) TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916. Basements Opens Every Morning at 9 a. m. Saturday IN OUR 5-1 0-1 5c Basement White Wonder Laundry Soap, regular 5c a bar, Saturday 8 bars for This is less than the ost of carrying, consequently we are obliged to limit this number to 8 bars to a customer. Big Musical Comody Company, "Tho Sought "Wonderous Dl t r. , i ) nam oi txistence Salt Lake City, I'tnli, April -S. Flat denial of her husband's sensa- lional allegation was made today by Mrs. Samuel II. Westfill, wife of a wealthy San Francisco mining mini. whose husband has just filed suit for divorce. Only yrmui nil .).. ii.i i V y-"" ,..,.., !''- IW'e n in, id in ri i n .w .j ' nil i i i i 1 1 1 iii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . i , ., 1 1 n i , i , .' . i El !i 'c " 1 -' T ' -j I I t u; f : 1 1 L -i ' i,' V I ' ' Mi i E M i I 1 I I ! 1 If""""1 j I ii'iH ii 1 1 in !'l v It tM"! ip:r":;,'v''','''i--0 i! llLiji j I !l ti ''jft r.-r . - ft. i! ;! I1! ii"":,'!!!!1!:''!1"!!!!!"!""!...1 iliiiiiLbtoirnii;! I MMwtW flturday Only The Economy Basement Window Shades Seconds, but splendid values, Saturday only 18c Each Limited to 6 to a customer. This is a wonderful offer ing. 1 Beauty Doctors," on the Empress Circuit, ilrs. West fall denies the charge in the complaint, that she left S;in Frau- cis-o with nxi.iMUl iii stocks ami bonds beigii,g to i..r i,i.i.ad. "The nuijor portion of niv property is my own," she de.dued. "It is from the estate of my father, Addison Hybee. '' Willi regard to ;;io teller which West fall claims hi wife left when she . departed, Mrs. Weslfall s:iid: "The note was a candid cxptanat ion amnsm. vs.-sictj.iu.-. I'm ! V1' V Make delicious pie crust after this recipe Mix ono scant tecispoon salt with one and one-half cups pastry flour. Chop in saint huh" cup chilled Cottolene. Mix hi grad ually throe UiWesvooiH cold water. Mix well, but do not knead with hands. If soft, lay pusto in pan and place on ice till chilled. Sprinkle flour on molding-board; flour roliinft-ph; roll out flat, then roll up into form of jellv roll; r.t.ind it on end; pat down and roll into circular shape. When rolled into proper s'u.o cover sides and bottom cf pie dirh. Pi", ii pb material. Rcll top crust in same way, making sever..! hdcions to allow for filling and puffins ' baking. Cottolene makes pie-crust light, flaky, wholesome: it excels for all shortening and frying. Its use is simple, end ycu can get it in pails of various sees to suit your convenience. Ask your grocer fcr a supply today. Write for a free copy of cur real cook book, "HOME HELPS." Our General Offices, Chicago, will supply you. iimiHtMj.lllililiiWHlliMiill ij,!l!:i!i!ll!!!i!l!i;;ili!iiiiii 'WM iiiITU After Easter Sale OF J WOMEN'S SUITS, COATS, DRESSES and SKIRTS All .greatly, reduced, in prices. Our prices the lowest, our quality the best, our styles the smartest. WHEM PUBCHAttN TRY SALEM FIRST UALKM COMMERCIAL CLUU playing at the Bligh next Sunday. of why I did not choose to submit longer to my husband 's intolerable abuse.'' This letter contains the following phrase, according to reports here, "A larger life beckons me like an en trancing mirage, on this barren life I lend with you. I shall take the road to this wonderous plain of existence." Wo lire in the lend The hicks a mini when lie's down. World iilllflllii IliiJ -1 -3 : : t,-: . ! !,!!:!!l' ii'l' T! I'll!'! Ill I iSI1"!' i l II ! !! R! iiuiiT i :r" w tf-uiiiii i ; H i u lirlirMli li ill! g i I I ' I i I 'Ml . i I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 i i H . I I . I l 1 1 III . i ; 1 i J I . ii!!ll!liil i!!!!i'!l! l III HI I II I IH Bl - iniiiiii ini mi l n !!' ' I' ! li ; : SOCIETY I ALIKE THOMPSON SATl'RDAY Salem dab ami society women will devote their time to Che envoy of prominent women touring the country for the cause of woman suffrage- These distinguished visitors will arrive in Salem it 8 o'clock Saturday evening in their pri vate ear ml will be met at. the depot with automobiles and escorted to the state house. Governor .lames Withy- 1 combe will wclc inie theni with an ad i dress, after which will follow their I various interesting messages. . 