Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 19, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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l.j v ii , 'i' u
Lievsley News
(Coiled Press Staff Correspondent.)
I.ivcdey, Ore., April PL-Mrs. J. I'id
li'i anil Nlis. Ii. Fidler were charming
ho.de.-ses for the (.'. T. dull lasl Thurs
day. During the Afternoon two guess
ing games wcio indulged in, Miss I.
Parker and Mrs. .1. W'nlson carving off
the prizes. Dainty refreshments were
nerved Inter.
Those present: Mrs. G. Coolidge.
! Select
We will have it pressed
tit your individual taste. Your Suit will
be delivered .to you Saturday ready for
use Easter Sunday.
$15 $20 $25
$20 $25
You'll be tlressed right in one of these
and will have the satisfaction of knowing
and feeling your clothes are all wool and
of the correct model.
X Roberts Hats
i at
I $3.00
V j rfie national joy smoke
On tlte rtvrt ude of thittlJy red
juu wnl read: Piuinw Phi.
nled Jul' aOlh, 1907," which ha
mnd thra men smoka pipas
whera ona smoked before 1
a foot high ! We tell you P. A. will exceed the liveliest imaginations of
tobacco joy you can hatch. We tell you that its quality, its flavor, aroma
and coolness just beat all reckoning. And just add the little old fact
that it can't bite, can't parch!
Figure out how a smoke like this will "set" on your
palate, sun-up-to-turn-in-time I You go to Prince Albert
like it always was your pal and don't worry about
your smoke-pas t! Let P. A. take care of the future I
Mrs. C. D. Query, Mrs. S. Davenport,
-urs. ,i. messier, .Mrs. ii. inggins, Airs.; visitor at the W. M. Meier a home.
IF. Edwards, Mrs. .1. Watson, Mrs. L. ! Mr. and Mrs. ,1. Townsetnd have
Johnston, Mrs. B. D. Pi, Her, Mrs. II. j moved to five miles east of Salem. Mr.
Carpenter, .Mrs. V, Meiers, Mis. C, A.'Tnwnsond is engaged in hauling wood
' liarr, Mis, A. 1). Pettyjohn, Miss I., and will be gone for somo time.
Parker, Mrs. .1. I'idler, Mrs. IL l-'idler. i Mrs. (.'. Kkiu was visit ing friends ill
j Mrs. II. Carpenter will entertain the silverton receatln.
! club Thursday.
Miss I,. Parker, of (Irvil, visited with
I her sister, Mrs. 11. F. Biggins, last week.
Mr. 11. Edwards n nil Finest were
business isi1ors to Portland Friday.
Your Easter
Suit Now
and altered to
CytLtUartSiliAftiMl tl Marl
Woolen Mills
's i
i 5;
Mr. J. Halstead, of Portland, is a'
Mrs. G. F. Biggins and little son,
Raymond, visited with her parents Sun
day .at Orvil.
The S. S. scholars are busy prepar
ing a fine Easter program to be given
Just Wright
$4.50 and $5
to you:
hits the smoke - appetite- spot
without a miss I Yes, sir; P. A.
cuts out all argument, all ques
tion as to how much pleasure
you can get out of a pipe or
rolled cigarette. The patented
process fixes that and re
moves bite and parch I Ycu
simply need an introduction
via a toppy red bag or tidy red
tin, then you'll absorb some
first-hand facts that certainly
will make-you-sit-up-and-take-notice
Gentlemen, tobacco satisfac
tion is one of those little things
in life that's coming to you if
you'll just stay-put-a-spell-and-embrace'
it. Prince
Albert will supply that satis
faction iust as sura as vnn'm
Prince Albtrt It told everywhere in
toppyredbag; 5c; tidy red tint, 10c;
handtome pound and half-pound tin
humidort and that daily pound
cryttal-g'an humidor with the
tponge-moistener top that ktept the
tobacco in the finttt kind of trim
Everybody brightens up for
No hoiiserleaning is complete
without Shelby National Mazda
lamps in all sockets.
Shelby National Mazda lamps
are the way to better, brighter,
whiter light.
We have the size you want.
Telephone your order today. Our
number is !MS.
C. M. L0CKW00D
216 North Commercial Street
in the church Sunday evening.
Mr. I.. 1). Johnston has been haul
ing lumber preparatory to building A
bin a and making other improvements.
