THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT'SNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY. APRIL 15. Iftlfi NINE u i i Li I! f If 1 n THE CHURCHES Free Methodist. .o. 1223 North Winter street. 017 servicea : Sabbath school I'reachins at 11 a. m. and 7:45 Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 J Johastou, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows drill, 11:30 a. ni. Sundav Bililo class, 10:30 a .ni praise meeting, o p. m. Y p. m. .Salvation meeting. Sun 9:45. p. m. p. m. Knee ent, J. I. Woodfin. Rpworth League devotional meeting at ii:'M). A special He.llure next Sunday will bo a men's meeting at .'! o'clock to be Addressed bv the Kev. H. J. Talbott. of Kimbail School of Theology. All men are in vited aint are urged to hear lr. Talbott. the .lav Ministerial Union. Passion week will be observed by Ministerial I'liiou of Salem everv. from April 17th to April 'J'Jmi in a series of nnon-dny serviees. The niwt ings beginning at twelve o'clock and closing it one will be held at the Kirs! i Methodist idiureli. The men and wom- Week night services everv niahr eve .1 Kelso. (.i .'. jen and young people of Salem are cor- - T , ,,1'liully invited to attend the ' 1 lu ; nigs. (n Monday the speaker will . . .-. .... , w meet- On Monday the speaker will be l- T Porter iiit,,r ..C rli.. ('Pl.t I . . , . ' 1 . .. . Mnnilir nml ti t... ' . , ' ' , i nrisrian inurca aim rur toe remain F. First Christian. Comer M it K nnd Center streets. I. Porter, minister. Bible school i:;j n. m.. Ur. II. '. Kpley. director; l.loyd iloldijnan. assistant. Salem won all three points from l'ortlnnd last Sunday. 5:11! present, ('nine see a great school doing a great work. Fine orchestra. Separate room for every class. 11 a. ni.. Worship and sermon, subject ''Spring.'' f:.".0 p. m.. (.'. K. 7::iO'p. m.. Sermon subject, "The Voice." Stereoptii an and large chorus. sub- First Presbyterian. Partnership in salvation is the ject or tin' evening sermon bv the pastor, Carl II. F.lliott. In the'uiorn iug he will speak to the junior con gregation on "Why Everv Christian Should t'nite With the Church." a. id te the adults on "The Message of Cni vary." Music by the chorus choir. Sun day school with classes for all ages (it i' : 45 o'clock. First church of Christ, Scientists. Sunday 'son ices are held at 440 Cheniekcta street, nt 11 a. in. and S p. m. Subject of Hible lesson. "Doc trine of Atonement." Sunday school at 0:45 a. in. Wednesday evening testi monial meeting at S o'clock. Reading room in the ilubbard building, suite .'':. and is open every day. except Sun days and holidays, from 11:4.1 a. in. to 4 p. ni. All are welcome to. our services and invited to visit our reading room. The Church of Cod. No. 1 7 Tii Fairgrounds Road. Sunday school at bl a. m.. rJdward Becker, su perintendent. Sunday services at 11 a in., 2:::0 and 7::!(l p. iii. All are cordial ly invited. F.tliol Williams, pastor. W. C. T. V. liov. H. B. Dorks will deliver the gos pel temperance address at Kamp Me moriiil hall at 4 o'clock. All friends of the temperance lire invited to attend. Tuesday, April IS. will be a department meeting, subject "Mothers Meeting." Mothers are invited to attend whether members of the union or not. nig serviees Dr. Carl U. Doner, presi dent of Willamette university wrr be the speaker. First Congregational. . I lines "HI v in. pastor. Sunday sc hool meets promptly at 10 o'clock, W. 1. Sjaley superintendent. Morning ser vice at 11 o'clock. Music morning and evening :bv churns ichoir. Win. Mc- i Gilchrist, Sr., director. Subject for I morning service, "The l.nst Scenes nnd ihe Last Words .of the C ross. ' Chris tian Kndeavor service at U::io. Pleasant Suud iv evening service at 7:.'tO. "A Lesson from the Cross of Christ." Sub ject motion pictures, part " Passion I'lay, describing "The Trial and the Arrest." 