THE DAILY CAPITAL JIM RNAL, SALEM, OREO SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1916. 4iT3EE As the 'beautiful State House typifies the headquarters of Oregon the 'sign of the Price Shoe company typifies the headquarters of really high grade shoes in Salem. On the main floor of this exclusive shoe store, the very best in shoes in the latest models and leathers, awaits your inspection. PERSONALS J ))C jC jjt fc i(C SC 3fc 5C 3fc 36 SC fC 3fC J(C J. H. llassey, of Kdgewood, is in the city. j W. Bailey, of Alsea, is a visitor in Salem. James M. Wilson is in the city from Dallas. J. A. Churchill is a Portland visitor today. B. F. Swope is in the city, from In dependence. Mrs. E. K. Trask is visiting in Salem, from Lyons. J. B. Browne, of Turuer, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Dr. F. H. Thompson is in Portland on professional business. . Mrs. J. S. Van Winkle, of Jefferson, is visiting friends in the city. Dr. H. If. Oiinger went to Portland ou the morning Oregon Electric. .Attorney Fred S. Lamport is attend ing to legal matters in Portland. E. F. Carlton was in Portland yes terday, registered at the "Seward. J. II. Harris was registered at the Im perial hotel, Portland, yesterday. '' E. G. Lantz, a photographer from Tillamook, rs in the city for a few days. Attorney Carey F. Martin went to Al bany this morning to attend to legal matters. A. W. Sclirunk, a merchant of Anms ville, was transacting business in the ' city yesterday. Charles Hockett, of Independence', was attending to business mutters in the city this morning. Miss Kate West, of Portland, is in the city the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ella Watt. Tomorrow they will leave for a two weeks' vacation near Mount Hood. MR FULLER RE-ELECTED At the annual meeting of the Polk County Fire Patrol association, hold at the Commercial club rooms on Monday, the board of directors out lined a plan of action for the ensuing year and authorised the head warden earry on the work of protection against fire is it has been carried on i.i tin pnst. TV. V. Fuller was re elected secretary-treasurer and head vMr.!, :i of the r ssiciutiou. lhe board Authorized an assessment 'f one cent mid eight mills against the members of the association, the fund thus created to go toward paying the firo protection. expenses ot The Polk Coiinty Fire Patrol asso ciation controls about L'10,000 acres of land in this county, including that owned by its mrml ers, government land and land that is given into its care. D;.ilns Ciseiver. New Today Ads wort while yon sleep will have results for you in the morning. iiiiiiiiwiiliJ Mwgiiiij;?jljlJ f'jri lllli illil O O Here are the facts in a nutshell- That we carry a complete line of Pure Drugs, Toilet Preparations, House Remedies, Stationery, etc. Give us a trial and we will ponvince you that these are facts. Central Pharmacy FORMERLY POOLE'S DRUG STORE 410 State Street Phone 276 , CITY NEWS sjc sc sjc sfc 3C The score In the Salem high school and O. A. C. freshman game this after noon stood 5 to 3 in favor of the high school in the seventh inning. o A special meeting will be held this evening at the Salvation army hall at 8 o'clock. Mr. Churchill, a mission worker from Portland, will deliver the gospel message. o Miss Ethel 'Williams, pastor of the Church of God, and her mother, Mr.-. M. D. Williams, have just returned fr:-.m Blodgett, where Miss Williams was called to assist in meetings. Ralph Spencer and William Brown, two Indian boys from the Chemsma In dian training school, were picked up by the Salem police this morning, as es capes from the school. The boys were turned over to the officers of the school this afternoon. , Mrs. M. S. Carpenter, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Anna Mc Millan, of Highland, for the pnst fcur months, left a few days n-go for her home at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Her daugh ter accompanied her and will visit i da tives whom she has not seen for 111 years. A telegram was received at the of fices of the state public service commis sion this morning sinttng that G. N. Pugh, a brakeman, was killed by extra train No. 2,511 at Anluuf at 3:15 whi n he fell from the train. Anhif is about six miles north of Drain on the South ern Pacific The Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors met Thursday evening at their lodge rooms for the regular month ly social meeting.' The attendance was larger than usual. The entertainment of the evening included addresses and musical numbers, closing with the serv ing of ice cream and cake. o "The Crucifixion" a sacred cantata by Steiner, will be given next Friday evening at St. Paul's Episcopal church, under the direction of the rector, Rev. Bobert S. Gill. A vesper choir of about 25 will constitute the chorus. Solo parts il nlli V.n aimir V,v GeoriTfi C. L. Snvdcr. F. f, , ,Wh tn.1 Thomas Williams. MISSING MAN FOUND Chico, Col., April 15. The body of Charles Kiely, a wandering ranch hand buried by the Stanford University farm management after he hud been drowned, was exhumed today and identified by relatives as the remains of a wealthy San Francisco man missing for many years. I Southern Pacific Will Donate Granite for Fair Grounds Walks Secretary A. II. Lea, of the state fair board today received an offer from II. A. Hinshaw, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific to donate three car loads of decomposed grunite from the pits at Grants Pass, free of freight of the fair board would pay for the load ing which will be about 11.50 per ear loud. Mr. I.ea requested prices on the granite which formerly cold for about 50 a car load but lately has not been on the-ninrket at any price on account of the great use for it by the railroads. The granite will be used for making walks about the fair grounds but prin cipally for the construction of a road way from the. racing stables to the track. The horsemen object to hard sur face pavement for this roadway and the Giants Puss grunite will be far bet tor than macadamized road. Mr. I.ea hastened to accept the gener ous offer of Mr. Hinshaw. Carranza Wants Array Limited to 1,000 Cavalrymen (Coptinned from Pan One.1) i Carranza was welcomed with tremen dous acclaim when he entered Mexico City yesterday to establish his capital there. Arredondo ilso heard that tho con stitutionalist army was in sight of Cuer navaca, stronghold of General Zapata and his rebels. Many Mexican states have appointed commissions, the nm bissador said, to regulate tho prices of necessities. More Troops For Border. Douglas, Ariz., April 15. The Twenty-Second infantry, a battery of the Sixth field artillery, and the First bat- ,talion of the Eighteenth infantry have been ordered 10 be in readiness to leave lor Columbus, it was learned here to day. it was also hinted in -army circles that the Twentieth infantry had en tered Mexico from Columbus late last night. General Davis, brigade commander here denied that he had received any orders to enter Mexico either by way of Columbus or from the camp here. One Englishman Killed. Washington, April 15. Unconfirmed state department reports with regard to a Mexican attack on mining company property at P.mnl said today that a British cmplove was either injured or killed. The Dead Are Alive. El Paso, Texas, April 1.1. Two Amer icans reported murdered by Mexicans at Guerrero last month are safe, accord ing to General Superintendent Ryan of the "Cusi" Mining company, who, how ever, confirmed the reported massacre t iina(.u o( j)umli,i .m,k. ciregor, Brit is;,. Jmi f,.rman Iflunlienburir. German. in nn interview today. The men previously reported dead who are known to be alive arc Dr. A. T. Stell, of Houston, Texas, and Bob Snell, a French merchant. Albert Pons, also reported killed, is safe, Ryan said. A. J. Anderson In Race For County Assessor The well-known Salem citizen and contractor, A. J. Anderson, announces his candidacy for the offfice of County Assessor. Mr. Anderson is a life long republi can and asks the nomination for the office of assessor from the party in Marion county, at the primaries to be held May 19." He believes there are great inequali ties in the valuation of property, due to lack of system, that make taxation un equal, und to that extent unjust; and promises, if elected, to readjust values, without fear or favor, but with the solo aim of getting them on an equal basis, fair and just to all. Stock Market Stagnant Tries "Watchful Waiting" New York, April 1:1. The Xew York Evening Sun's financial review today said: Naturally little was expected from the street's