Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Special Sale on All Women's and Misses' Suits
. ...kkkkXk.Ak.A.i.A. k k k . X. I
XX , : , : -J It
A Sweeping Pre-Easter Sale
of New York's Stylish
Millinery "
All Hats in Stock at h Price
Our Millinery buyer in New York sends a big shipment
of new Hats each week. We have received so many the
past two weeks that we have decided to cut prices in two
in order to dispose of them before Easter. Scores of
beautiful stylesstreet, dress and sport models in all the
newest trimming effects for Spring and Summer 1916.
Come and take your pick from this grand assortment.
(We show a few of them in our Court Street window)
4 Jy
Our 781st Wednesday Surprise
x .
A Sale of Fine
Muslin Petticoats
Two large lots to pick from in this surprise for next
Wednesday's sellingLace and Embroidery effects
ribbon trimmed
One lot up to $3.50 Your Choice
One lot up to $1.85 Your Choice
For Men and Boys-the NEW ARRO0 COLLARS
Ashby and lexicon are here and ready for you. These are two new
models which have been brought out for dressy men and young men, who
appreciate good collar styles. We think you will like them--ask the clerk
Here's a new Underwear for the little fellows real summer comfort in
these made similar to the men's B. V. D. Underwear, Waist and Hose
Supporters combined. See them in the Boys' Section.
An Immense Sale of
We have too many pieces of Dress Goods. We must move them and the Dress
Goods man told me to advertise them at a price that would move them
quick. Here they are; Checks, Stripes and Plaids in black and white brown
and white blue and white greens, reds, greys and various colored plaids;
excellent grades at the regular price; widths from IJ8 to 50 inches.
Grand Special for three days next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 55c a yd.
(Second Floor Store)
An Excellent Showing
Silence Cloth
Don't take chances on ruining
the varnish on your table top.
Heavy Muslin Covered Quilted
54-inch, $1.10 a yard; 63
inch, $1.25 a yard; 72-inch,
$1.50 a yard.
Heavy stitched Cotton Silence
Cloth, 54-inches wide, 75c a yd.
See the new assortment of
Drapery Fabrics Cretonnes,
Silkolines, etc., (2nd Floor.)
New Showing of Women's
Dainty Neckwear
for Summer.
All the pretty, fetching styles of summer Neck
wear are shown in this new assortment which has
just reached us. Make early selections and get
the best choice. A wide range of prices.
(See the window display.)
-.--. 4 4 Hiitl kkkkkkkkkkkk.kkkk Ui44
- 44--M--4-
The next meeting of the Now York
society, will bo held ut I lie home of
(i. E. Terwilliger, 77(1 Chomekotti
street, (one door west of Winter) next
Wednesday, April 19, 1!U(1. Native
born women who tiro niurried, brine;
your liunbitndn, imtivo born men, your
wives. Reception hours from 7:.'i0 . in.
mid stay its long as yon like. Now K''t
busy, don't have any other diit i. Come.
4 4 4 4 4 4
Some Symptoms
of Serious
Eye Trouble
Dimness of vision, seeing -spots,
upeclis, ete., dunce before thu eyes.
The atmosphere seems smoky nnd
Seeing better some diiys tlmn others.
Seeing better sideways than straight
Seeing better in the evening or curly
morning than ut midday.
Seeing a halo or circle about a light.
1'n in in or about tNo eyes.
Constant or periodic headache.
All Aroun
My 33 years' experionco in scion
til'iu eyesight testing is at your dis
posal. If I find glassy aro not satis
factory, then 1 decline, to supply
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass-
correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bldg.
Rev. H, B. Doiks, of the United
Brethren church, will spojik tomorrow
afternoon at the W. C. T. U., Ferry
and Com.niTj'iul streets.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phone 43.
The Salem Electric company Is hold
ing its third annual reception this aft
ernoon. The reception will be continued
this evening with a special program of
Dr. Stone's Drag Store for trusses.
Your suit pressed, GOe. Phone 13.
The Knights of Pythias tire making
great preparations for Iho trip to Al
bany next Wednesday evening when the
s.ipicme keeper of records and seals of
the lodge will initiate a Hathbone class.
A special car has been chartered by the
ledge for this trip.
Your suit pressed, 50c. Phono -13.
Automobiles for hire, passengers and
baggage transferod, rntes reasonable,
country trips a specinlty. C. O. Me
Klroy. riiuua 017 or Oil!), tf
Prof. P. S. Gannett, superintendent
of the Washington junior high school, 10.
F. Carleton, assistant state superinten
dent, .1. F. Axley, of the Washington
Dr. Stone's
heaves. 1'iice
Heave Drope cures
$1.00 j for sale, by all
A touring map of Yosomite National
park is on display at the Commercial
club. Those who expect to tour tho park
next summer can secure a copy of the
map by writing the secretary of the
interior, Washington, I). C.
