Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1916, MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 12

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" "DOCS DOt' "11 I (SI II II I II I I I C JMIMyT) I i I I I f I f I I I I I I F, UFLP' '' I II I JJ ! i I
' J 1 1 'j
- -
International Cartoon Co.; N. Y.
Excess of Exports Over
Imports $1,810,000,000
Rub Pain Right Out With
Small Trial Bottle of Old
Penetrating "St.
Jacob's Oil"
Rheumatism is "pain onlv." ,t
one case in fifty requires internal treat-!
uieut. Stop drugging, liuh j..c.; ti iu, '
iionotiating ''St. Jacob Oil'' light in
to your son', stiff, aching joints mid
muscles, ami relief conn's instantly.
"St. Ja.obs Oil'' is u harmless rheu
matism cure which uevcr ofisappoiuls
und can nut burn the skin.
luuhcr up! yuit complaining! Cot
a small trial Inn lie of u,, kouest'
'"St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store,
un,l in just a it: tii ii t vou'll i.o free
from rheumatic iinin. soreness nift'tiess'
New Yolk, April S.--While there is
a glow nig desire fur peace anil n sub
consciousness that it nmv not In1 far
surface indications iln licit as
t point that av. Tin1 ilailv t rimed v
ill KlU'OllC Cl.lltillllOS Mill) III',. II, nit,,. I.- i "H".
iod intensity, yet in spite of tho (:!'
i ma ii drive against Verdun no inninrtunt
gain has apparently Im'i-ii made on t'itli-j
or side fur many weeks, (treat liritninV
uovoiiiinonr i.tuigct lor the coining year
shows Imtli ili'tonninai ion ami resources,
while the Coiinun chancellor in ad
dressing u reichstiijr lias also made
statements tliat eucouingo liis people
aiiil discourage imv hope of ininieditite
stimulate exports
favorable trade
proportions; tin'
pain, serenes
ami swelling. Hou'i suffer! Kolief
units you. " St. Jacob 's Oil" lias
euro,! inilli.-us of ikeumutisui sufferers
iii the l:i -t half century, an. I is just as
Koii for sciatica, uouinlgia, lumbago,
backache, sprains.
'I'lio ,loi Koiinok home in the north
ern part of this city was tin' scorn1 of a
jolly gathering on Friday occiiiiiij when
Mm, Joseph, Koriack an, I Mrs. II. A.
Koaiicliiinip cntci laincl the menilicl s of
tlio i:i,.-eii club niol their luisluimls in
himor of Mr. niol .Mrs. W. C. Parry of
Junction City. The bouse liail liecn tas
tily iK'i'Ointed for the occasion with
Oregon (;nipe lunl wihl enrniiit, two of
Ori'uou ' inot popular wihl shrill's thai
are at their let now. ".Mmi" furnish-
arty was in, lee, 1 an enjoyal'le affair,
cStayt-in S-iitiuel.
i ,
peine: anil tins in spite of the terms
he sujivestetl on which (ieiuiaiiy wmihl
cousiiler peace proposals. Om- in,li i.lual
interest in the war is multiplied ninny
tunes oel' liy tile siiluiiarine piolileni.
"Iiich thoniih ipiics it iluriiij; the last
few .lays may Iwenk out iiKain at any
time with reiicwcil rxcileinent, tier
many is evidently ileteriniue.l not to
sni'ren.lcr the most important weapon
with which she can inflict injury noon
it Itiitain; so what I lie outcome will
oe only time can determine. The crisis
Mietneen tierniatiy and the I'liited States
is still unsolved ami may lucak out
with fresh intensity at any time unless
satisfactory assurances are received liy
our u"vcrniucnt from tleiiunny. The
I Mexican difficulty is not us yet in n
; serious stai;e, ami for the time lieini; is
I almost completely overshadowed l- the
; l-.iiropean war. Our presidential i'nni-
paiun nls occupies the puldie mind .
much less than usual, or than aiitici-l
patcd, for the same reasons. Consider-
iui! the important issues at stake, puldie j
opinion is remarkaldy quiet, and tli!
sauie may In1 said of liotli lirnm lien of:
; i undress at Washington. Such uncx-
pcoted and unusual self-restraint mast '
1'0 crcditctl to the sobcriti); influences j
of war.
Our foreija trade ill tieain simnssint
. thus swi'llinp; our
luilaitce to enotnious
excess for the lu'
months under review lieinir . 1 .s I ( .( XX I -
(Urn. coiiipnred with .rn!t,iiiiiiiii(i a vear
this more thiin treldini' of our
lavoruoie irnno uaiance witliin ti year
is a factor of immense importance in
the settlement of our international ) :i 1 -mice.
In spite of security imports.