'Christ Before l'ilnte," "The Crucifixion. " Everybody invited and everybody welcome. Monday at eight o'clock, lecture bv Lieut. M. Swartz- kopensky, "My Life and Escape From a Siberian Dungeon," a powerful heart thrilling story. So charge for idmissioii, silver offering. A Uoud Friday service will be held in the church auditorium on Kridav evening at 7::I0 o'clock. The pastor will preach. Tiiere will bo no Thursday evening service. German M. E. Corner Thirteenth and Center streets, A. .T. Weigle minister. Smidav school at Id a. m.. Henrv Grilapp, superin tendent. Sermon at 11 o'clock. Ep ivurth League at 7 p. m Ruth Wables buchl, lender. Song service at 7:4.1. There will also be preiichhfg service on Good Friday evening at !S o'clock Lutheran. East State and Eightenth streets, (I. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school in Gerunn nud llnglisii at 10 o'clock. Di vine service at 10:30 a. in. There will be no evening service. Gospel Mission. Corner Center arid Commercial streets. Sunday school 2:30 p. in. Preaching 3:30 and 7:4.1 p. m. Revival meetings commencing i :4.1 p. m. Saturday, April litli and continuing next week by hvangelist Hill. ou are invited to come. K. K. Spyker, pastor, Rural Chapel. H. C. Stover, minister. Morning ice at .11 o'clock. Sunday school a. m. Christian Kndeavor at 7:30. Communion will be observed at morning service. serv lit 10 llolv the , . , Central Congregational. South Nineteenth and Ferry streets. II. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school nt 1(1 a. m. Evening worship at 7:30. lieception of niembers and communion with brief address on "Falling Into the Ground to Die." by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. C. E. at 0:45 p.m. Junior C. 10. nt 0 p. m. l'rayer service Thursday ev ening at 7:30. First Methodist Episcopal. Corner State and Church streets, 1?. N. Avisoa, minister. 0:0o a. m., closs meeting: 0:45 i. in., Sabbath school, Messers Schrnmni and d'ilkey, superin tendents; 11:0(1 a. in., morning worship, addresses in .the interest of Self Denial Week for Foreign Missions, bv Dr. II. T. Talbott ami the pastor; ;:00 p. m., the pastor will administer the secra meiit at the Old Peoples' lfonie;:':00 p. in., meeting for men at the .lason Lee church, addressed by Rev. Dr. 11. .1. Tal bott; ii:.10 p. in.. Intermediate League. Mrs. M. C. Findley, superintendent; b:"ll p. ni.. Kpivoith l.eioue. Miss Eva Scott, president; 7:'.M p. m., evening worship, the pastor will speak on the tneme. "Mis Last Week." Music by i ne cnorus cnoir iioin morning ami even- ino under the direction of Dr. Frank W. Chase. St. Paul's Episcopal. Robert S. Gill, rector, llolv commun ion i : . il I a. in. Matins ami ad.lress mi "The Vice of Sentinientalisin " Il::i0n. in. Kvensong find address, "Why I Hate Fpiscopali ins '' 7::o p. in. Sun dav school !l:4."i a. ni. The services will be marked with music anrooriate to Liberty Street Church of the Evangel ical Association. ( omer ( enter uid Liliertv streets, 11. E. Ilornschucb, pastor.. Sunday school at 10 a. in., Win." tlarn jobst. su perintendent. German services at 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on "An Kxalted Vision of the Church." Tlie Young People's Alliance will meet at 7:00 p. in.- English services at 8 p. m., when the pastor will again speik. Ev erybody is welcome. i Highland Friends. i : Corner of Highland and Klin streets. Sabbath school nt 10 a. m.. Mrs. Myrtle Kenwnrthy, superintendent. Meetings for worship at 11 a. m. ami 7 p. in. Christiun Endeavor (1:1.1 p. in. Prnyer nieeting Thursday 7::'.0 p. m. All ire invited to attend these services. Jose phine llockett, pastor. Phone 1105. United Brethren. Rev. C. W. Tibbett will preach at the t'nited Brethren church, 1 Lit li and Mis sion streets, Sunday, April Hi, at 11 a. in. and ti . in. All cordiallv invited tp attend. Commons Mission. 