THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APR. 19, 1916. SEVEN ir-1 - n n 1 1 ii rriiarii1 iti nMfi"1 rrt tr kuimm Mm irwimi 3 4 A hand-made Aristocrat but a five-cent Democrat. M. A. GUNST & CO. INCORPORATED ' ' ' ' ' Club Organized at Salem As Part of the State Wide Organization q: n u SI IJ u II rj n 13 El n ti ti u El II U 11 II El !! II El II p-1 r Remember I Saturday evening, April 22nd, we give away a beautiful gold watch, genuine Elgin movement, 20-year guaranteed gold case. So come often, get all the free tickets you can, as they cost you nothing and you are under no obligation whatever. E ONLY EIGHT MOR and Johnson's Famous DAYS n jift, . aw.'ii')'MMF't'wi"iw'. TODAY AND TOMORROW BLANCHE SWEET IN "THE BLACK LIST" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DUSTIN FARNUM IN "BEN BLAIR" Fox Sunday and Monday Fox WM. FARNUM IN "FIGHTING BLOOD" Always the Best at. YE LIBERTY THEATRE A number of prominent Marion coun ty Democrats nnil others who are fav orable to the re election of Woodrow Wilson, regardless ofirty, met at the Marion county court house last night and perfected the organization of the Kiilfiu Woodrow Wilson Club. John Bayne was elected president of" the or ganization, A. P. Wilson was selected as secretary and W. A. Listen was chosen as treasurer of the permanent organization. a constitution was adopted and the president was author ized to appoint at least 12 ladies as a membership committee. The constitution which was ndopted waB the same as has been adopted in the other Woodroiv Wilson clubs of the state and the copy -was presented by 0. Y. Harry, of Portland, general organ izer of the Woodrow Wilson League of Oregon. Any person who is eligible to vote in the November election in and who feels friendly to the President and is in sympathy with the objects of the league is eligible to membership and it is proposed to enlist a strong follow ing for the president in Marion county in spite of the fact that this county is the hot bed of the Old Onard. Mr. Harry stated today that the Woodrow Wilson League in Portland ; had at present about MOO members and if that the membership was growing at me. ime in iou or .wo u weeK. lac membership is about 7o per cent demo cratic and has ubout 25 per cent of its membership from other political par ties, mostly republican. The Portland Woodrow Wilson Club is the largest political organization that has ever been perfected in Multnomah county and the women nre particularly actnc in the interests of Wilson's candidacy. Mr. Harry left Salem this morning for Southern Oregon where n meeting will be held in Modford tonight, one at l Ashland J- nday night and one at I Grants Pass Saturday night. At Rose j burg a meeting and banquet has been arranged for Monday night. It is pro posed to organize a league in every i M county and larger town in the state I fj prior to the St. ljouis convention. REMOVAL SALE ti He 11 II E r i r r Premier Asquiih Bending Every Energy to Prevent the Change London, April 18. Dissolution of parliament and a general election on the conscription issue were predicted in the house of commons; lobbies this ev ning. It was reported Unit Premier Asrpiith had failefl to conciliate utlherentfl of the immediate general conscription plan. Experts declared the election would Tesult in a conservative cabinet headed by Bonur Law, with the liberals form ing the opposition party. Asquith informed the house of com mons that several points of disagree ment in the cabinet had not bee cleared up by the series of conferences just end ed. If they are not settled, the result will be a breaking up of the ministry, ho admitted. "The cabinet," said Asquith, "is united in the belief that this would be national disaster. I am hoping that wise counsel will yet prevail." Crisis Is Grave. London, April 10. Premier Asquith at today's cabinet meeting made a effort to prevent a breaking up of the ministry and a general election iu the midst of the wnr. Tiie crisis is admittedly the gravest yet laced by the coalition cabinet. Sen sational Illinois hid it that David Lloyd-tJeorge, minister of munitions, other ministers, and Karl Kitchener as well as other military heads had threat ened to resign unless Asqirith yielded to their demand for immediate general conscription. The reports were discred ited by rumors that the opposing fac tions had compromised during the night. The capture of Trebizond by the Rus sians Anil reports that the United Slates