Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 19, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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......... ...................1.. AAH.AAAA
This Big Sale of Dress
Many splendid pieces of
many and must dispose
white, brown and white,
price. Widths from 38
Special Easter
Your Choice of Our
A A A tffl tTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTT-r-r T TTTttttttttttttttt t -r -r
All Aroun
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasfl-i
correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldg.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin K. Page will go
to Astoria tomorrow to ntteud the fu
neral of Judge 0. H. 1'agc, an undo of
Mr. Page.
Dr. Stone' i drug store.
Charles Jewett, of Halvorsen and
Hums nuto agency, reports the sale of a
Maxwell ear to (J. G. McKlroy, which he
will place in his passenger service.
Dr. Stone 'g Drug Store for trusses.
in addition to his address to tho noon
day meetings at the First Methodist
rlinrch, President Carl Gregg Doney
will speak at the evening meetings.
What You Get for
Today and Thursday
4 Cans Salmon
i lbs. Curve Cut Macaroni
i 10c Cans Tomatoes
7 Bars White Soap
3 lbs. Sugar
15 lbs. Dry Onions
5 lbs. Hg,
6 Large Rolls Toilet Paper
35c Blend Coffee
13 Lemons
1 Gallon Fine Kraut
6 lbs. Rice
3 12 lbs. Dried Peaches
2 1-3 lbs. Strained Honey
Starts Tomorrow
good grade Dress Fabrics placed on sale at this low price because we have too
of them. Here they are: Checks, Stripes and Plaids in black and white, blue and
greens, reds, greys and various colored plaids. Excellent grades at the regular
to 50 inches. Grand special for three days Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Buy Your Easter Togs at Meyers and
get the most for your money.
Splendid assortment of Easter Gloves,
Neckwear and Ribbons; Mens Easter
Neckwear in wide variety; New Easter
Footwear for Men, Women, Children.
Sale of Millinery
Entire Stock at V2 P"ce
April 19 Sons of American
devolution banquet, Minon
April 19. Senator Theodore K.
Burton of Ohio, candidate for
republican nomination for
president, at Armory.
April 20. Klcctiou of director
Social department Commercial
April 21 Willamette university
debates Pacific on govern
ment ownership of railroads.
April 21. l'rof. Hector AIc
rhersnn on " Kural Credits,"
at Public Library.
April 21. Sacred Cantata,
"Tho Crucifixion," at St.
Paul's Kpiseopnl church.
April 22. Mid-Summer Night's
lrenm, Opera Houso, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April 2.'l Master Sunday.
April 25. Klection of Director
civics department Commercial
-April 2(1. "Green Stockings,"
play at auditorium, high
school bv senior class.
April 27 1'reo lee.turo by Fetor
Collins at Opera House.
April 27. Klection of director
Agricultural department, Com
mercial (lull.
April 28 Dance, benefit Salem
Street Ilailwuy band, at the
May (i. Founders' Day cele
bration at Chainpoeg.
liny OlO. Kust Willamette as
sociation of Congregational
Twelve acros of fine land near Pair
Grounds $100 per acre, ulso 17 acres of
fine timber, very best dark lonm soil,
I 12 miles east of asylum, $125 per
acre. I,, lieclitel ii Co., :H7-Stalo street
Apr. ID
Lieutenants L. II. Compton and Wal
ter I.. Spnuldiiig, adjutant and quarter
mister, respectively, on Major Alliums
stntf, have been assigned to Company
M for regular drill in battalion orders.
Miss Grace MiUingor, ol Portland,
will give an evening of readings at tho
First Christian church, Wediiesdav, lit
1 o'clock. Vocal music bv Mrs. (lord
don McGilchriHt, Ward Wolf and the
Ladies' (juartetto. Admisisou 10 cents.
Dr. Carl Doney will have charge of Suloni Lumber company. Phono elJ.
the evangelistic service being held each! 0
evening of this week at tho First Moth- The Salem lodge of Moose tele
odist church. ! graphed its congratulations to the San
0 I Francisco lodge, who were eelebating
Money to loan, $1,100 $350 on city 1
property $500 f 10,000 on farm proper
L. lleehtcl & Co., 347 State street. I
Homer Hayes, of 530 North Liberty
street, who was operated on for appen
dicitis Tuesday morning nt the Willam
ette Sanatorium, is reported today to
he making favorable progress toward
MSS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Halbard Building. Phone 109
I Dr. FranJB E. Brown, late of New
York, I'ost Graduate school, confining bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 4 Hi U. s.
hia practieo to diseases of tho eye, car, iiauk lildg. Phone 18(5.
nose and throat, will have his offices o
with Dr. A. 11. Gillis, over Bush Dank Dr, stone makes no charge for consul
building. MaylO tution, examination or prescription, tf
Mrs. j. u. nation, two rortn uowige,
who underwent a Herious operation
Monday at the Willamette Sanatorium,
is reported today to bo malting a satis
factory recovery.
