THE DAILY CAPITAL JOt? JtNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1916. FIVE : BADBREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove it MIH'IIIIIIWiMwr,,, T- II m , ., " ' " ' L-.. . -.I iw i ! . r r -rT. mnp ii llll mi ).. I I ...LJI .III I II I llll mi I. I nTo.r . "Trr W ,T- -ri COMMITTEE OUTLINES " M L-i r1 M vU bsJJ IS IS IS o If I fc.. , ' S I EXTRA EXTRA 2jc Whi te Linen g 8 l-3o Heavy Double g $1.50 Ladles' Colored 1 75c Cross Barred I 20c Fancy Howered I Ladies' Euck Suiting 06 in. R Twilled Crash Towel- g Petticoats are mark- Fibre Silk Waisting, I Voiles, now marked H Striped wide, special, yard Kj ing at, the yard ed at, special i latest novelty, yard 1 special at, the yard I White i MEN'S CLOTHING WORTH TO $10.00 REGULAR Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits, sold to as much as $10.00 regular, now marked at $3.90 MEN'S CLOTHING WORTn TO $15.00 REGULAR Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits, sold up to as much as $15.00 regular, now marked at $6,95 LADIES' SHOES WORTH UP TO $4.00 PAIR A U o One lot of Ladies' Shoes, sold up to as much as $4.00 regular, marked at, the pair $1.39 t M t H . jfiil I N w ii n i w fJ I 11 A i 1 flw . I w w i .,M'mA,,,m.mmmmvmt-m'irm'imm!iwmt ii,iWihi...,--,u1i ,ilp..i.miuii.n, nmr ,., J" ., , ......,,.,. ,Mi. , i,,mii n .. ,mmm .-. -n fcl""'n"i,r ''".ita..,dtMli.liiJh,i,imm,..l,Kl.,.a..:w;.. ....-;:.,-.::.... -. - , ........ .,.., . . ..... I $1.50 Silkolene Knotted I $1.35 FiUl Size Wool Fin- " "" jT k,u 1 Co!nfrtera, now marked I ish Cotton Blankets, pair j vT """ worth to $2.50 regular, at - V 1 H '' t 1 "Ile f Nemo Corsets, gold i 1 the pair ill n iii..iMnuriirBmiin 1 n miMmiiwriiinnTHiirniinw iff sizes5'00 erguIar' m03tlv ise I tt 1 I - Ladies' Waists, worth up I Ladies' House Dresses, I 1 " Ct? Tl ' SI I fcrfgy J j t0 $2 regular' now at I wortl1 88 much 88 85c' at I V RjGg 3 H '"V J j ,iimniiniiiiniii niiwm I'wuwm n mi wi tT'TI ii il E. G. Seaman, ....; i n i ...,,.. a EXTRA I EXTRA a h Domestics 1. 12 l-2c Light and Dark Colored Q Percales, the yard "C 12 l-2c and 15c Dress Ginghams fl at, the yard i)C $1.25 Full Size Bed Spreads nr at, each I DC 10c Cretonnes, marked "71 at, yard il2C 10c Good. Size Huck Towel rl marked at D 4C 15c Curtain Scrim marked at A the yard ;. "C 12 l-2c Outing Flannel marked fl at, the yard C Millinery Dept. Ladies' New Spring Trimmed Hats, worth to $4.00, now special $1.98 1 Representing W4ll4l I must raise $20,000 for the Chicago Store, no matter what kind of a sacrifice I have to make to get the money. Mr. McEvoy says: "Mr. Seaman, we told you when you came that we wanted you to get us $20,000 and we expect that you shall get it." And get it I must, and I am jiow making a last and final scramble to get the cash. Its got to come, and I am going to get it, so keep a watch on the Chicago Store's ads and see what I do to get that $20,000. E. G. SEAMAN EXTRA Ladies' Furnishings LadieV 75c Muslin Gowns JO marked" at 40C 50c Ladies' Silk Fibre Hose OF marked at faOC 15c Ladies Fancy Handker- Q1 chiefs marked at O 3C 65c Ladies' Summer Weight 4 0 Union Suits at 40C 85o Ladies' FlanneJ Gowns AO malUed at ." OC 35o Ladies' Cotton White Lisle 1 r Gloves, the pair IOC 15c Misses' Cotton Ribbed Hose, n marked at , UC Ladies' New Spring Trimmed Hats, worth to $6.50, now special $2.98 LI Levis Bros, & EXTRA EXTRA 81.00 Wide 1 35c White All Wool Black and 1 Baby Flannel, now Sport Hats at marked special, yard LADIES' SPRING SUITS WORTH TO $25.00 Ladies' New Spring Suits, were marked to sell for as much as $25.00, now marked at special price $12.50 lJJIUl W.!H.l,,J- LADIES' SPRING COATS WORTH TO $12.50 