THE DAILY CAPITAL -TO7 RXAL. SALEM. OREOO- SATURDAY. APRIL 29, 191(5. ttn X.- Helping the Other Fellow. By O. HENR.Y Copyright by Frank A. Munaey Co.) Rut can thlm that help othem help thlm ves M ul vunoy. I liatwlllluui Trot ter tolil me oil the heuoh at Agnus l-'reseas while I waited for tlie gig of the captain of the fruit steamer Auduilor, which was to take die an hi id. lteluctuutly 1 was leaving the Uinil of Always Aflornoou. William wis remaining, and lie favored me with a condensed oral autobiography as we sat on the sands In the shade oust by the Hodegii Naclonal. Am usual, 1 became aware that the W in from Uoinbay had ulready writ ten the story, but as lie had compressed It lo an eight word Bculence I have be come mi expansionist ami have uoted hit phrase above with upologles to tilui mill best regards to Terence. "Don't you ever have a desire to go lur k to the land of derby hats and studied collars?'' 1 asked him. "You seem lo be a handy man and a man of hi i Inn," I continued, "und 1 urn sure 1 could ilud you a comfortable Job some where In the States." Magged, shiftless, barefooted, a con tinued eater of the lotos, William Trot ter had pleased me much, and I hated to see him gobbled up by the tropics. "I've no doubt you could," he said, Idiy splitting the bark from u section of sugar cane. "I've uo doubt you could do much for me. If every man co ild do as much for himself as he cim for others every country in the world would be holding millenniums In dead of centennials." There seemed to be pabulum In W. T.'s words. And (hen another idea runio to me. I liud n brother in Chlcopee Falls who owned uianufactorles-cottoti or Hu,rar or A A sheetings or something in Hie commercial line, lie was, vul garly rich, mid therefore reverenced Hit. The artistic temperament of the 1'iiinlly was monopolized at niy birth. I knew (hat Brother .lumen would hon or my slightest wish. I would demand from him a position In cotton or sugar or sheetings for William Trotter some thing, any. at $-01) a mouth or there iiImuiIs. 1 coulldeil my beliefs and tnndu my propositions to William, lie bad pleased me much, and he was ragged. While we were talking there was a wound of llriug guns-four or live, rat tling!)', as If by u mpiuil. The cheer ful noise came from the, direction of the cuartel, which Is a klud of make Htiil't barracks for tho soldiers of the republic. "Hear thutV" said William Trotter. "Let me tell you ubout It. "A year ago I landed on this coast with one solitary dollar. I have tho statue sum In my pocket today. I was second cook on a trauip fruiter, and they marooned me here early one morning without benellt of clergy Just because I po u 1 1 1 c e d the far of the first ma to with a cheese omelet at dinner. The fel low had kicked because I'd put horseradish In it instead of cheese. "When they threw uie out of the yawl Into three feet of surf I waded ashore and Hut down un der a palm tree, lly and by a Hue looking white III;) n Willi a red face mid white clot lies, genteel as possible, but "Hear that?" taid William Trotter. H'Kuev. hut under the Influence, rauie mi'l K it down licsldii me. "I liad noticed there was n kind of ii village buck of the beach, and enough s -enery to out lit a dozen moving pic ture allows. Hut I thought, of course, II was a cannibal suburb, and I was wondering whether 1 was to be serv--l with carrots or mushrooms. And, us 1 say, this dressed up man sits be i.nle me, mid wo become friends in the 1 1 o of a minute or t ww. For an hour I f Inlki'd, ilinl he told mo till about It. "It seems that, he was a man of parts, conscientiousness and plausllill dy, besides being cdueated and a wreck lo ills appetites. He told me nil iiliout If. Colleges had turned lit ill out nml distilleries had taken lilin 111. I'M I tell you his name? It was Cllf foul Waliiwrlght. I didn't cruelly c ii' It 111" cause of Ills being cast away on Hint particular stretch of South Ann-i ll a, but I reckon it was tils own lei dues. I asked 111 tit If he'd ever l vi second cook on a trump fruiter, mi I he said no: so that cuiieliuled my 'i of surmises. Lilt he talked like II iicyc,iHill;i from 'A-Herlln' to "f( ilo - Zyrla .' And lie curried a watch :i silver an Mimenicnt with works. : 1 1 t up lo date wlililu twenty four li.iiiis, anyhow. 