Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1916, Image 1

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    St 3C aC sc 3C 5
JrltlCri UVUtfiiMO stands five cents
7T rrfti
f - -.
Treacherous Attempt Made To Annihilate Major Tompkins'
Command joM 14 Men Bearing American Flag Car-
, ranzistas Approached Them, Deliberately Fired On
TroopersGreat Mob Surrounds Americans Who finally
Cut Loose Killing 40 Reinforcements Came On Rush
Paris, April 18.---German soldiers from five divisions,
aggregating 100,000 men, participated in yesterday's at
tack east of the Meuse, it was officially announced today.
The attackers were partially ousted by French counter
assaults from a first line trench which they penetrated
in the Chauffour forest, northwest of Douaumont.
The Germans attacked violently on a ragged front ex
tending from the Meuse southeasterly to the Douaumont
Ornes road. They prepared for the assault with 12 hours
of gunfire that sounded like a continuous rolling of
The first onslaught was delivered in a ravine south
east of Pepper Heights. Time and time again gray Ger
man waves swept forward, only to pile up in bloody con
fusion against the French defenses. Shrapnel from
French guns filled the air, sweeping the Teuton ranks,
while a rain of bullets from hidden machine guns pat
tered over every foot of the rugged defile until the wood
ed slopes of the ravine were carpeted with corpses and
bodies choked the gorge belovr. , "
Defeated in the ravine, the Germans extended the
fighting to their flanks. A division marching southward
.ili-niv Viq i(mef V-xinL- rf tVin
, i
came under a severe fire and
The heaviest blow was delivered onl
the eastern wing. Two divisions were I
hurled into Chaul'oiir and Ablain woods, t colors all single and married men who
:ittenipting to reach the Douaumont-' can be spared.
I'.ras road. The first attacks were j The possible crisis was delayed at
beaten by concentrated fire before it least until tomorrow when Premier 'As
reached the French rifle pits. The sec-jquith will make his expected recruiting
ond anil heavier charge carried several i statement, postponed from .today. In
advanced positions tin. I captured a the meantime he is trvine to conciliate
redoubt in an exposed salient northwest
of Douniimnnt.
French counter moves, said the com
munique, were successful against these
advanced posts which the kaiser's men
took yesterday. Hot li sides' loses were.
very heavy in the hand to hand bayonet
fight which took plaeo in the shell
wrecked woods during the battle.
Tur'-.s Drive British Back.
Ijondon, April IS. General Lake re
ported today that the British lines
lmd been forced back from iiOO to 800
yards in fierce fighting with Turks on
the south bank of the Tigris.
A few days ago the British Attack
ed tiie Turks at that point and gained
1hree miles at some places. Tre sultus's
nun, said (ieneral Lake, made heavy
counter attacks, recapturing some of
the conquered territory.
t Ieneral Lake's en are trying to cut
through the Moslem lines and relieve
the besieged British garrison ia Kutcl
Ama ia.
Liner Sunk, 49 Lost.
London, April IS. The British liner
Zent, sunk with a loss of 4!' lives, was
was torpedoed without warning, the ad
miralty investigation disclosed today.
The Dutch steamer Eidiki has been
beached on the north const of England j
Alter having been torpedoed.
England Short of Men.
London, April IS. David I.loyd
Oenrge, minister of munitions, told the
British cabinet today that the Allies
chances of winning the war were
threatened by a shortage of men. j
He pointed out that large forces of j
Herman reserves were massed opposite j
- - ' "
We reckon Henrv Ford wants t' beat
all th' swords int' rear axles. These
ore awful hard days t' lieten without
I'littin ' In,
Monoo frrvm Tnlnn TTm oTlfrQ I
, , j
the British lines, and urged the govern-
men t to summon immediately to the
members of the cabinet who are
tcrmined upon general conscription.
