A Ml r mn i I '111 j CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY : ' FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES - V vv THIRTY-NINTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS 1 nil " I 1 I E 1 I I 1 I I I I C 1 1 II ' BATTLE WIT AM Mi Sinn Feins Planned Great Confl; ition Hoping to Escape In i the Confusion British TroirvSent to Check Blaze, Are i Fired On From House Tops and Spectacular Fight Fol lowsMore Than a Hundred Rebels Killed Disheart ened by Failure To Cause General Uprising By Wilbur S. Forrest, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Dublin, Ireland, April 29. Amid roaring flames which threatened to cweep the city, British troops and Irish rebels engaged in a furious hand to hand struggle until an early hour yesterday. Routed, the rebels scurried away as dawn broke upon the blackened ruins of the Sinn Fein strongholds in the heart of Dublin. " As they fled, fire from Maxim guns and the troops' rifles mowed them down. It was estimated that more than 100 persons were killed or missing as a result of the four days street fighting. The military is apparently in control, though the dis orders are not completely quelled. A ring of steel has been thrown around the rebels, who seem disheatrened at their failure to arouse a general uprising in Ireland. Late Thursday, as troops began closing in, the revolu tionists started numerous fires in the heart of the city. They evidently planned a great conflagration hoping to escape in the resulting confusion. British troops rushed toward the fires, being ordered to kill all rebels who attempted to prevent them from ex tinguishing the flames. The troops had scarcely begun battling the blaze when fussilades burst forth from the roofs of adjacent buildings. eclipsed anything on the turesqueness. - Blasts of smoke and flame hid the buildings in rebel hands, rolling away a moment later to disclose groups of men on the steep, upright roofs, firing at soldiers below. It was reckless work. The rebels' figures against the background of fire were easy targets. One after another they were picked off, the troops firing from shadows in the streets. The general postoffice and the customs house escaped, flames stopping just short of them. The work of cleaning out snipers is proceeding systematically, troops avoiding doing damage to public property or injuring non-combatants. London, "April !. Irish rebels esti-j muted at from 2.000 to 10,000 strong have been cornered and surrounded in t ho heart of Dublin by the British, ad vices from the scene of the disturbance naid today. Troops are besieging the pnsfoffieo, iu which the Sinn Feiners es tablished headquarters. Several nearby buildings have been captured from the rioters. Light artillery has been trained on the postoffice, but commanders hope to seize- it without futrher damage to tin' buifding. A press dispatch from a poiut near Dublin declared that some rebels had made overtures for surrender. The most severe fighting occurred late yesterday when Knfish troops attacked and cap tared' strongly entrenched positions on St. Stephens green. The Green itself is enclosed by a wall and entrance may be gained only through comparatively new gates. These the Sinn Feiners bar ricaded with overturned motor trucks. Government troops rushed thc bar ricades in close formation anil after 13 minutes of desperate hand to hiind lighting broke through the gate. In siMe, the rebels had shallow trenches, ''" '' - ' -' '-" "'- "'- )-. c sfc 3e jc j ABE MARTIN M in Fawn I.ippincut says that m'to she laces her new spring shoes she', too HI' U I lll-l 'lull 1"'IUIU 0 B-T Will ft it s printed. REBELS FLAMES The battle which followed European fronts for pic- proterled by sandbags and iron spikes, From these defenses iney fi'ed volley after volley into the musses of Uritith pouring through the gate. Desoiti this, the first government soldiers c.hnigcd without waiting for reinforcements. Women Among Fighters One detachment of the rioters was cvt off. surrounded and captured, mure than .'i00 men laying down their arms. Unof ficial dispatches asaei.ted ihf. entire Green was iu possession of the artillcy. Severn! women Sinn Feiners figured in the early street fighting. I-iter they disappeared. It