Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 17, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Special Sale on All Women's and Misses' Suits
A Sweeping Pre -Easter Sale
of New York's Stylish
All Hats in Stock at h Price
Our Millinery buyer in New York sends a big shipment
of new Hats each week. We have received so many the
past two weeks that we have decided to cut prices in two
in order to dispose of them before Easter. Scores of
beautiful styles street, dress and sport models jn all the
newest trimming effects for Spring and Summer 1916.
Come and take your pick from this grand assortment.
(We show a few of them in our Court Street window)
V ' ,
Quality and
Immense Sale of DRESS GOODS
For Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday
We have too many pieces of Dress Goods. We must
move them, and the dress goods man said to adver
tise them at a price that would move them quickly.
Here they are: Checks, Stripes and Plaids in black
and white, blue and white, brown and white, greens,
reds, greys, and various colored plaids. Excellent
grades at the regular price. Widths from ?8 to 50
55c a YARD
Our 781st Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of Fine
Two large lots to pick from in
this surprise for next Wednes
day's selling. Lace and embroid
ery effects. Ribbon trimmed.
One Lot, up to $3.50, your
Choice . . . J1.38
One Lot, up to $1.85, Your
Choice 98c
Ami aching hernia nrc often permanent
ly relieved by the use f rightly fitted
eyeglasses or spectacles.
Bettor - save your sight whilo you
cnn. Our eyes are open to discover de
fects in yours if you will' give us the
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109
HnmillllllllllUlKmiHmiillllllllIIK ranged for the visitors and special at
tention will he called to the bird houses
that have been made by the pupils of
I tin) manual training department.
I Grand Army funeral. To the mem
j bers of Sedgwick Lost No. JO, (i. A. It.
;Und all Civil War veterans, Spanish
War Veterans, Sons of Veterans and
; members of the Women's Relief Corps.
Robbed Occupants of Three
Cars, But Fell Down
On Reporter
Spokane, Wash.. April 17. Two auto
mobile pirates h cruised the resi
dence sections ot Spokane for four
hours Saturday night and Sunday morn
ing were still "at liberty today. The po
lice have excellent descriptions of the
i highwaymen, nail these descriptions
have lieen sent to ottu ers in surrouinl
ing cities mil towns. The harrowing
tales of six people who were captives of
the- " uirntcs" during the w ild cruise
were retold today.-
Hmity taken by the robbers totaled
Hurry Walker, driver of a jitney bus,
was the first m;in capture I. The "pi
rates'1 forced Walker to drive his ma
chine. ,'J'hey overhauled lr. and Mrs.
J. .1. Rouse, driving their own car. The
jitney bus ws then abandoned, Walk
er was hustled into the Rouse car and
with three captives in the new machine,
the highwaymen, carrying on a rapid
fire of conversation, started on a tour
of "the residence section.
A racing (-nr carrying B. H. Hoth
well and it. Hausman w is stopped, and
these two were added to the captives in
the "pirate car." The last man taken
prisoner was Charles Anderson, a re
porter, hurrying home about one a. in.
tie was struck on the head with the
butt of a rvolver And bundled into the
automobile. The reported had no money.
About 3 o'clock the pirate car was
driven to the outskirts of the city and
the robbers abandoned the prisoner)),
making off on foot in an easterly di
rection. Mrs. Rouse was treated with great
deference by the affable "pirates."
One of them give iier a cartridge as a
souvenir before thev fled.
Tho trial of Ites jurner, charged
jointly with Cleve Snnpmns with mis
appropriation of state funds, began thi j
morning in Judge Kelly's department,
of the circuit court. Turner was placed
on trial first and the examination of
iiirvmen began. The indications were
this afternoon that the entire dny would
be taken up with the examination of
talesmen and that no evidence would be
taken until tomorrow. Attorneys John
A. Carson and Charles L. McXnry for
the defense were making a careful ex
amination of call prospective juryman
with special attention to the reports
that have been circulated in the news
papers relative to the alleged ticket
i . scandal at the fair grounds. District
Attorney Mingo was assigned by Attor
j ney .lames U. Ilcltzel and C. M. Ionian
j was the third attorney appearing for
i the defense. The juron. selected this
! afternoon were: O. W. Luens, Charles
llinz, tieo. Higgens, Jonas M. Wills,
i.Iohn Marthnker, '. 1. Neibert, William
An inventory and appraisement filed
in the probate court today in the mat
ter of the estate of Susan T. Smith
shows the estute to consist of real pro
perty to the value of $100 and personal
property to the value of $.'ii5. The ap
praisers were H. C. Porter, Charles Han
som and Charles Y, Hein.
