i 1 !i 1- I! f'i 51 i r ; I ; NEW TODAY S . CLASSIFIES ADVEBTISIKO SATE! Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word li One week (6 Insertions'), cer word ft One month (26 insertions), per word 17 All ads must be ordered for stated length of time, no ad to count less thai 10 words. The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertise I ments. Bead your advertisement thtmurn. ,,!.. first day it appears and notify na is meaiatery u it contains an error. Minimum chirge, 1JC. PHONE 937 For Wood sal. tl HARRY Windowdeaner. Phone 763. May3 MAX WAXTKD i'hone iil-'l I. 1'or farm work. Apr 10 APPRENTICE HOY WAXTKD At Sa lem Bakery. Apr IS) WAXTKD A couple of i'hone iVAS. vouna pi Apr IS VV ANTED Boy on farm. Ii. 1, B piinw; uregon. WANTED Drv Phone 1123-M. cows ana Btrippers AprL'l FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cott ige. . tf PLOWING WANTED Lot or acreage. . Phone 2304.IJ. Apn'O FuR REXT .SIGN'S For sale it Cap ital Journal office. tf NICE HOrSKKKEPIXG ROOMS Near city hall. I'hone 47. . tf HORSE Buggy and harness for sale, or trade. 139!) Mission. AprlS WILL TRADE Oak wood tor second hand lumber. I'hone 3oTll. AprlO WANTED General housework. I'hone . nuin W. Mrs. Kniinie Burson. Apr 19 FOR SALE Choice selected seed corn, A-l for silage. I'hone 53 PI 1. AprlS WANTED -good work To trade fresh cow for horse. Phone 9!'. Aprl9 WANTED Wood cutters to cut white fir wood, $1.50 per cord. Fhone 092. tf COMPLETE IIOI'SKHOLD tiOODS For sale. 413 North S.'lrd street. Apr21 FOR RENT House .unl two lots in Yew Piirk, per mouth. Phone 994. Aprl9 MODERN 5 room cottage for rent, 1441 Trade St., enquire W. A. Liston. 484 Court. Aprl9 1'OU TRADE 1-1' acre in. city for 3 passenger I'or.l. Address ,1,'eare of Journal. . Apr 20 FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms, modern, 042 N. High. Inquire at 600 N. High. , May5 WANTED Vyting man with private family, fourn.il. wants room It--.1), cure of AprlS FOR SALE Drill plow, disc, mower, rnke, surrev. biiggv, seed potatoes. Phone 2S7-W. AprlS WANTED To buy Mohair. East Sa lem Taunerv, 3th and Oak streets. Phone 2100-AI. tf FORD FOR SALE Cheap! Call 473 South 17tii street, or phono ll.'ii-.T. A. E. Willson. Apr20 WANTED A carpenter to build house and take land for pay. Address tf, care Journ.il. Apr'.'O RELIABLE PARTIES Would like piano for the care of it. ;ii3 North High. Thone 03,'. AprlS FOR SALE 0-year-old mare, weight I'-'OO, nt Stilem Feed Barn, Wednes day and Thursday. Apr20 "ON AND AFTER TODAY T will not be connected with City Messenger Service. J. M. Kavanaiigh. AprlS WANTED A good all round girl or woman for helper. Taylor, on Schniid Place, Riverside Drive. April WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or 5 icres of good potato land. Must be cheap. Address Journal C-50. MayC FOR SALE Two cows and other cattle nt end of South Commercial cur line. Ii. 3. II. E. lirown, home forenoons. !" W FOR SALE 100 stands bees, mostly golden Italians in good condition, t honp. P. O. 292, Independence. Ore gon. Apr21 FOR SALE 3'4 half truck Studcbak ei wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stuinpage. 27S0 Leo. Phone 1322-J. tf WHITE ROCKS An egg stnin of ex hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel post for $ 1 .50. Imperial Egg Farm, Route 3, Salem. ti FOR RENT Business block room, size I81SO feet. 407 State street. In quire at 403 State. Thone 1009. , Maurice Klinger. tl CHOKE ROSES Khrubs and all kinds of fruit trees, cltcnii, to clean' out ctuck. J.mes' nursorv, rear of the Phi.i 4 13. AurJI GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING Ej up to date power equipment. List your orders at Salem Fuel Yards Phone f 20. Densmore Si Fresia. tf Al TO Toit SALE Overland Tim niodtd. 