F.TOTIT THE DATLY CAPITAL jr RXAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916. M tM PHONE 937 For Wood sal. tc NEW PRICES $27.85 (28.85 $29.85 $32.35 Adlake Bicycles GUARANTEED BY US. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. OLD WHEELS TAKEN IN TRADE. BICYCLE 3 SUNDRIES. BICYCLES REPAIRED. HAUSER BROS. 272 STATE STREET $2.15 Ironing Board Agents sold this Ironing Board in Salem at $2.75, our price to you now is 98c. Don't confound this with the cheap trashy ironing boards made for special sale purposes, this is a good, first class, sea soned spruce board, well braced and built to give service; special price 98c PiLLQWS LIVE Two red hot specials from our Bedding Department. No. 1 A well selected chicken feather Pillow, odor less and sanitary, at the price 'quoted you can afford to use theni for sofa cushion pillows, special . . . 49c No. 2 A choice goose feather Pillow, German striped tick, a high grade pillow, at a very low price; special $1.G5 lXHBI Capital Journal Want Ads Will 1UC.DA1) AGAIN f --.iaA Jf li.'iJi-i' nf In ut over 'li -ris Kiver at iiaiii'ad. H:i rd.i I, one of the oldest ami tno.st lii w eiii. 1 1 1 the world, i.s again in peril of capture, as the Hussinnj iiDve iiowii lioin tlie norlli to relie.e tin! beleaguered li.-il i-h army ut Kut-.M-Amui'u. The ur.deiit eity the (out iinpqrtMtit oint on tlie (iropu-O'l lis -fiiu 1 railio.ttl. The uiiiu i sslil OiTensive of the British aimed at i'atrdad last year from bij te on the I'ers1'.'! GjL'' i.;a i,:.io;tiii '.o eapt ire '.Ins city and frustrate all hopes of -Jrinau interests of developing tlie feiiu. ' NEW PRICES $30.35 $28.85 $31.35 $32.50 87V2c Pillow 49c each $2.50 Pillow $1.65 each Get You What You Want IN PERIL AS RUSSIANS fl i ,1 ft 1 ... V M.".X "l'.- V" f tr 1 11 I - bportlfews L A T Senators Reorganize with Ot . to Klett as Manager and Ray Baker Secretary Salem's baseba II team is assured for l!)(i ns l!n new Senators organized last night on a co-operative basis and elect ed Ot'o Klett, manager and Ray linker secret i iv. .Mm niu Humpnries, who cap tained tin1 Senators last year, will again captain the atom which will lie eotn 1 poseil of the captain and nine players, allowing for one change pitcher. The lease 0:1 the Jerinan ball p irk 1 will be taken over by the team and the 1 net proceeds of the gate will be split among the players according to their I value and Kisition on the team. Tin1 1 manager and secretary will share in the split with the pi ivors. Soorekooper l.eiiiiou was re-elected to the position ; be held last year but he declined to ac cept a shine in the receipts and do nated his services gratis, i Last night's meeting brought out 'bout oil players anil fans who were in terested in organizing a baseball tium ' in this city. An abundance of good ma terial is 1111 hand for a tram and with tiie enthusiasm shown at the meeting creditable aggregation is assured. , Nearly all of the Inst year's players are in town and those who fail to answer the roll call will. find a number of promising recruits ready to step in to their shoes. In fact Home of the 'old players will find tint they must show a burst of speed if they hold down a job 011 the new Senators as the man lager this year will be in position to bench n few players if they fail to icome up to the standard. Last year Itiie players received no salary for pi ty ping and Manager Turner was unable to I l ire any of them because none hesitates ilo lose a job that carries no salary. I I'rnctice will begin this week and .the first ginie of the season will lie I played one week from Sunday. Joe Kel- lor, who returned from rortland yester I day, reports that Salem can get into the j Inter-City league if it is desired to take I this step. Whether or not the Salem team will enter the league is a question 1 that will be set I led after the strength 1 of the lineup is siiown in n few games but it is likely that Silem will be in :lhe Intercity league before the season ends. Governor Pardons Man to Join British Army (lovemnr Withvromhoi yesterday is sued a restni'atio'.i to eitiTMiship to Nor 1111111 Campbell, alias William Johnson, who w is sentenced to the Oregon state teuitentinry from Multnomah county in 'rbi'iinry, ilMl, fur robbery armed with a dangerous weapon. Campbell was udeased in October. l!M."i. lie has since joined the British army, and his citizenship was restored in order that he might he free to leave with Hie British Iroops, PUSH OFFENSIVE mi cVr- 1 .'k-c." -' .: M . . 