Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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A PESSIMIST is a fellow that
looks down at the ashes in his
pipe, instead of up at
the smoke.
'THERE is a whole
lot of cool, smooth
smoke and mighty
little ash in a pipeful of
perfect burning VEL
VET Tobacco.
Salem High School
Trims Coravllis-W. U.
Wins from Mule School
T 'i Wf,Jr--- --1 Si J
.1.; !',!' 1
" ' t' 1
Cole's Shoots Showed Lots of
Smoke Errors Made at
Critical Times
The Salem high school team won from
Corvallis high school on Willamette
iu-iu ,-aiuruay arternoon iy a scon- ot block (, Burlington addition, is sol
tl tt 1-1 ITelimiluirv uunif. In Hi..' hi- tin. i.l.ilntlff
cuiucsi ueiwcen Willamette university
and the .Mute school
A suit has been filed in the circuit
court of this county by the I'nited
States National bank of Salem agiinst
Simon Swarrs anil Viola S. Mnari, his
wife. The plaintiff alleges th.it two
promissory notes, each for $600, are
now due and owing ami the inloivsr
with the principal on one nmouiiU to
$702.77 ami on the otner $079, in n.Mi
tion to a total of $1.3N1.77 the plaintiff
seeks juilgnieut for $1.'!5 attorney's few.
A foreclosure of a mnrtirnire on lot 12.
1 1
t ' ' "'". -"fif ' ',1
i, - , ,..,: "
r ... . . .
The Scnntor.i w
the season when they met the Peniten
tiary team yesterday inside the walls
and a Jiully cuntesteil game ended 0 to
5 with the convicts on thn short end.
I'or eight innings it looked like the
pen team wool. I romp away with the
game after they piled up a three run
lead in the sith on account of Sena
torial errors but in the eighlh tin,
Senators chased four across and this
ended the scoring.
This is the first time the Senators
have been together this year and on
that account their team work was lack
ing, the convicts, however, also plnyet
individual ball anil did not displav ill
teamwork that they showed in last
vein's games. Two pitchers were use1.
by the Senators and three were used
by the pen team. Craig started the
game for Salem but was hoisted in
the second inning when three hits net
ted two runs for the House team.
Salem scored two runs in the fourth
and the score stood at two each until
the Senators' infield muffed n 'few in
field hits that should hnvo been easy
outs and three scores wore chalked up
for the pen. Ju the "eighth Devitt
crooks were straightened out for several
hits in a row mid aided by a few of
rors the. Senators rang the bell four
times and sewed up the game. Johnson
relieved Devitt on the mound and fin
ished the inning and Jin the nim
"tiravy" (iriggs doffed his mit and
mask and took charge of the pitcher's
liox. lie retired the Senators without
a hit and the game was ended. Cole
who relieved Craig had plenty of speei
and 11 good assortment of curves and
with the exception of the sixth inning
when boots behind him put. him in th
hole he had the convicts swinging wild.
He struck out 10 batters and hit one.
The score; t
AT!. It. H
Willamette had a
game scheduled with the 1'aiversitv of
Oregon but at the last moment the
Oregon faculty refused to allow tin
boys to go so far from home because
they had been naushtv and did no'
have their lessons and the .Mute school
was substituted.
The main event was chararf errzrr
the first game ofjniainly by lack of "crabbing" on T.",t
part ot the mutes, otherwise the garni
was featureless. The score keepers go
writers' cramp in chalking up run
for Willamette ami came down to pur
chase a bracing iro soda. The mnu'
filtered out also and no uccurate infor
mation on the final score can be se
cured. The Mutes' pitcher appeared te
have some class but the team behind
him 'was off color at times. KexTord
twirled for the uuivi-r-.it v team.
