FTP.JTT THE DAILY CAPITAL .JO" RNAL, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 15. 1916. 1 Confidence A cheque may be worth no more than the scrap of paper on which it is written. It may be worth a million. Its value depends solely upon the financial responsibility of the man who signs it. The mere signature is sufficient to credit or discredit its worth. Public confidence is a matter of reputation. The monogram on the radiator of the Six-:)0 is the en dorsement of the Chalmers Motor Company. The motor buying public has come to accept it as a guar antee of sterling worth in a motor car. This endorsement has stood behind every car that has left the Chalmers shops. It will continue to stand as long as Chalmers Motor Cars are built. The Chalmers Six-:;0 with 3400 R. P. M. engine sells for $1215 f. o. b. Salem. This is $225 lower than the minimum price ever placed on a Chalmers product. The monogram on the radiator of the Six I'.O is just as strong a guarantee of Quality as it was on the radiator of a $:000 Chalmers limousine. Long years of experience in motor car building, quantity production and ultra modern factory facilities have enabled us to place this Chalmers en dorsement on a $1215.00 car. The Chalmers Six-nO has made a strong impression with the people of Salem who are looking for fine points in auto construction. On display at Halversen & Burns Corner High and Ferry Streets MAXWELL CARS, CHALMERS, OLDSMOBILES Automobile News I Single Gallon of Gasoline Is Sufficient for Thirty Miles In Roadster FLYING SPARKS No Pedt'rnl appropriation is to bo mailt' for the repair of the Roosevelt i!:.m Ligin, ay, now known as the Apache trail. The House Committee on appropriations takes the view that for the government to aid in maintaining this highway would b to set a dangr ous precedent. "It isn't the ai'tnal eost of oil for a motor cur that makes the average mo toiist .mil' a ear that uses up quanti ties of the lilaek heavy grease," said .lr. I.lovd 1 Kyan, who has the agency for the Saxon Motor ears here. "Jt's the liother that comes from having to pour oil into the machine every few miles. "While the eost of oil. totaled at the end of the season, is a sizeublo plained. amount, the expense from time to tiiue-i comes in a driblet tiiat is hardly no-! In spite of a seiiuus handicap, due ticeil. lint no in. in, who ever dressed i to the shortage of motor vehicle freight up tor a day s otonug ana then had to 'ears, Detroit manufacturers managed naele lu which the -Twin Falls show, Twin Falls, Idaho, is to be held, will not be available as soon as was ex petted, it has been found necessary to change the date for the show to April 3'8' ' . Some Fads and Fancies for the Motorist Luncheon kits have not been aug mented by foreign additions this year, but our own manufacturers have added to their lines. A set has two cases, made as long as possible to fit on the running boards, one on either side. One carries all the fittings, bottles, jars and dry foods, while the other has a small ice tank in the center with food con tainers ut either side. While overhauling uu old two-cylinder car, J-i. K. liooth of 1'oinona, Cal., found in the crank case a lizable chuuk of refined gold which had appar ently been once the crunn of some body's tooth. Its presence in the oili ii n 1 1 other residue has not been ex lo ship approximately li.VKKI motor cars of the passenger type during January. This figure was obtained by n care ful canvas of the concerns in Detroit and is a close approximation to the ac tual number. Vet this rather large shipment would have been much greater hail the makers been aide to secure all the railroad cars they wanted in which to convey the vehicles to their destination. I ill the oil well of his car. twice dur ing the ride, can forget the inconveni ence, especially it' he had to do it him self. With the Saxon cars the oil consump tion is remarkably low. It's so small j that it is a big economy of operation' and the oil bill at the end of .1 month will show a big difference over timt of many other automobiles, lu addition,! the mileage obtained upon a single pint' of oil means that the iconveniences of refilling are fewer and that is, 1 be-1 Hove, a big feature. I Keturns from thirty-four states show "One point of oil will iiiBiire perfect; receipts from automobile, motor truck lubrication for .111 nverago of 1-5 milesanil chauffeur registrations of $4,188, travel. This means that there is a low, 7.15. 