1 . i-u w. k " . A-- ..er W, S' ?.! iTIrl iTTTl fin HlWlHllt W TUl 1 i;k"m , 1 l " E U. of 0. to Play U. of W. the Opening Game of College Ball at Seattle Nome. Alaska. Ahril :! Willi n team of IT Siberian wolf hounds with which he won last ycir's All Alaska Sweep-' stakes, Leonard Seppala is today eu-j joying a nice 1c id over the other four entries in the famous dog race from Nome to Candle and return, a distance of 112 miles. The lender arrived at Caudle last night amid a flurry of light snow, lie fore his departure, a blizzard was r.tging, but Seppala was not to be de tained and started on the return journ ey. The severity of the storm made1 the going ery difficult duiing the Inst part of the trip. Seppala 's time for the 2(Jii miles from Nome to Candle was :!:! hours and " minutes. To Play Opening Game. Seattle, Wash., April K!. Hugo l!ez dek 's I'niversily of Oregon athletes lire exeeted to arrive this ifternuon to cross bats with the Cnivesity of Wash ington tomorrow in the opening game of the college baseball season here. The southerners lost to the Tacoma Northwestern leaguers yesterday, 11 to Charley lingers, who has made an ex cellenf shnwitur mi tlin itwitin.l t',,1- tin. local institution against Northwestern) league teams, will Hold loith on the hill for the locals. Nelson and Klightou will probably work for the visitors. No Pme Tight Films. New York, April l:). That the gov ernment is determined to prosecute the attempt to evnde the law foibidding the importation of prize fight films by displaying pictures of the .lohnson-Wii-lard fight was made clear todav wheal the 1 nited St.ues district attorney do- clnred he hail prepared warrants for seven men. The government will eon-v tend that the re-photographing of the negatives taken bi Havana by setting up a cuiuera 011 the Canadian line w is a mere subterfuge which violated the spirit of the fedeial law. Champion With Broadsword, rortland, Or., April l.'l. "I'm past fifty years old and have never been licked," was the defi sent, out toil iv by Carl .Nelson, world's cliainnion broadsworilsinnn. Nelson hasn't had n chance to test his mettle against a seri ous contender since four years ago when he met two opponents on Mult iioinah field. Boehlor Will Not Change. Corvallis, Dr., April Hi. .1. A. Ilohler, director of athletics .it Washington stale college, has declined the offer of a similar position at Oregon Agricultur al College, and will remain with Wash ington State next year. The Aggie fac ulty is now conducting n still hunt for an athletic director. A Family Affair. I'ortl.iad. nr., April Kl.The f'oit land baseball club is strictly a faiuilv affair today. V. W. McCredie, busi ness manager, to lake the place of W. W. Metzger. Willi Walter McCredie managing the team, there is a McCredie to look alter every det.iil. Mitchell Bests Egan. Kverett, Wash., April lit. fans heie today weie inclined to accord Sid Mitchell the better of the going in nis tnnlcll here with I'l l'.i-,i, I middleweight last night', despite the I ,l,niv ,,,.1 1 I j l.eo llouck'was mi the losing end of his tiff with Karl ('miner. Tacoma 1 featherweight although the crowd yelled for .1 diaw. , AUi'.etns at Los Angeles. ! I.os Angeles. Cal., April l.'S. I'ntries of at least fifty more athletes weie ex- I led today in addition to the L'.'il) al- I ready entered for the A. A. I', track 1 nud field meet lure Saturday, 1 In the huidle race, it is predicted, a ! new world's 111:11 1 in iv be ninde. Fred j Kelly in pi.u tii e is showing wonderful 1 form and plans the race of iiis life. The j llil dash is expected also to result in : exceptionally fast tune. I Oakland Quits Business To See Opening Game ; Oakland. Cal.. April "fl Olllii out , to see the game: That is about all .one hears streets of Oakland today. Tin I baseball mad and one of the crowds in the historv of th Oil till1 city is laigi ,. Const league is expected to turn out. ' The Oakland dub is playing its t'iis' 1 game of the season on the home lot nud this is what has caused all the liurrv and flurry. A half holiday has been .declined by many of the business houses ' 11 nd the school children of all the bav cities will be let out an hour .early so they may attend the opening game. An elnborate progiam has been ar ', ranged. The phiyeis of the Oakland ; and Portland teams will be entertain ed at a log dinner at noon, at which President Hu 11111 of the Coast league wil1 1 be one of the principal speakers. The