1 Once again, Miss Regina Long, bride- elect was the inspiration for a snr ' prise miscellaneous shower. The affair j which was given at her home on Wed i nesday evening, was planned by the 1 members of the I'. K. O. club as an at tention to Miss Long on the occasion Ji 1 L- lj ...... oi ner uirumay niiiin cis.ir . The elub members present besides the honorec, were: Mrs. (i. A. Wood, Mrs. II. K. Holinger, -Mrs. H. K. Bower, Mrs. Fred Selee, ifrs. A. Godfrey, Mrs. Matilda Grant, Mrs. G. W. I.nflar, Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, Mrs. Mary A. Long, Mrs. Charles Smith, Miss Alyce llollister, Miss Laura Grant and ilrs. K. lloucit who was an aditional guest. ilrs. F.ditii T. Wetherred entertained' the matrons of the Fairgrounds club at, her outage on the camp grounds, Thursdap afternoon, i-'ive hundred was .- -.. --.i i ciijuvt-ii timing tne uiiciiiouu aim uiiei refreshments were served. The card tables were circled by: Airs. Clarence Townsend, Mrs. Harry Doe, iris. Kdward Kvle, Mrs. Fay Smith, Mrs. Stitson, Mrs. Kdward Tall man, ills. 0. Cotternun and the host ess. The ifarion County Woman's Republi can elub will hold a. meeting in the council chamber at the city Hall to nigiit at eight o'clock. All are in vited. M-., ir.,,,.,.,,. it i, .,., i,..u(.,cu. e..,1 an enjovable informal social afternoon! UPI'ort will be given by the depav Wednesday, her gusts being the mem-1 ment tor ,he ''orn sllows to 1,0 Md bers of tile Jolly Neighbors club. I.jte i l- ' chaI" tuU' f tho l',,1h-i in tho afternoon the hostess served! n I h-l. - & ouiin re 1 1 1 so in en i h. j nose pieseni. were: .Mrs. Anna (ileason, ilrs. 31. 11. Utter, Mrs. Walter Hatch, Mrs. Join Fisher, ilrs. ,T. K. Crothers, Mrs. L. W. lownds, Mis. C. II. lioonns. Mrs. (i. O. Koine, ilrs. K. II. I'rotherot .Miss I.etha Carson, iliss Stella Halstou and iliss Carrie Giiibenhorst. Tuesday the mothers Sunday school class of the First il. h. church pave, an attractive evening affair at. thethe few special salesdays held under homo of ilrs. A. A. I.ce, honoring their j th auspices of the Commercial club had husbands. Lovely flowers and greens been entirely successful, but that the delightful feature- of the affair was a programme given iy tie little people, Tho numbers included a solo "My Old lilack Hat," by little Miss Woodard, 1'iiino uuer, nenriena aim Biiierme; nornets-, recuniioii, -i tiagaier iiiuiki; recitation, Dorothy liirr; piano duet, Chester Kurtz anil I'nul Lee; recitation, Kugenia Savage; instrumental solo, Florence Young; -Vocal solo, domicile Vandervoort; instrinnental solo, Kath erine Vincent; instrumental solo, Neva Millard; recitation, Kitherine Voor hies; instrumental duet, Lola Millard anil .lennelle andervort; instrumental duet, liertha and Catherine Vincent.. .iniring the refreshment hour Lloyd; Lee rendered several charming instru - mpntjil ,tlns ........ .row aiieruoon :n ine y oiiiiueiciiii ciuo 'and will entertain Governor Wi.tliv- ilrs. II. 11. Vundervmt left today tor j ,.0mbe as their guest. The address if Stayton where she wis called on nc-ithe luncheon will be given bv C. II. count of the illness of her mother, -ilrs. J 'run,.r 0f the ilutual Life. The aso llanuah Van Fleet. jcintion was orgnnized about four ! months ago and its members number- j): jing are all interested in the life m suranee business. A. II. Gage is pies- i PERSONALS jrf- I The juvenile band of the United Ar- jtisaus met last evening for their for- inial organization and first practice. Mrs. ('. W. Wilks of ilacleay is in -Twenty five of the youthful musicians the city. i were present- for tiio first uniclice and -Misn hviilme ounir ot He ml was in the city yestenlny. i acred to come in, it is thoii'jlit that .!. I. IVnsiuore of Scio is in the the liaml will soon nmnlier lieces city t raus id inj; business. or more, as ten members from the .1. ('. und ('. 