211 State street. Rev: W. G. McLaren, from Portland, general superintendent of the Pacific Co ist Protective and Rescue Society, of which this mission is a branch, will speak Sunday at ;! p. in. Serviees Tuesday ami Friday at 7:11 p. in. .1. D. Cook, superintendent. I. B: S. A. Class meets in the Rogers building on the comer of Ferry nnd High streets at 10 o'clock a. m. Pilgrim W. II. Farrnr will "ive n discourse. Those interested in bible truth .ire cordially invited to be present. Palm Sundiiv. Cottage minister. Unitarian. Corner of ( hemeketa and streets. Richard F. Tiseher. Siindav school nt H: t-1 class it !l;4.1. Miss El pcrinteiident. Morning service at 11 o'clock, subject. "Palms at Vietorv. " WILLAMETTE NOTES at LUSITANIA IIEROINE WEDS ITALIAN COUNT Rita Jolivet. Rita Jolivet, the actress who was iboard the Lusitania when that ves sel was torpedoed by the Germans, ins just become the bride of Gius seppe Cippio, an Italian count. The marriage took -place at the home of the bride's father, at Kew, London. rniroT mmv mm VUUlll 11VUUJJ 11JDIIU A. Aplin, of Woodiinrn, this uioruing began a tin day sentence in the county jail on a charge of .selling intoxicating liquor. Aplin was convicted in the cir cuit court ami received his sentence from Judge Kelly this morning, lie was indicted on live counts but the in dietuients on all but one count were dismissed. Grace D. Barnes has filed a suit in the circuit court of this county against William Esch, is sheriff, and A. B. Spencer, seeking to enjoin Sheriff Esch from selling some property on Liberty ami Division streets to satisfy a .judg ment of .t(i!),."i:',H which was secured by Spencer in California, April 24, I!) 13. After Spencer secured tiie judgment he endeavored to levy upon certain prop erty belonging to Mrs. Barnes in Salem and the case was carried to the su preme court of this state where it was held that the judgment wis seemed by fraud. and misrepresentation and that all of Mrs. Barnes property in Salem except the property on Division and Liberty streets should be exempt from execution. The suit filed yesterday asks that the Division street property also be exempted from sale by the sher iff to satisfy the fraudulent judgment. An order was issued by Judge CJ il loway in department No. 2 of the cir cuit court today foreclosing a mortgage in the case of Frank F. Knight against Agnes Payne, ( . A. Payne and others. The findings of fact state that the de fendants gave i note for $.1,7.10 which was secured by a mortgage on !7 acres of laud in this county ami that (f:!,7t1.:!0 of the principal remains unpaid and is now due. In addition to the principal and interest .:'00 is allowed for at torneys fees .uid the property was or dered sold to satisfy the claim. John P. Seymour was today appointed by Judge Bushey as guardian ad litem of Amil T. Witte, an incompetent, to represent Witte 's interests in certain litigation now pending. The senior class was entertained the home of Dr. Douey last evening. Miss Francis Gittins and .lames R. liaiii, of the senior class, are writing a dramti which will be st iged bv the sen iors at the annual commencement ini June. The ilrnni'i is historical in nature recounting the brave deeds of Jason o clock., the rounder ot Willamette uni icl Fletcher, su-i versify. The pageant will not onlv por tray nrly days, but also the present iml tiie future of the institution. Both No evening service. Music bv Mrs. T. of the authors are talented nlons? liter H. OnUowav, Mr. Harry Mills, organ-'ary lines and the production is expect ist. Friends of liberal religion and of led to be one worth while. Miss Gittins progressive thought are cordially in ; played the role of the leading' lady in vited to our services. P.ring a friend. j last year's junior play, "An American I Citizen," and is the May (ueoii-cleet First Baptist. for this year's .May Day festivities. Corner Marion and North Liberty She-li is been a careful student of Eng streets, .Rev. G. F. libit, D. D., pastor. 1 lish literature and drama during her Sunday school at 0:4.1. Public worship college course and the production which 'ind preaching II n. in. ami 7:"0 p. m. I she is now working on should be of a Topics: Morning, 'The Kingship of; high class nature. Christ." Evening, "The - I'lifailing Members of the class will take the One." B. V. P. F. nt l:.'to p. in. Ser- lending parts of the cast nnd a few un derclassmen will tie used to complete vices every evening next week, except Saturday. Fverybodv invited. Leslie Methodist Episcopal. Bible school, 0:1.1 n. ni., Joseph Bar ber, superintendent. Morning worship, II o'clock, special Palm Sunday ser vices, sermon by the postor. Epivorth league. li:.'in p. m. Evening service. 