1;i MWaiJ I! " 'I'm pleased to have met you,' says Walnwright. 'I'm a devotee to tho great joss Booste, but my rumiuatlug facilities ure unrepaired,' says he, or words to that effect. 'And I hate,' says he, 'to see fools trying to run the world.' " 'I never touch a drop,' says I, 'and there are many kinds of fools, and the world runs on Us own apex, accord ing to science, with no meddling from me.' " 'I was referring,' says he, 'to the president of this republic. His country Is in a desperate condition. Its treas ury Is empty, It's on the verge of war with Mcamalu, and wasn't for the hot weather the people would be starting revolutions In every town. Here Is a ualUin,' goes ou Walnwrlght, 'on the brink of destruction. A man of Intelligence could rescue It from Its impending doom In one day by Issuing I ho necessary edicts and orders. Pres ident Gomez knows nothing of states manship or policy. Do yon know Adam Smith?' " 'I.emme see,' says I. 'There was a one eared mun named Smith in Fort Worth, Tex., but 1 think his first name was' " 'I am referring to the' political econ omist,' says Walnwrlght. " 'S'mother Smith, then,' says I. The one 1 speuk of never was ar rested.' "So Wuluwiight bolls some more with Indignution at Iho Insensibility of people who are not corpulent to till public positions, and I hen be tells me he Is going out to the president's summer palace, which Is four miles from Agnus I'rcscas, to Instruct him in the art of running sleiini heated republics. " 'Come along with me, Trotter,' says he, 'and I'll show you what bralus can do.' '"Anything in It?' I asks. "The satisfaction,' says he, 'of re lit dug a country of 3Ml0t) popula tion from ruin back to prosperity mid pen ci.' " 'Great!' says I. 'I'll go with you. I'd prefer to eat a live broiled lobster Just now, but give me liberty us second choice If I can't be In at the death.' "Walnwrlght und me permeates through the town, and he halls at a rum dispensary. " 'Have you any money?' he asks. "'I have,' says I, Halting out my sil ver dollar. '1 always go iflioiit with iiileiiiale sums of money.' "'Then we'll drink,' says Waln wrlght. " Wot me,' says I. 'Not any demon rum or any of Its ramlllciitlons for mine. It's one of my nou-wcakiiesscs.' "it's my fulling,' says lie. 'What's your particular soft point'' "industry,' says 1 promptly, i'm hardworking, diligent, industrious and energetic' "'My dear Mr. Trotter,' says he, 'surely I've known you long enough to tell you you me a liar. I'.very man must have Ills own particular weakness and his own particular strength In oth er things. Now you will buy me a drink of ruin, mid we will cull on Presi dent Gome..' "Well, sir," Trotter went on, "we walks the four miles oul, through a virgin conservatory of palms and ferns und other roof garden products, to the president's stiinuicr White House. It was blue mid reminded you of what yon see on Iho singe in the third net, which they describe as 'same as the llrst' on the programs. "There wus more Ihaii fifty people waiting outside the Iron fence that sur rounded the house mid grounds. There was generals, agitators and eergiies In gold lace uniforms and citizens In diamonds ami panauiu hats, all waiting fi get nil audience with I he roy al live curd draw. And In a kind of a summer house In front of Hie mansion we could see a limned sleniiu mini eat ing breakfast out of gold dishes mid Inking his time. 1 Judged that the crowd outside hud come out for their morning orders und requests and was afraid to Intrude. "Hut C. Walnwrlght wasn't. Tut gale wus open, mid he walked Inside and up to tlie president's tuble us court dent us a man who knows the bend waiter In a llfteeu cent restaurant. And 1 went with him because I had only 73 cents, mid there was nothing else lo do. "The Gomez limn rises from his chair und looks, colored mull as he was, like he wits about to cull out for corporal of Hie guard, post No. 1. Hut Waluwright says some phrases to him In a peculiar ly liibrlcallng manner, and the Hist thing you know we was all three of us seated at the table, with coffee and rolls und iguana cutlets coining us fust as ubout ninety peons could rustle 'em. "And then Walnwrlght begins to talk, but the president Interrupts him. "you Yankees,' says he, polite, 'as suredly lake the -nke for assurance, 1 assure you,' or words lo that effect, lie spoke F.ngllsh better than you or me. 