1'. Strawn of Ileiina I l.iveslcv school will become iissociat Vista were in t'.io city yesleriay. led with tho organization. Ivan (?. .1. O. Jones, distrirt manager of the '.Martin and other members of (lie Cher Woodmen of the World, is in the city. Irian baud have don ;ted tlieir services Attorney Walter 1.. Knuldinr is at - leniinif; io nu.siiies miuters in i ort Innil. 1'iauk .1. Ililler, of the State Public Service (.'ommissioii, wns in I'nrtliud yesterday, rejjistered nt the I in'Cli;tl. DIED IIANSKN At til.- hniiH' of 1mm- sisti'r, Mrs. lii'iirm' Kul' li, C.iilt'in, (Iri'cim, ; Apt il -7. l!Ui!. Mrs. dura llimwu,! in Iht i'lli yt'iir. i She wns linni lit ':inton. (.Iri'un, un Nov. 1ST-, 1.,-,-nnn' tho wifo uf 1'niil llaiisi'n hi l!'i.", Riiil tl short time laliT lii'i'ium' a ioiU'iit. ot' Snlctn. At' tor n rosiiloni'c nt' a tVw vivus at Moil fiinl, silo rotiinit'il to Snlom. Fiitioriil MTvm's will lie ooiuliii'ti'd at Carlton Suiuluy iiftornmin at -oYlnrk and Inuial will In' in tin ( url- toil I'OlllctOIV. At tho children's hour tomorrow ; niornini; in the Salem pnldie lituary, the story to he told the i hildien is 'Kid l'ipes aiol the lrvad". Miss i I'loru fare will tell the storv. E. J. Cummin, field sacretary of the Oregon Sm-ial ll;.iee society is in tnr r,i.y ...,.M. an a, jjen.enis inr u '-.". "."." in West Salem early nest, week. O Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Griffin and son soon leave or l.os Angles ohiUlren came and thoy re all henltJiv. expect to nuiU- tha city heir l'in- Mv niothor has takn yollr mexkiw nent home I ossihlv as befoie, the.v,, ,-th unl u8faction. She had her Mill. I U IIH IHIl l HI UU III.IIIIIS III HIV. Wilaliuette valley Frank Davey 1U address the meet ing this evening at the t ity hall of the Women ' Marion county liepiiblicau club. Men as well as women are' in vited to itteml. Tie music for the meeting will he furnished l v oilnrtet of the Kirsr t'hristlnn . Statlnf that he was troubled with heart failure and that all he wanted Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Selected To Lead Agricultural ; Branch of Club-Corn Show ch of Club Corn ! Talk Starts Early Seymour Jones was placed at the 'lend of the agricultural department of the Commercial club for tne coming year, by the action of the department '.it the meeting held last evening. Mr. j Jones was rather backward about having his name presented and was inclined to - n - sist that it be withdrawn. However, the members of the department felt that he was entirely qualified to handle this important department, and he was therefore dulv elected, and will be re - 'sponsible to a grent extent for what is Lione alonR the iim9 of agriculture by r'mm..r..;,.i i.,v ti, ,.nn,incr vir. I '"" - " '"" . " Members of the agricultural depart ment are in doubt as to whether it is advisable to hold a lour day t'hei'iy .'air this year, but were somewhat inclined to lend their support towards a genuine Fourth of July c.'lelir iti'jn at tloj Fair grounds. To g.t this opinion in inn er form, a conim-.tree composed "f l.ob ert l'aulus, A. C. Bohrnstedt pud M. W. Welch were anointed to lirnw up re solutions. It was pointed oui (hat the first week of July was genera'ly a busy time of the year and that a four day Cherry fair might interfere with the moor iiceueri. nnray mwnc tor corn snoww in lani Ititl Pnltf null Mnrinii rnnnllns ivitr Polk and .Marion counties, with the expectation that each would be larger than those of last fall, and that for the final show to be held the first week in December, the armory would be necessary to aceo.nodate the larger exhibits. I he stakes will he larger; this year, and from $-100 to pWO will ! be necessary for premiums. In the report of W. I. Staley, director i for the nast vear. it was shown that ! great extent to its unfavorable loca- I tion. j Mr. Staley reported (hat the receipts ! 