Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 17, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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FROM W. U. 10 TO 0
Bearcats Up a Tree In Opener
High School Wins From
0. A. C. Frosh
'Bargain Ba
The Great American Smoke "Bull" Durham
Fall in line with hundreds of thousands of red-blooded
smokers of the good old U. S. A. Smoke the cigarette tobacco
that's been an American institution for three generations "Bull"
Durham: The rich, relishy, star-spangled taste of "Bull" puts the
national spirit of get-up-and-hustle into your hand-rolled cigarette.
"Bull" is the freshest, snappiest, liveliest of smokes.
"Roll your own
A,k for FREE
package of "papen "
with tach 5c tack.
i : c : '
. I
- - '
' with "Bull" Durham and you'll find a far
greater satisfaction in smoking your cigarette
than you ever did before. The rich, mild
tobacco leaf "Bull" is made of has that de
lightful mellow -sweetness which suits your
taste to a "T". And its aromatic fragrance
is supremely unique. Men who never smoked
cigarettes before are now "rolling their own'i
with "Bull" Durham. k.
1 Ml f-i An Illustrated
hlr.r. Booklet, .how.
ins correct way
to "Roll Your Own" Cigarettes,
and a package of cigarette papers,
will both be mailed, free, to any '
address in U. S. on request. Ad
dress "Bull" Durham, Durham,
Sport News
Four Big Balloons to be Sent
, Up "Long Tom" Hughes
to Pitch for Bees
I "tn Hand, Or. April I" "Long Turn"'
1 1 hIh-h. iif llii' Suit I .iilo I Ices, will dis
pOIISC twisters I'lll' till' Portland HcllM'I'S
to hit lit on till homo grounds tomorrow
Ml'tci-noou, Manager Plnnkoiiship tele
graphed today. Winn Noyes will oc
cupy I lii slab for Portland.
Preparations I'ur II parade which will
win. I iii lit Ilic Vmiitliii Slri'i't grounds,
have lu'i'ii completed by t lit " Jo.uno Mv
1 H. .1. attendance boosters.
Balloons Clo Up At Noon.
I'm Hand, i r., April I Four lnil m
Ul fool III diameter will ln relo lso.1
from tiio down Iiiwii district of Fori
laud nt ri no ri tomorrow to t i n 11 it-1 the
"I iug nt' liio I :i , i l ie I 'mist league
.season on I li i homo grounds, Hugo
hire: is will In nl ladled to the us
bags. Kcrv hoy who icturiis one of
lln- si i miners will In' given free ll I -
IlllS'-ii'll lo till' galllO.
Coalon to Meet RiU-liie.
Conu-hu. Wis.. Aliril 1 7.--.lulnniv
' oiiltiii, rot hum' h. ml mi weight rluitiiiiini I
will again try In "mine hm I, " when I
.he meets Johnny liili liie here nil April!
-'"i. Tin' fnnner tille lioliler handler.1
k;i.v he is in lieller ml t i !) new Hum '
lie was when he losl the championship'
light wilh .Inliiiiiv Williniiis nt Vermin.
I n training he snow's Hashes ol' hi-i old'
light mug - il u nl r i a I I mess. 1
To Try Saute! Again.
Sin I'lnndsco, April 17. Ivan M i.li
.'i lol l', liiisshin uicstloi, declared lu.lnv!
I " is in linn mIi:ih' for his limit tninnr-
l"c, is i tils t wilh Ail Santel who threw'
liiui twiee Iwo wicks ago, the Hussion
Ci.iiil says his Knee, which was injured
the .light ,,f , In, s;;,,, ,. ,ll( w'ill.
Tlio F.oos Are Cumins.
Sill l.alie l ily, Apiil 17. -The I'.ees
J.re mi Ihe'r wnv to I'liitlnihl toila
where they hive n Utile eiicnueineuf
j wilii lleiivei'.H this week. In Iheir en
ii'iinnlei's with the Angels last weel. the
'iiiinls ilenionstrali'il that they liml a
liiinili nl' heavy hi Hers on tiie si a 1 1',
lint niiiny lielii'M'il tilt' iiteliers tire i
alile to i'1'tii'k when Hie "oiiiK efts
! Ilia nheiiship 's men niay lie l'atiiiii'il
from the lung haul when iliev iirrive in
I'lirtl mil, lint th ilm-ks will he i'iiially
liamliiaiieil. Itet'ore leavine here
" hln nk saiil lie lunl not ilei iile.l
whii li hiiiler to stint against the Me
I'li'ilie iiot'ili',
! Beavers One Shy.