'You've hud n long walk,' says he, 'but It's nicer lit the cool morning to walk Hutu lo ride. May I suggest Mime refreshments?' says lie. "'Hum,' says Walnwrlght. "'Glntine a cigar,' says I. "Well, sir, the two talked nil hour, keeping Hie generals and equities all In I heir gold uniforms walling outside tlie feme, and while 1 smoked, silent, I listened to Clifford Walnwrlght mak ing a solid republic out of the wreck of one. I didn't follow Ills arguments with any special collocation of Inter national Intelligibility, but lie had Mr. Gomez's attention glued mid riveted. He lakes out a pencil and marks the white linen tablecloth nil over with ilures und estimates and deductions, lie speaks more or less disrespectfully of import and export duties and cus tom house receipts and taxes und treaties and budgets and concessions md such trial; that politics and gov ernment require, and when lie gets through the Gomez mun hops up and shakes his hand and says he's saved :be country and the people. You shall be rewarded,' says tho president. "'Might I suggest another rum?' says Walnwrlght. " 'Cigar for me -darker brand,' says I. "Well, sir, the president sent me and Wuluwiight buck to the town in a vic toria hitched to two lien bitten selling platers but tlie best the country afforded. "I found out afterward that Wainwrlght was a regular beach comber, I h e smartest man on the whole coast, but kept down by rum. I liked hi in. "One day 1 inveigled h I in Into a walk out a couple of miles from the village, where there wus an old grass hut ou the bank of a lllllo liver. While he was sitting on the "You ehall be re warded," says the president. grass, talking beautiful of the wisdom of the world that he hud learned In books, I took hold of lilin easy and tied his bunds and feet together with le in her thongs that I hud In my pocket. "'Me still,' says I, 'and meditate on the exigencies and Irregularities of life llll I get back.' "I went to a slun k In Agnus Fros cas, where a mighty wise girl named Tluioteu Carrizo lived with her moth er. The girl was" Just ubout as nice us you ever saw. In the Stales she would have been called a brunette, but she was better than briinelte-I should my she was what you you might term an ecru shade. I knew her pretty well I told her about my friend Wain Wright. She gave me a double hand ful of bark callsnyu, I think it wus aud some more herbs that I was to mix wllh It anil told me what to do. I was to make tea of It and give It to him and keep him from ruin for certain lime. And for two weeks I did it. You know, I liked Wuluwiight. Itolh of us was broke, but 'iiinoteii sent us goat meat and plantains and tortillas every day, and at lust I got the curse of drink lifted from Clifford Wain wright. He lost his laste for it. And in the cool of the evening him und me would sit on the roof of Timo lea's mother's hut. eating harmless truck like coffee and rice and stewed crabs and playing the accordion. "About that time President Gomez found out that the advice of C. Wain wrlght was the stuff lie had been look ing for. The country was pulling out of debt, and the treasury had enough boodle III It for hint to amuse himself occasionally Willi the night latch. "So down from the regiilu capital lie sends for Clifford Walnwrlght and makes him bis private secretary at 20. (1(10 Peru dollars u year. Yes, sir so much. Wuluvnight was on the water wagon-tbiinks to me und Tiinotea mid he wus kooii In clover with the government gang. "As I said, n iiihii enn do n lot more for another party than be can for him self. Wuluwiight with his bralus got a