EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1916. There Is a Point Where Cheapness Ceases to Be Economy A Sweeping Pre-Easter Sale BORN Finn of Sty! iish Millinery ALL HATS IN STOCK AT HALF PRICE Our Millinery buyer in New York sends a big shipment of new Hats each week. We have received so many the past two weeks that we have decided to cut prices in two in order to dispose of them before Easter. Scores of beautiful styles street, dress and sport models in all the newest trimming effects for Spring and Summer 1916. Come and take your pick from this grand assortment. Exclusive ModelsNo Two Alike YOUR CHOICE ONE-HALF PRICE (We show a few of them in our Court Street window) Special Sale Prices on All Women's and Misses' Suits - ' T0M0RR0W--0UR 781st WEDNESDAY SURPRISE A Sale of Fine Muslin Underwear Two large lots to pick from in this surprise for tomor row's selling. Lace and Embroidery effects. Ribbon trimmed. 41.38 98c One Lot, Up to $3.50,Your Choice One Lot, Up to $1.85, Your Choice . New Showing of Women's Dainty Neckwear for Summer All the pretty, fetching styles of Summer Neckwear are shown in this new assortment which has just reached us. Make early selections and get the best choice. A wide range of prices. See the window display. QUALITY AND SERVICE -- J1.Y IIOOOPIGOOD S YZZJ IIILFICKER To Mr. and Mrs. August ililfieker, at their home on rural rente So. 4, April 10, 1U1G, a son, to be named Julius. BREAD sd' XSP-oT If you're particularly fond of particularly good Bread, ask for this particular Flour by name ' ' i at your Grocer tI All rm. n . ni wwu therry tity ratent Now SALEM " ""aow j Economy Flour Wheatola for Breakfast i 'All Around Town 1 777 g miiiiiiiiii:iiiiututiniiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiii!mi!ni;ii;;miii;iianaKi BIG ORDER rOR BROCCOLI ! : : ! l l - . : t tho Capital Journal Now Today Itoscburg, Ore, April IS. .loli n Nix & Co., ol1 Chicago, or dered 151) carlo ids of liriiet'ilu (winter cauliflower) from grow ers in tho vicinity of liosoburg, it wus announced today. Knrty nine carloads wore shipped last vosr. MORE TROOPS FOR MEXICO S.m Antonio, Texas, April IS. (ieiorul l''uiiHton;'i head quarters announced today that 2,300 additional troops would bo sent into Mexico. Tr Capital Journal Want Ads. i Column nut your dollars on thn rioht track. Easter PSllinery Excess Shipment of New Pattern Hats We ordered these Hats for the opening of our New Store, but as they arrived earlier than anticipated, we are showing them now. Classy Models of Exclusive Style and Originality NO TWO ALIKE Mrs. P.E. Fullerton 270 N. Commercial In our new store in McGUchrist Bldg., on May 1st sfc sfc c jfc ifc sjc jjc sjc Jc )c )jc sc jjc ss ' COMING EVENTS V TONIGHT. April 18 Registration for primary election clones. April 18. Monthly meeting at Commercial club. April 19 Sous of American Revolution banquet, Marion hotel. April It). Senator Theodore E. liurton of Ohio, candidate for republican nomination lor president, at Armory. April 20. Election of director fiociul department Commercial club. April 21 Willamette university debates Pacific on goveru- ment ownership of railroads. , April 21 I'rof. Hector Me- I'herson on " Rural Credits," at Public Library. April 22. Mid-Summer Night's Iream, Opera House, auspices Salem Women's Club. April 23 Easter Sunday. April 25. Election of Director civicB department Commercial Club. April 2(!. "(ireen Stockings," play at auditorium, high school by senior class. . April 27 Free lecture by Peter Collins at. Opera House. April 28 Dance, benefit Salem Street Railway band, at the armory. May C. Founders' Pay cele bration at Champoeg. May 9-10. East Willamette as sociation of Congrcgntioual churches. Good cook stoves from ?3 to $12 at K. I;. Stiff '& Sons. Everything cut Z0 per cent. Hob son 'a.. j o Perl Humphrey, who was well known ; in the Waldo Hills, died Saturday cven 'iug at Die Darby iiomo near Stayton, : in his thirty-fifth year. He w.is a well known gfnrmer in that vicinity. lie is smvived by a widow and two small ehil- dre.i. Cui.eral services were held at the home yesterday, with burial at Hock Point. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flta glass es correctly. U. n. Bank. Bldtf. Your suit pressed, 50c Phone 43. The Woodmen of the World of Mc aiinuvillc will construct their new building bv day labor. At the time bids were opened all were rejected on ac count of financial difficulties. Xow that these h ive been removed, tho con conslnictiou of the building "will be gin ut once, by lay labor. j Dr. Stone' s drag nor. Your suit pressed, 50c. Thone 43. An entirely new front will bo placed jiu the business room to be occupied 'by O. W. Johnson & Co. in thn I'nited I Stales National bank building. The en trance will have a marble base nnd nil opening will be cut into the lobby of tho building for a special show win dow. The new location will be occupied about the first of next month. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43. Twenty cent a dosen for eggs Is thing of the pnt at least for this year, according to a prominent grocer. Farm ers are now receiving IS and 19 cents cash for their eggs and beginning yes terday the general retail price advanced to i"J 1-2 cents i doren with the pros iect.i of two bits n doen within a week or so. Twelve rea of flue land near Talr Urounds loo per .icre, also 17 sores of fine timber, very best dark loam soil, 1 1 1! miles east of asvlum, $12.") per acre. h. Itechtel & t'o., .147 State street. Apr. 10 Watch Hobson's reduction sale, 20; per cent cut. One $22 Globe Werniko Sectional llonkea.se used price $9. E. L. Stiff & Son. . H. C. Kelsey, ticket clerk and operat or at the Oregon Electric, passenger depot has been promoted to the posi tion of chief clerk of the O. E. freight depot. His place will be taken by P. H. Shaw, who was formerly night man ut the (). E. depot. Mr. B.irlow form erly with the Southern Pacific, will become the night man. Socialist lecture, G. W. Davis, Wed nesday. April 1!, D'Arcy (Union) Hall, W. A. Panning, a member of the New York firm of ,). M. McNicce &.'o., large operators in Oregon prunes and Pacific const dritjl fruits, is in the city. He is spending several" weeks on the const looking over the general fruit situation and to his interests in the Monmouth Orchard company. A regular $65 Monarch Range, a dandy, used price $33. 0. ,. Stiff & Son. With the bind of weather we have boon having lor the past week, the river seems to be holding its own, as the stage above low water tod.iy is ex-" actly five feet. There was a "rainfall of .1:1 of an inch for the 24 hours pre ceding S o'clock this morning, when the daily record is made. La Corna cigars will fill all the re quirements of exacting smokers. Salem made 10 ceil ts. ' In keeping with the spirit of pro gress. Judge P. II. D'Arcy is planning to erect a modem up-to-date two-story brick building on the location of the former Wexford Jheatre. The front will be of Mie lntest approved design ,nd will be a credit to the street. Within a few days workmen will begin to clear Ins Mrs. O. the grounds tor the new building. The lot has a frontage of 41 feet on Court street with a depth of 90 feet. Money to loan, $1,100 $350 on city property $."00 $10,000 n farm proper ty. I.. Jlevhtel & Co., ,147 State street. Apr.19 ELLIOTT To Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Elliott, 1211 Highland avenue, April IS, 1010, a daughter, to be named Grace Arline. ' Mr. Elliott is a linotype operator with the Capital Journal. Black ahoes bronze white dhoes cleaned. Popular shoe shining parlors. Specially equipped for ladies. 383 State street. Opposite The Spa. The Maccabees are .making prepara tions for the initiation of a large class tomorrow evening. State t'omfauder J. W. Sherwood, of Portland, will assist in the work of the evening. How you would enjoy an evening at home if you have, x Sonora Talking machine in your nome. Myrtle Know land, 421 Court street. George Voris and Prank Gibson were elected delegates from the Salem Poul try and Egg Circle to attend a meeting to be held in this city at an early date in which all the egg circles of the val ley will bo present. The purpose of the called meeting is to discuss the ad visability of -establishing a central sol ing agency in Portland and to secure the services of a man who is competent to take charge of the work. Mr. Voris and Mr. Gibson were elected at the meeting held Saturday afternoon. Automobiles for hire, passengers and. baggage transferal, rates reasonable, country trips a specinlty. C. G. Mc-' Elroy. Phone 947 or 639. tf , The ninth B science pupils of the; Washington junior high school are do ing some practical investigating. Yes terday accompanied by their teacher, David K. Bruce, they visited tho Salem Ice Works and were conducted through the plant by Chief Engineer W. B. Nelson. Tiie students were shown sub jects that had been studied in the class room. This included the making of icej from condensed steam used elsewhere to j furnish power. The inspection of the j maciuuery gave me pupils a pracueai demonstration of ice making. Lumber, lath, shingles and builders' hardware that gives satisfaction can al ways be found at Falls City-Salem Lum ber Co., 349 South Twelfth. Phone 813. The Taxpayers League is getting busy and will soon give the 11 candi dates for the legislature an opportun ity to say just what they will do, if elected, to hold down the ever inceras ing taxes. A meeting will be called within a short time and n special invi tation extended to the would-be legisla tors. Joseph H. Albert has appointed as delegat es to attend the state taxpay ers' league convention to meet in Port land next Saturday, Judge P. H. D'Arev. Alex M. LaFollette and County Judge William H. Bushev. Auction sale at the People's Quick Exchnngo Auction Market on Saturday, April 22d at 1:30 p. m. Everything sold on commission. Don't forget I buv household furniture for cash. . N. Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 511, Apd20 Tonight the Comemrcial club will de cided definitely whether Salem is to bold a cherry fair this year. The propo sition will lie put squarely up to the members for a yes or no vote. Besides the cherry fair, the flax 'question will be discussed. Then Wallace E. Stru ble, secretary of the Astoria Naval Base committee will speak and tell what is; being done to secure a naval base at the mouth of the Columbia river. Tlie meeting tonight is perhaps the most im portant one held so far this year. Dr. Pranii E. Brown, late of New York, Post Graduate school, confining his practice to diseases of the eye, ear, nose nnd throat, will have his offices with Dr. A. B. Gillis, over Bush Bank building. Maj-10 Tor the purpose of drilling, Company M will be divided into two sections. All tho recruits will be in one section under the command of Captain Max (lehlhnr and Lieutenant Allen. The old members of the company will be cjimtnended by Lieutenant .1. Roy Neer, Lieutenant L. H. Coinpton and Lieutenant Walter L. Spaulding. Each division is about equal in number and it is the intention of the recruits to challenge the old mem bers, the contest to take place, about June 1. Since the reduiits "nave'issued their challenge, there has been addition al intrest in the weekly drill, and even the old members are brushing up a little and coming out to the weekly practice. All the women in the cdty who are interested in woman s suffrage, are invited to attend the meeting tomorrow mornin" at the Comemrcial club at 10 o'clock, to hear Miss Priseilla Web ster, who is here to make arrangements for the entertainment and speaking of the prominent women of t!ie east who are touring the country in the interest of the Susan 11. Anthony amendment. The delegation of women who are tour ing the west will be here Saturday and those who have taken an interest in the movement will now have tho hance to hear such prominent workers 11. P. Helmont nnd the mili tant Mrs. Inez Milhollaud Boissevain of New York lit v. . me jy V ,0i Ownership 8' lllli There is joyful satisfac tion in a Victrola found in no other instrument. The Vic trola is superior to all others and the same can be said of Victor Records. Nearly all the famous artists sing or play for the Victor exclusive- Our easy payment plan permits a Victrola in your home on pleasing terms. Let us demonstrate the merits of a Victrola and explain our installment system of payments. ft Wiley B. Allen Co. R. F. PETERS, Manager. 521 Court Street. Salm, Oregon OF THE SUFFRAGETTES Advance Agent to Arrive To morrow to Arrange for Meeting Saturday As an advance agent for the train load of eastern women who are touring the west for the Susan B. Anthony wo men suffrage amendment, Miss Pris eilla Webster will arrive in thn city to iiiuii simi" she was dark eomploxioned, jLcuisa Johnson, of Chenmwa, today ! tiled n suit in the circuit court ( I .livni ce : ii.in lnhcrt .litlinsrm 'ncv tin.. innd. The couple were married irt Sr.- m in !SS(i hi;-.! have four children,' til'. v.Miil,..ui r.r i.i,;..i ;u mo.. -a .......... 'age. Tho plaintiff seeks a decree o: ; divorce and certain personal properl. which is now on the farm near ('In. . mawa. I The crowns in front of the registrn ition booth were thickening up today las the eleventh hour voters hastened to I sign up lefore tiie books close at " o'clock tonight. The registration k t.lr.v tU !. I.,t icf .i.... i, . books were opened. A suit was filed in the circuit, coint loday ty Oscar Hogens against -M. L. Hamilton to recover $l!hi.8.r) alleged due- morrow morning lit 10: 1 o clock on the (Hu. vlinUtl aeeIl3 - att()rm.v.-s fl.t,,. Some real property in Hubbard was in tacned in connection with the case. Oregon Klectric. She will be met by members of the Women's Club and be I taken to the Commercial club to address i the members of the Women's Club and Th(, fls, xutional bank of Portland all those interested in women suffrage. fn,i.,y a sllit in th(, ,.irnlit t.mll.,, Arnngements are being made today , agninst the Abao.ua Lumber company by which the Women's -club will be Uj collect 7.:"i35.