Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1916, Image 1

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o ft
mm? ,
Americans Arriving at Chi-
' huahua Today Confirm
! This Story
Latter Story Unconfirmed
More Infantry Sent Across
the Border -
' By E. T. Coukle.
1 I'nited Press staff correspondent N
Kl Paso, Texas, April 24. While 'ho
careNs of Pnbloa Lopez and Manuel
Baca, Yillista leaders, were reported
ended today, renewed activity liy Cami
td Reyes, outlaw goireral, was seen In
an attack on a Mexican Central tr-iin
and the reported killing of 24 passen
gers. The bandits' shots were said to
have -.diiin four and the final wro-iing
of the train killed 2(1 more, sccor.tfi.a
to advices received here. Thi w.n rte
flared to have happened between Tor
icon and Jimincz.
Constitutionalists at Chihuahua Ohv
to, lay gnvo Lopez the "third degree"
to make him tell Villa's whereabouts.
Hi-curding to Consul Garvia. V
American arrivals from Chiliii ih,i:i
confirmed the report that PahMo I.oj c.
Villa lieutenant, had been captured.
They said ho was -mmded in but!
thighs and that they had seen him be
ing carried on a litter. His life wiM b
spared if he gives information leading
to V ilia 's capture.
Citizens or American troops, nec-nd
ing to ilittering reports, repulsed an at
tack on Santa Tomas, killing Baca. Hot)
Lopez nnd Baca have been repeatedly
riniiored slain, and Americans Me
awaiting . confirmation of this lntcsr
story, (iarcia has asked that Baca l.i
Kent to Juarez.
General Pershing is aware of Fran.
v i.-i-o ma s approximate location, ac
cording to Columbus advices. But he
will not resume the pursuit until his
lines of communication have been rem
'forced. Pershing is ulso wntchi.iT the
'urranzista concentration at Chihuahua
in view of the request for a withdrawal
t' I'nited States forces nnd the hosli
iry of the populace?
iinultaiieously with reports from
i.enerai i-unsion yesterday that an in
mediate withdrawal was not planned, a
column ot infantry a mile long ma'-che 1
from Columbus. It was the second de
tachment ot the reinforcement-,) which
' are being sent into Mexico.
The unofficial view of the border .sit
uafion is that the American expediiion
wii; continue lo mark time until Cat
r.-wiza overcomes the admittedly critical
conditions which are facing him. A-iev
m.-u are frankly opposed to a fu-il.er
advance which might increase C.irrni.
za's difficulties, yet they hesitate tj
withdraw and leave Mexico to th
mercy of the anarchy which it is ex
jic-led would follow s"uch a withdraw-!'.
Washington. April 2 J. Secretary of
Wir Baker today was directed by a
somite motion introduced bv Senator
M nmberlain to submit detailed infor
mation .concerning the strength of mil
itary posts in Oregon and Washington,
including .imminent, men, equipment
-i. ,1 iv... ,.t-,rti,
v .
..VY., 4,' m
" "V f . n
1" V;:
newest wavs o' trvin ' t'
One o' th1
npitear deeit
Till lit
Ill' thl.tlglltful is t' loiiklll.ll .,. I'lMil in t,-i ..'.i
ai'nv oft' in th' distance an' sav, half
regretfully. "Well, it begins :"' lnol;
hi e we'd have t' take .Mexico.''
What's become o' til' girt whe used
t ' -l-'v nt It. .no. I,..-.n:s,. sde didn't have
bully a thing t ' wear f
The Dream Proved Real
and the Boy Is Dead!
San P.erdardino, Cal., April 24.
Dreaming he was practicing with a re
volver, Horace Marlenee, aged 14, shot
himself through the head early today.
This is the theory tins boy's parents
Yesterday he had been practicing
dth a revolver and put it under his
illow when he retired List night. Karly
day a shot awakened the boy's fatii
1 and mother, Dr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Mar
When they, investigated they
their son dead. His hand
died the pistol, which was still
r the pillow. The bullet had
?d through a portion of the pillow
,.-e striking the lad.
