Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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m,tr,r rrmrrk PfWTC! ON TRAINS AND NEWS
PRICE TWO CENTb stands ftve cents
u i a aim 11 n sim n i t 11 'in n 1 ci
These Modestly Limit Their
Aspirations to Place On
Precinct Committee
Each Armed With a Slogan of
the Washington Hatchet
Two lonely democrats in Marion will
'. their mimes on the ballot when the
10,000 voters go to the polls fur the pri
mary election May 10. S. R. Tandy, of
Jefferson, anil II. V, Hoggs, of SfS S.
l'.'th street, Salem, precinct No. i!, are
the (wo " nnterrifieil " ilemocrats who
aspire to office ami have east their
h its into the ring for democratic pre
cinct connntiteeinen. Since Mr. Tandy
f.'id Mr. Hoggs are the entire demo
cratic tidiet in M r:i ion county for a
rouiity or district office they deserve
liie solid support of the party.
Kvery candidate for the nomination
for every otfice from county cleric to
county coroner is a republican. Kven
the candidates for office- in this city
for justice of the pence and for coll
ectable as well as the candidates for
constables nnd justices of the peace in
the other districts of the county are
(if the county offices the county clerk,
recorder, tiensnrer anil surveyor are un
contested and in Salem R. i'. YVvgnut
is the only cundidate for justice of the
The books closed at 5 o'clock last
night, .un! following is the complete
list of candidates, with tiie exception
of the various precinct committeemen.
:iud their slogans.
The Ballot Reads As Follows.
For clerk of Marion county. Vote
for one. V. CI. Buyer, "Economical ad
ministration; based upon practical
knowledge of the work of the office."
For sheriff of Marion comity. A'ote
for due. K.K.Cooper. V. I. S'eedham,
"An efficient la(ni i n iut rrrt ion, based
upon experience."
For assessor of Mirion county. Vote
for one. A. J. Anderson, lien F. West,
"l-'avor no friends, and fear no foes."
For Superintendent of schools of Ma
rion county. Vote for one. L'lizabetii
Cornelius, " Hotter schools for good
schools and every school the best."
"W. C. Gniintt, "Honest and efficient
supervision of all the schools." Clar
ence Phillips, "1 am opposed to the
county supervisor law." W, M. Smith,
" Kconoiny and efficiency in school ad
ministration. ' '
For recorder nf Marion county. Vote
for one. Mildred Robertson llroohs.
For treasurer of M irion county. A'ote
for one. ). G. Drager.
For surveyor of Marion county. Vote
for one. B. It. Derrick, dr., "Good nnd
impartial treatment to all."
For county commissioner of Marion
county. Vote for one. J. T, Hunt, " A
strict business administration." A. O.
Libby, "Progress with economy, square
deal to every part of county." Monroe
Aye, " rnincumbered prosperity."
For coroner of Marion eountv. Vote
for one. A. M. ('lough. Ross T. Mcln
tire. Fiir Constable, S.ilem district. A'ote
for one. Lee W. Acheson. Lou ('.
Jtiothorton, "Efficient and honorable
riilininist ration. ' ' John W. Dolman,
"Justice and courteous treatment to
nil." W. I). Miles, "Strict attention
to duties at all times." C. D. Pratt. .1.
VV. Roberts, "Prompt nnd careful at-
f Continued on Pave 'i.x.
Tli' feller with th' badger gray mus-
S .OHrtV
nunc naiur worn in' aoout in' snortage streets.
o' dye stuff so long as shoe blackin'L Th French suffered heavily in at-
Jiol.ls out. Miss tawn I.ippincut says
th' new dunces are jest likesitlin' on
th' davenport, Vcpt you walk around.
Seventeen Reported Dead and
Death List Growing. 100
Many Small Towns Demol
ished Property Damage
Is Enormous
Kansas City, Mo., April 20. At least
17 are reported to have been killed and
more than 100 were today estimated to
have been injured by three tornadoes
which swept different areas of Kansis
and Missouri last night.
The heaviest loss was at Stover. Ber
lin, Kansas, and Olean were hard hit.
