Editorial Page of Fhe Capita! Journa 99 S.VN'h'IiAV KVKMNO. A.ril 1". ID I.. CHARLES H. FISHES, Editor and Manager. A PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEIT SUNDAY, SAI.FM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, President (.'HAS. H. FISHER, Vice-President 1)011 C. AXDRFSFX, Sec. mid Tread. SUBSCRIPTION RATES nilv bv enrrier. rer Tear 5.00 Per month 4Sc Diily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month. ..'Soc FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH HKPOltT Kew York EASTERN R EPRESEN'TATl V KS Ward-Lewin-Willianis Special Agency Tribtinp Building The Capital Journal carrier beys are. instructed to put the papers on the porth. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects fc'ettiiig the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, in thia is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. DISEASE-PROOF MAN APRIL THIS COUNTRY'S WAR MONTH The anthropological sharps have been discussing the proposition that the man of the future will be without teeth and hair. There is no more rigid law of nature than that the useless perishes. The hat performs the function for which haiv was de signed and the teeth are being put out of business by p re masticated foods. So teeth and hair, it is contended, will pass away. And why not the stomach, too? Predigested foods yarcis. leave it nothing to (to. Indeed, by a recent operation a man was surgically relieved of a sore stomach and has since been well and comfortable. It has already been suggested, says the British Medical Journal, that the veriform appendix should be removed from every infant as a routine measure. Thus relief would be gained from one troublesome organ that has fallen into disuse. But this is clearly not sufficient. The surgery of the future must include far more than this. The tonsils and turbinate bones of the nose must also be cut out because they harbor germs. What Arbuthnot Lane calls "the human cesspool" that is, the large intestine must also be removed, along with a considerable portion of the alimentary canal, be cause it only gives trouble and won't be needed when we are living on tabloidod foods and pills. The readily decaying teeth are already pulled out early in life and the germ-proof store variety inserted. The failing human eye will be, in fact is now, antici pated by spectacles in early youth. Deficient moral sense and degeneracy are being treat ed by ventilation of the brain and removal of offending areas. Thus defended against the perils of civilization, the man of the future may be able in his journey through life to defy the countless enemies that seek-to rob him of health. All the important vars the United States has been en gaged in began in April. With the present conditions in Mexico it looks very much as though the list was to be still further extended. Just what the administration will decide to do in the matter of chasing VUIr and answering Mexico's demand that American troops be withdrawn no one knows, but it hardly seems probable that troops will be recalled for some time at least. Then there is that dispute with Germany over the submarine warfare. What will come of it is also for the future to decide, though it is probably for the very near future. It can hardly result' in war for if the two coun tries wanted to fight, which neither does, and it is hoped never will, they could only do so at long distance. It seems likely though that diplomatic relations will be severed, and this is certainly bad enough. This afternoon at ? o'clock there took place at St. Helens the launching of the auxilliary schooner, City of Portland, from the yards of the St. Helens Shipbuilding Company. She will be equipped with two Bolinger en gines and when her canvas is not drawing, these will drive twin screws so she will be kept moving all the time. She will carry two million feet of lumber, and is the first of a fleet of similar lumber carriers building at the St. Helens THE WOODEN SHIPS "CAME BACK' When modern science gets after a thing that thing might as well fold its wings and surrender. Recently it was discovered that spotted fever was due to sage ticks. This was science' first trick. Then it found the ground squirrel was the natural home and abiding place of the tick. Result, farmers down in Grant county where the spotted fever has been epidemic and is still so, have be gun war on the squirrel, thus tackling the trouble at its source. jC 3ft Sfc 3ft jc SjC Jt 3C 3C 3(c jjc 2fC J STATE NEWS I Iosebing. fire.: S. A. Randall, n Pittsburg financier, received a greater ovation oil' his visit to ltosohurg today than has ever been accorded a president of the I'nitod "fates. Escorted by a large reception committee he visited various parts of the city, and a croud gathered wherever his automobile stop ped. On his arrival Inst night two brass bands and l.ylill citizens welcomed him at the station. Mr. mid .Mrs. Ken dall were then made guest's of honor at a huge reception. Kendall intends to promote the Jloseburg Ac Eastern rail road into the Cascades cast of the city and to build several sawmill. To help 'finance the project, the city of Rose- burg recently voted to bond itself. The supreme court, however, held that the city could not loan its credit to a pri vnte enterprise. Albany Herald: The mohair market in Oregon will be ripened at Browns ville o;i Saturday, when the first pool stile of t ii o year will be held, accord-! ing to word received here. Orowers throughout the section about Browns ville have made up the pool. The mo hair is said to be of splendid ipiality. and is expected to bring the top notch price. Tiie pool will be between .".Oini and lO.fMKi pounds, mid will be sold to the highot bidder. M-.lfU'd .Mail: E. W . I.iljegran, the assayer and ii.ir.i '.ilogist, has returned from '.Sold lliil, while Hie sale of the Ivn,' in t n t it i n v.is mode during the week. He says the district in which the tuig'tvii was recently discovered is ii r 'gum Df busy pn :-pr rs. The veins Luvi :i- n tr,.ced fur a considerable dis tance t'ward the Snidiue cteel; country and it is believed that other discover ies niav vet be announced. The new army flying record was made yesterday in Mexico, when Lieutenant Dargue of the aviation corps, carrying Lieutenant Garrell as observer, made 1510 miles in four hours and ten minutes, much of the flight being made at an altitude of one mile above the ground, which made their flight two miles above sea level. This is a pretty good showing for aviators of whorfl it has been repeatedly said they could not fly. Their average speed was 75 miles an hour. Strawberry shortcake is on the menus at the restaur ants. The cake is made in Oregon, but the berries come from California. That is the little red pimples called strawberries down in the land of Oranges and sunshine are sprinkled on top of the cake like haycocks in a meadow, only not so large or plentiful. When the Ore gon berries come in real strawberries will be obtainable. Pertinent good roads observation in Pendleton East Oregonian: "The use oi the auto and the improvement of roads is practically making intei urban elec tric lines obsolete. When roads per mit, ever family in the country may have a rapid transit. of its own with a schedule to please the family." Our New Gas Ranges Excite admiration when ever shown. Ask to see the new models, now on display and let us help you to select the one best adapted to your kitchen. GAS RANGES $12.00 AND UP The Gas Co. Phone 85 M t tut .rtJfSLiPoBtical Cards Never was outlook brighter, in the view of the .Medfont Sun, which says: "Never has a spring promised more for Modfoid and the Kogue river vol ley than this spring of liilt'i a bumper crop, beet sugar 'factory, railroad to the coast, box factory, lumber mill ami irrigation. .May the fickle jade keep a few of them this time." As the Salem woman with a baby and a bundle or two in her arms glances up the stile leading to the hurricane deck of a Salem street car she cheerfully sings: "Its a long way to Tipperary" and the chorus is to the effect that "the climb is steep and hard." If that German submarine commander had time to make pencil sketches of the ship he was about to destroy, he certainly had time to warn its passengers to leave it, The Oregonian says no American industry has profited more than agriculture by the stimulation of exports and the check on imports which are due to the war. In a sense this is true, for ocean carrying can hardly be considered an American industry. The latter however is the indus try that has profited more than any other by the war. Wheat is the greatest agricultural export, and while the prices have been and are still high in Europe, they are almost normal in this country for the simple reason that the shipping industry has absorbed all the profits. Wheat rates have gone up by jumps, and the jumps have been I Mill 11- until iiuiuuu, tliui unit;, i'i hil," "vutii iu iw-vi', -f ii i l p j i i i i. 1 the price in this country pretty steady. One steamer line' shipped if it does not run away when it hears sailing from New York reports earning above nine mil-j lion dollars last year; which was some six millions morei ilinn it f:irnid in the same time before the war. The ! building of the r r ocean of shipninc at the rate of 200,000 tons a month, s mmu- there will