Young Boy, Wearing Mask,
Shoots and Kills Old Man
on the Docks
rseaiuo, nusu., aprii -i.-inc bo.
in knickerbockers who Sunday even-
big, hell up and fatally shot Frank
Healer, an aged mill.nan. near 2!37
Itith avenue, S. , is being sought
today in Youngstown, a Seattle suburb from lor ow buttle fronts to cause aay
Healer died at the city hospital at material change in the military sitna
3:30 o'clock this morning of a gun- tion in France. But even a small body
shot wound, inflicted bv the lad. of contributed to France must
r , ' ., 1 exert a powerful moral influence in
Dr. John Henderson read of the tirent H,itlllll at a time wllcn the Br.
shooting in the morning paper and then tish ministry is threatening to break
telephoned the police their first di- up over the question of impressing more
red clew to the murderer. I men for the French front.
,, , ... . ,,. Since the beginning of the eidti.:
Henderson was dnving out Watcom offensive t,R Bitish ave nilsishH,
avenue in his autoinolule about 8:10 French bv taking over the western front
p. in. Sunday, he said, when he was from Ar,:na fo , somme.' This has re
a.-costet by a boy about 14 yeais old 1(1,lspJ ,)r),ai,y no,(IOO French troops
who asked him for a rule. ;.f()r 01)0nltiolls at v,rnun, But there has
Henderson said he judged, from the ),,,. I10 nctive aid extended to the
boy's manner of speech, that he was French by the British so far as known,
weak minded. The youngster mumbled The reason for this probably H that the
something about a gun that he had ,,ri.fl(M1t number of trained" British sol
sold to a man for a dollar, the doctor ,ii(lra un(or al.ma ,iol.s not permit an
said. 1U also said something about x extension of the British front bevon.
mask, lie told the doctor his father its ,,rcal,t length. To eontribute'stil
worked in the steel null at oungs- ful.thcr to ti,e nilio military strength
Tr , , , 1 in the western area, Oreat Britain must
Dr. Henderson nsserts the bov urg- .,,. .. , ti. nf the
...I I.:... ii .: i i. ,
lie saitl lie
was afraid of the police.
4. ()..! .. v 11' ....1 D 1
l ..nu ueiiue . una o uoivaue
avenue the bov got out of the machine
o'f'vJungstown!110 h-i" direotion!
Victim TbIIo of Tt.
Seattle, Wash., April 24. Police and
detectives are still senrchinu- tnd-iv for
tho H-yenr old bov who tied a hand-
kerchief over his face and then mur-
dered Frank liealer, aged ,rS, on the
waterfront here Sunday evening. "
The lad escaped, after talking to
neighbors (it ins victim and has baf
fled officers who have searched for
him during the last 14 hours.
liealer, who was shot near the heart,
.lieu at the city Hospital at o clock
u ",or","' t e , . , f v
lie made oriel statements before he
died that, have added to the mystery
of the crime.
Th lad, liealer told the police, wore
short trousers, nnd the handkershief,
or white rag covered the lower part
of his face.
'" I was walkim' along the nlank road
way, " liealer told the officers, ' ' on
bread, when tiie boy shot, lie was
about 70 feet away. As 1 fell he walk
ed toward me, nnd when I yelled ne
look off his mask and said: 'Shut up
and don't make so much noise.' Then
he ran a way."
liealer said that the bov made no ef-
fort to search him, but insisted that he
had a $J0 gold piece and some change
in ins pocket when lie was shot.
There was no g.ild piece in his pock
ets when the police searched his cloth
ing at the city hospital.
Washington, April 24. Strong bands
of Felix Diaz supporteis are concen
trated in the mountainous district of
Mexico oposite the Texas border, ac
cording to information received today
y the department of justice.