dinner is to be given by the Imostets' club. The mutter of giving the Oaks a .fl.OilO purse if they win the pcniiiint this season will be taken up. The dinner will be followed by a lor automobile parade and oereniouies at the ball paik. Mayor Pavie, of Oak laud, will pitch the fit ball to Mayor Chri-tio of Finery ville. i "Speed" Martin, the local lad who j made such a hit by shutting out the Salt Lake team last Sunday and win 1 uing the series for the Oaks, will be on the mound. Admiral von Tiip't- nlwavs wears l 'sti- 1 K . t Watching the Scoreboard Pacific Coast League Standings. W. I., pet I. os Angeles ti 2 .75(1 Oakland 5 '.' M2o Portland 4 5 .444 San i'ranicsco 4 5 .444 Vernon 4 " .444 Salt Lake 2 5 .2sa. Yesterday's Result.?. At San Francisco Portland Oak- laud, At Salt l.alie Xu I.os Angeles-Salt Lake game, wet grounds. At Los Angeles Vernon, -1; San Francisco, 1. Our old friend Handsome George Hil debrand, of Pacific Coast league fame, gave tin1 Detroit girls a treat bv umpir ing the game in which the Tigers whooped the Sox. The lion and the lamb lying down to gether are not in sweeter harmony than those former Federal league stars win played in poetic accord with the Giants. Generally when a lion nnd a lamb lie down together in these parts the lamb is inside the lion and it was even so in Noo Yank's case, liiden, Kousch and I Knlff being effectually swalluwed u Mr. Hubert Gloom, formerly of Port land, Ore., well known ball player, threw for the St. Louis team in its en counter v. ith Cleveland. They only .-I ruck the balls he threw for safe hit's thrice Walter Johnson can still make the lit t'e globular thing obey his will, lie kept both soles on terra Tirm.i when things got torrid at Xew York and edged under the wire ahead of the Highlanders by flossy work in the pinches. Beer worked like a real heaver for the Oaks until the seventh when he fizzed out and Portland was handed the game as a keepsake. When all was lost the Oaks sent young Klein, who cabbed with the An gels long years ago. into the breach. He terrified the batters by hitting two of thorn. Then they hooked him out for cruelty to spectators. THE HOME MERCHANT (Poise, Idaho, Statesman.) A merchant of John Day, Oregon, Trj G. Hoyce, has been giving serious thought to the problems of the local busines-s man that are occasioned by the mail order competition. He declares' that but we'll give readers the story in his own words: I was selling lloyal Club tomatoes at l.'i cents per can, and the news went forth to the wholesale house and so they came and bought all but two oases from me. I was informed that I would have to sell them at (1 cents a can or three cans for 5(1 cents. I was pleased at the profit at l.'i rents a can. I was selling Oortiun American coffee at i!0 cents a can. x The house bought all of taut except eight cans and I was in formed that I must sell that at .'i" cents a can. Now the Kagle (local newspaper) lias freipieiitly ripped the home mer chant up for not advertising prices like the I'.italoguo houses do. Hut I am here to tell you that the catalogue mail or der house has the top hand over the jobber, and the retailer as well, be cause the mail order house can deal in seconds mid gather junk from nil parts of the globe. As they have ninety-five million customers' they .tie sure to clean up and unload anything they gather. With a home merchant his goods must bear inspection or they will stay 011 the shelves. If the jobber hands lis goods that will not bear inspection lie gets them back and wc get a credit memor andum, but with but one article in 11 place, from .1 mail order house thev can dump a trainload nf undesirable goods and !Ki per cent of it will never "0 back. So Mr. Mail Order house comes along to our customers ami sells them a thing that iJmks like what we are of fering for Hindi less. Some will say that it is the same thing, while others will say th.it it is not good. lint the mail order house gets the business and the cash while we have to contend with the "jaw bone" trade, in order to ger a living profit and maintain the price placed 011 the private labels bv the wholesale house. In proof of my statement we had to give up h'uynl Club goods .ind German American coffee. Hurrah for the free dom that we are giving up dav br lay! The local meidiant, therefore, "must not only "make good with good goods" in conipctiion often with "seconds" bought "unseen" but he must often sell at prices dictated by the whole saler while the mail order house is subjected to no such aibitrarv control. Other points nie that the loc.il mer chant helps to maintain local govern ment: that he aids in all public mat ters final subscription lists to good roil, N; that lie pays salaries to men and women nt home who buy from the farm ers .ind others; that lie is a big factor in upbuilding his community. How much does the mail older house spend in your Iowa How much interest has it in its welfare- On life's tossing sea there are many contrary bicezes that puncture your dnanis just as the vagrant winds of years nun burst vour snip bubbles. 