llov.l llauser, .Mr. und
Mrs. C. 11. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Sheldon ind -Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jen
son, Mr. ami Mrs. Stanley Mirthing
ton and Dr. Roy Hvnl who were the
additional guests, a
A charming miii-weok bridge was
given Wednesday afternoou by .Mrs
Frank Brown. About sixte.vi mutrons
of the Happy Hour Club were ruiked
for four tables, and the" vnTd honcrs
were won by Mrs. Frank Meyers aud
Mrs. Roliert Downing. Vasea and jars
of tr.igraut lilan anil clematis were ar
ranged artistically about tho card
Assisting the hostess were: Mrs.
Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs. A. I. Eoff
and Mrs. E. F. Tillinghast.
w - ...
Mr. and Mrs. A, S, Hussey had
as their guests for dinner Tuesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd llutiscr
who are leaving soon for Eugene where
Mr. Hawser will take charge of their
sporting goods store. After dinner the
hosts surprised the guests of honor by
having about sixteen friends in for an
informal evening of five hundred.
The card rooms were aglow with
spring flowers. Mrs. Paul Hntiser and
James Chinnock were awarded the card
Mr. anil Mrs. C. E. IVirlniur were
hosts for u pretty five hundred party
at. Oliciir residence Monday evening.
The guests included the matrons of the
hostess' club and their husbands. The
rooms were fragrant and airy with aa
nrrav of -pink sweet peas. Five tables
of the game were circled by the guets
ind the card honors were captured by
Mrs. George Winchell, L. S. Kolund,
Mrs. John Shipp and Iaiu'ih Bechtel
The hostess was assisted by Mrs. John
Shipp, Mrs. George Winchell and Mrs.
11, A. liidcliff. Those playing were:
Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Bechtel, Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Olmsted, Mr. nnd Mrs.
j George Winchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
'lHvies, Mr. and Mrs, John Shipp, Mr.
nnd Mrs. H. A. Radcliff, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Morse, and Mrs. Charles Par
nc liter. The lieu club members ami
their husbands included: Mr. and Mrs.
C. (i. Henderson, Mr. .md Mrs. L.
noon and evening, May the thirteenth.
Mrs. Ralph White is directing the
youthful performers, who will have
Miss Verna Cornier as their .May
Queen. Littlo Jeanette Sykes will be
featured in a charming butterfly song
and dance assisted by ten little butter
flies. Miss Mona Schaum will ivc an ar
tistic Spanish dance, assisted by four
teen little maids in Spanish costnmis.
Miss Elva Macyle Hunter will be heard
in a special song number. Miss Mar
garet White Salem's talentod and ar-1
tistie young danseuse, will give several
solo d.mces. A feature of this delight
ful entertainniei t will be tho musical
concert preceding tho performance by
tho Artisan juvenile band of Portland.
- .
Mrs. John Bubuis entertained the
North Salem Woman 's club at her res
idence Wednesday afternoon. The af
ternoon was made especially interesting
by an address given by Mrs. Edith T.
Wetherred on ."Civic Pride and Im
provement" and by Miss Marguerite
Flower who charmed the guests wiih
her solos. During the business sessiou
Mrs. H. 'vt. Elgin was appointed chair
man of the committeo to take charge
of the booth at the fair ground for tho
Cherry fair and an ice cream and straw
berry festival was planned to take
place at Mrs. F. I,. I'urvincs. The club
also decided to givo an out d ior play
during the Cherry fair, whicn vi ill bl
under the direction of Mrs. E. D. Lamb.
An interesting event of the week
in clubdom, was tho meeting of tho
Woman's Marion county Republican
club, in the council chamber of the
City hall l.it evehinj;. The room which
was a bower of dogwood was thronged
witir women and men. Mrs. Helen
Southwick, president of the club, pre
sided. A delightful feature of the affair
was the music by tho Epley quartet.
The quartet opened the programme
with. " Amrica" followed by a solo
by Dr. Epley. Frank Davey gave an
interesting address during the evening
on "The Histor-r and Principal of the
Republican Party." The peisonnel of
the committee in charge of the meet
ing was Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mia. George
Burnett and Mrs. Ida Babcock.
i. T
Amid a fragrant array of spring
blossoms Mrs. Xorma Lel'fingwell be
came the bride of George Edw.ird Ter
williger at tho home of the groom on
Thursday evening at eight-thiitv
o clock. Hew Robert Gill, of the
Episcopal church read tho services. It
was a pink and white wedding, annui
ties of tragriint. carnations and lilacs
forming an effective foil and sett in
tor the bridal party. Tho bride's trown
was of pink and white chiffon and she
carried a nttge boipiet of lovely pink
aud white carnations combined with
terns. Her attendants were Mrs. Mar
garet E. Hawley of Portland, who was
matron of honor, and Miss Selinn
tvumrnn, bridesmaid.
The bridal party was preceded bv
sixteen members of the Artisan drill
team who formed an aisle and an arch
with wands tied with pink ribbons.
