THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORFn- FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916. 3W PVT How to Feel Well During Middle Life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Read these letters: riulud'lphui, Pa. '-I started the Change of Life five years ago. I always had a headaehe and back ache with leaving down pains and I would have. -heat Hashes very bad at times with dizzv spells and nervous feelings. After taking Lydia E. l'inkhain's Aeyetable Compound I feel like 'a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the nehes and pains I had before I took your won derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I cannot praise it -enough." Mrs. Maroaket Ukass 5IAX, 73:i X. Ping'sold St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mil ' T-j " i lieverlv. Af;is vegi'ianie ixMiiTxuind, ior nervonsne: going through the Chanare of Life. have always spoken of it to other nave nau rnem try it ami tnev also have received I good results from it." Mrs. C.eohoe A. Di-xbar, ii numiuy oi., Deveny, iU tss. Erie, Pa. "I was in poov health when the Change of Life started with me and I took Lvdia g E. Pinkham's Vegetahlu Compound, or I think I should not have got over it as easv as I did. Even now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores me in a short time. I will praise your remedies to even' woman for it mav help them as it has me." Mrs. E. Kissuxo, East iitth St., Erie, Pa. No other medicine lias been so successful in relieving woman's suffering as Las Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. AVomen may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia K. Pinkbaiu Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women only and held in strict confidence. Pacific Coast Seamen j May Go On Strike Soon, -Portland.. Ore.. April 14. Ninety-five! per cent of the seamen employed on the Pacific -const, from Alaska to Smith America, will strike May 1 unless their, demands for more pay mid betterment i of working conditions are met by the shipowners; I A secret strike vote already lins been taken nniour members (if the Pacifii' ' const branch of the International Sea- ; men's union, said Jiick Rosen, head of the local seamen's orgnni.rition. The! vote wns overwhelmingly in 'favor of a ' strike should their demands be refused. lioson claims per cent of the 'sail- j When Itching Stops There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture in stantly and that cleanses and soothes the tikin. Ask any drnjrsist for n 2."e bottle of Kemo n ml apply it as directed. Soon you will find I lint pimples, black heads, eezenin, ringworm and similar skin trou bles will disappear. i' A little 7emo. the penetralinu, satis fvine lhuid, is all Hint is needed, for it li:iuislies nil skin eruptions and uiake-j the skiu soft, smooth and healthy. Zemo, Cleveland, f t I . . . . . .gJfglla . Uty too Add Wealth To Your Fields With a Low Spread Spreader WHATEVER the condition of your fields or of the manure that is to go to fertilize them, the Low Spread spreader will cover them most economically with au even coat, tliieU or thin as von desire. There is a ditfere ntial in each rear wheel, something like the ones m your mower. This means that, though yon turn a comer either way, the beater will go on spreading evenlv oti the comers. An end gate holds the load off the heater while tlfc spreader is out of gear, preventing clogging of the beater. Then when thrown in gear there is no heavy strain on the gear9 and no tumps of manure are tfewn out. The Low Spread beater is placed in the correct position, in the rear of the apron, so low that the manure cannot wedge under it. This reduces the draft and keeps the beater so free of the load that the manure is thoroughly pulverized before being thrown clear. These jKiints and maiiy others will be perfectly clear to you if you study them ou our deinonututiou spreader. Chas. R. Archerd Imp. Co. Salem, Ore. -"I took I.ydh E. Pinkham's is and ilvsnetKM. wlmn T wm I found it 'very helpful and I women who sutfrr as I did and ors. firemen, cooks and engineers on this, const are organized. These men, however. Rosen said, are hopeful that the shipowners will meet fneil' demands because of the increased demand for SILVERTON MAY PURCHASE MOTOR TRUCK APPARATUS I'CapituI .ronriml Special Service. 