7 That five-cent restaurant 'fop ed to iiiu oiisiiicss tor la.-U of customers is another sign of prosperous times. Ourwant Ads arelike a rnnet The aiirddive FWr of a LosiOt ound want od is wonckrf ul Try one if you ruive lost something E Widow of Fifth Governor of State Dies at Winlock Aged 82 Years Word was received this morning an nouncing the de ith of Mrs. Jane A. Chadwick, widow of former Governor Stephen F. Chadwick, at the home of iier grand daughter, Mrs. Claire ( ha 1 wiok Maury, at Winlock, Washington. She was N2 years old last December. Mrs. Chadwick had suffered from a stroke of paralysis sever.il years ago, but was in her usual health when she left to visit her grand daughter last December. She is survived bv two sous and two daughters. Judge Stephen C. Chad wick, of the supreme court of Wash ington, living at nlympia: Pitzer Chad wick, ot ( ollax, asuiiigtoii; Mrs. Wil liam Griy, of Seattle, and Miss Mary Chadwick', with whom she made her home at 402 North Capital street. As yet no funeral arrangements have been announced. Stephen .1. Chadwick was elected sec retary of state from Wosehurg in .1870 an 1 re-elected in 1S74. When Governor L. S. Ci rover was elected to the Cnited states sen.ite, and resigned as govern or, Mr. Chadwick. us secretary of state, became governor and acted as such from February I. 1S77 until the close of the term, September 11, 1S77. The parishioner's book of St. Paul's church, Salem, shows tliah Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Chaikvick and children, l-.'tta, Stephen, M.iry and I'itzcr, were admitted into membership of the church in 1871. A rabid researcher has made the as sertion that only one rich man's son in seventeen dies rich. Hut we'd like to take a chance on being that one. Fred Holmnn, who is one, says that if every candidate who is confident of election is elected there'll be a great bunch of officers next vear. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING KATEI Eate per -word New Today: Each insertion, per word .li One week (6 insertions), per word....f( One month (20 insertions), per word 17i All ads must be ordered for stated length ot time, no ad to count less thai 10 words. The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertioi (or errors in Classified Advertise Dents. Bead your advertisement th first day it appears and notify ua im mediately if it contains an error. Minimum chirge, lac. WANT'l'lLI Teams to haul wood, steady work. Phone li','2. tf FOI HFNT o room eottige, strictly modern, close in, .fls.oii, phone 1122. Apr lii GOOD P.HOOM MAKKIt WANT F.I) At Salem Klectric Itroom Works, Sa lem, Oregon. Aprlo FOR SALF, .(il'iO piano, cheapest buy in Oregon if t.iken at once. Address II. care of Journal. Aprl" 1TOST A ladies duster in Fnglewood, or on Garden Uond. Flla Livington, b'oute 7, Phone 2-"i(lflWI. Aprlo FOR KENT Fight room house, electric light and bath, (io- North Liberty street. Phone 11 till. Aprl.'i FOIi SALF 1! Aiieona hens and a cockerel, also Rhode Island Red Rooster, o.":! North Shipping street. Api-14 A FFW MORK shringers or fresh cows wanted. F. F. Long. Iiill South 'J.Tth street. S ileal. Ore., Phone FlL'J R. AprFi SMALL BFRHAN K S 1 potatoes for sale, cheap. Silvcrlon road, corner ing on Fairgrounds. Dr. C. W. Hcedi ler. Apr LI FOR SALF Cheap, til acres, timber laud, in llenton county. 0 miles from Philomath, or will lake good into in part pivinent, :!I0. care of Journal. Apr!.. FOR SALF (lr trade, livery and trans fer business in Texas, s lots, bun. shed, - houses, 'noises hearse buses, transfer, ferries and buggies, also some good farm land. Address Tex as, care Journal. Apr l.'i I' lA W. W' WJW ...'