Seattle, Wash., April 20. Forth
quake iu Alaska were recorded on the
1'niversity of Washington seismograph
here .Monday evening shortly niter S
o'clock, it was learned here today. The
shocks were sustained from 8:11 p. m.
until !L03 p. in. mid reached a maxi
mum at S:2ti o'clock. The vibrations
were not strong. It is estimated that
they originated I, -oil miles northwest
of Seattle.
New York, April 10. Miss Anna
lliggins influenced the American Wo
men's League for self defense to de
cide in 'favor of adopting the garb
of male soldiers and abandoning skirts.
" Bon 't be nshaiiied of your arms and
legs," she said, "(let acquainted with
I hem. "
San Francisco, April -!L The expect
ed boycott of Japanese steamship lines
bv Chinese has apparently been called'
off. " i
Pigures of Immigration Commissioner;
Kdw ml White show that for some time,
following the end of the Pacific Mail;
operations to the Orient the Chinese'
came on tiie Japanese liners in scant
numbers. ,
Word was received todav that com
ing on the Anvo Maru and Seattle Ma-'
ru are hundreds of Chinese. About four
hundred are said to be one one of the i
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Weather Threatening But Cannot Dampen Enthusiasm
Governor Withycomhe, Mayor Albee, and Other Big
Guns To Be In Parade and Toss First Balls-Many Busi
ness Houses Declare Half Holiday, But Kiddies Must Go
To School Grounds in
1'ortln'i.l, Ore, April 19. I mlcr
clear xpriur sky, the Portland Imschall
luiostt'rs' iissnciittion j;ot luisy tuilay
with preparations for I'elohratin tiie
first jjame of the season on the home
(,'iounils. They were ninl. united l v the
sethaek at the hands ol'.lupiter I'luviii
yesterday. The plans made for the jjnme
vesterdav were cairied out todav to tiie
Governor Withvconihe telenhoned
roiu .Nilem this niorain; that ne would i l!oston, .Mass., April 19. 1'rancia
lie Oil hand and scores of lesser dif-ni- Ouimet, national amateur uolf. cham
taries po ished up and decorated their pi,, , (.an m.vt.r Again play amateur
automolnles tor the pAiade wh.eh wiltiK0lf according to announcement today
escort the Leavers to Hecreation park . uv ..cficials of the ITnited States (iolf
to joust with the Salt Lake Bees. I association. Because he opened a
I he we.,t:,er man faithfully promised ; sporting goods store. Onimet has been
lo he.iave .iimsell today and predicted : declared outside the pale l,v the nutiun
good weather. fll hoiy ,ias bt,e hln-ed from par.
Eig BvenrSaturtUy. tifipution in anv amateur tournaments.
Berkeley, t'nl., Aiiiil 19. One of tiiol
higest athletic ('ays within the memory
of Ca'ifornia siort followers
sight. Next Saturday the varsity fresh
man and second varsity eight oared
crews of Stanford and the 1'niversitv of
California race on Oakland estnarythe
varsity baseball teams of Stanford and
Cnlifnmin meet in l,ir.i n,i
California meet in the third and decid
ing game of the intercollegiate series,
and four strong organizations compete
in tiie annual track and field meet of
the Pacific Athletic association.
The t'ardin.ils are slight favorites on
the water, but on the diamond the
Bears are considered to have the edge.
There will be lots of uncertainty in both
On track and field in the afternoon
teams representing Stanford, Califor
nia, the Olympic club and the Cale
donian club will compete. With the col
lege Athletes at the top of their form,
they are believed likely to carry away
most of the honors.
Fans Kick on Decision.
Portland, Ore., April 19. A ma ior-
ity of fight fans today didn't like Kef -
eree .laclt Grants decision in calling
iusi iiigui s six rou mi imut netween
Vallev Tranibitas and Billy Weight of
"V.ittle, a draw.
Wright made Tranibitas look foolish
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings.
l.os Angeles
Vernon 7
Portland (i
San Francisco (i
Salt Lake 4
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland -o game with Salt
Lake; rain.
At Oakland Oakland, 3; Vernon, 2.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles, 2; San
Fi-Aiicisco, 1.
Well, what can a man do in these
perilous times ! Bill Steen won that
1 1 n 11 game at l.os Angeles for tiie Seals
in Fifth avenue style, only to have
the cap of victory snatched from his
lips by th.it man Beef Koerner.