It is feared that when communications
are restored the toll will be found to
be much greater thin nt present be
lieved. No definite information has
been received from Morgan, Miller and
Cole counties where the cyclone devas
tated ti strip of territory eight miles
Property damage is enormous in
soothe istern Kansas and southwestern
and central Missouri. Wire service is
demoralized and detiils of the disaster
are as meager.
Six are said to have met death at
Stover, Missouri, which was demolished
by the storm. A special train has been
sent to relieve the injured there.
Mrs. Miller and a baby of the Ilixoti
family were killed nearFort Scott.
F.lmer P.ickard, trying to outrun the
.cyclone by driving at terrific speed in
his automobile, was overtaken by it and
lulled w he'ii the wind' capsized his ma
chine near Enterprise. He was pinned
under the wreck.
Ruth Fairbanks, aged 7, was killed
when Rich Dill, Missouri, was swept by
the tornado. Her home was demolished.
F.very house in lihineiiart was reported
The report that every house in Rhine
hart Missouri, had been destroyed, and
thirty injured there was, however, un
confirmed. Heavy damage was done to
howry City and Kockville. It was re
ported that Jefferson City California
and Olean, all in Missouri, had been
struck. Neirhy cities rushed aid.
Dr. C. P. lio'wden, of Applctou City,
Missouri whs reported filled. This
makes n total of 11 reported dead in the
Bryan Probably Beaten
for National Delegate
Lincoln, Neb., April 20. As returns
from the Nebraska preferential primary
continued to be tabulated today they
indicated that both V. ,1. Bryan anil
C. W. Bryan had been defeated.
The latter is behind Keith Neville
for the democratic nomination, for gov
ernor and the former secretary of state
is seventh in the list of candidates for
delegates at larjH' to the national con
vention, with four delegates to be
United States Senator Gilbert M.
Hitchcock has apparently been nom
inated. Judge Kennedy is running
ahead of Ex-Governor Aldrich for the
republican senatorial nomination. Me
Kelvie and Sutton are in a close race
for the republican nomination for
In the O. (). P. presidential primary
Henry Ford still has a lead, with Cum
mins second and Hughes a poor third.
600 Yards of Trenches Are
Captured From The British
Berlin, April 20. Six hundred yards j
of British trenches between Ypres and .
i.angemurcK nuve Deen capiureu oyi
the Germans, it was otciciaJIv un
nounced toduy. One hundred aud nine
men surrendered. Two machine guns
were tukeu.
The censor will not permit the num
ber of Knssiung in France to be made
public. It is assumed that they will
either be sent to Verdun or to some oth
er nector on the western front where
the allies are possibly contemplating
a strong offensive. The route by whicn
the Slavs reached Marseilles is an of
ficial secret. It was assumed that plans
for their transportation were arranged
at the recent allied war council in Paris.
So news for a week has so electrified !
Taris as these tidings. Newspapers I
puDiisning tne consors verv tiricf nuL-
letins were eagerly grabbed on thp
tacking German positions in Cnilette
i forest. They were repulsed, said the I
Ivar office An intense alrillery duel'
h i. " - .wii :
i " - '.)..
f -j' u
iK'' Ft BotsBoumispMtttn) iff 2 II V fa. r4
1 a' -lb"S
The ruined village of Bethincourt, the
apex of tho salient on tho western bank
of the Meuse. against which the Ger-
mans nave ueen anacKing Tor weens, inn iiermaus mane exrremeiy ueier- urives are indicated on the map bv
was evacuated by the French. They j mined attacks on the western side of arrows. At the same time violent at
withdrew to a line starting from the the Meuse, the violence of their of- j tacks were repeatedly mado all ulong
Avocourt redoubt, skirting tho first i forts centering on four sectors on the the new line south of Bethincourt. Hill
wooded slope west of hill .104, then fol- edge of the Avocourt wood, where they..'!04, south of Huucourt, is called the
lowing the south bank of tho Forges I gained a momentary flitting; between , " vital "point " of the Verdun defenses.
Fifty-Eight Citizens and Finns
Give $300, and More Is
"In my opinion," said Gov
ernor Withyconibe today "Pres
ident Wilson's final positive
stand in connection with Ger
many's submarine operations is
eminently fitting and merits
the united support of the coun
try in whatever eventualities
may develop."