certainly be plenty of work for all the good old; wooden shipping we can build lor the next dozen years The Budget announces that Astoria is "stepping lively these days with an nouncements coining fast of the erec tion of new shipyards, sawmills, new buildings, better streets, anil additional shipping in the harbor. Everything comes to him who waits.". That Halter public schools had last month the largest enrollment in their history is. to the Herald, further proof that linker population is growing. A census taken by 4 high school students under the supervision of tile principal. Professor R. (I. While, shows lioiid had a population of .".:il.ri. with a few residents vet to be enrolled. AURORA NEWS San ford Hucon, of San Jose. Cnl., w as here this week, a guest of .Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Sadler. Henry I.. Bents and ,T. M. Will return ed to Salem .Monday, where they are sitting on the jury. Henry Stauffer. one of the well ind this with no move drmrrpr in his shin nr himself than! known fanners of Donald, was here on . . 1 1 1 1 1 I I'usiness Tuesdav. he incurred in lllS Sketch making. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson made an I auto trip south along tne l'acific High- Carranza's statement that he is now able to control: Louis (ielbiich left Thursdav for the the bandits is not borne out by the facts. In every clash' I'loarwater vniiey. Idaho, who,'-.-1,0 win . . i ( i ii T'-ii- j. i u .visit relative-. He mnv locate there between his forces and the vilhstas his army is un-i permanently. -Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Miller and 'family T . . . , . - nimiriui u' tin- vMuiiiiMid inn lll'll- V ilia IS apprOChing. - way Friday. There are many autos on I the highway every dav. but Sundays tliere are thousands. mi i i ii i i l 1 m it earned in the s-une time before the war The! mere are iour more aays until registration closes, out, The r Telegraph & Telephone Ul It eainttl in UU same unit uuou uk. V ! Ms nno nf these is Sundiv therp ifp nnlv vpnllv three Tf '"P""y l" purchased the Western ilding of wooden ships cives promise ust now of being lUs 01K i uitst is feunuay tneie aie oi l leauj tmee. n T, hllVl. ,,; ,, R ,T Rllti.liiM. y most profitable industry, and also the most beneficially011 fe toholP your friends, political or other, yi,'--- e for this country. With the Germans clearing tovtcv. better do it at onee and get it off your, X'Z "v Secretary Lansing expressed his willingness to treat with Ambassador Arredondo. of Mexico, regarding the withdrawal of Mexican troops. He said he had no idea w hat lines the negotiations would take, but intimated any agreement reached would be on the basis of the army staying in Mexico until Villa was "eliminated." Hi Gill, Seattle's spectacular mayor, in company with his new chief of police, took 1,000 cases of confiscated beer out into the harbor yesterday and tossed them overboard. The mayor is real mad and says he intends doing all kinds of things to bootleggers, that are naughty but not nice. fir. RippHhgRhijmes Ob- A MOTHERS' MEETING "t beg your pardon." said the cow. "But it would make you laugh Could you but hear the cunning things Siiid by my little calf, she's only three days old: you'd scarce Believe the things was true: That darling child liu called me 'Ma-a-ala! ' And once she niuniturcd ' Moo! ' " LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking; Business Safety Depesit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT EE CHEERFUL Don't talk of grief and things like those, don't be a chronic fretter; for if you don't describe your woes, all' men will like you better. Perhaps vou have the largest i corn tnat ever nurt a trilhv: but it vou treat 'Thev turned their imi, i 1-1. - . '.I. v, i t The inwiilt in.i.l,. tli.on v,...,,.. lue same wun scorn, you more attractive T1-th!(t will be. Perhaps you have an aching tooth! And K.udiy cried 'cheap cheap:' that's given you the willies; why, then i.,, v,. ,i(r3Tr!.,ul , ,m. conceal the hateful truth, and talk of j W coit six .iy, ui. Easter lilies. Time was when I would lose " "tZllw my chums as fast as I could gain them; i asked him if he thought 'twould they'd leave me, gnashing teeth and gums ""IT,,,, yesterday - I never could retain them. Mv conversation! "e looked m,-' in the eye and miie,i. 'I beg your purdou," said the hen. A bird of lotty mien: 'But when my chicklets tried to eat A large pleOeian Lean. up . ' was gave a shock, and made the victims, shiver, I because I always wished to talk about inyY lights and liver. At last it dawned upon'- my mind that it Id not be lonely, I must some cheerful And said, di.