.Hi yMiwum .'i ,,-,..., ......4 Commercial Printing PS"1 at the Capital-Journal Office 4- 81 (Jil 82 Phone 763. May3 FOR RENT Nice 4 room house. Phone 570 R. AprU FOR SALE Gasoline pump and tank. Phone 700. AprU WANTED Drv cows Phone 1425-M. and strippers. Apr21 FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottige. tf FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at tap. ital Journal office. tf WANTED A girl for general house work. Phone 2J0IJ2. April FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 33S North High. Phono "4." tf HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS New and clean. 170 Court street. Aprl5 NICE HOVSKKKKPINU KOOMS . Near city hall. Phone 47. tt HORSE Buggy .mil harness for sale, or trade. ih'M Mission. AprlS WANTED Good salesman. Call 441 North High, after 3:30 p. m. Aprlt HARRY Windowclcaner. WANTED Wood cutters to cut white fir wood, $1.50 per cord. Phone tf $ DRESSMAKING And pli.in sewing by the day. Reasonable. Phone G(i:i. , Aprl3 MODERN 5 room cottage for rent, 1441 Trade St., enquire W. A. Listen. 484 Court. Aprl9 FURNISHED house for rent, 7 rooms, modern, t42 N. High. Inquire at 600 N. High. May5 CAPITAL BUG WORKS Rugs in.! i-arpet weaving. 3d iNorth High St. Salem, Or. Aprl5 WANTED TO BUY Mohair. East Sa lem Tannery, 25th ind Oak street. Phone 2160-M. Aprl3 WANTED To exchange, 5 year old mare, wcignt J.uuti pounds, tor piano or cows. Phone 511. AprlS WANTED Girl for second work. Ger man prefercd. Must be good iioner. Apply'754 Ferry street. Aprl3 FOR SALE OR TRADE Rooming nouse wen turmsned, good location, reasonable rent. 491 Court street, tf WANTED Will pay cash rent for 4 or 5 icres of good potato land. Must be cheap. Address Journal C-50. Mayti AUTO FOR SALE A Studebaker, well equipped, cheap for cash, if sold this week. See Laflar, Oregon theatre, tf FOR SALE 4 year old Jersey cow, fresh. For particulars phone 1 85:!, or address Whitcley, 594 N. Liberty. Apr 13 FOR SALE Furniture of 5 room cot tage near State Capitol. House for rent. Address 5-R, care of Journal. Aprl4 FIVE ACHES FOR RENT Within 3 days. Salem Heights, between Jef ferson and Liberty roads. A. W. Cox. AprU FOR SALE 1 team of mares, weight 2750, wagon, harness, plow, hack, cul tivator, separator, 3 heifers. Phone 8lil-''5. Aprl7 3ALEM STEAM and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning worKs. rcatherB and mat tresses renovated. Otto F. Zwicker. Phone 1154. Aprlo EXPERIENCED WOMAN Will do washing, ironing, houseeleaning, cook ing or serving by d.iy or hour. Phone 2504J2. Aprl.5 FOR SALE-3'4 half truck Studebaker wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stuiupage. 27S0 Lee. Thone 1322-J. tf WHITE ROCKS An egg striin of ex hibition quality. 15 eggs by parcel post for $1.50. Imperial Egg Farm. Route 3, Salem. tf FOR RENT Business block room, size) 18x80 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 4(13 State. I'hono 1009. Maurice Klinger. tf FOR SALE Or will trade for what have you. Small business, well es tablished, good location. Address M. If., care Journal. Aprl-1 "f'K HOSES shrubs and nil Kinds of fruit trees, cheap, to clean out stock. Jones' nurserv, rear of the armory. Phone 413. ' Aprl7 GOOD HOME COOKED MEALS Are now served at The (ireenwood. Center and Commercial streets. Price 2j cents. Genuine coffee. Mrs. M. A. llornenian. Apri3 GOAT AND SHEEP SHEARING By np to date power equipment. List your orders at Salem Fuel Yards. Phone ;"29. Densmore & Fresia. tf OREOON LAND Ami property to ex chnnge for western Nebraska, west ern Kansas or eastern Colorado lands. What have you? Joseph Barber, 404-5 Hubbard Kldg. Phone 254-1722. Aprl4 (FOR SALE Friday and Saturday good - T" "" lli""l's: brown Leghorn chickens: beds; springs; mattress; chairs; heater: diif fioiieer; full din ing room set; house tent; good desk and kitchen cabinet, etc. Rev A Winter, lilil N. Winter street." Apr 13 WE HAVE in DA VS-To sell 4 acres ot fine timber near fair gro 1 for l";p, ""d soil, adjoining land sold in large tracts for !r2."i0 to .i"0 per acre, timber will more than pay for land. See L. Be.htel todar, M7 Mate street. Apti FIVE ACRES Extra good soil, close in and an equally good five with fam ily orchard and 4 mom box house. 25 per cent below ordinary, price $1000 and $1,100 respectively. Owners ro ing to Washington. Must ,e ,, this week See Win. Fleming, 311 State Slrcot- Aprl5 BIGOEST SAI.E-Kvor you ,a fini: j.0 acres. 16 to 17 acres plough 1 md ' balance good timber and pasture- nrt buildings. On count road. Little work to irrigate 2 tn' .1 acres. Oood ' black garden land, price .l,500. is worth $3,i00. 1 need the nionev 214 miles from Salem. "20 Acres,'"' car of Joamu, s