The estate o'f Thomas C. Sloper, de
ceased, consists of real estate in Salem
t the value of ift'OO according to th
inventory and appraisement filed in the
probate court of thin enmity today. Th
appraisers were J. A. Mills, T. A. Davis
and J. X. Gainard.
AD Around
m ,
Total Registration In
erats, 1,000 are progressives, 4,1 M.'i are
'prohibitionists. -1.120 ro socialists, nml
Jbfa Ic 17fi 94 A""1 Hle of inisc.ellnno.iiiN tendencies.
wiuivi iO 1 1 VfU Multnomah county lends with a regis-
,. , " ' itrution of 5.r,17! while Marion is see-
llio total registration In the stutejond with 11,82, Lane county is third
for tho week ending April H is 1 70,201 , with 111,502.
according. to tho reports sent in by t lie j In Marion eountv 8,3DS are republi
various county clerks to the office of leans, 2,403 are democrats, 30 progres
the secretary of stato.- Of this number j sives. 302 prohibitionists, 205 socialists
Jl7,(illl nre republicans, 44,23tiiiro demo-1 and HO! miscellaneous.
KsnaThe Store That'Saves You Money
Aluminum Bargains
One quart Sauce Pan 15c
$2.00 Aluminum Percolator $1.60
fry Pans , $1.50
Three-piece Combination Set $1.90
Double Rice Boiler $1.50
Five-piece Kitchen Set $1.45
N0TASEME Refrigerators
Have a stone lining, and many other features which
can be kept free of germs that poison food, which in
turn poisons people not a cheap porcelain enamel,
but one piece of white, unbreakable stone ware that
will not crack, chip or absorb moisture as easily
cleaned as a china bowl every corner rounded not
a single crack, joint or any other lodging place for
dirt. See our window display and ask us how to
save at least 25 per cent on your ice bill.
Prices $25.00 to $50.00 Other Refrigerators from
$12.00 and up
port at a meeting called April 20, when
the constitution will be adopted. There
is a general feeling among the logan
berry growers that the green fruit can.-,
not be sold at less than three cents a
pound. From present estimates, there
are 1,000 acres planted in loganberries
in marion eountv and about 2.000 in the
ind Ladies of the Urand Arm v. Kou iuiv. j inert T.gnii presided as
well contested until the South Sa- a,;c "m'liv l,r"oa ,0 ut''1"1 ,""eri" . ,.M . Presllltmt at the meeting
April 17. liietft. Swartzkopcn
sky, a Siberian escape, at Con
gregational church. Free.
April 18 Registration for
primary election closes.
April .18. Monthly meeting at
Commercial club.
April 10 Sons of American
licvnlutiou banuuet, Marion
April 19. Senator Theodore E.
liurton of Ohio, candidate for
republican nomination for
president, at Armory,
April 20. Election of director
Social department Commercial
April 21 Willamette university
debutes Pacific on govern
ment ownership of railroads.
April 21. Prof. Hector Mc
pherson on "Rural Credits,"
at Public I.ibrarv.
April 22. Mid Summer Night's
lream, Opera House, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April 23 Easter Sunday.
April 25. Election of Director
civics department Commercial
April 27 Free lecture by Peter
Collins at Opera House.
April 28 Dance, benefit Salem
Street Railway band, at the
May C. Founders' Day cele
bration at Chiunpoeg.
May 9-10. Enst Willamette as
sociation of Congregational
lem boys got busy in the fourth inning
jnnd registered six runs to their credit.
(The final score was 13 to 7, in favor of
5). j South Salem.
1 O
I Dr. FranJs E. Brown, late of New,
I of our recent eomrad, W. II. ( L'nele
Hilly) Brown from the Undertaking
Parlors of Kigdnn dt Richardson, at i
o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, April KM, In
terment in Mural eemeterv. W. C. Faulk
ner, nost commander; I). Webster, nost
V..i 1, . r, i . ... . n.i;,,t'it
i iorn, i-osi urauuate sciiooi, contining""J"'""1'
u.his practice to diseases of the eve, ear, I 0
5!c'nose and throat, will have his offices! In the contest bet-ween the Sunday
4 with JJr. A. if. Lrillis, over Bush Bank schools of the Pirst Christum chinch of
l. l.lin,. It...l,l
I 0 .