(join imports, toreifin loans ami credits,
the international trade balance is still
riiuninp very heavily nuainst the allies
Hud will prolmUlv si utiiiue until the
war ends. When that event comes, sud
den ami perhaps violent rhinites will
develop, luit neither their direction nor
their l u in t hti can et re 'foreseen.
From now on the crop situation will
become n subject of increased import
ance, sprint: is late and a severe winter
inflicted considerable injury to winter
wheat. There will be a material reduc
tion in acreage, and condition is much
below that of a year a'O. As offsets
to these circumstances there will be n
considerable increase in sprine; "heat
acreage and a lare carryover from the
crop of I'.Mo. albeit of inferior quality;
so there will be no real scarcity of
wheat dnriiiL' the cominc; season,' not'
any shortaire for export.
Our home situation is satisfactory.
The feverish activity observed during
trie greater part of the winter h
at the end of March were riiiiiiiiir
about 2(1 per cent ahead of last year,
the increase beiiiL' due more to the ex
pansion of traffic than hi higher rates. The .meeting of the Wolisterian ,it
Tn the cast industrial activity ron-1 er.try society Wednesday evening was
tin lien at Iiich pressure. At tho west the livest one that has been held tins
there is no abatement of activity andj.venr, n Inrjje crowd was out and more
condition.1) remain satisfactory. Xew - enthusiasm was shown tliiiu his been
r orpo ra t i oil's reported in the principal seen for some time. The occasion was
eastern states for the last three inonths the installation of the new officers and
aL'L'ri'L'iited I.OiHi.ooO, compared with acconipanyiii "feed." J-.'arl l ot-
?iio, 000,000 ui ine same rime last vear
WILLAMETTE NOTES jFirst Convention of An Allies to Pay American
All American tleven ! Bondholders Many Millions
at Syracuse Today in Interest Today
and ,L"2!i,titm,mKi in i:U4. Fully :tl)0,
ttHO.OHO or more of this year's" amount
was due to refinancing; but, makinn
full allowances, there was probably
i double the usual activity in this direc
j tiou. The amount of new capital do-
voted to war purposes reported since
jJanunrv 1 was . iNs.iMiO.tHHl and sine
j the war began 20 mouths ago, the total
reported is .f.'!ll",(Miti.(Mlil; indicating that
.while the war has been a powerful
! -stimulant, it probably represents much
'less, than a quarter of our present ac
tivity. This is demonstrated by ei.-
1 urinous increase ni steel orders, the
'greater proportion of which is on do
mestic account an.l is made up very
i largely of railroad buying. American
laiiroa.is are placing uncial orders rorw
all Kinds or equipment. Mnce tne first j tacnlar
ot .itiniiiirv tnev have placed ont
Syracuse. April 1.".. For the first
time in football history an AU-Amer-ii-an
eleven gathered here today. Mem-
ton was initiated and taken in as n; '.' "'r "finical llil.l team
member. At the meeting it wis decided ; Tl,"',od "i,l,,'r '""'l' '"' K'H'sts of
to held the annual minion of Old Web-1 lhl' Syracuse I ni versify Athletic Asso
steriiins on the evening of April 2Wth. ' ''la,l"n-
At this time all old meiubers look toj ln l'!st the men selected for
Salem as the Mecca to which they will i 'n'se teams have been pleased to accept
make their pilgrimage. Many of the J the In. nor bestowed upon them. Seldom
I oht men are prominent officials and i lias further action been taken.
r0 liiisiuess en throughout the country audi H. cause Syracuse
uieir leuiin w in ue looked lorward to, cut in tile tootl.al
.in riniFiur is inei iiiMinaiii nine man ever i.etore the authorities
nay iiueresiing experiences to relate. I to celebrate in this
. lug nniKjuet is being prcared and
following this the evening ill telling
stories and just talking.
The senior class chulleime.l trie fac-
''jultv men to a game of baseball to be
played .lurin gthe M.iy Hay festivities.
President Walter Uleiser read the chal
lenge in chapel this morning. The uaine
uiidoiibtedlv be a fast and spec-
one as both sides have seveial
was more promin
world last
re lire facilities tor accommo
dating l.( mi i persons ynd there is rea
son to expect every bit of available
space will be utilicl. z
Invitations were sent to the follow-
ing members of the All-American
I Kleven: Hum. .n. Minnesota; Oilman.