i San Kraneisi'ii, April 1 7-.---.lnst one
miiIi shy ol' th' series wilh llaUainl,
Hie I'nrllanil ilinks were on route, to
their hiime roservn! ion tinlay, there In
meet Hie Milt Lake I lees. Ilel'tire ile
luirtine 1'iom this rejjiwi, Waller Me
I'li'ilie iniliiati'il that ho Iiii.I no exensv
to -ul f i' i- Inr not a 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i n ,, (inks
here. The season is liaiilly Imrn yet.
ami tiio result, it is lminteii out, iniglil
have liet'ti otherwise hail nut Louie
(liiislu pnlle.l a Casey when lie was es
peetoil to win Iho niorniiiji eanie liy
Hatlierinn i hit with two on mill iwu
Mel'ieilie is I'i.leiit tliat Ilio Trt-
laml fans will he salisl'ieil with the eluli
he has asseiuliled to ilel'einl (heir iionoi'
this vear,
rrediot Great Meotlnff.
San Hii'jin, Cal., April 17. - Turf en
tiiusiiists are tmlay pieiliet ine ,,m.
the erealevt nieelins tho i-nnsl has eer
seen nller witnessing Hie openiiiij week
iiiiil. All mails ar now loailuie, to the
reiiioileli',1 raenii; plant at Ti.iu. The
Iwo tiist ,las there weie elese to 1 1.
IKHI speetalois.
The fnvuiites liihl a ureal ilay yes
tenlay. l-'uiir won first money, ami one
I'tune seei'Uit. There are no infos Mull
.lay. Woiid's Encorrl for Misses.
Sail r'lani'iseu, April 1 7. Tolonuiins
ri'i'i'ie,l l.y Imseliall men here to,l:i
saiil that the I "Hifii ufn While Sex luul of'
iereil lo sell Jin k Ness, former Oakland
infieliler. for II " reasunalile pii, e."
I.asl season Ness niado one or mure
hits in I'.l roiisecDt ive sanies, estalilish
t nj-r wurhl's rei'uril. It is not known
whether lie will return to the 1'iuifie
Coast league.
etl last Wednesday when tho "A" soe
Itiou of Washiiint'oii ilefeateil Hie same
Iseetiuii of l.ineolo. The "1!"' nee t ion
lot' l.imoln was unahle lo lilnv and for-
i foiled their i lino. Ill the Washington
: l.ineoln unine.-the former won with a
iseore of .i to 7 as the l.iiu-oln "ills
had lint one priU'tieo liefore the uamo.
In I no Washinntuii junior hih sihool
nliout 711 I'irls are un pla Ki oinid tennis.
l'he sihool has two regulation tielil
ami uamea lire piaved every Tuesday
iiul Thursday. The work of oreainza
lion is left onliri ly in the Iiunds of the
i'irls, oxeopt for si'unesl ions fiom David
K. r.rare, Hie seliool phvsioal insl rnetor,
Vollov 1 i:i 1 1 teams have nlso been oi
Kimied nud will plnv similar
The Inivs of the si-hodl have eonimit-
tees on iilnvi'i'ouiiil hall, vollov hall,
liaseliill, traek and pvrainids. Those
riimiuit tecs lire sinning up tin1 hoys and
si'heiliilod smiles will soon lie in order.
The luisehall M-hediile for the junior
si'hools is ns follows:
April llraiit vs. Wasliinelou.
April !i, l.iii'iiln vs. Wnshiunlnn.
May li, l.ineolii vs. (Irani.
May I.I, liranr vs. Washinj'tun.
The fills' pl ivioiind liall si liodulo
lor sertioii " A over five feel in
height is as follows: ,
April III, Lincoln vs. limit at Hinnt.
April -li, Wn-hinyton vs. (Irant al
.May .i, asiini(tun vs. i.iniuui ai
I. no inn.
May 111, Liiicelii vs. llraiit at Lin
coln. Mav 17, llraiit vs, Wnsliinulon al
The pla.Viirounil hall schedule of tiio
sci'lioii " It" eirls. who cannut moisiire
up to five feet in height, is as fol
lows: April 10, (Irani vs. Lincoln at Lin
coln. April -li, (Irant vs. Washiuyiiui. at
May ;i, Lincoln s. Wnsliiiiutun at
May III, Lincoln s. (Irant at lirau'.