Koerner cracked the left pasture pal
isades with a double that hail whiskers
on it nt the psychological moment in
the ninth, aud the Angels romped to
the club house singing "Tra-bi la! ''
It was fine weather for water base
ball in I'ortl.iiul, but Salt Lake couldn't
stand the moisture and the opener was
The Vernon Tigers were subdued by
Oakland in spite of the fact that they
whanged the ball around through the
luiyside atmosphere until ozone was all
ut to ribbons.
Speed Martin was hit with great fre
quency but the Oak secondary defense
I was on its toes iuid Vernon lost by one
i 'ice.
Jack ljuiiin, who decorated tiie mound
for Vernon, pitched the kind of ball
i v o 1 1 read about, lie kept the Oaks
down to four bingles, but that was suf
ficient when thev all -came in one bou-
1 'li't.
I Vernon phived spotless ball, not one
SkjmxA is Wax and Oils.
Contains No Injurious Material, Good
for all Leathers, The Quick, Durable
Shine. Accept no Substitute. If
Dealer cannot Supply you send to
SwuoiA Company, Rochester, N.Y,
Fair Shape
aiin thrro of the fix rounds. Tim Tort
lanl newshov nmnneed to shade the Pu
et SSonnil welterw eiiit in the first and
last stanzas. Another Neattleito was
given a draw when most of the f ins
thought he should have had his hand
thrust into the air. lie was Leo
llouek, and he crowded .Muff llronson
to the limit through their six rounds.
No Longer au Amateur.
Santel Throws Russian Twice.
San Francisco, April 19. Ad Eantel's
recent defeat of Ivan Jliehailoff, the
giant Russian wrestler, was not a fluko.
The German proved that, last night
w,,e,.1,"B ,t ,rew the linssian twice with
J? "S;,,.e,,'!l!)lor.'0rnit,f, : ?nt''1 ,ook th,e
' 1 rst : la" ln :5 ' 1 he Slav was award-
ed the next fall, in a rather flaky man
ner, in ;i:Ut and then S.uitel easily
tooK tne tinrd.
Haworth and Clark Go.
Portland, Ore., April 19. The of
fil ial axe of the -McCredie family today
fell on the heads ot Homer Haworth,
catcher, and James Clark, pitcher. Clark
may return to Washington and resume
practicing luw. AtcCredie indicated to
day that Charles Holloeher. utility in
fielder, may be the next to feel the
Eeall Goc3 to Bees.
Portland, Ore., April 19. John Beall,
who has a reputation for consistently
ronnecting tne -willow with the horse-
; hide, will join the Salt Lake Bees here
i today. Al.inager Blankenshin anounced
; mat ne nns acquired Beall from .Mil-
waukee. Ball formerly played in the
outfield with Cleveland. For two years
he has batted over the .:il)0 mark
Style, in two heights
PHONE 937 For Wood sal.
FOR SALK Brood sow, about ready to
farrow. Phone 11-F-oo. AprliO
WATCH FOUND Saturday, owner call
UliO North High and prove property.
WANTK1) Oirl to room in exchange
for companionship. 90 care Journal
FOR KENT Furnished 5-room modern
house with garden, $9 per month. 144!)
Trade street. Apr21
I BI V ACCOUNTS Bills, notes or
.judgments of any kind anywhere.
W. T., enre Journal N-941. " Apr22
MY LK.VSE 101 acres and stock and
implements nnd crop, 2 1-2 miles from
Turner, Ore. M. J. (iillenberg. Apr20
error being ch.ilked up against the men
from Packingtown.
Baker the home run king .-yived
the day for the Highlanders when he
went up in the air like a b.illoon twice
in the eighth and pulled down torrid
drives that would have been good for
runs. The Athletics used three hurlers
and hist.
Genuine Bristle Dauber
Big Lamb's Wool Polisher
Easily worth 50c Sold
to make the use of SmrmA
pleasant at 25c. With
ottmotA 35c.
ttABHY Windowcleaner. Thvot 768.
MAN WANTED For tarn work
J'hone 9FU Aprl9
1cm Bakery. AprI9
WANTED Boy on farm. R. 1 Bo 19
Shaw, Oregon.
WANTED Dry cowg and stripped.
Pnone 1425-M. ptn
491 N. Cottige. tf
PLOWlMi WANTED Lot or Bercara
UkA o O.Tftl TO "
iuuuc .jutjj, Apr 0
UOUHE TO RENT Across fronTcuT
nail, call J995. , Apr 21
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale xt Ca7-
Near city hall. Phone 47. tf
WILL TRADE Oak wood for second
hand lumber. Phono otiFll. Aprl!)