Mexican Consul Claims News
Is Confirmed But Few
Believe Story
By E. T. Conkle,
(Tinted Press Staff Correspondent.)
El Pnso, Texas, April IS, General
Cravira in Juarez, announced today he
had received confirmation of Francisco
Villa's reported death from Governor
Enrique?, of Chihuahua.
However, nrinv chiefs in El Paso
Pr'vatey expressed the opinion that
nobody below Juarez ever heard of the
discovery of Villa's body. They re
fused to be quoted.
Enriquez reported there was con
firmation at Chiliauhua City of the
story that Colonel Carlos Carranza and
others had left for San Francisco Do
Borja to locate and recover the corpse.
While latest advices were similar to
Sunday 's messages w ith regard to the
body, (ieneral Gaviara stated that word
g ! from Knriquez sy-eiigthned his belief
glthat Villa's career was ended and the
gj expedition practically over.
g. Offsetting Gavirn's announcement of
additional news confirming Villa's re-!
1 ported death, E. P. Kyan, of the local
"Cusi" Mining company office, re- d,.n,e mmt merely t. ud to show that it
ceived a message from CushihurinchicL.ni,l Hnort the contentions of the
which failed to mention the alleged
finding of Villa's corpse. Gavira's
Sunday advices said the bodv was be
ing taken to Cusihuriachie. The report
from Knriquez ns mado public indicated
that the body might not have been lo
cated yet.
Story Made In Juarez.
San Antonio, Texas, April IS. Tho
American expedition is toeing the
scratch today ready for a new start in
the hunt for Francisco Villa. The Par
ral incident and the report that Villa's
body had been found temporarily de
layed the chase.
General Bell in El Paso today re
ported to General Funston his belief
that the entire story of Villa' body
having been found was manufactured in
dunrez. In dispatches from Chihuahua
City, American Consul Letcher declared
that advices from Cusihuiraehie failed
to mention tht finding nf a body.
Earlier advices said that scattered,
American detachments were gathering
at Satevo for a resumption of the hunt
on a scale conforming to the communications.
Judge Kelly Holds That Evi
dence Tends to Support ,
State's Contention
, Judge Kelly t ti is afternoon over
ruled the motion of the defense for a
directed verdict after the state rested,
in the easo of the state of Oregon
against Hex Turner, charged with mis
appropriation of state funds in connec
tion with the alleged ticket frauds at
the state fair. This ruling of the
judge was a serious blow to the de
fense as it has been rumored about towi
for several days 'hat it was not in
tended that the case should go to the
jury if it was possible for the defease
to prevent it.
Attorney John A. Carson and his as
sociate .ludge Charles McNary each
made a masterly presentation of their
side of the case and presented strong
arguments in support of their conten
tions that the judge should instruct tho
jury to return a verdict of 'acquittal.
Judge Kelly ruled yesterday that the
alleged confession which was secured
from Turner should not be admitted as
evidence and it was conceded by both
sides that the alleged written confes
sion of Cleve Simpkins could not be ad
mitted as evidence against Tumor since
Simpkins was codefendant with Turner.
The judge ruled that the alleged ad
mission of Turner could not be con
strued as a confession.
Say Not State's Money.
Attorney Carson held that the state
had not proven that it was state money
that was converted, if there was any
shortage, since the state board of agri
culture is a corporation of itself and
not a part of the state, lie held also
that tile statute under which Turner is
lieimr nrosociited has no bearing in this
case as the fair corporation is not held
accountable to the state for any ad-
mission funds or money received from
concessions at the fair grounds and is
new nccouiuuoio iu me
state ammiimations, and it is not con
tended that Turner appropriated any
stutc appropriations to his own use.