! Commencing tonight services will he
held each evening at the Salvution
! Army quarters and will be in charge
;of it. H. Churchill, with the exception
jjtlof Thursday evening. To these ser-
j vices,. all are welcome.
this city ami the First Christian church
ot Portland for attendance, collections
and new members, the Salem church
won yesterday with the following rec
ord: Attendance, Salem 471, Portland
37S; collections, S.Uem $31. HO, Portland
!f20.f),'l; new members, Salem 44, Port
land 10. This brings the score to 12
points for Salem and 9 for Portland.
i I he contest ends the last Sunday in
Mav. 1
Smoke Hygrade cigars and you al-
ways win get ttie iiest for your money.
Revival services are lmw in momsiil "erDm -Bianchlord, representing
at the Free Methodist church ami are : . V ' "anu' "1 l,,."v,rslf.y won third plac
in charge of the liev. Walter Clotsback!'" 1",,'r,1",Cite proiiilntior
' uini-si ih-iii hi xoiesi irove ,-sntun av
Use Our Free
Rent Dept.
Successors toCalef Bros.1
Dr. Mendelsonn, specialist, fits glaat
correctly, U. 8. Bank. Bldg.
The string orchestra announce an
other dancing party at the Mariou ho
tel next Frid iv evening.
Dr. Stone's drug Btore.
Frank S. Ward lias been siihpoened as
jn juror in the tinted States court vin
jder , lodge Hean, in Porthind, tor a
l short term beginning April 21.
I Dr. Stone's Drug Btore for trusses.
O. HiU, a mission worker of Denver,
I will preside at a series of meetings at
the tlospel Mission ut 7: to o'clock each
evening this week. These meetings Are
open to all.
Automobiles for hire, passengers und
country trios a specialty
Elroy. l'houo 917 or 639.
of St. Louis
is looked for
meetings. Serv
evening during the week, and all are
welcome. .
Have you a Sonora in your home..
Why not.' .Myrtle Kiiowland, 421 Court
by those interested in thelS""",ft", ;,'"kc on' "I'rol'il,iti" '
rvices will be held each I i."'1"""1 I'-""'"-'""''- The honors of
iirsi iiince were won by M. u, Smithson.
of McMinnville college, speaking oi
.National Efficiency," and second
place by Lester C. Jones, of Pacific un;
versify, who chose for his subject,
"Drink and the World Crisis."
Tw. n T 1 -rt 11 .. , n .
The Union Evangelical services of the T" , ,, 7 ,wT' V " , UT
i-.. M..ti..ii. 1.....1. . ... i laplin, of Portland, were married Sat
urday at the home of the bride's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clapper,
1205 North Nineteenth street. The
ceremony was periormeil ly t lie Kev.
three .Methodist churches are now be
iug held each evening of this week at.
tho First Methodist church. In the
noon day services at the church this
week, the Rev. F. T. Porter led todavi
noon.' Tmnorr-ow1 ir7 rJad Grog Cey 1 f t!''
will lead the noon diy services.
If It is building material, come to us.
We submit bids on all work. Falls
City-Salein Lumber Co., Phone 813.
Governor Withycoinbe is billed to
pitch the first ball of the Pacific Coast
gnine league tomorrow afternoon in
Portland. Eastern cities patronized the
first ginie of the season to the extent
of nn attendance of from 20,0(10 to 2'y
U00 each, nml the fans are wondering
just now tug i crowd Portland can
bring out for the opening game.
The Elk restaurant has been pur
ihnsed by Mrs. W. S. VanDoren, Vho
will also put in a full line of cut flow
ers. Mr. nn,T Mrs. VanOoren an' flor
ists of long experience. A full lino of
Faster flowers will be on disidav bv-
Thursilav of this week.
Dr. F. H. Thompson will leave Wed
nesdav of this week for Columbus, Ohio,
to attend the National Conventiun of
State Industrial Hoards, lfe his been
invited to rend a paper before the med
ical section of the convention. The
doctor will be absent from
onggngn iransiereu, rates reasonable, , nliout three mouths, taking up post
giniliiate work in Chicago, Philadelphia
and New York.
C. G. Me-
Chas. K. Spaulding returned yester
Mnp from ten days' business trip to
;San Francisco. 1 1 o reports business
i conditions fine in that part of the world
mill that tho lumber business is on a
regular boom.