7:'M. There will be no Junior League. r.ierv member of tin), eimrcli to attend the Passion Week Serviees at First Methodist church, each day it noon, nnd the eiangelintic services at the same place each evening, at 7:4.1. Ri'i. J. '. spencer, pastor. Jason Lee Memorial. At the comer of Jefferson Winter streets, J. Montcalm llrown,fivc pastof. Siindav school at 0:11 note the the entire cast. Prof. Wall ice Mc.Mur ray will attend to the direction and staging of the pageant, and this insures its being well presented, since the pro fessor lias had wide experience in the directing of dramas. The junior pin'.', which will bo staged at the Grand Opera House on the even ing of Miv tith. is almost ready, as far is urged 'as rehearsing is concerned, to be staged. I'roti'ssor .Mcjlnrray, who is directing the play, the name of which is "Sher wood," said of it recently. "It will be the biggest production ever presented in Salem be amateurs. " This is saving a great deal for it as the professor is not git en to boasting, hut is ot a con and X. sertativn nitnre. Tiie plav consists of acts, scenes of Bonnie Kngland in lavs of Robin Hood when knight- the eliingo in time. Superintendent. It. ' hood was at its height. The first act A. Harris. Suiicriiiteii.lettt primarc de- is a scene in the Sherwood forest and parlment. Mrs. II. C. Emmol. Preach-: later tiie action moves to the eastle of lug serve Junior l.e nt II :ue at a. ni. nnd :' p. m., sop' In p. m. ' Fitztnalter. riiiteiol a scene in Th the c second act green forest IS SI o.t I II of Sher- A petition to inorporate Seotls Mills was filed today in the county court. The petition was signed by W. W. Tait and li:l others wiio reside within the pro posed limits of the city. A m.irriage license was issued at the county clerk's office today to George K. Terwilliger, a Salem " undertaker, ami .N'orinn X. Lef fingwell, also a Sa lem undertaker. Fred Willis Tnpliu, a Portland builder, ami Maud F. Clapper. a Salem stenographer, also secured a marriage license. wood. The third act opens on .i scene j in the courtyard of Nottingham. The fourth act is a garden scene in the castle of Prince John. The fifth act closes tiie play with powerful and grip ping dramatic action,- the scene being it Kirklie Abbey, Robin Hood and Lady Marian here show themselves to tneir greatest advantage. To those who have read the classic "Ivanhoe" by Sir Walter Scott, the play Sherwood will be of great in terest, lor it is to a great extent pat terned lifter th it story, Mud the pictur intion of ancient days when knights fought for the love of a fair lady nas still the thrill that moves today. The seniors uml faculty of ''Willam ette, university will stage a baseball game next Frid iy taat will be inter esting from the standpoint of team work, as they have never played to gether before. The faculty lineup is not known as yet, the seniors team will be as follows: Jewett or Bain, p; Gary, e; Shisler, lb; Ridgcway, 2b; Jewett or Bain, ss; Smith, :;b;' (lleiser, cf; Blntchford, rf; and Jasper. If. Ourwant Ads aremce aiHAnet TlicallrdIWofaLoslOround want ad isvyonderf ul Try enc ifyou navelost somdhiri !0 mm- FARMSTEAD, ML J f I - s It " f BOYS MAGAZINE I 1 ' (MCIMiON OVER 100,000 M-CALLS MAGAZINE i' N i r ! U real Liu e Daily bbiEg Utters Capital J by ourna. A7"I7 Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the V V Ei CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price, . . . 