Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 14, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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There is no doubting, no
questioning Victor supre
macy. To know of the su
periority of the Victrola
over all contenders, it is
only necessary to make
comparisons Vict rola
tone is perfect; Victrola
finish superior to all oth
ers; Victrola mechanism
and finish are characteris
tic of all Victrola products
the very best.
Eveiy Victrola owner is a
music-lover and satisfac
tion is 'his portion. .Our
particular pride is that the
superior service we offer
in our Victor departments
has made ours the most
popular Victor stores in
the West. .
Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back.
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
R. F. PETERS, Mgr.
521 Court Street Salem, Oregon
Ml f ''.''3aCf Si' I
$ioo i
Justice of the Peace May Be
Elected In AH Districts
of County
? ' iiiiimiimihihii iihii mm mi ninr rn mmrun
I oAul I A MMo
Varieties 0f Vaudeville
World's Champion Jumper
Monologue and Saxaphone
Novelty Illusionist
Rex Beaches
Greatest Story
A greater Picture with the
same cast as '-The Spoilers"
Starting Monday
Grand Theatre
Don't Stay Gray! Here's a
Simple Recipe That Any
body Can Apply with a
Hair Brush
The use of Sage anil Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates back to grandmother's time.
.She used it to keep her h.iir beautifully
dark, flossy and attractive. Whenever
her hair took ou that dull, faded or
streaked appearance, this simple mix
ture was applied with wonderful effect.
Hut brewing at home is mussy and
out of date. Nowadays, by Asking at
any drug store for a 50 cent boltle of
"Wyctii's Sago and Surphur Com
pound," you will get this famous old
preparation, improved by the addition
of other ingredients, which can be de
pended upon to restore natural color
and beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says it darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell it has
been applied. Von simply dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. . By morning the gray
hair disappears, and after another ap
plication or two, it becomes beautifully
dark and glossy.
Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite for those
who desire a more youthful appearance.
It is not intended for the care, mitiga
tion of prevention of disease.
Poultry and Egg Circle
To Elect Delegates
For the purpose of electing delegates
to a convention that will meet in Pn
lcm within a few weeks, the membeni of
the Salem Poultry and Kgg Circle will
meet at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
in the auditorium of the Comemrcial
This call to meet has been sent out
by G. M. Voris, president of the circle.
All of the nine egg circles in the valley
will meet Saturday and each elect two
delegates to the general convention
which will be held later in Salem for
the purpose of effecting a federation of
all Oregon Poultry ana r.gg circles.
One of the objects of effecting a
federation of all tho Oregon circles, is
to establish a central sales agency at
Portland. The experience of the east
has proved that the most practical way
of sidling eggs is through a central
agency. With the establishment ot a
first class sales agency in Portland,
the circles will be able, to not only
hold their growing fade, but to develop
new fields.
..; 4MM4tMliii ,
NOTICE Buyers of Clothings
When you come in today or tomorrow be sure and do not overlook our
Successfully Combats Stubborn Ecze
ma; Comforts, Heals.
The attracts
I'sually. nowadays, the treatment of
Eczema, Pimples, Hash and most stub
born skin affections merely amounts to
the necessary application of I'uslnm,
the healing remedv, and the use of
l'oslnm Soap, the pure, luxurious soap
'medicated with l'o-dam. Distressing
I surface troubles are healed through
this treatment and their recurrence
Poslaru acts quickly. Inflamed com
plexions may be cleared overnight
through its use and its heuling power
lis so intense that improved results.
in both serious and minor trouble may
be expected after one or two applica
tions. For sample, scad 4c stamps to Emer
gency Laboratories, 32 'West 25th St.,
New York City. Sold by all druggists.
i . i r 1
Try one ifyou navelost sometliiiA
The election notices which were sent
out ftr posting today by the county
clerk show that Marion county voters
will have the opportunity to make .'17
crosses on their ballots on May 19 at
the primary elections. The members
of the Progressive party will vote for
but 33 since they have two less dele
gates in the national convention and
one less delegate at large.