New laurels for eolleire education sidle- miintl l,f
nave been won in f'nnmln l,v "l.-.l" . i ..." ' i.
lii ,, V " -v ""'tii aui-i-ess anu won u. lie IS
iW. lieatty. who recent v was e Cel. ebniiii-torivn.l n .i.;...,t; ..i
. - f - ......o.LU - 1. UMIlllimilUll UI
I the youngest director and vice, etei-nul vmiih .i.,.,;r,f ;..ii..t
iresident of the Dominion's irreat maimetie riers'mvilitv n,,,l ,innn.:.!
ulroad, steamship and colonization energy." He was Lorn in a small
j stem, the "C. P. R.." at 1)8 vears. Ontario town Thni,i 6....f u:
Jilv 15 years from graduation. , bovlinod there. Now with the lei'al
i r torn a lawyer's olliee to the board airairs of tho giant railwa under liiJ
Pf the "C. P. R." in 14 years is bund, his is a strong hand, openim'
eauy s recora since ne won. a law- and shutting with a keenness and
'-r s sheepskin. His training as an farsightedness not often found in sj
uliletc made lonjj hours of work uo.i- 'young a man.
dill, c
11 uuiph rics, L'b
.loins, lb
Miekel, If
Hell, if
ICellcen, cf. ...
Adams, ss
McCnnimon, :tb
t'raig, p. ......
Seymour, c'f. ..
Downing, ,'U
I'ole, i :i
A. l'O. K.
2 l.'i 2
2 2 II
0 7 1
0 10
1 0 0
0 II 0
l.rass V illey, Cal., April 21.- That i
l :IMI to clear off the Kpisropal church
delil has been raised through prayer
was the statement today of Rev. pert
PoMter. The sum of if'lilli) was needed
but double that amount was received)
in small iloualioiis.
Iff L0CKW00D
216 N. Coiiiiiierclnl St.
I.cbauoi, April 21. The ,eba-
no'i Soilaville inohair pool was sold heie
Sai iiil: v I'm -is :;s eenls a pound.
This is tlie i.ighest price ever paid m
iee uonnv,st lor moliair wool anil ex
cool-, last .-eisous hiiihest sale bv 1."
cents The pool consisted of 1 7,000
pounds. The purchasers were Win.
I'o.inn an I Sen of Salem, Or.
Members of Marine Corns
j Are Skilled Riflemen
j Washington, 1). ('., April 21. More
; t li it it fil'ty percent of the members of
jthe 1'iiited States .Marino Corps nre
skilled riflemen, nccoriling to a table
'just compiled.
I In tin- little corps of fl,21 men, there
:are iiS.J expert riflement, 2,-KtS sharp
I shooters, and 1.I1H2 marksmen.
! The M n ine Corps lias excellent facil-
. ities lor small arms target practice and
(every effort is mnde to qualify the
! new recruit soon nfter his entry into
jthe service as a "dead-shot sea soldier."
l.'i.!, I. 'all, dr., April 2-1. An old
Spaai-'i coin was plowed up this week
on the larm i.i' l.ott D, Itrown, located
near Dull is, by Paul Mono.
'file dal. is 17-0 nnd the obverse
side bears the inseiiption, "I'lirolns
III, i'ei f'-alia. 17--0." in addition to a
bust of (inch'. The reverse of the
coin bears a peculiar coat of arms nul
this inscription. "Ilispnn et hid lies,
2K P. A." It is presumed that the
coin v,as i.-nde i,i the reign of Charles
III, b'ing ot Spain, who died in 17SS,
i ml dated rhi ltd.
44ttf -(
Select Your Clothes from
a Pure All Wool Stock
$15.00 $20.00 $25.00
$20.00 $25.00 $30.00
Arc all Kivcn the acid test and must show 100 per
cent wool before they are made up into clothes. .We
use only goods of standard dyes and guarantee all
It will lie of interest to you to see the New
"Cornell" and "Varsity 5.V models for this season.
i & y
; m tm m)
X 'v-.
Woolen Mills
Just Wright
$4.50 and $5
4 .J
!: !