WANTED General housework. Phono
main 20H. Mrs. Fannie Burson. Aprl9
WANTED To trado fresh cow for
good work horse. Phone. 994. AprB)
WANTED Wood cutters to cnt white
fir wood, $1.50 per cord. Phone 692.
For Bale. 413 North 23rd street.
FOR KENT House And two lots in
Yew Park, $0 per month. Phone
m- Apr 1 9
MODERN 5 room cottage for rent, 1441
Trade St., enquire W. A. Liston. 484
Cour- Aprl9
FOR TRADE 12 acre in citv for r.
passenger Ford. Address J care of
Journal. An- va
FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms
modern, 642 N. High. Inquire at COO
NHigh. May5
WANTED To buy Mohair. East Sa
lem Tannery, 25th and Oak streets.
Phone 2100-M. tf
FORD FOR SALE Cheap. Call 47.'
South 17th street, or jihono lir)ti-.T.
A. K. Willson. Apr20
WANTED A carpenter to build
house and take land for pay. Address
J, care Journ.il. Apr20
FOR SALE 6-ycar-old mare, weight
1260, at Salem Feed Barn, Wednes
day and Thursday. Apr2tl
WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or
5 icrcs of Rood potato land. Must
be cheap. Address Journal C-50. May8
GOING EAST And offer for quick
alo full set furniture cheap tnis
week. 045 Statesman street. Apr20
FOR SALE 100 stands bees, mostly
golden Italians in good condition,
cheap. P. O. 202, Independence, Ore-
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. No other need ap
ply. Mrs. Harry Clay, 270 North 13th
street. tf
FOR SALE 3 half truck Studebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
MONEY TO LOAN On farm or im
proved city property. Inquire C. Z.
Randall, 303 Salem Bank of Com
merce BIdg. Apr2l
WHITE ROCKS An egg striin of ex
hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel
post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm,
Route 3, Salem. tf
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 407 State street. In
quire at 4C3 State. Thone 1009.
Maurice Klinger. tf
CHOICE ROSES Shrubs and all kinds
of fruit trees, cheap, to clean out
stock. Jones' nursery, rear of the
armory. Phone 413. ' Aur24
MELWOOD Cleaning and Pressing
Parlors and dressmaking by experi
enced lady. All work guaranteed.
251)0 Fair Grounds Road. Apr25
op to date power equipment. List
your orders at Salem Fuel Yards.
Phone C29. Densmore & Fresia, tf
FOR RENT Clean, -well furnished 5
room modern bungalow, 1-2 block
from car. To rent for one year.
Wood in basement for sale. Thone
1816. Apr25
FOR 8AT.K 80 acres, with good build
ings, an BtocK anu machinery, 4 miles
from Scio, about 00 acres in cultiva
tion. Price $8,200. See J. A. Mills,
384 Stato street. Apr2l
CHOICE CORNER LOT -r- 95x105. on
car line, 7-room house, fruit trees and
berries. A snap nt $2,000. See A.
Kitterman with W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., 275 State street.
FINK 50 ACRE FARM 4()"nores plow
land, 10 acres timber pasture, run
ning water. House, barn, outbuild
ings, family orchard, 2 wells, good
road, close to town and railroad. See
Kd Canatse with W. II. Grabenhorst
& Co., 275 State street.
room nlmost new bungalow on a
paved street, 4 blocks to car line, a
beautiful little home. Price $l,.r0,
$500 cash and the balance ifiil per
month, 6 per cent interest J. A.
Mills, 381 State street. Apn'l
FOR SALE 155 acre dairy farm, all
cleared and most nil in crop. 25 Reran
clover. Oood house an. I bnrn. Well
and creek. Stock nnd implements.
Price $14,000. Will tnke as part pay
ment acreage or small farm up to
$4,000. W. fl. Grabenhorst & Co.. 275
State street. Apr 19
FOR EXCHANGE 42 acres red hill
soil, 21 acres in cultivation, fi acres
prunes, 2 years old. balance in res
tore. Small house nnd barn. Will
take full vable in property in Salem.
Also one acre on rock road near rn
lcm, house, well, chicken house. snmo
fruit trees. $700. Square Deal Realty
Co., 202 203 V. S. Rank Itldg. Phone
470. tf