Special prices on gas and oil stoves.
Huron & Hamilton.
The South Salem Box Factory Is now
operating and Mrs. Cameron solicits the
orders of old patrons as well as new.
l'hono "L'o'-W. Aprl.i
Placards are out announcing a grand
ball to be given at the armory Friday
evening, April 2S, under the auspices of
the Nalein Street Hailwny employes.
Music for the dance will be furnished
by the Salem Sheet linilwny band of L'2
pieces. lief icshmeuts will be served
free. '
Extra special prices on rofrigerators.
liurcn & Hamilton.
Dr. Fran) E. Brown, late of New
York, l'ost Graduate school, confining
his practice to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat, will have his offices
with Dr. A. U. Oillis, over Hush Hank
building. MnylO
The boys' teams of tho Grant and
Lincoln junior high schools plaved a
game of baseball this morning, cloning
I am able to refer vou to
thousands of people in Marion
mid Bulk counties, who 1 havo
fitted daring my 0 years iu
I do not use drops or drugs in mak
ing examinations as they mo dangerous.
Doctor of Optics.
Offices: 210 211 TJ. S. Bank Building,
rhone 110.
junior high nnd County Superintendent I tho excitement with n score of 21 to
Mnitn are attending an institute o'i
teachers today at Htayron.
Dr. B. T. Mclntyre, physician and
surgeon, 21 1 Masonic UUg. Phone 410.
Black. jOioea hroiuseA white shoes
cleaned. I'opnbir shoe shining "parlors.
Specially equipped for lidies. 3S3
Statu street. Opposite The Spa.
Dr. O. B. Miles, school physician, gave
an address yesterday afternoon at the
meeting of the Mothers' club of the
Highland school. Following tho address,
he answered questions as to Hjjo work
now being done to aid the children and
instruct parents as o their proper
Buy La Corona cigars to take along
on that tishiiig trip and you will have
Auction sale at the People's Quick
Kiehange Auction Market on Saturday,
April 22d ut 1:30 p. m. Kvervthiiig
sold on commission. Don't forget I buy
household furniture for cash. F, N.
Wuodry, auctioneer, l'iione 511, Apd'-O
in tavor ot Urnnt. Hie winning team
will play Washington junior higlf nexi
Buy your refrigerators now, we offer
you some exceptional bargains. See
window display. Duron & Hamilton.
Refrigerators. We carried over a few
refrigerators hist season and though
the price is considerably advanced this
season, we offer you this line at greatly
reduced prices. Buren & Hamilton.
The Marion County Loganberry
Grown1' association will be formally
organised this evening at a meeting to
bo held at the Henna Crest school house.
The purpose of the proponed orgauia
tio: is to unite all loganberry growers
In the country, similar to that of the
Hop Growers' association. Albert Kgnn
is president of the temporary organiza
tion and Joseph I.u toilette, secretary.
Attention. Are you going to need a
gas range or oil cook stove this sum
mer. We are now offering our entire
line at greatly reduced prices, buy here
and savo money. Buren Si Hamilton.
Take the children to see Puck and the
fairies in the "Mid Summer Might's
Dream" on April 22, Matinee 2:30.
The twenty-third car of hogs will be
shipped to the 1'omand market next
Tuesday by Eyre and C'nvnnaugh since
they began buying Inst November. Mr.
lOyre says that a hog weighing less than
l.'iO pounds is a losing proposition as
! it will bring just one cent a pound
! less than the regular rim.
"Mid Summer Night's Dream" Sat
urday, April 22, at Hie Grand, 2:30
and S:30. All seats 2.jc.
The first- half ;t April was rather a
diy month whin it comes to rainfall,
as the oft'icia. iicord at the Oregon City
Transportation company office shows a
I precipitation of only .S5 of an inch for
:the 15 days. The rainfall for the 24
j hours preceding ,s o'clock this morning
was .U j of an inch. The river, today is
j 53 foot ubovo low water gunge. j
j Socialist lecture by Hon. G. W. Davis, !
Sunday, April Hi, 2:30 p. in. P'Arcy;,
((I'nion- hall, Court street. Free. j
Fred Metz, accompanied by his broth- j
er, liny Met., of Chchalis, Wash., left
! last, evening for I.os Angeles, traveling
j by way of Flavel, going ns far as Sanj
Francisco on the steamer Great North-:
I em. For several years Fred Met, hasj
I been a member of the men's quartette j
of the First Christian church and hasj
I oecu ncue in enuica woriv. uiri .e.
pect to make their home at l.os Angeles.