May 17, Washington vs. (li Hit al
I i rant.
Tlio Wilhmetle I'nivoisity lienrcnts
were treed bv th? O. A. C. varsity liase
hall sound S iturday afternoon on Wil
. ana i,e i'.c'.d while the Aggie chased n
Hi runs. Kexfonl, who started the game
for W. I', was hoisted in the second in
ning lifter tiie Aggies had made four
runs and Wallioe Adams was planted
on the mound liv Coach Matthews. The
Aggies still hit and nipped out liiugles
wilh startling regularity while their
runaeis circled the liases.
Ado Siolierts, the Aggie first base
man, was .on the mound for the O. A.
C. aggregation nml although he had
nolhiiig on the hill tiiat would place
him in the regular twirling section, he
had enough to befuddle Hie llcarcats
and the slaughter ended Hi to Ik
The preliminary game between the
Salem high school and the O. A. C.
freshmen was a lively contest which re
sulted in a 7 to o victory lor tho high
school. I-Vom th'.' bleachers it ap eared
that the freshmen pi ivod the best
team of the two. I'rootor, the regular
high school twirler, was out of Hie box
with a sore wing and played in the out
field while Tallinn", a port sidor, twirl
ed for the Clancy cohorls. Tallman
tossed a steady game ami deserved to
win ilthiHigli it was anybody's game
until tho last nut. The freshmen showed
tl'osnselves to be a scrappy aggregation
and the preliminary contest was the
best gnine from the spectators' standpoint.
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standing.
W. L. JVt.
Los Angeles . S 4 .Otii
Oakland S 5 .111,"
Vernon 7 7 .Sd(
Portland (I S AM
San Francisco li N A-l
Salt Lake 4 7 .HOI
Yesterday's Results.
:U San Francisco Oakland, 4-4;
Portland, 2-2.
At Salt Luke Los Angeles, I-:
Salt Lake, 9.
At Los Angeles onion. 1 i; San
Francisco, '--5.
Oakland handed Portland two Water
loos ill the closing gumes of the series
Sunday mid Walt AleCrodie is reported
asking if there are any rooms for rem
on the Island of St. Helena.
Fourteen Heavers rushed into th,
reiich iii Hie ninriiinir nt Onkluud. aim
throe pitchers were among the trample
niter the home trine nun triiinipneu.
In the post meridian meeting Port
land got away a stride ahead and led
almost to the half mile mark, where
Howdy Llliott's trusty oaken hurled
steed forged past and finished breath
ing easily.
Pitcher Lush of the Jhieks got no
cross at I'mpire Doyle in the illuming
that he had to ask Hobby Vaughn to
hold him while he had a hate spasm.
Salt Lake played worse ball than Los
Angeles and the Angeles won the Sab
bath set to 12 to !k
Hannah helped the Boos with a slash
ing homer in the third, sending three
bulls eyes across. Assorted errois were
a specialty by both sides.
Johnny Couch, of k-an Francisco, hat
his curves' cutting beautiful cupels
through the somewhat heavy air of Ver
non in the morning, and the Sends grab
boil a 2 to 1 contest while many hugs
in nearby nbbatuirs shouted their grief.
Vermin beat tho ball 'full sorti in H
afternoon and took the Seals taw, 7 to
5, liisoborg coulribiiting with n triple.
The Pirates' errors practically made
Sunday's game a gift to Cincinnati
while Toney 's wiltinoss kept hope
springing in in Pirate breast.
(iarney. of Cleveland, tripled wilh
two deceased in the tenth and licked
I Detroit, which had outbatted the Clove
i landers nenifv two to one.
'"2. ;1B N' Commercial St.
Washington Junior
High School Nates
The gills of the .junior high s, huols
mo tu hire their alhletics as well as
Iho bovs. Plagioiinil ball has been or
gnni.cd in each of the schools and a
si iies of ua niraugcil. La' h s, hind
will be icpiescutcd bv two te mis, one
leani I nun tlius,, who can measure over
tno feel in height and the other learn
from thu.-c who mo under l'ie feet.