Auction sale at the People's Quick
Exchnngo Auction Market on Saturday, 1
April 22d at 1:30 p. m. Everything i
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy 0ak Dining Tables at extra special re
household furniture for cash. P. N. llm,(,(1 i(, iJ2 tullle9 $705. $15 table
Woodry, auctioneer. Boone 511, Apd-0 $)jM. table ifl-UiO; $25 table $15.75.
O I All nniv nnlfiii-na ltnri.n A!- I In nilltim
xno woman s Alliance 01 uie uni
tarian church will meet with Mrs. H. F.
Tiseher of I olio St.ite street, Friday at
2:3(1 o'clock. All members and friends
are cordially invited. ion orders, lie went to Dallas Tuesday
0 night to assist Captain Conrad Stat'rin,
Automobiles for hire, passengers and of Co. L, at the regular company drill
bnggugo transfoTod, rates reasonable, J and will also be on duti.y with that coin
country trips a specialty. (J. U. Mc-jpnny for the next two regular drill
rJlroy. Pboue u-w or U3U. w.iugnia
The social department of the Conimer
mcrcinl club will meet tomorrow even
ing lor the purpose of electing a di
rector for the coming year. Ciins. L.
Dick, the present director, is not a can
did ito for re-election.
Black fflioes bronzed white dhoes
cleaned. Popular shoo shining parlors.
Specially equipped for ladies. 3S3
State street. Opposite The Spa.
Dr. F. II. Thompson will leave tonight
for Columbus, Ohio, to attend tho inter
natinunl conference of industrial stale
accident commissioners. He has been
invited to read a paper before the med
ic .il section of the conference.
A Sonora Talking Machine will enter
tain tho whole family. Myrtlo Know
land, 421 Court.
Word was received this morning from
Mr. ami Mrs. Henry W. Meyers who are
with a party of friends at i'aso Hobles,
having motored from San Francisco.
Tho party will remain at Paso Hobles
another week.
You will not make a mistake if you
smoke llygnulo cigars. Salem made, 5
... Dr. M. E. Pomeroy left tills morning
ing for Wilsonvillo to attend the funer
al of her uncle, James P. Hartlett, a
veteran of the Indian wars. She was
accompanied by Mrs. F. Ford, a daugh
ter of the deceised, who came from
Oakland, Calif., to attend the fuuedul.
Silverton will send a large delegation
to Albany this evening for tho special
initiations of the Hathbone Bible class.
They will come to the city in nutos
and accompany the Salem Knights of
Pythias, leaving for Albany on the (i:45
Oregon F.lcctrie.
Let us figure on jour next bill of
lumber. We can save you money on all
kinds of building materials.
Falls City-
the tenth anniversary of the great fire.
Ml fraternal organizations of Sin Fran
Cisco joined in a celebration at the end
the rirst iiecaoe ot the reconstruc
tion 01 t lie citv.
Easter plants and flowers, also bed
.. , , ,, ,, , . , , . f
bug plants ot nil kinds. Our plants are I
exeeptionnllv fine. H. Frank Sennit?.,
Fifteenth and Center streets. Phono
2007. Apr. 21
Aod aching heads are often permanent
ly relieved by the use of rightly fitted
eyeglasses or spectacles.
Better save your sight while you
can, Our eyes are open to discover do
fcots in yours it1 you will give us the
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed
Percy M. Varey, of the Salem police
force, lias closed a deal for the pur
chase of tho residenco of K. ,f. Kng
dahl at "80 Center street. The resi
denco, will be ocupicd by Mr. .ind Mrs.
Vnrney within a few days. Jlr. ling-
lahl has left this city and is now locat-
e j at jjjn (i;ty
..... , . ..... ...... v. - -
First Lieutenant L. H. Compton, of
Major Abrums' staff, has been appoint
Third Hattalion Instructor in Imltal
We are offering some exceptional bar
gains in ouk dining tables, round top,
pedestal b.isc. See them on, I siplny In
show window. Huron & Hamilton.