1.00 Today's Magazine, regular price . . . .50 Household Magazine, regular price, . .25 Total of regular price, . . $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in ad vance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: ; CLUBBING LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and 1 McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today's Magazine is a splendid publicationbigger and better than ever before. McCall's Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. Mail Subscribers secure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Wife Taking Poison Led Husband To Do So TWO MORE DAYS TO REGISTER San Francisco. April 13. Mis. Mar garet J.yni-h lies cm the threshold of death tod iv pleading with emergency hospital physicians to let her join her two dead children. In an adjoining ward lies h-r hus band, (Jeorge l.vniii, remorseful because in a moment of ivcnlwiiws, lie forgft his duty to his two living children and at tempted suicide. It was the supper hour in Lynch 's little home in the Potrero district. All dny long Mrs. Lynch had hysterictillv wept for iier two dead children. Dip theri i bad claimed them in the isolation 1w.iMtl tl,r..u ,luvu ... . . .; ,. .' . . , Slav her iiaml. As she lav on thfi floor, She went to the. medicine idlest and ,,, ...,,i, ,.:,. . ,,, swallowed part of a Lottie, of I'oiso,,,! Vlk,,css'seiZed l.vncli. Jf she died, he just as her husband reached home from f , t h ,,t a wu ,( ,J(,ail work. Me fought with her but tailed to K . ' t ' .. ..,; ,, ,,rBk of the jioison also. He will recover, but his wifo mav die. lint two mine days remain in which to register for the pri maries ' anil only ll.SL'S voters out of about Hi.iMtlt in Mnrion county have registered. The ta tal Registration for this week was ii'.lli of which HIM I were males anil iloo were females. The voters - are registering at the county court ' house at the rate of liiout 130 a day. The registration boohs close at 8 o'clock in the evening, Tuesday, April Is, Rexall one cent tale Perry'i Drug Store April 20-21-22 That useless article may mean money to you through the Mew Today column. WOOD BIDS INVITED J Scaled bids will be received at the. office of the clerk, . 11. ISurgiiarilt, .fr,. IIS.'i State street, Salem, Oregon, tor; supphing school district So. '.'I with: 1:13 cords of slab wood and -10 cords of fir wood, bids to be opened at the regu lar meeting, 7:.'!0 p. in., April 4, WW. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check of 3 per cent of the amount of the bid. AprlU IN TILE . COUNTY COURT FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON. In the matter of the guardianship of the estates and persons of Hernilone Kiches and Cromwell Hiches, minors, (luardian's notice of stile. Notice is hereby given, That the uu dcrxigned, lidiiu Hiches, will, lis guard ian, of the above mimed minors, in ette Meridian, Marion County, Oregon; running thence. North 80 degrees 20 minutes west, J1.S0 chains, along the legal subdivision line running west through section L".t to the southeast cor ner of a one-acre tract; thence .North 4.HI chains to tho north east corner of said one-acre tract; thence North US degrees 20 minutes west 2.005 chains to the division line established through the Charles Riches claim; thence North lll.Ol chains along the division line tu an iron pipe; thence south 8!t degrees 20 minutes east l.'l.s'.t chains to an iroa pipe on the line between sections 2H and 21; theme south IS. 75 chains to the place of beginning and cvutuiuiug 23 acres of land. That bids will be received for said real property up to the ltith day of May, llllil, at which time she will dis pose of said minors' interest, to the best bidder, said sale being a private sale for eash; all bids tendered should be tendered to flic Guardian in care of tho Capital Journal, in the City ot Oregon, or to tho attorneys ior - i i. i .. . nuirui. onrormiiy uu an oruer ul '""." ""'. I ,.,; Hrtnn & Ktrnhan. 410 I'lntt Portland, Oregon, Mid bids and sale being subject to the approval t , M,.l,n ,.l. (',.,,,,1,- Ktnt. oil i I.,..(,.r,., .,.,!.. ',! ..l..rd'l"il,li"K herein, oa the 12th (lav ot April, iuiii, proceed to sell all the interest minors, being an undivided fourteen-1 twenty-fourths (11-24), in the following! described rent property, to-wit: I Beginning lit the quarter section cor-' nor l.ctuuc. aeetioim 'JS nud 20. Town-! ship H South, Uange 2 West of Willnin-j Piatt 'Building, Poltlaud, Oregon. .If i'l'i'l confirmation of the County Court, lurtcen'l 1""J tliid I5tl. day of April, lOlti. r.H.NA Kt!.iir..- Guardian. SKTON & STHAHAX, Attornevs for Ouardliin, If i