'li e I'i' d g:i-iic uf the series w.ts pk't-
Wuoilbiini. Ore., April 17. WeoilLuin
defeated tireshiuu yesterday nfternooii
!l tu li, The game was the poorest yet
played hero, both sides milking nn m
orutis oi rues. Pitcher Murphy wns wild
'mid walked seven men, but allowed only
six hits, liube Mnxineyer was driven
from the box in the sixth, when a fusil
lade uf hits, one a heme run wilh the
bases full by Manager lluddleton, not
ted sven runs. Kranno finished and
pitched shutout ball.
Ibittories: For lireshnm. Mnxineyer.
Kraitse and Mcliridc; fur Woudbuin.
! Murphy and White.
'Telluride Woman Thinks
i City Elevators Slow
San Francisco. April 17. After lmv
: iag spent five minutes in a lelephniic
booth at the Hotel Manx under the im
l'lossion that it was an elevator. Mrs
Helen Morion of (hat dear Tellnii.le,
' Color nlo, canio forth and suggested
jlhnt the scr ice was very decayed.
I "That is the sluwest elevator I ever
roilo in, slie told tlio don,.
When he explained, she sai.l: ' Have
you no floor walker here lo direct
guests'' and entered the proper "lift."
This is Mrs. Morton's first trip away
from Telluride in -.i vears.
1 mmnmfmmti",yv.,mm'
Opens Tuesday Morning at
Nine o'Clock
Be on hand when the doors open to get some of the wonderful bargains offered
in this great slaughter of the already lowest priced shoes in Salem. All kinds
of Shoes, both for dress and work, including low Shoes, Pops and White Shoes.
Our stock is complete in every way.
A Few of the Many Bargains :
Men's Elk Bals, regular
ly sold $2.50 to $2.75,
Basement Price
Boys' Shoes, button and
lace, all new styles, reg
ular $2.75 grade, Base
ment Price
Children's Slippers and
High Shoes, regular up
to $1.75, Basement Price
Boys' and Youths' Elk
Bals, regularly sold at
$2 and $2.25, Basement
$1.35 and $1.65
Boys Shoes, button and
lace, regularly sold at
$2.25, new styles, Base
ment Price
Children's Shoes and
I Pumps, regular price up Z
to $2.00, Basement
Men's Dress Shoes, but-
I ton and lace, regularly
I sold at $3 and $3.50,
Basement Price
i Boys' Shoes, just ar
rived, button and lace,
$2 grades, Basement
I Children's Shoes and i
I Pumps, all styles up to i
1 $2.50, Basement Price
Men's Work Shoes, reg
ular $3.50 grades, tan
and black, Basement
Ladies' Shoes, broken
sizes, $3 to $4 grades,
button and lace, Base
ment Price
Ladies' Shoes, good
grades up to $2.50, now
go in the Basement
Men's Dress Shoes, all
styles, $4 and $5 grades,
button . and lace, Base
ment Price
White Emma Lew
Pumps, Ladies' $1.50;
Misses' $1.15, Children's
Tennis Shoes, Men's,
Women's, Boys', Misses'
and Children's, all go in
The Best
4 - 4t
ie s; Uf
Oregon Industrial Review
: i
:t c :! s j! ijf
The Afarion comity court which
yesterday to receive tho report of
board of viewers on the matter of
steel bridge across the Willamette r
al (his place accepted the rccinunic
linns of the board of viewers that
plans submitted by tlio ntnto high
department be accepted. Tho transc
of the proceeding.! of the. Marion c
ly mint will be sent to the Polk c
ty court for sipproxal or rejection,
the eM'nt that t ho l'olk county c
i or
ii a v
oun 111
iwav lirnnrfmpnt
Completes Bridge Plans
Plans and specifications for a rein
forced concicte lui.luo across Hie iVho
co CreeK near l'iine ille have been com
plctc.l and seal to the county coint of
Crook cotmty. 'l'he estimated cost of
this structure is .-r-I.l'oo.
A reue-.t has been received by tlio
st ilil iiiuhwny department for the prep
aratiou of plans and ipcifu at'ons for a
I'm foot wood span which is to lie con
structed near M itto I'niut. Coos coun
ty. It is expected thai this stiucture
will eliminate one yrude crossing.
approves of the plans as subiuiucl I"
1 4 lie slate hiehway department i nlline
' for n .iis.0ih .structure the courts wir
j iiii'uedintcly let contracts for the boiu
ii i i of tho worlv.