Major Carle Abrams, Third Battery,
O. N. (I., stated today that Second Lieu
tenant Phil. A. Liveslep, of Co. I, of
Woodbimi, had applied to the examin
ing board to set a (lute for his exam
ination for a commission .is first lieu
tenant, for which he was nominated by
Cliptain drover Todd, of Co. I. Major
Abrams, Captain -Max Gchlhar, of Co.
M, and First Lieutenant L. H. Compton,
comprise the examining board.
Iron beds at prices that should inter
est you. (i.!50 bed $5.40; $5.50 bed
$4.05; $1.50 bed $.'1.05, $3.75 bed $2.05.
Burcn & Hamilton.
About 24 years ago, State Commander
J. W. Sherwood of the .Macenhees, ini
tiated K. N. Morris into the lodge of the
Maccabees. This evening ho will as
sist in the initiation of II. It. Morris, a
sou of the Moris who. went into the
lodge 24 years ago. Fred (K Buchtel
will also be a member of the class to be
initiated this evening. Several promi
nent speakers will make short talks.
Special sale of iron teds at prices
that will please you. uiiron & Hamilton.
Here is another hard luck story for
the good housekeepers. Sugnr ad
vanced 10 cents a hundred this morn
ing and now the retailers are selling at
a prieo varying from $S.2." to $S.35 n
hundred. The highest price reached in
the sugar market was between August
17 and 21, 1014, when the retail price
w is $8.40 a hundred. Dealers here arc
of the opinion that this high price may
bo passed as the market is strong.
Postmastc- ---... Huckestein ac
cepted an invitation from the Commer
cial department of the Iliith school yes
terday to address them 011 n few things
that nil should know about a postottice
and its business. The proper way to
address letters, how to mail and the
various errors that are made in mail
ing letters as well as packages were ex
plained. They were also told about the
commonest mistakes mudo every day,
such as short paid mutter nnd the mail
ing of printed matter. The workings
of the postal savings department were
also explained.
The State Industrial Accident Com
Million llilTI nt'llll'll Ik IIC.llll IMIIIU Mil.
lf nw.lnl wi,-lin ftf,
mission has settled a death claim and
er the sceident which caused tho death
of Hap Wcist, who was employed in
Portland. This establishes the record
for the commission ns the full data was
already prepared by the agents of the
commission the claim was awarded the
same dnv it was filed with the comiuis-
ision. The deceased leaves a widow,
aired 24 vears, for whom the rescrvo
I set aside was $7,05;UO, which will pro
jdiice $14,054 in the HO years and 14 days
that sue is expected to live,
I Wanted: Fifteen bands by the Port-
i land Hose Festival. In order to make
it interesting to the country bands, the
: festival association will offer $1,000 in
ipriies, in $500, $300 and $200 awards
for the best band from out or Portland.
I The Portland bands will not be allowed
i to compete. The conditions are tint
any band that enters must bring 24
i pieces, must be an amateur band, must
i take part in a massed baud tattoo and
i parade and that they may play
intnij runt soumis iikc music, even iw-
rohrnrv. There in n limittion ft to
the number of pieces, but the ofler oi
(Continued From Page One.)
"The government of the United
States after having given careful con
sideration of the note to the imperial
government of the tenth of April re
grets to state that tho impression made
noon it bv the statements and proposals
contained in that note is that he im
perial Government has failed to appreci
ate the gravity of the situation which
has resulted, not alone from the attack
on the Sussex, but from the whole meth
od and character of submarine warfare
as disclosed by the unrestricted prac
tice of the commanders of German un
dersea craft during the past 12 months
and more in the indiscriminate destruc
tion of merchant vessels of all sorts,
nationalities and descriptions. It th
sinking of the Sussex had been an iso
lated case the government might fine
it possible to hope that the officer who
was responsible for that act hud wilful
ly violated his orders or had been crim
inally negligent in taking none of the
precautious they prescribed, and that
the ends of ltistice mignt ue sansTieo
by imposing upon him an adequate
punishment, coupled with a formal dis
avowal of the fact and payment of a
suitablo indemnity by the imperial
government. But though the attack
upon the Sussex was manifestly inde
fensible nnd caused a loss of life so
tragical as to make it stand forth ns oni
of the most terrible examples of the
inhumanity o'f submarine warfare ns
the commanders of Gorman vessels are
conducting it, it unhappily does no
stand alone.