5 passenger with good tires, nearly new, just overhauled. Apply at Overland tfiroge for Liucgar car. Aprls CITY M ESSEXG EK SERVICE And parcel delivery under new manage ment. Give us a trial. I'hone 102. " J. M. Knvan:iui;h. 201 Court St. AprPi LOST Ten dollar bill after ten o'clock Saturday nihf between Meyers' liarber shop. White House Restaurant and Lincoln apartments. Lileral re ward if returned to Wells Ear go A: Co. office. ! Banker's Predictions Proved to Be True ."London. April 17. ah ?.n(lih-army l orricer was starting ror the front lut year. He called nt his bank to settle up 'certain affairs before departing. "You'll he back soon with a wound ed hanil." said the bank manager, He was. His wound healed, the officer made ready to go back to the front. Meet- ing the bank manager, he inquired: I " Any more predictions?''. ( W... Ml K l l. :. ;.i V " ',.,.. .' m ... . . uuiind in the leg. ' This also happened. The officer was much surprised. Hunting up the bank er, he inquired: "Since you know so much, why can't you tell me when the wnr will end.'" "It will end," said the manager, "on June 17, lft 10; but I shan't live to .see it. I'll just about live until New Year's day, and not much-more. He dieti January 2. The London Financial Xews, a verv sober, unimaginative reliable newspa per, vouches for this sforv. Pnces Fluctuate Little New York. April IS. The Xcw York Evening Sun's financial review today said: The market continued under the same uncertainties which have restrained dealings for a long time. The hysteria prevailing yesterday among holders of industrial specialties was uttseut how ever. While irregular, the list displayed a better undertone. Dealings were pro fessional and activity declined after the first hour. The market relapsed into apathy awaiting definite developments with regard to the outcome of the sub marine controversy, the reported death of Francisco Villa and the future Mex ican course. Although Baldwin loco motive, Crucible Steel and Westing house declined, the early losses for tho most part did iidt exceed one point. Steel receded fractionally, and .was largely neglected. Copper stocks and railways were quiet, but railways were steady, excepting New Haven, which lost n point- on account of its latest disaster. Former Senator Burton To Be Guest at Banquet Plans have .ill been carried out and everything is now satisfactorily arrang ed for the dinner to be given nt the Marion hotel tomorrow evening in ob servance of the anniversary of the bat tles of Lexington and Concord by the Sous of the American Revolution. and tiiose interested. The reception will begin nt about 3 o'clock and dinner served .it 0. Senator Theodore E. Burton and his party, with the state house officials, will be enter tained. Short talks 'will be made by Senator Burton, Governor Withyconibe and Wallace ' McCamant, president of tho S. A. R. chapter. After the dinner and subsequent ad dresses, the party will adjourn to tho armory, where Senator Burton is to de liver na address. Senator Burton is a bachelor. Uvea in Cleveland. Ohio, is considered a wealthy man, and has giv en the last 20 years of hia life to the study of national problems. MERRICK PLEADS GUILTY Portland, Ore., AitiI IS. Pleading guilty to a chntge of contributing to the delinquency of n 10-year-old girl, R. L. -Merrick, former law partner,, sec retary and campaign ninniger of ex Congressman A. W. Liit'ferty, was sen tenced to one venr in the count v jail today, lie was immediately paroled on the condition that he leave the state immediately .ind report in writing unco a month to the juvenile court. NEWJODAY WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. No other need ap ply. .Mrs. lliirrv Clnv, 270 North 13th street. tf I'N LIMITED AMOUNT Of money to Win on choice Willamette valley,! farms, nt reasonable rates. Address .1-75 care Journal. Apr-0 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY. Department No. 2. C. C. Rulifson and II. t, McKenney, partners doing business under the name and style of Rulifson & .McKen ney, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles Malune and I.ouiso Malono, De fendants. SUMMONS. To Charles Malone nnd Louise Malone, the above named defendants: In the name of the State or Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiffs herein filed against you in the nbovo entitled Court on of