whole country out of trouble and on lis feet, but what could he do for himself? And without any special bralus, but with some nerve mid com moil sense, I put him on Ills feet be cause 1 never had the weakness that he did nothing but n cigar for mine. Yes, he offered me some pretty good A Soft Voic Calld Across the Sandi. Jobs. Hut I'd have had to leave Aijiuc I'resi-as. so 1 didn't l.ihe iiiiyof'oiii up Say, I didn't tell you milch about thill ulrl Tlniolcii. We rather hit II olT to tccther. She was as hikkI as you tiud em anywhere-Spanish mostly, with lust n twist of lemon peel on top. What if they did live In a grass hut and went Intro armed 1 "A mouth iiko." went on Trotter, she went away. I don't know where in, but" "Vou'd better como back to the States," I Insisted. "1 can promise you positively Hint my brother will she yon position lit cotton, stinar or sheetings, I inn (tot certain which" Y ! "1 ttimS alio eni ouck witu ner mother," said Trotter, ;'to the village in the mountains that tiioy come from. Tell me, wbut would this job you speuk of pay?" "Why," said I, hesitating over com merce, "I should say $30 or $100 a month, maybe $'J00." "Ain't It funny." said Trotter, dig ging his toes In the sand, "what a chump u man is when It comes to pad dling his own canoe? I don't know. Of course I'm not making a living here. I'm ou the bunt. Hut well, I wish you could have seen that Tiino tea. Every man has his owu weak spot." The gig from the Andador was com ing ashore to take out the captain, purs er a::d m; self, t'.u lone passenger. "I'll guarantee," said I confidently, "that my brother will pay you $75 a month." "All right, then," said William Trot ter. "I'll" Uut a soft voice called across the blazing sands. ' A girl, faintly lemon tinted, stood In C'nlle Heal und called. "It's her!" said William Trotter, look ing. "She's come back! I'm obliged. but I can't tuke the job. Thanks, Just I the same. Ain't It funny bow we can't do .nothing for ourselves, but we can do wonders for the other fellow? You was about to get me with your finan cial proposition, but we've all got our weak silnts, TImotca's mine. And, say" Trotter bad turned to leave, but he retraced the slop or two thut lie had taken. "I like to have left you without saying good by." said he. "It kind of rattles yon when they go it way iiuex-M-cted for n month and come back the same way. Shake hands. So long! Say, do you remember them gun shots we heard nwhile ago up nt the cuartel? Well, I knew what they was, but I didn't mention It. It was Clifford Walnwrlght being shot by a squad of soldiers against a stone wall for glv Ing away secrets of slate to that Nica niala republic. Oh, yes, It was rjim that did It. lie buckslided and got his. I guess we nil have our weak points and can't do much toward helping our selves. Mine's waiting for me. I'd have liked to have that Job with your brother, but we've ull got our weak polnls. So long!" A big black C'arib carried me on his back through tho surf to the ship's boat. On tlie way the purser handed me a letter that lie had brought for me nt the last moment from the post of fice in Agtins I-'rcscus. It was from my brother. He requested mo to meet him nt the St. Charles hotel in New Orleans and accept a position with his house In either cotton, sugar or sheet ings, and wltli ?n,(Xto a year ns my salary. When I arrived at the Crescent City I hurried away far away from the St. Charles to u dim chambre gar nle In Hlenville .street and there, look ing down from my attic window from time to time at Hie old. yellow absinthe house across the street, I wrote this story to buy my bread and butter. "Can tliim that helps others help thiuiselves?" Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car There is onlv one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deufness is -caused by an inflamed condition of the ntucout lining of the Kustacuina Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is tho result. Unless the inflammation can bo reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bf destroyed forever. Mauy cases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. " Wa will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars froe. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. KINGSTON KINKS. Mr. iiiul Mrs. William Arnold of Scio were week cud visitors at Hie Listen Darby home. Chits. Srlinefer ami family and Miss Bertha Sihnfcr attended Ilie Luster exercises nt the Christian church nt Stnvton Sunday, and afterwadrs spent the' day visiting at the B. A. Schuefer home. Clifford Harold of Portland, spent Thursday night with home folks. He was here looking after the unloading of tin engine for C, 15. Pcppcrling of .lonlii it. Geo. Sunder and family and John Sunder, Jr., and wife spent SuiuUiy visiting with home torks in Staytim. Joe Bra ml and family were oat in their new our Sunday. Curl Follis was n Sunday visitor at the Arncy Flood home. Mrs. lienry Follis of Stayton visit ed nt the M. S. TitiM tiome just week. Mr. mid Mrs. Raleigh Harold and Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Lefflcr visited at the Flood home Sunday. Stayton Mail. Trr flsnltal Journal Want Ads An Important Function in tit ' promotion and mainten ance of )ood health ia Liver Regularity nnd any disturbance fff this function mnv be , corrected by HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters OregonYiState Conference Committeesof Daughters of American Revolution (Mrs. Ida Patterson, State Ke-! chapter; .Mrs. Norris II. Looney, Chera . .gent, Kola Koud, Salem, Oregon.) ukcta chapter. I Heal Daughters Mrs. James K. Program Mrs, F. AL Willtins, Ore-1 Weutlierford, Linn chapter, chairman; gon Lewis and Cia'rk, chairman; Mra.!Mrs- Adelaide V. Baker, Oregon Lewis Mark Weutlierford, Linn chapter; Mrs. I Bd c'larkj'l'ter; Mrs. A.iiiu Seeley ' , i Bernard, Multnomah chapter; Mrs. Wil- Wnrreu L. Thomas, Multnomah chap-, Ham Dugan, Willamette thupter; Mrs. ter; Mrs. Murray Manville, Willamette I Angella Porte Holmstrum, Chemckctu chapter; Mrs. Mark Savage, tuemeke- ta chanter. Badge Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Oregon Lewis and Clark, hairmaa: Mrs. John Verriiti, Willamette chapter; Miss KUen C. Meade, Linn chapter; Mrs. T. C. Tavlor, Multnomah chapter; Miss Esther Kyau, ChemeKeta chapter. Press -Mrs. B. L. Bogurt, Oregon gon Lewis and Clark, chairman; Mrs. Willard L. Marks, Linn cnapter; miss. Lillian Applegate, Chemeketa chap ter; -Mrs. John i. Beaumont, Willam ette chapter; Mrs.' Mary Barlow Wil- kins, Multnomah chapter. Printing Mrs. L. K. .umunson, ure- cron Lewis und Ciurk, chairman; Mrs. .1. V. Beach, Multnomah chapter;, Mrs. J. P. Frizzell, Chemeketa chapter; Airs. G. L. Frankel, Willamette chapter; Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan, Linn chapter. i Credentials Airs. Annie linn mint, Linn chapter, chairn.uii; Airs. Edna P. Datson, Oregon Lewis and Clark chap ter; Airs. Edwin A. Taylor, Willamette chapter; Mrs. John A. Keating, Aim tuoinuh chapter; Airs. Henry W. Jley- ers, Chemeketa chapter. Rules Airs. Norns II. I.ooncy, Uie mcketa chrpter, chairman; Mrs. U. O. Yoran, Oregon Lewis nnd Clark chap ter; Airs. James K. Weatherford, Linn chapter; Airs. Thomas W. S-harp, Wil lamette chapter; Airs. w. v. .teuton, Multnomah chapter. Preservation of the Flag Mrs. A. IL Breyman, Multnomah chapter, cnnir ninn; Mrs. W. C. Witzel, .Multnomah chapter; Airs. S. L. Albnugh, Willam ette chapter; Mrs. Robert Simpson, Willamette chapter; Airs. William Bell, Linn chapter; Airs. Willinni A. Barrett, Linn chapter; Aliss Alary Perkins, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Airs. A. W. I.ivermore, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Airs. C. C. Best, Cheme keta chapter; Miss Edith E. Beuedict, Chemeketa chapter. Conservation nnd 'f'onscn'viition of the Home Mrs. E. At. Sharp, Linn chapter, chairman; Mrs. R. R. Russell, i Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Airs. S. H. Gruber. Multnomah chapter; Airs. O. L. Rickert, Willamette chapter; Airs. Sevmonr Jones, Chemeketa chapter. Washington Statue Airs. John F. Hcnniiint, Willamette chapter, chair; man:. Airs. Edward A. Heals. Willam ette