was about to break with Germany were used as arguments against any course that might threaten Great Pritain's po sition in the eyes of the world. The al lied economic conference whic h opens in Paris tomorrow was alo cited in .in effort to avert the threatened breaking up of the ministry. . IB One lot of Suits, good staple styles and ma terials, sL'.es 34 to :6, to be closed out at Stein Bloch, L System and Schloss Bros, best Suits, values to $25, on sale at $9.65 i He Was Indicted for Acts Be- i' fore He Was German Embassy , $ ' SUGAR NOW $3.00 Portland, Or., April 1!). The s)e price of sugar jumped another se ten cents today, reaching the $8.00 mark, the second highest $ ever recorded here. The highest sic was in August,! I!)i4, when a c hundred pounds of sugar was worth ifS.03. Only a Matter C z i m of Time until the use of foods which lack certain nutritive elements supplied by the field grains, will result in decreased mental and physical activity often ill health. There is one food that supplies in splendid pro portion these vital mineral elements phospate of potash, etc. so necessary for keeping one physically and mentally vigorous. That food is li rape N it HIS Made of whole wheat and malted barley, it sup plies all the nutriment of the grains, is long baked and rendered partially pre-digesteda wonderful energizer of body and brain. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Sold by Grocers everywhere Washington, April 19. Secretary Lansing today informed Geniuin Am bassador Von Bernstorff that the pa pers seized from Wolf Von J gel, for mer secretary to Captain I'rauz Von Pa pen, military attache of the German embassy, would be returned. Von lgcl aVested ih New York yesterday on bomb "lot charges. Count Yon Bernstoff arirved at the state department at 11:30 a. m. for a conference with Secretary Lansing, at which he planned to renew his request for the release of Wolf Von Igel, for mer secretary to Captain Von Pnpen, milit.iry attache of -the German em bassy. Igel is held in New York ou bomb plot charges. The -German embassy intimated that the case was considered very serious. One official compared it to Sussex in international importance. Anxious to Recover Paper. New York, April 10. The tirest of Wolf Von Igel, formerly secretary to Capt.lin Finn. Pnpen of the German embnssv. and the. seizure of papers in his Wall 'sired office were reported ; today to have revealed much new inlor I million coiicei ing bomb plots, of un in ternational aspect necoiid in importance only to the submarine issue. 1 It is understood that Genrtan Am 'b.isndor Von liernstorff has laid the j mutter of Von I gel's arrest before j l'oreion Minister Von Jagow in Berlin. Secretary Lansing is being kept in formed concerning local moves in the 'situation, liernstorff is said to be very anxious to recover the seized documents, jell has demanded that they not be pho tographed and that they be returned to Von lgcl immediately. The papers, how ever, .ire still in the I'nited States dis trict attorney's hands in New York and they have ben both photographed and copied. Von Igel is indicted for a crime al leged to have ben committed in Sep tember, Ktl f. It is reported that he did ; not become a German embassy employe until a vear afterward. Charles V. Galloway at Head of Department Charles V. Galloway, state tax com missioner, was elected director of the u u M u Go w Johnson & W9 Mff (BWIWWJJP'pfWWIH n II 11 U u ti M 11 El U n n u u II li II m y El 13 13 II M El I u u p ti is ii ti i i u is ii ij ;! ii it M ii i H M K-l li t t li El H 11 U twiwyifnnw;''1 qw'o , 1 " u. ;n h .ii tfjinwmn'iiiiwmpii i imwtimwimitow POSITIVELY CLOSES FOR GOOD For any reason, you have not visited this store and sale, let us urge upon you to come at once. Without exaggeration, we say, as does everyone, that this is positively the greatest clothing sale in the history of Salem. Last week was the fifth week since we opened this mighty sale and all day Saturday and late into the evening our store was jammed to capacity, which is con vincing evidence that people have gone away satisfied, told their friends and neighbors and come DacK to rnis saie, to tmy tne very highest class and best brands of Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, Etc., at prices less than ever offered by this or any other store. If you are one that has not taken advantage of this gigantic sale, it is surely up to you to act quick or forever lose this golden oppor tunity