Stnudenmeyers orchestra furnished the
wedding music and alsu yda'ycd "I
Love You Truly" after the ceremony.
Mrs. W, ), Asfeln and Mrs .John Far
nir assisted in the rooms, and the lit
tle Misses Margaret. Asseln and Ruth
Cook acted as pages.
Mrs. Virgil L.Lloyd ( Winona Savage)
entertained several si-houl il.iv .'hum
at an Easter dinner in honor of thej
first niiniA-eitary of her baby son,
Lawrence Henry 'Lloyd. Tho table was
prettily appointed and in harmony with
the season. A huge birthday' cake
adorned with one candle centered the
table around which were seated Miss
Murah Hatch of Albany, Miss Joy
Turner, Mis. Frieda Spi'tzhhurt Miss
Ellen Savage, Mrs. II. H. Savage and'
toe hostess. j
Mrs. Charles Fisher has gone ti
Portland for a several days visit. Mr. i
Fisher will join Mrs. Fisher for the!
weekend. !
. i
A series of charming musical recitals;
will be given by the pupils of Miss
El r.ui Weller, the first of which will
be Tuesday evening May first. The I
programme for this evening of music!
will include numbers by three gradii-1
ates of Miss Weller who' ire tile Misses i
M:rio Rostein, Dorothy Esch and Ruth;
Page. These young artists will be as-i
sisted by Miss Grace Babcock, who;
will give a reading, aud Miss Lois I
Watt, a charming singer of Portland,!
who has a lovely soprano voice. I
On M'v the ninth "Peer Gym" a
diaumtic prose reading arranged from j
the fariou drama by llemlrik Ibsen i
will be given with a musical nccom
Mini me nt by Fdwaid Grieg. Miss
Weller and tiie pupils will be assisted
bv Mrs. Iliihnrd Cartwright, render,
Mrs. Je'n Miller Rahn, contralto, n.id
Miss Mery Srhuliz, violin.
On May sixth another recital will "he
given by the advanced pupils, the
Mistes l.eona Wiedmer. Muriel Sleeves
Isola Smith and Fred ('Hue. j
The members of the Yeoman lodge
held an enjovable meeting at the Moose
hall last Friday evening. Several
grand officers were present at tiie af
fair and favored the lodge with re
marks An interesting und pleasing
programme was rendered mid numbers
were jriven by several well known lo
cal artists. ,
Later refreshments were served, and
the guests enjoyed vocal solos by Miss.
Verna Cooler, accompanied by Miss
Joy Turner. Miss Margaret While
irave a clever reading, and Miss Joy
Turner a violin rolo, accompanied by.
Miss Florence Smith. I
o-,'"l'ro"' i ii' iT! .( ( ' lect parts. Miss Eugenia Smith hid-
Roland, Miss Pear Morse, Miss Myrtle, h ilu,ividu!lity beneath the
Shipp and MissGeoevivo Barbour. (f tolond ,he cnUre
, ', . i . . ..! house in an uproar whenever she up
Over one hundred dainty , fc
cheeked little maids of the .iuver.,le avj mi (,
Artisans will give a "May Day 1 etc trj,.kgh 'mmk. ',, u favVlt0 llt om,e.
Mrs. Blanche Liston Xeimeyer scoreM
a tremendous success at the elocution
recital given by her pupils last ..even
ing in St. Joseph's hall when the play
"Dorothy" was presented wirti most
gratiJVing remits. Mi:V' Fiancjcs
Doorfier chaifrctei izing I r 'Dorothy",
beside captivating the audience by her
winning personality displayed to ad
vantage Mrs. Xeimeyer 's skill as a
teacher. Littlo Pearl Jones surprised
tho asosmhly by her able portrayal
of a spoiled littlo rich girl whose
heart nevertheless was in the. right
place; while Tholina Fowler .is the
samo child seven years later won her
wav into the hearts of those present,
lu.-'i.... i.. .,,,,1 ..;,.,,, Pur.
j V . ., , ,'. ....
ticuplarly worthy of note were the dia-
"Ma Pinkerton" was another charac
ter regarded with peculiar ' favor.
Deeply religious in iier own crude way,
shocked at the ungodliness of her more
worldly husband, scrupulously neat and
saving, but. kind withal to the wail'.
Debbie. Such was the character that
Catherine Campbell so aptly portrayed.
Williemina Do;rfler, as "Pa Pinker-
ton", was ideal as a happy-go-lucky
uni.cr, aim aiie.csa ueuTfiu, us ".
leacon's wifo made a tvpicul gossii
and village encyclopedia. Thelmn Wil
liams as Margaret, the littlo orphan,
Wiiom Bob Westcott, tries to impose
upon tho Ormshys as their lostchild,
surpassed herself. Sarah Lansing, as
tho rich and selfish Mrs. Ornisby, Phyl
lis Painter as her sister, Anna Bern-
lortncr and Susie Sparrow as Doro
thy's cousins, Hazel Blake as the plot
ting nurse who steals Edith, and Helen
Antenonc as the maid from "down
kentrp", were excellent and (I'd credit
to the skill or tncir accomplished
teacher. A particular feature of the,
play was tho dance by Frances Doer-
fler and little Miss Jones at the open
ing of the first act, and the drill by
tho Village Giris toward the close of
tho second. Mrs. Xeimeyer was assist
ed in tho recital by the vocal class in
a beautiful cantata, and by the Acad
emy orchestra. Taken all in all, the
recital was a success for both pupils
and teachers.