(.l alleged to be due fully represented tomorrow morning at nri-a certain promissory note. In nddi the meeting with Miss Webster. She is tii.u to the principal 'and interest the. here to make arrangements for the ; plaintiff seeks to recover $700 attorney meeting to be held Saturday in which! fees. the speakers will include many of na-1 tional renown, including Mrs. O. II. P. Sheriff TCsch, as tax collector, yestei Helmont, Mrs. Inez Milhollaud Boisse- div ti.nied over to the county treasurer vaiti, w ho always rides at the head of j $-1.1,iitiS.H4, making a total of ifil.'iii,.')?. women suffrage parades lu Now York 1 13 that has been turned over, us taxc City, and Harriett Stnnton Blatch, a collected on the l!)l."i roll, daughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. T" i " 11 ract mere win oe more rainous surrra- j gettes in the city Saturday than has' ever before been iu the stato. j Tb Eev. A. A. Winter and family left fsteuiay for Lonisbnrg, Pa., where Mr. Winter will have charge of the Before an audience that taxed the seating capacity of the First Congre gational church, Lieutenant Swnrtzkop onsky, an escaped exile from Siberia last evening told of his experiences as a policial prisoner in Kussia and of hii scape from Siberia. His lecture was especially interesting as many have read of the trials if the Siberian exile. oid pe ople 'a i.ome of the lTnited Evan- j but few have had the opportunity of gdienl euurch. liuriag his services here lor three vmrs as osstor of the I nite.l Hvangelical church, the church has steadily grown in membership and is now in a Motperous condition. In rc tumii.g tn Pennsylvania, he will be lo cated wiiiun a few miles of the home bo left 17 years ago aud whore his pa rents and brothers and sisters are now living Mlsa Grace Millinger, of Portland, will give ait evening of readings at the Pirst Christian church, Wednesday, at S o'clock. Vocal music bv Mrs. (lord- Inuring the story from one woo had ex I erlviiced all the misery of an exile and the perils of an escape. The lieutenant i.i a pleasing speaker and tells his story well. lie prl'e two times at Willam ette un'.veis'.ty yesterday, and during the past two weeks has np(e.ired at many of the colleges aud universities in the valley. The Knights of Pythiaa are complet ing nrarngements today for the trip to Albanv tomorrow evening, leaving on the Oregon KWtrie at 6:4,") o'clock. A Kathbone Bible class will be initiated don McOilchrist. Vrd V7df and tSfl bv V.Vi.l V. Wh..at.,n nt HI Ladies' (juurtette. Adiuisison 10 cents, supreme keeper of the records of seals black h"n" v. hic'i was cruel and inhu of the Knights of Pythias. The Bible ! used in the, ceremony is regarded with much reverence by the Knights of Pyth-; ias. It is a small old-fashioned copy! presented to Justice H. Kathbone by his1 mother nnd used by the founder of the order in initiating his first order. It is; understood that Albany will have about: .10 members for tiie class and many more will be initiated from the sur rounding town's. At a meeting of the United Spanish' War Veterans, Hal Hibbard camp, held last night in the armory, n committee; was appointed to arrange for the org- anization of a Salem rifle club, to co- operate with and become a branch of, the government. Civilian Kitle club. To secure proper plans for membership and' make known the object of the club, a committee was appointed consisting of (eorge ('. L. Snyder, chairman; Beu S. Via nnd Al SouthwicA. The shoot ing of the rifle club is done acoerding; to government rules, but the members of tho dub are in no way subject to I service or call asin the militia. It is I just an organization t4 make men more expert with the rifle and the govern ment approves of the plan to the extent of issuing one Krag-Jorgensen rifle to every five members and loO rounds of ammunition to each member. The mem bers of the club are also given the privilege of purchasing a Krng jorgen sen nt a low price from the govern- RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Prices Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. . : COURT HOUSE news : MILL CITY AUTO STAGE Daily Between Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way Points. Reaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.; Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30. Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m ; Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40. Phone 2378 Alleging that her husband not only oiled lier "a chicken" and "an old hen" but thit be called her "an old CITY NOODLE HOUSE NOODLES 10C, KICE POKK 10c FRIED RICE 15c 420 FERRY STREET I