is believed tant tlieV have been hidden by rebel sympnthi'. ers. The authorities were informed that the Countess Mnrkieviecz attired in n (jr(.,.n uniform marched with the rioters on the dav the uprising commenced Fires are burning in several parts of Dublin. Other disturbances have ac curred in Killarncy, Enniscrothy, Gor-v. Glocoinel and in certain parts of (uin way county, but everywhere else the it llft t i fin is culm, nccnrrlimr to nn n(Yiei;iT announcement. ' - The British cabinet met unexpectedly thin morning, causing the most sonKV tional rumors, because the cabinet never im'ets en Saturday. Some rumors dealt jj, I wuu ireinnn nuu demand mat .xuus jj. j tine Biirell, chief secretary for Ireland. i resign. ween, w line una leuowxiat. ! ..Man' "''i'11 the meeting w.s for the purpose of considering conscnp tion. j Fcbcl asents who attempted to evise ! outbreaks in Cork and other cities were j promptly nrrested. Troops left Kngland i yesterday for Ireland and it is bj liovee Jfajor Cencrn Maxwell will lie able to I control the situation without further re j iuforcementa. The first boatload of passengers from j Ireland brought the best nccnuuts of the outbreak. They agreed that it start ed at noon on Monday when 1,000 rebel wearing soft lints and enrrying both oh and modern rifles burst into the lost office and ordered nil employes to leave, A number1 of women accompanying me reoels wore green sashes and tart ridge belts. A rebel flag, green, whit.. and jellow, with a large harp, was tnrust trom an upper window of the postoffice. A policeman who remon started was attacked bv a crowd of riot ers and thrown bodily from the se. or.d floor. Rioters Cantur Buildinirs. I Another force of revolutionists, bur-t . ill'? mr4tcrimmlv frum mililic hnitaoa ml ops" on Sarkville street, moved uoon I . . (Continued on Pat'o Nine.) Germans Think Wilson Is Do-r ing His Utmost to Help English Cause By Carl W. Ackprman, (United Press Stuff Correspondent.) Berlin, April 21). Publication here of President Wilson's memorandum with regard to armed vessels caused a new flurry of excitement. No official com ment was obtainable. The average Berlin citizen, his first wave of anger over the submarine note having subsided, thought he saw iu the memorandum new substantiation of the old charge that America is doing i': ut most to help Kngland. The president's statement that an armed ship should be deemed peaceful until there was con clusive evidence to the contrary brought the following comment from a citizen: "If I walk down the street, with a gun in my pocket how is President Wilson to know whether my intention is offensive or defensive t" It is too early to say whether the memorandum will cause n hitch in the negotiations on the submarine issue, which are now in a satisfactory state. Probably this will be known after Am bassador Gerard returns from his con ference with Kaiser Wilhelm, which be gins today. Washington Hopeful. By Kobert J. Bender. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, April 29. Marked re laxation of tension over the German American situation was manifest in Washington today. This was attributed to knowledge that the German reply to the American submarine demands had been completed and that the kaiser was discussing continued friendly relations with Ambassador Gerard. It was expected that the reply of Clerinnnv would be accompanied by a personal expression from German of ficinls of a strong desire that no breach exist in the friendly intercourse between the nations. The reply will probably be in the president's hands by midweek or sooner. RIVAL ENGINEERING CREWS' IN FIELD ON Southern Pacific and Hill In terests Both Working Gangs Near Detroit The Southern Faeific appear to be attempting to protect its interests in the passes east of Detroit on the line of the proposed railroad to Bend, ac cording to KoaChnnHicr Culver, who re turned to this city from a trip to Iloov cr yesterday. This line has been a "pro nosed" railroad for the past 20 or 25 yeais-aud is still that kind but the riv alry between the lines may force the is sue in the near futuro. Gangs of surveyors snd locating en gineetrs have been working out of Sa lem toward Stayton and on toward the mountains in an easterly