TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JPT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL IQltl 1 ;l .AW TIIE week just ended has been un usually prolific in engagement an nouncements. Miss Jinet Gray's engagement to Call Hteiwer, and Aliss Helcu Kiause's. to Glenn Sigel, caused quite a furore in Salem society when the news was first made known this week. The girls formerly lived in Sn lem and aro tremendous favorites itj local society. Miss (iray is the d.tughter ot AJr. and Mrs. W". (1. Gray, of Seattle, and a granddaughter of the late Governor Chadwick. Mr. Steinrcr is of a prominent Oregon family, a son of John Steiwer, of Jef ferson. Miss Gray 'a engagement was announced Saturday in Spittle at a tea for which the bride-elect 's mother, Airs. W. (i. 0 ray, was hostess. Miss K ran he is the charming daugh ter of Air. and Airs. Otto K. Krausc, and her fiance, Glenn Sigel, is the son of Air. and Mrs. S. S. Sigel, a well known I'ortland family, lie is a Krmlu ate of Amherst and a Hot a Theta Hii fraternity man. The news of Aliss Krause's cngtigo ment whs lso made known on Satur day at a luncheon presided over by Atrs. Edwin I). Jergensen (draco Dnlrymple) in Toi-tlnnd at her lesidencc in Park aide Drive, Arlington Heights. The weddings probably will take Vlice in the early fall, although defin ite dates have not vet been set. Owing to the popularity of the brides-to-be, so ciety will entertain them with many pre-nuptial affairs. Miss Caroline Kick and Aliss liar jorie Kay went to Portland Friday and urc guests at the Ii. It. (iiltner residence. This afternoon the girls were the guests of friends for the college fete, and to night they will attend tiie informal dance given by the (hi Omcgo fra ternity at the Luurelhurst club. DYSPEPSIAOVERCOME Tone Up tha Stomach with Hood'a Sanaparilla. When you have dyspepsia your life 1b miserable. You have a bad taste in your mouth, a tenderness at tlio pit of your stomach.- a feeling of puffy fulness, headache, heartburn, uiii sometimes nausea. Dyspepsia in dlllicult digestion that ia what the word means and the only way to get rid of it in to Rive vigor and tone to the etoninoh nd the whole digestive aystem. iuiuu a nKi giijmriuu, nuui oyan (irUK Riats, is tha 0110 medicino which acts on the stomach through the blood and also directly. Its beneficial ef fects aro felt at onco. Improvement begins immediately. Hood's Sarsaparllla purifies the lilood, makes the rich red blood that la needed for perfect digestion, and builds up the whole system. No Other medicine can take Its place. f for y 'iV i 1 1 i BranfJfgcc, KincaiJ Mrs. Frank Mercdiih, of North Yakima, and Airs. Kulph Watson, of I'ortland, two popular visitors in the city, have been honor guests at sev eral affairs this week. Among the delightful attentions whs a luncheon presided over by Airs. Wil liam Dancy Wednesday. Yellow blos soms of the spring- time adorned the table. Covers were placed for six. ! hater several matrons mine in for an afternoon of bridge. The attractive card f.ivor was award ed to .Mrs. I,. F. Griffith. Those .playing were: Airs. .Meredith, Airs. Watson, Airs. Edwin 1,. liaker, Mrs. Harry iilmger, .Mrs. I,. F. Griffith Airs. Oliver Locke, Airs. George Brown and the hostess. Airs. John D. Sutherland presided ov er a charming mid exceptionally pret ty dinner party .Monday evening. The affair was planned to honor Air. Sutherland on the occision of his birth day anniversary. An art basket filled with lovely pink tulips decked the artistically ap pointed table. Covers were placed for Afr. and Mrs. A. X. Aloores, .Mr. and Mrs. William Kldriilge, Air. and Airs. Frank Spencer, and the hosts. Dinner followed by an evening of bridge. Aliss Edna Josse, who has been the inspiration for n number of churming iffairs since the announcement of her engagement, was the honor guest nt an attractive bridge for which Aliss Zoc Stockton was hostess Thursday after noon. Aliss Stockton's guests included only the closest friends of the bride-elect, most all of whom were members of a Kensington club. The Stockton residence was decorated in tribute to the honorce. The living room ami dining room were a bower of fragrant applo blossoms, similar blos soms also decking the prettily appoint ed t ible which was in pink and white. At bridge Airs. Walter Spaulding was awarded the high score favor. The young matrons and maids enjoy-, ing Aliss Stockton's hospitalitv were: Mrs. I'aul Schmidt, Airs. Lloyd Alott, Mrs. Ixniis Josse, Airs. Armin