short session, and birely more than a nominal market prevailed at the outset. The news with regard to Germany and Mexico was not worse than that of yesterday, but overnight consideration of the developments dis closed that very little hid been accom plished toward the settlement of cither. The market therefore resumed its wait ing which will likely continuo until ! something develops with regard to the new American note's reception by Ger ' ninny and tiie outcome of the army withdrawal negotiations with Carranza. First prices wr generally higher in contiuuince of the short covering 'which characterized yesterday's close lint the improvement was slight and did not proceed far. The activity was mod erate and wholly professional, nncer fiinties preventing expansion of pub 1 lie buving. W Hf.W 1 1 11)1 Jl. MUM W WWW II 1 i V-",.."' if. r ''' .' ' Try Capital Journal Want Ads. FLOO. Coverings As the weather gets warmer your wants multiply and our stock keeps pace with them. Just arrived, the finest shipment of Linoleum ever received in Salemat the time when you were thinking how you could coyer that kitchen floor so as to lesson your work for the warm weather Oar Linoleum At the prices marked is the cheapest floor covering and the easiest to care for that money can buy. See the new patterns we have on display and get our prices, cut and lail on the floor--- XX XX Prices 50c to $1.50 yd. Watch our J SOCIETY J lC 3G )c sfc c rfc 9c )C 3C 3C 3C (Continued from Page Two.) was given Thursday evening at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. John Gr.iber, Ferry street for Mrs. Lester St i filer, who leaves next Thursday for lielling hnm, Washington, where she will join Mr. Stiff ler. Those gathering to bid an revoir to the honore were: Mr. and Airs. Do Vore and son Hartley, Mrs. O. t Pur dy, Miss (irnce Howell, Miss Kiilnlitt Lindsay, Miss Eva White, Miss I'rince, tne .Mish's iJpal .mil George, Mis Marie Kvnns, Myrtle Heniline, M iss Fstlicr Ku' and -Miss Grace .Mollcncop. " " Mrs. Frank Meiedith, who is now liv - nig in orth Vakinia, is being welcomed serving. by a large coterie of friends. She is j Those present, were: Mesdamcs Susie the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. F. Grif-!E. rnriuenter, Anna I'it h, Ali-c Davis, fith. I Mae Hatcliffe, Julia Davis, Lottie 1'er- ' . I ry, Myrtle Jteehtel Florence Shipp, Leon Saturday is an important date in tho; Perry", .Myrtelle Siiipp, Zela Hatcliffe, calendar next week as this is the date I Fern Wiuchell. The additional guests lor the presentation ot "A Mid Sum mer Night Dream" to be given at the Grimy theatre My tin; drama class of the Silcm Woman s club in commera-l tion of William Shakespeare. Mis. An- nil liogeis Fish will lead the play which will have a musical settinir by Men- idclssohn. I ' -Mrs. William Biirgliradt, Jr., will pre-i ;side at the piano and will be assisted j j by Miss Sadie Ford, who will play the (Overture. " i j The solo ind qiiartet parts will be ' jsung by Mrs. H. M. Jlofer, Mrs. George' Palmer I'utn , Mrs. Thomas Galloway,' and Mrs. John .1. Kyberts. " j -Miss Margaret. White, who is an ex-1 who is an ex - (optionally ,eor little .lancer, will give the clown dance. The little maids who will give the Fairy dance are: Josephine Albert,: I.enta It iiiinartncr, Hosalje linren, Jose phine At hisou, Prudence Patterson, Janet Plimpton, Marie Sehublerman, Margaret Stolz and Constance Vantis. The members of the Three Link Needle club spent a pleasurable after noon Friilav is the ucsts of Mrs. Lois Cutler and Mrs. Nichols, at tin: home of j the latter on l.'nion street. The club members present were: ' Mrs. Florence Viesko, Mrs. Hertlin Pad-: cliff, Mrs. Una Sinieral, Mrs. Hattie Cameron; Mrs. lara Wills, Mrs. Kin dine Hubbard, Mrs. Molly Dennison, ! Mrs. Gertrude 'uoiniings, Mrs. j Mines, Mrs. I.ucIIh Kngstrom, Mrs. Hot-; son, Mrs. Jennie Martin, Mrs. Header-j son an, I Mr. Hittie Patterson. I)uring the afternoon fho club nrrnn - ged for a cooked food sale to be given next ,-aturoav Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross will Tie hosts for a charming dinner party on Wednesday evening, ( overs will be placed for eighteen of tho younger married set. The home of Mr. sn.l Mrs. Thomas Holt on hemeketa and Twelflh streets was the scene "f a merry gathering of friends TucsJ iy evening. The affair 4& Windows for was planned as a greeting of welcome to the young couple who have just re turned from their honeymoon. An enjoyable feature of the evening was the music by the boys of tho Cher ry Hud band. lief reshinents and many good wishes rounded out the gayeties. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. .f. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Den nison, Mr. and .Mrs. Delong, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Kosehrough, Mr. uid Mrs. K. It. li vn n . Mr. and Nil s. (Jyde lthodes, Mr. it iii L Mrs. Jolin llynn,, Mrs, Oliver Iienuison, Mrs. Xeer, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Karl Race and Miss Hunt. k jr 7 M lis 1 f Hazel Mrs. George Wiuchell was hostess for l'earl'a Jewing Thuiliiy afternoon. Her M irts ! guests included the members of the lebait i I'ythian Sister club. A drawing cou jtest wns enjoyed later in the afternoon aim .Mrs. ,1. C t'erry won the prize. !Mis. Kiitclil f assisted the hostess in the I heing .xirs. ini'iicH s mother, airs. Ann Monger and Mrs. Alice Halderinau, who is en route to Manilla. The members of the Elite Embroidery club spent a plensuiable afternoon re cently as the guest h of Mrs. I'. (1. Given, at her home on North ( -oinmi'iciji 1 street. Mrs. Fred I'rince and Mrs. Til niche Clarke assisted the hostess in- serving u dainty luncheon, liesiles the club mem bers Mrs. Given nsked as additional guests, Mrs. It. II. W'yant and Mrs. Martha liulifsoii. 1 Miss Hazel Price entertained a few- friends Tuesday evening. The evening wus devoted to bridge and three tables were circled by the guests including the members of the Unitize Jours club and Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Miss Mabel Hud dolson and Miss Annette Gmber, nidi tiounl players. .Music and ref i eslinicnts duscd the evening. Faster time ileci, rat ions were used and the rooms had vellow as u color note, made munil'i'st in spring' flowers, n About i dozen matrons enjoyed an. afternoon of sewing recently al the res idence of Mrs. Fred Kllis. ' 1 Mrs, Clare Vibbert assisted Mrs. El-1 lis in serving daii'ty ref resinnents. The j guests were the members of the tiolden Hour club including .Mrs. Albert: Sicwe.rt, Mrs. .Mark McAllister, Mrs.1 Clare Vibbert, Mis. Hoy Pcmbert, Mrs.1 John I'lrich, Mrs. Carlo AbrnniS, Mrs. ; i'irier, .Mrs. Lee Caniield. Mrs. J. C. . Herman White. pencer, .Mrs. rooie, .vie Schellberg and Mrs. John Tho Heilig theatre Monday night siiowcd a onerous sprinkling of Salem society folk, who went to Portland to attend the second performance of the New Vork sviohhonv. with the noted Walter Dnmrimch conductor, un.l Josef Holman piano soloist. A genuine surprise party was given Owen Cotternian Thursday eiemng, mm Mill - oo n xx ' V3. i Model Kitchen Floor Covering '.1- T 7.vT-b,;ra'A! v$rwv it Your Kitchen is not complete without a Duplex Estate Range; burns either coal, wood or gas, or both, and there is no waist in changing from one to the other. Price $75.00 new Furniture Creations You Get More at Moore's for your Money The store where you can find the latest in furniture iiiiiiiAA AiliiiAi when a number of friends gathered to celebrite the birthday anniversary of the iiost. . The evening was devoted to curds and music. Those present were: Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. N. JO. Abbott, Mr. ii ml Mrs. George Stoddard, Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Kyte, Mr. and Mis. Clnrenee Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tall man, Mrs. Eli.ibeth Engle, Mrs. Hnllic Doe, Mrs. W. (I. Polka, Mrs. Stitson, Miss Florence Stoddard, Miss Mildred .imiou, .nr. i.owcii v iirptHin-r. ii-iiiu-ui i is spending the week in salcm, no; Abbott, Leon Polka, Robert Carpenter. while hero stopping at the associatio.i building. A white and green wedding was Hint. The patronage in the ten room ha-t selected by Miss Maude Chipper audi been iinusuallv heavy this week, and 1. Fred Tappiin which took place tod ly present every room iu tho building noon at the home of the bride 's purcnts, occupied. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Clapper, on Nine- Mrs. Chnuiieoy Ttishop reported a sin teeuth street. ccssl'ul membership dav, abuiit seventv- llev. Geo. P. Holt, of the Baptist five ladies called and paid their lu."n church, officiated. The wedding was ii j fur the year. small, simple affair and only the closest j A pretty tea table was arranged J'nn j friends and relatives of the couple werej which tea was served. The t ible was in present. 'charge of Miss Veda Truss, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Tappiin left this ifter-1 M iss Elizabeth Lord, Mrs. II. C. F.pple noon for their home in Portland. and .Mrs. K. H. Hin"0. I . J . An enjoyable vocal recital was given Tuesday evening by Mrs. Charles Max well for the faculty and students of the Oregon State Training School. Mrs. Maxwell 's rendition of her well chosen I programme, combined with n charming ! personality, won the hearts of the andi i ence long before the conclusion of the I opening number. Mrs. Tom Campbell, : Pr., assisted as accompanist. The fol I lowing programme was given with i'M'urry Me H:i !( to Old Vircinnv. " "Swnueii Miver" and "The . Owl,"' ' for encores. ! "April Moon Hubert Patten ' ' The Swallows" Cow en I I" Huppv lluv ' ' Sanderson ' " I Hear Von Calling Me" ...... Marshall , ."The Kosarv " Nevinl j "Good Hue" Tasti! j ' ' Ninon ' 1 Tasti i "Klegy" Massenet! "Springs Awakening ' Sanderson : " Helovi.d, It. Is Morn" ylwanl SAWMILL CONTRACT MADE S. A. Kendall Agrees to Build at Rose burg if Railway Runs. Pose! ii. rg, Ore April 1.1. At a meet in:; of the Ko-elmrg I'mk and Fair as sociation Thursday, an agreement was entered iat'i, bitw-ecn the association ami S. A. Kendall, by the terms of I Joseph Plitisky, formerly propiieto which lhe, Kendall Lumber corporation ! of the Capital hotel of Salem, has rent giinraiiti e.i the tair associntion that itjed lhe Lewis Johnstou building on Jot lull eo.inruct and have in operation a sey '.street and will open a secoiid-hnml siiwniili w ith ,i daily capacity of .piM,illMI ; store. The building is now undeigoii' teet ot tiiii'-hed IiiinPer on or befme T'el i i.ary, p.ll'.l, on condition that a ' ruit'oad is built within that tim to! tri'ii'.pnrt h'gs to siniply the said mill. II 'he Ko'idail f.iimlier corp'iratioil fails t j perform its part of the contract, it ' """'"'' ;'!'"' ''' us-ocia ion i",- !" iiqoiouie.i oainiige. in., ngr nient is s ?ufeil liy a boiel. . It was a:mi unced today that the -special election to amend the cjtv charter I and thereby allow work on the ruil- roon to pr'eeii oeiwccn itoseourg unu Hock Creek at an early lute, will t held on May -U. It is estiinat' d that the ttitnl investment, including the hf: .'A MJ'. ' .tV railroad $ 7llU,l)0(. and sawmill will iiggregnt . Y.W.C.A. Notes Mrs. Sweet, who is connected wit-i the forestry department at tho slai i lapitol is staying at the V. W. C. .V prior to going cast to join her iiiothe.. Mis Ketchen, who is employed at th "lioiiuet Shop'1 has come to make liu home ieriiianenl'.y at tile Y. W. C. A. .Miss Alnlgsoii, lrom Kcnd, Oregon. PALLAS BOY KILLED r the Pol at. tt"." It. I'l iesi n, Polk Staiion iged -2. reared i-i neighborhood o" lccidentally killed county. wa; sail 1 riiiici.; on Tuesday la1. y of the Soiithci" i.- a brtikciiian. while ,ii ihe, cin Picil'io company t.i h"ii! bite tuis eltect, was received i lies, my, lint particular i ''" Iceking. ; ,e body arrived iv. and til" tuiicial will be liel.l from the iind.'it.iking parlors this at icrnor;u Sit i:.o o elocK, toiiowini; I iv riii I will be in the Salt t'r cemetery. I'ctcV I-lit sen was a. son of Mr. Her.'inrd l iiescn, who moved to Km sas several months ago after having resided iu Jv!; county for man., veers. "1 he VOiing man was, befoj" go'ni'j to Cal.l'crnia two months since, ei:i:oved iu the sawmill of the AVii laniette Valley I. umber lonipany o, tins city, whcie last Ni.'veniber li.' s.l.'ered a crushed arm while working in tiie planer plant. Ho hud been linking in the ruilioiid only thiol weeks when the accident that cost hii i his life occurred. observer. MOVES TO SILVERTON icpair". Mr. T'linsky has already 1 to bring his stock of goods to tiiis Apepnl. gui 'it v . ffi sjc j)c s(s c sc SyS rjc jjt sfc sjc BORN :k ITHYINKTo Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Pu, vine, SMnnlay, April 1", lOHi, .1 daughter, to be named Mary Helen. Speaking of hats in the ring, wait, until Faster and you can't count 'em.