EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL Jf RXAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 191fi. THIRD -DOLLAR Kl Hf W fF wp W; fwf Wf W Hf w fWf W "f Wf lft i"? n M ii El II M U 13 II M ri u n ti n N 14 SI 11 ti II M II ti El u 4 TTT JUL XSsas n 13 n 11 m ri n ei ii n si ii ti ii ii ii ii 13 II 11 in- ii ii ii n 14 11 11 II II 11 13 1 13 n IM n ii ii 13 i! 11 11 13 II II 11 n I! u H II It 11 13 13 11 l a 13 13 II ' 11 Opens Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Last Satur day's Dollar Sale was a great success and we are going to make this Saturday's still a greater suc cess. We will give better shoes for the money and a farger selection. WE WILL SEECT 50 PAIRS OF $3.50 TO $5.00 SHOES FROM THE BEST OF OUR STOCK AND PLACE THEM ON SALE AT The Pair en The Pair IN OUR BASEMENT SALESROOM ONLY ONE PAIR TO A CUSTOMER. . This will include both Men's Work and Dress Shoes, Women's Dress Shoes and Boys' and Girls' Dress Shoes. You will have to come early to get a pair of these shoes as the first rush will take all of them. There will be hundreds of pairs of all kinds of shoes in this department placed in bins at ridiculously low prices, considering the high price of leather. CUT RATES ON ALL REPAIR WORK-BEST LEATHER AND WORKMANSHIP JliLlUlVLA" SHOE H II II II II 11 Ground G ripper 1 Shoes Everwear Hose n II El 13 II n 11 II 11 u ii 13 ii 13 INTER-CITY LEAGUE IS READY TO PLACE GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP Watching the Scoreboard g Miss Chesebrough and Mrs J 17 Law ravoruesueciamg Baseball Game ii u ii n 13 El U a M M 11 M J through which they Ii ivo passed during " I he n resent week, hut h S;i ii Francisco, April 21. The (:ili t'uniia women ':; golf c h.'tmpion-sliip was being decided to.lny on the links of" lilt' Sun Francisco Gulf mill Country eluli at I nglcside where liroiigh ami .Mrs. Hubert Law met In tin' final IS iiolu match. . - Pacific Coast League Standings W. I. IVt. leu 10 10 S 1 "ort In i til 7 Sun Fran 7 Suit I .a lie Yesterday's Results At Portland 1'urlliin.l (i, Salt i.alte .1 (12 innings.) At Oiklaml Vernon 2, Oakland 1. At I. us Angeles San Francisco 9, I. us Angeles 0. .(iii7 .625 .471 .43S .412 ,3S." Senators Will Take Wood land's Place If Latter Team Is Dropped ARROW COLLARspring Style, in two heights CLUETT, PEABODV trCCX NC.MAKR$ J Oak batters were like stalks of wheat Mi.su F.dith Chese-mim Malik Arrcl limes was like a reaper at tiie Oaklainl lot. 1 he way mowed 'em down would make As the result of the gruelling contest present chine gun blush for shame Frank a mi women were 13 plnving fast gulf. When the semi- jjj finals began yesterday Miss These- : oiiiiign was rue Ktvunie wiiu ninny lor the title, but the rt'inarkiiblt! perform ance ol .Mis. Law in snatcuiiig victory from defeat after .she was three down to .Mis. A. K. I'oninier and nppirently hopelessly behind, has brought her a host of backers. She donated Mrs. I'ominer one up, each player getting a niednl score of NS. A large gallery fol- M i lowed to. lav s play, tj This Bloom Withered M New York, April 21. Phil flloom J proved no match for Henny Leonard in !tlieir ten round bout here last night. a ' Leonard outlioxcd ind outgeneraled his fi 'opponent at all stages. M i Dociding Baseball Game llj llerkeley, t'al., April 21. Tiie nu ll j mini baseball battle between .Stanford laud California will be brought to a mm Thirty men participated in the t'lii-tago-Cincinnati name. No. it wasn't ruiibv. iust baseball, mid Victor Saier i tically 13 III n 13 13 II II itdoso tomorrow afternoon, when the final game is played on California field. 