Invitations have been issued for a
charming ninsie.ilc to be given by the
pupils of Minnetta Magers in her
studio Monday evening. Here is the
Love and Springtime Metcnlf
Night , Ronald
Miss Abbie Davis
Sunset Buck
Misfl Ruth Nigate
Irish Lullaby t Xcedhani
Miss Laura .Mint on
Wiegenlied Hrahmes
Du bist Wie Eine Biiiinc ....Schumann
(Sung in German)
Miss Hilda Amsler
A scng cycle
A Sheaf of Little Songs
liss Roso Pratt
Tile Banjo Song r
Mr. Ivan Schomaciicr
Waltz Song
Bon jours Siuon
(Sung in French)
Marguerite Flower
Homer ;
-Miss .Manic temple entertained ' He , California, Mrs. 0. L. Peterman of
Omega-club, of South Srlem, Tuesday j Mahaffev, Pa., arrived in Salem this
evening at tho homo of Miss Hazel) morning" and is the week end bitest.
Bishop on South Cor.inicrci.-l street. j of .Mr. and Mrs. R. X. Hoover, Wi
After a short business meeting, the ! North Cottage street,
guests participated in sewing contest,! .
which was much enjoyed by all. Miss, A green colored girl would like posi
Xettio Gibson won the prize, a beauti- tin as peneral housework. -Miss B.
lul boquet of sweet e;!s. Kinj.'. !)! Washington street. Ad in
Dainty refres hnie.its were served by. Boston Globe.
Miss Hazel Bishop, assisted lay Miss 1
Nettie Gibson. The club is composed' Try Capital Jotimai want Ads.
be convinced that it is the best in the city.
Prices ranging from 10 Cents to One Dollar per Box.
AU Nice and Fresh.
Formerly Poole's Drug Store
410 State Street Phone 276
Our master miller has constructed a flour-food that
brings the proper bread-joyfulness to your morning,
noon and night repast. Remember to say it
Cherry City Patent Flour
Ask Your Grocer for it.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all jjjuggista.
of tiie following members: Mrs. J. .
Spencer, Mrs. L. Geer, Mr::. Fred Ellis,
Mrs. J. B. lrich. Miss Nettie Gibson,
Miss La Verne Gibson, Miss Lethij
Weiss, Miss Helen Ingrey. Miss Rutii
Tower, Mis Florence Miller, Min
Clara Miller. Miss Frieda Schindler,
Miss liable Temple, Miss Gladys Cur
son. Additional guests were Miss Kuntz,
MissLucile Kuntz, of South Salem, an'l
Miss Mable O'Flyng of Taconia.
The Presbyterian church will give a
chicken e supper at the church Wed
nesday evening, May the third. The.
noinmittee iu charge of tho evening
are: Mrs. H. J. Bean, Mrs. Irwin Grif
fith, Mrs. Robert Downing and Mrs.
II. Jackson.
Miss Helen Deckebach went to Eo
cene this morning to attend the Kapi.:i
siirma informal tonight. She will be
I c,lost of Mi1, j0 Uriscoll at the 'Ui
Dclta sorority house.
,T. H. Thurston is here from Stiver.
L. A. Cramer of Corvallis is in the
Mrs. 0. G. Reeves of Corvallis is in
Mio city.
n, w TT T.vtle went to Portland
t,js morning.
J. K. Xeal of. Beuiia. Vista is a Su
loin visitor. y
B. G. Sw-ope is in the city from In
dependence. Roy Ohmiirt of the Priiigie district,
is in the city.
Del Ted row of Dallas is transacting
business here today.
. W. A. Bullock of Portland is hero
attending to business matters.
Charles D. Fults; a farmer living
south of the city, is a Salem visitor.
August. Hulfickor, a prosperous far
mer living on tiie Jefferson road, is
transacting business in tho citp.
Miss Mabel Robortsou is an over 'Sun
dap visitor at Jefferson, the guest of
Miss Marguerite Looney.
Tho Rev,. Sanderson of Eugene is iu
the city conferring with the Rev. F.
T. Porter and Governor Withyeorobc.
G. Halvorseu, of the firm of Hal
vorsen & Burns, is in Portland at
tending to business matters. He will
return this evening.
Tho following Salem folks were in
Portland yesterday: E. P. McCornack,
at the Seward: .1. H. Albeit at the
Imperial and Ben W. Olcott at the.
Wll Hale, superintendent of tho
i Oregon State Training School for boys
will leave tins evening lor .Ncwnerg
to deliver an address at a cliilds' wel
fare meeting.
c.nronte from l veiirs soinorii in
. 1
r n