TOTAL OF 14,743
A total of H.7.V1 voters have been
registered in Marion county for the gain oi'2lv while the democrats show
pii'iiary election May 111 according to i loss of 1iS in two years. Since Ore
'he fiiui coinpiit-ilion of I'ounty clerk ;r,in is now a dry state the prohibition
Gchlhar nhidi was given out today. ' ists have turio-d their nttenfion to
Of this number X'.C'.'i were men and ' oilier issues nnd i'- out'of 1010 do
V2S were women. According to par- s rtcd the ranks. Tiie progressives also
tics lu.",r,r ure republicans, .".o7! are appear to be losing strength and only
deipoeriiN, UK are pioejes.-ives. 47-1 are ll'out (if 221 in Hill adhered to Ted
pi.'liildtioiiists, -'s are socialists and dv's principles. The socialists rcgis
:il7 of miscellaneous extraction. tcred 272 in l!tl 1 nnd 24S in I'.Hil and
The registration for the primaries in
tlii-t timelier .V:v, uer.t pet, lit, 1 i,.,, ,,4
.1 'i, were i eniocrats I 10 nurp t.nt-
7. . . " . r-"
.iil.itioinsts, L,L socialists and 221 were
progressives, t.lil registered from mis -
.,,..,.,..,.- ...,,-i-
i re rceiri i a ion lor linn year snows
a toiul gain ot Uj2 over the registru-
No Active Aid Extended
French In Two Months'
Battle at Verdun
(French Made Slight Gains
During Night Both Sides
Take a Rest
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Prr-ss.)
TVew- York. A nri 1 24. The landing of
Russian troops in Franco to participAti'
in the fighting along tho western front
is probably an effort to support the
out ami out conseripiiouis.s in i-..,g
liiissin cannot snare n sufficient fo'ce
iav- u.v... ..lr-;
,0.;a :,. Vr..n..n nnmlinnlCM the it i "
ficulties the British government is ex-
. . i..,rt.,:,. .... .iUi,,.nj
l'-'l''"-'B "''i""B i'
Trench Made Small Gains.
1 aris, April z. rrencu iruupi mmic
slight progress around Verdun by hurl-
mg hand granaries during the night, r
was officially announced today. Thirty
Hermans were captured northwest of
Cnurette wood. A violent bumtmninient
occurred in the region of Dead Man's
hill, but there was no important infaa-
try fighting near erdun
French Attack Repulsed.
Berlin, April 24. A French attack
east o( fnii 'b hill, wns repulsed
during the night, official announce
1 ' 8Uid to,1iiy- '
I SBnglnnd Stands Pat.
I Washington, April 24. Ambassador
.Sir Cecil Springliice of Cfreut Britnir
today delivered his government's reply
I to the American protest against an il
'legal British bglockade of the central
' '0"e"'
It is understood the reply re
fuses to acknowledge the justice of th
American demands and cites civil wai
precedents for the blockade.
Drive British Out.
London, April 21. Three thousam'
hostile troops forced the British t
, evacuate (Juutin, Egypt, yesterday, il
-as officially announced today.
The British repulsed a simultaneous
attack on Dueidar, said the war of
fice. Both the places mentioned are vil
This announcement: indicates tlr
large groups of tribesmen are again
campaigning against the British i
Aeroplane Visits Dover.
London, April 24. A German aero
plane flew over Dover at 11:15 a. in.
today, it was officially announced
. timi of BUI. The republicans show a
the (ill! independents have dwindled to
-I 1 " 1,IU .......
' Tl... I ........
i,-.,,,p. .. iim p,...n-. -.'. .v...
'' k " i""i" i e. .
r.-tary of state's office, is 217,77!, of
; which 1 III.OOO are republicans, 5-1,251
i:m- oemocrais. inn arc progressives,
- I p
I!ld0 nre so-
i.u arc prolnuitionists,
cialitts and C'123 are mis
I 1
if t
Omaha, N'eb., April 24. With
three-fourths qf the state presi
dential preference vote counted
today Senator A. B. Cummins
was still ahead of Henry Ford
in the republican division,' knv
ing 23,423 votes to the automo
bile manufacturer's 22,5:'.t(. The
result will not be known until
the official count is tabulated.