Jrarriage licenses were issued s.itar
day at the office of the county cler; te
Cecil ('. McDonald, a 'farmer of Maiitou.
Wash., and Vere Viola Zosel, of 2 1 1 1
Mission street, Salem. K. Clair !,'oi 1
a Salem electrician, and Pearle Zinr, of
Salem, also secured a matrimonial pc
niit. The supreme court today granted At
torney Karl C. lironaagh 10 days addi
tional time to answer the affidavits
that were filed in the supreme court in
addition to Judge dalloway's answer to
the mandamus proceedings that were
brought to compel him to set a date to
hear the foreclosure suit against Fannie
K. Hubbard. Judge Calloway has stead
fastly refused to set a date to hear
the foreclosure suit on the grounds that
the building in question will pay out if
1,'iven a little additional time but if
closed out at present will sweep out the
entire holdings of Mrs. Hubbard. The
plaintiffs in the action then brought
mandamus proceedings to compel the
judtfe to set a date or show cause why
he did not. The judge appeared throush
his attorneys McSaty & McNary in the
supreme court this morning to make
answer and to show cause, but the
plaintiffs asked for an extension of
time to answer Mrs. Hubbard's ar
fidavits. Mrs. Hubbard alleges in her
affidavits that she was overcharged in
numerous instances in the handling of
the estate and construction of the Hub
bard building and she has asked for a
final accounting in the matter. She
filed a motion to he allowed to file an
amended answer in the matter and the
court set April 2!l as the date for hear
ing the arguments in the matter.
A decree was handed down by Judge
Calloway today in the suit of E.' M.
Croisaa against C. W. Pass and Villa l'
Pass awarding the plaintiff a judg
ment in the sum of '.i7 with $100 at
torneys fees against the defendants and
ordering a foreclosure of the mortgage
on lots 7 and N. Homestead Acres.
J Watching the Scoreboard
moved the Oaks fells apart uii at once
like the well known one boss s..iy and
there was nothing for the Tigers, to do
hut pick up the pieces.
Tacific Co?.st League Sl.miKgi;;
I, os Angeles 1 1
Ouklanil n
Vernon 1 1
San Francbco 10
Salt Lake 7
Portland 7
j Don Under cf Vernon, started Onl;
:lcad on the downward ath by stealing
Yesterday's Results.
At Port la ml Salt Lake, I; Port
land, 3.
At San iranciscc; Vernon.
in ml, s-'.
At Los Angeles San Francisco, ?
Los Angeles, l-il.
Portland may have the edge on Salt
Lake but the Heavers couldn't heal
Bunny Hrio'f in the Sunday sessio'i. He
visited the plate four times and hit
snfely thrice, giving the Pees a win
ning bunch of runs.
George MeConnidl of fhe Cubs broke
them so snippily around the rubber
that the Pirates were held to cn? 1,'t,
,.)(;; ! a double by Viox anil C.hicago took the
tirst game ot the series three to :,i-vo.
( lncinnati kept things tied i p for 12
verses, then St. Louis took advantage
of droll's inisplay and won.
Orady was among those presej-J in the
cloutiest St. Louis game. HijRrdiic!--ed
two home runs, another long swat
and made 'four of the Clevanders', J I
In the ninth Cleveland's sluggers hit
Craudall five times in a row for fan-
runs, ami vet we go ahroad to look lor I
The monthly meeting of the Salem
Floral Society will be held tins even
ing at H o'eiock in the auditorium or
the Commercial club. Short addresses
and musicnl numbers will be included
in the program. The proposition of
clean-up week will ilso be taken up by
the society an.l a date set when all
will be urged to do their share in mak
ing Salem the city beautiful.
Permission to use films showing the
workings of the P. S. postoffice has
been given the Rev. .lames Klvin of
the First Congregational church. Tiiese
films are owned bv the government
and are sent out And shown only by
special permission. They are the only
films of the kind owned by the gov
ernment and are the first to be shown
in this city. A special invitation will
be given to the employes of the Sa
lem postoffice to attend in a body
nihoa they are exhibited at the church
on the evening of Mav 7.