1 tj. New Voik lends in fees as well cost for a long ride, and a long ridel as in registrations, its motorists having with no thought of the. oilitig of thojpaid 1,S74,07o..'i0 to the state during car. There is no need to question every j I 1 Pennsylvania is second with $1, few miles 'Have I enough oil.?' A ; (i(j.-,,7li.r.O. Iowa has $ 1 ,.-,10.74.".8L in great variety of tests have demonstrat-j , llPr ,.r(l(lit whlI( New JerS(.T au. ed the minimum oil consumption fea- toinobilists and those visiting the state ..... ... ,..v .....w. inviui ti,,. ,.,., i nil" ioo o,; , ruun. Another kit is odd enough to deserve special mention. It is similar in shape and size to the old fashioned carpet bag and it is designed to hang on the rail. 1 lie fittings are neatly arranged in a scries of pockets, wiille at the bottom are the 'food containers. The ca-se is made of enameled duck. The willow cases are temporarily out of the mar ket. In the double rain capes Mia under cape falls well below the hip line and is sleeveless, while the outer cape is -six inches shorter. The capes may be hai in any of the new rubberized materials, but in heavy, rniiiproofed satin or i-, they are the least bulky. Ami while economy is under dis- chusetts, another great touring state, OUR AIM Is to build up our business by saving the automobile owner money. OUR STOCK Of accessories is complete: tires, chains, bumpers, oils, spark plugs, horns, lamps, in fact almost anything you may need. OUR SERVICE CAR Is at your service, night or day, and will reach you, no matter where your car may be. OUR BATTERY SERVICE Is unexcelled. We recharge batteries at the following prices: 6v "0-80 a. h., 80c; Gv 80-1SO a. h., 90c; 12-16-lS-21v starting batteries, $1.20 OUR MECHANICS Are experts. We employ no apprentices. OUR PRICES Are lower because we specialize on repairing and overhauling and give our entire attention to this work. HEADQUARTERS FOR Reos, Hudsons and Auburn Cars WE CARRY EXTRA PARTS Great Western Garage C.C.SIMERAL, Proprietor . 1 17 NO. HIGH ST., Opp. Court House. Phone 1 1 ' i in- in J in i ujurumiJi lull ui i , ... a - i i rru . the Maxon motor c.rs also is worthv ofi"hm" rfle,'!l,ts f l,0'.4,,U4.oU. These comment. A single gallon of gasoline I "r( ""' "lv !,ta,os w,"!s'' m l is sufficient for :!() miles of travel iu ' 1,10 l,0l'0,0UO mnrk, although Ohio re the roadster, and the gasoline consump-1 '',i.vfl1 ,JS:!,7S.3S and Illinois !-'t,-tiou of the six-cylinder car is propor-1 "Uo-Ti. tioiiatoly low, much lower than the av-1 erage car of like power, lit) miles or ( Of t lit? production of cars and motor more.'' trucks by the manufacturers of the tjiited States iu 1U1.1, which reached a total of nearly DUO.000 vehicles, a percentage was exported to hu- ropo, Asia, .South America, in all. fU countries iu different sections of the globe. The number of cars and truck shipped abroad increased each month, as shown by latest government export statistics, the increase for the year be ing L'.'U per cent, while the estimated value is $100,0011,000, lu considering the gain of car and truck registrations during the year it must also be considered that a large munlicr of cars must have been scrap- White canvas hats, trimmed " ' patent leather rose leaves and leathei br.nds. are smart. With these hats th (leorgette veils tire worn. These are of red or corpse chiffon, with the draw string through a one-inch bonier of black silk. The hats are in Bmall sailor shapes. Among the smart huts for motoring are small, roll-rimmed sailors of smooth felt. The brims are faced with rough felt nnd they are trimmed with a baud and smart bow at the left side. A Bangkok straw in the same shape is trimmed with a wide, green leather band fastened in the front with three leather buckles and straps. The edge has a narrow binding of leather to match. A touring coat made of broken plaid, in black and white, is in the very full Raglan model, with mep sleeves and a high, buttoned Chin-Chin collar. The coat has deep pockets set into the side seams, with flaps that button back, and the coat is lined to the waistline with hunter's green satin. Big black and white buttons form part of the trimming. ceived from the tlnee-speed twins in carrying . R 1. routes. The approval K0(Ky mi, iii.Mv.iMit: mm aiucvnii uy it postal department has given official en dorsement of this modem method of transportation. A sidevan can be oper ated at a cost f but a few dollars a mouth, far less than the cost of horses and rig. and is much faster in getting around to everyone on the rural route. "The great amount of