before, th Inst day of the time prescribed in tin order for publication of this summonf upon you, which period of time is six weeks from tho 2Sth day of March, 1010, that being the date of the fir, publication hereof, nnd if you fail iu to appear nnd answer said complaint, the pluintfffs will npply to the court for the relief prayed for in their coin plaint, to-wit: To quiet their title t the hereinafter described real estatt ami to have it adjudged that the de- I feudnnr have no interest or estate therein, and that said defendants be en joined from nsserting any claim or in terest whatever in said real estate, uir for their costs and iKsbursementH in this suir. That said real estate is described as follows, to-it: Lot Eleven (Hi of Jackson Acres n shown on the duly recorded map there of in the office of the recorder of Ma rion contv, Oregon. Flu notice is published pnrsu int to nn order of the Honorable w illinm Gal - loway. Judge of the above entitled court, made on the oth dnv of Marc.i, lHM. You are further notified that the date of the first publication of this summon is the 2th day of March, 1!I0, an.h the last publication is the !Mh div of Mav. lOlii. CARSON" 4 BROWN. Attornevs for Plaintiff Mav P. THE DAILY CAPITAL .TPTffNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY. APRIL 18. 1916 HEAD STUFFED FROM ! I CATARRH OR A COLD I Says Cream Applied in Nostrils J g Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting, - Your clogged nostrils open right up; the ai passages ot your head clear and you can breathe freely.. No more hawk ing, snuffing, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath at night and your cold or catarrh disappears. (let a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of Cue head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. it just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Suit Against Spreckles Over Coos Bay Railroad Portland, Or., April 17. The suit of R. A. ttrahain against J. D. Spreckles and brothers and the Southern Pacific began iu federal court here this morn ing. (Iraham is suing for an account ing of the affairs of the Coos Bay, Rosc burg anil Eastern railway and the Beaver Hill Coal company, and for an interest which he claims in-both com panies. The Spreckels brothers financed Gra ham when he was promoting the rail road from Marsh field to Myrtle Point about 1H90. For his 'indebtedness, amounting to .$500,01)0, Graham pjlelged the stock and bo.ids of the railroad. The Spreckles finally took over all the property without the legal iction of foreclosure. The transaction included the steamers Breakwnter and Czarina. Later the Spreckels brothers sold the property to the Southern Pacific for $1,300,009. Graham's suit is based on the contention that Spreckles didn't bring a foreclosure suit in taking the property. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they caniiot reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachina Tub. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced 'and this tube restored Jo its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf ness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One. Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Burton's Visit Sets Republicans Buzzing San Francisco, April 17. The flying visit here of Theodore K. Burton, form er Cnitcd States senator from Ohio, cnused 'quite considerable "buzzing around" iu the republican camp today. Burton is en route to Portland, Ore gon. He stopped here five hours, con ferred with O. O. P. leaders, received newspapermen ad ran for his train. According to Burton, who will be a contestant "or the republican nomina tion for president next .J line, most of the eastern nrogressives have re-entered the old party, iiul he expects to see a republican executive in tho White House next March. Burton 'denounced the democratic, ad ministration, charging that President Wilson had changed front 011 the tariff by advocating a tariff commission and by his nttitude in the matter of free xiig.ir. The Mexican policy was also