direction fi r some mouths and were supposed to be attached to the Hill interests. Evident ly the Southern Bucific hus taken cog nizance of the railroud rumors that have been floating about and Mr. Culv er reports that a locating crew of South ern Pacific engineers is re-locating the line ubove Detroit toward Minto i'ass. Twenty years ago the Corvallis & Eastern, now a brunch of the Southern Pacific extended its line four miles be yond Detroit to a place named Muhiia. The tracks were afterward taken up from Hoover to Iduna, a distar.ee of two miles, but the grade remains in fair condition. At that time about nine miles of grade was puc up beyond Tdan ha nearly to Independence Pia'rie where the Snntiam forks. No track was ever laid on this grau-5 but it still Remains with the e-i-iep! i"ii of a few washouts and it is possible that the Southern Pacific, intend) to re locate over this grade to prevent a rUnl road making use or It. From the forks of the Santiim it is nearly 30 miles to Minto Pi n which is the best and lowest pass over the sum mit of the Cascades. Through Minto Pass the Southern Pacifi: lui 1 s-tcel rails' and a small section of truck when the road was started, to hol t the pass. The rails were cut in short lengths and packed in on mules from the eest side of the mountains. This bit of trae' re mains with the rails as two ntrenks of rust to guard the pass against rivals if two onuiiicerinff crews at this time does not indicate i there will be any railroad building for! some time, however, an these crews aie, only a preliminary line and it has b'-en proven by past experiences that Hi'.' lo cating engineer is often yearn in im vtonce of the first locomotive. Rnadmastcr Culver report that the trail from Niagara to Hoover is now completed through the efforts, of tl.' road districts and the forest supervis ols. The trail will allow the pnssnge of I horses with ease aad tho bridges are safe and the grades luJjt. UNITED STATES MAY POLICE All NORTHERN MEXICO i Obregon Met Scott and Funs ton Today, He Crossing to El Paso for Visit CONFLICT WOULD MEAN END OF DE FACTO REGIME Army at Dress Parade to Re ceive Distinguished Mexican Visitor By E. T. Conkle. (United Press staff correspondent.! Kl Paso, Texas, April 2S. Geueril Hugh Scott and General Fred Flint-ton aro contemplatiug a tour of inspection to the American front iu Mexico it v. us learned today. Viun for this d"pend on the outcome of their conferences with. General Alviiro Obrcgon, Mexican uur minister. If the trip is dec i led on it will include a tour from Columbus to Namiquipa. The fullest honors were accorded to Obregon when he visited Scott in El Paso today, returning the formal call made on him in Jua '.'i. by Scott and Fuuston last night. "The visit was merciy to return the courtesy," said Fuus'.on. who was pres ent. "Absolutely no points iu the com ing conference were brought up. We expect soon to arrange a time tui.i place for the conference. I am in hopes that the meetings will be held on the AurVr ie.au side of the border, bar; this mut ter will be settled in a manner satis factory to the conferees. " The Eighth cavalry regiaicnr escorted f,i,,.,. ,i i i.,. ;,.o.r.r,.. ....i' ...i. 11..,.. .,.. i Vi!"iV.r:.f a I luri CIIHTll-U I U3U.I AJIIVllltl J 11 1 ,111 - I try was stretched along the main streets. They saluted as the Carnin zistas passed from the iu'.irnntiounl bridge to Scott's private c;ir in the railroad yards. Nearly iSM troops from Fort Bliss, representing every branch of the service, participated in tha demonstration accorded Obreg'm. Obregon accompanied by liia bride, an orderly and a chauffeur, tool; a sunrise ride through El 1'aso in a machine which he brought with him f'om Mexico City. i 16,000 Troops In Mex'cj. By E. T. Conkle. (Knifed Press staff correspondent ) El Paso, Texas, April 2H. Hcfusnl to withdraw the American expedition f r uu Mexico until Francisco Villa is takci and demands that use of railroads am! other facilities be granted the I'nit-J States forces are expected to be among tho proposals of General Hugh Seoi-, chief of stuff, when he meets General Alvaro Obregon, Mexican war minister in their "first formal conference today. Indications were that President Wil son would even welcome a temnorarv