South Circle Ladles First Christian
church will hold Kaster Bazaar and
! cooked food sale Saturday, April 22, at
j farmer Hardware Co.
j Dr. Hecor MacPherson, of the Ore
jgon Agricultural college, will deliver an
I address next Friday evening at the nil-
ilitoriinn of the public library, taking
for bin subject. 1 ' Hoial Credits." He is
known as an authority on not only riiml
credits but on the general propositions
'that are now troubling as well ns in
Iteiesting the farmers. In fact, his spe
'cialty i, what shall we do for the farm-
If there is anything that will bring
one back to earth with a midden jolt,
it is at the movies when the hero dis
covers his hoard of gold has been stolen
and the audience is wrought up to a
high pitch of interest, to have thrown
on the screen, without a second's in
terruption, "l.nd of Act 11." "Coal
and Wood For Sale."' lollowed by "Cof
fee, Three Founds for It surely
is an awful come down.
To whom it may concern. Thi9 is to
notify you that on and after May 1,
l!lil the members of nil locals, affiliat
ed with the Salem Uuilding Trades
Council of Salem, Oregon, and vicinity,
will discontinue to work witii non-union
meu of any organized crafts. This ip
plying only within a three mile radius
of the Marion county court house. This
will apply to all contracts taken after
the 12th of April. Salem Building
Trudes Couuoil.
If it is building material come to ns. I
Moral: We will show you how we got'
the business. Falls Citv-Salem Lumber
Co. 3-10 S. 12th. l'hono S13.
By inadvertance it was stated yester-,
day that the free lecture at the Grand'
opera house by Fetor Collins, of Massa-,
chusetts, would bo" next Thursday ev-.
eniug, but it was a mistake. The lecture1
will bo on Thursday evening the follow
ing week, the 27th, and already there is!
promise of a packed house, which greets!
him ut all points over the cnuntiy where '
he delivers his splendid explanation
from a Cliristiau standpoint ofj
"What's Wrong With the World J"
Gas ranges slightly used a $19.00 one ;
for 12.0ti, $:i."i.00 one for $20.00, a'
$05.00 A. H. .New Idea for $2.".00. These :
are bargains, call and see them. Hti- J
rcu Hamilton.
A fine of $100 and costs was assessed -against
Charles Schmit yesterday aft-:
ernoon by Judge Webster. Mr. Si limit
was accused of offering meat for sale I
from the body of a cow that -was unfi j
for food. The suit was brought I !
John .D. Mickle. dairy mid food it j
missioner, through n deputy. Robin D. '
Hay, attorney for Mr. Schmit, gave no-'
tice of an appeal and it is probable
that the ease will be tried at this term
of the circuit court. The state was rep
resented by District Attorney Kingo, j
Those who are sick and tillable to
leave the house will enjoy a Sonora
Talking Machine. It has the softest
tones nf any insi-hine on the market.
Myrtle Knowlnnd, 421 Court.
At the Grand Council of Royal and
Select -Masons, held in Corvallis this
week, the super-excellent degree was
exemplified by Washington council of!
Fortlnnd. No. 3. Of the 57 candidates
taking the degree", 11 were from Salem, j
Among those attending irom Salem
were Lot I.. Fenrce, neorge A. Brown.
Glen Niles, M. I.. Meyers. Ilr. O. A.
Olson. H. Schoeniaker, X. V. Rassnnis
sen. Hnsscll Brooks, Dr. F. H. Thomp
son, Farl Simmons, C. A. Moody, George
IVnsford, F. A. Marcus, David Wright.
Jack Williams and Joseph I.. McAllister.
Jonathan Bourne, of the passenger
department of the Southern 1'ncifie, is
borne from a joy ride and business trip
that lasted exactly five weeks. Adopt
ing a policy of showing its employes
w hat the rest of the world is doing, the
Southern Pacific, has been taking its
passenger men on tours of inspection.
The trip of Mr. Bourne included San
Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans,.
Washington, New York nnd Boston, and
the passenger meu with Mr. Bourne
were kept on the jump inspecting so
many places there' was very little time
for pleasure.
o '
The times surely do change. Giilt
play baseball now as well as the boys,
and they have regular leagues. The
gills' playground bnscnnll teams of the
three junior high schools ar- no-v fully
organized and the game is on. few
days ago the teams of th? Lincoln ,'iin
ior high and Washingtci junior high
engaged ia a fierce comhnr the fin-1
inning showing a s-'jr.' of to i;2 n
favor of Washington. The three v,,nios
have organized n reg'.l-r league nn'i
will have the ni.j.c and the minor
series. The dividing line comes on the
height proposition, those over five
feet in height plivitig in one lrigue and
those under fi'-e fe?t in another.