The governor made this stite
ment in response to a telegraph
ic request from the New York
? I
Fifty-eight firms and citizens of Sa
lem yesterday contributed the sum of
was reported raging along the Meuse
and ou Woevre plain.
uaoinet crisis bosses.
London, April 20. The crisis which
threatened to disrupt the British cab
inet has been averted anil all differ
ences over the conscription issue set
tled, it wi announced today. A state
ment covering the conscription agree
ment is being prepared.
It was reported that tho compromise
postpones general conscription for two
months to give the volunteer system
another chance to produce tho number
of men that army beads demand.
David I.loyd Georgo, minister of mu
nitions, told friends that he was satis
tied with the settlement, alfthouuh h
did not disclose its nature.
French Capture Position.
Taris, April 20. French troops cap
tured a fortified work northwest of
Vnux during the night, taking 200 pris
. .
(Ceatiioed n Pag Tw )
creelt to the northeast of Haucourt and I
joining the old lines a little south of ;
the crossroads south "of Bethincoui t.
$1100.00 for the fund to .promote a na
val base of the first class at the month
of the Columbi l river. F.very sub
scriber gave the sum of .t.T.OO except
Hon. Tom Kay and Lndd & Bush bank,
who gave $10.00 each. Following is the
complete list:
T, C. Thompson, feo. F. Uodgers,
Rodgcrs Paper Co., Pntton Bros., Jenj.
Brick, Marion Hotel Co., Wiuthrop'k
Hammond, F. G. Deekebach, Paul 11.
Wallace, John R. IJnn, Salem Fruit Co.,)
Southern Pacific Freight office, ('has.1
A. Puk. II. S. (iile &'('o. llalvorsen & I I-"" Angeles, Cal., April 20. A new
Burns, R. H. Goodin, T. B. Kav, S. . California record, 1S,000 feet for bal
Ko.er, Ben W. Olcott Wm. A. Marshall,! lll0 was established by Pilot .Tacit
arvey necKwiP. r. u. inompson,
Carle Abranis, .Statu Foresters ottice,
Bureau of l.abjr office, 8. G. Sargent, I
H. 11. Corey, Tax Commisison office by j
. orev, nix i.ommiHison otrice tiy
Chus. V. Galloway, Arthur W. I.awr-
ence, 11. J. Bean, I,. T. Harris, T. A.
Mcliride, II. Benson ,T. C. Morelan.l,
'pi.:.. I li w i- I,
i iiicii ii,
G. V. Johnson it Co.j W. 1). Kvnns for
Commercial Book Store, J. W, Harbi-
son. K. T. Ii.irnes. .1. L. Stockton Snlem
Woolen Mills store, Salem Hardware'
Co., Dr. K. K. Fisher.
The Salem committee co-operating;
with the general N'aval Bise committee
of Astoria are: Messrs. George F. Jiod-'
gers, itnl D. I'atton, Hen.iamin Brick'
nnd F. G. Deekebach, nnd today, in con-!
junction with Wallace It. Struble, sec !
rotary of the general committee and
John Burtrun Kelle.y, publicity agent,
are completing the canvass of this city.!
"Please say to the Salem citizens j
that our general committee of Astoria i
I I ft Wi I n V( icl rist 1 i' s, ' " '"-V h01,lws. 1 t.l.!lr,l ' the Manchester Guardian ,"but we ,1.
W lia-'u l i'ii W M llushev W Al' l,nHk,,t- " ,0 h'B h",d I -xult in the prospect of victory for the
Jones Pake'r U O Mover T O i ,l,e ha m "P"'"'" lhp VR,VP- ,f ideals of law nnd humaiTltv. "Whether
Bligl,; I.add' & Bush, Chiles P. An'her ! bil"- "? "V'i 'T "'V """y y"'1''" "r ". tlliH vi, t"ry iH
Implement Co.. It. C. Miles, A. ,(. Ander- Mvn like a sack of wheat, D nil , HM1 si ,, v m.rer '
a,,,, Tliim l H ii-r cO( fL,i w h 1 Fdmoiidson and I grabbed him just as i London Globe declared that the
ii ii
most Heartily appreciates the wonderful'
and enthusiastic co-operation of Salem"
said Willacc R. Struble to the Journal! San Antonio, Texas, 'April 20. The
today "No citizens ever responded ; Amnricnn expedition in Mexico will re
more heartily or more willivgly. Theimnn at ltladm unti) (.)(ntt
strong oar which halem has pulled in Sc()U chi(.f of taff ttuthori.e, rhnnK,,,
ouZ'forW to'rV'" ""n the campaign plan, which General
10 our racn ",r v" ,ory' Fred Funston will propose.