Steiner, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Airs. Joseph Ucinhart, Airs. I,. Al. Hoggs, Airs. I'aul Johnson, Airs. Chester Cox, Airs. Roy Mills, and Aliss Hazel Downing. if Afr. and Mrs. Thomas ('. Smith, Jr.. were hosts Tuesdav evening for a five hundred party. Tile players included twenty-four of the married set who ire members of the Alerry-Go-Hound club and a few guests. The rooms where the card tables were arranged were adorned with spring blossoms, Oregon grape .111l dogwood. Honors were won bv Airs. John AIc.Narv and Dr. D. AI. Field. Airs. Smith was assisted bv Aliss El- ,.n Thielsen A small informal dinner was given Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Speafs. Greens and yellow toned; Air. and Airs. John Durbis have en spring blossoms were used to center : lertained as their guests .Turing the the artistically Appointed table, which! week, Air. an.l Airs. J. B. Alcliee, of nan covers 101: .nr. ami .ins. n. .u. llofer, Mr. and Airs. Curtis Cross, Lawr ence Hofer, Jani"s Young and the hosts. "Something New" & Co., Clothes An informal biidgo was given Alon day .lfternoon by Airs. Homer Smith, who had the matrons of the birdgc 1 lub and a few isitors for three tables of the game. The high score honors were awarded to Airs. Louis I.acliuiund. Mrs. Robert Kinney, of Astoria, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Airs, A. N. Aloores. Mrs. Robert Downing had a number of guests at her home Wednesday for an afternoon ovnr the bridge tables. The rooms were aglow with sliring blossoms, yellow daffodils and white lilacs, making an artistic background for the matrons to whom the hostess extended her hospitality. Those playing were the members of the Happy Hour Bridge club jud n few visitors who were Airs. John Ale Nary, Airs. Charles Dick, Mrs. .Frank Durbin, Mrs. Homer Goulet and Airs. Flank Alyers. The score honors fell to Airs. J. X. Smith and Airs. K. S. Tillinghast. Airs. Downing was assisted by her daughter, Miss Hazel Downing. w ft Airs. C. P. Bishop's Kensington on Thursday afternoon was one of the most delightful informnl affairs of the week. An enjoyable diversion of the afternoon was u guessing game. Airs. William Drown was awarded the at tractive favor. The rooms were ef fectively decorated with greens and dogwood. In the dining room the re freshment tables were adorned witj spring blossoms anil dainty old fashion nose gay favors marked the places. Airs. Kishop was Assisted by Mrs. Hen Ol cott, Airs. Robert Kinney, of Astoria, .Mrs. Clifford Brown, Aliss Hazel Bish op, Airs. Chauncey Bishop. Airs. Bishop's guests including the members of the Thursday Kensington club and a few additional matrons were Airs. R. B. Fleming, Mrs. H. C. Alilcs, Airs. Win. Brown, Mrs. A. N. Bush, Airs. W. II. Kldriilge, Mrs. George H. Bur nett, Airs. Alice II. Dodd, Airs. W. A. Cnsick, Airs. M. X. Chapman, Mrs. A. X. Aloores, Airs. F. A. Elliott, Airs. C. K. Spaulding, Airs. R. S. Wallace, Airs. F. S. Stewart, .Mrs. 0. A. I'ark, Airs. H. B. Thielsen. Airs. O. M. Elliott, Airs. Hen Olcott, Airs. Clifford Brown, Airs. Robert Kinney and Airs. Chauncey Bishop. Amid an artistic setting of spring blossoms a dozen or so society matron gathered at the delightful bridge for which Airs. Frank Durbin was hostess Thursday afternoon. The affair was given for the mem bers of the Thursday bridge club, with a few guests being isked to make up an extra table of the game. The non-club members playing were: Mrs: Lawrence T. Harris, Mrs. Ralph Watson, who is the guest of Airs. E. L. liaker; Airs. Elmer Ludden and Mrs. t 'urtis Cross. Airs. Edwin L. Baker captured the high score favor. Assisting Mrs. Durbin were Airs, El mer Ludden and Airs. Curtis Cross. v orvailis: .1. i. ( ockron. of LaGrnni e: Aliss Esther Fry and Aliss Edith Jones, of Lebanon. Every member of the family will wear something new something, anywhere from a beautiful frock down to baby's hair ribbon but something new. And you, Air. Afau, why will you wait until next Sat urday night to get that New Suit You'll want it for Easter that's sure. The longer you wait the fewer there are to choose from, that's sure too. Now then: CLAP A PENNY TO YOUB EYE AND YOU LOSE SIGHT OF THE DOLLAR. Our Clothes aren't cheap Clothes they're only reasonable; as much style, fabric and workman ship value as ean be squeezed into the buying power of auy mau's dollar. J , 1 Real "Value Sticklers," that's what they are. Alake your pick now at $12 to $25 AND, ON EASTER MORNTNQ, "YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU CAME." JSafneX adhfjcr EASTER Is F33EE3 i A Safe Extrafirdinarv i fll ., if J Women's and Misses' III Afternoon and Evening . Dresses j I 1 1. ..1. IIJ "! . mi This Sale comprises three Road Sample Lines of Dresses, besides Every New Spring Dress in our own stock Materials Are: Crepe de Chine, Silk Poplin, Taffeta Silk, Messaline, Stripe Taffetas, Cloth and Silk Combinations, Plain Serges, and Lingerie Dresses. A full assortment of sizes and colors. EVERY DRESS GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. 