Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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By Goldberg
PHONE 937 For Wood sal.
NK303rt TO
Chicago Pug Handles Welsh
As a Cub Bear Does a
Roasting Ear
HABEY Windowcleaner.
rhone 768.
f (Vacuo to ne
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale jtt Cap
ital Journal office. tf
1 . I ' '-' " ' "
W urs. l l "
I - SjY . Is HrKKC- AkN STT-J P V TF PA k T UGS II 1 . . rr .,ncr I I
I V TOW. 0JI S II " - I i I VK UPC QrfKfVJfc - .fl V UJVIK .j.. x -v
1 1 so,ooo worth off -Rtewit- y v I V
I OF JewELRV- I " - I - -
r r r f
Cuiprlf ill fcf Tti Aawlwi TbMN CMufaar. 1119
Tuxedo beats the wrong end of a telescope for making trouble look
small and far away! That richmellow taste of "Tux" gives you the
calm, placid, don't-care-a-rap feeling of a manwith a large, juicy bank
account. So m-i-l-d it is and soothing! '
The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette ,
'Ever since Tuxedo scored its first wonderful success a host of imitators have been talking
about "mild" tobaccos and "biteless' tobaccos and so-called "processes.'
Yet Tuxedo remains today the fastest growing brand of high-grade
-smoking tobacco in the world. Because no imitation can equal the origi
nal and the original Tuxedo Process, discovered
bv a doctor, is still the one process that actually f
'does remove all the bite from tobacco leaf.
That process makes Tuxedo the wholesome, healthful pipe
smoke. You can smoke Tuxedo all day without a particle of
tongue-bite or throat-irritation. And at the last pipeful you'll
find your nerves as steady as at the first.
Give Tuxedo a week's trial. That will show you-why thou
sands of men have forsaken all other smokes.
Convenient, glassin wrapped, Famout green tin, with gold A r
moisture-proof pouch . . . , DC lettering, curved to fit pocket 1UC
v In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Cla$$ Humidors, SOc and 90c
V. S. Navy
"The tweel, wholesome aroma of TuxeJo
makes It the best pipe tobacco made, ll it
, ,,,.,, '
.Ml. VFIiy IWUHkttf M.W ,ktT
'--ri' 1 -1-
Woman Being Tried On
Charge Made by Convict
Ort'Uuii Cil.V, Or., April 2.V Willi lit'l'
dmifjlitor, Kiiinililuiinlilor niul grout
(jfti HiliiiiHntiT nilt'uiK lii'iili' In'r in t li 0
cin'rt. titoii). Mrs. Mary I'. Wolls, (il,
ti)-l:iy ht'iinl lu'i'st'll' i-li irm'tl with li'r
i 11 M h 1111111 In liiirn lior llirw limisi's lo
olitain I li 0 iiiMirniii'ii.
Willilllll II. NlMVIIIIIII, lllllIlT Hl,lltl'll(M
of mmii-h iii llii 1 imi i 1 1' 1 1 1 i a rv fur
Himin, n ' unci Mis. Wolls. Tlio punt'-
riiliiin I n 11 14 1 1 1 him lirri' from tlio poll
ilontiiirv joitorilnv, nn.l lo wan iiilloil
10 llio wilnoss slanil toil iv,
.Mis. WcIIh lum lioon ll rosiilont of
Oswi'Kn I'm' yours, llor iliiuglitor.
Mis. Iliui'o .miiwall niul lior ninnil
ilmi!litor, Mis. Hoy Ai'instrout;, both
11 ro pioiiiiiioiit sni'iiilly in Orofjnn City.
Tlio (Iron! Ki'iiiiililiuilihr is tlio ohilil
of Mrs. A nil st long.
Tlio ilot'onso I'oiili'iiils (lint Nowiniui
ui'oiisoil .Mrs. Wolls' ill onlor lo iiln
i 111 ttt 11 11 i t v tor liis own orimo.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Packard and other promi
nent automobile engineers
favor motor oils from
Western crude. Exposition
juries at San Francisco and San
Diego gave highest competitive
awards to Zerolene an oil from
Western crude. Zerolene is the
best oil for your motor because
scientifically refined from selected California crude
asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils
correctly refined from asphalt-base crude "distill
without decomposition" do not break up and lose
their lubricating value under cylinder heat I and are
"much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far
as their carbon-forming proclivities are con-j
corned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils.";
When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero-.'