Washington, April 20. The
triumph of the house in the su
gar conference was interpreted
today as forecasting a substan
ti il victory for Representative
Hay's army bill over Senator
Chamberlain's military meas
ure. Although the senate had
l'resident Wilson's support for
a suspension instead of repeal
of the free sugar bill, the house
proved itself to be the dominant
branch. A conference on the
military bills began today.
'ir j? '-'1
the Avocourt wood and the Forges
stream at I.c Mort Homme, and south of
the Gumieres wood. These attemiited
Valve Leaks When Up 18,000
reet Aeronaut Has
Close Call
....., a.. us o nines i wasi(.n )e f() ft)uIlt0l, on ,0 fll(.t
learned todav when thev arrived here .,t .,. .,.,i,,i ,.;j .i,, i,
three days of harrowing exper-
'Mack O'Connell came within an ace
nf falling out when the gas got him,"
Kui Kittle todav. "He was stsndini
. "
ne Htrlll't t,u! riytiing ropes. We ascend-1
cd 18,070 feet which is a record for
California. The. stnthoscope, an in
veution I was experimenting with,
worked perfectly, recording the rise and
fall of the bag to tho fractiun of a
Expedition Will Not Move
Until Scott Sees Funston
hB( forwnrJe(J f0 fto.
, War Baker another ottWM w-
X I Carranzista hospitality. He gave out a
X, portion of the report revealing that Car
j, j ranzista were at Bachineva at the time
;of the attack there. Funston did not
I mention the cotrsequencea of the fight
but he stated that Major Howze had
been unable to punish the offenders
I owing to the conditions governing the
! conduct of the expedition.
All expeditionary force units are
, known to bo north of Hatevo. Pershing-
j stated that further campaigning south
! of Satexo was impossible under present
i plans. Kven the natives there are starv
iug. The American troops would suf
, fcr from a scarcity of water and the
London Is Jubilant Thinking
America Will Be Drawn
Into War
Pall Mall Gazette Says Amer
ica More Useful While
a Neutral
By William Philips Sinvms.
(United Press staff corres
pondent.) Paris, April 20. President
Wilson's strong ptand on the
submarine issue with Germany
won instant and unanimous ap
proval here. It overshadowed
the Verdun battle. The portion
referring to the principles of
humanity was applauded as ono
of the finest utterances heard
in any capital since tho war be
gan. By El I. Kesri.
(Cnited Press staff correspondent.)
London, April 20. Well informed of
ficials do not believe that Germnny will
yield to the American demand that it
cease its present method of conducting
submarine warfare.
The opinion here is that a diplomatic
break is certain and tht) war is a
strong possibility.
This view is based on the fact that
Germany has emphasized that the sub
marine is its most effective weapon
nguinst Great Britain. Therefore, it is
believed the kaiser cannot afford to
concede anything essential, though he
may possibly offer certain concessions
hoping to delay events.
The British nttitude toward the presi
dent's note ranges from ipiiet satisfac
tion nearly to lubilation. It is believed
that the note is likely to influence oth
er neutrals.
"It is difficult to suppose that the
German government, elated by the sub
marine successes of the pnst six week's,
will accept President Wilson's terms,"
said the Daily Chronicle in an editorial.
"Diplomatic, relntins between Berlin
and Washington will be broken off. The
resulting situation will not be a state
of war, but may easily develop into
Commenting on the situation, the Pall
Mall Gazette snid:
' "The note's significance lies in the
! fact that President Wilson is no longer
able to withhold cognizance of the true
I character of the German policy. Amer-
in no longer compelled to wear the 'full
livery of official neutrality as between
man and beast."