143-147 N. LIBERTY STREET THE post-Lenten season is to be en livened with several dances. Din ner parties arc restored to their place of importance because dancmg nowadays has its prelude of dinner par tier,, particularly the dance at public pi ices. Friday night society flocked to the Hotel Marion to whirl in the gayeties of the second dinner dunce. About sixty girls and men and young married folk surrounded the tables, many join ing a coterie of their friends for din ner. Those ninkiug up the largest party were Air. and Mrs. Thomas Livesley, .Mr. and Airs. Guy Sirgent, Air. and Airs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., and Air. and Airs. John J. Roberts. Mr. and Airs. Asahel Bush entertain ed Air. and Mrs. Alelvin l'limpton. Aliss Alargery Alarvin and Albert Wake man, of rortland. At Air. and Airs. Tf. AI. Hofer 's t ible were Air. and Airs. David Eyre, Aliss Uozel Erixon, Aliss Aline Thompson. Jay Dwiggius, Jr., of Berkeley, Califor nia, and Lawrence llofer. Another table was surrounded by Mrs. Robert Kinney, of Astoria, Aliss Rita Steiner, Aliss Esther Carson, Ercel K:ly, Carl GabrLekou and Rilph Moores. Others noticed at various tables in small congenial groups were: Air. and Airs. George Rodgers, Air. and Mrs. Frank Spears, Aliss Elizabeth Lord. Aliss Hazel Donning, l'rince Byrd, .lames Young, Air. and Airs. Chauncey Bishop, Air. md Airs. James Wilson, Air. and Mrs. Sam Kozier, Jim Linu, Aliss Alice Lupton, Air. and Airs. Miller, Aliss l'utnam and several others. Aliss Margaret Rodgers, who is at tending Aliss Catlin's school in Fort land, will arrive home Sunday to spend the Easter vacation. Aliss Lclah Johnson hRs gone to Cor vallis for a week end visit wit'u friends. a a a a a "UROM the Erst puff down to th last you get the benefit of time -curing, careful blending and hand workmanship in every individual OWL. There are no excep tions. a a a a a a a B 0 a a a a a is a a a Th Million Dollar Car W A.OUNST A CO. INtOHPOKATU) BDOBD Here Is Your Chance Informal bridge parties hive been the order of the week with society ma trons, in fact these small affairs have become so popular that most of the smart bridges given this winter have been of a very informal nature. ( There is something so cozy and de lightful about an lfternoon over the card tables with one's own coterie of friends that, large formal parties seem to have no dace in the calendar, at least not at present. One of the most charming of these small bridges was given Thursd n- af ternoon by Airs. Thomas B. Kay, who asked guests for three tables of the game. The tables were circled by the matrons of the Thursday bridge club and Airs. Frank Spencer, Airs. Griffith, Mrs. John Alinto and her house guest. Mrs. Otto Metclian. of rortland, who were additional players. Airs. Rollin K. I'lge won the hih score honor. Yellow flowers in vases and bowls were arranged nbout the rooms. Mrs. John Alinto has as her guest Mrs. Otto Aletehan, of I'ortland. -Mrs. Aletchan will visit in Salem for about a week, and will no doubt be the nio lif of several inform .il affairs. Atrs. William Brown has asked a group of matrons to accompany her to the beach Aloud iv for a week's snmiirn at her summer cottage in Seal Kock. The house partv will include Airs. Rich ard Cnrtwright, Airs. Carlton Smith, Mrs. William Dancy, Mrs. William Eld ridge and Airs, (leorgo Bingliuni. Salem friends of Airs. Norman Court ney (Emiueline Klein) will bo glad to know that she is planning to visit here soon. Since her marriage last winter in Los Angeles, California, Airs. Court ney and her husband have been living in Mazatlan, Mexico. Airs. Courtney expected to siil today, but will visit en route in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California, arriving in Salem about the first of Atav. About a dozen vnnnir folk fathered as the guests of charming Miss Alarie Schulderman Wednesday afternoon to particivate in her tenth birthday party, given H the of her parents, Ml. and Airs. H. J. Sciulderniaii. It was a merry affair for the young cuests. who came and played games. Miss Prudence 1'nttcrson and Albert Kusselle were the happy prize winners in the Easter E.'g hunt which rounded out the gayeties. Later iu the after - noon the party closed with delightful refreshments. The t ible was all done in yellow. Satin streamers from the chandelier terminated in huge bowls at tiie four comers of the table and Eas- i.