Again Attorney ('arson states that
evidenco was introduced to show that
Simpkins was seen to put a single
ticket into his pocket, but nothing was
introduced to show that Turner ever
received the ticket or sold it or refused
to turn the monev over to the state
Attorney Ringo answered this by stat
ing that it was hardly problfble that
either Turner or Simpkins wanted Hie
ticket for a "souvenir." Attorney
Carson further contended that no form
al demand hnd been made upon Turner
for the payment of the funds alleged
due the state. Jn reply to this Attorney
Hingo stated that when the settlement
of the dav was made that evening that
Turner was supposed to have turned in
all of the money due the state and that
anv held out was to be construed as a
refusal to comply with the implied de
mand. In this connection ltingo re
called the count of the tickets which
showed that a total of 21 Hi were in the
boxes and that Turner's accounts
that only 2i)2 had been sold.
Of this number Turner sold lti32 audi
two other ticket sellers sold - and
12S respectively.
Holds It Is State Money.
The judge in over-ruling the motion
said that he would hold with the state's
attorney that the state fair was a state
.insitufion and would hold that state
fair money was state funds. In regard
to the alleged demand for. a settlement
j the court ruled that there was no
i necessity on the part of the state to
make a further showing that a
demand for a settlement had been mado ably in a minor matter, in the plans to
since tickets worth $S(i(l.2:i were, shown send the note to liejlin immediately,
to have been in circulation that day There are still some "undetermined ele
while only $&I.L'.j was turned in and' meats" in the submarine case, a high
the fact that the )S").25 was turned in' official said. No lignr on them was to
indicated that some demand was cither
made or implied.
The in due summed it un by saving
t,at evidence tended to make a!'
ahowiiiir in support of the contentious!
of tht. state and .that since nothing I
1 mu,t nP.essarily be proven, and he did;
, wivi, to he understood as asserting
j that it hat bee proven, but Cue evi-
state and accordn.gly the Judgee. -
ruled the motion for a directed verdict;,, ,, . '
..11 1 - .nnr.t;.tn trt
anu lue ueieuse fluwii uu ct,tjiiiwu
the judge's ruling.
The taking of testimony Began nuoui
. : , " , ... - ... ,),.
.? ctr r :;rr
iiu Ju"" " 1 '
fContinned on Pag' Two 1
Oregon: Show
ers west : fair
east portion to
night; Wednes
day probably
fair; light frosts
interior south
west portion to
night; westerly
Alleged Abuse of Law, and the
Principles of Humanity
Are Live Issues
Note Will Leave Way for Ger
many to Act So As to
Avoid Crisis
.Washington, April IS. Presi
dent Wilson will appear tomor
row before a joint session of the
house and senate to present the
action which he proposed to take
in the submarine controversy
with Germany.
' This was t'io climax this afternoon of
a day of uncertainties regarding the
president's course in the submarine
Joseph Tumulty, secretary to the pre
sident went to the cnpitol this after
noon and conferred with Representative
Kitchin. majority leader in the house
and Senator Stone, chairman of V
Foreign relations committee of the sen
Later Stone and Kitchen conferred
with' Speaker Clark and asked for a
joint session at 1:00 o'clock.
Kitchen later introduced in the bouse
a resolution providing for such Joint
session and it was passed.
'Following the passage of this reso
lution reports were nre that President
Wilson 's action might mean a sever
ance of diplomatic relations with Ger
many. Secretary Tumulty confirmed reports
of the joint session having been culled
for tomorow. The senate passed the
Secretary of State Lansing announced
that the "submarino note would be out
lined to congress before being sent to
(By Robert J. Bender.)
( United Press Stuff Correspondent.)
Washington, April IS. It appeared
possible today that dispatch of the lat
est and perhaps the last American
note to Germany with rcgnrd to submar
ino activities would be delayed, follow
ing reading or tne communication ni
today's cabinet meeting.
President Wilson and Secretary Lan
sing in a final conference at 10:110 a.
in. today went over the final draft of
the new submarine note to Germany.
Berlin is expected to have the com
munication by Thursday of Friday. It
is believed the document will be for
warded today. Arrangements are being
made to publish it in America on Fri
day simultaneously with its publication
iu German newspapers.