Kate par word New Today:
Each insertion, per word 1
One week (8 insertions), per woria
Dae month (20 insertions), per word 17a
All ads must be ordered for stated
length of time, no ad to count leu tnaa
10 words.
Tba Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible Tar more than one insertion
(or errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Bead your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum ehirge, 13e.
PHONE 937 For Wood sal.
HARRY Windowcleaner.
Phone 768.
491 N. Cottige. tf
WANTK1) Five passenger l'"ord body.
11-20 e Capital Journal. ayr24
FOR BKNT SIGN'S For sale it C'ap"
ital Journal office. tf
Near city hall. Phone 47. tf
FOR SALK Two good brooders also
seed corn. Phone 7I1F11. apr2j
WANTED 4 young fresh milch cows,
address Rt 5, Pox 180, Phone 981. tf
WANTED Wood cutters to cut whita
fir wood, $1.50 per cord. Phone 692.
MAX WANTF.I) For general farm
work, Phone tiFll, apr24
WANTED To buy. baled oats, c h eii t
or vetch hay. Phone M l It. apr24
FOK SA LK II ighurade Jerscv heifer
calf, 4 mouths old. Address T. S. W.
.co Journal. apr2(r
San Francisco saved up all its st.-ain
for a garrison finish that licked th'
Angels twice and gave WolverTra's
crew the series. Joe Corbet t win tin
enigma to Los Angeles in the morning
and in the afternoon Bnuui and Moon
stopped the Angelic msn.
OaklaniUand Vernon shared Honors it,
the Faster, double header. Rowdy l-.l-liott
was banished from the field by
t'mpire Held in the afternoon for adopt
iiiK a belligerent pose.
With their holliru-.-e
chieLiihi rr-
National Leaguo
W. T
Philadelphia (i 1
St. Louis .1 4
Cincinnati 5 5
Pittsburg o "i
Itoston tl II
Chicago 4 .1
.V.rooklyii 2 tl
New York I ."
American League
New fork ." 2
Poston ..: (i t
St. Louis 4
Chicago (i ii
Detroit 5 5
Washington 4 5
Cleveland 3 5
Philadelphia 2 6
.4 44
WANTED Tennis to plow t!5
acres will p.iv 2 ier acre, i
WANTED (iood work horse, not over
10 years old must bo cheap. Phono
76P12. 8pr24
FURNISHED house for rent, 7oom,
modern, 642 N. High. Inquire at 660
N. High. May5
FOR SALE 191 .'I Twin Indian molor
c.ycle, completely equipped, new tires.
Phono 670. apr2u"
LOST cravenette overcoat on State
between 24th and High St, Please
notify S6F22. apr24
WANTED 2 teams to haul wood bv
the cord, short haul, must begin
right away, Phone 002. tf
FOK RUNT Housekeeping rooms well
furnished on first floor, at reason
able rates, 14tl Court St. apr24
WE WILL PA V 20c for eggs. 15c for
hens in the tent just south Cherry
City cafe, corner Ferry & llijjh, land
ley & (ihotson. npr25
FOUR ROOM House and one acre of
land, this is a good bay .it $1200,
terms. See A. Kitterman, with W.