Lmic.' Dealers everywhere and at service stations
acid agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
ibSui.rhrd GU for Kcicr Cars
Sport News
Senators Begin Season Next
Sunday at Salem With
500 Per Cent
Tlio Sali'in Senators will tni;o tin"
pliii-0 vnonloil li.v tiio-liani in tlio In-lor-City
loii;iio uml tlio first k .11110 will
lio playoil in tliis 1'ity Sinnlay liotwoou
tlio Haliy ( Hoavors niul tlio Sonatnrs ac
ronlinjj to tlio ni'lion takou at a moot
ing ol' tlio loai;iip (liroctors in I'orllaml
last niylit, (irosliiini Ins playoil four
flint's ai'i'iiriliiiy to tlio si'lioilulo ami
lias a porooiitai;o of ."illil ami the Son
ators will start tlio sorios Willi this
slainliiij; in tlio poivontnyo col 11111 it.
Tlio Ko'no.liilo nill lo ro-arranjjo.l to
allow tlio Senators to pi iv nno-l of
tlioir nanios at home. M.nuKor Klett
an. I Sorrotary Maker are ooinliins; tlio
Inislies for a pair of heavy hitting out
t'iohlers ami it is prolniiile also that
V ivne t iirliaiti, the I'lillas flinyor, will
also iloiorato a Sonatorinl uniform lie
fore tlio season is over.
If Captain Humphries remains nt
soioiol it is likely that Wilson, who
provoil himself to ho a ilcpomlnlilo
player last year, will lie wmke.l out
at the tiiiril stition. Wilson is also a
twirler of soino iiliilily lint, his hittin
ami holilini; itii'iiinplisliinents make
him a jsmul aihlition to tlio infiohl.
ltiioo Allans, the t'hemawiv star, will
leniiin tit short ami .limes will proliah
ly In il .1 down first Imio unless ho is
shille.l to the oulfioM. Hell is anain
in tlio ontfielil an.l liiils fair to liol.l
low it a regular liortli unless some real
siars drop into Salem and ask lm n
Sunday's yiime will slart it :i 0 'eloik
Sunday at'tenton unless the showers
this week prevent tlio field from drying
out. The fnllowinu is the percentane
eoliiinn in the Inter-City leafjue:
K irk pa I r'u ks
I l iiil 1 111 its
I rosliain
St. Melons
Haliy llonvors
.."an I
.01 111
tlio storm's a benefit lmt I dont'
Ah! The nuiso of otuikespciire is up
on us.
$ $ $ $ $
Watching the Scoreboard
;lt ; ;Je t- $ $ $
Tacific Coast League Standings.
I. os Angeles . .
Oakland ......
Sun l-'ran.iseo
Salt Lake
.rL' 1
Jim Soott made his bow at Detroit
in u White Sox uniform ami immediate
ly conducted 11 highly success'ful game.
"Dutch" Leonard tightened up when
there wore men on base on t lie lied Sox
bent the Athletics 4 to 0.
Momentous Matter for
Pendleton to Decide
- t
Pendleton, Or., April 2.". "In
dancing the one step," says Mayor
Host of Pendleton, "no 111010 than
eight stops should bo taken before
turning. If more than eight steps nre
taken, it is ,1 violation of the city danc
ing ordinance. "
With this announced, Mayor Host
went to .1 dance at Moose Mail and ar
rested A. .1. Gibson, formerly his
staunch political supporter. Host de
clared Oilison took his partner nil the
way acniss the hall before pivoting.
"Gibson clearly was ragging,'' said
the mayor.
li-ilison is a prominent contractor.
Mis trial is sot for Snturdiy.
Since Host's election, political dif
ferences have come between hint aud
Milwaukee, Wis., April 2."). A new
luminary soared into tie pugilistic fir
mament today. Me is Kver Hammer,
Chicago lightweight who leaped into
fame last night when he defeated
Lightweight Chuiupion Freddie Welsh
on points in a ten round bout here.
I'nder the Wisconsin law no decisions
uro allowed, so Welsh cannot be de
prived of his title, but newspaper vrit
ics were virtually unanimous in their
belief that Hammer was tiie victor.
. Hammer battered the champion with
out mercy from start to finish and
Welsh was compelled to go the limit to
defend himself against the Chicagoan's
attack. In the seventh round Ham
mer floored -Welsh witli a terrific loft
smash to the jaw; Welsh says he broke
a bone in his hand in the second round.