The girls of tjie Washington junior
high, as w.dl as the inys, will make
good .'hii'ci workers It. to." in life, ns
they are new petting p-r,ciieal experi
ence in holding candy sales nnd sand
wich sales 'ind otiKi' sales, to raise
money for what is needed. To secure
funds for the pur.Jinse C"" plnygronnos
apparatus, a cr.idy n.id sandwich sale
was held at the V ?sa!:,gtou junior high
yesterday, and the net sum of $1S.!)0
was realized. The r,ateriai for making
sandwiches t. purchased and not do
nated, rntii'r out of the usual church
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton are de
lighted over another increase in their
family. Little Jeanctte Kdith Patton,
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hal D. But
ton., is now three months old and is nlso
extremely happy over the arrival of a
baby sister, Marie Madeline, aged 2l'
months, who will make her home with
April 17. Lieut. Swartv-kopeu- s:
sky, a Siberian escape, at Cou- 5:-.
gregational church. Free.
April 18 Registration for
primary election closes.
April 18. Monthly meeting at
Commercial club.
April 19 Sons of American :S
Revolution banquet, Marion sa
April 19. Senator Theodore E.
Burton of Ohio, candidate for
republican nomination for sk.
president, at Armory.
April 20. Election of director :
Social department Commercial X
club. 5-
April 21 Willamette university
debates Pacific on govern- :S
nient ownership of Tiiilroads.
April 22. Mid Summer Night's
Dream, Opera House, auspices
Salem Women's Club.
April 23 Easter Sunday.
April 25. Election of Director s'
civics department Commercial -Y
April 27 Free lecture by Peter
Collins at Opera House.
April 28 Dance, benefit Salem
Street Railway band, at the si
armory, '-'f
May 6. Founders' Day celo-
b'ration at Champocg.
May 9-10. East Willamette ns- :-
socintion of Congregational :
churches. :''
the Buttons on Court street. Joanetl
first made her home with the Button
February (i, 1910, and they were .-
pleased with her winning ways and sue
ny disposition that when the opportnw
ity came for legally adopting both c
the children, the Buttons decided that i
would be good for all if the two couii'
grow up together. According to M
Patton, if one could bring so much jn ,
two would just double it,
O. Willis, the editor of a paper ia
Minneapolis, has written to Secretary
A. IT. Lea, of the stare fair board, asl
ing for the dates of the Minnesota stale
fair. The Minnesota state fair is heb!
at Hamlin which is located betwee .
Minneapolis nnd St Baal and it is prop
able that Mr. Willis could have found
out his information over the telephon -had
he called up. however, Mr. Lea scm.
him tho dates of the state fair in tl
writer's own state.
The funeral of Mrs Jane A. Chadwfe;.
was held this afternoon at 2:30 oVKri.
from St. Paul's Episcopal chiirchh, th -Rev.
Robert S. Bill conducting the s"r.
ices. Interment was in the Odd Felle-.--' '
cemetery. The active pull bearer
were Justice George H. Burnett, Gooig
G. Bingham, Dr. W. II. Byrd, John I'.
McNary, George G. Brown and ?!. 1 .
Movers. The Urnornrv pall bearers we"--W.'F.
Slater. B. H. Raymond. (,..v.il I
West, Charles A. Barks and A. N. Bush.
The McMinnville lodge, No. 1,28".
Benevolent and Protective Order of tie
Elks of United States of America, filed
articles of incorporation at the office
o'f Corporation Commissioner Schulilev
man this morning. The property of the
lodge is valued at $5,000. The trustees
are Wr. J. l.iljcquist, George W. Heo
dershott and B. B. Olds.
A number of the members of Com
pany M who have qualified 011 the in
door range will have their first ehnneo
to feel the recoil of a.. military rifle 0.1
the outdoor range tomorrow when a 1
auto truck will enrrv about. 25 marki--
! men to the range at Finzer The shooter
1 will be in charge of Lieutenant Neev.
.The Pendleton Lumber company witi
the bend offices in Madison, Wis., today
filed articles of incorporation to eon
duet a. general lumber business in tlr
state. The company is incorporated at
And aching heads are often permanent
ly relieved by the use of rightly fitted
eyeglasses or spectacles.
Better save your sight while you
can. Our eyes are open to discover de
fects in yours if you will give us the
MISS A. HcCULLOCH, Optometrist,
20S-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109
Licensed Lady
Moderate Prices
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
One Cent Sale a
Perry's Drug
Next Thursday,
Friday and Sat
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all way
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:30 a. m.;
Stayton 8:00, Salem 9:30.
Return, leaves Salem 4:40 p. m ;
Stayton 6:00; Mill City 7:10.
Phone 2378