Indications pointed to a hitch prob
bo obtained. Whether the delay was
I (lue 10 tlaf evidence 011 hand or the
j language in the note was in doubt. It
possible that final wording of the
document nwuited the outcome of the
I.ansing Bernstorff conference this nf-
ternoou. , ,
' Wlls reported that Bernstorff hm
received fresh instructions Ambassa-
"r KJ 'IaT! " "'' repor
! "(,Hf .do !"ls ot ,he ft'ella ,'1'""I'B,,,,I
in 24 hours.
Through Seuutor
Stone and other
1 uu in iiiisirmiou icum-rn lue miiure 01
i be co,,Rres,
leaders the nature of
today. Just how confidential the pre
sident's statement to the lenders were,
remains to be seen. It was not suppos
ed that the cabinet would consider the
tiote again, as its substance was ap
proved at Friday 's session.
The alleged nbus of Inw and the
principles f humanity is a live issue,
tftc administration claimed today, point
ing to the submarine attack on the
Kussian )steamer Imperator and the
wounding of an American by shrapnel
German Ambassador Von Bernstorff
and Secretary Lansing arranged a con
ference for 4 p. m. today.
The administration profound hope
is to avoid a brek with Germany. The
note will leave a way for Germany to
aet so- as to preclude the possibility of
a farther crisis.
President V Usoa ia the message
cites not only of ships with American
Turning Whole Attention to
Making Lines of Com
munication Safe First
By E. T. Conkle.
'I'nited Press staff correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, April IS. Hunting
for Francisco Villa is a secondary mat
ter with tho military authorities today.
Protection of the American expedition
in Mexico is the main thing..
General Pershing is understood to
have reported thus to General Funston.
The question as to whether the body
exhumed by Carranzistas .is really that
of Villa is considered important, but
the safety of the expedition, following
tho Parral clash and the Mexiean're
nuest that it withdraw, is uppermost
in the minds of army men on the bor
der. Pershing has returned to Namiquipa,
mid-way along the communication lines,
where lie will be able to watch the sit
uation more closely, and better direct
the army. No Americans aro believed
If Villa is alivo and has gone into
Durango is reported, tho pursuU is up-1
pnrentlv halted. If the exhumed corpse
is not that of Villa, neither Aenlircan
nor Mexican authorities have any ade
quate idea of his whereabouts, they ad
mitted. Nothing New About Villa. !
Mexicans, the only persons who pro
fessed to have direct knowledge tint
Villa's body had been dug up, claimed
that tiie telegraph wires were down and
that this prevented the receipt of fur
ther information. While their failure
rapidly to produce the body for Amer
ican identification increased the skep
ticism here, tho delap may possibly be
duo to natural causes like slow trans
portation. It was pointed out thnt the
Caranzistns may be honest in their
claim that they have found Villa's re
mains, anil yet mav themselves be hoax
ed or laboring under A misapprehen
sion. Consul Garcia said that he had no
fresh news from Cusihuiraehie with re
gard to the bodv reported to be thnt
of Villa. lie saw no reason, ho said,
for changing the belief that the corpse
was really Villa s. Garcia aserted that
Carlos Cnrranzn' found the remains from
.'10 to 50 miles from the railroad, in a
region reached only by rough trails.
The removal was most difficult.
' Perhaps, he said, it might be only
necesnry to bring in the held. A chart
of Villa's teeth, taken at TCI Paso,
may prove important in identifying the
Inconnection with the precautions to
insure safety of the American expedi
tion, army men pointed out that inter
vention advocates were anxious to pre
vent a withdriiw.il and that they had
circulated exngirerated and alarming re
ports of the destruction of American
property in Chihuahua.
passengers but also of other neut
vessels which have K-cn attacked.
Against Any Concession.