The notice for the Salem Justice dis
trict, contains the space on the ballot
for one justice of the peace. There is
a wide difference of opinion 'as to the
length of the term of the justice of the
peace. The officials elected in 1914
are held by some authorities to have
been elected for a six year term while
others hold that tho justices of the
peace are elected for but two yeaTs.
The county clerk states that, it is not
fof him to settle the question and that
since no harm can be tlono by allow
ing tho electors to vote for their selec
tion for this office they will be allowed
to do so while considerable harm can
be done by leaving the names off the
ballot in the event that the court
should decide that, the term for the
justice of tho peace was -for but two
The full list, of officials to be
elected in this county follow:
Five electors of president and vice
president of the I'nited .States.
Ono rcpersentative in congress, First
congressional district.
Ono secretary of state.
Two justices of the supreme court.
One dairy and food commissioner.
One commissioner of tho public serv
ice commission of Oregon district com
prised of counties lying west of the Cas
cade mountains.
Two judges of the circuit court, Third
judicial district.
1'ive representatives in the Jegisln
tive assembly, First lepresentntive dis
trict. One district attorney.
One county clerk.
One county sheriff.
One county assessor.
Oue county superintendent of schools.
One county recorder.
One county treasurer.
Ono county surveyor.
One county commissioner.
One county coroner.
One constable (for each justice dis
trict). One justice of the ponce (for each
justice district).
Also at saiu primary nominating
election, to be held at this time, the re
publican, the democratic and the pro
gressive parties will elect the follow
ing officers:
t Republican Party.
Four delegates to the lepublican na
tional convention state at large.
Two delegates to the republican na
tional convention First congressional
One committeeman for the above
named precinct.
Democratic Party,
Four delegates to the democratic, na
tional convention state at large.
Two delegates to the democratic na
tional convention First congressional
One committeeman for the above
named precinct.
Progressive Party.
Two delegates to the progressive na
tional convention state at large.
One delegate to the progressive na
tional convention First congressional
One committeeman for the above
named precinct.
Also at the primary nominating elec
tion, May lit, tho republican, the demo
cratic, and the progiessive parties will
have an opportunity to vote their pref
erence for their choice for one person
to bt tho candidate for the nomination
by their respective political parties, for
the office of president of the United
States, and for one person for the office
ofvice-president of the United States.
Prune Growers Will
Meet Here Tomorrow
A meeting of the members of the
prune growers of the Salem Fruit
union has been called for Saturday af
ternoon to act on setting a closing date
for tho llllti prune pool. Crop re
ports from all sections and market re
ports will also be read and discussed.
The blooming season of California
prunes gave promise of a big crop and
inanv dried fruit packers began to sell
I for future (lelivcrv out. of the eoininir
crop. Due to frosts in California, with
in the last two weeks the market has
been stiffening.
Plans are on foot in California to
form a state wide prune growers a"so
edition similar to the associated raisin
growers, which now has contrncts for
1.14,000 acres, within 20,000 of tho to
tal raisin acreage of the state. This
association in California has 7,SO0 mem
bers and maintained the price of rais
ins last ye ir, notwithstanding there was
an extra largo crop, according to Hub
ert C. Paulas, iranager of the Salem
Fruit Union.
Today there will be a meeting at San
Jose, California, of the state prune
growers with th'.- object, of organizing
similar to the raisin growers. On ac
count of the prospects of such an or
ganization being formed, speculative
packers in prunes have withdrawn.
The Salem Fruit Vnlou is getting
fruit pools formed and has already
lined up quite a lar?e acreage.
You cannot buy as reasonably anywhere else, as this is a most unusual circumstance, on account of our
Dissolution of Partnership Money Raising
: J U
There is no use dwelling on what you can save or what you can buy. suffice to sav we have the eonds and It
we are quoting the very lowest prices. ij
Saturday's Crowds Will Be Handled With Despatch
As we have a sales force for the past three weeks that knows the stock of merchandise, and they will cater 1$
to your wishes. . it
Iiril i rv r r .1 . r 1 nTPn AiTmnim It
Lome mmout ueiay ior mat E.AME.K UUlr 11
We fit you from head to foot.