Ladles' New Spring Coats, were marked to sell for as much as $12.50 Tegular, now marked special at $6.90 LADIES' LINEN SKIRTS WORTH TO f2,50 A U O One lot of Ladlos' Linen Skirts, worth to $2.50, now marked to clean them out at $1.39 Co. in Charge .... Uj Amendment to Constitution Proposed to Make Sys tem Possible A toutiitivc dnift of n irnio-fil run stitutimiHl lUiH'iidmiMit iroviilinnr fur n KVKtcni of rural credits luia Jm-im i nm pli'tt'il by the cmnmittee nnint. i! hy the stnte credits conference at Si, irn, liis! miinth and will be siiln.iiii-d tc the voters at tin election neH ?.' M:, idler. Members of the committee tli ;t diafi l the measure uie: ('. K Hp.- v.'. mus ter of the State llranyc; J. O. Hrown, i,'iiilent of the KaniMiis ' 1";i.i and II. Huchnrd, jirrsident of lie Ore Kon Ffderatinn of l.unor. The essi'iitinl luiiticulnis of t)i i toll are as follows: Administration of the ininl credits system shall )n !:i the hands of the State l.iind Hoar.', con sisting of the governor, the ccrctny of state and the state treasurer. Tlie l:otird is authorized to K-sne boinU not to exceed two per cent of the nssvscl : valmitiou of the state in dciiomintu i-. l.s I ruiiKinfi from L'.r) to if-1(1,(1(1(1, ami in j series of $100,0(10 each. The bonds nre j to run from It) to o." years to hear j four per cent interest. They are to be j exempt from taxation and to hp se curity for all pulilic funds. The in I to-"st and principul are guaranteed I'.v 1 the slate. Loans on Property Provided, j Loans are to lie made on property, 1 unproved ley the lionrd, and on first J mortgage of trust deed security, lint j no loan shall exceed 50 per cent, of the appraised value of the land, nor .")() on any one acre, nor ..(MIO, ir. the aggre I gate, to any one individual. An amortization plan is provided to liquidate the delit in from 10 to :i.r years, the equal annual payments are to cover interest, principal, nppnrfion : ments to a reserve fund ami operating expenses. ' Interest on the loans'.shall lie one per cent higher than the interest on the lionds, thus providing the reserve fund and operating expenses. 'Itfio reserve fund is to meet, losses und its funds are to lie in vested in the state's own rural . credit bonds, the proceeds 'from which again ! fund. are to revert to the Amount of Interest Specified. Applicants for loans must pay one half of one per cent of the principal that they apply for, this payment to cover the cost of preliminary invest i- J fc.llH'MS. If The trvl of Hi,, bill ;.. f,,ll I',. II I Idition to the rights conferred , upon the legislative assembly to lend the credit of the stale found in section j seven of article eleven of the const it II jtion of Oregon, the state laud board is . hereby empowered to and shall establish ! a system of farm credit under the terms hereinafter provided. The state land board .dmll issue and sell or pledge gen eral obligation bonds of the state of , Oregon to l known ns "Oregon farm I credit bonds" in an amount not to ex i coed two per cent of the assessed valua tion of nil the property in tlu. state. These lionds shall be issued in denomin ations of trifi, ii0(), $0(10, $ 1,0(10 nnd $1(1,(1(10, and in series of ,t 100,1)110 or multiples thereof. They shall be drawn to mature in from 10 to :!.ri vein ,.,! : shall hear interest at the rate of four per cent per imaum, payable annuallv. They shall he exempt 'from all .,s,',s 'levied by the state of Oregon or nnv j of its subdivisions, and shall he secur ity tor ll public funds, j The interest and principal of Oregon li'aim cv-d.t l.i-vds ah .ill be unco'.d.tvin ally guaranteed by the state of Oregon, j Knell series of bonds shall be issued and (sold or pledged only upon receipt of np I proved up; lications for n like amount of farm U i,i by the state land hoard. Iroceeds to Po to Fund, j The st.iie laud board shall place, the proceeds f 1 nm the Oregon farm credit ! lionds ill the farm credit, loan fund. I which shall be lent for the pun-lmsing ill' lane lands, for the aatisfaction of ie- ctinilirarces upon farm lands, for pur t chasing equipment and making im j pi'.ivenients which will, in the opinion of the l iard, e!ler adequate, in ,--.