Berlin, April IS. Members of the
reichstng who-recently led the fight
for a more vigorous submarine cam
paign are preparing to take a hand in
the German-American crisis, it was
learned today. They will strongly op
pose further concessions to the 1,'nit.id
States and if necessary will break the
truce arranged recently and openly
criticize the German government if it
intends to make its policies conform to
President Wilson's wishes.
The situation has suddenly grown
tense with the receipt of reports thnt
President Wilson has framed a new
note without wniting for the exhibits
which Foreign Minister Vnn .Tngow for
warded to him in connection with the
Sussex disaster. This was accepted as
A .1 li 4 41.. .L lUn
partially corroborating reports that the
new note is more drastic, than any pre
vious Americnn communication.
Though the kaiser supports Imperial
Chancellor Von Bethmnnii-llollweg s de
siro to maintain friendship betwee
Germany and the United States, offi
cials are under the pressure of public
opinion which is again growing more I accomplished an enormous task. The
hostile toward America. The success American troops have driven the Vil
of the new submarine campaign inaug-1 listas 100 biles from the border, robbed
nruted in March is a strong argument
n the popular
nind against making
San Francisco, Oil., April IS. Ten
years ago today San Francisco wus in
flnmes. Its buildings were in ruins
and is people were in flight. Grief,
death and destruction reigned.
Today, with hardly a trace of the
disaster left in the whole city, San
Francisco is celebrating its "tenth
birthday." Its buildings have arisen,
bigger and better than ever. Its peo
ple have returned anil they have
brought thousands of others with them.
Son Francisco has "como back."
The rjrincinul exercises are to take,
plsce tonight in a civic auditorium Donation were taken up for the Am
erected on the site of tho old mcchnn-, erican Red Cross, as a testimonial of
ics pavilion, where ten years ago the j gratitude for thnt organization's work
wounded and mangled were placed in here when San Francisco was stricken.
mmn.m munn
Twelve Hours , of Heavy Gunfire Is. Followed by Fierce
Charges at Many Points French Artillery and Machine
Guns Sweep the Ground Charged Over Which Is Sooa
Carpeted With Corpses Soldiers From Five Divisions
Aggregating 100,000, Took Part In Assault
By H. D. Jacobs,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
U. S. Army Headquarters, April 16, by wireless to
Columbus, N. M., April 18. General Pershing has arrived
at the Namiquipa headquarters after an all1 night ride
from Satevo, for a conference with staff officers.
The soldiers who came with him told details of the
fight at Parral, placing the
lihpvnf 0 P!n rr-an7i'etn ntfnnlf
tempt to annihilate Major
Mayor Herrera's representative, General Lozangc,
arranged with Tompkins t o meet him at the railway
station before noon with a Carranza escort to accompany
him into the city to a camping place, according to the
American troopers. When he arrived, however, Tomp
kins found no escort on hand.
Talking to Lozango, the Americans dismounted and
a crowd gathered. It was composed largely of Carran
zistas. Tompkins heard the noise of shooting as they
stood' there, and thought it a salute of welcome. Jusc
then a non-commissioned officer informed Tompkins tho
Mexicans had fired on a detachment of Americans,
wounding several. Tompkins asked Lozango for an ex
planation. Lozango said he was mystified and entreated
Tompkins to let him lead the Americans to safety.
A group of soldiers with an American flag appeared
on an adjacent hill at this juncture, and Tompkins asked
Lozango who they were. The general replied that they
were Carranzistas, guarding Americans. Then the so
called "guard" fired a volley at the troopers, killing one.
Tompkins, said the soldiers describing
the affair, thought that if he and his
command were to be slaughtered thoy
might as well die fighting. He refused
Lozango 's aid, fearing a trap. Knorni
ous mobs had formed by this time, sur
rounding the soldiers, so tho Ameri
cans "cut loose" and killed more than
10 Mexicans.
They retreated to Santa Cru, and dug
themselves in, awaiting reinforcements,
which came from all directions. Colonel
Allen's reinforcements made a phe
nomenal march Colonel Drown and Ma
jor llowze led other columns to tho
The American casualties wero two
killed, one missing and six wounded.