Refuses to Discharge Chief
Deputy Upon Recommenda
tion of Lewis
The state highway advisory board to
day decided to retain the services id
Chief Deputy F. I. Cantine at his reg
ular salary of 3.000 per year. StaU
Kngineer John H. Lewis reeommeuded
the discharge of Cantine since he had
no further work for his chief deputy
but the board voted to keep him on
the payroll and Mr. Lewis will be
obliged to skirmish about until he finds
something for Cantine to do.
This is the last step in the long con
troversy that started over a year ago.
shortly after the session of the legis
lnture. The legislature passed a law
abolishing the office of state highway
engineer and gave the work to the state
engineer. Mr. Lewis attempted to hike
charge and the board nbolished Henry
L. Bowlby and put F, I. Cantine in
charge of the highway department.
Then Cantine said he would take his
orders from the board alone and tbci.
a suit was brought in the supreme
court to establish the answer to the
question as to who was who in the eng
ineering department of the -state. The
supreme court decided that the legis
lators knew what they were doing: when
they consolidated commission and
held that Lewis was head ot the high
way department. Lewis used Cantine
until the work then pending was com
pleted and recommended the dismiss-ii
of Cantine in the interests of economy
since he had no further work for a
$3,000 man.
Today the board decided that Cantine
should be kept regardless of Lewis'
recommendation of dismissal and Can
tine remains on the state payroll.
Land batteries, said the statement,
drove away the flyer before he con.
drop bombs.
Pi. H. K.
... 5 1.1 2
... 2 8 0
St. Louis
Meadows and Snvder:
Schu'. and
Clark. Davenport replacill Meadows
Williums replaced Davenport. Gon
zales replaced Snyder.
All other National games postponed
on account of rain.
R. H. F.
New York 2 " 2
Washington S !) I
Shaw key and Nuiiamaker; dohnsoii
and Aiiisiuith. Cullop replaced Shaw
key. Shocker replaced Cullop; Wallers
replaced .Nunainaker.
TJ. H.
4 X
.... l H
Crowell i,
Leonard and Carrigan
H. IL K.
Cleveland .'ill 1
St. Louis 4 0 2
Loulermilk and O'Neill; Groom and
Hartley. Bagbv replaced Loudciuiilk.
1!. IL K.
Chicago 2 H 1
Detroit 4 Ij 1
j Scolt and Schalk; ( ovaleski and
I Stallage. Williams replaced Scott.
I Wmhiugton, April 21. Five million
dolhus cii'di will be given to the Co
hiiiibin. Snake, Sacramento. San Joa
quin and other rivers of the great in
i hud basin and southern I ali I'orui i as
;thev arc auiniig the projects receiving
i $iio.ixiii,iiui in t Ii ' administration 's na
itional waterway.! commission bill. As
introduced, it proposes a permanent and
comprehensive plan of river and flood
appropri itiuns icstead of the present
so-called "pork barrel".
Murray Wade, the well known fish
erman and cartoonist, caught n l l-iin-h
Dolly Yardcn trout in North -Mill creek
yesterday. This is the l'iist Dolly Var
ilea th it has ever been euuiiht in North
Mill creek. The Dolly Vaiileu trout
makes its home in the headwaters of
the McKenzie river and for vears fish-
I t . i e . . i . . i .i
jermeii oae ot'cn ooncti 10 iihimii incsc
,,,,, to nit,h this-game trout. Of
1 ,,., however, a few pio -r-Dolly Yar-
t ueilS HUM? iiineic.i mtii Hie ii inti.M-
,.It(, river and mule their way up the
1 .mailer creeks iu the lower valley.
j,.,,, i,ave traveled down the Vt ilium
Bitterest Opponents to Change
of Policy look On It
More Favorably
Situation More Hopeful and
May Be Settled Without
Diplomatic Rupture
Berlin, April 24. Emerging from
05 minute conference with Imperial
Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg, Am
bassador (iernrd was besieged by
crowds of German and American corres
pondents today. He refused to discuts
the conference.