1 Silverton, Ore., April 14. J. 11. Haines, of the Northwest Fire Appara tus company, of Portland, and sales manager IC. 1.. Jlatlies are in silver ton demonstrating the tTnllock chemical motor truck. The machine is complete in every way. having Tlook and ladder attachment and all modern equipment for practical use. The demonstration was made and pro position presented to the citv council and the exceedingly low price of .l."i(Ul. has been quoted to the city of Silver ton for the purchase price of the ma chine. Much interest was taken in. its dem Onstrntion. The citv ilnds believe in preparedness and that preparedness should begin at home. lhey realize how inadequate the present fire equip ment is in case of emergency, and with the lurge mills and new industries which are opening up in Silverton feel that better fire protection is a most essential thing. Try caultal Journal Want Ads. Pill p! i m Hlllfiii.y'Tj Iniiclieiin. ii. VJ invited the J;rr on April V will attend .. . i Ttn: miovctc lilt. lUAiUVIUO i The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices' are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. It is a lung Hi m tlmt has mi turn. I'lit the turn tins not as yet come in tlie general market quotations, as every thing is extremely iiiiet. Taking the quotation from nil the mills that are buying wheat nnd also He commission houses, the average to lay is running close to 7s anil Ml cents. Turnips are out of the market, broc coli is no iv selling fur 7 rents a doz en fur the small Hunches. California grape fruit is up 5o cents a cinte anil strawberries are getting cheaper. Crralns. ! Hay, timothy, per ton ... ;0ats, vetch $is.on ! ; Cheat $15.00 Clover hay $13.0.0 j 'Wheat TN'dMir! I Oats flilfu.'iNc j Rolled barley $33.00 ! I Corn $35.50 j ( racked corn $37.00 Bran $2G.00 Shorts, per ton $28.00 Butter. Butterfat 33c Creamery butter, per pound 34c Country butter 0c(rc25c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 17c Eggs, trade 18c Hens, pound 1415c Roosters, old, per pound 9c Broilers, under 2 pounds 22(Ti 25c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 0c Pork, dressed lie Pork, on foot 8S', Spring lambs, 1010 lOtfi lO l-2e Steers 7. C7c Cows i(ff5 l-2o Bulls 3c3 l-2c Ewes 5c Wethers 6 l-2c T.ambs. grain fed, yearlings .... 7 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage $2.S03.00 Tomatoes, Florida and Cuban .... $4.( String garlic .i loc Potatoes, cwt $1.2o$1.75 Beets $1.00 Asparagus 10c Broccoli 7oc Radishes 40c Green onions 40c (recn peppers 2tc Oreen peas 7c hgg plant ISc Carrots $1.00 Onions ,;2.0n Apples. Hood River $.00f?.50 Rhubard, box $2.00 Fruits. Oranges, Navels '. . . . $2.2."(53.5t Lemons, per box $1.004.50 Bnnanas, pound 5c California grape fruit $3. f0 Florida grape fruit $3.00(3 $6.00 Pineapples 7 l-2c Honey $3.50 Strawberries $1.73(i2.25 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch Sugnr, cane Sugar, beet Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat .. 20c $8.15 $7.95 , 40c $1.C01.80 Flour, valley $1.30 PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Ore., Club, !l(o!Mic April It. Wheat: Uluestem. . 1.113 '2(Ti 1.1)5. Forty fold, !2(fi!7c. Ked 'Russian, inifii Hiie. Oats:.. No. 1 white feed 2o.fi0fj I.l.lO. Barley: Feed. $2ii.(lO(Ji 2H.II0. Hogs: Best live. $!i.()li. I'rime steers, .!i.i.MI. Fancy cows, $7,511. Calves, $S.IIU. Spring lambs. .I0.Odr lO.oii, Butter: City creamery, .'lie. Country butter, :((ii 31e. Hggs: 'Selected local ex., 20 1-2(7210. Hi l-2fii 17c. 1(1(7 lie. WEAK TO FIGHT The "Come-back" man was really never down-and-out. Jlis weakened condition because of over-work, lack of exercise, improper eating and living demands stimulation to satsfy the cry for a health-giving appetite and to re freshing sleep essential to strength. Gol-D MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Capsules, the National Remedy of Holland, will j Ho the work. They are wonderful! Threo of these capsules each day will put a man on his feet before he knows it; whether his trouble comes from uric acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or stone in tho bladder, stomach derange ment or other ailments that befall the over-zealous American. Don't wait un til yon are entirely down-and-out, but talto them today. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if they do not help you. 2.jc. 5Me and ifl.00 per box Accept no substitute-. Look for the name GOLD JIKDAL on every box. They are the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil Capsules. Ladies' Aid at Brooks (Capital .Tniirnal Special Service.! Brooks, Or,.., April 14. The weekly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Brooks was held at the home of Mis. John Dun Insy. The regular business was transact ed, then n few impromptu pieces were rendered on the piano. Mrs. Chile Har ris and Mrs. Malcolm Hamp each cave liiins. Mrs. .1. . Iriiit-.and Hawkins ttnr liinno 'sobri. At the hostess served a dainty The Hazel (.recn Aid bus Brook!) Aid to Hazel (ireeu it is hoped a large number vocal sele I Mrs. Ben r oYlo-k OREGON in.. in .nun - .f" ri 7L R-S.oaAWiiV and Bessie parnscale The Green Swamp This TRIANGLE PLAY is wonderful. No play dealing more intimately with the problems of life with the rocks on which so many matrimonial bargains are wreck ed has yet been seen. Every husband and wife, every beau and sweet heart, will appreci ate this true story of domestic Ameri can life. There's a gripping story that holds your interest throughout and never lets a moment lag. Today -Tomorrow--Frederick Warde '. . One of the Most Noted Actor? in the World, in "Silas Marner" . i ; In Seven Reels. Based upon Goorge EUot'S novel of the same name. . An English Classic. KEYSTONE COMEDY Officers Elected at Masonic Council George C. Brown was elected illus trious grand enptain of the' guard at the meeting held yesterday in f'orval lis of the Grand Council of Hoyal ami Select Masons. Other officers for the coming year are: V". R. Bilyeii, of Al bany, past illustrious grand master; ,T. B. Patterson, of Eugene, right ii hrstrious deputy grand master; F. Patterson, of Portland, right illustrious grand principal conductor of work; II. II. Parker, l'otrland, right illustrious grand treasurer; ,T. H. Richardson, of Portland, right illustrious grand secre tary; A. I.. Rumsey, Portland, illus trous grand chaplain; Frank S. Dunn. Eugene, illustrious grand conductor ol council; J. F. Carson. Hood River, il lustrious grand steward; K. F. Hoyden, Portland, illustrious grand marshal. The next meeting will be at Marsh field, on the second Wednesday of April, 1917. j flection Supplies Are Sent Out to Counties Secretary of State Olcott has com-j pleled the shipment of election supplies to the :!5 counties for use at the prim-, nry election. There were over ."if I boxes' nnd packages containing the following: Tally sheets for republican, demo-; cratic ami progressive parties, stnte-j nients of tally sheets, abstract of votes, J official seals, brans clips, needles for stringing bulbils, indelible pencils for; marking ballots, elections laws, recepot books, etc. Did Carranza Soldiers Take Part In Attack (Continued From Page One.) i hold, but it is likely that the inliab-. itaiits were misinformed with regard to the American army's mission. An oilier day "Without additional untoward; incidents will relieve tension here. Ma jor General I'linston hopes that the better el iss of Mexicans would dis courage hasty :n-t inn. but he was pre pared to meet any new development. Mexicans Are Sore. Mexico City, Apr. 11. I'ubliciit ion of news from I'lirral, where Mexicans dashed witn American troops, caused mild excitement here today. There were no demonstrations. General P.iblo Gon .iiIch issued a manifesto warning the public against attacking Americans. Alvaro (Ibiegon. the dc facto war minister, informed the 'lucnl garrison concerning details of the fight. He dc clued Hint the I'nited States soldiers had violated their pledge not to enter cities in Mexico. Newspapers printed lengthy details of the Amerii-aii expeditions operations, asserting that tlie troops are sutlcnag M..w .,...r..i from the climate mid em- ,.;,,.,, ;,, ll, fet tlml thee have tuilcl I , ennlure Villi. Provisional President Carrnnza. rc- ' eomi.unied bv Obregon and l liber of i ! his cabinet have arrived in a suburb I from licreturo, w here the de facto cup- lital was teinporirily located. It is ro 1 1 s'Mij Today and Tomorrow A DOUBLE SHOW In connection with ture we will show this big fea- ; FRED MACE Your Keystone Favorite in "LOVE WILL CONQUER" 30 Minutes of Continuous laugh MARY MILES MINTEK The "Flower of the Screen,' "Lovely "Mary:'' - SUNDAY AND MONDAY. in Don't fall to ' get our souvenir. handsome MUTUAL WEEKLY lpw t " K " f i "tt -MARvTtI1 F 9 "mi NTiCCl? Ui "LOVtLY MAKV- v THEATRE & ported they plan an official utry into Mexico City oti Sunday, Americans Hold Parral. El I'aso, Texas, April I I. -American .troops hold I'arrul, according to un confirmed advices to mining interests today. These messages stated that two troopers entered tho town Wednesday for messages which were expected at the telegraph office. Carran.i soldiers ignorant of the expedition shot and killed one nnd wounded the second,' it was declared. Tl.c commander of the Americans then entered and a street 1'ight followed. The Cnrranza garrison was reported dispersed. Salazar Gets Busy. El I'aso, Texas, April It. Genei' Salazar was reported today to" have milled the T. (). rnnch south of Siena lilancii, Texas- yesterday. Dispatches slid ho fled south after a ijkiiinisii, pre sumably with ah American patrol. None were reported killed in the fight, lie stole a few horses, said the ndvicos. I ij V 1 I 1 4 I t, TO XAVK HfDTO HOLD f !.. MAE MURRAY Supported by WALLACE REID in' "TO HAVE and TO HOLD" A glance backward into the days when ntroiig men and brave women fought for tho rights of existence on u new continent TODAY, TOMORROW The only house in town where you can seo fi-'JjTT""- .-i-.t-j-m'-tm ftmm , Zf.- . I 1 I ' -1 I '"! "'v'i' Drink Lots of Water and Siop Eating Meat for a While If. Your Bladder Troubles You. When you wake up with backaehe and dull misery in the kidney region it' Ueneiallv nie.ins you have been eating too mih ii meat, nays a well-known auth ority. .Meat forms uric acid which ov erworks tl kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and Iorm.v. When your kidneys (jet slavish and cloi( you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick heulache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tonue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinge. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek re lief two or three times dariut; the night. Kither consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your phar macist about tour ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidnevs will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of gr ipes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera tions to clean and stimulate sluggisii kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life giver for regular meat caters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink. CHARGED WITH .KIDNAPING jjmieau, Alnscka, April 11. Found guilty of impersonating a federal of ficer at 'the time he took William Chris tie from his work 'at Treadwell on a .(akc subpoena, Edward Krausc Is awaiting trial here today on a charge of kidnaping Christie. Christie has never been seen since he was with Krnuse. A federal courf.jury found Krausc guiltv of the first charge Thursday. Weak, Weary Women Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and End Them When the back aches and throbs, , When housework is torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep, Vh'cn urinary disorders set in, Women's lot is a weary one. Doan's Kidney Pills "aro for weak kidneys. Havo proved their worth in Salem. This is one Salem woman's testimony. Mrs. Goo. Stotlar, 1796 Mission St., Salem, says: "1 am subject to Bpells of kiduoy complaint aud the kidney action becomes weak and disordered. My back gets lame and sore, too. Doan's Kidney Pills always help mo and rid me of these attacks in short order." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the snmo that Mrs. Stotlar had. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE STOCK 11008 FOR SALE Also son and pigs, cow .ind calf, and registered mare, 7 years old. Phone 8IF2. April FOR SALE Choico acclimated seed corn, grown by If. D. Lnndon, Salem Fence Works, buck of Chicago store. May! FOR SALE A modem 5 room house, largo chicken house and run and i lots. Call and see how cheap, at 495 S. 17th. April TWENTV-l'IVE ACHES All in culti vation except acres, running water, .1 acre log,.iiberries, good house, barn and sheds. ' 4 1-'- miles out. Price -:t I ii i, $7110. cash and balance on pay ments al li per cent interest. J. A. Mills, ::M Stale. , April FOUR VALLEY FARMS For sale by owner on countv road and railroad. 50 to 200 acres each, good buildings, good soil, ill under cultivation, close! to school, prices reasonable, half casn, oiiinui'o nine ai o per cent or modern income bearing city property.! P. O. Box L'lll Salein. tl K 13 A IKES River bottom land, 05 acres in cultivation, some flmber, n lot of the land has been slashed and goated for a number of years, good house and bam, 2 1-2 miles front sta-j timi on the Oregon Electric Pi ice, iii-per acre. See J. A. Mills, IIHl; Slate street. April; I2n A I! ES - I n Benton county, 1 milo' from station on R. !