Major Tompkins was among the wound
ed.' Villa's Power is Broken.
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, April IS Withdrawal of
the American expedition from Mexico
within the next month is likely, maybe
without "gclting" Francisco Villa. Hut
it will not come until the war depart
ment's orders to break up all Villisla
bands nre fulfilled or the CurranziHtas
I...,, -j,.. ) t. m, the tusk
.... ' . .
The United Press learned that while
there have been no changes 111 policy
determined upon yet, the administration
at last is giving thought to the pos-
'-Isibility of a withdrawal without Vil
n 1 la's death or capture being accomplish
The administration feels that it has
Villa of any glory for being tho first
'Mexican in half a century to invade the
United States and kill "gringoes,"
suffering rows, only to be dragged out
and carried on again in retreat before
the advance of the flames. Thirty
thousand people arc expected to attend.
When the doors open, tne new civic
center, dominated by the golden dome
of the city hall, will be patrolled by
squads of smartly uniformed California
(trays, marching where tho grim mili
timi'n ami regulars fought ghouls and
maintained mnrtiul law when the city
wbs destroyed.
The nr.-.irram will be largely musical,
with singing by the exposition, chorus of
500 voices.
matter in the light of a de-
nnrl pvpti nnccirilv nf irn .it-
Tompkins' command of lit
have checked the likelihood of another
revolution in northern Mexico, virtuul
Iv assured the border against raids for
some time to come and have about fin
ished tho job of scattering too bandit
Iteports of Viiiu's death were taken
with a grain of salt in the absence of
American confirmation. Mexican ac
counts of his demiso nnd tho adminis
tration's future policy were considered
at tho cabinet meeting. Tho course to
bo taken as a result of the Parral affair
was given particular attention.
Benew Chase After Bandits.
Han Antonio, Texas, April 18. Ad
vance American detachments aro hurry
ing toward Satevo today. Renewal of
tho chase for Francisco Villi under a
new plan with diminished disk is be
lieved to be the object of the tempo
rary lull in campaigning.
(ieneral Funston said the Americans
could not go beyond Satevo with their
present communication lines. This i
interpreted to mean that Funston put
it "up to" the war department, to ob
tain nermission for use nl ull Mexican
railroads. The alternative is a ihangn
of buse to Ojinnga. Washington must
approve cither move.
luvni v unuu uvvium v
f!. It. E.
lloston (I 5
Philudclpiiia 4 8 2
Itudolph and (iowdy; Alexander and
Burns. Panes replaced Hudolpb; Tra
grcssor replaced Gowdy.
K. If. K.
I'ittsburg 3 7-
Cincinnati 4 t0- a
Adams and Schmidt; Mcllenry nnd
Clark. Schulz replaced Mclleniy;
Schneider replaced Schulz. 10 innings.
St. Louis and Brooklyn games culled
account of rain.
II. If. K.
Philadelphia 2 5 3
New York II 3
Nabors and Meyers; Shawkey
Nunamaker. Crowcll replaced N.i
n llln
Murphy replaced Meyers.
3 1 It. It. E.
Washington "i
lloston '25 1
Harper and Williams; Shore and Ag
new. Tt. If. Y..
Detroit 4 9 2
Cleveland 3 8 1
Covaleskie, Dublin and Stanage; Mor
ton and O'Neill. Mitejiell replaced
Morton; Billings replaced O'Neill.
' B. II. E.
St. Louis 3 6 3
Chicago 0 7 10 O
Groom, McCabe and Hartley, Seve
roi.l; rVber and Si bulk. . I'ark re
placed Met ahe.
i ,ita.uiMiga5to-a---cy. r'Ffc :-i-Tg3