H. liralieuhor.it & Co., 275 State St.
" .IT
It r,
r& 'XT-,- - P. A ,0,1
m vi ixc r?P' 1!7' " e-
wM 3 ft- . Mi r4' t
VW-' Ik V . I i'i VV
I A- y x ' 4; -:i,j
l' U Mil '
p - ' V
vmNh Al All wvrit 44
Thn'uighout the world, save
war has interdicted normal activities,
the memory of William sihakespeare was
especially honored this year on April
2tt and sulrseipieiit dates. Three hun
dred years ago. en April 2:!. lOli". Wil
liam Shakespeare died at his heme in
where ' Stratford on-Avon, at the close of his
52d year. He was famous in his life
time, and the years that have elapsed
since his death have placed him on
the pedestal of the greatest writer of all
time. To lienor fitly his memory, public
p:igcaat. festival, musical recitaU,
representations of his work, meetings,
readings, assemblages of school chil
dren, etc., have been arranged. Our
pictures are a reproduction of a portrait
believed authentic of Shakespeare and
some of the characters in a "Miakes
pearan floral masque" in Netv York
IS-ROOM HOUSE 7011 N. High St. for
sale at your price, mako an offer,
owner on ground. apr24
FOR S A L E Wa 1 1 Ship Savage bicycle,
fully equipped, in best of. condition.
Apply 634 Ferry St. apr25
WE CAU SAVE you money on garden
hose, Nelson Pros. & Patton, plumbers
255 Chcmckcta St. tf
WANTED To buy Mohair. East Sa
lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets.
Phone 2160-M. tf
WANTED Horse weight 1500 or 1600
not over 8 years old Geo. K re nil, Ht.
3, box 190, Salem. apr2.1
Ft) It SALE 2 milch cows, 4 heifers, I
fresh soon, .mil tl yearlings. F. Ft.
Stark, R, 4, box 112. apr2l
WANTED 6 men to cut while fir logs
up into wood .iiere at Salem, must
begin Monday. Phone 692. tf
FOR SALE ,'l heifers, team of mares,
wagon, hack or will trade part for
good milk cows. Phoae 86F5.apr2U
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 teres of good potato land. Must
be cheap. Address Journal C-S0. Maytj
LOST Vestpocket camera, left in car
waiting room at Asylum .Sunday af
ternoon, Return to Journal office, re
ward. apr2(j
FOR RENT A modern 5 roomed and a
7-roomed residence for $5 per month.
John II. Scott, over the Chicago
Store. ipr24
WANTED A middle aged housekeeper
who floes not object to children, light
work. Inquire at 190 South 14th
Btrcet. tf
WANTED Woman to do washing at
house, answer giving wages desired
and Phone number. J. W. eo. Capital
FOR SALE 3 V4 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier waion,
cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
WHITE ROCKS An egg stnin of ex
hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel
post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Route 3, Salem. tf
LACE and scrim curtains laundered
by experienced band, also table lin
en and shirt waists. Phone 764.1,
705 N. 20th. ' aprL'5
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 467 State street. In
quire at 4G3 State. Phone 1009.
Maurice Klinger. tf
WANTED A lady to help with house
work and care for chickens, state
wages desired in reply. Address A.
B. co Journal. npr25
CHOICE ROSES Shrubs and all kinds
of fruit trees, cheap, to clean out
stock. Jones' nursery, rear of the
armory. Thono 413. Aur24
MELWOOD Cleaning and Pressing
Parlors and dressmaking by experi
enced lady. All work guaranteed.
2590 Fair Grounds Road. Apr25
np to date power equipment. List
your orders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Phone F29. Densmore Frcsia. tf
WANTED May 1 for the summer a 4
to 6 room well furnished house with
yifrd for family of four, all respons
able. Apply Salem Fruit Union apr27
A $2500 LOAN Wanted on 50 icres of
cleared land within one mile of the
state house. Land all around it ba
bcen platted tor city lots. Particu
lars at Dinger Fruit Co., 540 Statu
St. or phono 56. apr25
FIVE ROOM Bungalow, two acres of
fine land, fruit and beries. Close in.
Price $1600. See Ed. Canntsev, with
W. II. Urahenhorst .t Cn "7". sn.,i..
fll-" Two acre home, at Wnodburn.
Ore., plenty of fruit and berries, new
5 room house and bam. chicken
house jnd park, owner will exchange
for Salem residence propertv. I'riee
tt.-OOO. W. H. (trnbenhorst & Co.
275 State St. B,,r21