Black rihoes bronze wliite rtiocs
i cleaned. Popular shoe shining parlors.
I Specially eipiipped for l ulies. 383
statu street. Opposite Tho Spa.
j Superintendent O. M. Elliott will
i leave this evening for a week's visit
at Spokane to attend the annual meet
ing of the Inland Empire- association,
coiuHsoil of educators from the north-
west Pacific states.
Auction sale at the People's Quick
j I'xi hange Auction Market on Saturday,
April 22d at 1:30 p. m. Everything
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy
notiscnoiii iiirniture for cash. t. N.
Woodry, auctioneer. Phone 611, ApdA'O
The South Salem and Liveslcy base
ball teams pi ived yesterday on the
South Salem grouiids. The jamo was
!usi cinircii. ronowincr me weiui mi'
dinner,' Mr. and Mrs. Taplin left fur
Portland, where they will make tht -home.
Dr. H. H. Olinger was elected secre
tary of the Oregon State Board of Den
tal Examiners nt its regular meeting
held last Saturday in Portland. The
president o'f the society for the ensuing
year will be DrJL H.'Schmitt. of Port
land. The regular semi-annual meeting
for the exam inntion of applicants to
practice in Oregon will be held in Sa
lem. Inmates of the state penitentiary
will be the subjects for demonstration
of practical work.
J. E. Scott, Harry Scott and Chas.
Piper jode to Portland Saturday night.
The trip was nude with their liilO dem
onstrator Hurley Davidson motorcycle
and sidecar, the going trip consuming
two hours and fifty minutes letiirning
two hours and forty-five minutes. Three
gallons of gasoline was used in making
the entire trip. The return trip was
made without stopping the engine. Con
sidering the weight carried, approxi
mately o.'tO bounds, and the condition of
,.itv j the rouls, this is considered somewhat
or a reconi tor a motorcycle wit a a side
car attachment.
An ordinance for regulatiiiE the
Do not be misled, you pay no more I ,'0,l,'('ti". h milling and dumping of
for correctly fitted glusses of me than I B"r,"l,!e wi" ''m,u' "I1 lv'r final 1'assnge
you pay elsewhere. I do not experiment "lt- meeting of the city council tiiis
ve them the prop-1" , or"
with your eyes but give
ordinance provides that
er fitting glasses. 1 do not use drugs!"' !,,IU" '", unlawful to dump or do
or urops as tliev are dangerous. Dr. M ir"""- kmkc any sireei, nney
i . , , . . . - . . . I I, ..:...i...i i. i. . i . t ....
Kooins 210-211 V. S.
P. Mendelsohn,
Hank lll,lf.
Just one more day to register and in
order tint the slow ones mav be given
tt chance, the office of the eountv clerk
will remain open until 8 o'clock' in the
evening. One cannot register with one
political party and then vote for the
other political party at. the May 19
election. In other words, there is no
chance to change mind between the
time of registering and the time of the
primary election.
Tomorrow will be visitors day at the
Washington junior high school and par
ents as well as all others who are in
terested in the work of the school are
welcome. This will include the morn
ing sessions as well when the regular
recititions will be held. In the after
noon, several programs have been ar
park, or in the bank or bed of any creek
held Saturday evening.
B. W. McDaniel, former principal of
the public schools .it Kahlotus, Wash
ington, is in the city visiting' friends
and relatives a few days. He has ac
cepted a position as publicity man for
the Ellison-White Clinutaiiijua and will
leave this week for Phoenix, Arizona.
He is a brother of Ivan G. Mi-Dunel,
manager of the Salem Commercial club.
There is some probability of the sew
er committee tif the city council be
ginning the manufacture of 30 and 30
inch sewer pipe through tiie work of
the street department. The pipe will
be used to take care of the ovreflow
and flooded districts where the present
sewers are not adequate. Although the'
srreet. iiep.irtment may make the sewer
pipe from time to time, it will not be
laid until the budget for next venr is
passed as .it present there is not suf
ficient funds for the work.