peaceful protectorate over Mexico until the bandits are exterminated and the border raid menace forever removed. This would involve the policinir of northern Mexico by Americans, to which Obrcgon is opposed. While preparing for the conference:', both the Amcqjcan and Carranzista mil itary mobilized to make demonstrations of strength such as the situation may require. However, actual intervention or a break with Mexico is not consid ered by administration officials here. Reinforcements have been sent to Brigadier General Pershing continuous ly during the past 24 hours. There ure now more than lli,000 American soldiers in Mexico or strung cfosely between Columbus and San Antonio, .Mexico. The Carranza army garrisoning Chihauhua and Sonora is about 40,000 strong. Tries to Save Carranza'g Face. General Scutt, accompanied by Major leneral Fred Fuuston, formally 'caf e,! ! ,lliri"tT 1110 month of April, as the m Olirm,,.,, Ut ii,t ti,. Hreiort shows tout 1,2 visited the on Obregon last night. They crossed the international bridge over the Itio flrande at S p. m. Consul (iurcia and Vi.-e.'nsnl S,in ;.i. .i. uu the .Mexican side the Americans were met by Genera! Gavirn. command ant of Juarez. A fanfare by .Mexican buglers announced their arrival. Mex iinn ., . . ican troops lined the streets from the bridge to the customs house, c......,i Trevino met them on the steps of the'aft,r (liKKinK UP pavnient on the building and led them to General Ob-''trai'k Bl"1 n"l,c,!tlI,e tho retaining wal regon's office. n"'' drainage, tho opinion was general Scott. Funston and Obrcgon C0I1. that the drainage was sufficient to ear versed for nearly- an hour. There w-.s! ,lie tllat Uus l,avcm,'"t un iiitiinntinn of tho ).;u..(. (,,ii,...i i would not be injured. Hut the city over, except for the announcement that Ohrponn h;,,1 eminent-. i n ...t.,,n ,i. Obregon had consented to return the call iu Kl Paso today. A military "inrd will meet him. A review of '.tVtod Mates trooos may be he d at tort llliss in his honor. Details of the coming official conferences are expected to be settled at today's meeting. wiireeoa nns expressed coat lUe'ice that America will see the justice of 'he 'other an agreement will be reached op demand for a speedy withdrawal of 1h: holding President Wilson's policy nnd expedition. lie is ready to promise any j saving Mexico's pride. Kach side m n-t co oneration accessary to sinh a mnv. I await official approval from its govern- Obrcgon believes that it is impos-iible for Carranza to restore order while t he presence of the Americans offers trc Villistas ground for arousing the ijr.or - ant peons. However, Obrcgon is ulso underitool These Are Repulsed Ger mans Claim to Haye Cap tured 5,000 Russians Faris, April 29. German f;r.v& re sumed their attack on Verdun during the night with heavy assaults on both banks of the Meuse. Hurling hand gran ades. the French charged and stooped ! an onslnughj ngninst jtill :i04, the key stone of the northwestern defense. An even more violent attack east of Taiau mont was heavily repulsed. Fighting on the east banlc of the Meuse spread from the river to Douan mont and Vaux. There was savant bat tling raging there throughout all yes terday. Following one of the most violent ac tions of the Verdun campaign, which dropped an Intense curtain of fiie over the Fsench defenses, Germnns charge.) again and again east of Thiaumon where they were frequently defeated, said the communique. They sprayed the French works with streams of liqui 1 fire as they advanced hut steady show ers of shrapnel ripped their ranks to pieces and the survivors were luirind back leaving many comrades dead and dying on the field. Another force suddenly emerging from Cailette wood attacked the Douau-mont-Vnux line, only to be thrown back without gaining a foov On the Meuse west bnnk, French gunners got the range of a hidden muni tion depot which was spied out by avia tor and shortly after the first shell screamed into it the mngazine blew up with a terifie, explosion. The Ger mans shelled Avoctiurt and Esnes all day. Russians Again Busy. Berlin, April 2. More than 5,()0 Russians including high officers were enptured when Germans carried posi tions between Stanarooze and Stach owe, it wns announced