power which the motor has in reserve for use nt the will of the rider makes the Hurley Davidson three-speed twin espcially desirable for If. F. I), service because the carriers cannot pick their roads. I nclc Comfort cases that are shaped like small Victoria bags are fitted with cream, lotions and powders. They may be had in the colored fancy leathers. " lollow silk jersey cloth is used in a very smart sporr -sun tor touring use. It is made with a full, short skirt, with a roll girdle and with deep pockets nt each side. A white silk shirtwaist with yellow Windsor tie is worn under the ltussinri blouse coat, which is belted with a wide sash. The hat is a wide brimmed soft straw, faced with the yel low material. The brim and crown are pel, their places being taken by new painted with corn flowers and butter- I vehicles, which necessarily make the;cu iini requires that mail be lie- , , . , ... . , .,.i ' . i. .,,. vcied regardless of the weather and lf .V ' i,i' ,.,. 'ii ,..,' ;.i : !. the conditions of the roads. General Johnson Died In His Arms Seattle, Wish., April lo. Dr. Henry mission chines. iu addition to the newer ma- itulletin service on all roads through out Oregon is part of plan of greater activity on the part of the Portland Au tomobile club. In this way it hopes to Y-ii.,l..ll In wiiiou n.,. i:,.ri Aii.,i encourage touring throughout the state. Sidney Johnson died of his wounds nt The club will also publish a 1010 tour the battle of Shiloh iu the civil war, is book. dead today at his home at l.nt'onner. He was S'J years of age. Because of the fact that the taber- A new sport set consists of a French sacque and hut to be worn with a linen suit. The sacque is made of old 1 Jersey cloth, is of hip length nnd is very full. The collar and narrow front revers are of tan linen and the fold on the full flowing sleeve is the same. The hat is a wide brimmed 'soft straw. A Harley-Davidson Three Speed Twin Most Satisfactory ''The three speed twin cylinder is the most satisfactory nil purpose motor eye!,, which has been produced to date," Scntt & I'ipei, local agents for the ll.'n ley )iviisou. 'It is the logical turning machine, Hie logical sidecar machine, in fact the Initial machine for nll tii'ound useful- lO'HS. "Hidden solo the three speed twin will climb I'll per cent grade with '. With a Ihirley Da idsoii sidecar an. I passenger it will climli a 4"i per i-ent. grailu without a murmur. Tic (icu.ly flow of power in iiiteiinediale or '"W gear is ll delight to the rider and pus-eager. Apparently thfl motorcycle cujovs opportunities to dcinoiistiate its abilities in climbing steep guides with stiff loads. "Such was the reception given the three-speed llarlev-lnvid-ou following its aiiiiiMiiiceuieiit last year that more than nine times as many three-speed twins were sold iluring the UU."i sen--on as any other model. It was an in stantaneous su -s as a solo machine ami for use with a sidecar or sidecvan. In the most htieuuouH endurance con tests the three-pecil twin with side car showed that it could r through roads that a -ho.-t time ago would have been con-idercl inip.--able for an; motor vehicle. " b'cmarkalile service is being re- Equipped with a Side-Car IS THE RICHEST OF OUTDOOR SPORTS It is healthful, enjoyable, serviceable and economical. Uncle Sam's purchase of 24 Harley-Davidson equip ped with sidecar machine guns for service in Mex ico is good evidence of practical durability. Come around and take a spin in our new outfit. SCOTT & PIPER 252 State Street, Salem. Oregon I need repeating," said I "The increase of pow ix-Cylinder Motors Desired For Touring Six-cylinder motors are the most do ! sired type for touring cues from the public view point nt the present time, according to Mr. liyuu. Mr. Ryan handles the agency for Saxon motor i cars here and his statement is based j upon the belief of many automobile i users which have been expressed to him recently. I "The reasons why the six-cylinder icnr is superior to the 'four-cylinder have been told so often that they hardlv d Mr. Ryan today. power, the absence ot ; the jar, and the way in which the six cylinder is giving a satisfaction to countless motorists, all point to the fact that this type has a big following. "Hut probably the great reason for ! itas universal popularity is the fact j that an excellent six-cylinder motor car can now be obtained ut a low cost, (iiving the six all the advantages that engineering 'science shows for it. low price was needed to make it pnpulur. When it first came upon the