0f the department had been $fi.s2.;!o and (i, $!i(ll.44 had been expended. was a place to rest for a short, time, ' Frank ililler entered the bun of a , farmer living just east of the feeble: minded institute. This morning he was! Intnwl ilond. nniihrentlv from henrt. fail ure. He was from Dallas and tuneral arrangements will be made as soon ns relatives are heard from. Jlo was : ai,ollt 4.", years old. i " 0 The Salem Life Underwriters asso ! Nation wHl meet at luncheon tonior - .. t . , :.. .1..K as .10 have nlrenlv sie:iieil un ami j instructing the youngsters. MOTHER OF FOUR CHILDREN !How Lydia lnnkham'sveg- ctable Compound Kept Her Well and Strong. Lincoln, Illinois. "I have used I.ydi.i E. l'inkham's Vegetable. Compound for dren. This summer I was in a very run down condition ami theveryhotweather seemetl more than I could stand, but I commenced takinij j your (.ompounil m June and from then until September 25th, when my last baby was born, I cot rlonfr much better than 1 had before. ' ,, t bir'th ,d j Tecnvmd very My baby was a pirl and weighed 11 i rapidly which I am sure was due to your . meUicmo. 1 am well and stronir now, nurse my baby and do all my work. I l,,l !,- -a .....) n.itk i " ! i nh'il. last child when nearly 44 years old and feels confident she never would havo carried him through without your help. i as her health was very poor." Mrs. T. i F. ttoYD, 1355 North Culick Ave, De j catur, 111. Espectant mothers should profit by i ii Mi' i!k the nialei Wr-tlvd,8experience.ndtnisttoI.y-a church nkham'l Vegetable Compound. rree connnentiai anviee niit rv ao I dressing Lydia E. Finkhara Medkina Co., Lynn, Mass, k: m a fi ti ti u ti ti H 11 ti 11 y ti n n M.--..m,. 1.--.- u. IALE B 4 n ti n Opens Tomorrow I M J El ; J gf I j El ltj (j M . M II iU Morning at I M j mm M a. m. ft! hi El 11 11 ti U ia n u 11 M SI u fi 11 It u In the Bargain Basement. Do not miss this oppor tunity. We arc taking all of the broken lines from our Easter rush and placing them on sale in our Bargain Basement at prices never equaled before. 500 pairs Children's Barefoot Sandals, all sizes,' go at 95c 250 pairs Men's, Women's, Boys' and Children's Tennis Shoes go at 50c 500 pairs Men's, Boys' and Youths' Elk Bals now goat 51.95, $1.65, $1.35 Boys' Shoes, all sizes, button and lace, now go, in Bargain Basement,, at $1.95, $1.65, $1.35 Children's Shoes, all sizes, button and lace, in the Bargain Basement, at $1.65, $1.35, 95c Men's Work Shoes, all sizes, black and tan, $4.00 grades go at $2.65 Ladies' Shoes, broken lines, $ 1.00 and $5.00 grades goat.... '-.Jl.95andJ2.95 Thousands of pairs of Shoes to select from in all styles and kinds. ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. tl 11 ! $4 j 'J j m ri u u u ia ii ra JCJ ! 14 H si n u u n u n n a ti li tl II m u ti u u n n M U CUT RATES GNALL LEATHER AND Ground G ripper Shoes WiEllCE .E3ESEiH2E3E2EEE32EEE2 ! The mayor and city aldermen and 'the eit.v engineer went. out. to Twelfth ;and State streets this afternoon, on tne invitation of the Southern I'tn-il'ie ol'I'i- ten years witll coo-.l i ,-ials .ni l the railroads engineer. 1 lie I here seenu'il to- te i-oine controversy results and I nave ' purpose of the visit tit tl is partii-nlar lietween the railroad and seme niemher four healthy chil-Uimt was a demonstration hv the rail of the eonneil as to whether this ret ui- road's engineer, that a retaining wall had heen linilt nloair hihI under one isido of the Hack and tint there was proper drainage, and thnt this wall and i drainage was aieordinc to nn tmree - f SALEM ICE CO j'v l mre Distilled Water Ice. il Phone 41a P&mf l nt n p -H M M 1 1 t-i 1 tl is n n tj n u ci p i ft u ti M mm n ft ft I ti tl CI II II 11 El K3 II II m ti u n u n is Li ia M M Kl EH li ti n n n p a. m. 11 11 n a K! 13 n ii n ii p mm & n C3 II m n El n n 11 m n EJ U 11 E) U n ta ft REPAIR WORK-BEST WORKMANSHIP Everwcar Hose moot made with the city yveial year ii;-n. At. l're.'fiit tne ret.iininjr wall an. I diaia ix eovered ly pate hwork. an 1 this was due into in the deia.mstiation. ini; wall was reailv there, and the only v.av to deni.nisii-'te, was to din nit" the p.nii;" and find it. o ' Try Capital Journal Want Ada. 4