'With each team holding a division in : the first two games of the series, inter est among students of both universities was at fever heat today. I The tip is out that MeCabe oi Holmes will pitch lor the lilue and Ulold instead of Diuiiii ick, the sensa tional twirler who appeared in the first two contests, lloever is expected to pitch lor Stanford. Donietral Very Sick llattln Creek, Mich., April 21. Wil liam Hemetrnl, the Creek wrestler, who recently nppenred in San Francisco, is very ill here today with an inflamma tion of the ear. To Join the Giants New York, April 21. l'ic Way, Yale varsity pitcher, is slated to join .the New York (iiauts after he graduates in June, it was learned todav. Me- draw's scouts have had their eves on him for some time. Hunting for Pitchers roi tin ml 13 II II 13 !! U 13 11 13 13 13 13 13 II 11 0 If a n u H ii 13 ri 13 ii H n ii 13 n liurim the uiiit'nlu ill' 13 t the lien vers anil llees here, Manager J i liuss Hall of the Taeonia Tigers re Mieurned to Taconin todav, the result of his mission unannounced. Hall said 10 players are still striving for places on his teini. Among them are eight pitchers, but Hall wants two more can didates for the slab, so he probably 1'igures to drop five of his present bunch of ' ' hopes. ' ' S I Attendance at Portland 8,851 Hi Portland, Or., April 21. President A. jjiT, liauin of the Pacific Const league, m!i enroute to Snn Francisco today nfter J ivitnessing the somewhit inauspicious H 'opening of the baseball season on the J : inline grounds here. He was disnp J pointed because rain prevenled the a (opening game Tuesday, and the post- j ponenient until Wednesday cut down lithe ntlendance figures. Tho official atleudani-t' was M,S."il. 1 Golf Tourney in June J Portland, Or., April 21. The st ite I? ' championship gulf tourney will be plav- IJ.cil on the Waverlv course during liose won for the Cubs with a : tiie eleventh. .-reaming swat The Inter-Citv League held a special meeting at Portland lust evening and while it was not voted to accept Sa lem in the leigue it was practically agreed that two teams will be dropped and Salem and Kaiuier taken in. Secretani Kay iiaker attended the meeting to get acquainted with the manner in which the league is being handled md reports great enthusiasm among the managers and officials at prospect of Salem entering the league. Woodland and Oresham will probab ly be dropped owing to poor attendance and oor man igement. Salem is to take Woodland's schedule which lists prae- ull games at home. League Pres. liny is to take the matter up with (ireidiain and Woodland and c .ill another meeting the first of next week. While Salem did not make written ap plication to enter the league Sec y assured them that he thought Salem would be ready - when a place wis made vacant, preferring to put the matter more f nil v before those interest- led at Salem and sec what kind of a lo- Four seraphic heavers yielded the enl team could be Bigned up. Seals Hi hits. Spider liau'iu did wellp The league was also unable to take for San Francisco until the seventh, final action in the matter and tne when he started for the clouds jnd i whole nr.it ter waa postponed till next three Angels scored. He was hooked in meeting for final adjustment. Salem favor of Steen, who stemmed the title will without doubt open the league arter oemg a bit uruisetl lunisell. A debating contest was st iged in Los Angeles, the object heinir to see who could talk the umpire cuckoo first. ' Maker It turned out that San Francisco's bal lists had the better arguments and they heat the Angels, il to 0. Twelve innings of the thrills were offered Portland fans both Harstad and Hall of the Heavers anil llees respect ively being erratic. The bases were constantly populated. Portland won jit the twelfth when I.unny lirief misli milled n warm drive. it,. n I i ft.... i, .iMin .1. .tun run- kl iiiicuiig ii sun ii ii in ior two pitciiers " lam an in he i or N 13 II 13 II season at Woodburn April 30th and the following htindaH- will entertain the ) Ilaby Heavers at home. Manager Bu-1 pert of this team is well known as a I sjportam.ui in this loenliv having handled a team in the old Tri City League. Sec'y iiaker is of the opinion' that the by laws of the league are so i favorable to Salem that the best play-' era in this locality will be glatl to: sign up and he expects to see S.ilemj have one of the best teams in the i league. "The officials of the league appear to be fine