condemned bv Burton. Held Up Cashier and Got Away With $1800 Oakland, Col,, April 17. Three mask ed men early today held up Albert E. Woodruff, cashier of tlie San Frnifrisen Oakland terminal railways Richmond station, bent Woodruff into insensibil ity nnd escaped in an automobile with $1,800 in gold and silver. The robbers made off in the direction of Oakland and the'policc here anil in other Ala meda county cities are on the lookout for a wine colored touring car in which the trio disappeared. Wodruff hud opened the safe "at 7 n. m. to check up the night returns. One of the men returned and grappled will him. Woodruff was rapidly getting the better of the intruder when his two confederates entered. Together they threw the cashier to the floor, beat him on the head with -the butts of their pistols, secured the loot and disap peared. HUGHES CASE TOMORROW The mandamus case to compel Sec rotary Ohott to put Justice Hughes' name on the primary ballot as 1 camli date for the nomination for tiie presi dem-v conies up for hearing before the supreme court tomorrow. Secretary Ol cott . announced by filing Justice Hughes' letter requesting his numc be not. so entered. The attorney general and ( has. W. . Fulton will represent Secretary Ol- cott, the l itter attorney volunteering ins services. Olcott wi.ed this information to Jus tice llii;;hes today. TO RESCUE SHACKLETON San Francisco, April 17. Eu route to London where he says he will take charge of an expedition to rescue Lieu tenant Robert Shackleton, famous ex i plurer. believed in danger nomcwhere j off the South American roast, Kir j Douglas Mnwson arrived in Snu Fran- Th:a 8r.y CA?SUtES rc tupenor to uaisim of ComiM, Cubafci lnictiau,nd""- REUE'"S la (MIOYJ 24 Wi'jni flu W urn dltciin with out Inconvmitnct. Botit ln ail trwiji. mm 4 J- THE MARKETS t The following Dricea for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. Nothing new today in the markets. Portland advices are to the effect that the butter market is overstocked and that lower prices are to be expected within a day or so. Eggs are firm and the general im pression is that the bottom prire was reached last week and from now on. better prices may be expected. Crrains. Hay, timothy, per ton $17 00 Oats, vetch $15.00 Cheat $15.00 Clover hay $13.00 Wheat 7S(ffS(ic! Oats 30(a 38c Rolled barley Corn Cracked corn Brail .... Shorts, per ton $35.00 $35.50 $37.00 $20.00 $28.00 Butter. Buttcrfat 33c Creamery butter, per pound 34c Country butter .. 0c25o Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 19c Eggs, trade 20c Hens, pound 1415c Roosters, old, per pound 9c Broilers, under 2 pounds 20fi25c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veul dressed 9 t 30c Pork, dressed 10 l-2(7t lie Pork, on foot ; 88'4 Spring lambs, 1916 9ft 10c Steers 67e Cows 45 l-2c Bulls .... 3c3 l-2e Ewes 5e Wethers 6 l-2c Lambs, grain fed, yearlings .... 7 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage $2.503.00 Tomatoes, Florid and Cuban .... $1.00 String garlic .' 15c roiatoes, cwt. 51.01 Potatoes, new Beets Asparagus Broccoli Radishes p$1.75 8c $1.00 . 10c . 75c . 40c Green onions , 40c Green peppers Green peas . . 21 c 7b 18c 1 piunt . . . Carrots $1.00 Onions $2.00 mdes, Hood River Rhubarb '.. Fruits. Oranges, Navels Lemons, per box . ... , . 75i(77$1.75 7... 40c $2.25(a3.50 $4.00(rU.50 Bananas, pound 5c California grape fruit $3.50 Honda grape fruit ........ $a.00(a $0.00 Pineapples . . 7 l-2c Honey $3.50 Strawberries $l.75(2.00 Retail Prices. I'-ggSt 1'er dozen, frosh ranch 22 l-2c Sugar, cane , $3.15 Sugar, beet : $7.05 Creamery butter 4Ue Flour, hard wheat $1.GO(S'1.80 Flour, valley $1.30 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., April 18. Wheat: Club. !H(W!)ic Ttliiestem, l.0:;ri 1.05. Fortyfold, !2(o 07c. Red Russian, 01(ft05c. Oats: No. . 1 white feed, 25.U0r7 20.(10. liarlcv: Feed, 27.00. Hogs: Best live, $!).0fl. Prime steers, $0.00. Fa nc v cows, $7.75. Calves, $8.00. Sprig laml.s, $10.00(5. 