"Are you preparing to leave Ber
lin?" ono German nowspaper nrm
"I can say nothing," replied Gerard
"It will be impossible for me to speak
for perhaps two or three days."
Gerard carried no papers. This led to
an inference that he had not yet re
ceived the German reply. He immedi
ately went back to the American em
bassy and began writing a confident iul
cablegram to President Wilson. As fust
as he finished a -sheet it was coded and
prepared for the cable.
Americans are constantly calling at
the embassy asking for passports. Many
are leaving, believing that a brea:c be
tween tho United States nnd Germain
is -imminent.
Many Americans are sending their
families to Copenhagen to await the
outcome of the crisis. A large number
appealed to the embassy for fundi ai:d
advice. President Wolf of the Amer
ican chamber of commerce railed a
meeting for Tuesday to decide what
course should be followed in the event
of a diplomatic rupture.
Situation Brightens.
Bq Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, April 24. President Wilsi.i
may know within a day what reply Gcr
many will make to his submarine de
Ambassador Gerard seat a long mis
sage last night following a conference
with Secretnry on Criimm of the t;oi
eigti office nnd Dr. Heeksher of the
foreign relatio mioemmittee of til1
reichstag. It should reach Washington
today. Its contents are secret, but it
was freely rumored the message at loi.st
outlines Germany's reply.
Imperial Chancellor Yon Bcthinanu
Hoilweg returned from the kaiser's
headquarters at the front Sunday, bir
he has held no conference so 'far with
officinls. He has given no intimation
of the result of liis talk with the em
peror. But there was a general feeling
among officinls that the situation was
hopeful and a solution of it pr.ssiblc
without a break.
Neither Foreign Sen . .. Jn
gow, Von Holtzendorff nor Under See
rotary of Foreign Affairs Zimmerman
were present nt the nendipiarters con
ference. Apparently the kaiser, Chan
cellor Hoilweg and 'Chief of Staff Von
Valkenhave made the decision. Gorerd's
early return coupled with newspaper
statements favoring a peaceful settle
ment were interpreted as meaning that
Germany had found a way to meet the
demands without suffering a loss of
Many who previously favored tin un
yielding submarine-policy now thin'c
that if Germany yields President Wil
son must net sharply to round up Lir;
land for violations of inteniatiou:.l
Ambassador Gerard conferred wi.h
Imperial Chancellor Voa B. thma.ia
llollweg this morning.
Maximillian Tardea in a remarkable
article in his weekly upheld Preside?;;
Wilson's stand both with regard to mu
nitions shipments and the submarine
campaign. He taiiiuoil Wilson's Gi.
man critics with the reminder that Ger
many in modern wars, though neut.al.
had supplied munitions to the hid"
which hud the most money to buy tiiein.
The Lokal Aneiger by n special i r
langemcnt with the I'nited Press re
printed the exclusive Interview wilh
Admiral Von Holtzendorff,
Will Go Par to Meet Dom,n:d.
By Robert J. Beimer.
(United Press staff correspondent.
Washington, April 21. Official in
formation today indicates that Gorman
officinls do not want a break with the
1'nited States. But they nre in a ipian
diiry as to how -simultaneously to nieel
the American submarine demands and
the popular German desire for continu
ance of the undersea warfare at this
The United Press learned tho,o fa.!,
today from a high official. Aihiiv
from Berlin describc.i the situation '.s
similar to that indicated by the I'nit-d
Press interview with Admiral Von II-ili
zendorff, who said Germany could no',
make further couccf.doiis to. Ainciiin
but positively did not want a didj-
Easter Creations Were
la Evidence Everywhere
Portland, Or., April 24. Bright sun
shine greeted Portland easter morning
and thousands took advantage of the
good weather to display the latest cre
ations in millinery and gowns.