young men and there is no doubt but that the league affairs will be handled fair and square to ill." ook a tight one from the said Mr. Baker in summinsr itn the sit- White Sox when Neilman's club smote nation. one ot Woltgang s hooks on the brow in the ninth and sent V catch home. President Wilson probably got in idea of the Kuropeaii war when he saw Washington annihilate New York 12 to 1. Pnskert's two bagger followed by Uavvy Cravath's solid single, let Phil adelphia beat the Giants in the open ing game at New Yirk. It uappeued in the twelfth. Would-Be Suicide Is Saved by Guards Santa Monien, Cat., April 21. stand ing within six feet of two life guards on the municipal pier here today, an unidentified man said: "Here goes nothing." and jumped into the ocenn. As soon ns his head ap peared the two life guards dove into the water to rescue him. A battle last ing some minutes ensued between the guards and the would-be suicide, who purposely swallowed large gulps of wa ter. A boat was finally rowed alongside ami the struggling trio hauled aboard. I'll pel's found in the mini's pockets contained the iiniiie of L. Tnnki. He will recover. "For Ways That Are Dark and Tricks That Are Vain" Seittle, Wash., April 21 Hccau.se of affidavits alleging that John Seung, a wealthy Chinese - ttinnerlvman, many times threatened to have Mrs. Mary Seung, his wife, deported to China, Su perior Judge Hon lid has today set aside the findings of-Dr. Lilian ('. Irwin and Mr. Helen B. Habcock, that Mrs. Seung is insane. ' Mrs. Seung says she was married in China 32 years ago, that her husband came here antl married twice, and thit when she finally arrived in this coun try, she found herself the stepmother of four children. Two step daughters, she declared, disliked her from the start. it vns one of these daughters who acted ns interpreter at the insanity hearing. Dr. Irwin admitted it might hive been possible the interpreter was oot acting in good faith. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. Free demonstration of Crescent Coffee and True Blue Biscuit Company products. Ladies and patrons come and get a good cup of coffee ami eat Tru-Blu goods, all free, Saturday all day. Come and see this demon stration. OUR PRICES Until Further Notice No. 9 nack white cornmeal 30c No. 9 yellow cornmeal 30c Five pounds box Macaroni ....30c No. !) Cream Cereal ,..30c No. 9 sack Graham 30c No. 9 sack Pancake Flour 30c No. 9 Self Rising Flour .........30c Five pounds best cream rolled Oats 25c. Large package Liberty oats 30c Large pkg. Liberty wheat 30c 3 cans Libby's Solitl Pack Tomatoes ' -. 23c Creamery Butter, pound 3oe 3 cans choice Iowa Corn 35c Free Delivery. Phone 1617. R. N. MORRIS NEW TODAY WANTED Pasture for a year old calf, 2359 St ite St., or Phone 1I30J. apr22 3 YEAR OLD bay colt, low price and big bonedw fine horsp, at Cherry City Feed barn. api-22 1H-ROOM HOUSE 703 N. High St. for sale at your price, make an offer, owner on ground. apr2 You can make money by He reading the Journal New Today column. Always Festival week, earlv in June, The qualifying rounds of the mens chiinipii iiship will be played Monday, .lime 5 and the finals Saturday, June III. The .toinens 'sipmli fying rounds oc tur Tues.lav and the finals Frid iv. as the incorpointo.lse and is capitali"d nt 10,000. The String Engraving Co., of Po t land, was incorporated today witn capiianziinon or wi.uini ami the raci i Chemical Co., of Portland, was also in-j corpoiated with a capitalization ol fluiiooit, . . Fans Have California Picked As the Winner l.eikcley, Ciil., April 21. That Cal ifornia is tint to win, was the feeling on tin' university cnnipus today on the eve of the nuniial aisity crew race with Stanford. large crowd Hatched Stanford spin over the three mile eonise in Oakland estuary in practice today. There is no denying that the cardinal eight has all Kinds of power. They sent their shell ripping through the w iter nt a steady l!iit with h strong burst of speed at t-ie fini-.li, and then turned right mound mid idled back, apparently not. t'lowiug a Int. A number of shells were on the wal ei today, The California varsity in dulged in a short haul to keep its sin ews in - ii it 1 1 1 ti ii. Put the llt'ii were1 i rueful not row alongside the Stanford boot so there would not be any showl of competition. The second varsities of hbcM' schools and 1'ie freshmen crews j wt re also on the t'stunrv. In I lie afleiiiiiiin Stanford mid Cnli-j I tt tn will meet again on track unl fiel I in the iinunal championship meet j ol tiie Pacific athletic association.) 