1 1 .00. Mutter: City creamery, 34r. Country butter. WlCnflc. Eggs: Selected local ex., 21 l-2(Vi 22c. Hens, 10 l-2f 17e. Hroilers, 22 l-2(fi 'i0c. Geese, 10(o 1 1c. cisco today on the liner Ventura. He will leave immediately for New York. Mawson was Slincklctou 's aide fin several previous exploring expeditim including the (5ne which resulted in dis covery of the magnetic pole. FOUND EOl'NI) A purse on the Tacilic high way near the Salem Heights school house. Owner mas. have same by describing the property and paying for this nd. FOR SALE FOR SALE f'iioico acclimated seed corn, grown by 1L D. Landon, Salem Fence Works, back of Chicago store. Mav4 STOCK HOGS t'OR SALE Also sow and pigs, cow and calf, ami register ed mare 7 vears old, and saddle horse, i'hone M4P2. AprlS EOR. EXCHANGE We have a fine ten acre home near Weiser, Idaho, to ex change for a grocery or hardware store, or home in or near Salem. The Square, Deal Realty Co., 202 L. liunk Hldg. tf FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on county road and railroad. 60 to 200 acres each, good buildings, good soil, ill under cultivation, close to school, prices reasonable, half cash, balance time at 6 per cent or modorn income hearing city property P. O. Box 246 Salem. tf WOOD BIDS INVITED Scaled bids will be received at the office of the clerk, W. II, Kurghardt, Jr.. .'IH5 Slate street, Salem, Oregon, for sniiidving s( hool district No. 24 with 4110 cords of slab wood and 210 cords of fir wood, bids to be opened at the regu lar meeting, 7:10 p. m., April 21, 1010. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check of Ii per cent of the amount of the bid. AprlS Classified CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOQIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic'B Fountain Head, Davenport. Iowa. If yon have trft'd everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 400 7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS 4.PPAREL SERVICE COMPANY 139 South High street. We clean, press, repair, remodel and Te-line clothing and furs. Careful attention given all work. We call and deliver. Phono 728. DENTISTS OB. O. A. OLSON, Dentrat Adminis-1 ters nitrous ozid and ogygen gas. Room 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Salem, Oregon. FOB RENT MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE Furnbh ed, for rent, $15. Phone 1737-W tf EOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 8jo North Commercial street. tf FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished S room strictlv modern house. Call at 3D!) Mission! Phone 1 737 VV. tf 8CAVANGEB SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. Try Capital Journal Want Ads, MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN Seven per cent, any amount on improved farm prop erty. Address Box 441 Salem. Or. tf WE WILL PAY lie for hens. 19c for eggs, in tent just south Cherry City Cafe, .ilso hogs and veal. Lindley & Gholson, Salem. ApilO SEDUCED FREIGHT BATES To and from all points east, on ail household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated carload servico. Capital City Trans fer company, agents for Pacitic CoaBt Forwarding company, 1G1 South Commercial street. Phone Main 933. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For watpr service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. UNDERTAKERS WEBB 4 CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb: A. M. dough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 499 Court street. Main 120, Main 988 BIGDONRICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, ZoZ North High street. Day and, night phone 183. ' ' LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge, No. 2, Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the McCornack hall, corner tourt and Liberty streets, R. O. Donald.w)n, M. W.; Is. A. McFaduen, reconlor; A. L, Brown, financier. 8ALEM IXDGE No. , A. F. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple.- C'has. McC'arter, W. M.j S. Z. Culvjr, Bpcretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. SO, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third In day in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Templo. Hal V. Bolnm, W. M.j Ernest H. Choate, secretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect -of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 13G0, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder, 1290 North Commercial. I'hone 1436-M. CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. McCornack building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30. J. G. Heltzel, C. C.; W. B. Gilson, K. of R, and S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5240, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornuck hall, corner Court and Liberty streers. Elevator service., Geo. Reinohl, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWCK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. K S. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in tho Ma sonic Temple. Minnie Moeller, W. M.; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOOfJMEN Of TH K WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock in McCornaek block, B. W. Mhcey, C. C; L. S. Geer,."clcrk, 507 Court street. Phone 503. DE WOLAY COMMANDEKY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fn day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Lot I.. Pearce, L. C. Frank Turner, recorder. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER, No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in the Musonic Temple? Ray r. Iticharuson, Lx. iiign i'nest; Kus sell M. Brooks, sccrctury. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Awem bly, No. 84, meets every Wednesday, ' at a p. m. in Moose hall. L. U. Alat lock, f. A.; C. Z. Randall, secretary, Salom Bunk of Commerce. HODSON COUirciL, No. 1, R. 4 H. M. State assembly first Monday in each month, Mnsnnte Temple, y. Rasmunncn, Thrice Illustrious Mas- . ter; Glenn C. Niles, recorder. . Advertising Page THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business ' Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Main 193 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Mala 74 Don't Turn Flip Flops at night because of that disagreeable Eczema. Buy a jar of Dry Zensal for any crusty, scaly skin trouble, and a jar of Moist Zensal if there is a watery erup tion or the skin appears to weep. A good night's rest is yours for a 50c jar. Don't wait, buy it today. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store MM TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN IACIFI0. North Bound No. 16 Oregon Express 5:00 a. m, No. 54 Sound Special 0:12 . m. No. 28 Willamette Limited 9:22 a. m. No. 12 ShnBta Limited . 11:55 a. m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 1:30 p. m. No.- 20 Portland Fasscngcr 5:00 p. m. No. 14 Portland Express....8:P0 p. m. No. 222 Portland fast Fr't 10:38 p. m. No. 220 Xocal way Fr't. 10:33 p. m. South Bound, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 13 California Express 3:32 t. m. 17 Roseburg Pass'u'r 11:20 a. m. 53 Exposition Special 2:42 p. m. 10 Cottage Grove Pas. 4:20 p. m. 11 Shasta Limited . 5:43 p. m. 27 Willametto limited 6:10 p. m. 13 Saa Francisco Ex. 10:38 p. m. No. 221 San Francisco last Freight - 12:35 a. m. No. 223 Local way Fr't 8:10 a. m. SalenvQeer Line, No. No. No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 a. m. 76 Leaves Salem 9:50 a. m. 75 Ar'. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.1 m. 74 Leave Salem .4:15 p. m. No No connection south of Geor, Salem, Falls City and Western. No. 101 Lv. Salem, motor ....7:00 a. m. No. 163 Lv. Salem, motor ....9:45 a, m. No. 163 Lv. Salem, motor ....1:40 p. m. No. 167 Lv. Salom, motor ....4:00 p. m. No. 160 Lv. Salem, motor ....6:15 p. m. No. 239 jVay Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 a. m. No. 162 !ir. Salem b:iv a. m. No. 101 Ar. Salem 11:25 a. m. No. 166 Ar. Salem 3:15 p. m. No. ICS Ar. Salem 6:00 p. m. No 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p. m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p. m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. North Bound. Lv. Salem Train No. -Ar. Portland 2 Owl - 6:35 a. m. 6 9:25 a. m. ".10 Limited ....11:35 a, m. 12 1:35 p. m. "". 