to save from 25 to 50 per cent on the dollar on the best merchandise that can be bought for men ' and grown-up boys. Any man's belt in the Men's fine mercerized, store goes on sale at Swiss ribbed shirts and no drawers, regular 75c OC value, on sale at ' OKr Choice of any boy's hat in the store, $1.25 and ; : T $1.50 values, for only Mens0 ge Presi dent Suspenders will be 85c sold at 19c Men's $4.50 rubber rain- ; coats go on sale to close Regular 25c Boston and , out at Paris Garters go on r sale, pair 7Sc 15c Men's regular $1.00 Summer weight, ribbed union suits, ankle length, long or short sleeves, all sizes, on sale at 45c One lot of odd vests, small sizes, to be closed out at 10c Men's 50c silk handker chiefs to be sold at 28c it Come often get all the tickets you can for the gold watch ri 0u 141 N. Com'l Street Total Registration May Reach 13,500 The registration books closed at S o'clock at the of ice of tho county clerk last night, after 3o0 voters had been re gistered during the day. This is the largest number that has registered in any single day since the books were opened. In f.ict the last threo days legislation inj taxation department of the Commercial club at a meeting of the department last evening, succeeding Thos. I!. Kay, who was a candidate for reelection. The by-laws of the club requiting the nomination of threp candidates when a director is elected, James Young, W. 11. Pancy jml Charles V. Galloway were! placed in nomination. The department went on record as fa-1 vVng one cent postage tor 1 t daw ' ,,. (,vs at ,,, (,,,.rk-8 m mail mat er for home mail .giving he Sntm.(1. ;w rt,ist,,.Pll ,, Momlllv larger cities with postal delivery tne n registration ?' ..." : , ,. ' J ! ' .L.Jin Marion county Saturday evening i towns without delivery hen th. ; ; miiHur wflu Infer rt.fpreil tn the ireiernl' . . ' . " . m.nn'nl Irnm fhi niiluliln ilitrii'tu if 1M expected that the tot il will bo about! i:i,;jWI, which is aliout ;l,oOl) sliort of tlie vote east at the last general election.' The books will again be opened after! tho primary election, May 10. J The registration of the .V0 voters yesterday was handled for the mo?t pirt by a single clerk and only during rush hours was another added. In 1II1H at one time S clerks wci'.reiuireil k t j one time at the county clerk's office, nnd since three blanks were required in! each instance, it was nccei-sarv to keep part of this force long after the regis-' tratiou books lnd closed. l'nder ihej new system, the books are cloed when the last voter is registered and the files are complete. Salem Ice Co. Pure Distilled Water monthly meeting, action was postponed until the next regular meeting. The department was favorable to the proposition tiiat all equity in the Ore gon and California grants, over and above railroad interests, should go to the state of Oregon, provided, of lonrse, the government takes the land grants from the railroad. Try Capital Journal want Ads. v.. We are delivering Ice to our customers every day. We will furnish our customers with our Ice Cards before the summer season opens as usual, and furnish coupon books to all who want them, askthe driver for an ice pick. Prompt Delivery Guaranteed. Special Delivery in Case of Necessity. Phone Your Orders 115. DEAGGED TOUR MIXES BY RUNAWAY HORSE SStDQBEBSBBfSaifl . April IP. l!is the stirrups of .1. A. miles to. lay. "pU ins was dragged nearly i the C.ijou J'ass eai-t of four here San Bernardino, Cal. foot locked in one of the saddle on the horse he was riding, became frightened at a Ifupk ins iii pro'hiibly His llOlhC passing train, threw him, and raced toward Sun ller I'lirdino. Jt was not until the animnl stopped on the outskirts Of the city that tho accident, wis discovered. Try Capital Journal Want Ads, n n Four Days Starting SUNDAY CLAYTON ASK YW. HE KNOWS! "BLIGH THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Aiv" KATHLYN Tbfl WILLIAMS Spollerg' lu Cast THE NE'ER DO WEL - Matin e and Evening Adults ?5c. Children l"c GRAND THEATRE Today OREGON Tomorrow Triangle Pictures iicasm A story exposing the Brutality of Ignorant Police officers in extorting con fessions by the "Third Degree" from innocent prisoners HIS HEREAFTER a three reel Keystone full of thrills. Don't Forget Mmc. Petrova in the "Soul .Market" Sunday and .Monday. wwreciLi A Vt Hcquiuea Thursday, Friday and Saturday n MUSIC AL COMEDY 3 Days Only Eight . Dancing Beauties REX All New BLIGH THEATRE r wmr- ia'-. raMCBTOWMMM