FOR SALE l!ti:! Twin Indian motor
cycle, completely equipped, new tires,
l'hono 0T0. uprlltj
FOR SALE Ilighgriiilo Jersey heifer
C8lf, 4 mouths old. Address 'f. S. W.
,co Journal. aprlit?
Britton Clainw Championship
New Orleans, l.i., April .j Tlio
world's welterweight championship was
claimed today by Jack Iiritton follow
ing his defeat of, Ted Lewis, the lirit
ish scrapper in a l!D round bout. Kef
eree Murks awarded the Chicago boxer
the decision lifter Iiritton lias out
fought Lewis from start to finish.
The fight was fast and Lewis hid
the advantage in only one round, the
nineteenth, when Iiritton seemed tired.
Miller to Meet O'Connell
Portland, Or., April 2ii. A return
match between Walter Miller, middle
weight wrestling champion, and Eddie
O'Connell, instructor at the Multnomah
club, was scheduled today for .May 12.
They will weigh in at 14.S pounds.
O'Connell was defeated by Miller re
cently at the middleweight limit. Tlio
champion otitweight the local man ten
Changing His Lines
Eugene, Or., April In an at
tempt to retrieve his double defeat last
week at tiie hands of the University of
Washington. Coach Hezdek of Oregon
today promises some drastic changes
in his lineup if the team doesn't make
a better showing. Washington will ar
rive Friday for two return games, after
which the Oregon Aggies are scheduled
to 'jnvade Eugene.
Chuck Ward to bo Chucked
Portland, Or., April go. Chuck
Ward, Portland's shortstop, will be the
next man to draw his passports from
the McCredie corporation, lie doesn't
hit consistently enough, Walter Mc
Credie complains. McCredie is nego
tiating to get. Hill Hodgers from Cin
cinnati for second base, in which case
he will switch Captain Vaughn to short.
No Special for Golfers -
San Francisco, April !2."i. There will
be 110 special train to bring middle
western golfers from Chicago to Cali
fornia for the western golf champion
ship tournament at Del Monte in July.
This announcement was made today
when Jack Novillc, secretary of Cali
fornia Golf association declared his
association has withdrawn its offer of
a train. Tlio Western Golf association
direcjors declined the special train be
cause they feared use of it by golfers
would reprive them of their amateur
WANTED Young ninit at Koyal Caf
eteria. " apr2o
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle fully
equipped, Call lll'Jti. apr27
l''OK SALE I 3-yr. old sorijcl marc,
broke. Phone gOF;!). apr28
FOH SALE Indian motorcycle, good
condition, 20.) Hubbard bldg. apr26
LOST Auto license number 7S92,
Finder return to Journal office ap26
b'Olt RENT ! room furnished modern
bungalow, $9 per mo. 144i) Trade, tf
I'OU SALE a limited amount of very
fine long stemmed tulips. Phone 52
F14. npr26
FOR KENT Modern "t room house,
furnished, cheap. Phone lloti.L Call
,l!l.- S. 17th. npr27
FOIt SALE Home Comfort Steel
Knnge, cheap, in excellent shape 2S7
S. Winter street. mayl
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appnrtments, rates reasonable, close
in, Hit) Court. tf
MAN-iWith five passenger
I minis 'OMMill s muiii.'iiiiiu "i
otherwise, 1 none iii 0
Try Canlta! Journal Want Ads.
Yesterday's Results.
No games plated, t raveling da v.
"Walter Jehnsou Tell healthy again at
Washington and held 'the Highlanders
hobdes uhile lli.. s t.l,. L 1.....L ...1
Kshaikoy and Cullon froelt'
Noi York even brought out a liurler
named Shocker and the things he prob
ably .slid when Wasnington started in
mi hiscurtes would undoubtedly shock
er, or him either, fr that mutter.
Tlio Cincinnati H,is ttero the only
team in the whole 11ti01ml league to
lose a game yesterday.
I SI. l.uis came t rho fore in the
I third canto when Hcehor doubled and
Heck singled. Loudon hit like a fiend.
V.lsetthere among the Nationals the
song :ii: Puddles, puddles everywhere,
the skos are raining drink. Thcv sav
ith its distressful itching, may
je Bootbed at once, healed
quickly, and all its ujrly mani
festations driven away,
thanks to
the incomtiarable
(At All Druggists)
Asia 1
f V.
I -J I
VV":, W
1 . -tC-"-
iPosIam Soap
medicated with I'os
tam. is !n nu to
llioalth of Skin and Hair. Superior to
lady use; Toilet, Math, shampooing.