-i luivi- iiiniiM-ii I'inci-s jwr i onsmiicr i .-Mimcrous iviiers and messages of sym Yautis, Alargaret Stolz. l'limpton. nathv havt- Seen sent tn h.-r ,Un,.l,t.. Prudence Spight, Francis Diek, Pru dence Patterson, Sherman Plimpton, John Caughell, llanford Post, Elbert Bussclle, Peter Schulderman and the young hostess. Airs. Hal D. Patten nnd baby daugh ter, Jcauotte, came in later to call. mm Airs. John Caughell entertained Mon day afternoon with a few tables of biidge. It was a charming infonuil Af fair, and was phnned as a courtesy to her house giiest, Mrs. W. V. Sperry'und Mrs. Ralph Watson, who is visiting Mrs. Edwin L. Baker. About a dozen matrons gathered to greet the visitors. The raid honors were won by Mrs. Walter Spaulding and Airs. J. C. Evans. Aliss Margaret Putnam returned Wednesday from Albany, where she nan been the guest of Aliss Alary Stevens for several weeks. A group of matrons shared the charming hospitality of Airs. E. J. Chapman recently lit an enjoyable af ternoon of sewing. Airs. Chapman Jsk rd as her guests the members of the Hrode Kensington club which is com posed of Airs. Fred Erixon, Airs. Earl Anderson, Airs. J. W. Lewis, Airs. Jim Wilson, Airs. Robert Savage, Airs. T. Klein, Mrs. I'aul Sfege, Airs. C. E. Rein hart. Airs. Roy Rice, Airs. William Skinner, Airs. Edward Wood, Airs. 1'. E. I'ulleiton, Alls. Louis .McCoy and the hostess. Airs. Wilson and Airs. Klein assisted in the serving. Dr. and Airs. Ray I'emberlon were dinner hosts last Sunday evening m 'their residence on Commercial .street. prettily appointed table was circled by Aliss Florence Coffin, of Springfield, Miss Myrtle -Mills, of I'ortland, Ralph I Coffin and the hosts. Tuesday evening Dr. and Airs, l'etn-j bcrton presided over a similar '.if fair J An array of yellow tulips centered the: table and covers were placed for Dr. i and Airs, lirovcr Bellinger, Dr. and Airs. F. H. Thompson and the hosts. ... , Dr. and Airs. Harry City have as theirgucsts AI,-. ami Mrs. '.loan Sny der and children, of Alilwaukee, Ore. on. - i Friends of Alls. Robert Coshow, of Berkeley, California, will be elad to' I know that she is in Silcrn and ia the1 j Buwt of Airs. W. T. Slater. I The unexpected death of Airs. Jane, I Ann Chadwick in Winlock, Washington! i Thursday awakened inanv tender mem- j I ories among her host of devoted friends, , she was a woman of great charm and beauty of character; a widow of the late Stephen F. Chadwick, former gov-1 ' enior of Oregon. Mrs. Chadwick con- 1 tinned to live in Salem after her hns- hand's lamented delta and had only been in Washington since December. The funeral services were held here this afternoon at St. Paul's Episcopal nurcn. itev. jtoneit Uil officiated. Mrs. William limy, who is here from Seittle and Aliss Alary Chadwick, who lives in Salem. Airs. N. F, lloldcn and granddaugh ter, Aliss Aiarie Ilolden, of Tillamook, are the guests uf Mis. W. Al Jones. SALEM, OREGON Mrs. lloldcn and Aliss, Ilolden are en route home from California, where they !iwc been spending tiie winter. Airs. John F. Ilessler entertained '. number of friends nt her home on Oak street Thursday afternoon in honor of iier sister, Airs. W. T. Wright, a bride of last month. Airs. Wright was formerly Aliss Alae Keller, of Kokomo, Indiana. Several of the guests were former residents nt" Indiana audi wero old friends of the honorce. Air. and Airs. Wright, who are on their honeymoon, will leave in V few days for Lovelock, Nevada, where they will reside. A delightful farewell surprise party (Continued oa Page Three. 1 ELL-AMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. I GETS ALL THE DIRT SAVES ALL HARD WORK The hoover cleans thoroughly be cause it sweeps up all lint and threads and jars to the surface of the rug or carpet, in re nt o v a b 1 e shape, the im bedded dirt. The only Vacuum Sweeper with Motor Driven Brush. Wm. Gahlsdorf STORE OF HOUSEWARES e IMPERIAL BEAUTV f PARLORS 301 Bank of Commerce Bnilding, f Thone 393 Salem, Ore. I W.r? THE HOOVER VAj SUCTION li SWEEPER ( 'Vl "e' 8 ll'mo"- Stx, V stration i n 7J5 Jour home.