officially today. The Russians suffered heavy losses, increased by numerous counter attacks on their part, all of which were re pulsed. The SlavH attacked again and again in mnss formntion, but were un- able to reconquer their lost positions, . . ..I'- c Fifty-six officers including four mem bers of the staff, a cannon, 10 mine throwers and 28 machine guns were seized. Germans advancing in the Givenchy section repulsed British counter attacks. Some Things Found In the School Report la comparison with Superintendent O. M. Klliotfs report of May 28, l!l", and the one just recently issued for the month of April of this year, there are 100 more pupils in the public schools regular in attendance than ono year ago. Although the total number registered during the school year was ;ili:i, yet there are 20-10 remaining us compared to 2..'U during May ot a venr nuo. Then, of those actually attending, toe girts were fid in the ma jority. Ac cording to the April report the girl are 01 in the majority. Iu comparison the reports of March 21 and April 21 of this year, the tact is shown that the attendance has (al ien off Ml. At preseut there are 01 less boys in school than one month ago, and Hit less girls. The report shows a registration, total ing 111 lit for tiie year. Of this larae nuuiiber, eseiinlly for this time of year, many are dropping out, even in the upper grades. The March report shows TiOl boys registered between the ages o!' 14 and 20, and ("( girls. The report one mouth later shows the same number of boys, but the girls Hi these higher grades seem to be drop ping out, as the last report shows a registration of only ii'J", compared to 02ii in March, a decrease of l!l. Tha viiiMmr mi.ntliu uphiii In li!il'i fin effect on those who make clean records of being neither tardy nor late. In Mirch, 1701 were neither tardv nor late, while in Apiil, this hud dropped to 1077. Parents were showing an active in schools, while but. l.'!2 found time to do any school visiting in March, 1 ni're re 2" ami ij gins in me schools over the age of 20 and no children under the age of six. The city council and the engineer of the Southern Pacific, met yesterday aft- 1 eraoon at State anil Twelfth street, and ' ut , f""1 'Hnuthern Pacific that nenrlv all the , N"llhern ""'l" crossings were not at K,au'- lnB mnrouu oniciui ngrceu io remedy this. , to believe that armed conflict with the j L'liitoil States would be suicidal for the de facto regime. Consequently it h be- neveu uiui aner cai-u sum iri- i m , ment before reaching a final agreement, i This may drag the parleys along '.or I more than a week. 1 General P. Klias Culles, governor ff j Sonora, is reported en route to Ju'iriv. to join Obrcgon. KUT-EL-AWIARA IS TAKEN WAS BESIEGED 1 40 DAYS 2970 English and 6,000 Indian Troops Captured by Turks Relief Forces Halted 23 Miles Away by Heavy Floods Starved Into Submission Garrison Left by General Nixon After Defeat at Bagdad, Destroys All Guns and Munitions Before Surrendering London, April 29. The British garrison of 2,970 Eng lish and 6,000 Indian troops, which has been besieged in Kut-el-Amara by the Turks for more than 140 days, has surrendered, it was announced today by the war office. ; This is the first instance of the present war, and one of the few occasions in more than a century, in which a besieged British garrison has surrendered. The Kut-el-Amara garrison has been believed in ser ious danger for several days because of lack of food. Of ficials made no attempt to minimize the gravity of General Townshed's position. Official statements last night told of an unsuccessful effort to run a food ship on the" Tigris river through the Turkish lines. This indicated that the predicament of the British was desperate. Floods blocked relief forces which are now' 23 miles ! east of the city. Turks trapped General Townshed in Kut-el-Amara early in December after the Bagdad cam paign had collapsed. Townshed destroyed all the garrison's guns and muni- iinna Kofnvo en rvonrl A vi n cr Sir .TiYhn NlYnn nprurtipd Kilt- el-Amara on September 19, 1915, and advanced to within 10 miles of Bagdad where on November 26 he was de feated and, retreating, suffered another defeat when his xrabian volunteers deserted and joined the