During tho morning all churc'u ser
vices had large attendances, hundreds
of new automobiles, new or bristling
with new varnish, carrying the wor
shippers to the different churches, but
many women with cars at their com
mand preferring to walk and show the
latest from New York, if not from
I'aria. In the afternoon mea discarded
silk hats and went to the ball game,
but milady made the most of the day
and went for a stroll to see and be
Narrowly Avoided Clash With
Carranzistas Was Near
Villa Once
By H. D. Jacobs,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Xamiquipa, Max., by wireiess to Col
umbus, N. M., April 24. Major How
z.e's Eleventh cavalry detchinent ar
rived here today after 30 days of cam
paigning. They brought the first ink
ling of the fact that a clash with Car
ranzistas under General ('arias had
bcon narrowly averted at San Borja.
The garrison was drawn up for a chargo
and the Americans were formed to ro
pe them when Major Howze rode be
tween the lines, waving his hat. The
expeditions mission was explained and
trouble avoided, Howze withdrawing
his troops. This occurred ten days ago.
Howze at one time was only 38 hours
behind Francisco Villa. He found an
abandoned cart, supposedly Villa's lit
ter. It contained a number of bloody
bandages. The column heard contradic
tory stories that Villa was only slight
ly wounded in the calf of the leg nnd
that ho had been jseri iiisly wounded in
the head. Howze believes that Villa is
still in Chihuahua state.
Howzc's detachment is in rags. They
claimed they went 20 miles farther
south than any of the other detach
ments. Stock Market Recovers
Prices All Advance
New York, April-24. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
Tho markets uctions went fir toward
confirming the hcVref that Saturday's
liquidation originated in n bear raid.
Professionals oversold the market and
sharp recovery was apparent in initial
tradings. First prices ranged ono to
tnree points higher. Munitions and
indiist-ial specialties made the greatest
gains. Some further liquidation wns
occasioned by the failure ot specula
tors to respond to margin culls but
pools and cliques took up the offerings.
A more hopetul German anil Mcxicun
sentiment had in influence on short
coverings. The activity was large but
the bulk of the business was confined
to a comparatively few issues. Steel,
war stocks and specialties were con
Beatrice, Neb., April 21. A com
puny of malitia is in control of the
riot, situation here today. I lie Greek
railroad laborers quarters is being pn-
trollcd by sentries follow-in:; the
"shooting up" of the town last night
1,' liquor-maddened men. .No casual
ties have been reported.
mntic break.
Indications today arc that the tenor
of (lermuny's forthcoming reply to th-
American submarine note is known. A
mes:mge from A mbass.-iilor (leiard re
ceived during the night is believed to
nave conveycil it. Whether this incssug.i
supports the unofficial report that it is
likely (ieruiany will concede i'resi
dent Wilson's demands is not known.
Tin? kaiser's nnswel' itself is expected
this week. It is though possible liuit
(ierard may have forwarded (iernniiiy 's
tentative proposals -.-coking light ns to
how they would be received if eiiibodie.l
in u formal conimiinicati'in,
(Ierard will be advised to reject any
thing short of compliance with the Am
ericun demand that the submarining
of merchantmen cca--c until new ni't!i
oils for coinluctiiii; sm-h a warfare are
devised and ratified by the Ciii!"l
States. The significance of I'rceden'
Wilson's suggeat ion that submarines
neutrally cannot meet the reipiirenien's
of cruiser warfare is not lessened, tie'
ninny must understand that unless i'
demonstrates its ability to operate sub
murines legally ngniu.-l shipping, sin.li
operations inii-t cense entirely.
Authorities here think flennnny w;ll
find a way to lunke the concessions.