'On the contrary, the government of
tho United States is forced bv recent
events to conclude that it is only oue
instance, of the deliberate method and
spirit of indiscriminate destruction ot
merchant vessels of all sorts, nationali
ties iiiifl destinations which have tic-
come more and more unmistnkalile as
the activity of German midc-sea ves
sels of war in recent months -jcco (juick
en id pud extended.
' T1 e imperial goverir.uc.it will e
;1 tint when, in Februa v, MH5, it
uiii junccd its intention of ii'c'.tlnjj the
Witecj iuiTotinding Great i'riti'.i- nnd
Irck.nd as embraced ivrthin the Sf-.it of
t nnd of destroying: all mirclunt
ships on ned by its enemies that might
be found within that zone of danger and
warned nil vessels, neutrals ns well as
belligerent, to keep out of the waters
thus prescribed or to enter them at
their peril, the government of the Uni
ted States earnestly protested. It took
the position that such a policy could
not bo pursued without constant gross
and palpable violation of the accepted
law ot nations, particularly ot subma
rine craft were to be employed as its
instruments, inasmuch as the rules pre
scribed that law, rules founded on the
principles of humanity nnd established
for the protection of the lives of non-
combatants at sea, couiu no; in the fu
ture of the case be observed by such
$1,000 ill awards will not hold good un
less 15 bunds enter. Awards will be
made on execution, uniforms, diseiplin
and general appearance in the line of
A meeting of the agricultural depart
ment of the Commercial club has been
called for Thursday evening, April 27,
to elect a director of the department, to
succeed W. 1. Slaley, who announces
that he will not be a candidate for re
election. The fans of the Commercial club feel
that Salem should have a baseball team
and in fact, several expressed them
selves to the extent of saying that a
town was a mighty dead one that could
not support a first class team. As they
did not want Suleiu to be put up in
litis class, at t lie meeting of the Com
mercial club last evening, the hat was
passed around to nssist in raising the
sum of $150 necessary for the rental of
the grounds nt the penitentiary. When
the tellers finished their counting, it
wis found that $110.40 had ben collected,
and if the spirit keep up, the necessary
$150 will soon be raised. At leist, that
is wh it a fan said.
For the first 15 days of April, the
parcel post business of the Salem post
office amounted to 0,724 percels re
ceived from other postof t'ices for deliv
ery, 1,500 from the local office, making
a total of 11.224 parcels received in 15
narceis rece.vea in i.,
liveied. 4,2:17 by citv
lavs. During the
the general deliv
iinckages were deliv
carrier, d.oOi by rural earners and 11
by special delivery, making n total of
8-741 packages delivered in the 15 days
without extra expense. Tuo total
number of parcel post packages han
dled during the 15 years was 10,7511, of
which KiO were insured.
The Salem Women's club is barred
through its constitution and bylaws
from taking any part in any movement
that looks like politics or religion. Con
sequently, the executive committee of
the club wishes it to be known that ns
an organization, they cannot officially
meet and entertain the noted eastern
snffragests who will soon come to Sa
lem, as that would look like taking part
in Politics. However, should any mem
ber of the club feel disposed to meet
or entertain Mrs.O.H.P.Belmoiit, or -Mrs.
Harriot St.iatoii Blntcli, or Mrs. Inez
Milhollnnd Uoissewtin, they are at li
berty to do so as individuals. But the
Salem Women's club, according to in
formation received from tho executive
committee will take no action as a club.
Arrangements are under way for the
improving of the camping grounds at
the state fair, according to the report
ot the civp-s department ot tne Com
mercial club. The report of a special
committee, through its chairman, Judge
William (iallowny, was to the extent
that it would be iiccessarv to raise $1100
in order to secure n care-taker for the!
grouuds nnd to get them in condition.
During the month of September, the
judge reported that the state fnir would
pay for the water and lights at the
grounds. The committee also proposes
to erect a building on the grounds for
general purposes, to be used by the
campers. It was finally decided that if
thn ('niiinierclal eluh .lid not have the
funds to give the civic department for
uii- umirutrmrui in me voiiii.n.K
grounds, at least tho Commercial club
anr-twouldndorw the action of the depart
mem aim niso enuorse ine luan oi w-
I curing the $:UHi through subscriptions
irom business mcu.
uuThe Store That Saves You Money,.