I ivmg .Malum. Harvard; Knrrett and
iut.i ..inns mi , men on t icir tennis w ho mv.. w,... I'.mo
l,41a.tnn tons of steel rails, compared.,,., stars; some as 11 reek students, oth
with 510,(111(1 tons at the same time rasters as instructois in the various depart
yea r and SlCl.OnO tons in lHU, In ninny ents taimlit in universities, the t'a.-nliv
been given extending ; will have the advantage in bavin-.' iii
rush is so great that their number Coach M aliens who is a
baseball player and he is expected to do
the home run stunts for the faculty. j
For the seniors there are several whoi
may burst into the lime light as lum-j
vnaiits, .lewett. the husky little big
man of the class will be 'expected toi
do all of the fan.-y twirling lor tae'
there I seniors ami it is reported th.it he has1
recovery in these i several speed balls that will prove the.jjt
ratio of increase has been in the neigh-1 1' '''fi''y '.ccause or tie continued j ""' " ll"'-v ',"'
borliood of'od per cent. This decrease ,"" h,x J'1 """'S" l"l'ilatcd on 1 M ' ta.e in As vet no one has I
edged bonds have been returned, luit ' al'1'' to liuM hiai and it is not alto;
these have been evi more readily ub . ' 'ner liuposs.oie r.iitr a protessiou.il
sorbed than the shares of representative : , a,' l"'r " 1 ''I1'"'"''' to ol'ficiite be-
railroads. This prubablv explains thei , xhv ,,l ,1,I1,! llls l"i"'1'
comi.iirntive abscn. e ,,f i'...u- rallioM.l is. SI'ouu,!. file two teams are ex
1 Shelton. Cornell- Abell. Coleatc: Sncar
I Dartmouth: I'e.-k, rittsbnrgh; Oliphant,
Army and s. hlachter of Syracuse.
Xew York. April 15. Twelve million
five hundred thousand American dol
lars' interest will be paid to American
investors by the French and Knglii
governments through J. P. ilorgnn &
Co., here today for the first sis
months' use of the half billion dollar
Anglo-French loan recently negotiated.
This payment today is but a small
part of the cash interest England and
France will pour into American pock
ets during the next five vears. Every
season six months they will pay, just in inter-
wish. : est. 12,ali0,000, or 12;.000.000 for the
five years, which is more than one-
tenth of a billion dollars' they will have
given Americans for :'.e use of their
money in fighting the Teutons.
The interest that these two govern
ments must pay for th! use of American
money with which to continue their
war is enough to supply each one of
2,500 persons an independent fortune.
i ases orders have
into 1017. and tin
still further orders would have been
placed hud it not been for the inability
of mills to execute them mid advancing
Stock exchange activity was upon a
.liininislicd scnle ..nil ifi.i.i,! i-hieVU- t,,
sonic-1 .. ... .... . .
I ..si i i,,, i. i , 111 M " specniu ies. in spue or 'decided-
iin.rs were ,,K- ,.l,t -n f i i improved lauroaii continuum.
i.vf t..-t -.., r '.. t.:i. c. i. .. ! has been no marked
was largely due to diminished snecula
tive activity. In the ordinary channels
of commerce and industry there are as
yet no cv idouce of slow ing dowu: al
though there is a marked development
ot caution in making new ventures, the
fear of overdoing
strained initiative,
hav ing evidently re
Kailroad earning:
the enteituihiucnt for the evening, . 1,11 K'wU to un nniii'iing extent. In fi ' 1 I
. Korinek carving off the huiids'.iiie t'''l'runry both imports and exports far 11 . vXI I
ize. An exceilcnt lunch was served 'cce.le.l any pievious month. Fxports ' 1 1' I J
a late hour. It is reported that this touched . tt'l'.sOO.OOO, or il 10.000.ooo r - 1
more than a year ago and .."0,rtOO,oOO
more than dining the previous high'
Skin Muddy?
null eves, bloUhes ami other skin
Menu she result Iroiu a UisoideteJl Ui
Srstioii. i'unty the blood, tun tlio
um.u.h, gently stumilate Die liver ana
reaaljce t!ie bowel and bile with
SoW nnrwkr. U Un, ls, IJs.
i point in liecember last. lor (he 12
nuiiith eu.liiig February our total ex
port were ;l,720,O0O.'0oir, or almost
double the amount during the same per-1
iotl of 1011. five yeari ago. The March
total will show hg results, judging; by
the enormous shipment daily from the
port of New York, which in making
trcno'inloiis strides hs the country's
chief eort center. There ha also
been a gratifying increase in the conn-j
liyV imports; the total for February
being Mo l.OOO.ii.lO, or anN.HOO.OOO more;
than a year ago'tHpl $11,000,000 aheti.l !;
ot' the previous high reeoid in January '
In si, 1) niim the 12 luonths en.liiiv'i
j Mulch "I, our ini.orts reached JI.S'os',-;
I p.iO.000. .r s-.l.i.OpO.OOO in advance of the I
previous record for a like period in
I lolt. The effect ot vrur l.as of course!
been to discourage import and vastly i
At Last A Bunion Remedy v
That Affords Immediate
Relief Add Effects A Positivi Cure
Just a.k f ! .ip.iok.iiro of "nunitmComfort".
rutiKeoi: .e.: t -.'-.c n.uii will vanish I ke m.igic.