't'tie ihuipic club and the Celtic club will' iils.t be in roitipclitioii, "Spectacular" Robbery j of Japs In Los Angeles' I.o Angeles. Ciil., Apiil 21.--lckvt-' ives here today are searching for four of the most " meloiliuinntic liold up men" in recent police annuls. They surprised eleven .lapinese laun dry workers at II a. m. today. The ,lip niiese, ten men and one woman had ju-t seated at breakfast when four masked men slipped in. "Hands up!' out' of them command ed. The Japanese were lined igainst a wall and forced to disrobe, Tiiev were bound hand and foot by two of the rubbers while the other' pair covered them with niituiuutic pistols, Their victims scuuicly tied and gag ged, the robbers ransacked the place. Money, checks, and icwclrv taken amounted to -tiinil. Mrs. K. Niuoclii, the worn in freed herself two hours af ter the robbers left. She released tiie ten men mid then phoned the police. John G. Barr Jewelry . Company Changes Name ' to Hartman Bros. Co. Supplementary articles of incorpoi-i J tiou were filed at the office of the coi-i pointion commissioner today by tli.' John (). Parr Co., of this city,' to cluing, the firm name to Hartmiin Hies, ( o. The decision, to change Jhe name w it made nt a recent meeting of the stock-1 holders, (). A. llartniiin. R. W. Hart man and (lerlrnde lliirtniaii. The 'irni as inci perilled in 1 i i with Herman 1 W. Parr, I.. Parr ttnd The,.. M. Karri What to Do for Eczema fireasy salves and ointments should not be applied if Rood clear skill is wanted, i From nny druxuist for 25c or $1.00 for 1 extra hirgt' nine. Ret a bottle of jemo. When applied as directed, it effectively i removes eczema, tiuit kly stops itching, iiml heals skin troubles, also sores, burns. I wountis nun cnunng. ic penetrates, cleanses mill sootlics. Zemo is depciuliihle and inexpensive. Try it, asj we believe noihiiiK you have, ever used is as effective aud stitisl'.vintr. Zeuio, Cleveland. 1 When In SALEM, OREGON, itoj at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free aud Private Bath BATES: 75c, 1.00, 11.50 PEE DAI The only hotel in-the business district ; Nearest to all Depots, Theatrea and Capitol Uuildinx. ! A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIOH. Prop. Both Phones, free Auto Bui 1.41 lf . I i if "Something New" People nowadays are constantly demanding new ideas, new colors, new designs, new patterns, new styles. The merchant who is able to fill this demand gets the business and deserves it. So we apply the principle and offer our customers the latest in men's clothes and furnishings. The " lines we carry are high class in every way. Our prices are noted for being reasonable. But we go one step farther. Our customers are given the kind of store service that brings them back. We be lieve in a square-deal policy, and we know wou do too. We'll prove it out any time you come in. Why not select your Spring Suit .at this time and have it for Easter Sunday. We are ready to show you. BISHOP ALL WOOL SUITS $15 $20 $25 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $20 $25 $30 "THE OLD RELIABLE" HEME PYfor iM E N Ar OHueaiMTo.oH mm sox hy mail6d FP.OMPIANTI 93 NRV ST . HROOKl VN nv Roberts Hats at Salem Woolen Mills Store it $3.00 Just Wright Shoes $4.50 and $5 NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVEETI8INO SATES Bate per word New Today: Eaea insertion, per word It One week (6 ineertiona), per wordf One month (28 insertions), per word 17e All ads must be ordered for stated length of time, no ad to count leta than 