market in costly cars, it was a star in the heav ens to lie reached only by those with the dollar sign telescope. Today it is an earthly thing and eniiM'qucntly within the reach of all. "Saxon 'Six' offers the high-grade car in that el:i.s at a low price. It is a car of mighty power, lightness and quality of appointments. It is a 'si that demonstrates to my mind the real reason for the big demand that the mo tor mart is feeling for six-cylinder cars. "When an automobile, like Saxon 'Six.' can offer the speed, the stamina, and the refinements that should go with a six-cylinder aulomoliile of tie first rank and offer them at a low price, the motorist has found his idea' "The new Series Saxon 'Six.' whie' T am now showing and which hn:s been j met with a large demand by the motor ists here. i not a slnp-togethcr car. It is built from the l.iVt that money can ! buy and w ith the greatest skill that can ' be obtained from expert w orknianship and modern machinery. " Mthoiigh retailing nt the low price of .7s.'), it is built with the appoint ments of the co-tlv car. It has two unrr electric starting and lighting svstem:.' it ha- Tiniken axles and Tinikeii bear ings throughout its elta-sis. nnd every one knows that Tiniken spells excellence in nxles and bearings. It has a late model of yacht line type on its body and it Inn above ull the Saxon motor, which gives a maximum power on a minimum amount of fuel." " Because I ell Saxons i- one reason why I thuk the car tops its field, but the main reason why I sell them is be : ciui-e I have become convinced in their 'worth after an exhaustive study of (he motor car field." 1 Reliahih'tt OUR absolute faith in the Max well car is due to two reasons: First, we have known that the Maxwell Company uses nothing in the entire car but the very best that money can buy. We have known that the steel is scientifically heat treated, that the car is built under the supervision of able engi neers, that every car is rigidly tested many times before it leaves the factory. Second, we have known that the big and well established company behind the car is building for the future, that they value a satisfied owner above everything else. Now that the Maxwell has set the World's Motor Non-Stop Mileage Record, by travelling continuously for 44 days and nights averaging 500 miles per day you will under stand the benefits you personally may derive from the Maxwell policy. Did you ever hear of any car going 22,000 nriles without once stopping the engine, without any repairs or readjustments, with only one gallon of gasoline to every 22 miles? There is no reason why you shouldn't have a reliable, service able and economical Maxwell car. The first cost is low, the operating cost is low and our pay-as-you-ride plan makes the purchase easy for everyone. Let us see you about this now, before our allotment is exhausted. Touring Car, $655. Roadster, $635 Prices F. O. B. Detroit HALVERSON & BURNS Cor. High and Ferry DISTRIBUTORS FOR Jtiax$t2l Increased Sales Show Popularity of Maxwell Car The local Maxwell dealers Halverson & Burns report the automobile business better "than expectations, they up to date sold and delivered six carloads of machines, and have two car loads on the road, and they are sold. The only trouble we experience, says Mr. Halver son, in handling Maxwell cars, is the delivery of cars. The coast distributors are unable to keep any cars and we must order iu car load lots from Detroit factory. MRS. FRED KRTJG SERIOUSLY ILL Mrs. Fred Krug is seriously ill at her home in South Silverton having suffer-., ed a stroke of paralysis Thursday evening last. Her left side is com pletely helpless. Two years ago she had a -slight Htroke which affected the left sido of the face and shoulder. Mrs. O. Greene, of Portland, sister of Mr. Krug, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Klwick, daughter and son-in-law, of Browns ville, were called here by the serious illness of the mother. ISilverton Appeal. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. STRENGTH Saxon is sturdily built of fine materials. ECONOMY Saxon is economical because it is light in weight. Light weight means a saving in fuel and tires. SERVICE Saxcn, because of its modern design, good materials uid construction, gives the best possible service. It is today making good in :10,000 owners' hands. b Six Touring Car, f. o. h. Salem $915 Six Roadster, f. o. b. Salem $445 Sec the Saxon Six on display at THE CAPITAL GARAGE, 173 S. Liberty Street. Lloyd L. Ryan AGENT FOR SALEM V