Holland Pirlies out locatiii; chrome'
ii'iui on which will bo milled here on a
lame scale. '
New money and payrolls make big
and prospcions cities. Sacramento.'
Itoie I-'ariners union' conteiuplates !
linihliiiu I'ul.ooil bushel train elecator. j
'Kaitle l.umbor company in Tillamook
county sells Jim,i(00 timber to 1'. S.
eovoriinient. I
Mill city Hammond T. limber com
panv plannins; to build li miles railroad.
l-iueout'S. p. company will vspout f
100.iiilil on now equipment in this citv. ,
Priii Local cannery has disposed of
its pad; output increased. j
Sinule tavors favor public ownership '
for the reason that private corporations
now pay about half the state taxes. As
fast is tiausforrod to collective owner-'
s'lip, all tho slate revenues must be '
r.'iiod from land. ;
An ainiv bill with 7" hours n month
vnentUtunl trainiii'.' would liu'flli mioh
in the way of national industrial effi- I
tciicy. j
Voneolla Thiol l!r,,s. buildine lar'.
warehouse -dist.ict to erect ffl."i,0utl '
school. ;
Seis'ulo has selei tod site and adopted ;
plans for ffltil.Oiii) school. I
llaker Contrai t let for construction
of Welch block.
Co,uille lioss & -Curry started man-
iifacturiiiK sand T rlcli. of $1,000,1)1)1) tliat lias boon taken from
linker Twenty-stamp ni'll at Conner I citizens of the I'uitod States by band
Creek mine started up. of sharp operators nclling pretended
CiOKon banks reduce interest rates on! titles to O. C. land yrant lands,
time certificates to three per cent. W. ,1. Clark, editor of the Jndepend-
Piiblic ownership of utilities would cnee Knterprise .ind candidate for tho
bo more hopeful if there were more : legislature, is heartily opposed to tho
public ownership of ofticials. enactment of further freak laws to
Portland public works department I hamper industry and keep capital from
prosecuted lor wirUitie men over Si coming here to develop our natural re
sources. Cottage Crave Sentinel.
Why are towns dead! Hoeause they
expend their energies on matters relat
ing; to the next world tad Utopian the
ories of reform. i
Astoria Methodist will liuild W,000
church here". i
.Marsh f ield Coat not let to grade tiio
conntv road to Ceiinillo for .tiiil.OUO.
Portland if'IO.uiMl will be expended
improving Oaks park.
Three now concrete buildings are be
ing planned for Tillamook.
t apital secured to i oulde capacity ot i ....., i r i
Hood' Itiver cannery plant. I b,,m hJ PiIhC,! '
.-..).)0 on a P.iHv Simd.v tabcr,ne c,! I" ' ''-'1"; vd proposed here.
a dollar for a v" , , ,,r ""ouoss,
Merrell I.iinilier companv starts.
Mill nil nl.niii i' .(- i.' i'.. in t;
liailroad employes conid not cliaosc a'coonlv opening up
more inopportune' time to ask for a gon-1 Gardner New inill planned on West
oral advance in nages. When the de-: I.akn soon
vastating war in Kurope is over the! Oyster industry talked of for Coos
Huostiiiii emit routing Anion, in wage Pav.
oaruors will be that of finding a mar-1 S.' p. (. ,tart. W()rk $1011.01)0 ex
kct for their labor wt,-a- ot fixing a pemliture for iioprovenieat of Kiigono
price for it. .1. linos .1. Hill. terrain il.
Astoria M' l-lachcrn Cons-trui'tion ; Addifior.al lumber camps being open-
mpnn lays neei 01 urst snip oiiitt onidi lor ninitli mill on I 00s liav.
that would not put
now ciiunerv.
'oung's Pav shipyard April 'JO.
Cottage (irovi l!:g placer mine
strike reported on Steamboat liver.
II ird fight for lower taxes in I.anc
cnumv being made by the Cottage
tirove Sentinel. 1
Myrtle Point City council orders 24
blocks in husiue.-s part paved.
l'ederal grand jury uncovers frauds
Iion'hnrg is pli.ckv. She proposes to
amend her charter, so a to make valid
the voting of :Wii,iiii) bonds to help get
a railroad to the timber regions.
Uoschiirg to experiment in raising en
dive. Astoria MeCoimick interests hnvfi
lot contract to build 242 ft. ship here.
State sells tf 72!j worth of flax seed t