Plans are now under way for the or
ganization of .i local rifle dub, which
will be a branch of the National Rifle
association. Rifle clubs, co-operating
with the national association have been
formed in many cities throughout the
country and are generally orginized un
der the auspices of the Spanish war vet
erans. All men up to the age of 45 nre
eligible for membership and as the rifle
club is one of the various forms of pre
paredness, it is thought by those in
terested that an active organization
will be formed in S.ilem with but little
The monthly meeting of the Commer
cial club tomorrow evening promises t
be one of more than average' interest
especially from the fact that an in"
dress will be given by Wallace R. S'
ble nn a subject that is of vital interest
to this valley. It is evident that n nav
al base will eventually be establish'
on the northwestern const and it is tils'
evident that the natural place for thi.i
base is nt the mouth of the Colnmbin
In order to bring this matter properiv
be'fore our representatives in comrress.
Mr. St rubble will urge that Salem as
well as other Willamette valley cities
get together and send a representative
to Washington to show that the mouth
of the Columbia is the ultimate idace
for the establishing of the naval base.
At a meeting of the members of the
Snlem Fruit t'nion Saturday afternoon !
of those interested in prunes, it was do- i
nieii to name May 1 as the date for the
losing of the pool. There was i iren-
eral feeling of optimism amoni? the
members. Tn referring to present con
ditions, If. . Paulus, manager of the!
union, noted that while the. market was
weak at the early part of the season.,
within the past few vy'eks. there had
been a strengthening all Along the line,
due to some extent to frosts in Califor
nia and also to the prospects that the
California growers would succeed in
forming a growers' nssoiiation that
would control the market as firmly as
the raisin growers do with their associ
The monthly uieetine of the commer
cial club tomorrow night promises to be'
about the liveliest session of the venr. I
Portland School
Has Debating Team
Portland, Ore., April 17. The debut
ing team of the Lincoln high school
of Portland will tour southern Cali
fornia jluring tho Easter holidays and
will match oratory with high school
tennis in Los Angeles, Santa Bul'bani
mid San Diego.
Monday, April 24. they will debate
the Hollywood high school at Los An
gcles. Cni the 25th they will meet San
ta Barbara and on the 20th San Diego.
iThey will nlso debate the Lincoln higii
school at Los Angeles.
The question for debate in each case
is: "Resolved, That Oregon und Cali
fornia should adopt a schedule of mini
mum wages 'for unskilled labor." Th
Portland team consists of Ralph Hoe
ber, Ralph Holsemau and .Tnck Luvin.
They will be accompanied by their in
structor, George L. Koclin.
The taxation and legislation depart
ment of the coniineivinl dub will nice!
tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, to
elect a successor to Thus. I!. Kay, who
is not a cajjdidito for re-election. Tho
call is for 7:30 o'clock, in order that
the business of the session may be at
tended to before the regular iiiouthl)
meeting called for .8 o'dodi.
When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modem
Free and Private Batns
BATES: 75c, 1.00, 11.50 PES DA7
The only hotel in the business district. -Nearest
to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carbons'!
Made In Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Pa?er iSIg. Co.
33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore.
Licensed Lady.
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
river, and tint garbage must be , Since the directors are now being elect-
dumped in the city dumping Grounds.
I lie hours pro.vided are between
o clock in the morning and " o'clock
in the nfteinoou, and no work of this
kind shall be done on Sundays and holi
days. It is probable that an amend
ment will be offered by the ordinance
committee, proposing to trike out the
holiday imposition and also dunging
the hours.
About 50 representative loganberry
growers mere present at a meeting held
Saturday evening in the Henna Crest
school house for the purpose of bringing
together and organizing the Marion
County Loganberry Growers' tissix-in-
Ki, iiiii-m-si nn ocen revives in tne
work of the club, and tomorrow night:
members will all be given a eh nice to I
express their views as to whether Sa-I
lem wants n Cherry Fair. This will un
doubtedly provoke a spirited discus-1
sion as it is understood there are some!
very opposite views lis to what the coin-'
inercinl club wants to do this summer.:
Hesides the cherry fair, the flux propn-,'
sition will come up for discussion and
from the wiy afiairs nie diifting, it
is evident that it is up to the commer
cial club to go on record as to whether
Salem is to be the henibpiaiteis for
flax in this valley, or soii.e other citv.
Anviiow. there nil be ulentv tn inik
tion. To draft a constitution nml bv-i.ihnut tomorrow eveniuo- nn,t the .li-
Inns, a committee consl;ing of Joseph I rectors of all departments have urged
La Kollette, A. L. Harris and C. Clump their members to be present and go on
was appointed. This committee will re-1 record.
Daily Between
Snlem, Stayton, Mill cfly and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a, m.;
Stayton 8:00, Salem 0:30.
Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m.;
Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:40.
Phone 2378