Turks. Nixon left Townshend with a force estimated by the Turks as 10,000 and also left large quantities of supplies, believing that a relief expedition wouldlater reach him. Nixon didn't want the Turks to have Kut-el-Amara bar ring, another advance on Bagdad. Subsequently, Nixon was relieved of his command, Sir Percy Lake succeeding him. Dardanelles veterans then tried to relieve the garrison. INVOLVED IN IHEFT Former Stool Pigeon Says the Oncers Aided Him to Work Out Scheme According to the eon fens-ton of A. 1). Kmerson, who was nrrested iu Portland yesterday by Sheriff Ksch, Declcctive Smith nnd ('ruddock, of the Portland Police department, planned the theft (f the auto of Felix Isumson, of Aurora, rested a few days iign by Sheriff Ksch which wag taken by Keam Foley nnd r. ix.i.i t!,.i,l iin.l Tiilcv were ar- inii are now in ine couiiiv an. iniy implicated Kmerson in their statements to the officers and Kmerson told the sheriff ami District Altorney Itmgo that the detectives urged linn to induce Iteid and Foley to take the car from the garage at Aurora. Kmerson told the district attorney thiH morning that all three of them Koid, Foley and Kmerson wer,. .i"'''" drivers iu Portland anil that he had known the others for some time. Kmer son said he had been a stool pigeon for the dtestives ia some nuto thefts in Portland. He said the officers wanted to mnkc an arrest and recover a car aim incidently to get a little reward out of it so they told Kmerson to persuade Iteid and Foley to steal a car. Kmerson said lie told Iteid and Foley that he had a purchaser for a car if they only had the car and Iteid and Foley agreed to get one. They told Kmerson that they knew of a car but that it was about 40 miles out of Port land. Kmerson reported this informa tion to the detectives who told Kmer son not to lose any time but to tako the boys while they were in the notion. Kmerson accordingly secured a car to take tho boys to their destination, the officers furnished the gasoline, two ex tra number plates, nnd a five gallon can nf gasoline to be used in cne the car they were to get did not have gaso HnA in the tank. Kvervthing appears to have worked out all' right and the two boys got the Isaacson car and drove it to Portland where they were arrested by Detectives Craddoek anil Smith who got the credit for mnkii'g a "pinch. " " Well, where were vou to profit by the theft o the cur."' Kiuerjoa was asked by the sheriff. Kmerson answered that a reward was usually offered for the return of a stolen auto by tho insurnnco companies and tho owner mid that the detectives had agreod to split with him on tne reward. district Attorney ltingo says tho de velopments in the case show that De tectives Smith and Craddovk aro liable j to prosecution as accomplice in the theft of the car and ine opinion wu.i expressed that Kiiieison acted in good faith with the Portland detectives ia inducing the boys to sleul it. The Portland detectives aro expect ed to arrive here this afternoon to mako some explanations in the mutter. Over the long distance telephone they told Sheriff Ksch that Deputy District At torney Pieck advised them to proceed, as they had dono in the enso and that they had acted upon the advicu of tha district attorney's office. Prices Uncertain But Show Little Change New York, April 2!!. The New York KveiiniL' Sun s iiuaniiiu rcvu. niuu. Aside from n sharp advance in Mer cantile Marine preferred shortly aft er the opening, little interest marked the early trading. First prices were gen erally irregular and dealings were pro fessional. Uncertainties in connectioa with tho flermnn and Mexican situa tions, the short session and other week end considerations restrained trnding. " further silver advance strengthened silver producing companies, but copper stocks wero generally irregular. Ana conda was reactionary. Prices hardened t i. ..i..u;., l.i,Vf ..I thn spssion under t; Iir()f,.ionnl buying in a limited i r0lp 0f specialties. Mercantil Marino i f(rr(,( nmi Maxwell Motors ad vanced fivo points or more. Honda wero quiet and irregular. Eugene Company hero turning eut ready cut knock down houses. I THE WEATHER ; Oregon: Fair to night ind Bun day; heavy frost tonight; warm er Sunday; wost- Iv wintti. IHlT'ER OUT) i