14 4:00 p. m. .. 16 Limited .... 5:30 p. m. 29 ... 7:50 p. m. 22 10:00 p. m. South Bound. 4:33 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 9:43 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 1:43 p. ill. -1:00 p. m. 5:37 p. m. 7:53 p in. Portland to Salem. Lv. Portland. Ar- &ftl?m 6:45 a.m :oa l'" S.zi a. m 5 Limited 10:11 a. ui. New Today Ads work while yon deepwill have result! for yon In the morning. OSTEOPATH DBS, B. n. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists.. Graduates of Amer ican 'School, of OHteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Post graduate and special ized 'in nerve diseases at Los Angeles tollcgo. Treat acute nnd chronic dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office 505-500 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phono 8o9 Residence 310 North Capital street Phone 3H!. General Feed and 4 . "A. Small ' Livery Stable f ' C. W. TRAIN i 854 Ferry. Phone 28r MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. TE-08. K. FORD Over Ladi ft Bush Bank, Balem, Oreg o MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SEOTJSIT1 HOMER H. SMITH McOOBJTACK BUrXDrNO WANTED WAXTKD Partner either silent or active lor u good steady, p;i.ving, legitimate buines in good live town; no humbug in tin, reference fur nitdied and expected, About $1100 re quired. U. S. (I., care Journal. AprlO MMtH '$ Telephone Main 1200 ELECTRICAL . 127 North High ttTTTM 10:40 a. m. 2:0a p. m. 4:40 p.m. . 6:05 p.m. . 9:20 p.m. 11:43 p.m. , 12:55 p 9 4:25 p. la, . 13 Limited 6:4X1 p.m. ..17 Local . 19 ... 21 Owl .. North Bound, .. 8:10 p.m. , 11:25 pan. . 1:55 p.m. Ar. Salem. . 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem. . 9:45 a.m. 3:55 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. . 3:10 a.m. Lv. Corvallig 4:10p.m. ... Lv. Eugene. 7:35 a.m. .. 20 .... 10 Limited 16 Limited . 1:30 p.ni, 5:25 p.m. 12:05 p.m. ... 2 Owl ... South Bound. Lv. Salem. 2:00 a.m. , Lv. Salem. 7:10 a.m. 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 12:55 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 4:25 p.m. . Ar. Eugene. . 8:50 a.m. Ar. Eugene, . 6:30 a.m. ,. 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany, . 21 Owl , .... 65 ... 5 Limited J :50 p.m. Stops at CorvallU. Ar. Albany. 6:20 p.m. A.r. Eugene. 0:45 p.m. Lv. Salem. 6:40 p.m. Ar. Eugene. . 8:50 p.m. 13 Woodbum Local Daily Except Sundaya. No. 64 Leaves Salom ....... 3:40p.m. No. 63 Arrives in Salem .... 3:25p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvallis 8:25 a.m 12:12 p.ra 2:32 p.m. . .. 4:10 p.m 6:18 p.m. .. Ar. Salem 10 . 14 . 10 . 20 . o . 9:45 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:37 p.m. ... - 7:55 p.m. South Bound. Ar. CorvallU 5 11:33 a.m. 9 5:47 p.m. 7 2:20 p.m. 13 8:00 p.m. Lv. Salem 10:15 a.m. 4:25 p.m. , 12:35 p.m. . 6:40 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Trarurportatton Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Butte ville, Newberg, Misuion (St. Paul), Wheatland, Salem (daily except Sunday) 6:45 a.m. Leave Portland for Independence, Al bany, Corvallis, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) 6:45 w Returning. Loave Corvallis . 6 a.m. Mon Wed., Fri, Albany 7 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Independence ..9 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. Salom 10 a.m. Mon., Wed. Fri. Salem 6 a.m. Tucs., Tburs., Bat. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. - SAIBJ FENCE mJ i STOVE WORKS ft. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fenco Dates, Plain and Barbed Wire. Paints, Oils and Varnlshe. Kooflng, Posts, Hop Hooks. 40 Years Making Stoves tores rebuilt and repaired, tores bought and sold. ISO Court Street. Phone 134 X Back of Chicago Store. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese . Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known 153 South Hish Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. "JWmrcnc .ii Price