chapter; Airs. James N. Davis, Multnomah chapter; Airs. Levi E. Tracy, Linn chapter; Airs. Sarah Clarke Dyer, Chemeketa chapter. '.Magazine Mrs. Gen. AL Post, Che jmcketa chapter;, 'chairman; Miiss katlierine Allen. Linn chapter; Airs. Theodore G. Geisler, Multiiomiih chap ter; Airs. W. E. Pearson, Willamette chapter; Aliss Susau Diusmore, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter. Children of Hie American Revolu tion n Airs. William D. Scott, Willam ette chapter, chairman; .Mrs. Ralph Gecr. Willamette chapter; Airs. J. H. Huddleson, Multnomah chapter; Mrs. .1. A. Alalarkey, '.Multnomah, chapter, Mrs. F. II. Gcselhracht, Linn chapter; Miss Alarinn A. Anderson, Linn chap ter; Alt'. G. O. Yoran, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Aliss Emmn Mercy Travis, Oregon Lewis anil l larK cnap ter; Mrs. Gertrude W llson, I heniekcta chapter; Aliss Ellen Thielsen, Cheme keta chapter. State Standing Committees. Executive Airs. Rockey K. Alason, Linn chapter, chairman; Airs. Scott Bo zarth. Multnomah chapter; Airs. Hor ace B. Fenton, Willumette chapter; Airs. II. J. Durvea. Oregon Lewis and ( lark chanter: 'Airs. II. B. Thiclsen, Che meketa chapter. Special Legislative Mrs. C. S. Jackson. Multnomah chapter, chairman; Airs. J. B. Montgomery, Multnomah chapter; Airs. C. F. Read, Alultnomah chapter Mrs. C. A. Jones, Multnomah chapter; Airs. John F. Beaumont, Will amette chapter; Airs. Esther Allen Jones. Willamette chapter; Airs. K. K. Scott, Willamette chapter; Airs. Rey- nelle 1. K. (.Ornish, Willamette clinp - ter: Mrs. .lames K. w eatlirrtonl, i.inti (chapter; Mrs. A. 0. Schmitt, l.inn hnpter: -Mrs. Annie flint mint, l.inn hnpter: Mrs. K. K. Mason, l.inn elinr ter; Mrs. li. A. McMurpliy. Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Mrs. A. K Wheeler, Oregon Lewis nnd Clark chapter; iirs. .1. IC. Pratt, Oregon' Lew is nnd Clark chapter; Mrs. Alary is. L. (ierrv. Oregon Lewis and CInrk chap ter; Mrs. C. C. CInrk, Chemeketa chap ter: .Mrs. I'. (I. Shipley, Chmeketa chapter; Mrs. Henry B. Thiclsen, Che mcketa chapter; Mrs. Henry Y. Aley- ers, I'lienteKcta emipter. American v lu.cusuni iuuionvu Mrs. Lulu (iilbcrt llerrcn, Willamette chapter, chairman; Mrs. Homer Smith. Chemeketa chapter; Miss Harriett Pat terson, Oregon Lewis and l lark ennp ter; Airs. John rearson, .uumioniaa i WPre R1H.sts this week at tha home of chapter; Airs. i H. Ceselhracht, l.iun ; their son, D. V. O. ftnata. chapter. I Mr. and Mrs. William Kl';i tpent Chapter Extension Mrs. K. S. 'Tuesday with relatives in Falls city. Steams. Multnomah chapter, chairman; t Airs." A. L. I.ongiiecker is in port Aim. John H. Bagley, Willamette chap- j l, tnj week at the bedside of one ter: Airs. F. Al. Wilkins, Oregon Lewis j,,f her daughters who is serinusl,- ill. and Clark chapter; Mrs. 11. S. Loj-amj M , w. K. W. Alatheney ami daiiphter, Linn chapter; Airs. Sarah Clarke Iyer.;Mrs. RT Vinseth have returned from Chemeketa chapter. r short visit with friends ntnl relatives Reciprocity Miss Lillian (1. Apple-;j Portland, gate. Chemeketa cunpter, chairman : Airs. AL L. Hatiilton of H,ibbird was Mrs. it. F. Walters, Willamette chapter; ia this week nt the home of Mr. Mrs. (icoiec Heed, Alultnomah chap-Inn, I Airs. 11. P. Shriver on Mill street. ter; Mrs. Hockey K. Alason, l.inn chap ter; Mrs. Otto Oilstiap, Oregon Lewis and Clink chapter. Patriotic l-.ilucntion .Mrs. .lolin u. Hairlcv, Willamette rhapter; Aliss Alary riray, .Multnomah chapter; Miss Jean ette Collins, Linn chapter; Aliss Bertha Comings, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Aliss Fililh K. Benedict, Chemeketa chapter. Old Tniiis Mrs. Ormsby M. Ash, Multnomah chapter, chairman : Mrs. Willard I.. Alarks, Linn chapter; Mrs. F. Al. Wilkins, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Mrs. J. Al. Knight, Willumette chapter. j.iqiiiiiatioii and JMiuowment Airs. H. i'. Kendall, Multnomah chapter, cliiiirinan; Jlrs. L. (.. Durkee, V ilium ette chapter; Mrs. S. D. Hooper, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter; Aliss Alice .Allen, Linn