(., 1 mile to1 school, partly valley land .mil partly; bill laud, stock, household goods, and' everything goes, at iHiL'OO, $."iO(ifl cashj and liiiliuh c at per cent. 4 head milk I cows, 13 hea. I young cattle, 14 head of sheep, 3 hogs, 1 team mures. Vat: further particul.irs sec J. A. Mills,; 'it I ti.... ...... a J ji-i ?(iii null i. n'r FOR SALE Desiring to quit the farm 1 ..i l i..i -,-r. uiiu oilier iicuvy moor, wk oiiur our i property as follows: Beautiful home, 20 acres, 3 miles cast of Sa lem; 12 acres orchard and garden land, half mile north of city; quarter block corner Uuiou and Cottage; alo several tracts of city property; 100 aero wheat farm in Rig Bend coun try. Terms, one-third cash, balance long time on any of this property. R. R. Ryan. AprlS WE HAVE SEVER. .L SNAI'S For hirgnin hunters: 110 acres of bottom, land near tmvn on good road, 70 acres! in cultivation. Balance cut off and! seeded. Price 'O.liO, part trade. For rent, 70 acres, near Salem, 21 ( acres hops, good condition, 20 acresi hay, 20 acre pasture, bilauce in orchard buildings good. Two acres improved, good liuildiiigs, 1 1-2 acres loganberries trained. Balance gar- den laud with orchard. Houses to, rent. Money to loan. Insurance to j write. Sipi'are Deal Realty Co., 20-1 U. S. Hank lildg. ' I miROPBACnO-SPINOLqOIST 0B. O. In SCOTT--Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have trfbd everything and have got no relie'f, try Chiroprac tic Bpinal adjustments and get woU, Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Bssidencs Main 82S-R. CLEANERS AND DYER3 VPPAEEL SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean, preeB, repair, remodel and re-line tlothlng and furs. Careful attention; given all work. We call and deliver. Phone 728. DENTISTS OR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and ogygen gas. Room 214, Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Salem, Oregon. TOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE Furnish ed, for rent, $1j. Phone 1737-W tt FOR RENT 5 room cottigc, strictly modem, close in, J1.00. Phone 1422. AprlS FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 853 North Commercial street. tf FOR RENT Eight room house, electric light and batb, t32 North. Liberty street. Phone llfiU. AprlS 8CAV ANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contractu at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN Seven per cent, any amount on improved farm prop4 erty. Address Box 411, Salem. Or. tf SEDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc Consolidated earload service. Capital City Trans fer company, agents for FaeifU Coast Forwarding company, 161 South. Commercial street. Phone Main 9.'!3. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and E. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks-' villc, Mo.- Post graduate and special, ized'in nerve diseases at Los Angelc . tollege. Trent acute and ckronio dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office 505-508 U. S. Na tional Bank Building. Phone 859. Residence 348 North Capital street. Phone 3(19. WANTED GOOD BROOM MAKER WANTED At Salem Electric Broom Works, Sa lem, Oregon. AprlS A FEW MORE shringois or fresh cow wanted." K. F. Long, 1iiu South 2ftlx street. S.ilem, Ore., Phone 1322-R. , Apr 15 WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Offics corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 499 Court street. Main 120, Main 988. RIGDON-RICnARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Day and night phona 183. -i General Feed an X'('"Tib email juivery oiaoi.. ;v '? C. W. TRAIN i 854 Ferry. Phone 23S MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOB. K. rORD Over L&dd ft Bash Bank, Salem, Orefa MONEY TO LOAN V ON OOOD BE AL ESTATE SEOUXITT HOMER H. SMITH McOOBNACK BUILDINO t SALEM FENCE anil STOVE WORKS t. B. FLEMING, Prop. Denot American Fence Dates, Plain and Barbed Wirt, f Paints, Oils and Varnishes. T looting, Posts, Hop Hooks. I 40 Years Making Stoves tores rebuilt and repaired. tores bonght nd sold. J ISO Conrt Street. Phone 124 Back of Cfelctgo Itors. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chirjese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known . disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. V