-.. ,i i tion, add to the roiluctiveness of the jfurin mid to its vahie us a farm in. me. Sech lo ins shall he made upon notes fccured by first mortgages or deeds ofl trust on (arm lauds, and shall not ex-ji-eed in i.iik not 50 per cent of tlm val uation of the property pledged as se tcuri'y 11 h npi raised by tho hoard nfter appro, -ing the application for a, 'such valuation to he exclusive of per- 1 1, mum improvements; nor shall any I amount exceeding $50 per acre be lent! I on minis; nor snail an nggregato .loan of more than .",)00 he m.ide to .inv one iiiiiivKiuui or upon any single l.o'iijllg, Kvery applicant for a loan shall make written application to the hourd, in which he shall state clearly the purpose for which he wants the bun, and upon ,ineir approval ny tne board, tlieso pur poses shall he slated in full in tho note 01 cuiuiai-i. miner wnicn ttio loan is' I granted, a 11, 1 no monies bo obtained! isiian o unoii lor any purpose not stipu lated ill the note or contract. I Thn hoard shall require from each 1 1 ipplicnnt, 11 sworn statement of his farm j i business for the year previous to the lone in which lie applies for a loan, aniM !a similar statement at the end of each. i lyear while he remains a debtor of the! stnte, ! Farm hunt tonus ulittll b. ?, ,.;! on the auioi'tiatioii idnn in i.mhI ;,. .11 ' ments, which shall provide for interest on tho bonds, a farm credit reserve 1 fund, the operating expenses of the system of farm .credit and the liquida . tion of tho debt in from 10 to ,'l.i years, , hut any debtor m.iy liquidate any part 'of liis indebtedness in amounts of if,K) or multiples thereof upon nay amoiti za'ion payment date. I Interest to Be 1 Per Cent. ' The rate of interest on Innns ihnll he one per cent per annum greater than the rate which the state must pay upon 'lie funds olit tiucit from the sule or pledge of bonds, hut the board shall re quire each applicant for n loan to pay an initial charge of tine-hnlf of one per cent of the loan grunted, with n mini mum charge of k( to cover the cost of and examination uf title. The state laud hoard shall preparo a budget biennially lor the administra- i i Pr. J'Mwanl.-' Olive TaMctx, tlm fiiihstl tnte for ciilinocl, ai l. p-iuly on tiie ooweltf iiml iwisllivly do ihc woilv. l'coplc ailliciiKl Willi )i;id t.rcitli tin" I "iiil'k rclirl" tlii"'iih lr. Kilwnrdu' Olivtj 'Jiillets. The ilo;tsnnt, mt.R'i r-"'oy lef I too lets nre taken lor bad breath by all -who Know them. lr. KriwHriln' Olive Tablets a, t Kently but flrmly on the bow"-ls hik) Jiver, stinui- . latlni: Ihrm ti natur:il :o-tioii, eloorinir the blood and gently purifying the entlru sys tem. They do that which danwoitu calo mel iloeg without any of the bud after effects. , All the hcnclilM of misty, sirkeninRi pi'lplnc: ciitleirlicR are derixcfl fnm r. T-MwHrihi' olie Tablets without, erfpin; pain or dlsaprreabte eflects of nny kiml. rr. K At. KdwenlH ilisi-tivere'l the l'oiv mula after seventeen years of pravtlco Mtnnni; istllenls ulllleted with bowel and liver eomiiliiliH with the bad breHtli. Dr. IMwarda' Olive Titblet.i arc purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil ; you will lnow tliem Ity tlielr olive color. Take one or two every nltht for a week mid note the effect. Ilk; ami 23t per box. All druculsts. The Olive Tablet Company, Culumbus, O. firm of the system of farm credits es tablished hereby, which shall he subject to modification and approval by the legislative assembly, and all surplus ac cruing in the operation (if the system shall he placed in a farm credit reservo fund ami become u part of it. The I'linn credit reserve fund shall, he invested in Oregon farm credit bond and the income from these bonds shall be added to the reserve fund and be come a part of it. The reserve fund shall be irreducible except, when used to pro tect the st.ite from loss incurred in tho aduiinisttation of the system of farm credit herein provided for. The ptovisions of 'he constitution and laws of Oroonn in conflict with this amendment are hereby repealed in so fur only as they conflict lici-eiyith, Thn provisions of this ameni nieiit' shall bo self-executing and shall take effect and he In operation !HI days if lor it tip-: proval and adoption by the people uf fire gon. COCOANXJT OIL MAKES A SPLENDID SHAMPOO If you want to keep your hair in good condition, he (-.ireful what voir wash it wilh. Most soaps and prepared shampoos' contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, uuikes the hair brillle, ae.l is very harmful, .lust plain inulsified cocoaiiul oil (which is pure and entirely greiseless) is much better Hum I no mosl e. sio soap or anything clo you can use for shampooing, as this' cau't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with wnter and rub it in. One or two teasp fills will make an abundance of rich, creamy l.ither, ami cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. Tiie lather noses out eas ily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff ami excessive oil. Thn hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. Von can get inulsified i o.iniit oil uf. most any drug store, it, is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last ev eryone in the family for months. ADVEItTlfilMO LIQUOR DEALERS Kiereir 'vYi.tdi., April L! I . Hecansii he ml ci t is-.'ii the names of liquor deal ers Olltl.ide of the state, Henry Pick mini ei.s '': m-i! $111(1 and sonti'iicod to t -a days in in t" ycsloiday nl'lernonn. DOWNWARD COURSE Fast Being Realized by Salem People. A littlu backacho at first. Daily increasing 'till tho hack is lame and weak. Urinary disorders may quickly fol low; Dropsy un, often liiight's disease. This frequently is tho downward, courso of kidney ills. Dou't tako this course. Follow tho advice of a Snleni citizen. W. II. Jiiadley, farmer, 014 S. 21st . St., Salem, says: ''About two years ago kidney trouhlo cutno on mo. First, my hack began to ache, then pain seemed to spread all over my body, liko rheumatism. Tlio kidney secretions wero unnatural and I knew that my kidneys wero disordered. I road un en dorsement of Dunn's Kidney I'ills given by ono of my neighbors, and I 'got some. Before I started the, second imjt of this medicine 1 was almost entirely freo from pain and my kidneys acted regularly. I have used Dean's Kidney I'ills since -with good results.' I'rice 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for n kidney roniudy get Doan's Kidney I'ills the same that Mr. Bradley had. Foster .Milhuin Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Prices Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Or. MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill city and all war Points. Leaves Mill City B;30 . m.; Stayton 8:00, Saljn 0:;i0. Boturn, leaves Salem 4:40 p. to.; Htaytou 0:00; Mill City 7A0, Phone 13