chapter; Mrs. C. il. Best, Chemeketa, chapter, International Peace and Arbitration Airs. William A. Evans, Willamette chapter, chairman; Airs. Alary French Price, Linn chapter; Airs. Chai'lotte Choate, Oregon Lewis and Clark chap ter; Airs. Emma Lou Blaudt'ord, Mult nomah chapter; Airs. Clara Hulstrom Heltzel, Chemeketa chapter. Welfare, Women and Children Mrs. A. C. Schmitt, Linn chapter, chairman: Mrs. Cecelia Christina Dunn, Oregon Lewis und Clark chapter; Airs. W. E. Newsome, Alultnomah chapter; Airs. W. H. T. Green, Willamette chanter: Airs. John W. Woodruff, Chemeketa chap ter. Preservation of Historical Spots Airs. C. B. Willoughby, Oregon Lewis and Clark chapter, chairman; Airs, C. I. Iline. Multnomah chapter; Alr,s. U. Smith, Wajanfe'tte n-hapten; .Mrs Alice Chase, Linn chapter; Mrs. 6. P. Hoff, Chemeketa chapter. DALLAS LOCAL NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Sell Oak Timber. Dallas. -Or., April 20. Drs. V. C. Stunts and L. A. Bollmmi have sold all the oak saw timber on their Cooper Hollow ranch to the Emerson Hardwoud Co., of Portland. The deal was closed Wednesday and tlie lumber company will have a representative here this week to make arrangements tor cut ting and shipping the lumber immediat ely to Portland where the Emerson company luiv a large mill. It is esti mated there is about 2(10,(100 feet of saw timber on the ranch. HiUinan Case Settled. Dallas, Ore.. April SO. The quiet ti tie suit brought by the administrator ot the estate of Frank 11. Hiilmnn who committed suicide after killing his wife ou their farm home near Bethel last Thanksgiving day has been settled oatsiue ot court liy the heirs nnd a for mal decree withoue contest will be en tered by the court to clear the title of the estate. Virgil H. Alassey of Amity, an attorney for the state was in the citv Wednesday ami secured nn order from the county court citing the heirs to ap pear on June 12 und show cause why the administrator should not sell the property of the estate nnd divide the proceeds according to the terms of the agreement. The estate uf the Hillman consists of the ranch home near Bethel and town property in Amitv. Judge Belt Grama Divorce. Dallas, Or., April 2SI. .utlpe it. II. Belt of the circuit court lias granted a decree of divorce to Mrs. I.ib'iy Ji. Hol mes 'from Oscar K. Holme "carrying with it tho custody of the two minor children. Property ti;,'lis were st tled out of court. Farmer Fined Ttti Del'ai. ' Dallas, Or.. April J. . I'ni.n. a farmer residing south o' Hits f-itr was arrested and brought bel'i re Justice of the fence Ilardv Tuesday and e: i ii n .1. . J iiihii .fiw on a cnare t.i cnryvin rim cenled weapons. Tlie complainr was filed by K. T. Cottlson,. The cinceal.fl weapons mentioned in tin- cas; consisted of a pair of brass kniicVes. Dnllns, April 29. R, K. Williams re turned to his home in Portland, Weil nesday after a short business trip in this city. Attorney Ed F. Ciad was n Vint land visitor Wednesday. Dr. Harry Headers, hot t of Portland iwils a business visitor in the citn the first of the wecit Mrs. Winnie I'ridin mus ci!IV to Portland i', ...iu.,,1 ty ,v .,,.Svlt... which said lor father wan 'c'uu'v ;i; -;,), -mi ; p.'.s if r.'rnve-y. Judge H. II. Belt was in McMinnvillo this week holding a short session of the circuit court. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kaerrii relumed tlie first pnrt of the week from a iiif.t visit with friends in the Capital city. - J business visitor the first of the week. iieorge l. uerlingi-r was a remand o. j,. McMurphy prominent Tcti , dent of Falls City vai transuding inisiness matters in Dallas tins week Homer Cnlkina hns returned from nit extended visit nt the hom of his uncle near Hood Kiver. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. StaaN of Airlie - 1 Jss Yeva Burns a teacher in the . Portland schools is a guest this n. ck at , the home of her mother, Airs. Martha Burns nn AMI street. Air. and Airs. X. Grimes of Salem are in Dal'as this week the guests nt the home of Mr. and Airs. Dick Webster. That useless article may mean money to you through the Nen Today column. DR. STONE'S -DRUG STORE The only easb. drug store in Ore gon, owes no one, and no one owes it; carries large stock; its shelves, counter and show eases are. loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, and toilet articles. Dr. Stone is a regu 1 a r graduate i a medicine and has had many years of experience in tha practice. Consultations are free. Pre scriptions are free and only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone can ba found at his drug store, Salem, Ore., from 6:40 in the morning until 8 at night. Free delivery to all parts of tha city and within a radius of 100 miles. BIN SIN Best Chinese Dishes Noodles 10c Chop Suey 25c Bice and Fork 10c 410 PEEEY STREET CHICHESTER S PILLS r ii taint. Askror:Mf.4:iu;.s.TrR vein known as Best, Safest, Always Kehalil sni n rv ntijr,riivr; FvruvwHFPF CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Each Cap Bul'ilwarvthefMIDY name 4i ftrtmnnfrfitintfrfeitm STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Colombia QUALITY Carbons? Hade In Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Pa?ei Mfg. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. STAYTON ITEMS. Frank Silhavy came down from bis ranch yesterday, returning today. Mrs. George Taylor accompanied him. John A. Dittet' ot Sublimity and Frank Koe.ser, his auto driver, made u a pleasant call .Monday. Mr. Ditter says the people of his town are glad to have electric lights and are well pleased with the service. Louis iid Win. Sestak left yesterday morning for Alissoula, Montana. They will look the country over and probably go into business there. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambert received invitations to the marriage of Francis Grace Bennett to Willis Kveretto Mor ton, April 8th, at Stockton, California. The bride is a daughter of K. F. Bennett a former resident and founder of tb Stayton Mail, and a sister of H. K. Ben net of this place. They will reside in Martinez, California. O. W. DcJardin, oi ttervals is assist ing Glen Munkers in the Stayton State Bank during the absence of Warren Richardson who expects to leave soon on a business trip to southern Ore gon. Byron Williams of the Fern ridgo neighborhood, was a uusiness caller yes terday. Laura A. Thomas nnd J. W. Mars shipped several thousand pounds of mohair yesterday. Mrs. John Kiutz nnd daughter Airs. Kd Meier of Sublimity visited .Mon day ut the John Kerber home. Little Aliss Constance daughter of Dr. and Airs. Beatichnmp is sick with the measles. Peter Deidrich recently sold a Dodge car to Geo. Kceeh and a Ford to Mr. Guler of Aumsville. Oliver Lesly, V. Dare Sinner, Emil Cladek and Wm. Aleyers motored to Albany and Kalcm Alonday. Dan Doll caught the cad of one o his fingers in the machinery of his -u Monday tearing 0ff the nail and man ing n painful injury. Dr. Brewer drest cd tho nonnd. Stayton Standard. FOR CONSERVATION OF NA TIONAL RESOURCES Last year congress passed the Frr bills which provided for all the utib zation of the now withdrawn wate ficKiTiK'.A in i; d Bii .oid nmhAV w Y'J3 sealed iih llhio KiMon. It $ power sites and mineral lands. Tha measures were excellent ones, repi senting the ideas of Secretory Lan the National Conservation associate , ' and all forces interested iu the hone use of I'nelc Sinn's rich acreage. The Senate defeated these bills. In care January of this year Hie house passed inese same measures again. Will tho senate succeed in crushing them once moref Are these possessions practi cally the Inst parts of the public do main still in our hands to be trans ferred us a free and unrestricted gift to monopolists, or are the public, rights to be protected I World's Work. REBEKAH'S THIRD ANNUAL MAY PARTY. MAY FIFTH. The Rebckah lodge of this city is busy planning their third annual May party for Friday, May 5. and in ano ther few days will have the program well under way. They are trying to get several num bers on the program from outside phi ces, and promise to give one of tho most enjoyable tiaies ever had in Stay- .,..,.ll T.r...rP..m nn.l ,.,..1.'.. next week.-Stayton .Mail.