-tiiivtlyj 'Neigh: (Capital Journal Special Service.) i Keizer liottom, April lfi. The Ieizer; I'arcut-Teacheis association held itsj regular meeting Wednesday evening, i .pril 1-. After the business meeting1 oljonrned a very interesting program j was given. Assistant Sta'e Superintendent Wells: ive a -very much appreciated talk on; the advantages of having such an or-! unitization in Jlie community. County School Superintendent W. M. Smith was also present. The school gave the fol lowing program: i Sextette, " a use Id -Nothmg KUe to Ho." Hxeicise. " Dialogue of the Flowers," five girls. b'ecitation, "The Secret," Thurniiin 'umntings. Song, "Our Forest." primary pupils. Hecitution, ''Springtime," Mar guerite Mntthes. Duet. "Memories," Misses Idaho. KxerciM-, "Arbor Day." eight pupils. Song, " Itohiu Uedbreist," primary pupils. Kecitation, "The Sensible Fir Tree, PAID ADVERTISING. IVAN G. MARTIN Republican Candidate for Representative "Whatever helps Marion County or Oregon gets my earnest support." A careful, fearless and impartial en forcement of the law. RANSOM (JOE) W00LERY Republican Candidate for Constable for Salem District j of Faster Sunday. Fveryone is cor j dially invited. Services will be held each evening next week (except Saturday) in tin .First Baptist church from 7:;'l0 to 8 :.'(. , The event's in the life of Jesus of each Sextette, "My Old Kentucky Home " . d".v "i 1'assion week will be briefly fol lowed, mis will lie a splendid oppor tunity to catch the spirit and realize the significance of that most important Kavmond Kites. The young men's singing in the sex tette was much applauded, bunch wa served ny toe young ladies. A special , week 111 the world's history. Attendance election lor votinsr on t ie erection nt a . at these service will l -m v.,.,n...,i- new school building will be held at two preparation for the services of Faster o eiocK. .Moiioav, Aoril Ii. Sunday. The mi , ;,. i ,..i;.,u,- vited. lii- MINISTEEIAL UNION I jNoxt -Monday and continuing each lay during the week the Salem Minis- terial I'nion will hoin Monday Passion . & week .-ervices from 1L':'0 to '2.5 p. in. in the lecture room of the First Meth-I list church. These services are desi"ii-; & ed to accommodate busy men and wo-! men who can spend .uese few minutes; of the lunch hour in an insoirinir licln-; fill way. To attend these services will! be a tine preparation for the VILLA IS INDICTED Doming, K. M., April 13. If Francisco Villa is apprehended in this country he will be jailed on a first degree murder charge, the grand jury having indicted him today, after iavestigatiag American deaths in the raid ou Columbus. X. M. services ):,,. It is some country for size at least, where a couple of provinces with more than a hundred million citizens can cut loose from the parent country and leave anything. Yet China has done this and on top of it another province of twenty millions has joined the revolutionists. In other words China has lost a portion of her territory with a larger population by twenty millions than the United States has, and yet we think we are some nation. Speaking of preparedness does that 8,000 tons of Ore gon onions and carrots on the way to the continent to be made into mulligan for the British soldiers, come under the head? If not why not? The entrance of Charlie Lockwood into the political arena as a republican candidate for president still further complicates the situation for the g o p. "The flowers that bloom in the spring" about which so much is said, are not in it with those that bloom in the slough the real pond lilies. Mohair at 40 cents a pound and wool soaring out of sight illustrates the baneful effects of free trade? Always Watch This Ad Changes Often d a mo I beg vour rurdon," said tin Wliese child had lied a year. Thau mine you, babes are younger far. suujecis mm aim cneerim Miujecis omy. so l oegan ivi hate to ten the houid truth J dance and sing, and talk of matters cheery, and people I """t: t ! l 1 i i i t Mv great, big babv 's no or .-ai 1 I '"HI ...v.. - , -vj J , - - - . V". ....... vlo , ' V. . . do not talk of how I feel, of anguish grim and gripping; , if I have ear-ache in my heel, I talk of lambkins skipping. hand My great, big baby's never .-ail A Millie tliiiiti b'-it ''too!' I'arrol Wat-i.u llaiihi:!. Trr CiBUil Journal Want AOs. Strictly correct weight, iquare deal and highest prices for all kinds of junk .metal rubber, hide, and fur,. I p7 2c per pound for old Mgl. Big stock of all sue, second hand incubator,. AU kind, corrugated " " auu uuua.ags. pooling paper and lecond linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Mdlion Bargaini. 302 North Commercial St. Phone 808