10 word. The Capital Journal will not be re IDonsible for non thn nn (or errors in Classified Adrertiae- mem, uead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify ua im mediately if it contains an error. Minimum ehirge, 13c.. tf rhone 76S. May3 PHONE 937 For Wood sal. HAEKY Windowcleaner. WA NT KO Young calf 3 or 4 days old, intuitu ur i-t. OJirl! WANTED Dry cows and strippers. Phone 1125-M. Apr21 FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor ai is. Lottige. tf WANTED Fivo piis.scujrcr ford body. it c tjipitai journal. an'H FOB RENT SIGNS For sale at Can nut duttrnai oiiico. tf MCE HOUSEKEEPING Eiimis Near city hall. Phone 47. tf FOB' RENT Houses from $3 to $29 per niontn. i'uono 2034-J. Apr22 WANTED 4 young fresh milch cows, utitircss iit u, Jiox i'hono 981. tf WANTED Wood cutters to cut white nr wood, Jt.oU per cord. Phone 692. tf COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD GOODS For sale. ' 415 North 23rd street. Apr21 WATCH FOUND Saturday, owner call fltiO North High and prove property. Apr2I FORD FOR 'SALE cheap, call 471 ft. 17Jh St., or phone 1156J, A. E. Will son. apr22 WANTED Gootl work horse, not over 10 years old must be cheap. 1'bone IWl apr2t FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms, modern, 642 N. High. Inquire at 660 N- High. May5 LOST cravenctto overcoat on State between 24th and High St, Please notify 86F22. apr24 FORSALE Watt Ship Savage bicycle, fully equipped, in best of condition. Apply 634 Ferry St. air25 WELL DECOMPOSED FERTILIZER For roses and lawns. Call n'oone 1231-W. Apr23 WE C'AU SAVE you money on garden hose, Nelson Bros. & Patton, plumbers 2155 Chcniehcta St. tf WANTED To buy Mohair. East Sa" lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets. Phone 2100-M. tf RELIABLE PARTIES Would liko pi ano for the care of it. 365 North High. Thone 635. Apr22 FOB RENT Furnished complete mod ern 6-room cottage on car line. Mr. Howard. Phone 236. apr22 WANTED TO BUY 12 or 15 young shcop, state price. W. M. Schuett, Route 2. Plcone 8F23. Apr22 I BUY ACCOUNTS Bills, notes or judgments of any kind anywhere. W. T., care Journal N-941. Apr22 WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or 5 icres of good, potato land. Must be cheap. Address Journal C-50. Mayd FOR SALE 100 stands bees, mostly golden Italians in good condition, cheap. P. O. 21)2, Independence, Ore "on. Apr21 FOB RENT A modern 5-roomcd and a 7-roomed residence for $5 per month. John H. Scott, over the Chicago Storo. ipr2 WANTED A middle aged housekeeper who does not object to children, light work. Inquire at 1!)0 South 14th street. tf WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. No other need ap ply. Mrs. Harry Clay, 270 Nortb 13th street. . tf FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN On farm or im proved city property. Inquire C. Z. Rundall, 303 Salem Bank of Com merce Bldg. Apr21 WHITE ROCKS An egg stnin of ex hibition quality, 15 eggs by parcel post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm, Route 3, Salem. tf FOR RENT Business block room, sire 18x80 feet. 467 State street. In quire at 463 State. Phone 1009. Maurice Elinger. tt LOST Small purse, containing gold and gold ring, also a receipt bearing tho owner's nunc. Leave at Journal office. Rowan!. Apr22 CHOICE ROSES-Shruhs and all kinds of fruit trees, cheap, to clean out stock. Jones' nursery, rear of the armory. Phone 413. Anr24 MELWOOD Cleaning and Pressing Tarlors Bnd dressmaking by experi enced lady. All work guaranteed. 2390 Fair Grounds Road. Apr25 GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING By np to date power equipment. List your oniers at Salem Fuel Yards. t none E.'Sf. JJensmore Fresia. tt WANTED May 1 for the summer a 4 to 0 room well furnished house with yard for family of four, all rcspons alile. Apply !aleiii Fruit Union pr27 FOB TRADE A nuxlmi ft. lot on Ow en st. free of incnmliernnce for road ster will pay or take difference. Ad dress with description. ('. McCormick, c of llcnrv Jennings 4 Suns I'urt laud, Ore. nj,tlw - V an. V