Spring Time
Now is the time to change your Floor covering
Linoleum for your kitchen will give more service
than any other covering you can use, easily cleaned,
always looks neat.
We just received a large shipment of the latest in
Linoleums all new patterns and staple quality. See
these beautiful patterns and get our prices before
you buy.
Remember our goods are marked at cash prices.
See window display of Aluminum Ware.
New Potatoes, 4 pourids 25c
New Peas, 4 pounds 25c
Strawberries, 2 boxes r ' 25c
Cucumbers ; 15c each
Head Lettuce, 3 for 25c
Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for .25c
Largest Oranges, dozen 50c
Fancy Lemons, dozen 20c
Home made Hot Cross Buns, order today, 20c dozen
Two Phones, 830 and 840
vessels: It based its protest on the
ground that persons of neutral national
ities and vessels of neutral ownership
would be exposed to extreme nnd intol
erable risks; nnd thui no right to close
nay part of the high seas could lawfully
be'usscrtcd by the imperial government
in the eircumstunces then existing. The
law of nations in these mutters upon
which the government of the United
States based that protest, is not of re
cent origin or founded upon merely ar
bitrary principles set up by convention.
It is based on the contrary upon mani
fest principles of humanity and has
long been established with the approval
and by the express as-sent of nil civil
ized nations.
"Tho imperial government, notwith
standing, persisted with carrying ' out
the policy announced, expressing tin
hope that the dangers involved nt any
rate to neutral vessels would be re
duced to minimum by the instructions
which it had issued to the commanders
of its -submarines, and assuring the gov
ernment of the United States that it
would take every possible precaution
both to respect the rights of neutrals
and to safeguard the lives of non-com-bntants.
"In pursuance of this policy of sub
marine warfare against the commerce of
its adversaries, thus announced and
thus entered upon in despite of the
. , . t f ovlimpnt ot
t,,c inar-craal government, s (undersea
ruthless destruction which have made
it more and move evident as the months
have gone by that the imperial govern
ment has found it impracticable to put
any such restraints upon them as it had
hoped and promised to put. Again and
again the imperial government has giv
en its solemn assurances to the gov
ernment of the United States that nt
lenst passenger and freight ships would
not be thus denlt with and vet it has
repeatedly permitted its undersea com-1
manders to disregard these assurances
with entire impunity. As recently as
February lust, it gave nottice that il j
would regard all armed merchant men j
owned by its enemies as part of the
armed naval forces of its adversaries i
and deal with them ns with men of war,
thus, at least, by implication, pledging'
itself to give warning to vessels which !
are unarmed and to accord security of i
life to their passengers and crews but j
even this limitation their submarine
commanders have recklessly ignored.
"Vessels of neutrar ownership, even!
.vessels of neutral ownership bound j
from neutral port to neutral port, have!
h n; t ownjr!ihi in oon,,n,iv ;. !
creasing numbers. Sometimes the mer
chantmen attacked have been warned
and summoned to surrender before be
ing fired on or torpedoed: sometimes
their passengers and crews have been
vouchsafed the poor security of being
allowed to take to the ship's boats be
fore the ship was sent to the bottom.
But again nnd again no warning has
been given, no escape, even to the ship's
boats nlbvwed to those on board.
"Oreut liuers like the I.usitnnia and
Arabic and mere passenger boats like
the Sussex have been attacked without
moment's warning, often before they
- . -
the presence of an armed ship of the
enemy and the lives of non-eomhntuiits.
passengers and crew have been destroy
ed wholesale and in a manner which the
government of the the United States
to Calef Bros
426 State Street
When in SALEM, OEECJON, itoy at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
BATES: 75c, $1.00, J1.50 FEB DAY
The only hotel in the business district.
N'earest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Why Not Use
Colombia QUALITY Carbons7
Made In Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Colambia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co.
33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore.
can but regard as wanton and without
the slightest color of justification. K
limit of any kind has m fact been si t
to their indiscriminate pursuit and de
struction of merchantmen of all kind '
nnd nationalities within the waters
which the imperial government hai
chosen to designate as lying within th"
seat of war. The roll of Americans who
havo lost their lives upon ships tin
attacked and destroyed bus grown more,
and more until the ominous toll lire
mounted into the hundreds. The gov-
fContinned on Pag'- Two
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
Daily Between
i galem, SUyton, Mill City and all way
, jroints. .Leaves ami citv b:30 x. m.:
SUyton 8:00, Salem 9:30.
Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m.;
Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40.
Phone 2378