We are specializing on Bicycle
Repairing, have a repairman at
your service constantly..
Hauser Bros.
Near city hall. Phone 47. tf
FDR SALE Two good brooders also
seed corn. Phone 1 b 1 11. api2j
FOR SALE One No. I milch row. I11-
qniro 120G N. Hith St. Phone 207M.
FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms,
modern, 642 N. High. Inquire at rjiiO
N. High. May5
WANTK1) Teams to plow 35 or 41
acres will p.iy $2 per acre, call up
1431 or -111. tf
WANTL'D To btiv Mohair. East Sa
lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets.
Phone 210U-"M. tf
WANTED Farm wagon and loubla
harness. Must be cheap for cash.
Call 2:it W. apr2j
WE CAU SAVE you money on garden
nose, IVelson Pros. & 1'atton, plumbers
255 Chemeketa St. tf
FOTtS ALE Wat t Ship Savage bicycle,
fully equipped, 111 best of condition.
Apply 0114 Ferry St. apr25
WANTED Horse weight 1500 or 1000
not over 8 years old, Geo. Ivrcnn, Ut.
3, box 190, Salem. apr25
FOR SALE 2 milch cows, 4 heifers, 1
fresh soon, and 3 yearlings. F. R.
Stark, R, 4, box 112. apr20
WANTED 2 teams to haul wood by
the cord, short haul, must begin
right away, Phone 0U2. tf
FOR SALE 3 heifers, team of mares,
wagon, hack or will trado part for
good milk cows. Phone 8(iF5.ap'r2S
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 'teres of good potato land. Must
be cheap. Address Journal C-50. MayO
LOST Vcstpockct camera, left in car
waiting room nt Asylnm Sunday af
ternoon, Return to Journal office, re
ward. apr2li
WANTED A middlo aged housekeeper
who does not object to children, light
work. Inquire at 190 South 14th
street. tf
FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
eordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
WHITE ROCKS An egg strain of ex
hibition quality, 15 eggs by parcel
post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Route 3, Salem. tf
LACE and scrim curtains laundered
by experienced hand, also tabic lin
en and shirt waists. Phono 70-1.1,
705 N. 20th. apr25
WE WILL PAY 20c for eggs, 15c for
hens in the tent just south Cherry
City cafe, cofhet Ferry & High, Lind
ley & Ghotson. apr25
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 407 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Phones 1009.
Maurice Elinger. tf
WANTED A lady to help with house
work and care for chickens, Btate
wages desired in reply. Address A.
B. co Journal. apr25
MELWOOD Cleaning and Pressing
Parlors and dressmaking by experi
enced lady. All work guaranteed.
2590 Fair Grounds Road. Apr2S
up to date power equipment. List
your orders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Phone f"9. Densmore & Fresia. tf
WANTED May 1 for the summer a 4
to 6 room well furnished house with
yard for family of four, all respons
able. Apply Salem Fruit Union apr27
LOST Saturday evening on the Sa-lom-Macloay
road a heavy laprohe.
M. M. Magee, K. 5, Phone 81F25.
FRESH JERSEY COWfor sale ami
cream separator as good as new,
chcip. John W. Yates, H. 4, box 120
A, near Feebleminded, Salem, Ore
gon. npr27
RUG WEAVING Colonial irt square
mado from rags any size up to 9
feet wide. Work called for and de
livered, l.lti South 12th St. Phono
2419. Mayl
FOR EXCHANGE Have you any Sa
lem property or .icroage near Salem
to exchange for property nt Maker
City. See A. Kitterman with W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St ip'25
WANTED Te tins on W. 1 1. Patter
son's place south of Kola to Saul
wood, $5 per day. They will-find
the foremaa, Mr. Sischo, on the job.
Must begin work right away. tf
A $2500 LOAN Wanted on 50 tores of
cleared land within one mile of the
state house. Land all around it has
been platted for city lots. Particu
lars at Drager Fruit Co., 510 Statu
St. or phono 5ti. apr25
BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds for
porch boxes, baskets and lawns. Ge
raniums, all colors, very best. Price
very reasonable, timber Urns, green
houses, 120:11) street or phone 550.
Drive out and sec for yourself.
FINE Two aero home, at Woodbnrn,
Ore., plenty of fruit an, p berries, new
5 room house lynd bnrn. chicken
house and park, owner will 0x1 hangn
for Salem re.-idonce ropertv l'ri.-o
.V.n. W. II. G,abcil,or,t i Co..
"o Sttto St. a) r2