If you ii.ive .i l-m:i ",i, no r.i.itror how la:ge,
lio-v swoaee, ti ov p.oii:ul .ui.l how distorted
t tie ..:nt iu.iv ue in.? tiut one 11 Lvuiikui
i sues, investors tor the time being pre-1
ferriug to pick up seasoned securities at
I favorable prices to taking new issues.!
There are large sums of capital await-j
ing investment, but current uncertain ,
ties impede good buying at this time..
For government and municipal issues!
there has been an excellent market late-1
ly. Henry Clews. I
l b
! v m vill t)l: On instant relict.
x t nl.iy t-y or.e or tw-i piasters
u ,r. e ti"t entirely soUsi-ed, m::ii.1v
retv.i it t I:e r.-ta.ir.uler and j;et alt your nionev
Ki, k. nut-:. -a C 'luioi't" have eureJ tver
TJ.Ol n.f '1 4i"1 vv.iineti t tie p:vst v ear they
i .in ei r 1 v.. : Wt-,y ti:::i:ul-jl t J Mill er, vvlrcii'
licieis.i j"-i-i,-l:"v'',l ii'.st.i::t relic: Your
money Lv.ck u " v toil. u jf
J. C. Perry, Drussist,
113 S. Commercial Street
Albany, Ore.. Apiil 13. professor
David Torbet. for it? years a member
of the faculty of Albany college, died
yesterday, at the age of 71 years,
after a week's illness.
During the last tlavs of his illness
Professor Torbet was unconscious
most of the time. All but one member
of the family were at his bedside. Mis.
Clodfeller, a daught.-r, was unable to
get here in time.
Albany college wnl take a holiday
Monday, when the funeral will be hebi.
and all students am! members of the
faculty will attend in a body.
The service will be hel l at the local
Methodist church at S o-Yletk. in
pecting 10 get together for their fiisi
pra. t'ice games some time this week.
Tho inter-class track meet whi.-h will
be held a week from Saturday is also
attiacting a greit deal of attention,
and all tour .lasses us well as the
academy arc getting teams ready for
tiie meet. I. a bun steeves, track 'man
iger at W'illaiiiett.t this vear. has or
dered a number of til. lions printed and
these vvill be disti ibuted following tat
meet to the winners of the various
events. Those who will represent the
senior team are; l.loyd Shisler. Howard
.lewett. Walter tileiser, William Ki.lge
way, .lames Hani. David Cook, Paul
Smith and John tiarv.
The fre-h men and sophomore teams
will in ike a strong bid for first place
as thev have seveial fast distance men
in their numbers and it is safe to pre
dict that there .vill be several surprises
sprung before til- meet is over. A Luge
banner will be awarded to (he class tak
ing the highest number of points.
charge of t!..1 Masonic lodge Hurial
will be made at Lebanon, which was
formerly the Torbet home. Two of his
.la icuieis. who died several years
are buried there.
(By Cnited Press. ,
San Diego. Oil.. April 15. -The
racing whi.-h was stopped
shortly after the New Year's
day opening because a flood
swooped down and gobbled up
the Tin Juana rare track, was
resumed today when construc
tion of the new track was com-olcted.
Speaking of hats in the
until Faster and you can't
' em.
Miss Anna I.evermau went to Port
land last Sunday.
F'rank Wolf and family and Joe Koe
nig and family visited at the; A. Wo!J
place Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Joe bitter and daughter visited
Mt. Angel Sunday.
Joe Henedicf and Frank Rauscher, Jr.
left Sunday for Mill City where -they
will be employed at Potter's mill.
John Kintz, road supervisor, made
quite a little improvement on the roa.ii
around here.
Alva Zuber went to Aumsville ou hi
wheel Sunday to see a little round-up.
Come again Alva.
George Dietz is going into the h'"1
business. It has been reported that h
bought some thoroughbred stock and af
ter feeding oue all it could eat for fiv
months, found it weighed close to 15
pounds dressetl.
Some pig. stayton Observer.
1 rf'lKbfli If -A
WANTED 50,000
of experience at once on the farms of
To replace the' young farmers who have enliste
tor the war. Cood wages aud full season g wort
There is no danger or possibility of Conscription
in Canada.
ht'terences required
pecial railway rate:
ply to
from all applicants. For
ami other information a?-
. Cor. 1st and Post Sts.. Spokane, WniL
h Authorized Canadian GoveTuaTt Ajs.
' wn