Hats, Suits, Clothing, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Etc.
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
The Corner Store
Glass of Hot Water Before
Breakfast Daily Keeps the
Doctor Away
I.os Angeles, Cab, April 11. John
Borden, millionaire Chicago realty
dealer, with a party of five others
will leave I.os Angeles tomorrow for
Seattle en route to the far north ou an
exploring expedition.
Whaling, fur trading, f'jr both sport
and businoess was the object of the
Arctic trip announced today. An at
tempt will be mnde to bring back a
skeleton of a bow head whale for the
New York museum of nutural history.
New Today, Ads wort while yon
ileep will have reulti for yon In th
Sanitary science lias of late made'
rapid strides with results that are of;
i i 1.1 : u Tl. l..t'
uuioui messing lo Iiuninilil. ou mi-
est application of its untiring research
is tho recommend ition that it is as
necessary to attend to internal sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as it is to the drains of the
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull ami heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from i cold,!
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom-'
aeh, can, instead, feel as fresh as a;
daisy by opening the sluices of tho I
system each morning and flushing out j
the whole of tho internal poisonous i
stagnant nutter. j
Everyone, whether ailitlp, sick or:
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot;
water with a teapoonful of limestone j
phosphate in it tv wash from tho stom
ach, liver and bowels the previous i
day's indigestible w.iste, sour bile anl!
poisonous toxins; thus cleansing nnd
sweeteuiag and purifying the entire al
imentary canal before putting more
fond into the stomaeh. The action of
hot water ami limestone !iosphale on
an empty stoiniuh is wonderfully in-!
vigorating. it cleans out ill the sour!
fomentation", gases, waste anil acidity j
nnd gives one a "plendid appetite for
breakfast. While you are enjoying
your breakfast, the phosphnted not.
water is quietly ex.tr icting a large vol-!
unie of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a thorough flushing ef
all the inide organs.
The millions of people who are both-;
ered with cnostipation, bilious spell", i
stomach trouble, rheumatic, stiffness;1
others who have sallow skins, bloo 1 dis
orders and sickly complexions are urg-1
ed to get a quarter pound of limestone
phosphite from the drug store. This
will cost very little, but is sufficient
to make anyone a pronounced crank-on j
the subject of internal sanitation. j
Funeral of Mrs. Chadwick j
to be Held Here Saturday
The fuioral of Mrs. .fane Ann Chad
wick, who died yesterday morning at
the lionio of her giandduughter at Win
lock, Wahington, will be held Saturday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from St.
Paul's church. The Rev. Hubert H. (Ml
will conduct the services and burial
will be in the Odd Fellows' ceme
The four children, Judge Stephen C.
Chadwick, of the supreme court- of
Washington; Mrs. William firay. of So-1
attle; l'it.er Chadwick, of' Colfax,
Washington, and .Miss Mary Cluidw ick,
are in the city to attend the funeral.
The active and honorary pall bear
ers are as follows: .lustice Oeorgo H.
Hurnett, AV. T. Slater. Dr. b. K. I.ee
Steiner, (ieorge It. Bingham. Dr. W. H.
Hyrd, (ieorge i. Brown, l II. Ray
mond, John H. Mc.N'ary, Oswald West.
Ildgar B. I'iper, Charles A. Parks, and
Milton L. Meyers.
Chadw ick Chapter. Order of the East
ern Star, of which Mrs. Chadwick was a
member, was given its name from the
Chadwick family 20 years ago. Gover
nor Chadwick was a prominent member
of the Masonic lodge, having ntfained
the thirty-third degree in Scottish Ma
sonl'y. lie hud also received hotinrs
from the lodge id' Odd follows.