There had been no report from in
bassador (Ierard aw to ivlo'ii the (lermni:
reply may be expected. The authorities
promised it "as curly ns possible."
It was adniiltcd thM it would be verv
difficult to frame an answer sntsifac
tory to both America and the German
l'resident Wilson notified Senator
Stone to confer with I'. im 'Tl devoir;
meats in the (leinit.ii ritual Ion Wednes
day evening.
MEET 01 in
May Agree On Plan Iinitintj
Sphere of American 1
Military Activities
Administration Not Willing to
Stop Pursuit at Carraaza's
By Carl D. Groat
(lTniM Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, April 21. The question
of withdrawing American forces from
Mexico is far from settled toduy. That
announcement that the Americans will
be redistributed for the purpose of re
cuperation, pending an opportunity for
further cooperation with vie facto gov
ernment troops, means that the expe
dition widd remain south of tho border
longer than army men believed.
Withdrawal questions apparently rest
u)on the negotiations between Secreta
ry Lansing and Ambassador Arreden.lo,
which are likely to begin soon, 'fan
administration is not disposed to order
a retirement solely ou Currauza's sug
gestion. Tho redistribution of American
forces is interpreted to mean that while
the administration wishes to avoid an
othor l'urral incident, it likewise de
sires to bo ready to meet any activo
Ambassador Arrcdendo has been
granted an interview with Secretary
Lansing at four p. in. today.
The redistribution of United Rtntes
troops at present contemplated consists
largely of recalling scattered bodies
from the arid, pasturclcss and foodlrss
regions of Mexico.
Mexican Snipers Busy
v. Columbus, N. M., April 21. Mexican
officials are reported to he held as
hostages in American ramps in Mex
ico today to stop sniping by Mexicans,
A returning- rancher stated that tho
mayor of l.as.Cnues coin in i t tod sniciilo
with a table knife taken from a mess
kit rather than be a prisoner of tho
"gringocs". Another official, it was
declared, attempted to cscapo and was
shot dead.
Inhabitants of Mexican villages ara
said to bo increasingly hostile and snip
ing at American soldiers is frequent.
Persistent sniping from ambush south
of Namiquipa wns reported to have
caused the plan of holding officials at
Obregon Has Authority to Act
Mexico City, April 21. Consul I!od
gors planned to hand tho Mexican gov
ernment a note from Secretary Lansing
today suggesting that (leneral Alvaro
Obrugon, (urranz-V's wtir minister,
meet (leneral Fred l''uuston somewhere
on tho border and discuss questions per
taining to tho American expedition,
lioilgers has learned that tho de facto
government would probably accept
such a proposition.
Obregon plans to leave hero tomor
row empowered to deal with tho ques
tion of provisioning the expedition and
limiting the sphere of action.
Kl 1'iiebln, a semi-official newspaper,
today expressed editorial hopo that the
expedition would s-oon withdraw, de
clining that in nay ciiho (,'arraui.a
would have the support of tho nation.
Generals to Discuss It
San Antonio, Texas, April 21. Gen
eral Hugh Scott, chief of staff, is pre
paring to go to Mngle Pass for a con
ference with Alvaro Obregon, tho do
facto war secretary, it was learned re
liably today.
Though Scott declined to comment,
(leneral l-'iinston partly confirmed the
report, although ho refused to discuss
the subject of the conference. Sentt
is preparing to leave for tho border.
Government ngents worked for days to
arranee a conference between Scott
and Obreuiin or sonic official very closfl
to Cnrrann.
Kunston announced the receipt of in
formation from reliable sources locat
ing Villa nnd stating that he was
sli'dillv wiiuudcd. lie would not di
vulge the location.
TV.U wvkTmv
iiiu (iLiniiiJuu
Oregon: To
night nnd Tues
day fair except
probably show
ers northwest
portion, cooler
tonight except
near tho const;
vnriublo winds.
poor A FlWyfi