"We don't exult over tho prospect of
America s entrance into the war," sao
fuited States was probably more use
to the allies under present conditions
than it would be if It entered the war.
"President Wilson has mapped out n
line of nction which admits of no re
treat," declared the Westminster Ga
zette. horses would lack fodder, as thero is no
grazing land.
Several columns of cavalry will re
sume the pursuit of Francisco Villa
when General Pershing completes his
concentration of supplies at Namlipiipa,
he reported.
Campaign Halted.
Columbus, S. M., April 20. The cam
paign to catch Francisco Villa has prac
tically halted today. No new active
steps in the pursuit will be undertaken,
it is believed, until General Hugh
Scott goes back to Washington with
recommendations for Secretary of War
Baker. - - .
An army train left for the interior
today over a new and more direct route
toward Dublan, The old trails have
been cut to pieces. ,
Villa Located Again. .
El l'nso, Texas,, April 20. Iiiforma-
(Continued on PiMje Five.)
Von Bernstorff Suddenly Dis
coyers America Is Very
Much In Earnest
Besides Newspapermen Were
Among "Rash Americans"
On Sussex
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press stuff correspondent.)
Washington, April 20. For 20 mia-
uates today Ambassador Von Bernstorff
discussed with Secretary Lansing the
possibility of averting a diplomatic
break between the United States and
Germany. The Teuton representative ob
tained Lansing's views on the steps
necessary to make submarine warfare
conform to America's ideas of law and
Although Vaiu Bernstorff would not
comment on the conference, it was un
derstood that he does not take a hope
less view of the situation. It is known.
that hu gavo Lansing good reasons to
believe that another disaster similar t'
that which befell tho Sussex will not
occur while tho present negotiations are
being conducted.
It was pointed out to Lansing that
since America has asked for a distinct
change in the Gorman submarine policy
there naturally must be numerous con
tinences between Berlin officials.
Marines have been ordet ;d to guard
the wireless stations ut i'ucl;c.it: t, is'.
J., and Sayville, L, f., officiils admit
ted. This move is supposi.Hy taken tit
protect them from ant i Merman demon
strations nnd to permit their sciore in
enso of a break. Much of tho news from
Berlin is received at theso stations.
Von Bernstorff Impressed.
Von Bernstorff is obviously impress
ed by the administration's earnestness.
Ho ha fully reported tho situution to
roreign Minister on Jagow in Berlin.
If this meeting with Lansing today
comes before he receives instructions
from the kaiser, the conference in likely
to bo tentative. Germany's official re
ply to the new American noto is ex
pected by Monday nt the latest.
the ntnte department todny reiterat
ed its contention thnt tho present or
ders to submarines must be withdrawn
and their attacks confined to warships
pending any determination of a new
plan o'f operation against merchantmen.
This is the clear intent of tho demand
on Germany.
Tho Lnnsing-Berustorff conference
will probably deal with how the sub
marine warfare should bo conducted, ac
cording to American views.
Congress Backs President.
Senator Kern, of Indiana, an early
at tho White House, said thut congress
was not disposed to discuss the situa
tion with Germany, leaving President
Wilson unembarrassed in handling the
crisis, lie -said that inasmuch as the
noto to Germany had ulreudy gone, talk
in congress could do no good und might
possibly be harmful.
In reply to criticisms like that of
Senator Gore, who said thnt President
Wilson was riNking war in Lurope be
cause a few rush Americans insisted on
traveling on armed ships, tho Whitr
Hoiiso pointed out that the controversy
had shifted entirely from tho armed
merchantmen angle its a result "f the
Sussex incident. The Sussex was not
armed, neither was it a merchantman.
It was a passenger ferry plying over
course not taken by merchantmen.
Among the, "rash Americans" aboard
wore newspapermen, u government cour
ier and embassy attaches, tho very na
ture of whose work necessitated their
presence nboard under a belligerent flag
since there are no neutral vessels on
which it is possible to reach France
Secretary Daniels snid that, marines
sent to Tuckerton and Sayville wont
not seize tho wireless stations. He
added that no additional steps had been
taken to watch interned German ves
sels. : THE WEATHER r
Oregon: To
night ond Friday
unsettled, porb
nbly showers;
southwest D t 1 f