Bayne Building Is
Damaged by Night Fire
The Jlayne building on State, street
between Commercial ami Liberty street
was damaged by fire last night which
broke out at .il out 11:10. Tho fire
started in one of the wood closets in
the rear of the building and tho corri
dor leading to the closet, was badly
charred. The skylights and glass doors
and windows were broken out bv the
heat and the planter was knocked off!
in several places. Tho d m:aee is es-j
timated at about $"iO0 by John Hayue I
who has churge of the building and the!
loss is fully covered by insurance. The1
building is the property of Mr". Oeorge
It is not known how the fire started,
though it. is possible that a cigarette i
may have been dropped in the closet'
during the d iv and smouldered until'
several hours later. The alarm U"
turned in by I'atiolman Marr.
"Acid" stomachs are dangerous be-!
cmse acid irritates and iutlamcs the'
delicate lining of the stomach, thus
hindering and preventing the proper(
action of the stomach, and leading to
probably nine-tenths of the case of
stomach trouble from which people suf
fer. Ordinary medicines and medicinal
treatments are u"eles in such ca-es for
they le ive the source of the trouble,
the acid in the stomach, as dangerous
as ever. The acid must be neutralized,
and its formation prevented, and the,
best thing for this purpose, is a tea-j
spoonful of bisurated magnesii. a sim
ple antacid, taken in a little warm or
cold water after eating, which not only
neutiali.es the acid, but al"o prevents,
the fermentation from whi'-h a id is de
veloped, roods which ordinarily ciuse
distress may be eaten with impunity
if tiie meal is followed with a little bis
urated magnesia, which un be obtained
fiom any druggist, and "hoild always
bo kept handy. .
i x:
I Marion County Boy
with theU. S. Marines
Experiencing that peculiar pride (hat
is felt by the trained murine when he
is brought to a full realization of the
responsibility that rests upon him as the
defender of his country's flag, Fran
cis J. Stewart, of this city, a recruit
in tho I'nited States Marine Corps
who has, for the past few months,
been undergoing a course of instruc
tion in the drills, duties, etc., which
would make him a full-fledged "reg
ular," was recently "turned over to
duty" and transferred to the marine
bnrrneks, San Diego, Oil., where he is
being held in readiness for transfer
to expeditionary, sea or foreign duty.
Francis, who is a son of Mrs. nnii
Stewart, 1. V. I)., No. o. Salem, enlisted
in the Trailed States Marine Corps at
its Seattle recruiting station on De
cember 2, 1!H.r).
Stomach Sufferers
Remedy. Or
jMAYH'S Wonderful
Dose Will Convince You.
Ttoseburg, dr.. April 14. The people
of Roseburg w ill vote ou a new contract
for the timber railroad with Kendall
lirothers, to be embodied in a charter
amendment. The new contract pro
vides the straight, construction of the
entire road, to be turned over to the
city for disposition when completed.
The -election will be held the last day
of .May. Maniger Kendall verbally
agrees that, construction will begin as
soon as the election is held authorizing
the road, as he feels sure of his ground
an. I will not wait, for the courts to pa-,"
on the measure.
dot the drift of the world's doings
by reading The Capital Journal.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is we1!
known throughout tho country. Many
thousand people have t.ikeu it for
Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments
ami report marvelous results and ur
highly praising it to others. Astonish
ing benefits sufferers have have rc-
eeived even from one dose are heard
everywhere and explain its tremendous
l sale to more than a million people, Tl
randy ever fails and those afflicted
I with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ai!
iinents, Indigestion, fins ill the Stomach
'ami Intestines, Dizziness, Fainting
j Constipation, etc., should by all means
I try this remedy. Ma.vr 's "Wonder id
1 Remedy gives perm.inent results fur
stomach, liver ami intestinal ailments.
; Kat as in in-ii and whatever yon lilci.
! No more distress after eating, prcssum
i of gas in the stomach and around th i
heart, tiet one bottle of your drnggbt
I now nnd try it on an Absolute guarnn-
tee if not satisfactory money will h i
returned. .1. I . 1'errv, S. I'nin "1 Si.
Try Capital Journal Wnnt Ada.
at work in the window of the
April 15
"If its electric come to us"
Masonic Temple Phone 1200